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The Root Locus Method

Upon completion of Chapter 7, students should:
Understand the powerful concept of the root locus and its
role in control system design.
Know how to obtain a root locus plot by sketching or using
Be familiar with the PID controller as a key element of many
feedback systems.
Recognize the role of root locus plots in parameter design
and system sensitivity analysis.
Be able to design controllers to meet desired specifications
using root locus methods.
7. The Root Locus Method
7.1 Introduction 444
7.2 The Root Locus Concept 444
7.3 The Root Locus Procedure 449
7.4 Parameter Design by the Root Locus Method 467
7.5 Sensitivity and the Root Locus 473 NO
7.6 PID Controllers 480 NO
7.7 Negative Gain Root Locus 492
7.8 Design Examples 496
7.9 The Root Locus Using Control Design Software 510 NO
7.10 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 516 NO
7.11 Summary 518
7.1 Introduccin
The relative stability and the transient performance of a
closed-loop control system are directly related to the
location of the closed-loop roots of the characteristic
equation in the s-plane.
The root locus technique is a graphical method for sketching
the locus of roots in the s-plane as a parameter is varied.
The root locus method provides graphical information, and
therefore an approximate sketch can be used to obtain
qualitative information concerning the stability and
performance of the system.
7.2 The Root Locus Concept

() () Characteristic
= = = equation
1 + () ()
180(2 + 1) = 0, 1, 2, 3,

180 + 360 = 0, 1, 2, 3,
7.3 The Root Locus Procedure
R(s) G(s) Y(s)
+ () () ()
= =
() 1 + () 1 + ()
Fig. 7.2
(1.a, 1.b) (2) Segments on the real-axis: 1

(1.d) n=2, M=0, SL (3)

(Separate Loci)= n=2
[0+ 2 ]
n = 2, M = 0, = =-1

= 0, 1

= 0, = 90; = 1, = 270;

(4) The locus do not cross the imaginary axis

5 = 2 2; = 0 = 2 2 = 1

(6) There is no complex poles
% fig7_2.m
clear all; close all; clc; s=tf('s');
G=1/s/(s+2); [R,K]=rlocus(G); rlocus(G)
Example 7.4 Fourth-order system
n=4, M=0, n-M-1=3, k=0, 1, 2, 3; K > 0 1.a


1.d n = 4 => four separate locis

1.e The root loci are symmetrical with respect
to the real axis.
2. A segment exists on the real axis between s=[0,4]
3. The angles and center of the asymptotes with
k=0, 1, 2, 3 are


> 0 => K < 568.89

5. The breakaway point is estimated

by evaluating K=p(s) from 4

= 4 3 + 36 2 +128s+128=0
roots([4 36 128 128]) =>
-3.7117 + 2.5533i; -3.7117 - 2.5533i;
6. Angle of locus departure from complex

% example7_4.m
clear all; close all; clc; s=tf('s');
G=1/(s^4+12*s^3+64*s^2+128*s); rlocus(G)
EXAMPLE 7.5 Automatic self-balancing scale

(1.a, b); n=3, M=2;

(1.c) See graph in the subsequent slide

(1.d) n=3: separated segments

(2.) One segment on the real axes to the left of the 3rd polo s=-8 3
[0+0+ 8 3 6.936.93 ]
(3) n = 3, M = 2, = = 0; = 0, = 180
(4.) Do not cross the imaginary axis. (5.) No breakpoint in the x-axis because the poles of
the origin must end in the complex zeros

(6.) Since the departure angle is 90 and of the arrival is 45, then, two segments of the
loci do not cross the imaginary axes. Poles of the origin must end at the zeros.
Therefore, the departure point is the origin.
% example7_4.m
clear all; close all; clc; s=tf('s');
G=(s+6.93+j*6.93)*(s+6.93-j*6.93)/s^2/ ...
(s+8*sqrt(3)); rlocus(G)
7.4 Parameter Design by the Root
Locus Method
Design amplifier gain and derivative feedback
gain 2 to satisfy the following specifications:
1.Steady-state error for a ramp input 35%
Example of input slope.
7.6: 2.Damping ratio of dominant roots 0.707
Welding 3.Settling time to within 2% of the final value
head 3 seconds.
This family of loci, often
called root contours
illustrates the effect of
and on the roots
of the characteristic
Equation of a system
7.6 Negative gain root locus
EXAMPLE 7.12 Negative gain root locus

n=2, M=1, n-M=1,

z1=20, p1=5, p2=-10


% example7_12.m
clear all; close all; clc;
7.7 Design examples
(Use of rlocus, rlocfind, residue)
% rlocus1.m
p1=[1 1]; q1=[1 5 6 0]; sys=tf(p1,q1);
[r1,K1]=rlocus(sys); % ROOTS r1 AND GAINS K1
% SELECTED: -2.0450 + 4.3478i ==> K = 20.7971
% E.C.: s(s+2)(s+3)+K(s+1)=[1 5 (6+K) K]=0
K=20.7971; r2=roots([1 5 (6+K) K]);
% r2 =
% -2.0500 + 4.3479i
% -2.0500 - 4.3479i
% -0.9000
num = K*[1 4 3]; den = [1 5 (6+K) K 0];
% num = [20.7971 83.1884 62.3913];
% den = [1.0000 5.0000 26.7971 20.7971 0]
% -1.3801 - 1.7161i
% -1.3801 + 1.7161i
% -0.2398
% 3.0000
% -2.0500 + 4.3479i
% -2.0500 - 4.3479i
% -0.9000
% 0
% []
Z = K*[1 4 3]; P =[1 5 (6+K) K];
sysT=tf(Z,P); figure(2), step(sysT)
% numo=[-0.0 20.7971 83.1884 62.3913]
% deno=[1.0 5.0000 26.7971 20.7971 0]
Disk drive
read system

n=3, M=1, n-M-1=1, k=0,1

EXAMPLE = 5, K = 7200
7.13 Wind

The root locus method is a tool for designing
compensator parameters according to the
requirements of the specifications .
There are two ways to trace the root locus.
One for 0 < K < and another for - < K < 0.
The root locus is also used to design control
systems with sensitive parameters.
Design examples were developed without and
with the support of specialized software.
[1] Dorf, R. C. y Bishop, R. H., Sistemas de Control
Moderno, 12th Edition, Pearson Education,2010.

7.1 Introduction 444

7.2 The Root Locus Concept 444
7.3 The Root Locus Procedure 449
7.4 Parameter Design by the Root Locus Method 467
7.5 Sensitivity and the Root Locus 473 NO
7.6 PID Controllers 480 NO
7.7 Negative Gain Root Locus 492
7.8 Design Examples 496
7.9 The Root Locus Using Control Design Software 510 NO
7.10 Sequential Design Example: Disk Drive Read System 516 NO
7.11 Summary 518

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