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Precedence graphs for SALBP (and UALBP)

References: The precedence graphs are collected from the following references
Scholl, A. (1993): Data of assembly line balancing problems. Schriften zur Quantitativen Betriebswirtscha
Scholl, A. (1999): Balancing and sequencing of assembly lines. 2nd ed., Physica, Heidelberg.
Hoffmann, T.R. (1990): Assembly line balancing - a set of challenging problems. International Journal of P
Hoffmann, T.R. (1992): EUREKA: A hybrid system for assembly line balancing. Management Science 38,
Talbot, F.B., J.H. Patterson and W.V. Gehrlein (1986): A comparative evaluation of heuristic line balancing

Data files: The data files can be downloaded from

Notation: The table below gives some information on the precedence graphs which are utilized for generating data
SALBP-E. Full descriptions and literature references can be found in Scholl (1993, 1999).

File: Name of data file

Name: Name of precedence graph used in data sets
n: number of tasks
tmin: minimal task time
tmax: maximal task time
OS: order strength [=number of all precedence relations / (n*(n-1))]
TV: time variability ratio [=tmax/tmin]
div: degree of divergence of precedence graph (see Scholl (1999, ch.
conv: degree of convergence of precedence graph

File name Name n tmin tmax tsum OS

ARC83.IN2 Arcus1 83 233 3691 75707 59.09
ARC111.IN2 Arcus2 111 10 5689 150399 40.38
BARTHOLD.IN2 Barthold 148 3 383 5634 25.8
BARTHOL2.IN2 Barthol2 148 1 83 4234 25.8
BOWMAN8.IN2 Bowman 8 3 17 75 75
BUXEY.IN2 Buxey 29 1 25 324 50.74
GUNTHER.IN2 Gunther 35 1 40 483 59.5
HAHN.IN2 Hahn 53 40 1775 14026 83.82
HESKIA.IN2 Heskiaoff 28 1 108 1024 22.49
JACKSON.IN2 Jackson 11 1 7 46 58.18
JAESCHKE.IN2 Jaeschke 9 1 6 37 83.33
KILBRID.IN2 Kilbridge 45 3 55 552 44.55
LUTZ1.IN2 Lutz1 32 100 1400 14140 83.47
LUTZ2.IN2 Lutz2 89 1 10 485 77.55
LUTZ3.IN2 Lutz3 89 1 74 1644 77.55
MANSOOR.IN2 Mansoor 11 2 45 185 60
MERTENS.IN2 Mertens 7 1 6 29 52.38
MITCHELL.IN2 Mitchell 21 1 13 105 70.95
MUKHERJE.IN2 Mukherje 94 8 171 4208 44.8
ROSZIEG.IN2 Roszieg 25 1 13 125 71.67
SAWYER30.IN2 Sawyer 30 1 25 324 44.83
SCHOLL.IN2 Scholl 297 5 1386 69655 58.16
TONGE70.IN2 Tonge 70 1 156 3510 59.42
WARNECKE.IN2 Warnecke 58 7 53 1548 59.1
WEE-MAG.IN2 Wee-Mag 75 2 27 1499 22.67
r Quantitativen Betriebswirtschaftslehre 16/93, TU Darmstadt.
Physica, Heidelberg.
blems. International Journal of Production Research 28, pp. 1807-1815.
ncing. Management Science 38, pp. 39-42.
uation of heuristic line balancing techniques. Management Science 32, pp. 430 - 454.

h are utilized for generating data sets for SALBP-1, SALBP-2, and
oll (1993, 1999).

TV div conv
15.84 0.73 0.73
568.9 0.63 0.63
127.67 0.74 0.72
83 0.74 0.72
5.67 0.88 0.8
25 0.74 0.78
40 0.78 0.76
44.38 0.63 0.63
108 0.68 0.69
7 0.77 0.77
6 0.73 0.73
18.33 0.67 0.69
14 0.76 0.82
10 0.75 0.75
74 0.75 0.75
22.5 0.79 0.91
6 1 0.78
13 0.74 0.7
21.38 0.51 0.51
13 0.74 0.69
25 0.83 0.83
277.2 0.7 0.69
156 0.78 0.73
7.57 0.72 0.81
13.5 0.85 0.62
Benchmark data set for SALBP-1

Scholl, A. (1993): Data of assembly line balancing problems. Schriften zur Quantitativen Betriebswirtscha
Scholl, A. (1999): Balancing and sequencing of assembly lines. 2nd ed., Physica, Heidelberg.
Scholl, A. and R. Klein: SALOME: A bidirectional branch and bound procedure for assembly line balancin
Scholl, A. and R. Klein: Balancing assembly lines effectively - A computational comparison. European Jou

c given cycle time
m* minimal number of stations
[LB,UB] range of possible optimal objective function values if m* is still unknown

Call for

To one instance (Wee-Mag c=47) the optimal solution is still currently unknown. Therefore, interested res
solution to this instance as soon as it is found by any exact solution procedure. Please send a mail contai
time and the minimal number of stations together with a list of station numbers to which the tasks (in their

Mail address:

Example mail:
Bowman 20 5 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 4

Explanation: Instance with precedence graph Bowman and c=20, solution with m=5 stations and the follo
S1={1}, S2={2}, S3={3,5}, S4={4,6,8}, S5={7}

If the solution can be verified as really being optimal (and feasible) the new optimal value will be added to
found it.

Data set: Test run with SALOME-1

(joined from Talbot et al. (1986), Hoffmann (1990, 1992)

and Scholl (1993))

