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No. 70. Records of German Field Commands: Divisions (221st-255th), Part X

The National Archives

National Archives and Records Service
General Services Administration

Washington: 1975
This finding aid has been prepared by the National Archives as part of its program
of facilitating the use of records in its custody.
The microfilm described in this guide may be consulted at the National Archives,
where it is identified as Microfilm Publication T315. Those desiring to purchase
microfilm should write to the Publications Sales Branch (NEPS), National Archives
(GSA), Washington, DC 20408.
Some of the papers reproduced on the microfilm referred to in this and other
guides of the same series may have been of private origin. The fact of their seizure
is not believed to divest their original owners of any literary property rights in them.
Anyone, therefore, who publishes them in whole or in part without permission of their
authors may be held liable for infringement of such literary property rights.

Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 58-9982


Mo. 70. Records of German Field Connands: Divisions (221st-255th), Part X

The National Archives

National Archives and Records Service
General Services Administration

Washington: 1975

Tne Guides to_ German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, Va. invasion of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia in 1941; training in
constitute a series of finding aids to National Arcnives micro- Rumania in 1941; the campaign against tne Soviet Union, 1941-44;
film of seized records of German central, regional, and local occupation and security duty and coastal defense in Norway in
government agencies and of military commands anu units, as 1942; and coastal defense and training in Belgium and France
well as of tne Nazi Party, its formations, affiliated associa- in 1943.
tions, and supervised organizations. The records described
in the guiues were created generally during the period 1920-45. The INDEX to Guide No. 70 can be found immediately following
the instructions for its use on page 160. The master copy for
The guide series was initiated by the microfilming project of this index was computer formated and printed from terms input
the Committee for the Study of War Documents of the American simultaneously with the descriptive material in the text of
Historical Association (AilA) in cooperation with tne National the guide, and was supplemented with references, cross-refer-
Archives and tne Department of the Army. With the termination ences, and explanatory subheadings. The full edition was then
of AHA participation in July 1963, the National Arcnives reproduced from the master copies by photographic offset printing.
assumed sole responsibility for the reproduction of records
and the preparation of guides. The provenance to which each record item is attributed is the
unit headquarters that created or filed it, although a large
This guide is one of many in the series describing the records proportion of the items had in fact already been retired to de-
of tne German army field commands that have been arrangeu by positories of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam, wnere accession numbers
unit and filmed in discrete microfilm publications according were assigned and stamped or written on the covers in the order
to their military echelon as follows: Army Groups (Microfilm received, and wnere the records were then cataloged by unit.
Publication T311J, Armies (T312), Panzer Armuss (J315) , Corps Tne records reached tne United States still rougnly arranged by
(T314), Divisions (T515), and Rear Areas, Occupied Territories, unit, since Allied intelligence officers retained this systera,
and Others (TSUI). taking advantage of the circumstance that the original Potsdam
catalogs were acquired along with tne seized field command records.
Guide No. 7u (designated Part X of tne Guides to German Army The AHA and the National Archives also followed this arrangement
DivisionsParts I-IX oein^ Guides 41, 45, and 65-6y) describes in tneir joint and separate microfilm projects, altnough some
the records of divisions numbered 221 tnrougn 255 reproduced on record items appear out of sequence because they were still classi-
130 rolls of Microfilm Publication T315. The records include fied or temporarily unavailable at the time the unit records were
material on formation, training, and border security in Germany filmed. This also accounts for the occasional break in continuity
in 1939, 1941, and 1943, and in Norway in Iy42; the campaign in of roll numbers in the guides where those unit records filmed later
Poland in 1939; assembly, occupation and security duty, training, on nigher roll numbers appear out of item number sequence at the
and antipartisan operations in Poland, 1959-40; the campaign in end of tae division entries. Record items not yet retired to the
Belgium, tne Netherlands, and France in 1940; occupation and Heeresarchiv depositories at the time of capture were assigned
security duty and coastal defense in iielgium and France, 1940-41; accession numbers above 75,000 by American custodians in extension
assembly, occupation duty, and training in Poland, 1940-41; the of the original Potsdam numbering scheme.

Considerable information on the fate of German military archives roll reproducing the records of each unit. A data card describing
during World 'Var II, including documentation of efforts to recon- each record item was also microfilmed immediately preceding the
struct records destroyed in several wartime fires, may be found folder it describes, and the cards for all folders on one roll
in the files of the Chef dcs Hecresarchivs, OKII, filmed as Micro- of film were again filmed as a finding aid at the beginning of
film Publication T7S, rolls 1-33, and described in Guide No. 12 that roll. The information contained on these cards was used
of this series. as a reference in compiling descriptive entries for the guide,
but considerable revision was undertaken because so many of
Although the records of these divisions have been filned selec- these card descriptions were prepared hastily to keep pace with
tively, the war journals (Kriegstagebuecher) and activity reports the filming and restitution schedules.
(Taetigkeitsberichte) and their annexes (Anlagen) of the opera-
tions (la) and intelligence (Ic) staff sections, wherever avail- The CONTENTS column on the pages containing records descriptions
able, were filmed in their entirety. A few records of the supply, provides (a) the abbreviation of the staff section that originated
administrative, medical, personnel, and judge advocate staff the document, (b) the title appearing on the folder cover, and
sections assigned to division headquarters were filmed for those (c) additional information providing a general description of the
units whose operations and intelligence files were incomplete contents. The inclusive dates of the file item are given under a
or missing. Map annexes (Kartenanlagen), consisting exclusively DATE column; the ITEM NO. is the identification symbol given on
of large maps difficult to put on microfilm, were generally the original folder; the ROLL refers to the sequence of the film
omitted; maps interspersed among and integrated with the tex- in Microfilm Publication T315; and 1ST FRAME gives the frame
tual records were filmed in several overlapping sections, which, number of the first page of the file item.
along with the loss of color markings, detracts considerably
from their value and ease of use. The original records, filmed and unfilmed, have been returned to
the Federal Republic of Germany for deposit in the Bundesarchiv-
A unit history in tabular form precedes the file item listing for Militaerarchiv in Freiburg. The master negatives of Microfilm
each division. The DATE column gives the opening date or first Publication T315 have been deposited with the Publications Sales
date on a pertinent document for the LOCATION and ACTIVITY given Branch (NEPS), National Archives (GSA), Washington, DC 20408, from
in the next two columns, and the timespan extends to the next which copies of specific rolls may be purchased. Reference copies
date given. The CHAIN OF COMMAND column gives the names of the may be consulted in the microfilm reading room of the National
commanding officers and superior units, with timespans for each, Archives. For suggestions for citing microfilm, see page xiv.
where available.
The descriptions in this guide were prepared by Anton F. Grassl,
These unit histories are based on information found in the records, Petronilla Hawes, and Donald E. Spencer. Mrs. Hawes also pre-
in the Potsdam catalog, on contemporary German daily situation pared the input data for the computer. Edward D. Thomas of the
maps, and in manuscripts of the Foreign Military Studies scries. General Services Administration was the programmer-analyst.
They supplement or correct the brief histories, based on the The computer-input scheme, a modification of the SPINDEX program,
Order of_ Battle of_ the German Army (War Department, Washington, was devised by the undersigned.
D.C., March 1945) which were filmed at the beginning of every

Chief, Modern Military Branch
Military Archives Division

Introduction iii

German Military Synbols and Abbreviations vii

Organization of German Army Staffs x

Published Guides to German Records Microfilned at Alexandria, Va xii
Sunfjestions for citing microfilm . . . . . xiv

Records: 221. Sicherun^s-Division 1

223. Infanteric-Division 22
225. Infanterie-Division 36

227. Infanteric-Division 44

228. Infanterie-Division 61

230. Infanterie-Division 6Z
23P. Infanterie-Division 66

2^?. Infantorie-Division 73
246. Tnfanterie-Division 75

250. Infantorie-Division (spanisch) . . . . C4

251. Infanteric-Division 86


257. Infantcric-Oivision 101

253. Infanterie-Division 116

254. Infanteric-Divisicn 120

255. Infanterie-Division 137


Instructions for Ordering Microfilm 237

la Operationsabteilung Baupl Baupioniere
Ic Feindnachrichtenabteilung Bd. Band
Ic/A.O. Feindnachricntenwesen u. Abwehroffizier Beob. Beobachtung
Id Ausbildungsoffizier bes. besondere
I la 1. Adjutant betr. betreffend
lib 2. Adjutant Betr.St. Betriebsstoff
III Richter Brig. Brigade
IVa Intendant Bt. Bataillon
IVb Arzt B.V. Betriebsstoffversorgung
IVc Veterin'ar Bv.T.O. Bevollmachtigter Trans portoffizier
IVd Gruppe Seelsorge bzw, beziehungsweise
IVd/Ev. Evangelischer Kriegspfarrer Ch.d.Gen.St. Chef des Generalstabes
IVd/Kath. Katholischer Kriegspfarrer Div. Division
V Kraftfahrwesenoffizier Eisenb. Eisenbahn
VI Nationalsozialistischer Fuhrungsoffizier (NSFO) Fahrtr. Fahrtruppen
VII Chef der Zivilverwaltung Fallsch. Falls chirm
feindl. feindliche
Abt. Abteilung Feldgend. Feldgendarmerie
Abw. Abwehr Feldkdtr. Feld kommandantur
A.K. Armeekorps Feldlaz. Feldlaz are tt
allg. allgemein Feld.V.St. Feldvorschriftenstelle
A.Na.FU. Armeenachrichtenfuhrer Fest. Fe stung
Anl. Anlage FK Fe Id kommandantur
Anordn. Anordnung Fl. Flieger
A.O. Abwehroffizier Flak Fliegerabwehrkanone
AOK Armeeoberkommando Fiivo
A.O.Kraft Abwehroffizier des Kraftfahrwesens FPM Fe Id pos tme is ter
A.Pi.Fu. Armeepionierfiihrer freiw. freiwillig
Arfii. Artilleriefuhrer Fu. Fiihrer
Arko Artilleriekommandeur Gabo Gasabwehroffizier
Armeegeb. Armeegebiet Geb. Gebirgs-
Art., Artl. * Artillerie Gen.d.Inf. General der Infanterie
Aufkl. Aufklarung Gen.Kdo. Generalkommando
A.V.L. Armeeverpflegungslager Genlt. Generalleutnant
Batl. Bataillon Genmaj. Generalmajor
Battr. Batterie Genobst. Generaloberst

Genstb.d.H. Generalstab des Heeres Kps. Korps

G. F. P. Geheime Feldpolizei Krad Kraftfahrrad
Grenztr. Grenztruppen KTB, Ktb. Kriegstagebuch
grdlg. grundlegend Lkw. Lastkraftwagen
Grz.Tr. Grenztruppen Lt. Leutnant
Harko Hbherer Artilleriekommandeur Lw. Luftwaffe
H.Gr. Heeresgruppe Mess. Karten- u. Vermessungswesen
H.Gr.Kdo. Heeresgruppenkommando M.G. Maschinengewehr
H.Mot. Heeresmotorisierung mil. militarische
Hbh. Hbherer Mob. Mobilmachung
Hbh.Art.Kdr. Hbherer Artilleriekommandeur mot. motorisiert
H.O.Kraft. Hbherer Offizier des Kraftfahrwesens Mun. Munition
Hptm. Hauptmann MVO Marineverbindungsoffizier
H.Qu. Hauptquartier Nachr. Nachrichten
H.Streif.Dst. Heeresstreifendienst Nachsch. Nachschub
I.D. Infanterie Division Nahaufkl.Gr. Nahaufklar ungs gruppe
Inf. Infanterie ND Nachrichtendienst
Ins p. Inspektion norweg. norwegisch
I.R. Infanterie Regiment NSFO Nationalsoz ialistischer Fuhrungsoffiz ier
I. u. A.G. Infanterie u. Artillerie Gera't NT Nachschubtransport
Kampfw. Kampfwagen 01 1. Ordonnanzoffizier des Stabes
Kan. Kanone OB Oberbefehlshaber
Kav. Kavallerie Ob.d.H. Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres
Kdo. Kommando Obit. Oberleutnant
Kdr. Kommandeur Obst. Oberst
Kdt.d.H.Qu. Kommandant des Hauptquartiers Obstlt. Ober s tleutnant
Kdtr. Kommandantur Offz. Offizier
Kfz. Kraftfahrzeug OKH Oberkommando des Heeres
Kgf. Kriegsgefangener OKL Oberkommando der Luftwaffe
Kodeis. Kommandeur der Eisenbahntruppen OKM Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine
Kofeld. Kommandeur der Feldgendarmerie OKW Oberkommando der Wehrmacht
Kogend. Kommandeur der Gendarmerie O.Qu. Versorgungsabteilung
Kol. Kolonne O.Qu./Qu.l Allgeraeiner Versorgungsoffizier
Koluft. Kommandeur der Luftwaffe O.Qu./Qu.2 Sicherungsoffizier
Komp. Kompanie O.Cu./IV Wi. Armeewir ts chaf ts fiihrer
Koriick. Kommandant des ruckw'artigen Armeegebietes Militarverwaltung
Kp. Kompanie O.QU./QU.L. Oberquartiermeister der Luftwaffe

O.Qu./Qu.Ro. Gruppe Rohstoffe Stoluft. Stabsoffizier der Luftwaffe

O.Qu./Qu.T. Gruppe Technik Stomii. Stabsoffizier fiir Marschiiberwachung
O.Qu./W.Ing. Wehrroachts-Ingenieur Stopak. Stabsoffizier fur Panzerbekampfung
ostw. ostw'arts Stopi. Stabsoffizier der Pioniere
Pak. Panzerabwehrkanone takt. taktische
Panz. Panzer TB Tatigkeitsbericht
Panzertr. Panzertruppen Transp. Transport
Pi. Pioniere Trp.V.St. Trans portvors chr iftens telle
Pi.Fii. Pionierfiihrer u.a. und andere; unter anderem
Pion. Pioniere usw. und so weiter
Pk. Park Verb.Kdo.d.Luftfl. Verbindungskoiranando der Luftflotte
Po. Polizei Verb.Offz.d.Luftfl. , Verbindungsoffizier der Luftflotte
Prop. Propaganda Vers. Versorgung
Pz. Panzer Yerw. Verwaltung
Qu. Quartiermeister Vet. Veterinar
Reg., Regt. Regiment Vo.Wi.Rii. Verbindungsoffiz ier OKW/Wehrwirtschafts-
Res. Reserve u. Riistungsamt
Ro. Rohstoffe W.B.K. Wehrbez irkskommando
riickw. riickwartig Wehrers. Wehrersatz
San. Sanitats- Wehrm. Wehrmacht
Schw. Schwadron W.Geol. Wehrgeploge
Stabsoff.f.Pz. W.G.O. Wehrmachtgraberoffizier
Bekampf. Stabsoffizier fur Panzerbekampfung Wi. Wirtschaft
Stb. Stab W.O. Wehrwirtschaftsoffizier
stellv. stellvertretend W.Pr. Wehrmachts propaganda
Sto., ft.u.F. Stabsoffizier, Reit u. FahreiUobildung WStb; Wehrwirtschaftsstab
Stoart. Stabsoffizier der Artillerie WuG Waffen u. Gerat
Stofeld. Stabsoffizier der Feldgendarmerie z.b.V. zur besenderen Verwendung


Fu'hrunESabteilunp (Operations Group)

iL.Gr. AOK* AK* Div.*

Operationsabteilung (Operations Branch) la la la la
Karten- und Vermessungswesen (Map & Survey Officer) Mess Mess Mess Mess
Hbherer Artilleriekommandeur (Artillery Staff Officer) Stoart Harko Arko
Pionierflihrer (Engineer Staff Officer) Gen d Pi Pi Fu Stopi Stopi
Nachrichtenfiihrer (Signal Staff Officer) Na Fu Na Fu Na Fu Na Fii
Stabsoffizier fur Panzerbekampfung (Antitank Staff Officer) Stopak Stopak Stopak Stopak
Stabsoffizier fijr Marschuberwachung (March Control Officer) Stomli
Gasabwehroffizier (Chemical Warfare Officer) Gabo
Koiranandeur der Luftwaffe (Air Support Commander) Lw.Kdo. Koluft
Kommandant des ruckw'artigen Armeegebietes (Commander of Army Rear Areas) Koru'ck
Kommandant der Eisenbahntruppen (Commander of Railway Troops) Kodeis
Bevollmachtigter Transportoffizier (Transportation Officer) Gen Trs Bv.T.O.
Kommandant des Hauptquartiers (Headquarters Commanding Officer) Kdt.d.H.Qu.
Technischer Offizier des Stabes (Technical Staff Officer) la/T.
1. Ordonnanzoffizier des Stabes (Special Missions Officer) la/01
Ausbildungsoffizier (Training Officer) Id Id
Feindnachrichtenabteilung (intelligence Branch) Ic Ic Ic Ic
Feindnachrichtenwesen und Abwehroffizier (Intelligence Officer) Ic/A.O.

Quartiermeisterabteilung (Supply Group)

Versorgungsabteilung (Supply Branch) OQu OQu Qu Ib

Al'lgemeiner Versorgungsoffizier (General Supply Officer) OQu/Qu.l
Sicherungsoffizier (Security Officer) OQu/Qu.2
Armeewirtschaftsfuhrer (Army Economics Officer) OQu/IV Wi
Militarverwaltung (Military Occupation Officer)
Wehrmacht-Ingenieur (Armed Forces Engineer) OQu/W.Ing.
Betriebsstoffversorgung (Fuel Supply Officer) B.V.
Abwehroffizier d. Kraftfahrwesens (Security Officer for Motor Transportation) A.O.Kraft

* Ommissions of symbols in the H.Gr., AOK, AK and Div. columns indicate that either there was no comparable office for that echelon or
information is not available at this time concerning the existence of an office on that level.

H.Gr. AOK AK Div.

Gruppe Technik (Technical Group) OQu/Qu.T
Waffen und Gerat (Ordnance Group) WuG WuG WuG WuG
FeIdgendarmerie (Military Police) Feldgend Feldgend Feldgend Feldgend
Intendant (Administrative Officer) IVa IVa IVa IVa
Arzt (Medical Officer) IVb IVb IVb IVb
Veterinar (Veterinary Officer) IVc IVc IVc IVc
Kraftfahrwesenoffizier (Motor Transport Officer) V V V V
Feldpostmeister (Postmaster) FPM FPM FPM FPM

Ad.lutantur (Personnel Group)

1. Adjutant (for officer personnel) Ila Ila Ila Ila

2. Adjutant (for enlisted personnel) lib lib lib lib
Richter (Judge Advocate) III III III III
Gruppe Seelsorge (Chaplain) IVd IVd IVd IVd
Nationalsozialistischer Fuhrungsoffizier (Nazi Guidance Officer) VI VI VI VI
Chef der Zivilverwaltung (Chief of Civilian Administration) VII

1. Records of the Reich Ministry of Economics (Reichswirtschaftsministerium). 1958. 75 p. (T71)
2. Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of Germandom (Reichskommissar fuer die Fcstigung deutschen
Volkstuns). 1958. 15 p. (T74)
3. Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) Part I. 1958. 141 p. (T81)
4. Records of the Organisation Todt. 1953. 2 p. (T76)
5. Miscellaneous German Records Collection, Part I. 1958. 15 p. (T84)
6. Records of Nazi Cultural and Research Institutions, and Records Pertaining to Axis Relations and Interests in the Far East. 1958.
161 p. (T82)
7. Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkomnando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part I. 1959. 222 p. (T77)
8. Miscellaneous German Records Collection, Part II. 1959. 207l p. (T84)
9. Records of Private German Individuals. 1959. 23 p. (T253)
10. Records of the Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production (Reichsministerium fuer Ruestung und Kriegsproduktion). 1959. 109 p. (T73)
11. Fragmentary Records of Miscellaneous Reich Ministries and Offices. 1959. 19 p. (T178)
12. Records of Headquarters of the German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH) Part I. 1959. 19 p. (T78)
13. Records of the Reich Air Ministry (Reichsluftfahrtministerium). 1959. 34 p. (T177)
14. Records of German Field Commands: Armies (AOK 1, 3, 5), Part I. 1959. 61 p. (T312)
15. Records of Former German and Japanese Embassies and Consulates, 1890-1945. 1960. 63 p. (T179)
16. Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Part I: Records on Resettlement. 1960. 105 p. (T81)
17. Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Comnand (Oberkomnando der Wehrr.iacht/OKW) Part II. 1960. 213 p. (T77)
18. Records of Headquarters, German Arned Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrriiacht/OKlV) Part III. 1960. 118 p. (T77)
19. Records of Headquarters, German Arned Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrnacht/OKW) Part IV. 1960. 76 p. (T77)
20. Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) Part II. 1960. 45 p. (T81)
21. Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Part II: The General Records. 1961. 180 p. (T81)
22. Records of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. 1961. 41 p. (T70)
23. Records of Private Austrian, Dutch, and German Enterprises, 1917-46. 1961. 119 p. (T83)
24. Records of Headquarters of the German Air Force High Command (Oberkommando der Luftwaffe/OKL). 1961. 59 p. (T321)
25. German Air Force Records: Luftgaukommandos, Flak, Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Rumaenien. 1961. 41 p. (T405)
26. Records of Reich Office for Soil Exploration (Reichsamt fuer Bodenforschung). 1961. 11 p. (T401)
27. Miscellaneous SS Records: Einwandererzentralstelle, Waffen-SS, and SS-Oberabschnitte. 1961. 34 p. (T354)
28. Records of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories (Reichsministerium fuer die besetzten Ostgebiete), 1941-45. 1961.
69 p. (T454)
29. Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Oberkonmando des Ileeres/OKH) Part II. 1961. 154 p. (T78)
30. Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Ileeres/OKH) Part III. 1961. 212 p. (T78)
31. Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Baltic States (Reichskommissar fuer das Ostland), 1941-45. 1961. 19 p. (T459)
32. Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Reichsfuehrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei) Part I. 1961.
165 p. (T175)
33. Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Reichsfuehrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei) Part II. 1961.
89 p. (T175)

34. Records of German Amy Areas (Wehrhreise). 1962. 234 p. (T79)

35. Records of the National Socialist Gernan Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) Part III. 1962. 29 p. (T81)
36. Miscellaneous German Records Collection, Part III. 1962. 61 p. (T84)
37. Records of Headquarters, German Navy High Comnand (Obcrkonmando der Kriegsmarine/OKM). 1962. 5 p. (T608)
38. Records of German Field Commands: Rear Areas, Occupied Territories, and Others, Part I. 1963. 200 p. (T501)
39. Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Reichsfuehrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei) Part III. 1963.
198 p. (T175)
40. Records of German Field Commands: Amy Groups (IIGr A-C, G, H, Nord, Weichsel Oberrhein, Sued), Part I. 1964. 126 p. (T311)
41. Records of Gernan Field Commands: Divisions (lst-5th), Part I . 1964. 160 p! (T315)
42. Records of German Field Commands: Armies (AOK 2, 4), Part IT. 1964. 110 p. (T312)
43. Records of German Field Commands: Amies (AOK 6-9), Part III. 1964. 108 p. (T312)
44. Records of German Field Commands: Armies (AOK 10-12, 14), Part IV. 1964. 96 p. (T312)
45. Records of German Field Commands: Divisions (6th-9th), Part II. 1964. 118 p. (T315)
46. Records of German Field Commands: Corps (AK I-IV), Part I. 1965. 156 p. (T314)
47. Records of Geman Field Coimands: Amies (AOK 15-17), Part V. 1065. 1C.2 p. (T312)
48. Records of German Field Commands: Amies (AOK 19-21, Fallschim Ligurien), Part VI. 1965 85 p. (Tr>12)
49. Records of German Field Commands; Arnies (AOK 13), Part VII 1965. 124 p. (T312)
5 rVJ Records of German Field Coim.iands: Ar'ieeubteilun.Hen (AAbt A, Fretter-Pico, Lanz-Kenpf, Narwa-Grasser-Kleffel, von Zangen), 1D66. 45 p.(T312)
51. Records of German Field Commands: Panzer Annies (PzAOK 1-2) Part I. 1%6. 112 p. (T313)
52. Records of Gernan Field Coruaands: Amy Groups (IIGr u-D, E-F Nord, Mitte, Sued, Don), Part II. 1966. 139 p. (Toll)
53. Records of German Field Commands; Panzer Arnies (PzAOK 3-5, Afrika), Part II. 1967. 160 p. (T313)
54. Records of German Field Commands: Armies (AOK 2), Part VIII. 1967. 132 p. (T312)
55. Records of German Field Commands: Corps (AK V-IX), Part II. 1967. 150 p. (T314)
56. Records of German Field Commands: Amies (AOK 4, 6-7, 9-11, 14, 25, DGcn bein ital. AOK 8 AGr V/oehler), Part IX. 1963. 166 p. (T312)
57. Records of German Field Coinmands; Rear
Areas, Occupied Territories, and Others, Part II. 1968. 25 p. (T501)
CO TJ v***? r* *% ^* (~* j-t. -ywTi r\ VA t? ? XN 1 *! f^r*v+w\ rm *-1 f+ < r ^^-^^ fAV v "UTT~\ n~~+. TTT i nf_o n_A -~ fTf\ A
J u l\\^V*WJ-\-tO WJ- VJlsJL 1IICUJL 1 -J_V?J.O. \_,WJlU.lCUiU. .3

