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The Condor 99~47-51

Q The CooperOrnithological



Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History,
Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Washington, D.C. 20560

Abstract. Variation in microscopic characters of plumulaceous barbs of six species of

Charadrius was studied to quantify characters and test differences among taxa. Pluvialis
squaturolawas used for intergeneric comparisons. Intraspecific variation in feathers from
the sternopectoral tract of C. vociferuswas examined to define character parameters and
to determine within-vane variation and vane symmetry. A significant difference was ob-
served among the barbs of four regions within each vane of the same feather, but barbs
from opposingvanes were not significantly different from one another.Interspecific varia-
tion then was studied using discriminant function analysis. Pluvialis separated from all
species of Charadrius. Two subgroups were apparent within Charadrius: semipalmatus,
vociferus and rnontanusseparatedfrom wilsonia, alexandrinusand melodus.
Key words: plumulaceous,feathers, microcharacters,variation, Charadrius.

INTRODUCTION lection of museum study skins and/or compar-

The foundation of feather identification is in the ing the microscopic characters (nodal pigmen-
work of Chandler (1916), who studied the sys- tation and morphology) of the plumulaceous
tematic implications of feather microstructures (downy) barbs with a microslide reference col-
to aid in understanding evolutionary relation- lection of known taxa using a comparison light
ships of birds. Since Chandlers time, identifi- microscope. The possible utility of micro-
cation of feathers and feather fragments has identification techniques in systematic research
been applied to a variety of disciplines: paleon- has led to questions concerning intraspecific
tology (Steadman 1988, Humphrey et al. 1993, variation among barbs of the same feather
Layboume et al. 1994), archeology (Hargrave (Chandler 1916, Robertson et al. 1984) and
1965, Messinger 196.5), feeding habits and prey among feather tracts of individuals (Day 1966,
remains (Day 1966, Gilbert and Nancekivell Reaney et al. 1978, Gilroy 1987). Therefore, a
1982, Griffin 1982, Ward and Layboume, systematic approach to document interspecific
1985), forensics (Davies 1970, Deedrick and variation is required. In this study I have
Mullery 1981), food contamination (Olsen attempted to provide a quantitative procedure
1981), law enforcement (Layboume, pers. for evaluating the two basic assumptions under-
comm.), and in bird-aircraft collisions or bird- lying feather identifications: first, relative high
strikes (Manville 1963, Layboume 1974, Brom variability of feather microstructures within a
1991, Satheesen 1992). species does not preclude discrimination among
Identification of a species from feathers is taxa if barbs from the same feather region and
case specific, often depending on such factors same area of the body are studied; and second,
as the amount and type of feathers and cir- there are consistent differences between species
cumstantial evidence (e.g., locality, date, habi- that can be used as criteria upon which to base
tat) pertaining to the unknown sample. Tradi- species identification. Therefore, this study ex-
tional feather identification involves matching amined both intra- and interspecific variation.
macroscopic characters (color pattern, shape,
texture, size) to specimens in a reference col- FEATHER STRUCTURE
Contour feathers consist of a rachis with vanes
on either side and, in most birds, an afterfeather
Received 11 March 1996. Accepted 23 Septem- (Fig. 1). Most vanes are composed of two types
ber 1996. of feather structures: stiff, pennaceous barbs


Pennaceous <



FIGURE 1. Topography of a contour feather.

