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Beware Happenstance of the Savage Beasts

Mother Nature and Inherent Bias

Cause and Effect

And Jesus said to his father “Get me the hell out of here” with an honourable
exit Good Friday came to pass with the promise he would return.

I recently overheard Jesus say “No way dad, you screwed up again” I’m not
going back until you fix the data retrieval system between the operation
system and work table.

I will wait till they finish themselves off and test your updated version.

Humankind born of magnificent brain and body with natural inherent bias innocent and
empty mind through Trial and Error induced by the progressive nature of thought and
reason from a babbling crawl, stand, walk and finally to a run without the exercise of
thought and reason begin their journey of what’s in it for me

551 BC – 479 BC

Born to poverty world

renowned for his
wisdom rose to dine
with kings who knew
well of which he wrote
and spoke apparently
sufficient to eat well 1
The resolve to any problem must be attentive to priority one to recognize that there is a
problem and most often simultaneously identify it.

Confucius has done this for us 2500 years ago yet the problem remains the same

So who else is there?

“Do not impose on others what you would not wish

for yourself”

“Recompense injury with justice and recompense

kindness with kindness”


“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

The Roman Catholic Church claiming to be the founders of Christianity back to the days
of Jesus would know he never wore a sword and shared a few loaves of bread among the
masses as Christians were fed to the lions.

They were there to “the Spirit of Jesus” could not be killed with the body recognizing the
power over the masses determined to put on the façade they had converted now
understanding humanity and gained power over the people like never before.

The Pope now able to incite “Onward Christian Soldiers Marching as to War” in the 11 th
century Christian Crusades proclaiming in the Spirit of Jesus who I reiterate never picked
up a sword advanced their empire in the same way Romans did.

1. Member of Roman Catholic religious order

A member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic religious order engaged in

missionary and educational work worldwide. The order was founded by Saint Ignatius
Loyola in 1534 with the objective of defending Catholicism against the Reformation.

2. Offensive Term

An offensive term for somebody regarded as crafty or scheming, especially somebody

who uses deliberately ambiguous or confusing words to deceive others

In 1492 Christopher Columbus in the same spirit discovered America addressing personal
interest in of and with the Spirit of the Roman Empire active in the Slave Trade whereas
his share was all he could carry and the rest belonged to them in of and with the Spirit of
the Roman Empire where power goes to them with the wealth to enslave and with the
advent of the recognition of the Pen Mightier than the Sword the powers assigned their
people as authority of jurisdiction.
The hierarchy of State and Church with minds akin as history attests the Sword used in
last resort when failure to grasp the mind, the minds of the populace in its entirety results
in the relatively few storming the castles in protest intent on making the truth be known

An improbability of them whose minds have been securely captured seeing “How it is” as
it is supposed to be, precisely they way of them of the 10% wealthy had the power to
design it having gained the power of wealth in obvious similar way.

Stealing it of course, first by Sword and Pen that through the natural progression of
thought and reason in possession of both reversed the apparent order of power to that of
the Pen Mightier than the Sword addressed to the masses that think with their asses
shitting upon their heads

So now the world was round

17th Century Thirty Year War

Roman Catholics and Protestants major inciters

I tend to think the Protestants were the good guys that their name was derived from their
persistence to Protest the RCC … but we shall see

Then of course we had World War I and II working on III

The Bilderberg New World Order

It seems 100 of the most affluent and influential have been conspiring in the normal
progression of thought and reason to be sole owners in control of the world that began
with the last financial crisis.

Wonder where all the money went!!!

I am thinking in numbered accounts like the one Brian Mulroney used

Have you noticed the humongously expensive façade the 80% majority finance to be sure
their Charter rights are protected while the 10% wealthy persist to ransack them just
playing their part in the insanity of humankind

Where oh were can the answer be to the end of the “Struggle of Humankind”
The answer to the question consistently begged remains consistently where it has always
been that which remains to haunt the undaunted of the 90% majority the persistent slave
to their inherent bias consistent with the natural flow of things where happenstance is the
reality consistent with Mother Nature assuredly all as much of Mother Nature boiled
from the stew of the pot we all exist piss and shit in do our equal share in proportionate
measures with at best like the weather can be observed and must be seen to track it.

It is all parts and parcel of our creator EARTH, provider and possessor of all knowledge.

It is the power of belief that left the aboriginals of the Americas separated from them of
the Eastern Hemisphere in a world apparently persistently believed flat through the eons
of lost civilizations and the advantages knowledge brings to know they existed with
weapons to defend from each other due the obvious ignorance of the thing that has
forever blown in the wind grasped by Confucius and Jesus separated by 500 years of
chaotic existence where Truth is spiked to a cross with engraving power that once
observed the people will know they may think as they like and best do with the power of
might for he that holds the pen also holds the sword of empowerment.

So Mother Nature tell me “How it is” today with Haiti almost a lost civilization as the
Aztecs and the Roman Empire yet “Its Spirit flows today side by side with “the Spirit of
Jesus” they could not kill and in fact their way causes “the Spirit” to grow assuredly a
most frightful thing to them “the Scariest of All” with no place to hide and no desire to
be underground so what a predicament until they cloaked themselves with “the Spirit of
Jesus” retaining the “Throne from which their Shit is Thrown”

unobserved by the naked eye attached to an innocent empty mind.