59. Records of German Field Connands: Corps (AK XVIII-XXVII), Part IV. 196C. 144 p. (T314)
60. Records of German Field Commands: Corps (AK XXVIII-XL), Part V. 1969. 124 p. (T314)
61. Records of Gernan Field Commands: Corps (AK XLI-LI), Part VI. 1969. 186 p. (T314)
62. Records of Gennan Field Commands: Corps (AK I, LII-XCI), Part VII. 1970. 223 p. (T314)
65. Records of Geniian Field Coimands: Divisions (lst-9th (Supplementary), 10th-21st), Part III. 1970. 1^3 p. (T315)
64. Records of German Field Commands: Divisions (22d-57th), Part IV. 1970. 141 p. (T315)
65. Records of German Field Commands: Divisions (5Sth-96th), Part V. 1970. 143 p. (T315)
66. Records of German Field Commands Divisions (97th-114th), Part VI. 1972. 177 p. (T315)
67. Records of German Field Commands Divisions (116th-137th), Part VII. 1974. 179 p. (T315)
68. Records of German Field Commands: Divisions (141st-187th), Part VIII. 1974. 244 p. (T315)
69. Records of Gernan Field Commands: Divisions (139th-218th), Part IX. 1975. 243 p. (T315)

Other National Archives finding aids to microfilm of seized foreign records:

Guides to Records of tbc Italian Armed Forces, Part I-III. 1967. (T821)
Guide to the Collection of Hungarian Political and Military Records, 1909-1945. 1972. 20 p. (T973)

The National Archives and Records Service is frequently asked to provide recommendations regarding information to be included in footnotes
or other references to records among its holdings. The following suggestions should serve this purpose and also help our staff in locating
the records thus cited.
Because of the great variety and complexity of some archival material, there are no convenient models that would be applicable to all records.
The initial citation, however, might consist of those of the following elements applicable in each instance: item, file unit, or subseries,
series title, originating office (and the administrative units of which that office is a part) name of collection or record group number
and title, and depository. Except for placing the cited item first, there is no general agreement on the sequence of the remaining elements
in the citation. Publishers, professional journals, and graduate faculties all prescribe their own style. Whatever sequence is adopted, how-
ever, should be used consistently throughout the same work. If in doubt, the researcher should confer with an archivist regarding elements
that may be necessary to identify adequately specific records being cited.
Microfilm Publications
Citation to records reproduced in National Archives microfilm publications should provide, in general, the same information as suggested above,
but with sufficient additional information to identify the particular microfilm publication as well as roll and frame numbers, if applicable.
Microfilm publications of foreign records seized during World War II involve such peculiarities of identification that largely individualized
suggested systems of citation have been developed for them. The following examples suggest both a form of initial citation and of subsequent
citations of the same document for each of five major microfilm projects reproducing captured German and related records; the form for the
bibliography, which is not illustrated below, could be some appropriate modification of the initial citation, but should also include the
National Archives record group title and number, and the title and number of the microfilm publication, e.g., National Archives Collection
of World War II War Crimes Records (Nuernberg), Record Group 238, U.S. v. Otto Ohlendorf, et al., Microfilm Publication M895, 38 rolls; National
Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized 1941- , Record Group 242, Records of the Reich Ministry of Economics, Microfilm Publication
T71, 148 rolls.
1. Captured records microfilmed at Alexandria, Virginia.
Initial citation:
CdS/Amt IVA1, Ereignismeldung UdSSR, Nr. 194, 20. April 1942, EAP 173-a-10/22a, National Archives Microfilm Publication T175, roll 235,
frames 2724202-268
Subsequent citations:
Ereignismeldung UdSSR, Nr. 194, T175/235/2724209-10.
Initial citation:
I. AK, la, "KTB Nr. 2," Aug.-Oct. 1939, E201/1, National Archives Microfilm Publication T314, roll 34, first frame 389.
Subsequent citations:
KTB 2, Aug 17, 1939, T314/34/397.
Item numbers such as EAP 173-a-10/22a, or OKW 1015 are optional and serial numbers unnecessary. Frames are sometimes unnumbered.

2. Foreign Ministry Archives and records of the Reichskanzlei filmed at Whaddon Hall.
Initial citation:
Ambassador in Madrid (Stohrer) to Foreign Ministry, Berlin, Dec. 9, 1940, German Foreign Ministry Archives, Serial 136, frames
D674515-516; National Archives Microfilm Publication T120, roll 146.
Subsequent citations:
Stohrer to GFM, 136/D674516, T120/146.
Initial citation:
"Verwaltung besetzter Gebiete in Serbien, 15.11.16-31.7.17," SA Reel 83, National Archives Microfilm Publication T136, roll 83, frames
Subsequent citations:
The serial number is the essential identification, whether the serial is of the interchangeable unlettered or H serials, or of the B,C,F,K,L
and M serials. The terms reel, container or roll are acceptable variations, with the last preferred by the National Archives. With the
Tripartite Project microfilm, National Archives Microfilm Publication T120, it is imperative to distinguish between serial and roll numbers,
and the Catalog of Files and Microfilm of the German Foreign Ministry Archives, 1920-1945, 4 vols., has as a supplement to each volume, a
National Archives serial-roll conversion list. The Public Records Office in London uses the same serial and frame numbers, although not
always the same roll numbers, and the microfilm publication symbols GFM 2-5 instead of T120, to identify the Tripartite Project microfilm.
The other Whaddon Hall microfilm projects use the same number for serial and roll, as the SA (Saint Antony's College project) serial example,
given above, indicates; the National Archives has substituted microfilm publication number for project symbols.
3. Records from the German Naval Archives microfilmed for the United States Navy at the Admiralty, London.
Initial citation:
"Luftschiffangriff auf England, 19-20.10.1917," Az. Kr. Op. Nordsee, 97, PG 64856, TA-108D, National Archives Microfilm Publication T1022,
roll 650.
Subsequent citations:
PG 64856, T1022/650.
PG number is the essential record item number; either the TA number or the T1022 roll number is sufficient microfilm identification.
There are no frame numbers in this microfilm publication.
4. Heeresarchiv Potsdam records microfilmed at the National Archives.
Initial citation:
Groener to Alarich von Gleichi Papers of General Wilhelm Groener (Groener Nachlass) at the Bundesarchiv Koblenz, National Archives
Microfilm Publication Ml37, roll 7.
Subsequent citations:
Groener to Gleich, Ml37/7.

5. National Archives nicrofiln of .Nuernberg War Crincs Trial Records.
Initial citation:
OB Suedost to HGr E, "Operation Kreuzotter," 13 Au[j 1944, iter-i NOKW-009, National Archives nicrofiln Publication T1119, roll 2,
franes 17-19.
Subsequent citations:
OB Suedost to IIGr K, 13 Aug 44, T1119/2/17
Initial citation:
Indictment, United States of'America v. Otto Ohlendorf, ct al. (Case IX), Transcript of Proceedings, Sep 15, 1947, vol. 1, p. 4,
national Archives Microfilm Publication II895, roll 2, frane 0005.
Subsequent citations:
Case IX, Transcript, Sep 15, 1947, vol. 1, p. 4, M895/2/0005.

The National Archives and Records Service will appreciate

receiving copies of books and articles based in whole or
in part on records in its custody. Such copies should be
directed to the Library, NARS, fiSA, Washington, DC 20403.



1939/02/02 Schweidnitz, Wehrkreis VIII, Activation as 221.ID (3.Welle) by

Breslau conversion of 221.LdwD,
formation, training
1939/08/26 Krotoszyn, Ostrow Wielkopolski, Operational readiness, movement, C.O.: Gen.Lt. Johann Pflugbeil, 1939/08/26-1942/07/05
Kalisz, Leczyca, Kutno, Modlin, Polish campaign, defensive and Suburdinate to: AOK 8, 1939/08/26-1939/09/10
Lublin offensive operations AK 10, 1939/09/11-1939/10/14
AK 4, 1939/10/14-1939/10/20
1939/10/18 Chelm, Opatow, Radzyn Podlaski, Movement, occupation duty, border AK 32 Hoeh.Kdo., 1939/10/20-1940/04/24
Wlodawa, Sandomierz security, training
1940/01/01 Kielce, Ostrowiec, Skarzysko- Movement, occupation duty,
Kamienna, Radon training
1940/04/27 Wehrkreis XVII, Doellersheim Transfer, training OKH, Stellv.Gen.Kdo.- XVII, 1940/04/24-1940/05/31
1940/06/02 Freiburg/i.Br., Haslach, Waldkirch Movement, assembly AK 25, 1940/06/01-1940/06/05
AK 27, 1940/06/06-1940/07/02
1940/06/15 Neuf-Brisach, Colmar, Munster, Invasion of France, offensive
La Bresse, Lure engagements, occupation duty

1940/07/05 Gutach/i.Br., Waldkirch Movement, assembly AOK 1, 1940/07/02-1940/07/10

1940/07/09 Breslau, Olesnica, Strehlen Transfer, rehabilitation, training AK 8, 1940/07/10-1941/05/09
(Strzelin), Olawa, Brieg regrouping, quartering
1941/03/15 Breslau, Narew River, Ostroleka, Reorganized as SichD 221, movement, AK 7, 1941/05/10-1941/07/02
Lomza, Bialystok, Brest, Kobrin mopping-up action, security Bfh.rueckw.HGeb Mitte, 1941/07/03-1941/12/13
1941/08/01 Pruzhany, Baranovichi, Pinsk, Movement, antipartisan operations,
Slutsk, Bobruisk, Mozyr, Gomel, Security
Bryansk, Roslavl, Mogilev
1941/12/26 Orel, Ust 1 Leski, Trudki, Nizhnyaya Movement, reorganized as 221.ID, AOK 2 (HGr.Reserve), 1941/12/14-1941/12/16
Zalegoshch, Trudy Teryayeva defensive and assault operations AK 35 Hoeh.Kdo., 1941/12/17-1941/12/24
AK 55, 1941/12/25-1942/03/20
1942/03/20 Bryansk, Smolensk, Pochinok, Yelnya, Re-formation as 221,0, assembly, Bfh.rueckw.HGeb Mitte, 1942/03/21-1942/03/31
Baltutino, Pavlinovo, Korobets, mopping-up action, antipartisan KomGen d SichTr u Bfh i HGeb Mitte, 1942/04/01-1942/06/07
Ugra River operations, security AK 43, 1942/06/08-1942/06/17

1942/07/02 Gomel, Pochep, Klintsy, Unecha, Reorganized as SichD 221, KomGen d SichTr u Bfh i HGeb Mitte, 1942/06/18-1943/08/31
Surazh, Mglin, Krichev, Korma, antipartisan operations, C.O.: Gen.Lt. Hubert Lendle, 1942/07/05-1944/11/18
Novozybkov, Chechersk security, regrouping

1942/11/09 Gomel Redesignated 221.SichD

1943/01/01 Novozybkov, Klintsy, Unecha, Pogar, Antipartisan operations,

Starodub, Khotimsk, Klimovichi, security, regrouping
Slavgorod, Dovsk, Vetka

1943/05/01 Semenovka, Pogar, Starodub, Klintsy, Antipartisan operations,

Unecha, Mglin, Akulichi, Khotimsk, security, regrouping
Surazh, Kostyukovichi
Records of the 221.SichD are reproduced on rolls 1665-1687 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history.
Although no records of this division dated later than 1943/08/31 were available in the National Archives, situation maps of Lage Ost
and Stammtafel/OKH/AHA, H 37/160 (MR 1315) show:
1943/09/01 Gomel, Voronezh, Movement, defensive operations, Subordinate to: AK 56 Pz (AOK 2), 1943/09/01-1943/09/04
Stary Oskol, Koryukovka, Radul disengagement movements Korpsgruppe Jahn (S.PzD), 1943/09/05-1943/09/14
AK 46 Pz, 1943/09/15-1943/09/20
1943/10/18 Bragin, Minsk, Vileika, Molodechno Movement, antipartisan operations, AOK 2, 1943/09/21-1943/09/22
security Korueck 580, 1943/09/23-1943/09/26
1944/02/18 Oshmyany, Soviet Union Movement, antipartisan operations, Bfh.rueckw.HGeb Mitte, 1943/09/27-1943/10/14
1944/07/05 Varena, Lithuania, Grodno, Russia, Disengagement movements by remnants
Suwalki, Poland of the 221.SichD

The Potsdam catalog, the general officer personnel files, and records of OKH/AHA/Abwicklungsstab, H 41/24 (T78, roll 141), were also used
for the unit history.


I V b , Kriegstagebuch. O p e r a t i o n a l readiness of the 1939/08/26-1939/12/20 2 2 1 . S i c h n P1376 1655 1

d i v i s i o n f o r t h e Polish c a m p a i g n , 2 6 A u g 1939, a n d
m e d i c a l care d u r i n g m o v e m e n t s f r o m S c h w e i d n i t z
( S w i d n i c a ) to Modlin via Breslau, Krotoszyn, Schildberg
( O s t r z e s z o w ) , Ostrow W i e l k o p o l s k i , K a l i s z , Leczyca, and
K a t n o , 31 A u g - 3 0 Sep 1939, f r o m M o d l i n to the L u b l i n
a r e a , 1-18 O c t 1939, a n d i n t h e C h e l m , R a d z y n P o d l a s k i ,
L u b a r t o w , Wlodawa, Opatow, Zawichost, and Sandomierz
a r a a s , 18 Oct-20 Dec 1939. A list of o f f i c e r s d u t y
a s s i g n m e n t s a n d c a s u a l t y a n d s t r e n g t h reports.
la, A n l a g e zum KTB. Casualty reports. 1940/03/21-1940/05/30 221.SichD W5933/2 1655 20
Ib, .Kriegstagebuch. Supply activities d u r i n g the 1940/06/06-1940/07/12 221.SichD W5934/1 1665 40
d i v i s i o n ' s assembly in the F r e i b u r g / i . 3 r . ,
G u t a c h / i . B r . , a n d W a l d k i r c h a r e a s , 6-15 J u n 1940,
i n v a s i o n of France n e a r K o e n i g s c h a f f h a u s e n , 16 Jun
1940, m o v e m e n t s a n d o c c u p a t i o n d u t y i n t h e a r e a s
a r o u n d C o l m a r , 18-22 J u n 1940, K u n s t e r , 2 3 - 2 4 J u n 1 9 4 0 r
Li Bresse, 25-26 J u n 1 9 4 0 , a n d L u r e , 2 7 J u n - 4 J u l
1 9 4 0 , a n d m o v e m e n t back t o a n d a s s e m b l y i n t h e
G u t a c h / i . B r . a r e a , 5-9 Jul 1940. A r e g i s t e r of
Ib, A n l a g e zura K T B , A n o r d n u n g e n f u e r d i e V e r s o r g u n g u n d 1940/06 /1 4 - 1 9 4 0 / 3 7/03 221.SichD W5934/2 1655 73
fuer die rueckwaertigen Dienste der 221.ID.
Ic, IB w i t Aii laqe n. A c t i v i t y and intelligence reports 1940/02/21-1940/10/31 221.Sichr' 5934/3 1665 125
concerning German and enemy m i l i t a r y situation,
propaganda, counterintelligence, military security,
control of the civilian p o p u l a t i o n , morale of the
m i l i t a r y p e r s o n n e l , and t r o o p i n d o c t r i n a t i o n a n d
entertainment d u r i n g the western campaign.
Ill, T B . A c t i v i t y r e p o r t o f t h e j u d g e a d v o c a t e . 1939/08/26-1940/06/24 221.SichD W5934/4 1665 170
I V a , IB. F o r m a t i o n o f t h e d i v i s i o n , 26-28 A u g 1939, 1939/08/26-1940/07/31 221.SichD W5934/5 1655 179
a s s e m b l y in the Gross-Weigelsdorf area, movement d u r i n g
t h e Polish c a m p a i a n f r o m O b e r n i g k t o W i l k o w P o l s k i v i a
Ostrow Wielkopolski, K a l i s z , Poddebiece, W a r t k o w i c e ,
K u t n o , Z y c h l i n , S a n n i K i , a n d S e c y m i n P o l s k i , 1-26 S e p


1939, and movement and quartering in the Lublin,

Kialce, Ostrowiec, Skarzysko-Kamienna, and Radom areas.
Transfer to Wehrkreis XVII, 27 Apr-3 lay 1940,
traininq in Doellersheim and Goepfritz, 4 M a y - 1 Jun
1940, movement to and assembly in the Freiburq/i. Br.,
Haslach, and Waldkirch areas in Baden, movement to and
occupation of France, 15 Jun-5 Jul 1940, assembly in
Gutach/i.Br., and transfer to and quartering in the
Brsslau area, 9-31 Jul 1940.
IVb, TB. Activity report of the medical officer and a 1940/06/3 1-1940/06/23 221.SiciD W5934/6 1665 214
casualty report.
IVc, IB. Activity report of the veterinary officer. 1 9 4 0 / 0 6 /1 5- 1 9 4 0 / 0 6 / 2 4 2 2 1 . S i c h O W5934/7 16o5 224
IVd, TB. Activity reports of the Protestant and 1940/06/34- 1940/07/05 221.SichD W5934/8 1665 230
Catholic chaplains.
FPM, TB. Activity report of the postal officer. 1940/06/01- 1940/07/09 221. S i c h D W 5 9 3 4 / 9 1665 239
Ila, TB. Activity report of the personnel branch. 1940/04/21- 1940/09/30 2 2 1 . S i c h D 8016 1655 243
la, Richtlinien fuer die Ausbildunq der Sich.-Division. 1941/04/35- 1941/04/08 2 2 1 . S i c a D 8809 1665 252
Traininq directives and service instructions.
la, TB. Transfer from Gutach to the Breslau area, 9-13 1940/07/10- 1941/02/28 221.SichD 16748/1 1655 339
Jul 19UO, quarterinq, rehabilitation, traininq, and
rejroupinq in the Glatz, Olawa, Erieq, Neumarkt,
Olasnica, and Strzelin areas.
la, Anlagen zum TB. Orders relating to traininq and 1940/07/10-1941/02/28 221.SichD 16748/2 1665 324
securinq the harvest; a billetinq survey; a list of
division battles durinq the Polish campaign in the
Uniejow, Biala Gora, Leszyca, Kutno, and Modlin areas;
and the western campaiqn the breakthrough of the
Maginot Line at Marckolsheim, Artzenheira, Colmar,
Munster, Col de la Schlucht, and La Bresse, France.
la, Anlaqen zum TB. Special directives concerninq 1940/07/13-1941/02/28 221.SichD 16748/3 1665 352
traininq, supply, and rear services and daily reports
of the personnel branch.
la, Anlaqen zum TB. Special directives concerninq 1940/07/10- 1 9 4 1 / 0 2 / 2 8 221.SichD 16748/4 1665 539
supply and rear services.
la, KIB 1. Reorganization of the 221.ID as SichD 221, 1941/03/01-1941/35/05 221.SichD 16748/5 1655 719
6 221. S I C H E R U N G S - D I V I S I O N -


s u p p l y a n d rear services.
la, A a l a g e n z u m KTP 2. S e c u r i n g t h e border f r o m O s t r o w 1941/06/20-1941/07/31 2 2 1 . S i c h D 16748/9 1667 1
M a z o w i e c k a to O s t r o l e k a a n d m o p p i n g - u p a c t i o n i n t h e
Lomza and Z a m b r o w areas; a t t a c k , occupation, and
defense of Bialystok; movement to, mopping-up action,
a n d s e c u r i t y a n d m a i n t e n a n c e o f roads, r a i l r o a d s ,
bridges, supply installations, and dumps for captured
m a t e r i e l in the Bielsk, V o l k o v y s k , P r u z h a n y , K o b r i n ,
Brest, Pinsk, Bialystok, Bialowieza, Wysokie
M a z o w i e c k i e , a n d L o m z a areas; r e l i e f o f t h e d i v i s i o n b y
P r o v i n z O s t p r e u s s e n (area s e c u r i t y c o m m a n d ) i n t h e
L o m z a , Brest, a n d P r u z h a n y a r e a s a n d i n t h e Z e l v y a n k a
R i v e r sector, 2 9 J u l 1 9 4 1 ; a s s e m b l y o f t h e d i v i s i o n i n
t h e a r e a s o u t h o f B a r a n o v i c h i , 3 1 J u l 1941, a n d e n e m y
m i l i t a r y s i t u a t i o n a n d losses.
la, A n l a g e n zum KTB 2. Securing roads, railroads, 1941/08/31-1941/09/20 2 2 1 . S i c h D 16748/10 1667 552
bridges, and supply installations, operations against
partisans, removal of mines, and training in the
P i n s k , Slonira, Novogru-lok, Kobrin, Luninets, Slutsk,
Wozyr, Gomel, Rogachev, Mogilev, Bobruisk, Petrikov,
K o m a r i n , C h a u s y , a n d Z h l o b i n areas. O r d e r - o f - b a t t le
c h a r t s ; i n s t r u c t i o n p a m p h l e t s a n d reports r e g a r d i n g
combat against Russian tanks, demolition of a n t i t a n k
_ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . -- _ - _ _
ana j_ u i_ u J..L ioa L j_uiii> j. u is
border; translations of Russian combat directives for
partisan units giving o r g a n i z a t i o n and activities, the
use of R a d i o e l e k t roscha Iter "F 10" and
S p l i t t e r s p e r r m i ne, a n d a n o r d e r by Field M a r s h a l
r i a o s c h e n k o , d a t e d 15 A ug 1 9 4 1 ; a n d reports c o n c e r n i n g
the enemy m i l i t a r y situation.
la, A n l a g e n zum KTB 2. Securing roads, railroads, and 1941/09/21-1941/10/31 2 2 1 . S i c h D 16748/11 1668
bridges, operations against partisans, and training in
t h e Ka l i n k o v i c h i, G o m e l , K r i c h e v , B y k h o v , B o b r u i s k ,
P e t r i k o v , M o z y r , K l i n t s y , S l u t s k , Pochep, B r y a n s k ,
Roslavl, Mogilev, and Rogachev areas; f o r m a t i o n of