that interlock and form the surface of a feather, birds (typical of Galliformes). Lucas and Stet-
and plumulaceous or downy barbs that have a tenheim (1972) describe the barbules that make
fluffy appearance and are located at the base of up this area as curled-base barbules, but the cu-
the feather. Plumulaceous downy barbs are not mulative area of these barbules along the
to be confused with true down, which is a dif- rachilla has not been given a descriptive term.
ferent type of feather. Barbs consist of a rachilla Since this character proved significant in the in-
with vanules on either side which in turn are terspecific comparisons it is here designated as
made up of barbules. Barbules, branching from the subpennaceous region of the barb (Figs. 2
barbs, are the smallest division of the feather and 4) because this region subtends the more
and consist of a basal cell and a pennulum. It distal pennaceous vanes. Barbule microstruc-
is the variation in microcharacters of nodal mor- tures of this region also are important in deter-
phology, intemodal length and width, basal cell mining vanule orientation of the barb; distal
length, pigmentation patterns, and pennulum vanules (directed away from the body) have
(barbule) length that aid in the identification of hooklet structures that are similar to those ob-
groups of birds. served on distal pennaceous barbs.
The subpennaceous region at the base of the
plumulaceous barb (Fig. 2) has structural simi- METHODS
larities to pennaceous barbs. Macroscopically, A high rate of birdstrike identifications in the
these basal barb areas give a distinct penna- genus Charadrius has provided opportunity for
ceous texture near the rachis in some groups of background knowledge of qualitative micro-

FIGURE 2. Subpennaceousregion of Charudrius melodus (Intermediate region, 40X).

structural variations in the downy barbs of the of each specimen; the afterfeathers were re-
species within this genus. Pluvialis squatarola moved to avoid contamination of the feather
(Black-bellied Plover) was used for intergeneric type. Feathers were prepared according to the
comparison. methods described in Layboume and Dove
Because basic knowledge of the variation in (1994) and Sabo and Laybourne (1994). Light
microstructures of the plumulaceous feather is microscopy measurements were made using a
minimal, quantification was undertaken at two compound light microscope with the ocular mi-
levels. First, the amount of variation within a crometer calibrated at 50x (low), 100x (mid)
single type of feather (breast) was determined. and 430x (high) power. Character measure-
After basic questions of vane symmetry, micro- ments were examined by analysis of variance
character parameters, and within-vane variation (ANOVA) and Students t-tests using SYSTAT
were determined, interspecific variation of for Windows (SYSTAT, Inc. 1992).
closely related species was examined. The plumulaceous area of the feather was di-
INTRASPECIFIC VARIATION vided into eight regions, four on each vane (um-
bilical, basal, intermediate, and distal: A-D
Charadrius vociferus was studied for individual
right vane; E-H left vane) to allow for study of
variation. Because Chandler (19 16), Day (1966) the entire downy region of the feather (Fig. 3).
and Robertson et al. (1984) have cited differ- Figure 4 illustrates character measurements for
ences in microscopic structures between adults intra- and interspecific analysis and Table 1 de-
and fledglings, and Messinger (1965) warned of fines the microcharacters measured initially.
possible differences in sex and age classes of
other species, a sample of 10 adult males (mu- INTERSPECIFIC VARIATION
seum specimens) was selected to determine in- Twenty adult museum specimens (ten males,
traspecific variation in vane symmetry and ten females) from each of the following spe-
within-vane variation, and to define quantifiable cies were used for interspecific compari-
characters. Contour feathers were removed sons: Charadrius semipalmatus (Semipalmated
from the sternopectoral tract (upper left breast) Plover), C. alexandrinus (Snowy Plover), C.

melodus (Piping Plover), C. wilsonia (Wilsons

Plover), C. montanus (Mountain Plover), and C.
vociferus (Killdeer). In this study, seasonal or
geographical plumage variation in color, tex-
ture, or micromorphology did not affect the mi-
crostructures of downy barbules, and the down
color of all species was similar. Therefore,
specimens were selected without regard to lo-
cality, habitat type, and season. Characters were
analyzed with a full factorial multivariate analy-
sis of variance (MANOVA), and discriminant
function analysis via SYSTAT (SYSTAT, Inc.
Because of the large sample size required for
- distal
interspecific study, and to minimize damage to
museum specimens from destructive sampling,
- intermediate
barbs instead of whole feathers were sampled
from the intermediate region, right vane of the
- basal upper left breast of each specimen. These barbs
were mounted, two or three individuals to a
slide, using round, 20 mm diameter, coverslips.
The following characters were retained from
the intraspecific study for interspecific compari-
sons among Charadrius: barb length, subpen-
Dorsal View naceous length, barbule length, basal cell
FIGURE 3. Plumulaceous regions of a contour length, nodes per barbule (measurement of three
feather. separate barbules; basal, mid- and distal bar-
bules on one barb, Fig. 4), and pigmented nodes

TABLE 1. Definitions of measuretients of potentially useful characters for intraspecific study. Measure-
ments made at high power (430X), mid-section of the barb unless otherwise noted.