It is them of parental guidance of the masses of asses that will not think outside the box
with knowledge gained, that use the knowledge gained as children would while their
parents protect them from the realities that only truth can convey.

Censorship perhaps a good thing if the intention is to eradicate that which needs to be
censored by the time they are reared able to begin their generation in an atmosphere
conducive to HOE, but instead all they learn is how to avoid punishment without the
understanding of Y a constant that must be solidly embedded in mind prior to
introduction to the working world which the 10% wealthy have monopolized.

It is the way of the inherent bias left uncontrolled where from the Upper Tier the 10%
present wealthy, where there surely is “Honour among Thieves” as long as they are all
reigned in, an improbability of the Darkness that surrounds them where they are most
comfortable and do their evil scheming for presentations orchestrated in broad day-light.

Even they have lost grasp of their faculties acquiesced over time as they have come to
believe their shit does not stink that would immediately nauseate an outsider of different
planet but not we in it over our heads

We observe them assigned as Maestros to orchestrate the song and dance to waltz us
about the floor, but who owns the stage, props and the floor we dance upon obviously

Who are the hundred most affluent and influential of the Bilderberg New World Order
that assuredly promise more of the same in expansion of greed, but ultimately the
advantages decreasing to fewer that will invariably incite the rationale of the persistent
irrational as them seeing they are being left behind will do the same they are accustomed
to know well while they still have influence with the media must gather strength in
numbers with only befuddled minds to address each with eyes and ears open attentive to
the interests of their inherent bias beast.

Never ever to make the connection the inherent bias beast exists within us all attached to
the promise of HOE of unique individual perception of given time and place an
imaginary space conjured of limited knowledge where all must be receptive that is the
Impossible Dream of unique perception.

Assuredly one who makes the effort to sell their unique perception must entice the unique
perceptions of a multitude of others where obviously as reality attests they bring to the
table a bowl of shit from the bottomless pit of the dark hole abyss where the crap is ladled
from wrapped in fine package seemingly fresh topped with the trappings of the day.
It comes down to this where our bias nature is inherent and the bias beast inevitable of
appropriate happenstance consistent with that of Mother Nature that is the phenomenon
of natural conditions capable of the wrath upon Haiti and the bombing of Hiroshima

One must ask why our minds are so seriously screwed up unable to think as individual’s
attentive to our own inherent bias needs for assuredly bias was assigned to each of us at
birth for our use, being that which causes us to get out of crib, crawl, stand, walk and
finally a run without the exercise of thought.

It is the reality of habit engrained in the brain as programmed to be user friendly

Each person provided one of their own, but traditionally take the path most travelled
filling it with programs designed by others able to do no more than what it is designed
where most often is the case it will not do precisely what one wants it to do with the only
recourse to get familiar with the thing and by the use of the web with which can be easily
connected someday a genius often portrayed to be one that straddles or borders insanity
as I paraphrase having no recall of the phrase commonly used, whereas the advancement
of all interests is founded on the progressive nature of thought and reason with no way
other than Trial and Error that someday if not for the reality of the thing we would know
the truth as to which side of the line the purported to be genius was on when he or she
confirms with touch of a button that may have just enough time to say

My what an magnificent imbecile I wa………………..

AAA has the answer to the cure as one must first realize there is a problem when

A little learning is a dangerous thing;

Drink deep and taste not the Pierian spring;
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain”
And drinking largely sobers us again.

Alexander Pope 1688 – 1744

And the bars were filled to overflowing

Mother Nature is not responsible for the damage she seems to cause or is she entitled to
appreciation for the beautiful days she seems to provides us.

The rain that is always there for the grass and crops to grow taken for granted until the
drought when begging and praying inanely begins for she hears, sees and speaks naught
and only when conditions meet her terms will she succumb to our needs.

It is the way it has always been as it is with nature pertinent and part and parcel to
humankind with our nature the same as Cause and Effect persists of happenstance
whereas as surely as the weather person can study the relative entities of nature so can be
done of the inherent bias beast within us all.

I personally do not know how well advance they were in days of the ancient Confucius
who is with us today in spirit as he was then when in person who had obviously given
serious thought to the thing that we at 5 prior to the first day of school know well of as
“the Spirit of the Golden Rule” whether or not we know by words or whether or not God
exists that is irrelevant whether or not one believes He exists for our safety and well
being is dependent on everyone being in, of and with “the Spirit of Golden Rule”

Clearly we are aware that God will not intervene with our inherent bias any more than He
will with Mother Nature.

Them that believe he had a score to settle with the impoverished Haiti need serious
mental attention as do all with racism thoughts for persons react to conditions with
inherent bias a natural of defensive and offensive persuasion attached to provide and look
after oneself which is assuredly a most onerous and formidable task alone that we
recognize the structure of the tallest building can reach far into the sky by working
together with particular attention to the foundation it sprouted from.

Evert particle from bottom to top grains of irrefutable truth of innumerable properties
associated with each entity side by side in continuity lateral and altitudinal in continuity
for specific purpose for the use and benefit of humankind.