Problems and optimal solutions solution found by SALO

c m* m* or LB m* or UB

Arcus1 3786 21 H 83 83 21 21
Arcus1 3985 20 H 83 83 20 20
Arcus1 4206 19 H 83 83 19 19
Arcus1 4454 18 H 83 83 18 18
Arcus1 4732 17 H 83 83 17 17
Arcus1 5048 16 T 83 16 16
Arcus1 5408 15 H 83 83 15 15
Arcus1 5824 14 H 83 83 14 14
Arcus1 5853 14 T 83 14 14
Arcus1 6309 13 H 83 83 13 13
Arcus1 6842 12 T 83 12 12
Arcus1 6883 12 H 83 83 12 12
Arcus1 7571 11 T 83 11 11
Arcus1 8412 10 T 83 10 10
Arcus1 8898 9 T 83 9 9
Arcus1 10816 8 T 83 8 8
Arcus2 5755 27 T 111 27 27
Arcus2 5785 27 H 111 111 27 27
Arcus2 6016 26 H 111 111 26 26
Arcus2 6267 25 H 111 111 25 25
Arcus2 6540 24 H 111 111 24 24
Arcus2 6837 23 H 111 111 23 23
Arcus2 7162 22 H 111 111 22 22
Arcus2 7520 21 H 111 111 20 21
Arcus2 7916 20 H 111 111 20 20
Arcus2 8356 19 H 111 111 19 19
Arcus2 8847 18 T 111 18 18
Arcus2 9400 17 H 111 111 17 17
Arcus2 10027 16 T 111 16 16
Arcus2 10743 15 T 111 15 15
Arcus2 11378 14 T 111 14 14
Arcus2 11570 13 H 111 111 13 13
Arcus2 17067 9 T 111 9 9
Barthol2 84 51 S 148 51 51
Barthol2 85 50 S 148 50 51
Barthol2 87 49 S 148 49 49
Barthol2 89 48 S 148 48 49
Barthol2 91 47 S 148 47 48
Barthol2 93 46 S 148 46 47
Barthol2 95 45 S 148 45 46
Barthol2 97 44 S 148 44 45
Barthol2 99 43 S 148 43 44
Barthol2 101 42 S 148 42 42
Barthol2 104 41 S 148 41 41
Barthol2 106 40 S 148 40 40
Barthol2 109 39 S 148 39 39
Barthol2 112 38 S 148 38 38
Barthol2 115 37 S 148 37 37
Barthol2 118 36 S 148 36 36
Barthol2 121 35 S 148 35 35
Barthol2 125 34 S 148 34 34
Barthol2 129 33 S 148 33 33
Barthol2 133 32 S 148 32 32
Barthol2 137 31 S 148 31 31
Barthol2 142 30 S 148 30 30
Barthol2 146 29 S 148 29 29
Barthol2 152 28 S 148 28 28
Barthol2 157 27 S 148 27 27
Barthol2 163 26 S 148 26 26
Barthol2 170 25 S 148 25 25
Barthold 403 14 S 148 14 14
Barthold 434 13 S 148 13 13
Barthold 470 12 S 148 12 12
Barthold 513 11 S 148 11 11
Barthold 564 10 S 148 10 10
Barthold 626 9 S 148 9 9
Barthold 705 8 S 148 8 8
Barthold 805 7 S 148 7 7
Bowman 20 5 T 8 5 5
Buxey 27 13 S 29 13 13
Buxey 30 12 S 29 12 12
Buxey 33 11 S 29 11 11
Buxey 36 10 S 29 10 10
Buxey 41 8 S 29 8 8
Buxey 47 7 S 29 7 7
Buxey 54 7 S 29 7 7
Gunther 41 14 S 35 14 14
Gunther 44 12 S 35 12 12
Gunther 49 11 S 35 11 11
Gunther 54 9 S 35 9 9
Gunther 61 9 S 35 9 9
Gunther 69 8 S 35 8 8
Gunther 81 7 S 35 7 7
Hahn 2004 8 S 53 8 8
Hahn 2338 7 S 53 7 7
Hahn 2806 6 S 53 6 6
Hahn 3507 5 S 53 5 5
Hahn 4676 4 S 53 4 4
Heskiaoff 138 8 T 28 8 8
Heskiaoff 205 5 T 28 5 5
Heskiaoff 216 5 T 28 5 5
Heskiaoff 256 4 T 28 4 4
Heskiaoff 324 4 T 28 4 4
Heskiaoff 342 3 T 28 3 3
Jackson 7 8 T 11 8 8
Jackson 9 6 T 11 6 6
Jackson 10 5 T 11 5 5
Jackson 13 4 T 11 4 4
Jackson 14 4 T 11 4 4
Jackson 21 3 T 11 3 3
Jaeschke 6 8 T 9 8 8
Jaeschke 7 7 T 9 7 7
Jaeschke 8 6 T 9 6 6
Jaeschke 10 4 T 9 4 4
Jaeschke 18 3 T 9 3 3
Kilbridge 56 10 H 45 45 10 10
Kilbridge 57 10 T 45 10 10
Kilbridge 62 9 H 45 45 9 9
Kilbridge 69 8 H 45 45 8 8
Kilbridge 79 7 T 45 7 7
Kilbridge 92 6 T 45 6 6
Kilbridge 110 6 T 45 6 6
Kilbridge 111 5 H 45 45 5 5
Kilbridge 138 4 T 45 4 4
Kilbridge 184 3 T 45 3 3
Lutz1 1414 11 S 32 11 11
Lutz1 1572 10 S 32 10 10
Lutz1 1768 9 S 32 9 9
Lutz1 2020 8 S 32 8 8
Lutz1 2357 7 S 32 7 7
Lutz1 2828 6 S 32 6 6
Lutz2 11 49 S 89 49 49
Lutz2 12 44 S 89 44 44
Lutz2 13 40 S 89 40 40
Lutz2 14 37 S 89 37 37
Lutz2 15 34 S 89 34 34
Lutz2 16 31 S 89 31 31
Lutz2 17 29 S 89 29 29
Lutz2 18 28 S 89 28 28
Lutz2 19 26 S 89 26 26
Lutz2 20 25 S 89 25 25
Lutz2 21 24 S 89 24 24
Lutz3 75 23 S 89 23 23
Lutz3 79 22 S 89 22 22
Lutz3 83 21 S 89 21 21
Lutz3 87 20 S 89 20 20
Lutz3 92 19 S 89 19 19
Lutz3 97 18 S 89 18 18
Lutz3 103 17 S 89 17 17
Lutz3 110 15 S 89 15 15
Lutz3 118 14 S 89 14 14
Lutz3 127 14 S 89 14 14
Lutz3 137 13 S 89 13 13
Lutz3 150 12 S 89 12 12
Mansoor 48 4 T 11 4 4
Mansoor 62 3 T 11 3 3
Mansoor 94 2 T 11 2 2
Mertens 6 6 T 7 6 6
Mertens 7 5 T 7 5 5
Mertens 8 5 T 7 5 5
Mertens 10 3 T 7 3 3
Mertens 15 2 T 7 2 2
Mertens 18 2 T 7 2 2
Mitchell 14 8 T 21 8 8
Mitchell 15 8 T 21 8 8
Mitchell 21 5 T 21 5 5
Mitchell 26 5 T 21 5 5
Mitchell 35 3 T 21 3 3
Mitchell 39 3 T 21 3 3
Mukherje 176 25 S 94 25 25
Mukherje 183 24 S 94 24 24
Mukherje 192 23 S 94 23 23
Mukherje 201 22 S 94 22 22
Mukherje 211 21 S 94 21 21
Mukherje 222 20 S 94 20 20
Mukherje 234 19 S 94 19 19
Mukherje 248 18 S 94 18 18
Mukherje 263 17 S 94 17 17
Mukherje 281 16 S 94 16 16
Mukherje 301 15 S 94 15 15
Mukherje 324 14 S 94 14 14
Mukherje 351 13 S 94 13 13
Roszieg 14 10 S 25 10 10
Roszieg 16 8 S 25 8 8
Roszieg 18 8 S 25 8 8
Roszieg 21 6 S 25 6 6
Roszieg 25 6 S 25 6 6
Roszieg 32 4 S 25 4 4
Sawyer 25 14 T 30 14 14
Sawyer 27 13 T 30 13 13
Sawyer 30 12 T 30 12 12
Sawyer 33 11 H 30 30 11 11
Sawyer 36 10 T 30 10 10
Sawyer 41 8 T 30 8 8
Sawyer 47 7 H 30 30 7 7
Sawyer 54 7 T 30 7 7
Sawyer 75 5 T 30 5 5
Scholl 1394 50 S 297 50 51
Scholl 1422 50 S 297 50 50
Scholl 1452 48 S 297 48 48
Scholl 1483 47 S 297 47 47
Scholl 1515 46 S 297 46 46
Scholl 1548 46 S 297 46 46
Scholl 1584 44 S 297 44 44
Scholl 1620 44 S 297 44 44
Scholl 1659 42 S 297 42 42
Scholl 1699 42 S 297 42 42
Scholl 1742 40 S 297 40 40
Scholl 1787 39 S 297 39 39
Scholl 1834 38 S 297 38 38
Scholl 1883 37 S 297 37 37
Scholl 1935 36 S 297 36 36
Scholl 1991 35 S 297 35 35
Scholl 2049 34 S 297 34 34
Scholl 2111 33 S 297 33 33
Scholl 2177 32 S 297 32 32
Scholl 2247 31 S 297 31 31
Scholl 2322 30 S 297 30 30
Scholl 2402 29 S 297 29 29
Scholl 2488 28 S 297 28 28
Scholl 2580 27 S 297 27 27
Scholl 2680 26 S 297 26 26
Scholl 2787 25 S 297 25 25
Tonge 160 23 H 70 70 23 23
Tonge 168 22 H 70 70 22 22
Tonge 176 21 T 70 21 21
Tonge 185 20 H 70 70 20 20
Tonge 195 19 H 70 70 19 19
Tonge 207 18 H 70 70 18 18
Tonge 220 17 H 70 70 17 17
Tonge 234 16 H 70 70 16 16
Tonge 251 14 H 70 70 14 14
Tonge 270 14 H 70 70 14 14
Tonge 293 13 H 70 70 13 13
Tonge 320 11 H 70 70 11 11
Tonge 364 10 T 70 10 10
Tonge 410 9 T 70 9 9
Tonge 468 8 T 70 8 8
Tonge 527 7 T 70 7 7
Warnecke 54 31 S 58 31 31
Warnecke 56 29 S 58 29 29
Warnecke 58 29 S 58 29 29
Warnecke 60 27 S 58 27 27
Warnecke 62 27 S 58 27 27
Warnecke 65 25 S 58 25 25
Warnecke 68 24 S 58 24 24
Warnecke 71 23 S 58 23 23
Warnecke 74 22 S 58 22 22
Warnecke 78 21 S 58 21 21
Warnecke 82 20 S 58 20 20
Warnecke 86 19 S 58 19 19
Warnecke 92 17 S 58 17 17
Warnecke 97 17 S 58 17 17
Warnecke 104 15 S 58 15 15
Warnecke 111 14 S 58 14 14
Wee-mag 28 63 S 75 63 63
Wee-mag 29 63 S 75 63 63
Wee-mag 30 62 S 75 62 62
Wee-mag 31 62 S 75 62 62
Wee-mag 32 61 S 75 61 61
Wee-mag 33 61 S 75 61 61
Wee-mag 34 61 S 75 61 61
Wee-mag 35 60 S 75 60 60
Wee-mag 36 60 S 75 60 60
Wee-mag 37 60 S 75 60 60
Wee-mag 38 60 S 75 60 60
Wee-mag 39 60 S 75 60 60
Wee-mag 40 60 S 75 60 60
Wee-mag 41 59 S 75 59 59
Wee-mag 42 55 S 75 55 55
Wee-mag 43 50 S 75 50 50
Wee-mag 45 38 S 75 38 38
Wee-mag 46 34 S 75 34 34
Wee-mag 47 [32,33] S 75 32 33
Wee-mag 49 32 S 75 31 32
Wee-mag 50 32 S 75 31 32
Wee-mag 52 31 S 75 31 31
Wee-mag 54 31 S 75 31 31
Wee-mag 56 30 S 75 30 30