Character Measurement

Barb length 50X Measured from point where barb is attached to rachis to
the tip of barb.
Subpennaceous length Measured from point where barb is attached to rachis to the
point where normal downy barbules occur.
Barbule length From basal cell division to tip of barbule. Also known as
pennulum length.
Basal cell length Measured from the attachment point on the rachilla to the first
cell division.
Distance between nodes proximal/distal Measurements taken at two points: on first or second proximal
node from junction of one cell to next and on the next to last
distal node.
Length of pigment proximal/distal Length of pigmentation along axis of barbule on first or second
proximal node and most distal nodes.
Width of pigment proximal/distal Width of pigment at nodes, proximal and distal points.
Internode width Pennulum width between node.
Spine length Length of spine at proximal and distal nodes.
Distance between barbules Measured at midsection of barb, distance from base of one
barbule to the next distal barbule.
Pigmented part of pennulum Portion of pennulum that had pigmented nodes.
Nodes per barbule Total number of nodes counted on basal (A), mid (B), and distal
(C) barbules (see Fig. 4, Barb).
Pigmented nodes per barbule Same barbules as previous measurement except only counted
pigmented nodes on each of the three barbules.

Barb length

BARB - Barb length, Subpennaceous length. Barb sections: Basal (A), Mid-(B),
and Distal (C).

Barbule length

BARBULE - Barbule length, Basal cell length, Distance between barbules.

Barbule sections: Proximal (A), Mid-(B), and Distal (C).

Length of

Distance between

NODE - Distance between nodes, Internode width, Length of pigment,

Width of pigment.
FIGURE 4. Measurements taken on plumulaceous barbs, barbules and nodes.

per barbule of the same three barbules as the pigment was disqualified due to difficulty in de-
previous measurement. Measurements were termining pigment boundaries; some of the
concentrated on one vane, in one region within proximal pigment extended from one node
a vane to maximize consistency of characters through the next and was not present on some
among species. distal nodes. Mechanical problems of resolution
also prevented accurate measurements of inter-
node width and spine length. Distance between
barbules was impossible to measure accurately
INTRASPECIFIC VARIATION due to cross-over and flattening of barbules dur-
Some of the characters were eliminated from ing slide preparation. The pigmented part of
further study during the intraspecific examina- pennulum was considered to be a repetitive
tion: width of pigment was eliminated due to measurement of pigmented nodes per barbule,
poor resolution of the microscope. Length of both of which were designed to determine

