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Blogpost 04, food

Tessa Gielen, ILS1G
Food context
Food has always been important in life, because it is a nutrient for the human
body. However, in recent years, food is been wrenched from its context. As a
result of this, food gets a different meaning (Rozenbrood Trendacademy, 2016).
For example, there are launching new products on the market that contribute to
sustainability, like the recycling of food. Less food will be thrown away and
instead of this, it will be used to realize something else.
By wrenching food from of its context, people become more aware of the
meaning of food and start thinking more about the food they are eating. This is
necessary for issues like the state of the environment and the importance of a
healthy diet. Many people, especially young people, are overweight and
according to Olivier de Schutter, an 'obesogenic environment' is the main causer.
This is a term used for all the different factors together, that contributed to the
worldwide obesity pandemic (Uncia, 2012).
The world around us is changing very quickly because of digitization. People are
constantly looking for innovation. The above-mentioned trend shows a lot
innovation and makes people constantly surprised about how much is possible in
terms of food. The trend also remedies on actual problems around the food
Hunger, the growing world population and food waste are three key indicators of
the state of the global food system (Foodtank, 2016). If we look at the future,
there really should be a change in the current food system. In 2050, there will be
more than nine billion mouths to feed. With the current food system, that is
impossible. However, these problems can be solved with new technological
innovations (Fedet, 2016). The trend about wrenching food from its context
brings technology and food together, thereby it is contributing to a more
sustainable world.
Sustainable packaging
A good example of sustainable packaging, is the package on the basis of milk.
This packaging is edible and good for the environment because no plastic is used.
Dispose of the plastic packaging supplies annually tons of non-degradable waste.
This packaging material is a good solution to solve this problem and at the same
time it is also better against food spoilage, therefore it is very durable
(Ramkumar, 2016).
This new way of packaging has several
advantages and functions besides the
fact that it serves as packaging. In this
way, food is been wrenched from its
context because food is used as
packaging and therefore fits very well
within this trend.

Edible packaging (Ramkumar, 2016).

Chocolate as medicine
Another example whereby food is been wrenched from its context, is chocolate
that helps relieve menstrual pain. The brand 'Chocolate Mit Herz' (Swiss) came up
with this idea. The product, Frauenmond, is made from herbs from the Swiss
mountains. Along with serotonin in cocoa, these herbs provide a very relaxing
and analgesic feeling (Kintaert, 2016).
This product is a combination of food and
medicine. It shows that chocolate is more
than just a stimulant and can be
wrenched from its context in this way.
This chocolate appeals to a specific
audience, namely woman in their period,
and is different from just a piece of

Frauenmond (Kintaert, 2016).

Ali cola
Food can be wrenched from its context, in many more ways. Ali Cola is an
example of a drink as a statement. Ali Cola comes in different colours, but they
all taste the same. The different colours represent the different skin colours in the
world. The coke is from a German brand and the idea for the coke came after a
racist comment (Ads Of The World, 2017).
This product is not only meant for the
taste, but it also makes a statement,
namely "Everyone is equal, no matter
what colour you are."

Ali cola (Ads Of The World, 2017).

In June 2017, the Refugee Food Festival will be organized for the second time.
During this festival, restaurants in thirteen different European cities will open up
their kitchen for chefs who fled from countries like Afghanistan and Somalia. This
festival hopes to offer the refugees an opportunity to show their food traditions
and cultures (Knack, 2017). It is a good way to discover new cultures. Food in this
way is a means of making society more social.
Refugee Food Festival (Knack, 2017).
Future vision
This trend, also called out of the food, is expected to continue. This means that
food gets another meaning in the future. Things you never thought of to eat,
might be edible in the future because of this trend. Maybe everything around you
will be edible. In this way, the human body will be fed in a completely different
I am very curious to the future of this trend. I think it would be fun to eat
everything I can think of. I also hope that this trend really brings along solutions
for the food problems in the current food system. Food shows with this trend that
it is a means of solving social and environmental issues, so the future looks
Ads Of The World. (2017, 21 februari). The cola in skin colors, 8. Geraadpleegd
Fedet. (2016). Het voedselsysteem van de toekomst onder de loep. Geraadpleegd
Foodtank. (2016). How Do We Change the Food System? Start Early!
Geraadpleegd van
Kintaert, T. (2016, 7 november). Dames: er is chocolade tegen menstruatiepijn op
komst. Geraadpleegd van
Ramkumar, A. (2016, 22 augustus). Milk, Not Plastic, Will Protect Food in the
Future. Geraadpleegd van
Rozenbrood Trendacademy . (2016, 26 maart). 8 redenen waarom food the new
fashion is. Geraadpleegd van
Uncia, P. (2012, 9 augustus). Voedselsysteem creert een ramp voor de
volksgezondheid. Geraadpleegd van
Knack. (2017, 11 mei). Refugee Food Festival: vluchtelingen worden chef in 13
grote Europese steden. Geraadpleegd van

Kintaert, T. (2016, 7 november). Dames: er is chocolade tegen menstruatiepijn op
komst [Foto]. Geraadpleegd van
Ramkumar, A. (2016, 22 augustus). Milk, Not Plastic, Will Protect Food in the
Future [Foto]. Geraadpleegd van
Ads Of The World. (2017, 21 februari) [Foto]. The cola in skin colors, 8 [Foto].
Geraadpleegd van
Knack. (2017, 11 mei). Refugee Food Festival: vluchtelingen worden chef in 13
grote Europese steden [Foto]. Geraadpleegd van

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