Quantitativen Betriebswirtschaftslehre 16/93, TU Darmstadt.
hysica, Heidelberg.
ure for assembly line balancing. INFORMS Journal on Computing 9 (1997), pp. 319-334.
nal comparison. European Journal of Operational Research 114 (1999), pp. 50-58.

ill unknown

own. Therefore, interested researchers are asked for sending data of the optimal
ure. Please send a mail containing the name of the precedence graph, the given cycle
bers to which the tasks (in their numbering order) are assigned.

with m=5 stations and the following station loads found:

w optimal value will be added to the list together with the name of the person who

applied on a modern computer as described in: Scholl and Klein (1999)

computer configuration: CPU: 3,0 GHz, Intel P4, memory: 1,5 GB. Time limit: 3600 sec

solution found by SALOME performance info m* or [LB,UB] after x se

rel. dev. from optimum optimum computation

# b&b nodes 10 30
optimum [%] proven found time [sec]

0.00% 1 1 0.016 26 21 21
0.00% 1 1 0.032 77 20 20
0.00% 1 1 0.016 18 19 19
0.00% 1 1 0 17 18 18
0.00% 1 1 0 16 17 17
0.00% 1 1 0 15 16 16
0.00% 1 1 0 14 15 15
0.00% 1 1 0 13 14 14
0.00% 1 1 0 13 14 14
0.00% 1 1 0 12 13 13
0.00% 1 1 0 11 12 12
0.00% 1 1 0.016 11 12 12
0.00% 1 1 0.016 10 11 11
0.00% 1 1 0 9 10 10
0.00% 1 1 0 8 9 9
0.00% 1 1 0 7 8 8
0.00% 1 1 0.015 26 27 27
0.00% 1 1 0 26 27 27
0.00% 1 1 0.015 25 26 26
0.00% 1 1 0 28 25 25
0.00% 1 1 0.015 23 24 24
0.00% 1 1 0 22 23 23
0.00% 1 1 0.016 21 22 22
0.00% 0 1 3600.047 218893 [ 20,21] [ 20,21]
0.00% 1 1 0.016 19 20 20
0.00% 1 1 0.015 18 19 19
0.00% 1 1 0.016 17 18 18
0.00% 1 1 0.015 16 17 17
0.00% 1 1 0.016 15 16 16
0.00% 1 1 0 14 15 15
0.00% 1 1 0.016 13 14 14
0.00% 1 1 19.953 3692 [ 13,14] 13
0.00% 1 1 0.016 8 9 9
0.00% 1 1 1602.562 2143192 [ 51,52] [ 51,52]
2.00% 0 0 3600.015 4375655 [ 50,51] [ 50,51]
0.00% 1 1 197.907 719933 [ 49,50] [ 49,50]
2.08% 0 0 3600.015 6280107 [ 48,49] [ 48,49]
2.13% 0 0 3600.078 10298766 [ 47,48] [ 47,48]
2.17% 0 0 3600.422 12493326 [ 46,47] [ 46,47]
2.22% 0 0 3600.109 8725162 [ 45,46] [ 45,46]
2.27% 0 0 3600.015 4580218 [ 44,45] [ 44,45]
2.33% 0 0 3600.047 10349013 [ 43,44] [ 43,44]
0.00% 1 1 0.875 3631 42 42
0.00% 1 1 1.328 3620 41 41
0.00% 1 1 0.984 4611 40 40
0.00% 1 1 1810.344 3856722 [ 39,40] [ 39,40]
0.00% 1 1 0.015 37 38 38
0.00% 1 1 0.359 1044 37 37
0.00% 1 1 0.484 999 36 36
0.00% 1 1 0.032 94 35 35
0.00% 1 1 0.031 33 34 34
0.00% 1 1 0.031 76 33 33
0.00% 1 1 0.016 60 32 32
0.00% 1 1 0.015 46 31 31
0.00% 1 1 0.031 29 30 30
0.00% 1 1 0.016 55 29 29
0.00% 1 1 0.016 27 28 28
0.00% 1 1 0.016 26 27 27
0.00% 1 1 0.016 25 26 26
0.00% 1 1 0.031 24 25 25
0.00% 1 1 0.015 13 14 14
0.00% 1 1 0.015 12 13 13
0.00% 1 1 0.015 11 12 12
0.00% 1 1 0.016 10 11 11
0.00% 1 1 0.016 9 10 10
0.00% 1 1 0.016 8 9 9
0.00% 1 1 0.016 7 8 8
0.00% 1 1 0.015 6 7 7
0.00% 1 1 0 4 5 5
0.00% 1 1 0 12 13 13
0.00% 1 1 0 12 12 12
0.00% 1 1 0 12 11 11
0.00% 1 1 0 9 10 10
0.00% 1 1 0 7 8 8
0.00% 1 1 0 10 7 7
0.00% 1 1 0 6 7 7
0.00% 1 1 0.015 239 14 14
0.00% 1 1 0 60 12 12
0.00% 1 1 0 85 11 11
0.00% 1 1 0 16 9 9
0.00% 1 1 0 8 9 9
0.00% 1 1 0 7 8 8
0.00% 1 1 0 6 7 7
0.00% 1 1 0 7 8 8
0.00% 1 1 0 6 7 7
0.00% 1 1 0 5 6 6
0.00% 1 1 0 4 5 5
0.00% 1 1 0 3 4 4
0.00% 1 1 0 7 8 8
0.00% 1 1 0 6 5 5
0.00% 1 1 0 4 5 5
0.00% 1 1 0 3 4 4
0.00% 1 1 0 3 4 4
0.00% 1 1 0 2 3 3
0.00% 1 1 0 7 8 8
0.00% 1 1 0 5 6 6
0.00% 1 1 0 4 5 5
0.00% 1 1 0 3 4 4
0.00% 1 1 0 3 4 4
0.00% 1 1 0 2 3 3
0.00% 1 1 0 7 8 8
0.00% 1 1 0 6 7 7
0.00% 1 1 0 5 6 6
0.00% 1 1 0 3 4 4
0.00% 1 1 0 2 3 3
0.00% 1 1 0 9 10 10
0.00% 1 1 0 9 10 10
0.00% 1 1 0.016 21 9 9
0.00% 1 1 0.015 7 8 8
0.00% 1 1 0 6 7 7
0.00% 1 1 0.015 5 6 6
0.00% 1 1 0 5 6 6
0.00% 1 1 0 4 5 5