amount of pigment on barbules. The distance length and intensity of pigmentation of subpen-
between proximal nodes character was elimi- naceous regions.
nated due to lack of observed qualitative differ- Members of the Charadriidae typically have
ences among species in a preliminary examina- medium-length barbs and barbules compared to
tion of all taxa. Distance between distal nodes those, for example, of passerines which are gen-
was eliminated due to measurement difficulties erally short and densely packed with pigmented
in some species. nodes, or to Falconiformes, which typically
Vane symmetry.Symmetry of vanes (right and have very long barbules and widely spaced un-
left) was tested by conducting two-tailed Stu- pigmented nodes (with the exception of Fal-
dents t-tests on each character measured on conidae which have pigmented nodes). Most
barbs from opposing vanes (e.g., A=E, species of Charadriidae have distinct diamond-
B=F, etc., Fig. 3). The alpha level = 0.01 was shaped pigmentation surrounded by a transpar-
chosen for this test in order to provide a strin- ent area, and expanded basal nodes. Although
gent test criterion for vane symmetry. Because some barbs and barbules are unpigmented, pig-
all f-tests resulted in nonsignificant vane differ- ment is usually present to some degree in most
ences at this level, analysis was restricted to one barbs of all species. Spines are visible at most
vane for interspecific comparisons. nodes even if pigmentation is lacking. When
Although vanule (right and left sides of barb) present, pigment is often heavily stippled inter-
asymmetry has been observed in some groups nodally (posterior to the node) but does not ex-
of birds, e.g., Trochilidae, Rallidae, and Colum- tend to the tip of the barb or barbule in every
bidae (Gilroy 1987, Brom 1991, Layboume, species. Distal nodes are sometimes pigmented
pers. comm., Dove, pers. observ.), it was just below the node. Although Broms (1991)
not apparent during qualitative surveys of study of European Charadrius describes the ge-
Charadriidae. In groups that exhibit vanule nus as usually having pigmented nodes only at
asymmetry, both vanes should be compared the basal part of the most basal barbules, I found
across taxa. pigment at mid- and distal nodes on mid-section
Within-vane variation. Differences within barbules of North American species (Table 2).
each vane were determined by one-way analy- The distance between the nodes appears to
sis of variance (ANOVA) on barbs within the become greater distally as the internode tapers
right and left vanes. A significant difference toward the tip of the barbule. With the excep-
(P < 0.05) was observed among the barbs of tion of the first node, which is sometimes
each vane for the subset of characters. An in- reduced in size, basal nodes are larger than
crease in barb length, barbule length, subpen- distal nodes. Most species have some degree
naceous length, basal cell length, nodes per bar- of spotted pigmentation within the basal cell.
bule (A and B), and pigmented nodes per bar- Subpennaceous regions are present on all spe-
bule (A and B), was noted from the umbilical cies examined and have varying amounts of
to the distal portion of the plumulaceous feather. pigmentation. Distal vanules of the subpenna-
Significant variation within the vane war- ceous region are typically more heavily pig-
ranted careful selection of a specific barb region mented than the proximal.
for interspecific comparison. Since measure- The most distinct and consistently observed
ment values increased distally on the plumula- characters of plumulaceous feathers are com-
ceous feather, the intermediate right vane region pared and summarized by species as follows:
C (Fig. 3) was chosen because it represents an Charadrius semipalmatus.-The subpenna-
average position on the downy portion of the ceous region of this species is heavily pig-
feather. This region also is easily accessible mented, medium-dark in coloration and
without having to remove the entire feather medium-long compared to the other species in
from the specimen. this group. Both the barbs and barbules are pig-
mented throughout. The pigment shape is more
INTERSPECIFIC VARIATION elongate and narrow when compared to C.
Qualitative analysis. A qualitative survey of the vociferus. which has similar microscopic char-
microscopic characters of each species revealed acteristics. Distal nodes of barbules are barely
visible differences in nodal morphology and swollen and distal pigmentation is stippled in-
pigmentation, basal cell pigmentation, and temodally.