It is only by observation of EARTH our creator and provider the possessor of all
knowledge that we individually extract a minute portion catering to the interests of our
inherent bias. 10
It is the absorption of knowledge by us all catering to our interests that when orchestrated
brought together in harmony the sky is not the limit to which we can build and EARTH
far from the maximum we can destroy

It is the bias beast that would take freely from unpretentious EARTH and blow it up.

It is the bias beast that knows well of the advantages of the natural progression of thought
and reason to advance quality of life that which we all desire and aspire to in compromise
of effort willing to exert

An individual luck enough to love the work attached to career either chosen or of what is
available will decidedly perform more successfully and rewarding having the best life has
to offer with them not so lucky due to happenstance that could very well consist of
innumerable unfortunate conditions with the most obvious that can be observed of them
born to poverty never likely no matter how much effort applied to reach the bottom step
of an individual that first began to crawl in the Upper Tier as they stand and run with
nothing in their way to a promising quality of life having it from the onset.

Them from the cellar of the Lower Tier will excel the same from a crawl, stand, walk and
run tall, but to where as they regress to the reality of hopelessness and despair in a crawl
with no map down a woven web of deceit others before weaved a maze to be ventured
the long long road to HOE behind every door innumerable more as many as they care to
venture to the dead end being just “How it is” with the populace of the belief that “How it
is” is precisely “How it is supposed to be”

This one can confirm with the intelligent wealthy and the hierarchy of State and Church
that have designed the system that way.

The Wolves in Sheep clothing the Devil’s disciples Charlatan’s in the façade of “the
Spirit of Jesus” having killed the only pertinent witness spiking him to a cross.

It is the hierarchy of State that flaunt the American Dream and the piety that point to the
Pie in the Sky that one must discover on the streets the dead ends deliberately placed.

It is when the workers that erected the tall buildings high into the sky with perfections of
learned truths view from the bottom them at the top with the wealth yet did not lift a brick
or brush a dab of paint realize the sanity that ain’t
Jonathan Swainger

It is the knowing that British Columbia history professor Jonathan Swainger is well
aware of the conspiracy that guarantees democratic government success by deceiving the
people having them believe they have a voice and that the representatives are the people.

It is the knowing that he is highly respected in the field as history associated with the
political world is taught in University as acceptable to bullshit for the greater good and
success of the government and of course their careers.

The mafia used to have to pick up their knowledge and associates on the streets or in jail

Jonathan has been on my GLIST for 2 or 3 years now but he is not interested in
From: Jonathan Swainger []
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 9:32 AM
To: Frank Gallagher
Subject: Not read: FW: Copy of: God or Dog?

Your message was deleted without being read on Tuesday, March 16, 2010
6:31:43 AM (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
When one considers opening a business there are many things to consider and
assuredly is there a market for it?

How much income will it have and what are the costs of doing business with of
course the human element most pertinent to address that must be considered in
harmony with all the rest.

When all is said and done If the populace cannot afford it then back to the
drawing board.

When one gets greedy attentive to inherent bias where they price whatever the
market can bear on products that become necessity of life such as automobiles,
food, shelter, clothing … TV generally a must have with computers and associate
entities rapidly becoming necessities of the urban scene that permits Bill what his
name to suck 40 billion from the economy while poverty is left unmanaged we
have an insanity conducive to the ideology of the Law Society of Upper Canada
that thrives on such an environment expanding their industry sucking money from
the Legal Aid kitty filled to overflowing by the 80% majority at the expense of their
quality of life never had … always been the same thus never missed and difficult
to prove it was stolen.

However when it comes to the people’s government/legal system a series of

corporations financed by the taxpayer with the Corporations not contributing their
fair share the reality is the 80% majority take the brunt of all the woes that the
10% minority only suck the benefits with in fact the corporate world in control of
the political/legal system as we are well aware as they select the puppets to run
for leadership of whatever political party all willing participating understanding the
Edmund Morgan assertion being obviously Criminal Frauds gaining positions
under false pretence to mind the company store owned by the taxpayer that
finance the entire overhead that they consistently mortgage to provide
themselves and staff a higher wage and benefits than the economy can afford
obvious because the private sector industry where the money comes from are
not paid near as well for much greater effort where responsible, competent and
irreproachable staff are required for purpose employed that ultimately must show
a profit or out the door.

One must never lose touch with reality, however it is already up and running
when we are born due others pleasures with no option of our own as to where we
will be born, what we will look like, what language we will speak and whether or
not we would like to be born.

Of course at that time with magnificent body and brain with no mind I doubt we
could make a coherent decision any more than we can as adults without

pertinent information of decisions to be made.

I manager of the Force…Charter Democracy Force on June 30 2005 by chance
through the realities of happenstance had cause to address the purported to be
legal system of the province of Ontario administered by the Attorney General
then Michael Bryant that must be administered consistent with the Canadian

The supreme law of Canada with the provisions of the Charter that guarantees
every individual will be equally governed, protected and benefitted by obviously
the prerequisite unbiased competent responsible and irreproachable staff
financed by the taxpayer in trust they will do so with fortitude and conviction
ensuring the modus operandi can bear the test of due diligence adept to the
challenge, that assuredly means maintaining consistency with the Constitution in
continuity throughout with any obstructions or ambiguity immediately attended to
the certainty of the sanctity of the Constitution.