0.00% 1 1 0 3 4 4
0.00% 1 1 0 2 3 3
0.00% 1 1 0 10 11 11
0.00% 1 1 0 9 10 10
0.00% 1 1 0 8 9 9
0.00% 1 1 0 7 8 8
0.00% 1 1 0 6 7 7
0.00% 1 1 0 5 6 6
0.00% 1 1 0.844 17066 49 49
0.00% 1 1 0.391 7990 44 44
0.00% 1 1 0.11 2072 40 40
0.00% 1 1 3.094 45846 37 37
0.00% 1 1 0.015 156 34 34
0.00% 1 1 0.015 92 31 31
0.00% 1 1 0.015 246 29 29
0.00% 1 1 0 46 28 28
0.00% 1 1 0.015 64 26 26
0.00% 1 1 0 42 25 25
0.00% 1 1 0 23 24 24
0.00% 1 1 0 22 23 23
0.00% 1 1 0 23 22 22
0.00% 1 1 0 20 21 21
0.00% 1 1 0 19 20 20
0.00% 1 1 0.016 21 19 19
0.00% 1 1 0 19 18 18
0.00% 1 1 0 16 17 17
0.00% 1 1 0.016 147 15 15
0.00% 1 1 0.016 135 14 14
0.00% 1 1 0 14 14 14
0.00% 1 1 0 12 13 13
0.00% 1 1 0.062 525 12 12
0.00% 1 1 0 3 4 4
0.00% 1 1 0 4 3 3
0.00% 1 1 0 1 2 2
0.00% 1 1 0 5 6 6
0.00% 1 1 0.015 4 5 5
0.00% 1 1 0 4 5 5
0.00% 1 1 0 2 3 3
0.00% 1 1 0 1 2 2
0.00% 1 1 0 1 2 2
0.00% 1 1 0 7 8 8
0.00% 1 1 0 7 8 8
0.00% 1 1 0 4 5 5
0.00% 1 1 0 4 5 5
0.00% 1 1 0 2 3 3
0.00% 1 1 0 2 3 3
0.00% 1 1 0 24 25 25
0.00% 1 1 0 23 24 24
0.00% 1 1 0 22 23 23
0.00% 1 1 0 21 22 22
0.00% 1 1 0 20 21 21
0.00% 1 1 0 19 20 20
0.00% 1 1 0 37 19 19
0.00% 1 1 0 17 18 18
0.00% 1 1 0 16 17 17
0.00% 1 1 0 15 16 16
0.00% 1 1 0.016 14 15 15
0.00% 1 1 0 13 14 14
0.00% 1 1 0 12 13 13
0.00% 1 1 0 9 10 10
0.00% 1 1 0 9 8 8
0.00% 1 1 0 7 8 8
0.00% 1 1 0 5 6 6
0.00% 1 1 0 5 6 6
0.00% 1 1 0 3 4 4
0.00% 1 1 0 13 14 14
0.00% 1 1 0 12 13 13
0.00% 1 1 0 13 12 12
0.00% 1 1 0 26 11 11
0.00% 1 1 0 9 10 10
0.00% 1 1 0 7 8 8
0.00% 1 1 0.016 10 7 7
0.00% 1 1 0 6 7 7
0.00% 1 1 0 4 5 5
2.00% 0 0 3600.016 400929 [ 50,51] [ 50,51]
0.00% 1 1 0.078 51 50 50
0.00% 1 1 3.157 1810 48 48
0.00% 1 1 8.703 2827 47 47
0.00% 1 1 61.157 7337 [ 46,47] [ 46,47]
0.00% 1 1 0.078 45 46 46
0.00% 1 1 1.421 896 44 44
0.00% 1 1 0.078 43 44 44
0.00% 1 1 2.344 653 42 42
0.00% 1 1 2603.672 496119 [ 41,42] [ 41,42]
0.00% 1 1 0.313 184 40 40
0.00% 1 1 8.265 1253 39 39
0.00% 1 1 0.218 160 38 38
0.00% 1 1 25.969 2547 [ 37,38] 37
0.00% 1 1 0.234 101 36 36
0.00% 1 1 0.282 122 35 35
0.00% 1 1 0.25 104 34 34
0.00% 1 1 0.094 57 33 33
0.00% 1 1 0.11 31 32 32
0.00% 1 1 0.828 205 31 31
0.00% 1 1 0.094 29 30 30
0.00% 1 1 0.079 28 29 29
0.00% 1 1 0.078 27 28 28
0.00% 1 1 0.078 26 27 27
0.00% 1 1 0.078 25 26 26
0.00% 1 1 0.078 24 25 25
0.00% 1 1 0.047 442 23 23
0.00% 1 1 0.391 2094 22 22
0.00% 1 1 0.016 234 21 21
0.00% 1 1 0.063 480 20 20
0.00% 1 1 0.016 38 19 19
0.00% 1 1 0.25 1699 18 18
0.00% 1 1 0.172 1294 17 17
0.00% 1 1 0.031 196 16 16
0.00% 1 1 0.11 795 14 14
0.00% 1 1 0 45 14 14
0.00% 1 1 0.156 813 13 13
0.00% 1 1 0 63 11 11
0.00% 1 1 0.015 9 10 10
0.00% 1 1 0 8 9 9
0.00% 1 1 0 7 8 8
0.00% 1 1 0.016 6 7 7
0.00% 1 1 17.812 206848 [ 30,32] 31
0.00% 1 1 0.906 18602 29 29
0.00% 1 1 0.016 381 29 29
0.00% 1 1 0.266 3411 27 27
0.00% 1 1 0.078 1365 27 27
0.00% 1 1 0.719 11121 25 25
0.00% 1 1 0.11 1729 24 24
0.00% 1 1 0.219 4611 23 23
0.00% 1 1 1.094 17361 22 22
0.00% 1 1 0.047 706 21 21
0.00% 1 1 0 27 20 20
0.00% 1 1 0.063 801 19 19
0.00% 1 1 0 96 17 17
0.00% 1 1 0 19 17 17
0.00% 1 1 0 37 15 15
0.00% 1 1 0 13 14 14
0.00% 1 1 0 62 63 63
0.00% 1 1 0.015 62 63 63
0.00% 1 1 0 61 62 62
0.00% 1 1 0.016 61 62 62
0.00% 1 1 0 60 61 61
0.00% 1 1 0 60 61 61
0.00% 1 1 0 60 61 61
0.00% 1 1 0 59 60 60
0.00% 1 1 0.016 59 60 60
0.00% 1 1 0 59 60 60
0.00% 1 1 0.016 59 60 60
0.00% 1 1 0 59 60 60
0.00% 1 1 0 59 60 60
0.00% 1 1 0 58 59 59
0.00% 1 1 0 54 55 55
0.00% 1 1 0 49 50 50
0.00% 1 1 0.016 77 38 38
0.00% 1 1 0.016 44 34 34
3.13% 0 0 3600.032 14979489 [ 32,33] [ 32,33]
0.00% 0 1 3600.016 7282269 [ 31,32] [ 31,32]
0.00% 0 1 3600.016 8888807 [ 31,32] [ 31,32]
0.00% 1 1 0 30 31 31
0.00% 1 1 0.016 30 31 31
0.00% 1 1 0 29 30 30