15 War 1941, t r a i n i n g , r e g r o u p i n g , and operational

r e i d i n e s s s c h e d u l e d for 15 M a y 1941, in the B r e s l a u ,
O h l a u ( O l a w a ) , B r i e g , Oels ( O l e s n i c a ) , a n d S t r e h l e n
( S t r z e l i n ) areas. A r e g i s t e r of o f f i c e r s and a s t r e n g t h
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 1 . T r a i n i n g d i r e c t i v e s , service 1 941 / 0 3 / 0 7 - 1 9 4 1 A ) 5 / 0 2 221.SichF> 16748/6 16o5 776
i n s t r u c t i o n s , o r d e r o f t h e d a y b y t h e personnel b r a n c h ,
billeting surveys with maps, order-of-battle charts,
a n d special d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n g s u p p l y a n d rear
l a , K T B 2 . M o v e m e n t s f r o m B r e s l a u t o the O s t r o l e k a 1941/05/06-1941/12/13 2 2 1 . S i c h D 16748/7 1656 1
area a n d t h e N a r e w R i v e r sector v i a Z y c h l i n , W a r s a w ,
C i e c r h a n o w , R o z a n , a n d M a k o w M a z o w i e c k i , 6-15 M a y 1941;
p r e p a r a t i o n s for U n t e r n e h m e n B e r t a ( d e f e n s e in case of
a K u s s i a n a t t a c k ) and O p e r a t i o n Barbarossa ( i n v a s i o n of
R u s s i a ) ; movements to a n d raopping-up action in the
Loraza, Z a m b r o w , B i a l y s t o k , Bielsk, Volkovysk, Brest,
K o b r i n , P r u z h a n y , P i n s k , a n d B a r a n o v i c h i areas, 2 2
J u n - 3 1 J u l 1 9 4 1 ; m o v e m e n t t o a n d s e c u r i n g roads,
r a i l r o a d s , a n d b r i d g e s a n d operations a g a i n s t
p a r t i s a n s i n t h e Pinsk, B a r a n o v i c h i , S l u t s k , B o b r u i s k ,
M o z y r , Gomel, B r y a n s k , R o s l a v l , a n d M o g i l e v areas, 1
A u q - 1 3 Dec 1 9 4 1 , and periodic r e g r o u p i n g in these
areas. A r e g i s t e r of o f f i c e r s and c a s u a l t y and
s t r e n g t h reports.
l a , A n l a g e n z u m K T B 2 . O r d e r s , messages, maps, a n d 1941/05/06-1941/36/19 2 2 1 . S i c h D 16748/8 1556 350
o v e r l a y s p e r t a i n i n g t o m o v e m e n t s f r o m Breslau t o t h e
Z y s h l i n , Warsaw, Ciechanow, Rozan, and Makow Mazowiecki
a r e a s a n d t o t h e N a r e w R i v e r sector i n t h e Ostroleka,
Z a n b r o w , a n d N o w o g r a d a r e a s t o secure s u p p l y routes a n d
i n s t a l l a t i o n s , bridges, and the G e r m a n - R u s s i a n
d e m a r c a t i o n line; defense against enemy paratroopers;
p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r O n t e r n e h m e n Berta a n d O p e r a t i o n
Barbarossa; and t r a i n i n g . Order-of-battle charts,
b i l l e t i n g s u r v e y s , a n d special directives concerning


customs-f rentier protection and Ordnunqspolizei units

consisting of Russian personnel. 0 r d e r - o f - b a t t l e
c h a r t s ; a strenath report; instruction pamphlets
r e ^ a r d i n q d i s a r m i n g R u s s i a n mines a n d c o m b a t i n g t a n k s
ani partisan organizations; an afteraction critique
r e l a t i n g t o t h e e a s t e r n c a m p a i g n , d a t e d 2 7 Sep 1941;
t r a n s l a t i o n s of enemy memoranda on partisan groups'
activities behind the German lines; siqnal
c o m m u n i c a t i o n d i r e c t i v e s ; a r e p o r t on the e n e m y
military situation,
la, A n l a q e n z u m KTB 2 . O p e r a t i o n s aqainst partisans, 1941/11/01-1941/12/13 221.SichD 167U8/12 163b 525
s e c u r i n q roads, r a i l r o a d s , and bridqes, r e m o v a l of
mines, reorganization, and traininq in the Gomel,
Pocrhep, Roslavl, Chausy, B y k h o v , Z h l o b i n , Konotop,
B r y a n s k , a n d R o q a c h e v a r e a s ; relief o f t h e d i v i s i o n b y
t h e 2 d 1 . S i c h D w i t h i t s n e w m i s s i o n t o secure t h e
r a i l r o a d lin^s f r o m Z h l o b i n a n d Gomel t o B r y a n s k a n d
f r o m Novozybkov to Novgorod-Severski. Order-of-battie
charts, instructions for buildinq strong points,
s u r v e y s o f u n i t s s u b o r d i n a t e t o P f h . d . r u e c k w . HGeb.
W i t t e and their location and of units stationed in
B r y a n s k . An afteraction critique on assiqnment of
J r e n z - R g t . 1 0 1 i n A l a k u r t t i , F i n l a n d , a n d reports o n
t h e e n e m y m i l i t a r y s i t u a t i o n , losses, a n d acts o f
la, A n l d q e n zum KTB 2. Orders relating to m o p p i n q - u p 19U1/05/36-1941/D7/30 221.SichD 167U8/13 1659 1
a c t i o n , a i r defense, a n d o p e r a t i o n s a q a i n s t p a r t i s a n s ;
o r d e r s , directives, and reports of the intelligence and
p e r s o n n e l branches, t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i v e , medical, a n d
c h a m i c a l w a r f a r e o f f i c e r s , a n d t h e chief o f c i v i l i a n
a d a i n i s t r a t i o n ; special directives c o n c e r n i n g s u p p l y ,
s u p p l y troops, rear services, m i l i t a r y a n d town
headquarters, and prisoner-of-war camps; an
a l p h a b e t i c a l list of t o w n s in the area east of the Bug
R i v e r a n d i n Belorussia w i t h i n d i v i d u a l t a r q e t s ; a n d a


m i l l t a r y - g e o g r a p h i c a l d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e area f r o m
Bialystok to Volkovysk.
la, A n l a g e n zura KTB 2. Special directives concetninq 1941/10/21-1941/12/13 2 2 1 . S i c a D 16740/14 1670 1
s u p p l y , s u p p l y t r o o p s , a n d w i n t e r e q u i p m e n t a n d orders
and r e p o r t s o f t h e i n t e l l i g e n c e a n d personnel b r a n c h e s
and th^ a d m i n i s t r a t i v e , medical, and veterinary
o f f icers.
la, ftnlagen zum KTB2. Instruction pamphlets reqardinq 1941/07/30-1941/10/20 2 2 1 . S i c h D 16748/15 1670 427
organization and combating partisans, permanent
b i l l e t s , a n d s u p p l y foe w i n t e r ; o r d e r s a n d r e p o r t s o f
th3 intelligence and personnel branches and the
a d m i n i s t r a t i v e a n d m a p a n d s u r v e y o f f i c e r s ; special
d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n g s u p p l y , s u p p l y troops, rear
services, m i l i t a r y and town h e a d q u a r t e r s , and
prisoner-of-war camps; and an order-of-battle chart.
la, A n l a g e n zum KTB 2, Tagesmeldungen. 1941/05/20-1941/12/14 2 2 1 . S i c h D 16743/16 1671 1
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 2 . Orders, reports, and maps of 1941/05/12-1941/07/07 2 2 1 . S i c h r > 16748/17 1671 318
S i ^ h . R q t . 350, L a n d e s s c h u e t z e n R g t . 4 5 , a n d o t h e r
division subordinate units concerninq security and
reconnaissance operations,
la, A n l a g e n zum KTB2. O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d 1941/07/37-1941/10/03 2 2 1 . S i c h D 16748/18 1b72 1
m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o s e c u r i n g a n d m a i n t a i n i n g roads,
railroads, and bridges; operations against partisans;
m o p p i n g - u p action; and training. A c t i v i t y reports of
K d t . F e l d k o m m a n d a n t u r 5 2 8 , orders f o r t h e f o r m a t i o n o f
units, and an a f t e r a c t i o n c r i t i q u e relating to the
c o n m i t m e n t of the O r d n u n q s p o l i z e i consisting of Russian
la, A n l a g e n zum KTB 2. Orders, reports, and maps 1941/10/03-1341/12/22 2 2 1 . S i c h D 16748/19 1672 224
p e r t a i n i n g t o s e c u r i n g a n d m a i n t a i n i n g roads,
railroads, and bridges; mopping-up action; and
o p e r a t i o n s against partisans. Interrogation summaries,
instructions in German and Russian for town mayors and
collective f a r m managers, and a c t i v i t y reports of the
d i v i s i o n P a n z e r z u g 102, 1 7 J u l - 1 5 A u g 1941, a n d K d t .


Feldkommandanturen 528 and 549.

la, Anlaqen zum KTB 2. Afteraction reports including 1941/06/22-1941/06/29 221.SichD 16748/21 1673 1
maps of subordinate units.
la, A n l d q e n zum KTB 2. Fernsprechverzeichnis, Ein- 1941/06/2D-1941/09/16 221.SiciD 16748/22 1573 34
und ausqeqangene Gespraeche.
Izr IB. Activity reports including intelligence 1940/11/D1-1941/05/14 221.SichD 16748/23 1673 128
reports and maps concerning enemy military situation,
losses, and propaganda, morale of the civilian
population, security of the border and ammunition
dumps, counterintelliqence, military security, German
military situation and propaganda, and troop
indoctrination and entertainment.
Ib, KTB. War journal of the supply branch and a 1941/05/01- 1941/12/16 2 2 1 . S i c h D 16748/24 1673 224
register of supply officers.
Ib, Anldgen zum KTB. Special directives concerning 1941/03/28-1941/12/15 221.SichD 16748/25 1673 297
supply, supply troops, rear services, military
adninistration and town headquarters, prisoner-of-war
camps, evacuation, lootinq, and winter billets.
Inventories of fuel, ammunition, weapons, equipment,
horses, and captured materiele
IVa-rVc, III, TB. Activity reports of the 1940/07/13-1941/12/31 2 2 1 . S i c h D 16748/26 1674
administrative officer, 1 Kar-31 Dec 1941, the medical
and veterinary officers, 1 Mar-15 Dec 1941, and the
-juige advocate, 13 Jul 1940-14 Dec 1941.
la, KTB 3. Transfer of the division staff with 1941/12/1 4 - 1 9 4 2 / 0 3 / 1 9 221.SichD'19344/1 1674 39
attached units to Orel as army group reserves, with the
remainder of the division in the Pochep area until 6
Feb 1942 (no trace of these units thereafter); movement
to the front in the Trudy River sector and relief of
the 45. ID staff and temporary takeover of its sector.
Reorganization on 26 Dec 1941 as the, combined
with other division units and general headquarters
troops, to take part in defensive and assault
operations and counterattacks in the Ust 1 Leski,
Trudki, Trudy Teryayeva, and Nizhnyaya Zalegoshch


areas, 27 Dec 1941-11 Mar 1942. Relief of the division

staff on 12 Mar 1942 and of its sector by the 45.ID and
m o v e m e n t to Bryansk via Orel. Casualty and strength
la, Anlagen zum KTB 3, Band I. Orders, directives, 1941/12/12-1942/03/14 221.SichD 19344/2 1674 2D9
messages, and maps pertaining to movement of the
division staff from Pochep to the area southeast of
Jrel; defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations
and training in the Trudy niver sector; relief by the
45.ID and movement to Bryansk. Order-of-battle
charts, strength reports, lists of code names for
division units, and a translation of a Russian
directive relating to minelaying.
la, Anlagen zum KTB 3, B a n d II. Division and corps 1941/12/14-1942/03/20 221.SichD 19344/3 1675
orders and reports relating to operations, partisan
activity, enemy propaganda and unit identification, and
the construction of "Pan-je" houses (winter shelters for
horses) . Orders of the day hy the personnel branch,
special directives concerning supply and supply
troops, and translations of a Russian regimental combat
order and a directive pertaining to attack in
innabited localities in winter.
la, Anlagen zum KTB 3, Band III. Tageesmeldungen. 1941/12/14-1942/33/20 2 2 1 . S i c h D 19344/4 1b75 431
la, Anlagen zum KTB 3, Band IV. Weekly reports of Art. 1 9 4 1/12/14- 1 9 4 2 / 0 3 / 2 0 2 2 1 . S i c h D 19344/5 1675 556
Rgt. 9B, including overlays, statistics on engineer
supplies, and reports concerning winter mobility and
reconnaissance activity.
Ib, KTB 3. Supply activities in the area southeast of 1941/12/17-1942/03/20 221.SictiD 19344/7 1675 735
Ib, Anlagen zum KTB 3. Order for the transfer of the 194 1/12/1 1- 1 9 4 2 / O J / 1 1 2 2 1 . S i c ' i D 13944/8 167b 779
supply branch from Bryansk to Orel; critical situation
on the right wing of A3K 2, necessitating
reorganization of various rear area units; and reports
and special directives concerning supply operations.
Izf IVc, Til, TB. Activity report of the intelligence 1941/10/01-1942/03/31 2 2 1 . S i c h D 19344/9 167b
221. S T C H E R " M G S - D I V r S T O N 11


b r a n c h , 1 5 D e c 1941-21 Mar 1 9 4 2 , c o n c e r n i n q t h e G e r m a n
a n i enemy military situation and propaganda,
c o u n t e r intelligence a c t i v i t y , and troop i n d o c t r i n a t i o n
dud e n t e r t a i n m e n t ; and a c t i v i t y reports of the
v e t e r i n a r y officer and the iudqe advocate.
I ~ , A u l d q e n z u m T B . I n te r r o C a t i o n s u m m a r i e s . 19U 1 / 1 2 / 2 9 - 1 * 4 2 / 0 3 / 1 2 221.SirhP 193U4/10 167b 16
I V a , TB. A c t i v i t y report of the a d m i n i s t r a t i v e 1942/01/31-1942/03/21 ?21.SichP 19344/11 1676 11 7
IVD, KTD. W a r j o u r n a l a n d a n a c t i v i t y report o f t h e 1940/01/3 1 - 1 9 4 2 / 0 3 / 3 1 221.Sichn 19344/12 1676 143
medical officer and a register of medical o f f i c e r s .
la, K T B 4 . Movement from Bryansk to Smolensk and 1942/OV20-1942/06/17 221,SichO 22639/1 134
ce-f or m a t i o n as the 221. D i v , c o n s i s t i n g of the d i v i s i o n
s t a f f a n d L a n d e s s c h u e t z e n - B t le. , a s s e m b l y i n P o c h i n o k
and t h r u s t toward Y e l n y a , m o p p i n q - u p action and
o p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s , securing roads a n d
railroads, assault operations, and regrouping in the
Pochinok, P a l t u t i n o , Y e l n y a , Smolensk, Pavlinovo, and
K o i T o b e t s areas a n d i n t h e s e c t o r west o f t h e U g r a
R i v e r , 31 M a r - 1 1 Jun 19u2; relief of the 19.PzD between
t h e U s t r o m a n d D n i e p e r R i v e r s ; relief b y t h e 4 4 2 . D z b v
and transfer o f t h e d i v i s i o n t o secure t h e
3oinel-Pochep railroad line. A r e q i s t e r of officers
and casualty and strength reports.
l a . z u m ^TB t B a n d 1= O r d e r s ^ inessaaes, and i 9 4 2 / 0 3 / 2 0 - 1 9 ' { 2 /O 6 / 1 7
m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o m o v e m e n t t o S m o l e n s k , re- f o r m a t i o n
a s t h e 221. D i v a n d a s s e m b l y i n P o c h i n o k , o p e r a t i o n s
against partisans, securing roads and railroads,
r e g r o u p i n g , c o n s t r u c t i o n of positions, strong points,
and shelters, a n d a i r d e f e n s e i n t h e P o c h i n o k , Y e l n y a ,
a n d S m o l e n s k areas a n d i n t h e U s t r o m a n d D n i e p e r R i v e r s
s e c t o r , a n d t r a n s f e r t o t h e G o m e l a n d Pochep a r e a s .
O r i e r - o f - b a t t le c h a r t s , lists of a r t i l l e r y e q u i p m e n t , a
c a s u a l t y report f o r t h e period 2 1 f i a r - 2 6 M a y 1 9 4 2 ,
10-day operations reports, i n t e r r o g a t i o n s u m m a r i e s ,
r e p o r t s on the status of Landesschuet zen-Btle. and


enemy military situation and losses,

la, Ic, Anlaoen zum KTB 4, Band II. Intelligence 1942/03/24-1342/06/10 221.SichD 22639/3 1677
reports pertaininq to partisan activity, situation,
location, strength, weapons, and equipment and division
operations against partisans; orders and directives
governing intelligence activity; pamphlets on the
treatment of prisoners of war, partisans, and the
civilian population; orders regarding assembly of the
division in Pochinok; special directives concerning
supply, supply troops, and signal communications; and
recognition signal programs for April and flay 1942.
la, arilagen zum KTB 4, Bind III, Tagesmel dungen. Daily 194?/03/20-1942/06/17 221.SictiD 2 2 6 3 9 / 4 1577 354
reports on division and enemy operations.
13, T5. Activity report, including interrogation 1942/03/22-1942/06/17 221.SichD 2 2 6 3 9 / 6 1677 6D8
summaries, captured papers, and intelligence reports
concerning partisan activities, situation, losses, unit
identification, strength, and location; military
security, counter intelligence, treatment of prisoners
of war and partisans, control and morale of the
civilian population, and troop indoctrination and
enterta inment.
E b , KTB. War -journal of the supply branch with its 1942/03/21-1942/06/17 221-SicfiD 22639/7 1677 333
haadquirters at Smolensk, 22-30 Mar 1942, and in
Pochinok, 30 Mar-16 Jun 1942, and transfer of the
operations and supply branches and the administrative
officer staffs to C5omel on 17 Jun 1942. A list of
sjpply officers d u t y assignments, special directives
concerning supply and supply troops, reports and
messages reqarding the supply situation, afteraction
critiques relating to the transport of supplies during
the thaw period.
IVb, IVc, III, TB. Activity reports of the medical 1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221.SichD 2 2 6 3 9 / 8 1677 1D47
o f f i c e r a n d t h e - j u d g e a d v o c a t e , 1 A p r - 1 7 J u n 1942, a n d
the v e t e r i n a r y o f f i c e r ,
l i d , IB. A c t i v i t y report of the personnel b r a n c h . 1941/05/06-1942/36/16 221.SichD 23562 1678 1


I V d , IB. A c t i v i t y reports of the C a t h o l i c and 1941/04/28-1942/06/30 221.SictiD 23563 1678 7

Protestant chaplains,
la, K T B 5 . Relief of the division by the 4 4 2 . D i v z b V , 1942/06/18-19^2/12/31 221.SictiD 29380/1 1673 23
17 J u n 1 9 4 2 ; t r a n s f e r to G o m e l to t a k e over the
e a s t e r n p a r t of S i c h D 203 sector, 18-23 Jun 1 9 4 2 ;
r e o r g a n i z a t i o n as S i c h D 2 2 1 , 2 J u l 1 9 4 2 ; s e c u r i n g r o a d s
and. r a i l r o a d lines a n d o p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s i n
tha Gomel, N o v o z y b k o v , K l i n t s y , Unecha, Pochep,
S u r a z h , flglin, Krichev, Chechersk, and Korma areas, 24
J u n - 3 1 Dec 1942; assignment of u n i t s f r o m D e n m a r k , 8
Nov 1 9 4 2 ; and r e d e s i g n a t i o n of the d i v i s i o n as
2 2 1 . S i c h D , 9 Nov 1 9 4 2 . A c o m b a t and r a t i o n s t r e n g t h
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 5 , B i n d I , Teil A . Special 1942/06/32-1942/09/15 2 2 1 . S i c h D 29380/2 1678 343
directives concerning a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , supply, and
s u p p l y troops; periodic orders and r e p o r t s of the
intelligence and personnel branches and the medical and
v e t e r i n a r y o f f i c e r s ; a report on political c o n d i t i o n s ,
a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , a n d t h e e c o n o m y i n t h e d i v i s i o n sector;
a n d a t r a n s l a t i o n of a R u s s i a n p r o p a g a n d a l e a f l e t ,
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 5 , B a n d IT. Special d i r e c t i v e s 1942/09/15-1942/12/31 221.SichD 29390/3 1678 394
c o n c e r n i n g a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d s u p p l y , p e r i o d i c orders
a n d r e p o r t s o f t h e i n t e l l i g e n c e a n d personnel b r a n c h e s ,
c o m b a t directives, a r a d i o c o m m u n i c a t i o n s p l a n ,
i n s t r u c t i o n s on the conduct of m i l i t a r y personnel in
o c c u p i e d e a s t e r n t e r r i t o r y , and a t r a n s l a t i o n of
Russian instructions relating to the destruction of
telephone lines.
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 5 , B a n d III, T a g e s m e l d u n g e n . 1942/06/22-1942/12/31 2 2 1 . S i c h D 29380/4 1679 1
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 5 , B a n d I V , Teil A . O r d e r s , 1942/06/23-1942/10/29 2 2 1 . S i c h D 29380/5 1679 237
r e p o r t s , messages, o v e r l a y s , a n d m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o
o p e r a t i o n s against p a r t i s a n s ; s e c u r i n g bridges, r o a d s ,
railroads, and military and civil installations;
control of the civilian p o p u l a t i o n and t r a f f i c ;
a s s i g n m e n t and operations of m i l i t a r y a d m i n i s t r a t i o n .
14 221. S I C H E R U N G S - D I V I S I O N


g a r r i s o n , a n d t o w n h e a d q u a r t e r s a n d o p e r a t i o n a l reserve
u n i t s (Eingreifgruppen) ; and regrouping,
r e s r g a n i z a t i o n , and t r a i n i n q in the Rechitsa, Gomel,
N o v o z y b k o v , K l i n t s y , U n e c h a , S t a r o d u b , P o g a r , Pochep,
" I g l i n , S u r a z h , a n d V e t k a areas. R e p o r t s o f
V e r b i u d u n g s s t a b I l l . / f r a n z . IR 6 3 8 c o n c e r n i n g
o r g a n i z a t i o n and m i s s i o n of the legion of F r e n c h
v o l u n t e e r s and an a f t e r a c t i o n c r i t i q u e on the
c o m m i t m e n t o f I l l . / f r a n z . I R 638, 1 5 M a y - 7 J u n 1 9 4 2 .
l a , A n l a q e n z u m K T B 5 , B a n d I V , Teil B . Orders, 1942/10/31-1942/12/31 2 2 1 . S i c h D 29380/6 1679 773
r e p o r t s , messages, a n d maps p e r t a i n i n g t o o p e r a t i o n s
a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s , s e c u r i n q roads a n d r a i l r o a d s , p a t r o l
and p a r t i s a n activity, assignment of units from
D e n m a r k , r e g r o u p i n g , a n d t r a i n i n g i n t h e Gomel,
N o v o z y b k o v , K l i n t s y , S t a r o d u b , Unecha, Pochep, M g l i n ,
S u r a z h , and Vetka areas; reorganization as SichD 221, 2
J u l 1 9 4 2 ; and r e d e s i g n a t i o n as 2 2 1 . S i c h D , 9 Nov 1942.
Ic, I B . A c t i v i t y report concerning d i v i s i o n and e n e m y 1942/06/18-1942/12/31 2 2 1 . S i c h D 29380/8 1680 1
m i l i t a r y s i t u a t i o n , losses, a n d p r o p a g a n d a ;
c o u n t e r intelligence a c t i v i t y ; subordination and morale
of I l l . / f r a n z . IR 638; and t r o o p i n d o c t r i n a t i o n and
Ic, A n l a g e n z u m TB. Intelligence reports, tables, and 1 9 4 2 / 0 7 / 0 6 - 1 9 4 3 / 0 1 /05 221.SichD 29380/9 1530 25
m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o e n e m y s i t u a t i o n , a c t i v i t y , losses,
u n i t identification, strength, location, and commanding
o f f i c e r s ; m o r a l e o f t h e F r e n c h Legion ( I R 6 3 8 ) ;
i n t e r r o g a t i o n s u m m a r i e s ; d i r e c t i v e s on the t r e a t m e n t of
prisoners of war, partisans, and civilians; enemy
p r o p a g a n d a leaflets.
I l a , IB. A c t i v i t y report o f t h e p e r s o n n e l b r a n c h , a 1942/06/17-1943/03/15 221.SichD 29380/10 1630 278
r e g i s t e r of o f f i c e r s , and a c a s u a l t y r e p o r t .
Ib, KTB. War journal of the supply branch with 1942/06/18-1942/12/31 2 2 1 . S i c h D 29180/11 1630 299
h e a d q u a r t e r s at P o c h i n o k , 18 Jun 1942, and G o m e l , 19
J u n - 3 1 Dec 1 9 4 2 , and its a c t i v i t i e s in the Gomel,
N o v o z y b k o v , K l i n t s y , Unecha, Chechersk, and Korma


I b , A n l a g e n z u m K T B , Special d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n g 1942/06/22-1942/12/31 2 2 1 . S i c h n 29380/12 - 1680 342

supply and supply troops, m o n t h l y reports of the supply
b r a n c h , and a map s h o w i n g the l o c a t i o n of s u p p l y u n i t s
and i n s t a l l a t i o n s .
I V a - I V d , FPM, III, V I I , T B . A c t i v i t y reports o f t h e 1942/06/18-1942/12/31 2 2 1 . S i c h D 28380/13 1630 751
a d m i n i s t r a t i v e , v e t e r i n a r y , a n d medical o f f i c e r s a n d
t h a j u d g e a d v o c a t e , 1 8 J u n 1942-1 M a r 1 9 4 3 , postal
o f f i c e r 350, 28 Dec 1941-31 Dec 1 9 4 2 , the C a t h o l i c
c h a p l a i n , 1 Oct-31 Dec 1 9 4 2 , and the chief of the
c i v i l i a n a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , 4 Jul-31 Dec 1942.
la, A n l a g e n z u m KTB 5 , B a n d I , Teil 3 . Orders, 1942/06/18-1942/09/30 2 2 1 . S i c h D 35408/1 1631 1
d i r e c t i v e s , messages, m o n t h l y r e p o r t s , and m a p s >
p e r t a i n i n g t o relief b y t h e 4 4 2 . D z b V , t r a n s f e r t o
G o m e l to take over the eastern p a r t of the SichD 203
sector, antipartisan operations, s e c u r i n g roads,
railroads, the harvest, and Durchgangslager, f o r m a t i o n
of n a t i v e units, preparations for winter, partisan
a c t i v i t y , and regrouping in the Gomel, Novozybkov,
K l i n t s y , S t a r o d u b , P o g a r , U n e c h a , Pochep, M g l i n ,
S u r a z h , K o s t y u k o v i c h i , K l i m o v i c h i , a n d K o r m a areas; a n d
redesignation as 221.SichD. Order-of-battle charts,
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 5 , B a n d I , Teil B . O r d e r s , 1942/10/D1-1942/12/J1 2 2 1 . S i c h D 35408/2 1531 619
l uj t/ _
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partaining to antipartisan operations, securing

railroads and civil and military installations, patrol
and partisan activity, police raids, instructions and
training for military administration and town
headquarters, control of the civilian population and
traffic, formation of alert units, organization,
mission, and assignment of native units, construction
of strong points, reorganization, and regrouping in the
Gomel, Novozybkov, Klintsy, Unecha, Pochep, Starodub,
Mglin, Surazh, Khotimsk, Klimovichi, Chechersk, Korma,
ani Vetka areas, and redesignation as 221.SichD.
Order-of-battle charts.