Constitution Act, 1982: Document

Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize
the supremacy of God and the Rule of Law

It is a reasonable presumption that the Constitution: Establishment would

have principles and recognize the supremacy of God and the Rule of Law

The following was extracted from the Law Society of Upper Canada - Lawyers Rules of
103) Interpretation
(f) rules of professional conduct cannot address every situation, and a lawyer should
observe the rules in the spirit as well as in the letter.

So we see they recognize the existence of “the Spirit of the Law” but not its

They seem to have great difficulty with words even though they make great effort
selecting them due their deceptive nature prerequisite to manipulate illegitimate
laws and orchestrate performances for the befuddling of the minds of the people.

Hardly difficult to do having their trust and money while they venture careers in
other fields of endeavour presuming the government personnel exist in similar
working world where competence and responsibility are prerequisite to
advancement of quality of life.
It is the presumption thing that goes awry in the hands of charlatans that are
particularly good at deception, prevarication, manipulation and orchestration
prerequisite to being referred to as charlatans that they prefer to use the word
Politician that is not so obvious as you would have to observe them to relate.

But they are the ones that tell us of the Lower Tier from their perch in the Upper
Tier where the money is that assuredly there is no 2 TIER system

They use the word “Threshold” a sliding scale used in many places, one that
separates the 80% majority from their equal rights granted in Perpetual
Possessory Title

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the
equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in
particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour,
religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been
infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such
remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances.

Only if they can afford the exorbitant fees of their extortionist private sector
lawyer to debate due the loopholes of ambiguity and inconsistencies with the
Constitution of the government sector lawyer deliberately placed illegitimate laws
that keep both sectors busy in a thriving industry that progressively expands due
their willful negligence to the Constitution and the 90% majority attentive to their
14Money24Show scam the epitome of mafia syndication with the entire system
in their pockets.

They even have the RCMP stolen from the people by Brian Mulroney that Brown
of the Task Force initiated by former Minister of Safety Stockwell Day when a link
to the DOJ was exposed by the Standing Committee on Public Accounts and a
Public Inquiry was warranted but were ordered to sit that must have been quite
discerning for the Standing Committee.

Brown blamed the management chaos of the RCMP on Zack as they have had it
in for him ever since his public announcement September 13 2000 reported by
the North Shore News that he was no Political Patsy informing organized crime
was moving into government.

Poor Zack forgot his basic training fundamental to a successful career with the
government organized crime as York Regional Police Inspector Michael Fleming
informed me when we met to further discuss the Criminal Fraud committed
against me June 30 2005 in a court of law administered by the Attorney General
then Michael Bryant witnessed documented and recorded by the court.
YRP Inspector Michael Fleming informed me immediately when we met after
reviewing the evidence that he had no doubt that Don Wilson was a conman and
had committed Criminal Fraud but not in the eyes of the court .that caused my
immediate retort … “doesn’t make sense” to which with a giggle replied “I know,
but we learn early in our careers that the law has nothing to do with common

Well that was absolutely consistent with everything I had observed, a profound
consistency such as the episode I had with the Law Society of Upper Canada
regarding an entirely different matter that commenced about late June …early
July 2006.

After months of refusing to accept their decision finally they either stated or
implied in response to my complaint that their members are not required to give a
damn about guaranteed individual equal rights blatantly stating their only
obligation is to vigorously advance the interests of their clients.

In later writing stated that their mandate (administered by the Attorney General)
does not require them to look at evidence when it is against their members.

It took them 2 months before they responded to the original complaint which I
had to nudge them to do so, when one would have to wonder why it would take
so long to find their member innocent when he was innocent by default from the

On November 2 2007 Minister of Public Safety then Stockwell Day chose to

respond finally to an e-mail I wrote in July most likely inspired by the one I wrote
October 9 2007 that he ignored, but he wrote of the RCMP Task Force and how
intent they were on Transparency and Accountability (What they are using in lieu
of (BENEVOLENCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS and MORALITY), the faith he had in
Brown and the Task Force and rightly so as the link to the DOJ vanished and
Zack was defamed taking the blame for the absurdity they call the RCMP

Stockwell went on to state that he was responsible to the people and Parliament
for the actions of the RCMP, but of course this is not what was in the Task Force
Report that came out on or about December 24 2007.

On November 8 2007 I filed with the Commission for Public Complaints against
the RCMP for refusing to investigate the corruption and conspiracy of the
government organized crime already having a prodigious amount of irrefutable
evidence that the RCMP hierarchy were major players.

The Commission immediately sent the evidence to the office of the RCMP

Commissioner groomed by the conspirators to replace Zack to have complete

control over the RCMP completing the final phase initiated by Brian Mulroney.
Of course I knew what the outcome would be and contrary to their ideology that
only works when you are on the inside I knew I had to have an abundance of
irrefutable evidence that simply is no problem as ever thing they do is evidence
of their modus operandi in real life documented in real time providing me a
humongous pile of genuine shit.