0.08% 257 260 184.318 358655.11 # opt. proven # opt. found av. CPU time av. # nodes
perhaps: 261 if Wee-mag 47 has a solution with 33 stations
m* or [LB,UB] after x seconds with x=

100 250 500 1000

21 21 21 21
20 20 20 20
19 19 19 19
18 18 18 18
17 17 17 17
16 16 16 16
15 15 15 15
14 14 14 14
14 14 14 14
13 13 13 13
12 12 12 12
12 12 12 12
11 11 11 11
10 10 10 10
9 9 9 9
8 8 8 8
27 27 27 27
27 27 27 27
26 26 26 26
25 25 25 25
24 24 24 24
23 23 23 23
22 22 22 22
[ 20,21] [ 20,21] [ 20,21] [ 20,21]
20 20 20 20
19 19 19 19
18 18 18 18
17 17 17 17
16 16 16 16
15 15 15 15
14 14 14 14
13 13 13 13
9 9 9 9
[ 51,52] [ 51,52] [ 51,52] [ 51,52]
[ 50,51] [ 50,51] [ 50,51] [ 50,51]
[ 49,50] 49 49 49
[ 48,49] [ 48,49] [ 48,49] [ 48,49]
[ 47,48] [ 47,48] [ 47,48] [ 47,48]
[ 46,47] [ 46,47] [ 46,47] [ 46,47]
[ 45,46] [ 45,46] [ 45,46] [ 45,46]
[ 44,45] [ 44,45] [ 44,45] [ 44,45]
[ 43,44] [ 43,44] [ 43,44] [ 43,44]
42 42 42 42
41 41 41 41
40 40 40 40
[ 39,40] [ 39,40] [ 39,40] [ 39,40]
38 38 38 38
37 37 37 37
36 36 36 36
35 35 35 35
34 34 34 34
33 33 33 33
32 32 32 32
31 31 31 31
30 30 30 30
29 29 29 29
28 28 28 28
27 27 27 27
26 26 26 26
25 25 25 25
14 14 14 14
13 13 13 13
12 12 12 12
11 11 11 11
10 10 10 10
9 9 9 9
8 8 8 8
7 7 7 7
5 5 5 5
13 13 13 13
12 12 12 12
11 11 11 11
10 10 10 10
8 8 8 8
7 7 7 7
7 7 7 7
14 14 14 14
12 12 12 12
11 11 11 11
9 9 9 9
9 9 9 9
8 8 8 8
7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8
7 7 7 7
6 6 6 6
5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4
8 8 8 8
5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3
8 8 8 8
6 6 6 6
5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3
8 8 8 8
7 7 7 7
6 6 6 6
4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3
10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10
9 9 9 9
8 8 8 8
7 7 7 7
6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6
5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3
11 11 11 11
10 10 10 10
9 9 9 9
8 8 8 8
7 7 7 7
6 6 6 6
49 49 49 49
44 44 44 44
40 40 40 40
37 37 37 37
34 34 34 34
31 31 31 31
29 29 29 29
28 28 28 28
26 26 26 26
25 25 25 25
24 24 24 24
23 23 23 23
22 22 22 22
21 21 21 21
20 20 20 20
19 19 19 19
18 18 18 18
17 17 17 17
15 15 15 15
14 14 14 14
14 14 14 14
13 13 13 13
12 12 12 12
4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2
6 6 6 6
5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5
3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
8 8 8 8
8 8 8 8
5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5
3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
25 25 25 25
24 24 24 24
23 23 23 23
22 22 22 22
21 21 21 21
20 20 20 20
19 19 19 19
18 18 18 18
17 17 17 17
16 16 16 16
15 15 15 15
14 14 14 14
13 13 13 13
10 10 10 10
8 8 8 8
8 8 8 8
6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6
4 4 4 4
14 14 14 14
13 13 13 13
12 12 12 12
11 11 11 11
10 10 10 10
8 8 8 8
7 7 7 7
7 7 7 7
5 5 5 5
[ 50,51] [ 50,51] [ 50,51] [ 50,51]
50 50 50 50
48 48 48 48
47 47 47 47
46 46 46 46
46 46 46 46
44 44 44 44
44 44 44 44
42 42 42 42
[ 41,42] [ 41,42] [ 41,42] [ 41,42]
40 40 40 40
39 39 39 39
38 38 38 38
37 37 37 37
36 36 36 36
35 35 35 35
34 34 34 34
33 33 33 33
32 32 32 32
31 31 31 31
30 30 30 30
29 29 29 29
28 28 28 28
27 27 27 27
26 26 26 26
25 25 25 25
23 23 23 23
22 22 22 22
21 21 21 21
20 20 20 20
19 19 19 19
18 18 18 18
17 17 17 17
16 16 16 16
14 14 14 14
14 14 14 14
13 13 13 13
11 11 11 11
10 10 10 10
9 9 9 9
8 8 8 8
7 7 7 7
31 31 31 31
29 29 29 29
29 29 29 29
27 27 27 27
27 27 27 27
25 25 25 25
24 24 24 24
23 23 23 23
22 22 22 22
21 21 21 21
20 20 20 20
19 19 19 19
17 17 17 17
17 17 17 17
15 15 15 15
14 14 14 14
63 63 63 63
63 63 63 63
62 62 62 62
62 62 62 62
61 61 61 61
61 61 61 61
61 61 61 61
60 60 60 60
60 60 60 60
60 60 60 60
60 60 60 60
60 60 60 60
60 60 60 60
59 59 59 59
55 55 55 55
50 50 50 50
38 38 38 38
34 34 34 34
[ 32,33] [ 32,33] [ 32,33] [ 32,33]
[ 31,32] [ 31,32] [ 31,32] [ 31,32]
[ 31,32] [ 31,32] [ 31,32] [ 31,32]
31 31 31 31
31 31 31 31
30 30 30 30
Benchmark data sets for SALBP-2

Scholl, A. (1993): Data of assembly line balancing problems. Schriften zur Quantitativen Betriebswi
Scholl, A. (1999): Balancing and sequencing of assembly lines. 2nd ed., Physica, Heidelberg.

m given number of stations
c* minimal cycle time
[LB,UB] range of possible optimal objective function values if c* is still unknown

Call for optimal


To some instances optimal solutions are currently unknown. Therefore, interested researchers are
to these instances as soon as they are found by any exact solution procedure. Please send a mail
graph, the given cycle time and the minimal number of stations together with a list of station numbe
order) are assigned.