la, K T B 6, Teil A. O p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s ; 1943/01/31-1943/06/01 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/1 1632 1

s e c u r i n g roads a n d r a i l r o a d s ; f o r t i f y i n g G o m e l ; a n d
r e g r o u p i n g , p a r t i s a n a c t i v i t y , a n d e n e m y losses i n t h e
G o m e l , N o v o z y b k o v , K l i n t s y , U n e c h a , Pogar, S t a r o d u b ,
M g l i n , Surazh, Khotitnsk, Kostyukovichi, Klimovichi,
K o r m a , K r i c h e v , C h e r i k o v , a n d S l a v g o r o d areas. Includes
s t r e n g t h reports,
la, K T B 6, Teil B. O p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s ; 1943/05/31-1943/08/31 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/2 1682 331
s e c u r i n g roads, r a i l r o a d s , a n d t h e h a r v e s t ; a n d
p a r t i s a n a c t i v i t y a n d s i t u a t i o n i n t h e Gomel,
Novozybkov, Klintsy, Pogar, Starodub, Unecha, Mglin,
S u r a z h , Khotimsk, Slavgorod, Korma, Dovsk, V e t k a ,
S e i e n o v k a , a n d K o s t y u k o v i c h i areas,
l a , K T B 6, Teil C, S o n d e r e i n s a t z . War j o u r n a l of 1943/03/02-1943/05/28 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/3 1682 530
E i a s a t z s t a b 2 2 1 . S i c h D concerning e s t a b l i s h m e n t a n d
d e f e n s e of a b r i d g e h e a d at N o v g o r o d - S e v e r s k i to secure
t h e c r o s s i n g o f t h e Desna R i v e r d u r i n g w i t h d r a w a l
m o v e m e n t s , 2-9 M a r 1 9 4 3 , a n d execution of I T n t e r n e h m e n
N a c h b a r h i l f e (antipartisan operations in the Mamayevka
w o o d s southeast of R o s l a v l , 15-28 May 1 9 4 3 ) , w h i c h
a c t i o n w a s d i v i d e d i n t o g r o u p n o r t h {Einsatzstab
2 2 1 . S i c h D ) a n d g r o u p s o u t h ( 9 8 . I D ) . Included a r e
G e r m a n and enemy losses.
la, A n l a g e n b a n d la z u m KTB 6. Orders, directives, 1943/01/01-1943/04/30 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/4 1682 531
messages, a n d m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o a n t i p a r t i s a n
o p e r a t i o n s , securing roads and railroads, r e m o v a l of
mines, f o r t i f y i n g G o m e l , a i r r a i d protection, t r a i n i n g ,
quartering of the Italian 8th Army in the division
sector in F e b r u a r y , and p a r t i s a n a c t i v i t y . Notes on
c o m m a n d conferences, m o n t h l y r e p o r t s f o r D e c 1 9 4 2 - M a r
1943, a f t e r a c t i o n c r i t i g u e s on a n t i p a r t i s a n w a r f a r e ,
ani order-of-battle charts,
la, A n l a g e n b a n d I b zum K T B 6. Orders, directives, 1943/05/31-1943/08/22 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/5 1683 1
messages, a n d maps p e r t a i n i n g t o a n t i p a r t i s a n


operations; securing roads, railroads, and the harvest;

partisan activity and situation; assignment of native
units; reorganization; and regroupina. Order-of-battle
charts, monthly reports for Apr-Jul 1943, and an
afteraction critique relating to antipartisan warfare.
la, Anlagenband II zum KTB 6. Special directives 1943/01/31-1943/08/31 2 2 1 . S i c h I ) 36509/6 1683 523
concerning supply and administrative headquarters and
periodic orders of the personnel branch.
la, Anlagenband III zum KTB 6, Tagesmeldungen . 1943/01/31-1943/08/31 2 2 1 . S i c K D 36509/7 1534 1
la, Anlagenband IVa zum KTB 6. Directives, 1943/01/31-1943/05/15 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/8 1684 404
correspondence, reports, messages, and maps pertaining
to antipartisan operations; securing railroads,
bridges, prison camps, and civil and military
installations; activity of military and civil
administrative headguar ters ; defense against mines; air
raid protection; and partisan activity and situation.
Surveys of units, personnel, and weapons assigned to
strong points and to the Feldwache.
la, Anlagenband IVb zum KTB 6. Orders, reports, 1943/05/15-1943/08/31 221.SichD 36509/9 1634 634
messages, and maps pertaining to antipartisan
operations; removal of mines; air raid protection;
securing railroads, bridges, historical buildings, and
the harvest; and activities of military and civil
<= f T- a
service, and partisan units. Surveys of units,
p e r s o n n e l , and w e a p o n s assigned to strong p o i n t s and
to the Feldwache; and an a f t e r a c t i o n critique relating
to antipartisan warfare.
la, S o n d e r b a n d z u m K T B 6 , " A n k a r a I " , " A n k a r a II". 1 94 2/10/D 6- 1 9 4 3 / 0 1 / 2 6 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/11 1635
O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, and maps p e r t a i n i n g to
e x e c u t i o n of Dnternehmen A n k a r a I (antipartisan
o p e r a t i o n s in the area west of the K h o t i m s k to the
N i v n o y e line, 19-24 Dec 1 9 4 2 ) , U n t e r n e h m e n A n k a r a I I
(an tipartisan operations in the Nivnoye, Katolin,
S h i r k o v k a , a n d K h o t i m s k areas, 18-26 J a n 1 9 4 3 ) , a n d


o t h e r o p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s i n t h e K l e t n y a area
and in the Iput R i v e r sector,
l a , S o n d e r b a n d z u m KTB 6, " A n k a r a II", " K l e t t e II". 1943/01/26-1943/04/21 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/12 1635 346
O r d e r s , reports, messages, and maps p e r t a i n i n g to
Unternehmen Ankara II and Klette II (antipartisan
o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e N i v n o y e , D e g t y a r e v k a , Molodkovo,
M a a a y e v k a , and K a m e n e t s areas, 22 J a n - 9 Feb 1943) and a
c l o s i n g report c o n c e r n i n g these operations,
l a , S o n d e r b a n d z u m K T B6 , " H a s e n j a g d " , " S u m p f b i b e r " , 1943/01/30-1943/05/28 2 2 1 . S i c t i D 36509/13 1635 526
"Osterhase". Orders, reports, messages, and m a p s
pertaining to Unternehmen Hasenjagd (operations against
the partisan unit Fedorow to contain it in the Perlazy
and Besed River area, 2-14 Feb 1943), Unternehmen
Suapfbiber (operations against the partisan unit
Fedorow in the area south of Novozybkov to secure the
Gomel-Klintsy railroad line, 26 Feb-4 Mar 1943), and
Unternehmen Osterhase (operations against the partisan
brigade Djykorow), which was assembled in the area west
of Merkulovichi, 6 Apr 1943, and finally attacked in
the wooded area around Kamenka to secure the
G o m e l - P o v s k r o a d , 27-30 Apr 1943; and an a f t e r a c t i o n
c r i t i q u e r e l a t i n g t o U n t e r n e h m e n Osterhase.
la, S o n d e r b a n d z u m K T B 6 , B r u e c k e n k o p f b i l d u n g 1943/03/33-1943/03/13 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/14 1635 933
N o w g o r o d - S e w e r s k i . Reports, messages, d r a w i n g s , a n d
maps pertaining to the assignment of the division to
form a bridgehead at Novgorod-Severski to secure
crossing of the Desna River during withdrawal movements
and the enemy m i l i t a r y situation. Order-of-battle
c h a r t ; strength reports,
la, S o n d e r b a n d DI zum KTB 6, U n t e r n e h m e n 1943/05/36-1943/05/19 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/15 1536 1
" N a c h b a r h i l f e " . Band I. Orders, reports, messages, and
m a p s p e r t a i n i n g to p r e p a r a t i o n s for and execution of
U n t e r n e h m e n N a c h b a r h i l f e ( o p e r a t i o n s t o destroy
p a r t i s a n s i n t h e M a m a y e v k a Woods, i n t h e I p u t a n d
V o r o n u s a Rivers sector, and in the forest near K l e t n y a


to secure the P g l i n to R o s l a v l r o a d , 16 M a y - 1 9 Jun

1943). An order-of-battle chart,
l a , S o n d e r b a n d D 2 z u m KTR 6 , U n t e r n e h m e n 1943/05/20-1943/06/19 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/16 163t> 135
" N a c h b a r h i l f e " , Band II. ( C o n t i n u a t i o n of item
36509/15.) O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d m a p s
p e r t a i n i n g to the execution of U n t e r n e h m e n N a c h b a r h i l f e
and a closing r e p o r t on this o p e r a t i o n , g i v i n g G e r m a n
and e n e m y losses,
la, S o n d e r a n l a g e n b a n d E z u m K T B 6 . Orders, reports, 1943/01/18-1943/07/11 221.SichD 36509/17 153b 3)5
messages, a n d m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r a n d
execution of Unternehmen Zugspitze and Sommerfest
( o p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s i n t h e area b e t w e e n
S t r u g o v s k a y a and B e l y n k o v i c h i ) . The mission of both
o p a r a t i o n s w a s t o secure t h e S u r a z h - K r i c h e v r a i l r o a d
line. Order-of-battle charts.
la, S o n d e r a n l a g e n b a n d F z u m K T B 6 . Orders, reports, 1943/06/02-194J/D7/15 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/18 1636 425
messages, a n d m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r a n d
execution of Unternehmpn Junikaefer (antip^rtisan
o p a r a t i o n s in the area s o u t h of D o v s k a n d n o r t h of
M e r k u l o v i c h i t o secure t h e Gomel t o Dovsk r o a d ) ,
Unternehmen Sonnenwende (antipartisan operations
c a r r i e d out in t h r e e sectors to secure the G o m e l to
M o g i l e v road i n t h e Z a b o l o t ' y e , loiseye v k a , K h o l o c h ' y e ,
M e r k u L o v i c h i - D o v s k ; a n d S t a r y y K r y v s k areas) , a n d
U n t e r n e h m e n W e r w o l f ( m o p p i n g - u p p a r t i s a n s i n t h e Korrca,
Slavgorod, Dovsk, and Merkulovichi areas),
la, S o n d e r a n l a g e n b a n d G zum KTB 6. Orders, reports, 1943/06/08-1943/07/13 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/19 1636 533
messages, a n d m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r a n d
e x e c u t i o n o f f J n t e r n e h m e n Csobo ( a n t i p a r t i s a n operations
i n t h e Z l y n k a , R o g o v , a n d C h u r o v i c h i areas a n d carried
o u t b y t h e 2 2 1 . S i c h D a n d t h e H u n g a r i a n 102d l i g h t
Division, 5-11 Jul 1 9 4 3 ) .
Ea, Sonderanlagenband H z u m KTB 6. O r d e r s , reports, 1943/08/16-1943/09/29 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/20 1686 738
Messages, and maps p e r t a i n i n g to preparations for and
execution of U n t e r n e h m s n Orloff (antipartisan
20 221. S T C H E R U N G S - D I V I S I O N


operations in the Slavqorod and Rabovichi areas to

s e c u r e the K r i c h e v - M o q i l e v r a i l r o a d line, 29-31 Auq
1 9 4 3 ) ; and t r a n s f e r of the d i v i s i o n to
N o v g o r o d - S e v e r s k i on 2 Sep 1943; a closinq report dated
1 Sep 1943, r e g a r d i n g U n t e r n e h m e n O r l o f f ; reports dated
10-29 Sep 1943, concerning c o o p e r a t i o n between air
f o r c e a n d array u n i t s ,
l a , S o n d e r a n l a g e n b a n d J z u r n KTB 6, G e f e c h t s - und 1943/01/01-1943/10/31 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/21 1636 952
la, S o n d e r a n l a q e n b a n d K z u m K T B 6 , V e r w a l t u n q u n d 1942/11/18-1943/07/25 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/22 1637 1
U m g l i e d e r u n q des D i v . Bereichs. Reports and maps
p e r t a i n i n g to reorganization, regrouping, transfer, and
c o m m i t m e n t of the division and its units,
l a , S o n d e r a n l a g e n b a n d L z u m K T B 6 , Uebergebene B e f e h l e 1941/11/36-1941/12/13 221.SichD 36509/23 1637 31
und P l a n p a u s e n . Orders a n d o v e r l a y s f o r w a r d e d t o t h e
d i v i s i o n by the 2 0 3 . S i c h D .
Ic, IB. A c t i v i t y and intelligence reports concerning 1943/01/01-1943/38/31 221.SichD 36509/24 1637 129
p a r t i s a n activities a n d s i t u a t i o n , a n t i p a r t i s a n
o p e r a t i o n s , G e r m a n a n d e n e m y losses a n d p r o p a g a n d a ,
c o n t r o l and m o r a l e of t h e c i v i l i a n p o p u l a t i o n ,
c o u n t e r intelligence, cases of desertion and
s e l f - m u t i l a t i o n , a s s i g n m e n t o f n a t i v e u n i t s , a n d troop
indoctrination and entertainment; interrogation
s u m m a r i e s ; and d i r e c t i v e s and reports r e l a t i n g to the
c o n d u c t of I t a l i a n m i l i t a r y personnel in occupied
I l a , IB. A c t i v i t y report of the personnel branch, 1943/01/31-1943/08/31 2 2 1 , S i c i D 36509/25 1687 548
i n c l u d i n g c a s u a l t y reports and a register of o f f i c e r s .
Ib, K T B . War j o u r n a l of the s u p p l y b r a n c h 1943/01/D1-1943/08/31 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/26 1687 559
h e a d q u a r t e r e d at Gomel c o n c e r n i n g activities in the
G o m e l , D o b r u s h , K l i m o v o , N o v o z y b k o v , K l i n t s y , Unecha,
Pogar, Starodub, Mglin, Surazh, Khotimsk,
K o s t y u k o v i c h i , Korraa, Chechersk, Vetka,
N o v g o r o d - S e v e r s k i , and Slavqorod areas, i n c l u d i n g a
list of supply o f f i c e r s d u t y assignments.


I b , A n l a g e n z u m K T B . R e p o r t s a n d messages p e r t a i n i n g 19U3/01/31-19U3/08/3 1 221.SicliD 36509/27 1b37 715

t D t h e a c t i v i t i e s o f t h e s u p p l y b r a n c h a n d special
d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n g s u p p l y f o r operations against
p a r t i s a n s a n d other s e c u r i t y a c t i v i t i e s .
I V a - I V d , FPM, ITT, TB. A c t i v i t y , reports of the 1 9 4 3 / 0 1 / 3 1- 1 9 4 3 / 0 8 / 3 1 221.SichD 36509/28 1637 1335
administrative and veterinary officers, the chaplains,
p o s t a l o f f i c e r 350, and the j u d g e a d v o c a t e . ( T h e
a c t i v i t y report o f t h e medical o f f i c e r fell i n t o e n e m y


1939/02/02 Dresden, Wehrkreis IV Activation of 223.ID (3.Welle) by

conversion of 223.LdwD, training
1939/08/26 Wehrkreis IV Operational readiness C.O.: Gen.Lt. Willy Koerner, 1939/08/26-1941/05/05
Subordinate to: Stellv.Gen.Kdo. IV, 1939/08/26-1939/09/02
HGr. C, 1939/09/03-1939/09/10
1939/09/03 Wehrkreis XII Movement, regrouping, training AOK 1, 1939/09/10-1939/09/23
HGr. C, 1939/09/23-1939/10/09
1939/10/11 Posen (Poznan), Koscian, Gniezno, Transfer, occupation and security Stellv.Gen.Kdo. XXI, 1939/10/11-1939/11/16
Janowiec, Inowroclaw, Ostrowiec duty, training OKH zV, 1939/11/17-1940/01/11
1940/02/07 Opatow, Wolsztyn, Zbaszyn, Movement, training Stellv.Gen.Kdo. X X I , 1940/01/12-1940/02/29
Nowy-Tomysl, Lwowek, Poland HGr. B, 1940/03/01-1940/03/07
1940/03/07 Hagen, Altena, Luedenscheid, Transfer, training AK 1, 1940/03/07-1940/05/10
1940/05/10 Aachen Movement, assembly AOK 6, 1940/05/11-1940/05/12
1940/05/12 Hombourg, Meuse River, Liege, Invasion of Belgium, AK 27, 1940/05/12-1940/05/15
Ramillies-Offus, Ligny, Ath, offensive operations, AOK 6, 1940/05/15-1940/05/31
Nive1les, Tournai interception of fleeing Allied forces
1940/06/01 Valenciennes, Saint-Amand, Saint- Movement AOK 18, 1940/06/01-1940/06/05
Quentin, Laon, Soissons, France AK 28, 1940/06/05-1940/06/14
AOK 6, 1940/06/14-1940/06/19
1940/06/20 Meaux, Paris, Evreux, Elbeuf, Movement, occupation and security AOK 18, 1940/06/19-1940/06/23
Bernay, Lisieux, Caen, duty, coastal defense, regrouping AK 32 Hoeh.Kdo., 1940/06/24-1940/07/10
Deauville, Honfleur AK 10, 1940/07/10-1940/07/27
AK 43, 1940/07/28-1940/10/31
1940/11/30 Couhe, Chatellerault, Poitiers, Securing the demarkation line, AK 39 Pz, 1940/10/31-1940/11/04
Loudun, Ruffcc, Civray occupation duty, training AK 59 Hoeh.Kdo., 1940/11/04-1940/12/03
AK 6, 1940/12/03-1941/03/05
1941/04/30 Royan, Le Verdon-sur-Mer, Bordeaux, Coastal defense, security duty, AK 59 Hoeh.Kdo., 1941/03/05-1941/04/30
Lesparre-Medoc, Arcachon regrouping, training AK 31 Hoeh.Kdo., 1941/04/30-1941/10/26
C.O.: Gen.Lt. Rudolf Lueters, 1941/05/06-1942/10/20

1941/10/28 Pskov, Lyuban, Tosno, Mga, Transfer to the eastern front, Subordinate to: HC-r. Nord, 1941/10/26-1941/11/03
Chernaya, Voronovo, Shapki, defensive, offensive, and assault AOK 16, 1941/11/04
Khandrovo, Soviet Union operations AK 1, 1941/11/05-1941/12/01
AK 28, 1941/12/01-1942/05/09
1942/08/27 Mga, Voronovo, Kirsino, Mishkino, First Ladoga battle AK 26, 1942/05/10-1942/09/04
Lake Ladoga defensive operations

1942/10/01 Porech'ye, Karbusel, Markovo, Defensive operations AK 30, 1942/09/05-1942/10/17

Sinyavino, Maluksa, Lodva AK 26, 1942/10/18-1943/01/23

1943/01/01 Maluksa, Lodva, Karbusel, Second Ladoga battle, C . O . : Gen.Lt. Christian Usinger, 1942/10/20-1943/10/01
Lake Ladoga defensive operations Subordinate to: Gruppe Hilpert, 1943/01/24-1943/03/10
AK 26, 1943/03/10-1943/05/23
1943/05/18 Dno, Porkhov, Novorzhev, Opochka, Movement, rehabilitation, security AOK 16, 1943/05/23-1943/07/17
Idritsa, Pustoshka, Novosokolniki antipartisan operations, regrouping AK 43, 1943/07/18-1943/08/10

1943/08/11 Poltava, Kharkov, Bogodukhov, Transfer, AK 24 Pz, 1943/08/11-1943/08/15

Lyubotin, Valki defensive operations AAbt. Kenpf, 1943/08/16
AAbt. Woehler, 1943/08/17-1943/08/18
1943/09/16 Poltava, Kremenchug, Cherkassy, Disengagement movements AK 3 Pz, 1943/08/18-1943/09/15
Dnieper River AK 11, 1943/09/16-1943/10/04
AK 3 Pz, 1943/10/05-1943/11/06
1943/10/01 Smela, Cherkassy, Dnieper River, Defensive and antipartisan
Kazatin operations, incorporation of div. C.O.: Obst. Werner Schmidt-Hammer, mFb,
elements into Kampfgruppe 168 1943/10/01-1943/11/15

1943/11/06 Saint-Lo, France Transfer of the Div.Stab, Nachr.Abt.223,

and supply units to be incorporated in the 352.ID

1943/12/04 Kanev Last elements of the 223.ID incorporated in the 168.ID

(source: situation maps of Lage Ost)

Records of the 223.ID are reproduced on rolls 1688-16^5 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history.