On September 3 2008 Superintendent Robert Davis RCMP District Commander

of the GTA signed the RCMP Final Letter of Disposition that he states though I
had provided hundreds of pages of documents he chose to ignore them
demonstrating their diversionary tactics to find the RCMP innocent of refusing to
investigate organized crime corruption and conspiracy.

I do not imagine anyone has ever accused of them of being particularly brilliant,
not prerequisite of an entire system fixed to protect them from the people while
they ransack the 90% majority and the 80% fund their ventures into the poverty
sector forever expanding industry where hopelessness and despair breeds
amoral inclination advances to criminal persuasion that leave innumerable
victims in their wake before an individual surfaces that can afford and is willing to
pay the illegitimate private sector lawyer’s extortion fees without benefit of the
cops who only serve them that meet the upper “Threshold” terminology where
there is no 2 Tier system which you can get from the horse’s mouth the utmost
authority Attorney General or his Crown Attorney’s who the police consult for
advice that doesn’y make any sense at lower level until experienced and
rewarded through promotion being quite an achievement to learn the law
discarding the common sense that I use to make learning easier.

It is the obviousness of an illegitimate hierarchy that state Bribery is okay as are

numbered accounts to stash the loot ransacked from society.

Brian Mulroney is a Prime example of lawyers infesting the people’s political/legal

system infesting and investing the corporate world where assuredly it is great
benefit to them with money to invest for tax evasion obviously not accessible to
us with no money to invest by the time they tax us, their friends charge us
interest on our necessities because we are not paid fairly yet they understand the
concept when it comes to dishing out the wages and benefits to government
personnel with artistic approach of Charlatan’s when penning job specifications
that of course being managers must be enormously special warranting
extravagantly more.

So as they do their diversionary tactic as to whether or not particular incidences

happened before or after a certain date that is irrelevant in the whole scheme of
things because he was bribed for his influential position with the government
hierarchy and his know how for the ins and outs to get desires of the armament

conglomeration attended to having a preponderance of what is relatively pocket

change to their draw back when wars are initiated in particular with the entire

government in on the take providing them a vested interest to do so the same as

they permit the oil companies to gouge us gaining twofold personally and more
tax revenue.

They cater to the corporate world having a vested interest to do so assuredly

twofold again having the money to invest by tax write- offs while shoring up the
finances of the companies they invest in.

They use the influence gained in trust as the people’s representatives being privy
to the people’s government business and of course well aware of the illegitimate
laws to take advantage providing them the odds of being caught and what the
costs may be should they be brought to attention and of course with them all a
vested interested in the corporate world most difficult for an individual or even a
class action suit to thrive to fruition.

They use the taxpayer’s money to furnish a report when they venture to fill the
illegitimate Legal Aid system to overflowing looking for a 50% raise for the fine
job they did bankrupting the country putting more people in the impoverished
sector that they rely on our empathy to aid in their smoothing over their
ransacking, but then ignore the reports that substantially tell them they are
illegitimate as they express concern for every individual to have equal access to
the courts and professional counsel ignoring the fact that the majority of the 80%
majority cannot afford access either

By law every individual is entitled through the tax system as well as they are all
entitled to a legitimate legal system adept to efficient effective administration
consistent with the Constitution that equally governs, protects and benefits every
individual and we will have that legal system while getting the people’s money
back by suing their Dumb Bi Asses.

Everything stated is well documented on the Charter Democracy Force web site and affiliate sites.

The Catholic and Protestant churches have been provided the opportunity to
intervene on behalf of the people to demonstrate who they were fighting for in the
Thirty Year War that damn near annihilated Europe

I wonder how much gold they have buried in numbered accounts.

That is why the police must get a warrant from the hierarchy of State before they
can search person or property that also aids the public sector criminal’s flight
form justice.

Lawyers need criminals so simply get rid of them and let the police do their jobs.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General
Published on the Ontario web site

An important part of the Crown's - and thus the Attorney General's - responsibility
in conducting criminal prosecutions is associated with the responsibility to
represent the public interest - which includes not only the community as a
whole and the victim, but also the accused.

Is there anyone else?

Why does the Attorney General send me to an extortionists I cannot afford and
am not required to by law because the taxpayer has paid him to administer
justice consistent with the Constitution that equally governs, protects and benefits
us all when he is legitimate.

Every individual is presumed to be of the status of the presumption of innocent in

absence of evidence to suggest otherwise and when such evidence is presented
to the police they must thoroughly investigate unobstructed for all pertinent
evidence and must be held responsible to do so as justice is impossible without
all pertinent evidence.

A person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt that is

assuredly the responsibility of the Attorney General purportedly the wild card in
the legal system independent of Cabinet or partisan influence while being a
political representative appointed by the Premier or Prime Minister whereas the
evidence of the BULL SHIT is endless.

The Crown has a distinct responsibility to the court to present all the
credible evidence available.

This is consistent with the Constitution as is the aforementioned while on one

hand they obstruct with warrants informing the criminal element they do not have
to speak without the benefit of another criminal to represent them aware of all the
legitimate ways deliberately placed to give them a decent chance to elude the
justice required of the Constitution while providing them a thriving luxurious
business at the expense of the taxpayer, the individual and society as a whole.