Mail address:

Example mail:
Bowman 20 5 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 4

Explanation: Instance with precedence graph Bowman and m=5, solution with c=20 stations and th
S1={1}, S2={2}, S3={3,5}, S4={4,6,8}, S5={7}

If the solution can be verified as really being optimal (and feasible) the new optimal value will be ad
person who found it.

Data set 1:

Number of instances: 128 (119 solved to optimality)

Number of tasks: 30 to 111

Precedence graph m (given) c* or [LB,UB] Solution due to

Buxey 7 47
Buxey 8 41
Buxey 9 37
Buxey 10 34
Buxey 11 32
Buxey 12 28
Buxey 13 27
Buxey 14 25
Gunther 6 84
Gunther 7 72
Gunther 8 63
Gunther 9 54
Gunther 10 50
Gunther 11 48
Gunther 12 44
Gunther 13 42
Gunther 14 40
Gunther 15 40
Kilbridge 3 184
Kilbridge 4 138
Kilbridge 5 111
Kilbridge 6 92
Kilbridge 7 79
Kilbridge 8 69
Kilbridge 9 62
Kilbridge 10 56
Kilbridge 11 55
Lutz1 8 1860
Lutz1 9 1638
Lutz1 10 1526
Lutz1 11 1400
Lutz1 12 1400
Lutz2 9 54
Lutz2 10 49
Lutz2 11 45
Lutz2 12 41
Lutz2 13 38
Lutz2 14 35
Lutz2 15 33
Lutz2 16 31
Lutz2 17 29
Lutz2 18 28
Lutz2 19 26
Lutz2 20 25
Lutz2 21 24
Lutz2 22 23
Lutz2 23 22
Lutz2 24 21
Lutz2 25 20
Lutz2 26 19
Lutz2 27 19
Lutz2 28 18
Sawyer 7 47
Sawyer 8 41
Sawyer 9 37
Sawyer 10 34
Sawyer 11 31
Sawyer 12 28
Sawyer 13 26
Sawyer 14 25
Tonge 3 1170
Tonge 4 878
Tonge 5 702
Tonge 6 585
Tonge 7 502
Tonge 8 439
Tonge 9 391
Tonge 10 352
Tonge 11 320
Tonge 12 294
Tonge 13 271
Tonge 14 251
Tonge 15 235
Tonge 16 221
Tonge 17 208
Tonge 18 196
Tonge 19 186
Tonge 20 177
Tonge 21 170
Tonge 22 162
Tonge 23 156
Tonge 24 156
Tonge 25 156
Arcus1 3 25236
Arcus1 4 18927
Arcus1 5 15142
Arcus1 6 12620
Arcus1 7 10826
Arcus1 8 9554
Arcus1 9 8499
Arcus1 10 7580
Arcus1 11 7084
Arcus1 12 6412
Arcus1 13 5864
Arcus1 14 5441
Arcus1 15 5104
Arcus1 16 4850
Arcus1 17 4516
Arcus1 18 4317
Arcus1 19 4068
Arcus1 20 3882
Arcus1 21 3691
Arcus1 22 3691
Arcus2 3 50133
Arcus2 4 37600
Arcus2 5 30080
Arcus2 6 25067
Arcus2 7 21486
Arcus2 8 18800
Arcus2 9 16711
Arcus2 10 15040
Arcus2 11 13673
Arcus2 12 12534
Arcus2 13 11570
Arcus2 14 10747
Arcus2 15 10035
Arcus2 16 9412
Arcus2 17 8855
Arcus2 18 [8376,8377]
Arcus2 19 [7920,7922] Dr. Christian Blum, Barcelona
Arcus2 20 [7520,7524] Dr. Christian Blum, Barcelona
Arcus2 21 [7181,7187] Dr. Christian Blum, Barcelona
Arcus2 22 [6839,6856] Dr. Christian Blum, Barcelona
Arcus2 23 [6551,6560] Dr. Christian Blum, Barcelona
Arcus2 24 [6273,6282] Dr. Christian Blum, Barcelona
Arcus2 25 [6085,6101] Dr. Christian Blum, Barcelona
Arcus2 26 [5844,5855] Dr. Christian Blum, Barcelona
Arcus2 27 5689

Data set 2:

Number of instances: 174 (168 solved to optimality)

Number of tasks: 53 to 297

Precedence graph m (given) c* or [LB,UB] Solution due to

Hahn 3 4787
Hahn 4 3677
Hahn 5 2823
Hahn 6 2400
Hahn 7 2336
Hahn 8 1907
Hahn 9 1827
Hahn 10 1775
Warnecke 3 516
Warnecke 4 387
Warnecke 5 310
Warnecke 6 258
Warnecke 7 222
Warnecke 8 194
Warnecke 9 172
Warnecke 10 155
Warnecke 11 142
Warnecke 12 130
Warnecke 13 120
Warnecke 14 111
Warnecke 15 104
Warnecke 16 98
Warnecke 17 92
Warnecke 18 87
Warnecke 19 84
Warnecke 20 79
Warnecke 21 76
Warnecke 22 73
Warnecke 23 69
Warnecke 24 66
Warnecke 25 64
Warnecke 26 64
Warnecke 27 60
Warnecke 28 59
Warnecke 29 56
Wee-Mag 3 500
Wee-Mag 4 375
Wee-Mag 5 300
Wee-Mag 6 250
Wee-Mag 7 215
Wee-Mag 8 188
Wee-Mag 9 167
Wee-Mag 10 150
Wee-Mag 11 137
Wee-Mag 12 125
Wee-Mag 13 116
Wee-Mag 14 108
Wee-Mag 15 100
Wee-Mag 16 94
Wee-Mag 17 89
Wee-Mag 18 [84,87]
Wee-Mag 19 [84,85]
Wee-Mag 20 77
Wee-Mag 21 72
Wee-Mag 22 69
Wee-Mag 23 [66,67]
Wee-Mag 24 66
Wee-Mag 25 65 This corrected solution is due to Christian Blum, Barcelona
Wee-Mag 26 65
Wee-Mag 27 [63,65]
Wee-Mag 28 [63,64]
Wee-Mag 29 63
Wee-Mag 30 56
Lutz3 3 548
Lutz3 4 411
Lutz3 5 329
Lutz3 6 275
Lutz3 7 236
Lutz3 8 207
Lutz3 9 184
Lutz3 10 165
Lutz3 11 151
Lutz3 12 138
Lutz3 13 128
Lutz3 14 118
Lutz3 15 110
Lutz3 16 105
Lutz3 17 98
Lutz3 18 93
Lutz3 19 89
Lutz3 20 85
Lutz3 21 80
Lutz3 22 76
Lutz3 23 74
Mukherje 3 1403
Mukherje 4 1052
Mukherje 5 844
Mukherje 6 704
Mukherje 7 621
Mukherje 8 532
Mukherje 9 471
Mukherje 10 424
Mukherje 11 391
Mukherje 12 358
Mukherje 13 325
Mukherje 14 311
Mukherje 15 288
Mukherje 16 268
Mukherje 17 251
Mukherje 18 239
Mukherje 19 226
Mukherje 20 220
Mukherje 21 208
Mukherje 22 200
Mukherje 23 189
Mukherje 24 179
Mukherje 25 172
Mukherje 26 171
Barthold 3 1878
Barthold 4 1409
Barthold 5 1127
Barthold 6 939
Barthold 7 805
Barthold 8 705
Barthold 9 626
Barthold 10 564
Barthold 11 513
Barthold 12 470
Barthold 13 434
Barthold 14 403
Barthold 15 383
Barthol2 27 157
Barthol2 28 152
Barthol2 29 146
Barthol2 30 142
Barthol2 31 137
Barthol2 32 133
Barthol2 33 129
Barthol2 34 125
Barthol2 35 121
Barthol2 36 118
Barthol2 37 115
Barthol2 38 112
Barthol2 39 109
Barthol2 40 106
Barthol2 41 104
Barthol2 42 101
Barthol2 43 99
Barthol2 44 97
Barthol2 45 95
Barthol2 46 93
Barthol2 47 91
Barthol2 48 89
Barthol2 49 87
Barthol2 50 85 Dr. E. Falkenauer, Brussels
Barthol2 51 84
Scholl 25 2787
Scholl 26 2680
Scholl 27 2580
Scholl 28 2488
Scholl 29 2402
Scholl 30 2322
Scholl 31 2247
Scholl 32 2177
Scholl 33 2111
Scholl 34 2049
Scholl 35 1991
Scholl 36 1935
Scholl 37 1883
Scholl 38 1834
Scholl 39 1787 Dr. E. Falkenauer, Brussels
Scholl 40 1742
Scholl 41 1700
Scholl 42 1659
Scholl 43 1621
Scholl 44 1584
Scholl 45 1549
Scholl 46 1515
Scholl 47 1483
Scholl 48 1452
Scholl 49 1423 Dr. Christian Blum, Barcelona
Scholl 50 1394 Dr. E. Falkenauer, Brussels
Scholl 51 1386
Scholl 52 1386
ms. Schriften zur Quantitativen Betriebswirtschaftslehre 16/93, TU Darmstadt.
lines. 2nd ed., Physica, Heidelberg.