The Potsdam catalog, the general officer personnel files, records of ^KH/renStdH/Org.Abt., HI/38 (T78, roll 398), and situation maps of
Lage West were also used for the unit history.


l a , A n l a g e n N r . 90-105 z u m K T B 1 . O r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , 1939/10/35-1939/10/28 223.ID W5749b 1688 1

r e p o r t s , and a map pertaining to reqroupinq in
t f e h c k r e i s X I I , t r a n s f e r t o Posen ( P o z n a n ) , 11-16 O c t
1939, relief of the 2 5 2 . I D , t a k i n q over of the G r u p p e
von S c h e n c k e n d o r f f sector, o c c u p a t i o n a n d s e c u r i t y
d u t y , a n d t r a i n i n g i n t h e Posen, K o s c i a n , Srem, Sroda,
G n i e z n o , M o g i l n o , a n d J a n o w i e c areas.
l a , A n l a g e n N r . 106-146 z u m K T B 1 . O r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , 1939/10/17-1940/01/11 2 2 3 . I D 5749c 1638 25
r e p o r t s , and maps p e r t a i n i n g to occupation d u t y ,
s e c u r i t y a c t i v i t y , r e p l a c e m e n t of L a n d w e h r personnel by
y o u n g e r m e n , a n d t r a i n i n g i n t h e Posen ( P o z n a n ) ,
K b s c i a n , S r e m , Sroda, W r z e s n i a , G n i e z n o , S z u b i n ,
W y r z y s k , a n d I n o w r o c l a w areas a n d m o v e m e n t o f p a r t o f
t h e d i v i s i o n to the O s t r o w i e c and O p a t o w areas, 17 N o v
1939, a n d t o t h e W a r t h e l a g e r t o r e b u i l d a destroyed
b r i d g e across the W a r t a R i v e r , 2 Dec 1939; and
order-of-battle charts.
l a , A n l a g e n N r . 147-156 z u m K T B 1 . O r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , 1940/01/15- 1940/02/07 223.ID W5749d 1688 231
r e p o r t s , and maps p e r t a i n i n g to t r a i n i n g and occupation
d u t y i n t h e Posen ( P o z n a n ) , S r e m , S z u b i n , G n i e z n o ,
K o s c i a n , and W y r z y s k a r e a s , c o n s t r u c t i o n of a b r i d g e
across t h e Iljscie R i v e r , a n d p l a n n e d m o v e m e n t t o t h e
w e s t e r n sector o f W e h r k r e i s X X I . O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e
c h a r t s , casualty and strength reports, billetinq
s u r v e y s , m a p a n d s i g n a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n exercises, orders
of the d a y of the i n t e l l i g e n c e and personnel branches
and the administrative o f f i c e r , a n d special s u p p l y
la, A n l a g e n N r . 157-175 z u m K T B 1 . O r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , 1940/01/16-1940/34/15 223.10 W 5 7 4 9 e 1638 434
reports, and maps p e r t a i n i n g to preparations for and
m o v e m e n t s f r o m t h e Posen a n d G n i e z n o areas t o t h e
W o l s z t y n , Z b a s z y n , N o w y - T o m y s l , Trzciel, L w o w e k ,
M i a d z y c h o d , W r o n k i r , a n d S z a m i t u l y a r e a s , 7-12 F e b
1940, and to the Hagen, Altena, and Luedenscheid areas
i n G e r m a n y , 7-12 M a r , f o r t r a i n i n g a n d a i r raid


protection. Casualty and strength reports and

billeting, e n t r a i n i n g , and detraining surveys.
la, A n l a g e n N r . 176-187 z u m K T B 1 . D i r e c t i v e s , 1 9 4 0 / 0 4 /1 8- 1 9 4 0 /J 5/07. 223.TO *5749f 163d
reports, and maps p e r t a i n i n g to t r a i n i n g in the Hagen,
A l t a n a , a n d Hieder.scheid a r e a s ; o r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s ;
a n d c a s u a l t y a n d s t r e n g t h r e p o r t s ( d a m a g e d by f i r e ) .
l a , A n l a g e n 188-264 z u m K T B 1 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , a n d 1940/05/U-1940/05/19 223.ID W5749g 1639
saps p e r t a i n i n g to movement to and assembly in the
A a c h e n a r e a , 10-11 May 1910, i n v a s i o n of B e l g i u m near
H o m b o u r g , 12 f a y 1 9 4 0 , crossing of the Meuse R i v e r and
t h a L i e g e - M a a s t r i c h t C a n a l , 14-15 M a y 1 9 4 0 , a n d a t t a c k
on and c a p t u r e of some f o r t s a r o u n d Liege, 15-19 i a y
1940. Afteraction reports concerning attacks on forts
in the Liege area and a c a s u a l t y report.
la, A n l a g e n N r . 265-366 z u m K T B 1 . O r d e r s , reports, 1940/05/17-1940/06/21 223. I D W 5 7 4 9 H 1 68 y 219
anl maps pertaining to the capture of the remaining
f o r t s i n t h e Liege a r e a , 17-22 M a y 1 9 4 0 , m o v e m e n t t o
lournai via R a m i l l i e s - D f f u s , L i g n y , Nivelles, and A t h ,
2 3 - 2 7 May 1940, i n t e r c e p t i o n of r e m n a n t s of the A l l i e d
f o r c e s f l e e i n g eastward in the Lys R i v e r sector, 29-31
May 1940, a d v a n c e t o C o u r t r a i , V a l e n c i e n n e s , a n d
S a i n t - A m a n d , 1 - 5 J u n 1 9 4 0 , t o S a i n t - Q u e n t i n , Laon,
Soissons, C h a t e a u - T h i e r r y , and tfeaux, 8-18 Jun 1 9 4 0 ,
s a r c h t h r o u g h P a r i s , 2 0 J u n 1940, a n d p l a n n e d m o v e m e n t
t o B e r n a y v i a E v r e u x , 2 2 - 2 4 J u n 1940. A f t e r a c t i o n
r e p o r t s and a c r i t i g u e r e l a t i n g to the a t t a c k s on the
f o r t s i n t h e Liege area a n d special d i r e c t i v e s
c o n c e r n i n g s u p p l y , care and t r a n s p o r t a t i o n of p r i s o n e r s
of war and c a p t u r e d b o o t y , and r e o r g a n i z a t i o n of the
la, K T B 2 . M o v e m e n t t o a n d coastal d e f e n s e , o c c u p a t i o n 1940/06/24-1941/D4/30 223.ID 12242/1 477
and security d u t y , t r a i n i n g , and regrouping in the
D e a u v i l l e , H o n f l e u r , Caen, Lisieux, Bernay, Elbeuf, and
E v r e u x areas, 22 J u n - 2 9 Nov 1940; r e l i e f of the 2 9 4 . I D
and t r a i n i n g f o r s e c u r i n g o f t h e d e m a r k a t i o n l i n e i n


t h e C o u h e , Poitiers, C h a t e l l e r a u l t , L o u d u n , R u f f e c f
arid C i v r a y areas, 3 0 N o v 1 9 4 0 - 2 7 A p r 1 9 4 1 ; a n d movement
t o t h e R o y a n a n d t h e G i r o n d e e s t u a r y areas t o relieve
t h e 2 6 3 . I D of coastal d e f e n s e , 28-30 Apr 1941. A
s u r v e y of the a c t i v i t i e s and s u b o r d i n a t i o n of the
d i v i s i o n f r o m 26 Aug 1939 to 30 Apr 1941; an a c t i v i t y
r e p o r t o f t h e personnel b r a n c h , 24 J u n 1940-10 J u n
1 9 4 1 ; a register of o f f i c e r s ; and a list of
la, A n l a g o n b a n d ix z u m K T B 2 . O r d e r s , directives, 1940/06/21-1940/D8/20 2 2 3 . T D 12242/2 1>J9 512
r e p o r t s , a n d m a p s p e r t a i n i n q t o m o v e m e n t , coastal
d e f e n s e , security a c t i v i t y , control and billetinq of
r e f u g e e s , t r a i n i n g , a n d r e g r o u p i n g a l o n g t h e French
coast f r o m D e a u v i l l e to Caen and in the H o n f l e u r ,
r r D u v i l l e , Rouen, Lisisux, Bernay, Evreux, and Verneuil
areas and the German-French armistice agreement.
B i l l e t i n g s u r v e y s ; special d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n g s u p p l y
and coastal d e f e n s e ; n o t e s on c o m m a n d c o n f e r e n c e s ;
a c t i v i t y report of the P r o t e s t a n t c h a p l a i n , 10 M a y - 2 5
Jun 1 9 4 0 ; t r a n s l a t i o n o f a r e p o r t by the French g e n e r a l
s t a f f r e g a r d i n g t h e Polish c a m p a i g n i n 1939; a n d
directives pertaining to counterintelligence activity
and t r o o p i n d o c t r i n a t i o n .
l a , A n l a g e n b a n d X z u m KTB 2. Orders, directives, 1940/08/01-1940/11/22 223.ID 12242/3 1539 954
r e p o r t s , a n d m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o coastal defense,
o c c u p a t i o n a n d security d u t y , t r a i n i n g , a n d r e g r o u p i n g
in the Deauville, H o n f l e u r , Houlqate, Elbeuf, Bernay,
E v r e u x , L i s i e u x , M e z i d o n , a n d S a i n t - D e n i s a r e a s ; relief
of the d i v i s i o n by the 170.ID, 1 Nov 1940; movement to
and o c c u p a t i o n d u t y i n t h e Orleans, Gien, M o n t a r g i s ,
and P i t h i v i e r s areas; a n d p l a n n e d movement t o t h e area
e a s t of Poitiers for s e c u r i n g the d e m a r k a t i o n line.
O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e charts; billeting surveys; notes on
c o m m a n d c o n f e r e n c e s ; a n d special directives c o n c e r n i n g
coastal d e f e n s e , c o u n t e r i n t e l l i g e n c e a c t i v i t y , a n d


troop indoctrination,
la, A n l a g e n b a n d XI zum K T B 2. Orders, directives, 1940/11/23-1941/03/02 223.ID 12242/4 1690 1
r e p o r t s , a n d maps p e r t a i n i n g t o m o v e m e n t t o Poitiers,
29 N o v - 8 Dec 1940, relief of the 2 9 4 . I D , 3 Dec 1 9 4 0 ,
s e c u r i n g t h e d e m a r k a t i o n line, occupation d u t y ,
t r a i n i n g , a n d r e g r o u p i n g i n t h e Poitiers,
C h a t e l l e r a u l t , L o u d u n , R u f f e c , a n d C i v r a y areas,
counterintelligence activity, a n d troop indoctrination.
3 r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s , notes o n c o m m a n d c o n f e r e n c e s ,
spacial directives for signal communications, and
afteraction critique relating to the western campaign,
la, A n l a g e n b a n d XII zum K T B 2. O r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , 1 <>4 1/03 /D 2-19 41 / J 4 / 2 9 223.10 12242/5 1690 396
r e p o r t s , a n d m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o securing t h e
d e m a r c a t i o n line, t r a i n i n g , a n d r e g r o u p i n g i n t h e
P o i t i e r s , C h a t e l l e r a u l t , C i v r a y , R u f f e c , a n d Couhe
a r a a s , relief of the 26 3.ID f r o m coastal d e f e n s e in t h e
R o y a n a n d G i r o n d e e s t u a r y a r e a s , 28-30 A p r 1941.
O r l e r - o f - b a t t l e charts, b i l l e t i n g s u r v e y s , n o t e s on
c o m m a n d c o n f e r e n c e s , special d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n g t h e
p l a n n e d t r a n s f e r of the d i v i s i o n to the east,
la, K T B 3 . W a r - j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g t h e relief a n d 1941/04/30-1941/10/26 223.10 20890/1 1690 530
d e p a r t u r e of the 2 6 3 . I D , 30 Apr 1 9 U 1 ; coastal d e f e n s e ,
security activity, training, and regrouping in the
R o y a n . Le Verdon-snr-_Merf Bordeaux,- Lesparre-Medoc, and
A r c a c h o n areas, 1 M a y - 1 7 Oct 1941; relief of coastal
defense in the R o y a n a n d Le V e r d o n - s u r - M e r areas by the
3 0 5 . I D , 3 Jun 1941; relief of the d i v i s i o n on 17 Oct
1 9 4 1 by the 7 0 8 . I D ; and p l a n n e d t r a n s f e r of the
d i v i s i o n to the east w i t h d e p a r t u r e of the d i v i s i o n
s t a f f on 26 Oct 1941.
la, A n l a g e n b a n d XIII zum KTB3. O r d e r s , directives, - 1941/04/30-1941/06/19 223.ID 20890/2 1690 637
r e p o r t s , o v e r l a y s , a n d maps p e r t a i n i n g t o relief o f t h e
2 6 3 . I D by t h e d i v i s i o n , 30 Apr 1941; coastal d e f e n s e ,
security a c t i v i t y , t r a i n i n g , and regrouping, 1 May-19
Jun 1 9 4 1 ; a n d r e l i e f b y t h e 305.ID i n t h e R o y a n a n d L e


V e r d o n - s u r - M e r a r e a s , 3 Jan 1941. O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e
c h a r t s , b i l l e t i n g s u r v e y s , special d i r e c t i v e s
concerning supply and signal communications, and an
afteraction critique relating to the campaign in
southeast Europe.
la, A n l a g e n b a n d XTV zum KTB 3. Orders, directives, 1941/06/23-1941/10/12 2 2 3 . ID 2 0 8 9 0 / 3 1690 925
r e p j r t s , o v e r l a y s , a n d m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o coastal
d e f e n s e , security activity, training, regrouping, and
p l a n n e d movement from Bordeaux to Aachen via Tours,
Soissons, L a o n , a n d Liege. O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s ,
b i l l e t i n g surveys, n o t e s on command conferences, and
s p e c i a l d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n g s u p p . l y a n d s u p p l y troops.
Ic, I l a , T R als A n l a g e n z u m K T B 3 , V e r p f l e g u n g u n d 1941/06/1 1-1941/10/26 273.ID 20390/4 1691
G e r e c h t s s t a e r k e n . A c t i v i t y r e p o r t o f t h e personnel
b r a n c h , a r e g i s t e r of o f f i c e r s , and a list of r e q u i r e d
replacements. (The intelligence b r a n c h kept no
a c t i v i t y report f r o m 1 M a y to 26 Oct 1941, and no
r e c o r d of p e r s o n n e l s t r e n g t h w a s k e p t f r o m 30 Apr to 26
Oct 1941.)
la, A n l a g e n zum KTB 3. Drders and correspondence 1940/06/05-1941/10/27 223.ID 20390/5 1691 17
r e l a t i n g to t r a i n i n g , reorganization, and assignment to
the E v r e u x a r e a , 27 J u l 1 9 4 0 , r e l i e f by the 7 0 8 . I D , 17
Oct 1941, and planned t r a n s f e r to Pskov, Russia, and
a s s i g n m e n t t o A O K 1 8 , 2 8 O c t 1941. E n t r a i n i n g
s c h e d u l e , 27 Oct 1 9 4 1 ; a m a p s h o w i n g the l o c a t i o n of
b i l l e t i n g areas i n t h e B o r d e a u x , L e s p a r r e - M e d o c , a n d
A r c r a c h o n areas, 25 Sep 1 9 4 1 ; and a s u r v e y of
p r i s o n e r - o f - w a r camps and salvage depots in n o r t h e r n
la, K T B 4. Transfer from Bordeaux, France, to the 1941/10/28-1942/03/31 2 2 3 . ID 2 0 8 9 0 / 6 1691 39
L y u b a n a n d Tosno areas, Russia, v i a K r e u z i n g e n , R i g a ,
Cesis, a n d P s k o v ; m o v e m e n t t o a n d o f f e n s i v e e n g a g e m e n t s
o n t h e Mga f r o n t a n d i n t h e V o r o n o v o a n d K h a n d r o v o
areas, 28 Oct-21 Nov 1941; defensive and assault
operations in the Mga, Chernaya, Voronovo, Khandrovo,


a n d S h a p k i areas, 1 8 N o v 1941-31 M a r 1 9 4 2 ; a n d t h e
a t t a c k in the Mga and M a r k o v o areas, 21 Dec 1941.
la, A n l a g e n b a n d X V , z u m K T B 4 . O r d e r s , reports, a n d 1941/10/28-1941/11/19 223.TD 20R90/7 1691 135
m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o t h e t r a n s f e r f r o m France t o t h e
Tosno a n d L v u b a n areas a n d m o v e m e n t t o a n d o f f e n s i v e
o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e M g a , V o r o n o v o , a n d K h a n d r o v o areas,
28 O c t - 2 1 Nov 1941, r e o r g a n i z a t i o n for d e f e n s e , 18-19
Nov 1941, a n d a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y . O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e
c h a r t s , a s t r e n g t h r e p o r t , notes on c o m m a n d
c o n f e r e n c e s , special d i r e c t i v e s and a f t e r a c t i o n reports
c o n c e r n i n g the a t t a c k s o u t h of Lake L a d o g a , 15-16 Nov
1941, and interrogation summaries.
la, A n l a g e n b a n d X V I z u m K T B 4 . O r d e r s , messages, a n d 1941/11/20-19-41/12/31 2 2 3 I D 20890/8 1691 390
maps pertaining to defensive and assault operations,
construction of positions, t r a f f i c control, security
and m a i n t e n a n c e o f r o a d s , p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r w i n t e r ,
a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y , a n d r e g r o u p i n g i n t h eM g a ,
V o r o n o v o , a n d C h e r n a y a areas a n d p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r a n d
e x a c u t i o n of the a t t a c k in the Mga and M a r k o v o areas,
21 Dec 1941. O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s ; b i l l e t i n g s u r v e y ;
afteraction critique relating to winter warfare in
R u s s i a ; intelligence b u l l e t i n s ; a n d reports a n d m a p s
r e g a r d i n g enemy operations, unit identification, and
t a c t i c ! d i s p o s i t i o n in the area east of flga.
La, Anlagenband XVII zum KTB 4. D a i l y reports, orders, 1942/01/31-1942/03/31 2 2 3 . I D 20890/9 1691 Si6
directives, and maps pertaining to defensive and
a s s a u l t o p e r a t i o n s , s e c u r i t y and m a i n t e n a n c e of roads
and railroads, and t r a i n i n g in the M g a , Voronovo,
K h a n d r o v o , and Shapki areas; status reports; a survey
on the a s s i g n m e n t of I . / I R 344 as corps reserve, 30 Dec
1941-6 J a n 1 9 4 2 ; a n a f t e r a c t i o n report r e g a r d i n g t h e
coabat action of I . / I R 385 in the C h u d o v o area, 5 Feb
1942; i n t e l l i g e n c e b u l l e t i n s ; a t r a n s l a t i o n of a
R u s s i a n order by the c o m m a n d e r - i n - c h i e f of the
n o r t h w e s t f r o n t , G e n . L t . Povel A . K u r o c h k i n ; a n d


reports and maps concerninq enemy operations, u n i t

i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , a n d t a c t i c a l d i s p o s i t i o n i n the area
east of Mqa.
la, A n l a q e n z u m K T B 4 , G e f e c h t s b e r i c h t e . Afteraction 1941/11/23-1942/03/27 2 2 3 . I D 20890/10 1692 1
r e p o r t s w i t h m a p s a n d sketches.
Ic, Ila, T B als A n l a q e n z u m K T B 4 , V e r p f l e q u n q u n d 1941/10/27-1942/06/10 2 2 3 . I D 20890/11 1532 221
Gefechtsstaerken. A c t i v i t y report of the intelliqence
b r a n c h , 5 N o v 1941-15 A p r 1 9 4 2 , c o n c e r n i n q e n e m y
o p e r a t i o n s , losses, u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , a n d p a r t i s a n
and espionaqe a c t i v i t y , c o n t r o l of the c i v i l i a n
p o p u l a t i o n , counterintelliqence, and troop
indoctrination and entertainment; interrogation
s u m m a r y ; a n d maps s h o w i n q t h e l o c a t i o n o f e n e m y forces
in the areas east of Mqa and V o r o n o v o . A c t i v i t y report
of the personnel b r a n c h , 27 Oct 1941-31 Mar 1 9 4 2 ; a
register of officers; strenqth and casualty reports; an
a c t i v i t y report o f P z . J a e q . - A b t . 2 2 3 w i t h c a s u a l t y
r e p o r t , 6 Nov 1941-10 Jun 1942; and a list of the
d i v i s i o n ' s a t t a c h e d u n i t s f r o m 9 N o v 1941-26 M a r 1942.
la, KTB 5 . Defensive operations in the Mqa, Voronovo, 1942/04/D 1-1942/39/30 2 2 3 . I D 23598/1 1692 277
and K i r s i n o areas, 1 A p r - 1 7 J u l 1 9 4 2 , and in the
V o r o n o v o and M i s h k i n o areas, 17 J u l - 3 0 Sep 1942.
la I c , A n l a q e n b a n d z u m K T B 5 . O r d e r s , reports, a n d 1942/04/31-1942/J5/31 223.ID 23598/2 1692 373
maps pertaininq to defensive operations, reqroupinq,
a u d t r a i n i n q i n t h e M g a , V o r o n o v o , a n d K i r s i n o areas;
o r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s ; s t a t u s reports; a n a f t e r a c t i o n
critique relating to o f f e n s i v e enqagements in the
P o j o s t ' y e a r e a , 2 3 - 2 7 M a r 1 9 4 2 ; intelliqence b u l l e t i n s ;
i n t e r r o q a t i o n s u m m a r y ; t r a n s l a t i o n of a S t a l i n order
dated 23 Mar 1 9 4 2 ; and reports and maps regardinq enemy
o p e r a t i o n s , u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , a n d tactical
la, Ic, A n l a q e n b a r d zum KTB 5. Orders, directives, 1942/06/01-1942/09/30 223.10 2 3 5 9 8 / 1 1692 635
reports, and maps pertaining to defensive operations,
c o Q S t r u c t i o n of p o s i t i o n s , road m a i n t e n a n c e .


preparations for winter, m i l i t a r y security,

rearganization, regrouping, and t r a i n i n g in the Mga,
V o r o n o v o , K i r s i n o , and H i s h k i n o areas, 1 J u n - 3 0 Sep
1942, and o f f e n s i v e engagements in the M i s h k i n o area,
9-10 S e p 1942. O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s ; s t a t u s r e p o r t s ;
special supply directives; an a f t e r a c t i o n c r i t i q u e
relating to combating Russian tanks; an interrogation
s u m m a r y ; i n t e l l i g e n c e b u l l e t i n s ; a t r a n s l a t i o n of a
S t a l i n o r d e r f o r t h e R u s s i a n 191. S e c u r i t y Div. "Red
F l a g " ; a n d reports a n d m a p s , r e g a r d i n g e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s ,
unit i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , a n d tactical disposition,
la, A n l a g e n z u r a K T B 5, C,e f e c h t s b e r i c h te. Afteraction 1942/04/34-1942/09/10 2 2 3 . TO 2 3 5 9 8 / 4 1693 1
reports w i t h maps and sketches.
Ic, TB a l s A n l a g e n z u m K T B 5 . A c t i v i t y r e p o r t 1942/04/16-1942/09/30 2 2 3 . I D 23598/6 16J3 4)7
c o n c e r n i n g e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s , losses, u n i t
idantification, and partisan and agent activities;
control of the civilian p o p u l a t i o n ,
counter intelligence, and troop entertainment;
i n t e r r o g a t i o n s u m m a r y ; maps s h o w i n g t h e t a c t i c a l
d i s p o s i t i o n o f enemy f o r c e s ; a n d copies o f t h e d i v i s i o n
n e w s p a p e r "Der K a m e r a d . "
Ila, I B a l s A n l a g e n z u m PTTB 5 . A c t i v i t y report o f t h e 1942/04/31-1942/09/30 2 2 3 . I D 23598/7 1693 496
p e r s o n n e l b r a n c h , a r e g i s t e r of o f f i c e r s , c a s u a l t y and
s t r e n g t h r e p o r t s ; a l i s t of d i v i s i o n u n i t s released
g i v i n g n a m e s of the u n i t s t h e y were a t t a c h e d to, 25 Dec
1 9 4 1 - 3 0 Sep 1 9 4 2 , and a list of the d i v i s i o n ' s a t t a c h e d
u n i t s , 17 J a n - 3 Sep 1 9 4 2 .
la, KTB 6. Defensive operations in the Porech'ye, 1942/10/)1-1943/33/31 223.ID 31072/1 1693 536
K a r b u s e l , K a r k o v o , S i n y a v i n o , M a l u k s a , a n d Lodva a r e a s
east of the Mga R i v e r .
la, I c , A n l a g e n b a n d X X z u m K T B 6 . Orders, directives, 1942/10/31-1942/12/31 223.10 31072/2 1693 645
reports, and maps p e r t a i n i n g to defensive operations,
c o n s t r u c t i o n o f positions, b r i d g e a n d m i l i t a r y
s e c u r i t y , f o r m a t i o n and m i s s i o n of a l e r t u n i t s , the use
of p r i s o n e r s of war as a labor f o r c e , r e g r o u p i n g , and


t r a i n i n g in the Porech1ye, Karbusel, Markovo,

S i n y a v i n o , M a l u k s a , a n d Lodva areas. Order-of-battle
c h a r t s ; an a f t o r a c t i o n report r e l a t i n g to the battle of
A K 30 s o u t h of Lake L a d o g a , 9-30 Sop 1942;
i n t e r r o g a t i o n s u m m a r y ; intelligence b u l l e t i n s ; and
reports and maps regarding enemy operations, unit
identification, and tactical disposition,
l a , Ic, A n l a g e n b a n d X X I z u m K T B 6 . Orders, reports, 1943/01 n 1-1943/03/31 223.10 3 1 0 7 2 / 3 1b93 932
overlays, and maps pertaining to defensive operations,
r e g r o u p i n g , and t r a i n i n g in the "laluksa, Lodva,
K a r b u s e l , P o r e c h ' y e , M a r k o v o , a n d S i n y a v i n o areas east
o f t h e M g a R i v e r a n d c o u n t e r a t t a c k o n 2 0 fiar 1 9 4 3 ;
a c t i v i t y report of P i . B t l . 2 2 3 , 20 J a n - 8 Feb 1 9 4 3 ;
o r J e r - o f - b a t t l 3 c h a r t s ; s t a t u s r e p o r t s ; notes o n
c o m m a n d c o n f e r e n c e s ; a list of d i v i s i o n b a t t l e s , 28 Dec
1 9 4 1 - 2 1 lay 1 9 4 2 ; special d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n g s u p p l y
and s u p p l y troops; a f t e r a c t i o n critiques relating to
c o m b a t i n g R u s s i a n t a n k s , defense a g a i n s t a Russian
a t t a c k , 1 2 J a n 1943, a n d o f f e n s i v e e n g a g e m e n t o f
G r e n . K g t . 385 in the a r e a east of S i n y a v i n o .
Intelligence bulletins and reports and maps on the
e n e m y tactical disposition and operations,
l a , A n l a g e n z u r a KTB 6, G e f e c h t s b e r i c h t e . Afteraction 1 942/10/D 1 - 1 9 4 3 / 0 4 / 0 8 2 2 3 . I D 31072/4 1694 1
r e p o r t s a n d c r i t i q u e s w i t h maps a n d sketches,
Ic, TB. A c t i v i t y report c o n c e r n i n g e n e m y t a c t i c a l 1942/10/31-1943/03/31 2 2 3 . I D 31072/6 1694 434
o p e r a t i o n s a n d s i t u a t i o n , losses, u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n
and s t r e n g t h , and partisan and agent activities;
control of the civilian population,
c o u n t e r i n t e l l i g e n c e , a n d troop i n d o c t r i n a t i o n a n d
e n t e r t a i n m e n t ; interrogation s u m m a r y ; maps showing the
t a c t i c a l d i s p o s i t i o n of e n e m y f o r c e s ; and copies of the
d i v i s i o n n e w s p a p e r "Der K a m e r a d . "
H a , I B als A n l a g e z u m K T B 6 . A c t i v i t y report o f t h e 1942/10/01-1943/03/31 223.ID 31072/7 1694 531
p e r s o n n e l b r a n c h , a register of o f f i c e r s , c a s u a l t y and
s t r e n g t h reports,, and a list of the d i v i s i o n ' s attached


la, K T B 7. Defensive operations and t r a i n i n g in the 1 9 4 3 / 0 4 / 0 1-1 4 4 3 / 0 9 / 3 0 2 2 3 . I D 35823/1 1694 538