When court commences all persons are presumed innocent with an alleged legal
system personnel, an alleged victim and an alleged accused.

So the Prosecutor acts on behalf of the illegitimate alleged legal system that the
people are led to believe act on their behalf with priority one to determine the

truth that they are well documented to not allow pertinent evidence in the court,
especially evidence against themselves.
Where is the Defender Crown Attorney?
The alleged Legal Aid system provides the least experienced lawyer to protect
the alleged accused.
Then the taxpayer that does not meet the Upper “Threshold” to have the police
investigate and file the charges that also do not meet the Lower “Threshold” for
Legal Aid must take on the entire illegitimate system his or her self.

Then they have a law if evidence wasn’t legitimately collected by the police …
being an impossibility without obstructing the police.

Decidedly 2 faced bald faced snakes that communicate with forked tongue
certain no individual of the private sector can read and think at the same time as I
also drink coffee and smoke a cigarette at the same time in the same mouthful
with the word think..

Well they allow the cigarette companies to addict me, the credit card companies
to gouge and themselves to ransack the 90% majority as a way of luxurious
wealth and power the people cannot afford of their government for them to use
as theirs refusing their obligations seriously undermining the sanctity of the
Constitution to meaningless

It is now an accepted and important constitutional principle that the Attorney

General must carry out the Minister's criminal prosecution responsibilities
independent of Cabinet and of any partisan political pressures. The Attorney
General's responsibility for individual criminal prosecutions must be undertaken -
and seen to be undertaken - on strictly objective and legal criteria, free of any
political considerations. Whether to initiate or stay a criminal proceeding is not an
issue of government policy. This responsibility has been characterized as a
matter of the Attorney General acting as the Queen's Attorney - not as a Minister
of the government of the day.

Why would anyone have the right to intervene in a prosecution of the courts
where reasonable evidence has already been provided to the police?
The Attorney General has broad responsibilities associated with Government legislation.
These responsibilities have been described as twofold. One is to oversee that all
legislative enactments are in accordance with principles of natural justice and civil
rights (see also s. 5(b) above). This is obviously an important and broad area of
responsibility. The second aspect of this responsibility is to advise on the
constitutionality and legality of legislation.

The Attorney General is the chief law officer of the Executive Council. The
responsibilities stemming from this role are unlike those of any other Cabinet member.
The role has been referred to as "judicial-like" and as the "guardian of the public

Would judicial Like be anything like Tyranny or Dictatorship?

Are the laws not clear as they must be to ensure justice?

Of course they are not, not being their intention as they set up shop with the
taxpayer’s money 14Money24Show having gained their positions as Criminal
Frauds with no due legitimate process to punish them to make them legal

A key component of the Attorney General's responsibilities to ensure the

administration of justice in the province is the administration of the courts and as a
result the responsibility for maintaining liaison with the judiciary.

Given the fundamental importance of the independence of the judiciary, the responsibility
for courts administration is often a very sensitive and delicate issue. Great care and
respect for the principles of judicial independence must be exercised in this area.

The Attorney General administers the entire system but must maintain respect for the
principles of judicial independence with no comprehension of principles or justice!!!

In addition to the specific responsibilities to conduct civil litigation on behalf of the

Government and its agencies (s. 5(h)), the Attorney General has broader litigation
responsibilities flowing from the historical powers of the Attorney General referred to in
s. 5(d) of the Act. These powers are based on the Crown's parens patriae (parental)
authority. The Attorney General's authority, therefore, is not only to conduct litigation
in cases directly affecting the government or its agencies but also to litigate cases
where there is a clear matter of public interest or public rights at stake.

This has been characterized as a constitutional responsibility to ensure that the public
interest is well and independently represented. It may involve interventions in
private litigation or Charter challenges to legislation, even if the arguments
conclude that the legislation does contravene constitutionally protected rights.
The Attorney General does not, however, direct or cause charges to be laid. While the
Attorney General and the Attorney General's agents may provide legal advice to the
police, the ultimate decision whether or not to lay charges is for the police. Once the
charge is laid the decision as to whether the prosecution should proceed, and in what
manner, is for the Attorney General and the Crown Attorney.

The police go to them for advice and know that if they file charges against their
advice, they have the right not to proceed anyway and of course the cop’s career
is gone with the wind where someday it may catch up with the justice they
discarded before it began.

The Attorney General has a special role to play in advising Cabinet to ensure the rule of
law is maintained and that Cabinet actions are legally and constitutionally valid.

The responsibility is to present the case fairly - not necessarily to convict. This is a
fundamental precept of criminal law, even if it is not a particularly well-understood
concept among the general public. One of the Attorney General's responsibilities in
fostering public respect for the rule of law, is to assist the public in understanding the
nature and limits of the prosecutorial function.

This is why the Attorney General must be highly experienced in Charlatanism

The Rule of Law (From the Wikipedia)

The Rule of law in its most basic form is no one is above the law.
Perhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that
governmental authority is legitimately exercised only in accordance with, publicly
disclosed laws, adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps
that are referred to as due process.
The rule of law is hostile to dictatorship and to anarchy.
According to modern Anglo-American thinking, hallmarks of adherence to the rule of law
commonly include a clear separation of powers, legal certainty, the principle of
legitimate expectation and equality of all before the law.