values if c* is still unknown

wn. Therefore, interested researchers are asked for sending data of optimal solutions
t solution procedure. Please send a mail containing the name of the precedence
ations together with a list of station numbers to which the tasks (in their numbering

nd m=5, solution with c=20 stations and the following station loads found:

feasible) the new optimal value will be added to the list together with the name of the

Iterative Beam Search
Iterative Beam Search
Iterative Beam Search
Iterative Beam Search
Iterative Beam Search
Iterative Beam Search
Iterative Beam Search
Iterative Beam Search

on is due to Christian Blum, Barcelona!
Grouping GA

Grouping GA

Iterative Beam Search

Grouping GA
Benchmark data sets for SALBP-E

Scholl, A. (1993): Data of assembly line balancing problems. Schriften zur Quantitativen Betriebswirtsc
Scholl, A. (1999): Balancing and sequencing of assembly lines. 2nd ed., Physica, Heidelberg.

mMin minimal number of stations
mMax maximal number of stations
Idle* optimal or best idle time
(m*,c*) optimal or best (m,c)-combination
LB lower bound on the idle time
UB upper bound on the idle time
[LB,UB] range of possible optimal objective function values

Call for optimal To some instances optimal solutions are currently unknown. Therefore, interested researchers are aske
solutions: data of optimal solutions to these instances as soon as they are found by any exact solution procedure
a mail containing the name of the precedence graph, the given cycle time and the minimal number of s
together with a list of station numbers to which the tasks (in their numbering order) are assigned.

Mail address:

Example mail:
Jaeschke 4 7 3 4 10 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 4 4

The problem instance is defined by [mMin,mMax]=[4,7]. The optimal idle time is 3 for the (m*,c*)-comb
The station loads are: S1={1,3}, S2={2,4}, S3={5,6,7}, S4={8,9}

If the solution can be verified as really being optimal (and feasible) the new optimal value will be added
together with the name of the person who found it.

Data set:

Number of instances: 256 (245 solved to optimality)