Charadrius alexandrinus.-The subpenna- barbs are longer than Charadrius. Nodes are
ceous region of the feathers of this species var- heavily pigmented and internodal pigmentation
ies from being very lightly to totally unpig- is often heavy. Barbs and barbules are pig-
mented. This region is small and not very ap- mented almost entirely to the tips. The nodes
parent on most barbs. Barbules are relatively are long and narrow compared to Charadrius.
short. Barb pigmentation varies from almost no Spines are not visible on distal nodes and pig-
pigment to approximately two-thirds pig- ment is below the distal nodes.
mented. Barbules that have pigment are almost Quantitative analysis. Descriptive statistics
never pigmented to the tip, and the first node is indicated that C. montanus had the most nodes
often unpigmented. Spines are visible at all per barbule, whereas Pluvialus squatarola had
nodes. Mid- and distal nodes are more swollen the longest barb length and the longest subpen-
than in other unpigmented species in this group. naceous length. Measurements did not consis-
Charadrius melodus.-The short subpenna- tently increase with size of the species (Table
ceous region is lightly pigmented, but more 3). Charadrius alexandrius, C. melodus and C.
heavily than in C. alexandrinus. Barbs and bar- wilsonia were not pigmented to the tip of the
bules are short. Many barbs are unpigmented barb. All species except C. alexandrinus had
but, when observed, pigmented barbules extend subpennaceous regions long enough to measure.
to about half the length of the barb. When Because the same barbule was measured for
present, nodal pigmentation is more elongated nodes per barbule and pigmented nodes per bar-
than in C. alexandrinus and C. wilsonia. Spines bule, the percentage of pigmentation of the bar-
are visible at all nodes along the barbule. Dis- bule could be calculated for barbules from
tal nodes are unpigmented and swollen. proximal to distal points along the barb.
Charadrius wilsonia.-The subpennaceous re- Charadrius semipalmatus, C. montanus, C. vo-
gion is long with less intense pigmentation than ciferus, and Pluvialis have the highest percent
in C. vociferus. The barb is pigmented to at least (>50% on each barbule) of pigmented nodes
half its length (usually two-thirds) and the bar- per barbule, whereas C. alexandrinus, C. wil-
bules are not pigmented to the tip. This species sonia and especially C. melodus had the least
is more heavily pigmented than C. alexandrinus pigmentation (Table 2). In all species the high-
or C. melodus. Pigment is often stippled inter- est percent of pigmentation was on the basal
nodally instead of being well defined at the barbules (pigmented nodesibarbule A) and the
nodes. Spines are not visible on distal nodes. lowest percent on distal barbules (pigmented
Charadrius montanus.-A long subpenna- nodes/barbule C). The coefficient of variation
ceous area with medium pigmentation is typi- (CV) results in Table 3 provide the first insight
cal of this species. The barbs and barbules are into these microcharacters for studying varia-
longer than in all Charadrius species studied tion within taxa. Coefficient of variation values
and are pigmented throughout. However, the were fairly consistent across taxa for each char-
very tip of the barb is often devoid of pigment. acter; however, some species were highly vari-
Nodes are numerous and closer together and able in a few characters.
pigment is more concentrated at the node than Significant sex differences were observed in
in other species of this study. Distal nodes are barbule length (C. semipalmatus, P = 0.01, C.
slightly swollen and pigmented.
Charadrius vociferus.-The subpennaceous TABLE 2. Percentage of pigmented nodes per bar-
region is heavily pigmented and long. Barbs and bule in species of Charadrius and Pluvialis squata-
r-oh measured on basal, mid-, and distal sections of
barbules are heavily pigmented, with pigmen-
tation extending to the tips of most barbs and
barbules. Although this species most closely re- Sp~cirs BZWil Mid- DiSL4
sembles C. semipalmatus and C. montanus mi-
C. semipalmatus 99 95 68
croscopically, it has more pigmented nodes and
C. alexandrinus 53 24 0
a longer and darker subpennaceous region. C. melodus 49 0 0
Distal nodes have visible spines and pigment is C. wilsonia 78 48 0
concentrated at the nodes. C. montanus 100 95 69
Pluvialis squatarola.-The subpennaceous re- C. vocijerus 99 98 94
P. squatarnla 87 x2 64
gion is more heavily pigmented and longer, and