The concept is not without controversy, and it has been said that "the phrase the rule
of law has become meaningless thanks to ideological abuse and general over- use"

publicly disclosed laws


52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the
inconsistency, of no force or effect.

The Wikipedia has it partially right, however the Rule of Law and due process are
the catalyst to eradicate the less than meaningless scum of the earth and replace
with decent legitimate humans that understand what is and what is not receptive
to a fellow human.

I have reasonable credentials to prove I am of the human race.

As chief law officer, the Attorney General has a special responsibility to be the guardian
of that most elusive concept - the rule of law. The rule of law is a well established legal
principle, but hard to easily define. It is the rule of law that protects individuals, and
society as a whole, from arbitrary measures and safeguards personal liberties.

Strange that the Rule of Law would be that most elusive concept hard to easily
define to the “Learned and Honorable” professionals of the Law Society of Upper
Canada unless you consider that they do not feel required to give a damn about
every individual’s equally guaranteed Charter rights and not look at evidence
against them being why they do not let it get into court I would think.

How can they possibly consistently equally protect every individual as

guaranteed while being equally CHARLATAN ASSHOLES convincingly thrusting
themselves on their own pens eluding the IDES proving they are all convicted to
the conspiracy and thus convicted with Good Friday coming up to spike them to
the cross as Jesus rises on Monday with his spirit blowing in the wind finally
grasped by all.

Yes it is the God damned punishment factor that makes it work

Ultimately the Attorney General is accountable to the people of the
province, through the Legislature, for decisions relating to criminal
prosecutions. Such accountability can only occur, of course, once the
prosecution is completed or when a final decision has been made not to
prosecute. The sub judicae rule bars any comment on a matter before the
courts that is likely to influence the matter. The sub judicae rule strictly
prohibits the Attorney General from commenting on prosecutions that are
before the courts. Given the stature of the Attorney General's position, any
public comment coming from the office would be seen as an attempt to
influence the case.

The Attorney General is the authority of the entire legal system with the power to
make the police play Silly Bugger bribing them with the taxpayer’s money and he
wouldn’t want to be seen as an attempt to influence the case.

The RCMP is being well documented now as they demonstrate their diversionary
tactics under the Access to Information and Privacy Act.

The last I heard they had to get permission from the crooks citing the Privacy Act
before they can provide a copy of RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B. MacAdam’s report who
was assigned by the RCMP Commissioner’s office to investigate my complaint
the RCMP refused to investigate the Government Organized Crime corruption
and conspiracy.

The prodigious amount of evidence published on

and others referenced thereon that includes my Scribd site
with this the 233rd document published as “Beware Happenstance of the Savage

Since June 30 2005 the Ontario Attorney General has refused to file charges
against my former tenant that committed Criminal Fraud over $140,000 in a
provincial building part of the legal system administered by the Attorney General
then the infamous Michael Bryant witnessed, documented and recorded by the
court where the preponderance of evidence unequivocally proves a final
decision has been made not to prosecute.

Of course the Attorney General puppet is accountable to the people of the

province through the Legislature

The Legislature has been provided the irrefutable evidence that includes my

MPP Julia Munro who states that it would be inappropriate for her to intervene
and if I had already accessed the Ombudsman presumed the place of last resort

then she sees no way for me.

The Premier Dalton McGuinty is sorry for my unfortunate circumstances directing
me to former Minister John Gerretson, to who after 62 some years finally had the
opportunity to write a Dear John.

He was Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing who was mandated to monitor
compliance with the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 who with the evidence in one
hand states on the other that he trusts Dave Grech and won’t be investigating.

I trusted Dave Grech and the Minister because I had no choice, but in light of the
evidence I was requesting a review of Dave Grech’s decision that was absurd
and he trusts him.

The actual fact is Dave would have consulted with the Minister who of course
would have consulted with the Attorney General who advises all Ministers and
heads of agencies and of course the police.

The n there is the reality that the Attorney General condones the actions of the
Law Society considering he is a bencher with precedence second only to the
Minister of Justice and Attorney General which his office purports that he cannot
intervene as he is there to act on behalf of the people he advises which ultimately
means protect his own ass.

Of course I reported him to Parliament and the Prime Minister Stephen Harper
who I thought may want to demonstrate a little Accountability after he and Vic
Toews Minister of Justice at the time enacted the illegitimate Accountability Act
2006 in line with their modus operandi when caught being negligent of their
responsibilities under the Constitution Act with public pressure in lieu of due
process of law attentive to due punishment with due regard to deterrence that
would ultimately collapse the entire conspiracy they simply enact an Act that
purports to provide authority to Commissions like that to the Commissioner of
Conflict of Interest and Ethics Mary Elizabeth Dawson as of the date the
Commission is authorized that simply means they have not dealt with the
complaints that inspired the illegitimate Act.

