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Wet storage stain (White rust)

What is Wet storage stain?

Wet storage stain, also known as white rust, is the voluminous white or gray deposit formed by
accelerated corrosion of the zinc coating when closely-packed, newly-galvanized articles are
stored or shipped under damp and poorly ventilated conditions. It is found most often on stacked
and bundled items, such as galvanized sheets, plates, angles, bars, and pipe.

What the BS EN ISO 1461:2009 standard says about Wet storage stain?

The development of wet storage staining, primarily basic Zinc Oxide (formed during storage in
humid conditions after hot dip galvanizing), shall not be a cause for rejection, providing the
coating thickness remains above the specified minimum value.

Normally light or medium wet storage stain disappears after some time but heavy wet storage
stain may not be disappeared and may cause harm to the article.
Chemistry of Wet storage staining

1. Normally outermost layer of a hot dip galvanized article is pure Zinc.

2. During weathering process (this begins soon after the item has withdrawn from the Zinc
bath), some portion of this Zinc first reacts with atmospheric oxygen and forms Zinc
3. Then both Zinc and Zinc oxide react with atmospheric Carbon dioxide and forms Zinc
carbonate. This Zinc carbonate is a protective layer for the galvanize coating.
4. When galvanized articles are closely packed, deprived of freely moving air and exposed
to moisture, Zinc molecules do not have enough Oxygen and Carbon dioxide to form
Zinc oxide and Zinc Carbonate.


High Oxygen Low Oxygen

5. The zinc surface near the middle of the water film gets a different supply of oxygen than
does the zinc surface at the periphery of the film. This difference in turn sets up a
difference in the electrolytic potential of the zinc. The central area becomes anodic and
the edge area becomes cathodic.

Cathodic Reaction: O2 + 4e- + 2H2O 4OH-

Anodic Reaction: Zn Zn + 2e-

6. According to the above reaction, Zinc molecules constantly react with OH - and form Zinc
7. This Zinc Hydroxide is the white powder (white rust) and does not act as a protective
8. The extent of the damage by wet storage stain depends on the duration of exposure to
retained moisture and the environment. The attack is accelerated when the retained
moisture contains chlorides from sea water and sulfur compounds from industrial

Reasons for wet storage staining and acceleration of Wet storage staining
1. Stacking of incompletely dried articles after quenching
This allows high conductivity water to trap between articles.
2. Direct exposure of galvanized articles to rain or condensation.
This also allows water and moisture to trap between articles.
3. Close packing of articles.
This will not allow air to flow through articles and therefore reduce oxygen and
carbon dioxide levels. Close packing can result in moisture being retained by
capillary action between the surfaces in contact because drying is delayed by the
lack of circulating air.
4. High conductivity in quenching water (due to dissolved flux residues).
This will increase the rate of formation of white rust if items are packed before
5. Flux residues on galvanized articles
These are also increase the rate of formation of white rust due to increase of ionic
nature of retained water.

How to remove wet storage stain

Deposits can be removed by brushing with a stiff bristle (not wire) brush. This allows for the
formation of the protective zinc carbonate film.

Wet storage staining of items galvanized by LTL Galvanizers (Pvt) Ltd.

Normally we observe wet storage staining on plates and angles. But all of these stains are low or
medium scale and we have never observed extensive wet storage staining.

Ampara sub-station

However for the prevention of even light or medium white rust in future we have taken several
actions as mentioned below.
Habarana Walachchenei line Polonnaruwa sub-station
Actions taken/to be taken to prevent the formation of wet storage stain

1. LTL Galvanizers use a passivation chemical (sodium dichromate) for the prevention of
white rust. However articles dip in this passivation chemical after quenching and
therefore the article will not dry quickly. To prevent that we are looking for the heating of
passivation chemical by using waste heat. Also articles will be allowed for drying in air
prior to packing.
2. Exposure of galvanized articles to rain is difficult to avoid, however inclination of
stacked bundles will be done to prevent collection of water on articles. Also a hut will be
constructed to store galvanized tower parts.

3. Articles will be packed as the air can flow through easily. For that currently we use mac-
foam but in future a better spacer will be used.

4. Quenching water conductivity/ dissolved solids/ color will be measured and if one of
those parameters is in extreme level water will be changed. Also periodic renewal of
quenching water will be done.
5. Ash deposits on articles will be removed prior to stacking.

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