Number of tasks: 8 to 297

Precedence graph mMin mMax Idle* m* c*

Mertens 3 5 1 3 10
Mertens 4 5 6 5 7
Bowman 3 5 9 3 28
Bowman 4 5 10 5 17
Jaeschke 3 7 2 3 13
Jaeschke 4 7 3 4 10
Jaeschke 5 7 8 5 9
Jaeschke 6 7 11 6 8
Jackson 3 7 2 3 16
Jackson 4 7 2 4 12
Jackson 5 7 4 5 10
Mansoor 3 5 1 3 62
Mansoor 4 5 7 4 48
Mitchell 3 9 0 3 35
Mitchell 4 9 0 5 21
Mitchell 6 9 3 6 18
Mitchell 7 9 7 8 14
Roszieg 3 10 1 3 42
Roszieg 4 10 1 6 21
Roszieg 7 10 3 8 16
Roszieg 9 10 15 10 14
Heskiaoff 3 10 0 4 256
Heskiaoff 5 10 1 5 205
Heskiaoff 6 10 2 6 171
Heskiaoff 7 10 5 7 147
Heskiaoff 8 10 8 8 129
Heskiaoff 9 10 20 9 116
Buxey 3 13 0 3 108
Buxey 4 13 1 5 65
Buxey 6 13 4 8 41
Buxey 6 7 5 7 47
Buxey 9 13 9 9 37
Buxey 10 11 16 10 34
Buxey 10 13 12 12 28
Sawyer 3 13 0 3 108
Sawyer 4 13 0 4 81
Sawyer 5 13 1 5 65
Sawyer 6 13 4 8 41
Sawyer 6 7 5 7 47
Sawyer 9 13 9 9 37
Sawyer 10 11 16 10 34
Sawyer 10 13 12 12 28
Lutz1 3 11 156 4 3574
Lutz1 5 11 220 5 2872
Lutz1 6 11 236 6 2396
Lutz1 7 11 532 7 2096
Lutz1 8 11 602 9 1638
Lutz1 10 11 1120 10 1526
Gunther 3 13 0 3 161
Gunther 4 13 1 4 121
Gunther 5 13 2 5 97
Gunther 6 13 3 9 54
Gunther 6 8 21 6 84
Gunther 10 13 17 10 50
Gunther 11 13 45 11 48
Gunther 12 13 45 12 44
Kilbridge 3 11 0 3 184
Kilbridge 4 11 0 4 138
Kilbridge 5 11 0 6 92
Kilbridge 7 11 0 8 69
Kilbridge 9 11 6 9 62
Kilbridge 10 11 8 10 56
Hahn 3 4 335 3 4787
Hahn 3 8 89 5 2823
Hahn 6 8 374 6 2400
Hahn 7 8 1230 8 1907
Warnecke 3 30 0 3 516
Warnecke 4 30 0 4 387
Warnecke 5 30 0 6 258
Warnecke 7 30 0 9 172
Warnecke 10 30 2 10 155
Warnecke 11 13 12 13 120
Warnecke 11 30 6 14 111
Warnecke 15 30 12 15 104
Warnecke 16 17 16 17 92
Warnecke 19 20 32 20 79
Warnecke 19 30 32 20 79
Warnecke 22 30 36 24 66
Warnecke 25 30 52 25 64
Warnecke 27 30 72 27 60
Warnecke 28 30 76 29 56
Tonge 3 23 0 3 1170
Tonge 4 23 0 5 702
Tonge 6 23 0 6 585
Tonge 7 23 2 8 439
Tonge 10 23 4 14 251
Tonge 11 12 10 11 320
Tonge 14 23 4 14 251
Tonge 16 17 26 17 208
Tonge 16 23 18 18 196
Tonge 19 23 24 19 186
Tonge 20 23 30 20 177
Tonge 21 23 54 22 162
Wee-Mag 3 38 1 3 500
Wee-Mag 4 38 1 4 375
Wee-Mag 5 38 1 5 300
Wee-Mag 6 38 1 6 250
Wee-Mag 7 38 1 10 150
Wee-Mag 7 9 4 9 167
Wee-Mag 11 38 1 12 125
Wee-Mag 13 14 9 13 116
Wee-Mag 13 38 1 15 100
Wee-Mag 16 18 5 16 94
Wee-Mag 16 19 5 16 94
Wee-Mag 16 38 5 16 94
Wee-Mag 21 24 13 21 72
Wee-Mag 21 38 [5,13] 21 72
Wee-Mag 22 24 19 22 69
Wee-Mag 26 29 191 26 65
Wee-Mag 26 31 113 31 52
Wee-Mag 26 38 [5,37] 32 48
Wee-Mag 27 29 [229,256] 27 65
Wee-Mag 32 38 [5,37] 32 48
Wee-Mag 35 38 111 35 46
Wee-Mag 36 38 157 36 46
Arcus1 3 21 1 3 25236
Arcus1 4 21 1 4 18927
Arcus1 5 21 3 5 15142
Arcus1 6 21 13 6 12620
Arcus1 7 21 75 7 10826
Arcus1 8 21 93 10 7580
Arcus1 8 9 725 8 9554
Arcus1 11 12 1237 12 6412
Arcus1 11 13 525 13 5864
Arcus1 11 21 467 14 5441
Arcus1 15 17 853 15 5104
Arcus1 15 21 853 15 5104
Arcus1 16 17 1065 17 4516
Arcus1 19 21 1585 19 4068
Lutz2 3 49 1 3 162
Lutz2 4 49 1 6 81
Lutz2 7 49 1 9 54
Lutz2 10 49 5 10 49
Lutz2 11 13 7 12 41
Lutz2 11 49 5 14 35
Lutz2 15 16 10 15 33
Lutz2 15 49 8 17 29
Lutz2 18 28 9 19 26
Lutz2 18 49 8 29 17
Lutz2 20 25 15 20 25
Lutz2 20 26 9 26 19
Lutz2 21 24 19 21 24
Lutz2 21 25 15 25 20
Lutz2 22 24 19 24 21
Lutz2 30 34 11 31 16
Lutz2 30 49 11 31 16
Lutz2 32 34 25 34 15
Lutz2 36 49 33 37 14
Lutz2 42 44 43 44 12
Lutz2 42 49 43 44 12
Lutz2 46 48 67 46 12
Lutz3 3 23 0 3 548
Lutz3 4 23 0 4 411
Lutz3 5 23 1 5 329
Lutz3 6 23 6 10 165
Lutz3 7 9 8 7 236
Lutz3 8 9 12 9 184
Lutz3 11 23 6 15 110
Lutz3 12 14 8 14 118
Lutz3 12 15 6 15 110
Lutz3 17 23 22 17 98
Lutz3 18 21 30 18 93
Lutz3 18 23 28 22 76
Lutz3 19 20 47 19 89
Lutz3 19 21 36 21 80
Arcus2 3 27 0 3 50133
Arcus2 4 27 0 9 16711
Arcus2 4 8 1 4 37600
Arcus2 5 8 1 5 30080
Arcus2 6 7 3 6 25067
Arcus2 6 8 1 8 18800
Arcus2 10 16 1 10 15040
Arcus2 10 27 1 10 15040
Arcus2 11 16 4 11 13673
Arcus2 12 16 9 12 12534
Arcus2 13 16 11 13 11570
Arcus2 14 16 59 14 10747
Arcus2 15 16 126 15 10035
Arcus2 18 19 [81,233] 19 7928
Arcus2 18 27 [1,121] 20 7526
Arcus2 21 24 [59,499] 22 6859
Arcus2 21 27 [59,499] 22 6859
Arcus2 22 23 [59,499] 22 6859
Arcus2 22 24 [59,499] 22 6859
Arcus2 26 27 [1545,1857] 26 5856
Barthold 3 15 0 3 1878
Barthold 4 15 0 6 939
Barthold 4 5 1 5 1127
Barthold 7 15 0 9 626
Barthold 7 8 1 7 805
Barthold 10 15 6 10 564
Barthold 11 15 6 12 470
Barthold 13 15 8 13 434
Barthold 14 15 8 14 403
Barthol2 3 28 1 5 847
Barthol2 3 52 0 29 146
Barthol2 6 28 1 7 605
Barthol2 8 10 5 9 471
Barthol2 8 28 1 11 385
Barthol2 12 28 2 12 353
Barthol2 13 18 4 13 326
Barthol2 13 28 3 19 223
Barthol2 14 18 6 16 265
Barthol2 20 25 6 20 212
Barthol2 20 28 4 26 163
Barthol2 21 25 8 21 202
Barthol2 22 25 12 22 193
Barthol2 23 25 14 24 177
Barthol2 27 28 5 27 157
Barthol2 30 34 13 31 137
Barthol2 30 52 1 35 121
Barthol2 32 33 22 32 133
Barthol2 32 34 16 34 125
Barthol2 36 39 14 36 118
Barthol2 36 52 6 40 106
Barthol2 37 39 17 39 109
Barthol2 41 52 8 42 101
Barthol2 43 49 23 43 99
Barthol2 43 52 16 50 85
Barthol2 44 48 34 44 97
Barthol2 44 49 29 49 87
Barthol2 45 47 41 45 95
Barthol2 45 48 38 48 89
Barthol2 51 52 50 51 84
Scholl 3 4 1 4 17414
Scholl 3 51 0 5 13931
Scholl 6 51 1 8 8707
Scholl 6 7 2 7 9951
Scholl 9 20 5 9 7740
Scholl 9 51 2 21 3317
Scholl 10 20 5 10 6966
Scholl 11 20 5 12 5805
Scholl 13 14 9 14 4976
Scholl 13 20 5 15 4644
Scholl 16 17 9 16 4354
Scholl 16 20 5 18 3870
Scholl 19 20 5 20 3483
Scholl 22 26 12 23 3029
Scholl 22 28 5 27 2580
Scholl 22 30 3 29 2402
Scholl 22 51 2 31 2247
Scholl 24 26 17 24 2903
Scholl 25 26 20 25 2787
Scholl 32 35 8 33 2111
Scholl 32 40 5 36 1935
Scholl 32 51 [4,5] 36 1935
Scholl 34 35 11 34 2049
Scholl 37 40 16 37 1883
Scholl 38 39 37 38 1834
Scholl 38 40 25 40 1742
Scholl 42 51 23 42 1659
Scholl 44 45 41 44 1584
Scholl 44 48 35 46 1515
Scholl 44 51 35 46 1515
Scholl 47 48 41 48 1452
Scholl 50 51 45 50 1394
problems. Schriften zur Quantitativen Betriebswirtschaftslehre 16/93, TU Darmstadt.
sembly lines. 2nd ed., Physica, Heidelberg.

unknown. Therefore, interested researchers are asked for sending

n as they are found by any exact solution procedure. Please send
ph, the given cycle time and the minimal number of stations
tasks (in their numbering order) are assigned.

=[4,7]. The optimal idle time is 3 for the (m*,c*)-combination (4,10).

,7}, S4={8,9}

al (and feasible) the new optimal value will be added to the list

Solution due to Solution method

Dr. E. Falkenauer, Brussels Grouping GA
Dr. E. Falkenauer, Brussels Grouping GA

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