The bottom line is they had all the authority required in “the Spirit of the
Constitution” to deal with the issues responsibly, but that would effectively
annihilate their conspiracy and decidedly defeat their purpose to ransack the
80% majority within an inch of causing them to stir and rise against them.
So anyway, Minister John Gerretson who is responsible to monitor compliance
with the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 simply says he trusts Dave having assigned
him the responsibility clearing not understanding how the chain of responsibility

Then he goes on to explain how the ORHT is an independent agency at arm’s

length of the government that is mandated by the government administered by
the Attorney General that advises the Minister who informs therefore he cannot
intervene on the ORHT decision, even though that is precisely his duty as
Minister to monitor non-compliance.

These guys can spew this shit out even standing on their feet with the media
either collectively with minds of a single toad or are in on the conspiracy in either
case meaningless to the people that allow all the absurdities for stories so the
corporate world can get to the minds of the people to take their money at
humongously hiked prices telling the people of the great sales they cannot afford
to miss.

The corporate world/ political/legal system is 180 degrees adverse to the

Constitution that was obviously written by the same government hierarchy
organized crime, however it is either accepted as a legitimate document or they
just come right out and explain that it was just all a joke and I assuredly would
buy that, but now its time for the final laugh.

Something about he who laughs last…

Soon we will have the irrefutable evidence of where the Catholics and
Protestants stand with the Roman Catholic Church I believe best at pulling a
switch and this time though actually act in “the Spirit of Jesus” rather than using it
as a façade to gain the power attributed to the Spirit when possessed by all.

So one last thing in this exercise in reference to page 24

Brisebois states the Minister of Justice is the government’s chief legal adviser
and therefore is responsible for their actions and if he and they were legitimate
competent and responsible they would want to look into the issues to be certain
their modus operandi is adept to efficiently and effectively deal with the criminal
element nipping it in the bud, however surely a ridiculous idea that would simply
soon put them out of business if they were legitimate or not.

When the system is viewed openly and competently in respect of its adeptness to

equally govern, protect and benefit as is the responsibility of the Minister of

Justice and Attorney General of Canada who advises all federal government
departments and agencies and is the bencher with precedence in Ontario Courts
with the Law Society would he condone the Law Society admittance that they
believe they are not required to give a damn about every individual’s equal
guaranteed Charter rights, most likely because they also state they are not
required to look at evidence against their members which RCMP Superintendent
Robert Davis subscribes to and then the office of the MOJ advises that neither he
or his staff have the authority to intervene in personal issues that is absurd as
they are not personal issues and have not been since the authorities aided the
Criminal Fraud’s flight from justice that became a Constitution issue and the
safety and wellbeing of every individual of the 90% majority being ransacked and
left unprotected but forced to pay protection money with no substance backing.

The federal government enacted the Constitution with agreement from the
provinces they would administer laws consistent with the Constitution and I have
provided them the preponderance of irrefutable evidence that the Ontario
Government is not only negligent of their responsibility, but deliberately have
structured the system for the benefit of the 10% minority of the Upper Tier where
the hierarchy reside.

It is therefore their responsibility to act upon it.

It is absurd to state they have no authority as they have innumerable means to
intervene and of course arrest the hierarchy and send them to trial in the
PEOPLE”S courts whereas the letter from his office implies the government is
not the people’s with obvious ulterior motive as indicated in the Roles and
Responsibilities of the Attorney General suggesting that any of them should have
different interests not consistent with priority one to equally govern, protect and
benefit every individual.

Since June 30 2005 the Ontario Attorney General has refused to file
charges against my former tenant that committed Criminal Fraud over
$140,000 in a provincial building part of the legal system administered by
the Attorney General then the infamous Michael Bryant witnessed,
documented and recorded by the court where the preponderance of
evidence unequivocally proves a final decision has been made not to
Of course the Attorney General puppet is accountable to the people of the
province through the Legislature

If the federal government did not make some stipulation as to how they would
police the agreement with the provinces especially due the utmost seriousness of
the issues they are accountable to the people directly … screw the Neanderthal
Imbecilic Monolith 10% wealthy that stole our money.
Since June 30 2005 the Attorney General has refused to file charges against my
former tenant that committed Criminal Fraud over $140,000 in a provincial
building part of the legal system administered by the Attorney General then the
infamous Michael Bryant witnessed, documented and recorded by the court
where the preponderance of evidence unequivocally proves a final decision has
been made not to prosecute.

Of course the Attorney General puppet is accountable to the people of the

province through the Legislature
Since June 30 2005 the Attorney General has refused to file charges against my
former tenant that committed Criminal Fraud over $140,000 in a provincial
building part of the legal system administered by the Attorney General then the
infamous Michael Bryant witnessed, documented and recorded by the court
where the preponderance of evidence unequivocally proves a final decision has
been made not to prosecute.

Of course the Attorney General puppet is accountable to the people of the

province through the Legislature

Be assured we are coming

Canadian Civilian’s Democracy Corp

Unarmed Terrorists

Only Truth in this war of the minds

Without the Seedy Greedy there will be no Needy

World War IV will not be fought with sticks and stones as this is the really big one
as Goliath will fall with 1 mere stone appropriately placed upon the empire of
mirror and smoked glass founded on quicksand with the clatter heard around the
world as the people, inherently bias will want was is theirs too.

It is the way of Mother Nature and Inherent Bias


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