K a r - b u s e l , M a l u k s a , a n d L o d v a areas, 1 A p r - 1 7 M a y 1 9 4 3 ;
movement to and rehabilitation, operations aqainst
partisans, and secarity a c t i v i t y in the Dno and Porkhov
areas, 1 8 M a y - 1 7 J u n 1943, i n t h e N o v o r z h e v , L o k n y a ,
a n d O p o c h k a areas, 1 8 J u n - 2 4 J u l 1943, in the Idritsa
a n d P u s t o s h k a areas, 25-31 J u l a n d 6-10 A u q , a n d i n t h e
N o v o s o k o l n i k i a r e a , 1 - 5 A u q 1913; t r a n s f e r t o P o l t a v a ,
11-15 A u q 1 9 4 3 ; m o v e m e n t t o west o f K h a r k o v , 18-21 A u q ;
defensive operations between Boqodukhov and L y u b o t i n
west of K h a r k o v , 22 Auq-15 Sep 1943; and disenqaqement
m o v e m e n t across t h e D n i e p e r R i v e r n e a r K r e m e n c h u q a n d
C h e r k a s s y v i a V a l k i a n d P o l t a v a , 16-30 S e p 1943.
A f t e r a c t i o n r e p o r t r e q a r d i n q t h e d e f e n s i v e b a t t l e west
of K h a r k o v , 22 A u q - 1 5 Sep 1943.
la, A n l a q e n b a n d X * I T z u m K T B 7 . Orders, reports, and 1943/04/3 1-1943/07/31 2 2 3 . i n 35823/2 1694 694
maps pertaininq to defensive operations, construction
of positions, and t r a i n i n q in the Karbusel, flaluksa,
and Lodva areas, m o v e m e n t to and a n t i p a r t i s a n
operations, rehabilitation, and traininq in the Dno,
P o r k h o v , Tosno, N o v o r z h e v , L o k n y a , O p o c h k a , T d r i t s a ,
and Pustoshka areas. 3 r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s ; s t a t u s
reports; billetinq suuveys; notes on command
conferences; interroqation summary; intelliqence
D u l l e t i n s ; r e p o r t s o n t r o o p i n d o c t r i n a t i o n ; a n d reports 'I 1 i

and maps concerninq enemy operations, unit

i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , partisan a c t i v i t y , and tactical
la, A n l a q e n b a n d X X I T I z u m K T B 7 Orders, reports, 1943/08/01-1943/09/30 223. TO 35823/3 1695
messages, a n d m a p s p e r t a i n i n q t o o p e r a t i o n s a q a i n s t
partisans, security a c t i v i t y , and t r a i n i n q in the
N o v o s o k o l n i k i , Pustoshka, a n d Idritsa areas; transfer
t o P o l t a v a ; r e l i e f o f t h e 3 3 5 . I D , 1 5 A u q 1943; m o v e m e n t
t o K o l o m a k , 18-19 A u q ; relief of the SS 2 . P z D "Das

Reich," 22 Aug 1943; d e f e n s i v e operations between

B o q o d u k h o v a n d L y u b o t i n west o f K h a r k o v ; a n d
d i s e n g a g e m e n t m o v e m e n t s across t h e D n i e p e r F i v e r n e a r
K r a m e n c h u g and Cherkassy via Valki, Poltava, and
P a v l y s h . Order-of-battle charts, status reports,
e n t r a i n i n g schedules, intelligence bulletins, and
reports regarding enemy operations and partisan
la, A n l a g e n b a n d X X T T l a z j m K T B 7 . Afteraction reports 1943/04/31-1943/J9/30 223.10 35823/4 1695 232
i n c l u d i n g maps a n d sketches r e g a r d i n g t h e mobile
d e f e n s i v e b a t t l e west o f K h a r k o v , 2 2 A u g - 1 5 S e p 1943,
c o m b a t and r a t i o n s t r e n g t h r e p o r t s , and a list of the
division's attached units.
Ic, I B ueber d e n O s t e i n s a t z d e r D i v i s i o n . A c t i v i t y 1943/04/J 1-194J/09/30 2 2 3 . ID 3 5 8 2 3 / 6 1695
report concerning enemy tactical operations and
situation, unit strength and identification, partisan
and agent activities, and propaganda;
c o u n t e r i n t e l l i g e n c e a c t i v i t y ; a n d troop e n t e r t a i n m e n t ;
i n t e r r o g a t i o n s u m m a r y ; maps s h o w i n g t h e t a c t i c a l
d i s p o s i t i o n of enemy f o r c e s ; and copies of the d i v i s i o n
n e w s p a p e r "Der K a m e r a d . "
la, K T B m i t A n l a g e n . I n c o r p o r a t i o n o f d i v i s i o n 1 9 4 3 / 1 0 / 0 1 - 1 ^ 4 3 / 1 1/20 223. TO 40156/1 1695 431
e l e m e n t s i n t o K a m p f g r u p p e 168; o p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t
p a r t i s a n s and defensive operations in the Cherkassy
araa west of the D n i e p e r R i v e r , 1 O c t - 3 Nov 1 9 4 3 ;
r e - f o r m a t i o n of the 16R.ID with remnants of the 223.ID
still a t t a c h e d , 4 Nov 1 9 4 3 ; t r a n s f e r of the d i v i s i o n
s t a f f , Nachr.Abt. 223, and supply units of the 223.ID
to S a i n t - L o , F r a n c o , 6 - 1 b Nov 1943, to be i n c o r p o r a t e d
in the 352.ID; and redesignation of D i v . S t a b 223 as
D i v . S t a b 352. C o m b a t a n d r a t i o n s t r e n g t h reports; a
l i s t of the d i v i s i o n ' s a t t a c h e d u n i t s and a s u r v e y of
its c o m b a t a c t i v i t i e s , 26 Aug 1939-19 Nov 1943; and
m a p s s h o w i n g the location of u n i t s of the 2 2 3 . I D as of
1 D c t 1943, r e m n a n t s of the 2 2 3 . I D on 4 Nov 1943, and


p a r t i s a n u n i t s d u r i n q t h e period 14-29 O c t 1943.

l a , A n l a g e n z u m K T B . O r d e r s r e l a t i n g t o assembly i n 1943/08/14-1943/11/04 223. I D 4 0 1 5 6 / 2 1695 '4)4
t h e P o l t a v a a r e a , d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s west o f K h a r k o v ,
d i s e n y a g e m e n t m o v e m e n t s to west of the Dnieper R i v e r ,
operations aqainst partisans and defensive engagements
in the Smela a r e a , i n c o r p o r a t i o n of e l e m e n t s of the
2 2 3 . I D i n t o K a m p f g r u p p e 168, t r a n s f e r o f t h e d i v i s i o n
s t a f f to Saint-Lo, reorganization of i n f a n t r y
d i v i s i o n s to the new t y p e in October 1943, and
p e r s o n n e l m a t t e r s . An order-of-ba tt le c h a r t , a s t a t u s
r e p o r t of the d i v i s i o n as of 1 Oct 1 9 4 3 , and m a p s
s h o w i n g t h e location o f p a r t i s a n a c t i v i t y i n October
I b , A b s c h l u s s b e r i c h t e des D i v i s i o n g r a e b e r o f f iziers. 1 94 1 /11 /10- 19 '43/39/1 5 223.10 41999 1695 5S4
R e p o r t s o f t h e graves r e g i s t r a t i o n o f f i c e r .


1939/02/02 Hamburg, Wehrkreis X Activation of 225. in (S.lvelle) by

conversion of 225.LdwD,
formation, training
C.O.: Gen.Lt. Ernst Schaumburg, 1939/08/26-1940/07/30
1939/08/30 Wehrkreis X Operational readiness Subordinate to: Stellv.Gen.Kdo. X, 1939/08/25-1939/09/01
AK 5, 1939/09/01-1939/09/05
1939/08/31 Aachen, Schleiden, Stolberg, Transfer, border security, AK 27, 1939/09/06-194U/01/22
Eschweiler, Tr.Ueb.Pl. Senne training OKH Berlin, 1940/01/23-1940/02/28

1940/03/05 Uortnuiid Movement, preparations for invasion AK 1, 1940/02/29-1940/05/09

of the Low Countries

1940/05/09 Goch, Germany, Gennep, Movement, invasion of the Netnerlands, AOK 18, 1940/05/10-1940/06/15
Bergen op Zoom offensive engagements Obf.i. Belgien u. Nordfrankreich, 1940/06/16-1940/09/30

1940/05/18 Antwerp, Ghent, Thielt, Bruges, Movement across Belgium,

Torhout, Roulers, Tournai offensive engagements

1940/06/16 Arras, Albert, Saint-Pol, Lillers, Movement in France, occupation and

Bruay-cn-Artois security duty

1940/07/07 Fumes, Ostend, Bruges, Heist, Movement, coastal defense

Belgium, Terneuzen C . O . : Gen.Maj. Friedrich Karl von Wacnter,
1940/10/27 Cnarlcville, Rethel, Vouziers, Movement, occupation and security Subordinate to: AK 23, 1940/10/01-1940/10/29
Roye, Ham, France duty, training AK 42, 1940/10/30-1941/01/18
^ *i
'***'*, " AK 32 Hoeh.Kdo., 1941/01/19-1941/12/24
1941/02/09 Honfleur, Dives-sur-Mer, Pont- Coastal defense, security duty,
Audemcr, Deauville, Lisieux training
C . O . : Gen.Lt. Hans von Basse, 1941/05/30-1942/09/25
1941/06/08 Amiens, Pcronne, Compiegne, Movement, occupation duty,
Beauvais, Abbeville, Doullens

1941/12/24 Narva via Danzig, Lie^ajn, Riga, Transfer,

Pskov, Luga, Gatchina, Soviet assembly

1942/01/29 Lisino-Korpus, Kastenskaya Movement, defensive operations Subordinate to: AOK 18, 1942/01/09-1942/02/09
1942/02/06 Lisino-Korpus, Kastenskaya Formation of Gruppe von Basse AK 50, 1942/02/10-1942/02/24

1942/02/25 Lyuban, Tigoda River Offensive and defensive operations Gruppe Endres (AK 1), 1942/02/25-1942/03/22
AK 1, 1942/03/23-1942/05/03
1942/05/03 Lyuban Disbandment of Gruppe von Basse, AK 50, 1942/05/04-1942/12/10
reestablishing the 225.ID
1942/05/04 Kopor'ye, Gorki, Oranienhaum front Defensive and assault operations,
coastal defense
C.O.: Gen.Lt. Walther Risse, 1942/09/25-
1942/12/05 Volosovo, Koty, Veymarn, Shimsk, Movement, defensive operations, Subordinate to: AK 10, 1942/12/11-1942/12/16
Demyansk pocket aperture rehabilitation Gruppe Hoehne (AK 2 ) , 1942/12/17-1943/01/20

1943/01/31- Demyansk Attachment to the 254.ID AK 2, 1943/01/21-1943/01/31

1943/02/24 (no records available for this period, source: Potsdam catalog)
1943/02/25 Staraya Russa, Lake Ilmen Movement, defensive operations Gruppe v. Erdmannsdorff, 1943/02/24-1943/03/18
AK 10, 1943/03/18-1943/05/15
1943/05/27 Tosno, Lyuban, Shapki Defensive operations, road security AK 28, 1943/05/22-1943/09/04
1943/08/31 Mga Movement, defensive operations AK 26, 1943/09/05-1943/09/17
Records of the 225.ID are reproduced on rolls 1696-1698 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history.
Although no records of this division dated later than 1943/09/15 were available in the National Archives, situation maps of Lage Ost, records of
OKH/GenStdH/Org.Abt., HI/38 (T78, roll 398) and OKH/AHA/Abwicklungsstah, H41/57 (T78, roll 142), and a manuscript in the Foreign Military Studies
series, MS D-151, Estonia, 1944 (Fighting on the Narva front, the evacuation of Estonia and withdrawal to the Dvina, Operations of Armeeabteilung
Narwa) by Gen.d.Inf. Anton Crasser,contain references to the 225.ID as follows:
1943/09/16 Mga Position defense
1944/01/19 Tosno, Gatchina, Volosovo Disengagement movements, reorganization as Kampfgruppe 225
1944/02/27 Lake Peipus Re-formation as 225.ID, incorporation of elements of the 9.LwFlD
1944/05/19 Lake Peipus, Narva, Kokhtla-Yarve, Defensive operations
1944/07/04 Daugavpils, Zarasai, Dusetos, Disengagement movements
Jaunjelgava, Ogre, Latvia
1944/10/12 Rokiskis, Mazeikiai, Lithuania Movement, defensive operations
1945/02/16 Priekule, Lithuania, Durbe, Latvia Movement, defensive operations
1945/04/26 Durbe Probably captured


la, KTB ( A b s c h r i f t ) . War -journal concernina 1939/08/25-1939/12/31 225.10 W 7 0 4 9 1o96 1

m o b i l i z a t i o n i n t h e H a m b u r g a r e a , W e h r k r e i s X , 26-30
A u q 1939, o p e r a t i o n a l r e a d i n e s s , 3 0 A u q 1939, t r a n s f e r
to and regrouping in the Aachen, Schleiden, Stolberg,
a n d E s c h w e i l e r areas, 3 1 A u q - 3 Sop 1939, c o n s t r u c t i o n
of f o r t i f i c a t i o n s , s e c u r i n g t h e G e r m a n - B e l g i a n b o r d e r ,
t r a i n i n g , and preparations for an attack on Belgium.
la, A n l a g e n b a n d z u m K T B , O r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , messages, 1939/08/26-1939/12/22 225.ID M70U9a 1696 26
and maps pertaining to m o b i l i z a t i o n in W e h r k r e i s X,
o p e r a t i o n a l readiness, transfer to and regrouping in
the Aachen, Schleiden, Stolberg, and Eschweiler areas,
c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d f o r t i f y i n g p o s i t i o n s , border s e c u r i t y ,
a n d t r a i n i n g . B i l l e t i n g s u r v e y s a n d special d i r e c t i v e s
c o n c e r n i n g s u p p l y , r e c o n n a i s s a n c e , a n d signal
communications relating to preparations for an attack
on B e l g i u m .
la, K T B 1 . B o r d e r s e c u r i t y a n d t r a i n i n g s o u t h o f 1940/01/01-1940/09/30 225. ID tf7049/b 1696 213
A a c n e n and at T r u p p e n u e b u n g s p l a tz S e n n e , 1 J a n - 4 ?1ar
1 9 4 0 , m o v e m e n t t o t h e D o r t m u n d a r e a , 5-7 M a r , t r a i n i n g
and p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r t h e i n v a s i o n o f t h e L o w C o u n t r i e s ,
8 l l a r - 8 May 1940, m o v e m e n t to and i n v a s i o n of the
N e t h e r l a n d s i n t h e Goch a r e a , 9-11 M a y 1940, o f f e n s i v e
e n g a g e m e n t s and movement to Belgium via Gennep and
B e r g e n op Z o o m , 12-17 M a y 1940, a t t a c k and c a p t u r e of
A n t w e r p , 19-21 M a y 1940, o f f e n s i v e e n g a a e m e n t s i n t h e
tfetteren, Thielt, Ghent, Bruges, Torhout, Roulers,
Courtrai, a n d T o u r n a i areas, 2 3 M a y - 1 4 J u n 1940,
m o v e m e n t i n t o F r a n c e to A l b e r t v i a A r r a s a n d t o
S a i n t - P o l , Lillers, a n d B r u a ^ p n - A r t o i s f o r occupation
and s e c u r i t y d u t y , 1 6 J u n - 6 J u l 1 9 4 0 , m o v e m e n t t o a n d
c o a s t a l defense in F u m e s , O s t e n d , Bruges, Heist, and
T e r n e u z e n , 7 J u l - 3 0 Sep 1940.
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 1 . O r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , a n d r e p o r t s 1940/01/02-1940/04/1 225.1^ W7049c 1636 278
p e r t a i n i n q t o border s e c u r i t y a n d t r a i n i n g i n t h e area
s o u t h o f A a c h e n a n d a t T r u p p e n u e b u n g s p l a t z Senne,


m o v e m e n t to the D o r t m u n d area, and t r a i n i n g and

p r a p a r a t i o n s for the i n v a s i o n of the Low C o u n t r i e s in
t h s D o r t m u n d , U n n a , H a m r a , a n d Soest areas.
O r i e r - o f - b a t t l e charts,
la, K I B 2 . War -journal concerning movements, relief, 1940/10 /3 1-19 41 / 1 2 / 2 0 2 2 5 . T D 13511/1 1b3b 355
coistal defense, security and occupation d u t y ,
t r a i n i n g , a n d r e g r o u p i n q i n t h e Fumes, O s t e n d , B r u g e s ,
H e i s t , and T e r n e u z e n areas, 1-26 Get 1940; the
C h a r l e v i l l e , P e t h e l , a n d V o u z i e r s a r e a s , 2 7 O c t 1940-17
J a n 1 9 4 1 ; t h e R o y e a n d H a m areas, 1 R J a n - 8 F e b 1 9 U 1 ;
H o n f l e u r , Dives-sur-Mer, Pont-Audemer, Deauville, and
L i s i e u x a r e a s , 9 Feb-7 Jun 1 9 4 1 ; the A m i e n s , A l b e r t ,
Peronne, Compiegne, Beauvais, Abbeville, Flixecourt,
and D o u l l e n s areas, 8 J u n - 2 0 D e c 1 9 4 1 ; a n d p r e p a r a t i o n s
for t h e t r a n s f e r o f t h e d i v i s i o n t o t h e east, b e g i n n i n g
24 Dec 1941. A r e g i s t e r of o f f i c e r s and a s t r e n g t h
la, Anlagen zurn KTB 2. Ordors, directives, and maps 194O/10/31-1941/08/JO 2 2 5 . I D 13511/2 1696 416
p e r t a i n i n g t o coastal d e f e n s e i n t h e F u m e s , O s t e n d ,
B r u g e s , H e i s t , a n d T e r n e u z e n a r e a s ; relief b y t h e
1 b 4 . I D ; movement to the Charleville, Rethel* and
V o u z i e r s areas f o r o c c u p a t i o n d u t y a n d s e c u r i n g t h e
n o r t h e a s t l i n e t o stop r e f u g e e s f r o m e n t e r i n g n o r t h e r n
F t d u c e a n d t o t h e Roye, H a m , H o n f l e u r , D i v e s - s u r - M e r ,
P o n t - A u d e m e r , L i s i e u x , a n d D e a u v i l l e areas f o r
s e c u r i t y a c t i v i t y , coastal d e f e n s e , a n d t r a i n i n g ;
relief by the 332.ID; a n d movement to the Amiens,
Compiegne, Beauvais, Abbeville, Saint-Omer, Flixecourt,
H o n t d i d i e r , and P e r o n n e areas. N o t e s on c o m m a n d
conferences and order-of-battle charts,
la, A n l a g e n z u r a K T B 2 . Orders and directives 1941/09/31-1941/12/20 2 2 5 . T O 13511/3 169t> 777
p e r t a i n i n g t o s e c u r i n g o f t h e n o r t h e a s t line a n d
r a i l r o a d s , a i r raid p r o t e c t i o n , t r o o p i n d o c t r i n a t i o n ,
t r a i n i n g , and regrouping in the Amiens, Compiegne,
Beiuvais, Abbeville, Flixecourt, Saint-Omer,


M o n t d i d i e r , Peronne, A l b e r t , D o u l l e n s , and Roye areas

and a t T r u p p e n u e b v i n g s p l a t z S i s s o n n e a n d p r e p a r a t i o n s
f o e t h e t r a n s f e r of t h e d i v i s i o n t o t h e east, b e g i n n i n g
24 Dec 1941.
I c , TB. A c t i v i t y report concerning enemy m i l i t a r y 1940/10/3 1-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/4 1 693 131 3
s i t u a t i o n ; counterintelligence; and troop
entertainment, welfare, and indoctrination.
la, K T B . Transfer f r o m Amiens, France, to Danzig by 1941/12/2 1-1942/05/0.1 225.ID 18022/1 1697
t r a i n , a n d t o R i g a a n d L i b a a ( L i e p a i a ) b y s h i p , 21 D e c
19'41-B J a n 1 9 4 2 ; m o v e m e n t t o a n d assembly i n t h e N a r v a
a r e a v i a P s k o v , L u g a , ^ n d G a t c h i n a , 9-2> J a n 1 9 4 2 ;
m o v e m e n t to and defensive operations in the
Lisi n o - K o r p u s a n d K a s t e n s k a y a a r e a s , 2 9 J a n - 2 4 F e b
1 9 4 2 ; f o r m a t i o n o f G r u p p e v o n Basse f r o m t h e 2 2 5 . I D a n d
e l e m e n t s o f o t h e r u n i t s t o secure t h e s o u t h e r n f l a n k o f
AOK 1 8 , 6 F e b ; d e f e n s i v e a n d o f f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s i n
t h e L y u b a n area a n d t h e T i g o d a R i v e r sector, 2 5 Feb-1
M a y ; relief of the 5.G9bD, 7 A p r , and by the 93.ID, 2
M a y 1 9 4 2 ; m o v e m e n t t o t h e K o p o r ' y e area a l o n g t h e
J r a n i e n b a u m front to relieve the 217.ID; and
d i s b a n d m e n t o f G r u p p e v o n Basse a n d r e e s t a b l i s h i n g t h e
division, 3 May 1942.
l a , A n l a g e n z u m K T B . O r d e r s a n d maps p e r t a i n i n g t o 1942/01/07-1942/05/01 225.10 18022/2 76
movement from Gatchina to the Narva and Kingisepp
arsas, defensive operations in the Lisino-Korpus,
K a s t e n s k a y a , and L y u b a n areas, f o r m a t i o n of G r u p p e von
Basse, 6 Feb, and its d i s b a n d m e n t on 3 May 1 9 4 2 , a t t a c k
in t h e T i g o d a R i v e r s e c t o r , a n d m o v e m e n t t o t h e
K o p o r 1 y e and G o r k i are=is. Order-of-battie charts,
strength reports, and an afteraction critique relating
t o t h e d i v i s i o n ' s t r a n s f e r f r o m F r a n c e t o R u s s i a , 1-14
Jan 1942.
Ic, IB. Activity report concerning enemy tactical 1942/01/0 1-1942/03/31 225.ID 20460/1 1697 221
operations and unit i d e n t i f i c a t i o n and strength.
Ic, Aiilagen zura TB. Orders r e l a t i n q to the control of 1942/01/31-1942/J3/31 225.ID 20460/2 1697 235


the civilian population; maps showinq the tactical

lisposition of enemy farces in the L i s i n o - K o r p u s ,
K a s t e n s k a y a , L y u b a n , and Tigoda River areas; and
t r a n s c r i p t i o n o f i n t e r c e p t e d e n e m y r a d i o messaqes.
la, K T B 3. War - j o u r n a l r r o n c e r n i n q relief of the 1942/05/34-1942/12/05 2?5.IP 24500/1 1 6^ 252
2 1 7 . I D , 3-5 May 1942, d e f e n s i v e and assault operations
i n t h e K o p o r ' y e area a l o n g t h e O r a n i e n b a u m f r o n t , 6
M a y - 3 D e c 1 9 4 2 , coastal d e f e n s e west o f t h e O r a n i e n b a u m
e n c i r c l e m e n t t o G o r k i , 1 5 A u q - 3 Dec 1 9 4 2 , a n d r e l i e f by
the 1 0 - L w F l d D , 29 Nov-5 Dec 1942.
la, A n l a q e n zura KTB 3. Orders, d i r e c t i v e s , reports, 1942/05/03-1942/OS/1 2 ? 5 . ID 2 4 5 0 0 / 3 1697 432
s k e t c h e s , a n d m a p s p e r t a i n i n q t o t h p relief o f t h e
2 1 7 . I D , defensive and assault operations, and
r e D r g a n i z a t i o n a n d r e h a b i l i t a t i o n , 1-10 J u n 1 9 4 2 ; a n d
construction of positions, a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y ,
operations against partisans, b a t t l e conduct, alerts,
a n d t r a i n i n g in the K o p o r ' y e area along the O r a n i e n b a u m
f r D n t , 6 M a y - 1 3 Aug 1942. O r d e r - o f - b a t t i e charts;
s t r e n g t h reports; an i n t e r r o g a t i o n s u m m a r y ; and reports
concerning enemy tactical operations and s i t u a t i o n ,
losses, u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n a n d s t r e n g t h a n d p a r t i s a n
la, A n l a g e n z u m KTB3. Orders, reports, and maps 1942/08/13-1942/12/04 225.TD 24500/4 557
p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s , t a k i n g over t h e
c o a s t a l d e f e n s e west of the O r a n i e n b a u m e n c i r c l e m e n t to
3orki, construction of positions and bridges, a r t i l l e r y
and e n g i n e e r a c t i v i t y , c h a n g e s i n u n i t a s s i g n m e n t s ,
r e D r g a n i z a t i o n , replacements, assignment and mission of
a l a r t u n i t s , increasina combat s t r e n g t h , battle
conduct, t r a i n i n g , relief by the T O . L w F l d D , and
p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r m o v e m e n t f r o m K o t y a n d V o l o s o v o , 5-10
Dec 1942. O r d e r - o f - b a t t i e c h a r t s ; s t a t u s a n d s t r e n g t h
reports; special directives concerning supply and
signal communications; and reports on enemy operations,
morale, and unit identification.


