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Agenda Perkuliahan Strategic Cost Management

Magister Akuntansi
Semester Genap 2017

Minggu Topik Bacaan Dosen

Porter, ME.1996. What is Strategy? Harvard
Introduction SCM and Strategy & Business Review, November-December.
1 Porter, ME. 2008. The Five Competitive Forces
Industrial Analysis
That Shape Industry. Harvard Business Review,
January. NLS
1.Blocher - Ch 2 page 35-43
2. Shank, John K. and Vijay Govindarajan. 1993.
2 The Value Chain Strategic Cost Management, Ch 4 & Ch 5, page
3. Jurnal Value Chain 1 NLS
1. Blocher - Ch 2 page 43 - 51
2. Kaplan, Robert S. & David P. Norton. 2004. Strategy
Balanced Scorecard and Strategy
3 Maps: Converting Intangible Assets Into Tangible
Outcomes. Harvard Business School Press. Boston,
Massachusetts. NLS
1. Blocher - Ch 5
Activity-Based Costing and
4 2. Jurnal ABC 1
Customer Profitability Analysis
3. Jurnal ABC 2 ERN
Strategic Activity Based 1. Jurnal ABM 1
Management 2. Jurnal ABM 2 ERN
1. Blocher - Ch 10
6 Strategy and The Master Budget 2. Jurnal Budget 1
3. Jurnal Budget 2 NLS
1. Blocher - Ch 13
7 Cost Planning for The Product Life
2. Jurnal Target Costing 1
Cycle: Target Costing, Theory of
Constraints, and Strategic pricing 3. Jurnal Strategic Pricing DAG
1. Blocher - Ch 17
The Management and Control of
8 2. Jurnal Quality 1
3. Jurnal Quality 2 DAG
1. Jurnal Benchmarking
9 Benchmarking & JIT
2. Jurnal JIT 1 DAG
Environmental and Social 1. Jurnal EMA 1
Management Accounting 2. Jurnal EMA 2 DAG
11 Presentasi Proposal DAG & team
12 Presentasi Proposal DAG & team
13 Presentasi Proposal NLS & Team
14 Presentasi Proposal NLS & Team

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