10 I I I
separated Charadrius into two subgroups: C. al-
exandrinus, C. melodus, C. wilsonia, from C.
semipalmatus, C. montanus, and C. vociferus.
5 Better separation was evident between the two
subgroups when Pluvialis was removed from
the plot. Group membership versus predicted
membership was greater than 90% in all but C.
E 0 vociferus (86%), which was erroneously placed
2 with C. semipalmatus twice and C. montanus
Previous researchers have been unable to pro-
vide a practical quantitative scheme for identi-
fying feathers as to species or for quantifying
-10 -5 5 10
interspecific differences among closely related
species. Reaney et al. (1978) used scanning
FIGURE 5. Discriminant function plot showing electron microscopy (SEM) to demonstrate
separation of species based on three characters:
that plumulaceous microstructures are valuable
Factor (1) = Pigmented nodes per barbule C, B.
Factor (2) = Subpennaceouslength. in identification of certain families of birds.
1 = Charadrius semipalmatus However, that method is time-consuming, re-
2 = Charadrius alexandrinus quires special microscopy facilities, and does
3 = Charadrius melodus not allow for detailed study of pigmentation
4 = Charadrius wilsonia
5 = Charadrius montanus patterns because SEM only provides a surface
6 = Charadrius vociferus view. Robertson et al. (1984) quantified char-
7 = Pluvialis squatarola acters used in forensic feather identification,
but their use of random areas within the
plumulaceous feather and analysis of only two
wilsonia, P = 0.03), pigmented nodes per bar- characters limited discrimination to ordinal
bule A (C. alexandrinus, P = 0.01, C. melodus, levels at best. Shortcomings in those attempts
P < 0.01 and C. wilsonia, P = 0.04), and pig- to describe intraspecific variation prompted the
mented nodes per barbule C (C. montanus, unique approach of this study-the systematic
P = 0.02). To allow pooling of male and fe- comparison of nodes and barbules from a
male measurements, the character pigmented standardized, plumulaceous barb region of the
nodes per barbule A was eliminated from fur- same feather vane. This allowed examination
ther analysis because it showed sexual signifi- of interspecific variation without having to
cance in three separate species. deal with inconsistencies in feather regions or
Fully factorial multivariate analysis of var- types. This procedure is not necessarily useful
iance (MANOVA) was used to examine for identification because it may not be pos-
changes in several properties simultaneously. sible to determine from which part of the body
MANOVAs using species as the factor resulted the unknown sample came. However, the char-
in highly significant differences among all spe- acters that have been used most often in
cies with both univariate F and multivariate test qualitative microscopic identifications of this
statistics (F60,58, = 25.2, P < 0.001). The first group of plovers (amount of pigmentation,
two discriminant factor variables (DFV) ac- subpennaceous region, barb length) provided
counted for 98% of the variation among the the best separation of the species in this
groups. DFV 1, which explained 94% of the quantification procedure. It seems, therefore,
variation, loaded heavily on pigmented nodes that the best approach to feather identification
per barbule C and pigmented nodes per barbule is to use qualitative characters whenever pos-
B, whereas DFV 2 (4% of variation) loaded sible rather than attempting to measure all
heavily on subpennaceous length. A plot of possible microcharacters as was done initially
DFV 1 and DFV 2 yielded good separation be- in this study. When attempting to study micro-
tween three distinct groups (Fig. 5). DFV 1 structures of feathers, it is advisable to be-

gin by conducting a survey, such as the one

described by Gilroy (1987), in order to be-
come familiar with the different microstruc-
tures of various feather tracts.
This survey shows that significant differences
exist in the plumulaceous feathers of North
American plovers and that microcharacters of
pigmented nodes per barbule C, pigmented
nodes per barbule B, subpennaceous length, and
barb length can be used to discriminate closely
related species of this group. The characters se-
lected for this study may or may not be appro-
priate in other groups of birds and certain
groups may require a larger subset of charac-
ters than is presented here. For example, the
barb and barbule length would be difficult to
measure in groups of birds that have long flexu-
ous barbules that extend beyond the field of mi-
croscopic view (e.g., Falconiformes or Galli-
formes). However, some of the characters that
were eliminated in this study could prove use-
ful with better light microscope resolution.
The possibility of omitting significant char-
acters should have minimal effect if numerous
characters are chosen. However, placing too
much emphasis on qualitative characters is un-
wise. For example, the distance between distal
nodes character seemed to be important in the
qualitative survey but showed minimal quanti-
fiable variation in this study. This study in-
cluded a combination of meristic (basal cell
length) and counted (nodes per barbule) char
acters. Because the latter loaded most heavily
in discriminant function analysis, it would be
advisable to begin with those characters and
proceed with more tedious measurements if
Additional characters that showed subjective
interspecific variation were purposely avoided.
Examples were color and intensity of nodal
pigmentation, basal cell pigmentation, amount
of interstippling of pigment through the inter-
node, and round versus elongate nodal shapes.
A combination of characters that allows exami-
nation of the whole barb and barbule provides
the best approach to microanalysis of downy
Due to the small sample size of each sex
(n = lo), rigorous testing of sexual differences
in feather characters was not possible. A few
characters showed significant sexual differences
in some species but not in others, casting doubt
on the reliability of pooling these characters. A