l a , K I B 4 . W a r j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g relief b y t h e 1942/12/35-1943/J1/31 225.ID 34327/1 1697 3'4 5

1 0 . L w F l d D , 5-10 D e c 1 9 4 2 ; m o v e m e n t f r o m Volosovo, K o t y ,
a n d V e y m a r n v i a S h i m s k t o t h e D e m y a n s k pocket a p e r t u r e
a n d d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s , 6 - 2 2 Dec 1 9 4 2 ; relief of the
81.ID, 23 Dec 1942-15 Jan 1943, a n d by the 2 5 4 . I D , 15
J a a 1 9 4 3 ; a s s e m b l y i n t h e D e m y a n s k area f o r
r e h a b i l i t a t i o n , 19-30 J a n 1943, d i s b a n d m e n t a n d
r e a s s i g n m e n t of G r e n . R e g t . 333; and a t t a c h m e n t of the
d i v i s i o n to the 2 5 4 . I D , 31 Jan 1943.
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 4 . O r d e r s , reports, a n d maps 1942/12/37-194J/01/31 225.ID 34327/3 1597 839
p e r t a i n i n g t o m o v e m e n t f r o m Volosovo, K o t y , a n d V e y m a r n
and a s s e m b l y in the S h i m s k and T u l e b l y a area, 7-16 Dec
1942, movement and defensive operations in the Demyansk
p o c k e t a p e r t u r e , 6-22 Dec 1 9 4 2 , relief of the 8 1 . I D and
by t h e 2 5 4 . I D , assembly i n t h e D e m y a n s k area f o r
r e h a b i l i t a t i o n , d i s b a n d m e n t and reassignment of
G r e n . R e g t . 333, and a t t a c h m e n t of the d i v i s i o n to the
2 5 4 . 1 0 , ^ 3 1 Jan 1943.
la, K T B 5 . W a r j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g G e n . L t . W a l t h e r 1943/02/25-1943/09/15 2 2 5 . I D 37355/1 1698
R i s s e again t a k i n g over the c o m m a n d of the d i v i s i o n , 25
Feb 1 9 4 3 , w h i c h was a l s o k n o w n as U n t e r g r u p p e Risse, 25
Feb-18 M a r 1 9 4 3 ; m o v e m e n t f r o m D e m y a n s k t o d e f e n d the
a r e a w e s t of S t a r a y a R u s s a and s o u t h of Lake I l m e n , 26
F e b - 1 7 M ^ y 1 9 4 3 ; relief by the 329.ID, 18-31 M a y 1943;
m o v e m e n t t o L y u b a n a n d S h a p k i v i a Tosno t o relieve t h e
132. ID, 27 M a y - 1 Jun 1943; d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s in the
a r e a east of L y u b a n , 1 J u n - 2 2 A u g 1943, relief by the
1.ID, 23-25 A u g 1943, s e c u r i n g t h e road f r o m L y u b a n t o
S h a p k i , 25-31 Aug 1943, and relief of the 6 9 . I D and
d e f e n s e of the area s o u t h of W g a , 31 Aug-15 Sep 1943.
A r e g i s t e r of o f f i c e r s .
l a , A n l a g e n z u m K T B 5 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , a n d maps 1943/02/25-1943/09/15 2 2 5 . I D 37355/2 1698
p e r t a i n i n g to m o v e m e n t s , relief by and of o t h e r
d i v i s i o n s , d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s , c o n s t r u c t i o n of
positions, operations against partisans, formation and

m i s s i o n o f A l a r m - B t l . 2 2 5 a n d F e l d e r s a t z - B t l . 225, a n d
t r a i n i n g . O r d e r - o f - b a t t i e c h a r t s ; special d i r e c t i v e s
concerning supply and s u p p l y troops; and reports
i n c l u d i n g m a p s regarding enemy operations, probable
i n t e n t i o n s , losses, a n d u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n a n d
s t r e n g t h and partisan activity.
Ic, IB. A c t i v i t y report concerning enemy operations, 1 9 4 2 / 0 4 /3 1-194 3/0 9/15 225. ID 37988/1 1b93 339
m o r a l e , losses, u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , a n d p r o p a g a n d a a n d
p a r t i s a n and agent a c t i v i t y ; control of the civilian
p o p u l a t i o n ; c o u n t e r i n t e l l i g e n c e a c t i v i t y ; a n d troop
indoctrination and entertainment.
Ic, A n l a g e n zura TB. Intelligence bulletins, 1942/04/31-1943/09/11 2 2 5 . I D 37988/2 1599 395
o r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s o f e n e m y u n i t s , maps s h o w i n g t h e
t a c t i c a l d i s p o s i t i o n of e n e m y f o r c e s , r e p o r t c o n c e r n i n g
counterintelligence and enemy agent activity,
d i r e c t i v e s governing the control of the civilian
p o p u l a t i o n , and interrogation summaries.


1939/02/02 Duesseldorf, Wehrkreis VI Activation of 227.ID (3.Welle) by

conversion of 227.LdwD, training
1939/08/25 Wehrkreis VI Operational readiness C.O.: Gcn.Maj. Friedrich Zickwolff, 1939/09/01-1941/04/12
1939/09/05 Bitburg, Trier Transfer, border security, training
1939/10/25 Muenster, Duelmcn, Wesel, Movement, preparations for the invasion
Emmerich, Rheine, GoesfeId, of the Low Countries
Ahaus (source: Potsdam catalog and situation maps of Lage West)
1940/05/01 Ahaus Assembly Subordinate to: AK 10, 1940/01/01-1940/05/22
1940/05/10 Haakshergen, Zutphen, Deventer, Invasion of the Netherlands, AOK 18, 1940/05/23
Zwolle, Utrecht, Leiden, offensive engagements, AK 26, 1940/05/24-1940/05/25
Katwijk aan Zee, security duty, AOK 18, 1940/05/26-1940/05/27
Rotterdam, Dordrecht assembly AK 9, 1940/05/27-1940/05/28
1940/05/20 Antwerp, Leopold Canal, Ghent, Movement into Belgium, AOK 18, 1940/05/29-1940/06/10
Lys River, Roulers, Thielt security operations
1940/06/08 Izegem, Belgium, Lille, France Assembly, AK 3 zbV, 1940/06/11-1940/06/15
Arras, Amiens movement AK 1 zbV, 1940/06/15
HGr. B, 1940/06/16
1940/07/01 Le Havre, Fecamp, Dieppe, Somme Coastal defense, security duty, AK 32 Hoeh.Kdo., 1940/06/17-1941/06/01
River, Le Treport, regrouping, training
1941/05/28 Maubeuge, Douai, Valenciennes, Occupation and security duty, C.O.: Gen.Lt. Friedrich von Scotti, 1941/04/12-1943/06/07
Cambrai, France, Charleroi, Mons, regrouping, training Subordinate to: AK 37 Hoeh.Kdo., 1941/06/01-1941/09/27
Soignies, Tournai, Belgium
1941/10/01 Gatchina, Soviet Union via Lyck Trans fer HGr. Nord, 1941/10/01-1941/10/05
(Elk), Kaunas, Pskov, Luga AK 1, 1941/10/05-1940/10/08
1941/10/08 Mga via Lisino, Tosno, Shapki Movement AK 39 Pz, 1941/10/08-1941/10/13
1941/10/14 Mga, Gaytolovo, Sinyavino, Lipka, Defensive and assault operations, AK 1, 1941/10/13-1941/12/01
Lake Ladoga, Petrokrepost coastal defense, regrouping AK 28, 1941/12/01-1942/05/09

1942/08/02 Gorodok, Petrokrepost, Lake Ladoga, Defensive and assault operations, AK 26, 1942/05/10-1943/01/29
Lipka, Dubrovka coastal defense
First Ladoga battle, 27 Aug-15 Oct 1942

C.O.: Gen.Maj. Theodor Fischer, mFb, 1942/07/31-1942/09/05

1943/01/12 Petrokrepost, Lake Ladoga, Lipka, Defensive and assault operations,
Sinyavino, Gaytolovo, Second Ladoga battle, 12 Jan-5 Apr 1943
Staroladozhskiy Canal

1943/01/19 Kirsino, Chudovo Movement, rehabilitation Subordinate to: AK 28, 1943/01/30-1943/02/12

1943/02/14 Volkhov and Polist Pavers, Defensive and assault operations, AK 1, 1943/02/13-1943/09/14
Chudovo, Gruzino Third Ladoga battle, 22 Jul-24 Sep 1943

1943/09/26 Mga, Gaytolovo, Sinyavino Defensive and assault operations C.O.: Cen.Lt. Wilhelm Berlin, 1943/06/07-1944/07/10

1943/12/31 Withdrawal to and defense of the Subordinate to: AK 28, 1943/09/15-1943/09/25

Mga position AK 26, 1943/09/26-1943/12/31

Records of the 2 2 7 . I D are reproduced on rolls 1699-1710 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history.

Although no records of this division dated later than 1943/12/31 were available in the National Archives, situation maps of Lage Ost
(where the division appears alternately as Kampfgruppe 227) show:

1944/01/01 Mga, C-atchina, Volosovo, Defensive operations

in A A /m /on vi^~i ~~~~ M~~, .,> r\i * MM r~v* *v***s%t # * -k*vB** * r*
J..-T-T/ w x / t.\j I\J.H>^JLOC|_/P , iifij. vn l'CI ^11 k - . C l ^ C I I H J I I \. HHt W H I C H \. 3

1944/05/11 North of Lake Peipus Movements, defensive operations

1944/07/23 Aluksne, Madona, Tirza, Smiltene, Withdrawal, defensive operations C.O.: C-en.Maj. Maximilian '.Vengler, mFb, 1944/07/10-1944/10/01
Riga, Tukums, Saldus, Latvia (source: general officer personnel files)
1945/01/23 Libau (Liepaja), Danzig Transfer by ship
1945/02/01 Tuchola, Chojnice, Koscierzyna Withdrawal, defensive operations
1945/03/24 Sopot, Poland Probably captured

Manuscripts in the Foreign Military Studies series, prepared by former German officers for the Historical Division, Headquarters U.S.
Army, Europe, between 1945 and 1959, contain references to the 2 2 7 . I D as follows:
Leningrad area: NS D-280 (F:insatz der 227. Infanterie-Division im Flaschenhals der Ladogafront, Herbst 1941 bis Fruehjahr 1943) by Gen.Lt.
Friedrich von Scotti and P-143d-14 (Selected Regimental (Kampfgruppen) operations on the eastern front, Jan 1943, Ausbruch aus dem Kessel,Gren.Rgt. 328)
by Gen.Lt. Rudolf Sperl,


la, K T B 2. T r a i n i n g and preparations for the invasion 194 0/01 /3 1 - 1 9 4 0 / G b / 3 0 227.ID Wf>123/1 1699 1
o f t h e N e t h e r l a n d s i n t h e M u e n s t e r , D u e l m e n , Wesel,
E m m e r i c h , R h e i n e , C o e s f e l d , a n d A h a u s areas, 1 J a n - 3 0
Apr 1 9 4 0 ; assembly and invasion in the Ahaus and
H a a k s b e r g e n areas; m o v e m e n t t o a n d o f f e n s i v e
e n g a g e m e n t s i n t h e Z u t p h e n , D e v e n t e r , a n d Z w o l l e areas,
11-14 M a y ; collapse of the G r e b b e line on 14 M a y ;
m o v e m e n t v i a N i ~ j k e r k t o secure t h e U t r e c h t , Leiden,
K a t w i - j k aan Zee line; capture of Rotterdam; assembly;
m o v e m e n t by s h i p to n o r t h of A n t w e r p , 20-23 M a y ;
c r o s s i n g a n d s e c u r i n g t h e Leopold C a n a l i n t h e
T e r n e u z e n a n d 'Jatervliet areas; m o v e m e n t v i a G h e n t t o
s e c u r e the Lys E i v e r b r i d g e s in the R o u l e r s and Thielt
a r a a s ; assembly i n I z e g e m , B e l g i u m a n d L i l l e , France,
m o v e m e n t to A m i e n s via A r r a s ; a n d r e l i e f of the 57. ID
in the Somme and Seine Rivers area,
la, A n l a g e A 1 z u m KTB 2 . Orders, r e p o r t s , a n d messages 1940/03/25-1940/05/22 227.10 H6123/2 1699 35
p e r t a i n i n g to t r a i n i n g , i n v a s i o n of the N e t h e r l a n d s , 10
May 1 9 4 0 , m o v e m e n t s , o f f e n s i v e e n g a g e m e n t s , s e c u r i t y
a c t i v i t y , and the surrender of the Netherlands Armed
F o r c e s , 15 May 1940. A c a s u a l t y r e p o r t , special
d i r e c t i v e s concerning s i g n a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , a n d - a n
a f t e r a c t i o n c r i t i g u e r e l a t i n g t o t h e battles a l o n g the
Ijssel River and G r e b b e lines, 10-15 May 1940. (There
is no i n d i c a t i o n t h a t KTB 1 mit A n l a g e n for the period
25 A u g - 3 0 Dec 1939, record i t e m s W 7 7 a - b as listed in
t h a P o t s d a m catalog, w e r e ever i n N a t i o n a l A r c h i v e s
la, A n l a g e A2 zum KTB 2. Orders, reports, messages, 1940/05/23-1940/06/30 2 2 7 . ID W 6 1 2 3 / 3 1699 2'43
and m a p s p e r t a i n i n g to t r a n s f e r by ship to n o r t h of
A n t w e r p , movements, offensive engagements, security
a c t i v i t y , collecting prisoners of war and booty,
s u r r e n d e r of the B e l g i a n A r m y , 28 May 1940, m o v e m e n t to
and coastal defense in the area between the Somme and
Seine R i v e r s , and c o n t r o l of r e f u g e e s in northeastern


France, 8-30 Jun 1940.

la, A n l a g e D zum KTB 2. Radio messages concerning 1940/05/10-1940/05/14 227. TD 36123/6 1599 430
offensive activity of Schnelle Gruppe Mitte.
la, A n l a g e E zum KTB 2. Radio messages relating to 1940/05/10-1940/35/17 227. ID W6123/7 1699 431
offensive actions of Schnelle Gruppe Sued.
Id, Anlage F zum KTB 2, Panzerzuege 3 und 4. Reports 1940/02/10-1940/05/10 227. ID H6123/8 1599 525
relating to activities and progress of armored trains,
la, A n l a g e G zum KTB 2, IR 328. Radio messages 1940/05/10-1940/0b/30 227. ID rf6 1699 534
concerning movements, combat and security activity,
collecting prisoners of war and booty, and coastal
defense by IR 328.
la, Anlage H zum KTB 2. Radio messages concerning 1940/05/13-1940/06/30 2 2 7 . TD H 6 1 2 3 / 1 0 1700
movements, combat and security activity, collecting
prisoners of war and booty, and coastal defense by IP
la, Anlage I zum KTB 2. Radio messages concerning 194 0 / 0 5 / 1 0-19 4 0 / 0 6 / 3 0 227.10 W6123/11 1730 116
movements, combat and security activity, collecting
prisoners of war, and coastal defense by IR 412.
la, A n l a g e K zum KTB 2. Radio messages, reports, and 1940/05/10-1940/06/30 2 2 7 . ID # 6 1 2 3 / 1 2 1700 279
maps pertaining to the activities of AR 227, 256, and
la, Anlage L zura KTB 2. Radio messages and reports of 1940/05/14-1940/06/30 2 2 7 . ID S 6 1 2 3 / 1 3 1730 351
Radf.Btl. 227 concerning its movements, combat and
security activity, occupation duty, exploitation of the
French economy, especially for motor fuel, and
la, Anlage H zum KTB 2. Radio messages and reports 1940/05/1 1-1940/06/30 2 2 7 . ID H 6 1 2 3 / 1 4 1733 538
concerning the activities of Pi.Btl. 227 and Brueko
(Br ueckenkolonne) 227.
la, Anlage N zum KTB 2. Radio messages, reports, and 1940/05/17-1940/06/30 227. ID H6123/15 1700 635
maps concerning the activities of Pz.Jg.Abt. 227.
la, Anlage 0 zum KTB 2. Radio messages and reports 1940/02/01- 1940/06/12 227. ID W6123/16 1700 730
concerning the activities of Nachr.Abt. 227 and
Feld.Ers.Btl. 227.
la, Anlage P zum KTB 2, Denkschrift ueber Holland. A 1939/11/23-1940/05/03 227. ID W6123/17 1730 318


m a n u s c r i p t w i t h m a p s c o n c e r n i n g g e o g r a p h i c , economic,
m i l i t a r y , a r m a m e n t , c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , and defense d a t a
r e l a t i n g to the Netherlands.
la, A n l a g e R z u m K T B 2, E i n s a t z U n t e r l a g e " H o l l a n d 1940/03/1 5 - 1 9 4 0 / 0 5 / 0 5 2 2 7 . ID - 1 6 1 2 3 / 1 3 17'JO 944
S t u d i e " . A s t u d y r e l a t i n g to p r e p a r a t i o n s for the
i n v a s i o n of the N e t h e r l a n d s .
la, K T B 3 . Coastal d e f e n s e , r e m o v a l o f m i n e s , 1940/07/3 1 - 1 9 4 1 / 0 6 / 3 0 227.ID 11870/1 17J1
p r o t e c t i o n a a a i n s t a i r r a i d s , a i r b o r n e troops,
r e g r o u p i n g , and t r a i n i n g in the Le Havre, Fecamp,
D i e p p e , and Somme R i v e r areas, 1 J u l 1 9 4 0 - 2 7 May 1941;
s h o r t e n i n g of the coastal d e f e n s e area f r o m Le H a v r e
to Le T r e p o r t , 8 Jul 1940, and to S a i n t - V a l e r y - e n - C a u x
by 8 Apr 1941; c o n s t r u c t i o n and s e c u r i t y of bridges on
t h a Seine, A i s n e , a n d Oise R i v e r s i n s p r i n g 1 9 4 1 ;
relief by the 3 3 6 . I D ; movement to, security activity,
p r o t e c t i o n a g a i n s t a i r r a i d s , a i r b o r n e troops, a n d
t r a i n i n g i n t h e M a u b e u g e , Douai, V a l e n c i e n n e s , R e t h e l ,
V o a z i e r s , and C a r a b r a i areas of F r a n c e and the
C h a r l e r o i , M o n s , Soignies, B e v e r l o o , a n d T o u r n a i areas
of B e l g i u m ; t r a n s f e r of IR 366 to relieve the 9 6 . I D
g u a r d i n g t h e " N o r d o s t L i n i e " (control m o v e m e n t s o f
la, A n l a g e 8 zum KTB 3. Combat and r a t i o n s t r e n g t h and 1940/07/31-1941/06/30 227.ID 11R70/3 1701 214
c a s u a l t y reports.
Ic, PB als Anlage 6 zum KTB 3. A c t i v i t y reports 1940/07/31- 1941/06/30 2 2 7 . T D 11870/4 1701 232
c o n c e r n i n g e n e m y acts o f s a b o t a g e a n d p r o p a g a n d a ,
morale of the civilian population, counterintelligence,
m i l i t a r y s e c u r i t y , a n d troop e n t e r t a i n m e n t .
l a , A n l a g e 1 zum KTB 3, K r i e g s g l i e d e r u n g e n . 1940/07/13-1941/35/26 227.ID 11870/5 1701 232
la, A n l a g e 4 zum KTB 3. Orders, messages, and m a p s 1940/07/07-1941/03/29 2 2 7 . ID 11870/6 1701 3D6
p e r t a i n i n g to coastal defense, regrouping,
r e o r g a n i z a t i o n , d e f e n s e a g a i n s t a i r raids, a i r b o r n e
troops, and relief of IR 328 of its sector b e t w e e n the
Brasle and S o m m e R i v e r s by the 56. ID. A c t i v i t y report,
of N a c h r . A b t . 2 2 7 ; a s t a t u s r e p o r t ; a m a r c h


performance survey; and aft enaction critiques relating

to the division's combat action in the Netherlands and
coastal defense in France.
la, A n l a q e 5 zuro KTB 3. O r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , messages, 1941/04/1)6-1941/J6/28 2 2 7 . T D 1 1370/7 17J 1
a n d m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o relief o f IP 3 2 B o f c o a s t a l
defense from Saint-Valery-en-Caux to Le Treport by the
2 9 5 . I D a n d m o v e m e n t t o t h e Solbec a r e a f o r o c c u p a t i o n
and s e c u r i t y d u t y , coastal defense, defense a q a i n s t a i r
raids, a i r b o r n e troops in the le H a v r e , Fecamp,
S a i n t - V a l e r y - e n - C a u x , a n d Bolbec a r e a s ; relief b y t h e
3 3 6 . I D a n d m o v e m e n t to t h e C a m b r a i a r ^ a , F r a n c e , a n d
lions, B e l g i u m ; t r a f f i c c o n t r o l ; f o r m a t i o n a n d t r a i n i n g
o f m i l i t a r y p o l i c e t r o o p s ; r e g r o u p i n g ; t r a n s f e r o f T1^
Jbr> to relieve the 96.ID; and security a c t i v i t y in the
Rethel and Vouziers areas of France. O r d e r - o f - b a t tie
la, KTB 4. War journal concerning training, maneuvers, 19U1/07/J 1- 1941 / 1 0 / 0 1 227. IP 12998/1 17J1 536
m a p exercises, alerts, a n d r e g r o u p i n g i n t h e M a u b e u q p ,
V a l e n c i e n n e s , C h a r l e v i l l e , "Ions, C h a r l e r o i , a n d
Soignies areas and at T r 0 U e b . P l = Beverloo; relief of IF
3 6 b D y IR 323 o f g u a r d i n g t h e " N o r d o s t L i n i e " i n t h e
B e t h e l and Vouziers areas; relief by the 711.ID, w h i c h
w a s replaced in mid-October 19U1 by the 71.ID; and
t r a n s f e r o f t h e d i v i s i o n t o t h e east o n 1 O c t I Q U I . .
l a , A n l a g e n zura K T B 4 . O r d e r s , messages, a n d m a p s 194 1 / 0 6 / 3 0 - 1 9 4 1 / 0 9 / 2 6 227.TD 1299R/2 1701 546
p e r t a i n i n g t o t r a i n i n g , m a n e u v e r s , m a p exercises,
a l a r t s , and r e g r o u p i n g , r e l i e f of IR 366 by IR 328 of
g u a r d i n g the "Nordost L i n i e " and the d i v i s i o n by the
7 1 1 . I D , a n d t r a n s f e r o f t h e d i v i s i o n t o t h e east.
S p a c i a l d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n g s u p p l y a n d s u p p l y troops
and notes on command inspections.
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 4 . C o m b a t a n d r a t i o n s t r e n g t h 1941/07/J1-1941/09/21 227.ID 1299R/4 17J 1 841
r e p o r t s and inventories of o p e r a t i o n a l weapons.
l a , A n l i g e n z u n a K T B4 . O r d e r s a n d m a p s r e l a t i n g t o 194 1/02/) 2 - 1 9 4 1 / 3 7 / 1 3 2 2 7 . ID 12998/5 1 701 8'4 8
a r t i l l e r y t r a i n i n g exercises, i n c l u d e s s t r e n g t h


la, Anlagen zum KTB 4, Div. Uebung vom 24,-28. Auq. 1941/08/1S-1941/03/28 2 2 7 . I D 12998/6 1731 918
1941, Uebungsbestimmungen und Leitung. Orders,
regulations, messages, and maps pertaining to
preparations for and execution of maneuvers and march
movements to and from the maneuver area; list of
military personnel participating and code names of
units; timetable; special directives concerning supply,
supply troops, and signal communications; and a copy of
a newspaper clipping presenting an account of the
maneuvers by war journalist Wilhelm Heinz.
la, Anlage zum KTB 4. Orders, messages, and maps 1941/08/23-1941/08/23 2 2 7 . I D 12998/7 17J 1 1016
pertaining to activities during maneuvers.
la, Anlage zum KTB 4. Orders, messages, and maps 1941/08/24-1941/03/26 2 2 7 . I D 12998/8 1732 1
pertaining to activities during maneuvers.
la, Anlage zum KTB 4. W a r journal and afteraction 1941/08/24-1941/09/18 2 2 7 . I D 12998/9 1702 33
reports of the division during maneuvers; and activity
reports of the Radfahr-Abt. 227, Nachr.Abt. 227, and
Div. Nachschubfuehrer 227, and an afteraction critigue
relating to maneuvers, 24-28 Aug 1911.
Ic, IB als Anlage zura KTB 4. Activity report 1941/07/3 1 - 1 9 4 1 / 0 9 / 3 0 227.ID 12998/11 1702 135
concerning enemy air activity, acts of sabotage, and
propaganda, morale of the civilian population,
counter intelligence, military security, cases of
absence without leave, and troop indoctrination and
la, &TB 5. War journal concerning transfer from 1941/10/01- 1 9 4 1 / 1 2 / 3 1 227.TD 14776/1 1702 190
C h a r l e r o i , B e l g i u m , and S e d a n , France, to G a t c h i n a on
t h e n o r t h e r n f r o n t v i a Lyck ( E l k ) , K a u n a s , L i t h u a n i a ,
P s k o v , and L u g a , 1-7 Oct 1941, movement to Mga via
L i s i n o , Tosno, and S h a p k i to r e l i e v e the 8. and 1 2 . P z D
a n d the 20,10 m o t , 8-13 Oct 1941, and d e f e n s i v e and
o f f e n s i v e operations and regrouping in the fga, Lipka,
S i n y a v i n o , G a y t o l o v o , and L a k e Ladoga a r e a s , 14 Oct-31
Dec: 1941.


