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The phallus worship

- semen, source of life
- phallus -> a symbol of the process by which the Supreme Being procreates the U
- the image of the creater in mankind,
- source of life and a symbol of virility, courage and power
- the god-phallus (Shisna-deva)
- the Roman bulla, a phallic amulet carried by Toman generals on the days commem
oriating their victories
- male organ is Sanskrit -> lingam ("sign")
- the distinctive sign by which one can recognize the nature of something is th
erefore called lingam
- The symbol of the consmic man Purusha, the archetype, the universal plan prese
nt in all things, is the male emblem, the phallus. The symbol of energy, which i
s the world's substance, the generator of all that exists, is the female organ,
the yoni
- Shiva said: I am not distinct from the phallus. The phallus is identical to me
. It draws my faithful close to me; therefore it must be worshiped. My beloveds!
Everywhere an erect penis is to be found I am present, even if it is no more th
an another of my representations
- He who desires perfection of the soul must worship the lingam
- the phallus is the symbol of the god
- Universal consciousness, which is the first stage in the order of creation, is
called mahat, the 'great principle'. It forms the womb in which I deposit my se
men. From it comes, according to the hierarchy of creation, all elements and all
- desire, the attraction of opposites, is the first manifestation of dualism; it
gives birth to the distinction of dualism; distinction between the person and N
- desire forms part of the universal Being, which is present in all things
- the organ of bliss
- above all is the search for pleasure
- ** the sexual organ has a double role: the inferior one of procreation and the
superior one of contacting the divine state by means of the ecstasy caused by p
- *** the orgasm is the divine sensation
- *** phalus is the source of pleasure. It is the sole means of obtaining earthl
y pleasures and salvation. By looing at it, touching it and meditating on it, li
ving being are capable of treeing themselves from the cycle of future lives
- sperm is the essence of life, the best of oblations, the purest form of sacrif
icial elixir
- the sex organ is that mysterious organ through which the creative principle is
manifested by giving birth to a new being
- in certain regions of Africa, young men of various tribes dig holes in the ear
th into which to puour their sperm
- In western alchemy metals are belived to be produced by the underground conjun
ction of mercury, considered as feminine semen, and sulfur, considered as mascul
ine semen
- *** Univeral energy, the substance of the world is represeneted by the yoni, w
hich grasps the lingam. it is only when the phallus the giver of semen is surrou
nded by the yoni that God can manifest and the universe appear
- the principle called Shive represent the totality of procreative power to be f
ound in the unvierse. All individual procreation is a fragment of it.
- **** It is he alone who actually penetrates every womb
- the universal womb in which all things that are individual develop -> the phal
lus fertilizes that womb. The semen giver is the phallus, it fertilizes Nature
- **** Phallus is the origin of all life ****
- a male organ and female organ is indispensable

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