larger sample size or examination of only one palmatus and C. melodus were split between the
sex would avoid that problem. subgroups.
Multivariate statistical analysis allowed a si- The quantification of plumulaceous micro-
multaneous examination of variation among all characters enhances the reliability of identifica-
characters among groups. Because the species tions and strongly suggests that microscopic
identities were known, discriminant function feather characters can be used to discriminate
analysis was used to determine maximum sepa- closely related taxa. The method also corrobo-
ration of groups in space. In this survey a large rates the validity of microscopic identifications
sample of individuals was necessary to insure of unknown feather material.
an adequate biological representation of indi-
vidual variation. Such sample sizes, especially ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
of species that are rare or endangered, can only
be obtained from museum collections of study This study was conducted as part of a Masters the-
sis at George Mason University under the direction
skins. of Carl Ernst, Jay Shaffer and Roxie Layboume. Lee-
Although the variability in some of these Ann Hayek provided statistical consultation. Sally
characters seems relatively high (Table 3) when Bensusen, Visual Science Studio, Arlington, VA, il-
compared with more standard skeletal measure- lustrated the feather figures and Douglas Deedrick,
FBI-Hair and Fiber Unit, assisted with photomicro-
ments (Linsdale 1928, Larson 1930, Engles
graphs. This study would not have been possible
1938), it did not preclude the use of these mea- without the use of museum specimensand I am grate-
surements for discriminating among the taxa ful to the curatorsin the Division of Birds at the Na-
(Fig. 5). When attempting identifications, the tional Museum of Natural History (USNM), Smith-
range of variation within a species is always a sonian Institution, Washington, DC for allowing ac-
cess to the bird collection. R. L. Zusi, R. C. Banks,
factor to consider, but experience has shown S. L. Olson, and B. C. Livezey read and provided
that consistent characters are present even when comments on the manuscript. Financial support for
variation is high. In most cases of identification, this manuscript was provided by an interanencv
sufficient feather material is present to exam- agreement wiih the Bird Airs&e Safety &zarh
Team. U.S. Air Force HO AFSA/SEFW. Kirtland
ine both macro- and microscopically in con-
AFB,New Mexico. .
junction with circumstantial evidence to reach Appreciation is extended to Roxie Layboume,
a conclusive identification without detailed Smithsonian Research Associate and feather expert,
quantitative analysis. However, since the nature for suggestingthis project and generously sharing her
of discriminant analysis allows placing addi- knowledge of feather identification.
tional individuals into a data set, it is possible
to take measurements of unknowns and predict LITERATURE CITED
the group to which they belong if (a) it is rea- BROM, T. G. 1991. The diagnostic and phylogenetic
sonably certain which part of the feather the un- significance of feather structures.Instituut voor
known sample is from, (b) the same measure- Taxonomische Zoologische, Amsterdam.
CHANDLER, A. C. 1916. A study of feathers, with ref-
ments are made on the unknown sample, and
erence to their taxonomic significance. Univ.
(c) the species identification has been narrowed Calif. Publ. Zool. 13:243446.
to a minimum of possibilities for which a data- DAVIES,A. 1970. Micromorphology of feathers us-
base of measurements has been created. Unfor- ing the scanning electron microscope. Forensic
tunately, these requirements are rarely met with Sci. Sot. J. 10:165-174.
DAY, M. F. 1966. Identification of hair and feather
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