la, A n l a q e 1 zum KTB 5. Orders and overlays pertaininq 1 94 1/09 /26- 1 94 1 /1 1/OS 221, ID 1 4 7 7 6 / 2 1702 515
to t r a n s f e r f r o m C h a r l ^ r o i t o G a t c h i n a v i a Lyck ( E l k ) ,
K a u n a s , Pskov, and L u q a , movement to Mga via Lisino,
Tosno, and Shapki to relieve the 8. and 12.PzD and the
20. I D m o t , a n d d e f e n s i v e a n d o f f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s i n
the Mga area, 14 Oct-5 Nov 1 9 4 1 . An a c t i v i t y r e p o r t of
t h e d i v i s i o n a d v a n c e d e t a c h m e n t , 2 6 Seo-4 Oct 1 9 4 1 ,
d e t r a i n i n g schedule, casualty reports, an
orier-of-battle chart, and reports reqardinq enemy
o p a r a t i o n s and losses.
l a , A n l a q e 2 z u m K T R 5. Ordors a n d overlays p e r t a i n i n q 1 94 1/ 11 /07- 194 1 /1 2 / 2 H 2 2 7 . ID 1 4 7 7 6 / 3 1702 550
to defensive, o f f e n s i v e , and reconnaissance operations
and a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y in t h e Mga a r e a , 7 Nov-28 Dec
1941, d e f e n s e o f t h e L i k e L a d o q a coast, s e c u r i t y o f t h e
Mqa r a i l r o a d s t a t i o n , f o r m a t i o n , o r g a n i z a t i o n , a n d
a s s i g n m e n t of S c h n e e t r u p p - B t l . 2 2 7 ,and r e q r o u p i n q ;
s t r e n q t h a n d c a s u a l t y r e p o r t s ; a n d o r d e r - o f - b a t tie
c h a r t s ; reports concerning enemy operations and u n i t
la, A n l a g e 5 zum KTR 5. Reports c o n c e r n i n g t h e 1941/10/11-1941/12/23 2 2 7 . TO 1 4 7 7 6 / 6 1702 794
a c t i v i t i e s of P i . B t l . 2 2 7 , 13 O c t - 2 8 Dec 1941, and the
R u s s i a n r o u t e over the ice in the s o u t h e r n p a r t of L a k e
Ladoga; maps showinq the location of a n t i a i r c r a f t ,

o r i e r - o f - b a t t l e charts.
la, A n l a q e 6 z u m K T B 5 . A f t e r a c t i o n reports of the 1941/10/11-1941/12/31 2 2 7 . ID 1 4 7 7 6 / 7 1702 934
division and its subordinate units.
I c , IB als A n l a q e 7 zum KTB 5. A c t i v i t y report 1 94 1/ 10 /) 1- 194 1 /1 2/3 1 227. TD 1 4 7 7 6 / 8 1702 92J
c o n c e r n i n q t r a n s f e r f r o m C h a r l e r o i , France, t o G a t c h i n a
and M g a , Russia, via Lyck ( E l k ) , K a u n a s , Pskov, Luga,
and C h u d o v o ; relief of the 8. a n d 1 2 . P z D and the 20. TD
mot; e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s , losses, u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n ,
propaganda, and partisan a c t i v i t y ; morale of the
c i / i l i a n p o p u l a t i o n ; c o u n t e r i n t elliqence; m i l i t a r y
s e c u r i t y ; and troop e n t e r t a i n m e n t . Maps showinq the


tactical disposition of enemy forces south of Lake

Ladoga and interrogation summaries.
la, Anlage 9 zum KTB 5, "Seydlitz" Anqriff am 21. Dez. 1941/12/17- 1941/12/21 2 2 7 . I D 14776/10 1702 934
1941. Orders and reports concerning the attack in the
AOK 18 sector to obtain better winter defensive
la, KI3 6. War journal concerning defensive, 1942/01/D1-1942/03/31 227.10 17799/1 17J2 1052
reconnaissance, and assault operations, coastal
lefense, operations against partisans, construction of
the Moyka position, and regrouping in the Sinyavino,
Lipka, and Lake Ladoga areas and attachment of elements
of the division to the 269.ID in the Poaost'ye sector,
12 Feb-31 Mar 1942.
la, Anlagen zum KTB 6. Orders, reports, maps, and 1941/12/25-1942/J2/01 227.10 17799/2 17J3
ovarlays pertaining to defensive and reconnaissance
operations, artillery activity, construction of the
M o y n a position and roads, regrouping, and operations
against partisans; maps showing the location of German
positions and the tactical disposition of enemy forces;
a status report; an afteraction report regarding combat
action of the division in January; an afteraction
critique relating to winter combat; reports on enemy
la, Anlagen zum KTB 6. Orders, messages, maps, and 1942/02/04-1942/03/06 227.ID 17799/3 1 703 131
overlays pertaining to defensive, reconnaissance, and
assault operations, coastal defense, artillery
activity, construction of and of the 227.ID in February
1942; afteraction reports and critique regarding the
attack on and destruction of the Bugry lighthouse,
18-23 Feb 19U2; maps showing the tactical disposition
of enemy forces; and reports on enemy operations.
la, Anlagen zum KTB 6. Orders, messages, maps, and 1942/03/1 1-1942/03/31 2 2 7 . I D 17799/4 1703 255
overlays pertaining to defensive operations, coastal
defense, artillery activity, replacements, combining of
units, regrouping, and training; afteraction reports


c o n c e r n i n g c o m b a t a c t i o n of e l e m e n t s of the d i v i s i o n
a t t a c h e d t o t h e 2 6 9 . I D , 12-31 M a r 1 9 U 2 ; m a p s s h o w i n g
tha tactical disposition of enemy forces; and reports
on e n e m y operations.
Ic, TB a l s A n l a g e z u m KTB 6 . A c t i v i t y r e p o r t 1942/01/3 1-1942/0 3/31 227.ID 17799/5 1703 393
c o n c e r n i n g e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s , acts o f s a b o t a g e , u n i t
i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , partisan activity, and propaganda;
morale of the civilian population; m i l i t a r y security;
and troop education and e n t e r t a i n m e n t . Reoorts
r e g a r d i n g o p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s and s e c u r i t y of
r e a r areas, i n t e l l i g e n c e b u l l e t i n s , a n d m a p s s h o w i n g
t h a t a c t i c a l d i s p o s i t i o n of e n e m y forces.
la, KTB 7. War journal concerning defensive, 1 9 4 2 / 0 4 / 3 1- 1 9 4 2 / J 6 / 3 0 227.IP 21496/1 1703 436
r e c o n n a i s s a n c e , a n d a s s a u l t o p e r a t i o n s , coastal
defense, reorgani?ation, regrouping, and training in
t h e f l g a , S i n y a v i n o , L i p k a , a n d L a k e L a d o g a areas, 1
A p r - 3 M a y 1 9 4 2 ; e x p a n d i n g t h e d i v i s i o n sector t o
i n c l u d e t h e N e v a R i v e r area n o r t h w e s t o f Kga b y r e l i e f
of the LTD by IR 3 2 8 , 4 M a y - 3 0 Jun 1 9 4 2 ; and the
s u b o r d i n a t i o n of the division to the 269.ID in the
P o j o s t ' y e area, 1-12 A p r 1942.
l a , A n l a g e n m a p p e 1 z u m K T B 7 . O r d e r s , messages, m a p s , 1942/04/31-1942/05/03 227.10 21496/? 1703 722
and overlays p e r t a i n i n g to defensive and reconnaissance

r e o r g a n i z a t i o n , a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y , operations against
partisans, and a t t a c h m e n t of division elements to the
2 6 9 . I D a n d t h e 9 6 . I D i n t h e P o g o s t ' y e area.
Orier-of-battle c h a r t , s t r e n g t h reports, an a f t e r a c t i o n
r e p o r t r e g a r d i n g c o m b a t a c t i o n of I I I . / I R 366, 16-24
19'42, a n a f t e r a c t i o n c r i t i g u e o n t h e a s s i g n m e n t o f
d i v i s i o n e l e m e n t s i n t h e P o g o s t ' y e sector, a n d r e p o r t s
on a n e m y operations.
la, A n l a g e n m a p p e 2 z u m K T B 7 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , m a p s , 1942/05/01-1942/06/26 227.ID 2 1 4 9 6 / 3 1 7J-4
and overlays p e r t a i n i n g to defensive and assault
o p e r a t i o n s , coastal d e f e n s e , c o n t i n u a t i o n o f


construction of the Moyka position, artillery activity,

r e g r o u p i n g , r e o r g a n i z a t i o n , rail security, road
m a i n t e n a n c e , t r a i n i n g , < n e w R u s s i a n i n c e n d i a r y shell,
a n d r e l i e f o f t h e 1 . I D o f i t s N e v a R i v e r sector b e t w e e n
M g a a n d L a k e L a d o g a , 4 M a y 1942. O r d e r - o f - h a t t l e
c h a r t s ; strength reports; an a f t e r a c t i o n report on
combat action of division elements in the Pogost'ye
s e c t o r , 1 2 Feb-12 A p r 1 9 4 2 ; a n d r e p o r t s a n d o v e r l a y s
r e g a r d i n g e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s a n d t h e location o f R u s s i a n
artillery units.
Ic, T D als A n l a g e m a p p e 3 ziim KTB 7. A c t i v i t y report 1942/04/3 1-1942/06/30 227.ID 21496/4 17J4 122
concerning enemy tactical operations and situation,
losses, a g e n t a c t i v i t y , a n d p r o p a g a n d a ; m o r a l e o f t h e
civilian population; military security;
c o u n t e r i n t e l l i g e n c e ; o p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t partisans; and
t r ^ o p t r a i n i n g a n d e n t e r t a i n m e n t . M a p s showing the
t a c t i c a l d i s p o s i t i o n of e n e m y f o r c e s on the Lake Ladoga
f r o n t , intelligence bulletins, interrogation summaries,
and t r a n s l a t i o n s of R u s s i a n c o m b a t orders.
la, K T B 8. War -journal concerning defensive and 1942/07/31-1942/10/31 227.ID 26023/1 1734 222
a s s a u l t o p e r a t i o n s , coastal d e f e n s e , a r t i l l e r y
activity, reorganization, and regrouping in the Mga,
S i n y a v i n o , L i p k a , Lake Ladoga, Petrokrppost, Neva
R i v e r , and G o r o d o k a r e a s ; r e l i e f of the N e v a R i v e r
sector, i n c l u d i n g the D u b r o v k a area, by the 12.PzD, 2
Aug 1 9 4 2 ; t h e t a k i n g over b y t h e d i v i s i o n o f t h e 1 2 1 . T D
sector i n t h e S i n y a v i u o a r e a , 2 1 O c t 1 9 4 2 ; a n d t h e f a l l
o a t t l e s o u t h of L a k e L a d o g a , 27 A u g - 1 5 Oct 1942.
la, A n l a g e n m a p p e T z u m KTB 8, B e f e h l e und M e l d u n g e n . 1942/07/3 1 - 1 9 4 2 / 1 0 / 3 1 227.ID 26023/2 1704 722
O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d o v e r l a y s p e r t a i n i n g t o
d e f e n s i v e a n d a s s a u l t o p e r a t i o n s , coastal d e f e n s e ,
artillery activity, reorganization, regrouping,
t r a i n i n g , preparations for w i n t e r , battle conduct in
case of an e n e m y a t t a c k , and progress of the b a t t l e
s o u t h of Lake L a d o g a . O r d e r - o t - b a t t l e charts, notes on
227. I N F A N T E R I E - D I V I S T O N 55


c o m m a n d conferences, a n d reports regarding enemy

o p e r a t i o n s a n d losses.
I d , A n l a a e n m a p p e T T I z u m KTB 8 , T a q e s m e l d u n q e n . 19U2/08/27-19U2/10/31 2 2 7 . IP
I d , A n l a q e n m a p p e T V z u m K T B 8, Funksprueche. Daily 1 9 U 2 / 0 8 nl- 1 9 4 2 / 0 9 / 2 f > 227. ro 2f.023/7 17JU 1086
r ^ l i o messaqes o f t h e d i v i s i o n a n d i t s s u b o r d i n a t e
uni t s.
la, A n l a q e n m a p p e V zum KTB 8, Korps- und 1 9 4 2 / 0 8 / 2 7 - 14 4 2 / 0 9 / 3 0 227.TD 26023/8 1 7J5
D i v i s i o n s b e f e h l e und Berichte. Corps and d i v i s i o n
oilers and reports on the t a c t i c a l situation on the
Lake Ladoga front.
la, A n l a q e n m a p p e VT zum K T B 8. O r d e r s , messaoes, maps, 19U2/09/23-1942/10/18 7. 27. I D 2 6 0 2 3 / 9 170 23 1
and overlays pertaining to preparations fot and
execution of Unternehmen S u m p f h u h n (attack to
r e c a p t u r e t h e R a b o c h i y Poselok N o . 8 a r e a , l o c a t e d
south of the Staroladozhskiy Canal and north of
G a y t o l o v o , 11-15 O c t 1 9 4 2 ) , d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s , a n d
t h e t a c t i c a l s i t u a t i o n , 18 net 1 9 U 2 .
l a , K T B m i t A n l a g e n d e r K a m p f q r u p p e n L a r c ^ y , Voss u n d 1 9 U 2 / 0 8 / 2 7 - 1 9 4 2 / 1 J/12 227.TD 26G23/10 370
Winnesberq. W a r j o u r n a l a n d d a i l y reports c o n c ^ r n i n q
thi combat activities of subordinate units Kampfqruppe
L a u e y , 2 7 A u q - 1 1 O c t 1 9 4 2 , K a m p f q r n p p e Voss , 2 8 A u q - 2
J e t , a n d K a m p f q r u p p e W i n n e s b e r q , 2-12 O c t 1 9 U 2 , a n d
i n f o r m a t i o n regardinq enemy operations.
Ic, To a l s A n l a q e z u m K T ^ 6 . A c t i v i t y report 1942/07/J 1-1942/10/3 1 227.TD 25023/11 1 705
c o n c e r n i n g e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s , losses, u n i t
i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , and propaganda; morale of the c i v i l i a n
p o p u l a t i o n , count orintelliqence, m i l i t a r y security,
operations against partisans, G e r m a n propaganda, and
trDop t r a i n i n a and entertainment. Maps and overlays
s h D w i n q the tactical d i s p o s i t i o n of enemy forces; a
list of R u s s i a n c o m m a n d i n g o f f i c e r s ; intelligence
b u l l e t i n s ; a t r a n s l a t i o n of an order to the c o m m a n d i n g
officers of the Russian 8th A r m y ; and afteraction
reports regarding defensive operations in the Sinyavino
area, 27 A u g - 3 0 Sep 19U2.


la, KIB 9. War journal concerning defensive, 1942/11/01-1943/01/31 2 2 7 . I D 30705/1 1735 628
r e c o n n a i s s a n c e , and a s s a u l t o p e r a t i o n s , coastal
defense, reorganization, and regrouping in the
Petrokrepost. Lake Ladoga, Sinyavino, and Gaytolovo
a r a a s ; t h e t a k e o v e r o f t h e 2 4 . I D sector, 1 0 Nov 1 9 4 2 ;
the winter battle to break the encirclement of the
R a b o c h i y Poselok Nos. 5, 6, and 8 areas, s i t u a t e d s o u t h
o f S t a r o l a d o z h s k i y C a n a l a n d n o r t h o f G a y t o l o v o , 12-18
Jan 1943, with a t t a c h m e n t of elements of the d i v i s i o n
to the 2 2 3 . I D n o r t h of K i r s i n o , 20 Jan 1943, and to the
6 1 . I D for assistance in the area n o r t h of G a y t o l o v o ,
2 0 - 3 1 J a n 1 9 4 3 ; release o f t h e d i v i s i o n to AK 28 as
reserves for r e h a b i l i t a t i o n , 30 Jan 1943, and movement
to east of K i r s i n o , 31 Jan 1943.
la, A n l a g e n m a p p e I zum K T B 9. O r d e r s , messages, m a p s , 1942/11/31-1943/01/31 2 2 7 . i n 30705/2 1706 1
and o v e r l a y s p e r t a i n i n g to d e f e n s i v e , reconnaissance,
a n d a s s a u l t o p e r a t i o n s , coastal d e f e n s e , a r t i l l e r y
a c t i v i t y , construction of rear positions,
resrganization, regrouping, f o r m a t i o n and assignment of
alsrt units, winter t r a i n i n g and mobility, m i n e l a y i n g ,
t h e w i n t e r b a t t l e s o u t h o f L a k e L a d o g a , 12-18 J a n 1 9 4 3 ,
r e h a b i l i t a t i o n , a n d m o v e m e n t t o t h e area east o f
Kicsino. An afteraction critique relating to combat
action of Gruppe H i l p e r t and order-of-battle charts.
la, A n l a g e n m a p p e I I z u m K T B 9 , Ta g e s - n e l d u n g e n . 1942/11/01-1943/01/18 2P7.ID 30705/3 17J6 292
la, Anlagenmappe III zum KTB9. R a d i o messages, a f e w 1943/01/12-1943/01/21 2 2 7 . I D 30705/4 1706 477
corps and division orders, and a casualty report.
Ic, TB a l s A n l a g e n m a p p e 71 zum KTB 9. Activity report 1942/11/01-1943/01/31 2 2 7 . I D 30705/7 170b iJ i 0
c o n c e r n i n g e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s , losses, m o r a l e , u n i t
i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , reserves, weapons and e q u i p m e n t , a n d
propaganda; counterintelligence; German propaganda; and
troop entertainment. Intelligence bulletins, maps and
o v e r l a y s showing the tactical disposition of enemy
forces, and an interrogation s u m m a r y ,
la, A n l a q e z u m K T B 9 , G e f e c h t s b e r i c h t d e r 2 2 7 . I D u e b e r 1943/01/12-1943/01/13 2 2 7 . T D 30705/8 1736 933


d i e K a e m p f e s u e d l . d e s Ladoga-Sees. Afteractica report

concerning the w i n t e r battle south of Lake Ladoga,
12-18 J a n 1943, a n d t h a a t t a c h m e n t o f e l e m e n t s o f t h e
6 1 . I D t o assist t h e d i v i s i o n t o b r e a k t h e e n c i r c l e m e n t .
A s t r e n g t h r e p o r t , d a t a on s u p p l y i n g the d i v i s i o n ,
r e g i m e n t a l inventories of a m m u n i t i o n on hand, maps and
overlays showing the tactical disposition of German and
e n e m y forces, a n d a r e p o r t r e g a r d i n g e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s ,
losses, a n d u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n ,
l a , K T B 10. War - j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g m o v e m e n t to the 1943/0 2 /3 1- 1 9 4 3 /06/3 0 2 2 7 . in 3 3 8 1 1 / 1 1707 1
C h u d o v o area v i a K o r p o v o P e r v o y e , 1-13 Feh 1943,
f o r m a t i o n o f G r n p p e v o n Scotti c o n s i s t i n g o f t h e 2 2 7 . I D
division staff and elements of the 121.ID and
LwFld-Divisionen, 14 Feh, to relieve the 24.ID and
1 2 1 . I D , 2 1 Feb; r e g r o u p i n g o f t h e 2 2 7 . I D , 2 2 F e b ;
s u b o r d i n a t i o n of elements of the 13.LwFldD and other
u n i t s t o G r u p p e v o n S c o t t i , 14-21 F e b , a n d t h e i r
release, 24 Feb-4 Mar 1 9 4 3 ; t a k e o v e r of p a r t of t h e
d i v i s i o n sector b y t h e 1 3 . L w F l d D , 1 3 M a r , a n d b y t h e
96.ID, 16 M a r ; and defensive, reconnaissance, and
assault operations, regrouping, and t r a i n i n g in the
V o l k h o v a n d Polist R i v a r s , C h u d o v o , a n d G r u z i n o areas,
22 Feb-30 J u n 1943.
la, A n l a g e n m a p p e I z u m K T B 1 0 . O r d e r s , reports,. 194 3/02 /3 2 - 1 9 4 3 / 0 4 / 3 0 2 2 7 . I D 33811/2 1737 315
messages, and overlays p e r t a i n i n g to movements;
detensive, reconnaissance, and assault operations;
artillery a c t i v i t y ; construction of positions; defense
preparations during the thaw period; air raid
protection; rail security; command inspections;
regrouping; and training,
la, A n l a g e n m a p p e I I z u m K T B 1 0 . O r d e r s , messages, 1943/05/31-1943/Oo/30 2 2 7 . I D 33811/3 1707 533
maps, and overlays pertaining to defensive,
reconnaissance, and assault operations, c o u n t e r a t t a c k s ,
rail and bridge security, c o n s t r u c t i o n of positions and
t h e defense o f C h u d o v o , a r t i l l e r y a n d e n g i n e e r


a c t i v i t y , minelaying, command inspections, regrouping,

t r a i n i n a , U n t e r n e h m e n T a n n e n p f l a n z u n g (change i n t h e
l o c a t i o n o f t h e m a i n l i u e o f r e s i s t a n c e d u e to f l o o d
c o n d i t i o n s ) , and enemy a t t a c k and assault operations,
la, A u l a g e n m a p p p III zum KTB 10, Morgen- und 1943/03/31-1943/06/30 2 2 7 .I D 3 3 8 1 1 / 4 1708 1
Tagesmeldungen. D a i l y reports on the tactical
sit u a t ion.
l a / G a b o , T B als A n l a g e n m a p p e V I I I z u m K T B 1 0 , G e f e c h t s - 1943/03/31-1943/36/30 2 ? 7 . I D 33811/7 1738 257
u. V e r p f l e g u n g s s t a e r k e n , N a c h t r a g z u r K r i e g s r a n g l i s t e .
A c t i v i t y report o f t h e chemical w a r f a r e o f f i c e r , combat
and ration strength reports, and supplementary
registers of officers.
Ic, TB mit A n l a g e n als A n l a g e n m a p p e VI zum KTB 10. 1943/02/31-1943/06/30 2 2 7 . I D 33811/8 1708 339
A c t i v i t y report concerning enemy operations, unit
i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , and propaganda, morale and attitude of
t h ^ civilian p o p u l a t i o n , m i l i t a r y security,
c o u n t e r i n t e l l i g e n c e , a n d troop i n d o c t r i n a t i o n a n d
e n t e r t a i n m e n t ; maps showing the location of e n e m y
reconnaissance and assault operations; intelligence
bulletins; and interrogation summaries,
la, KTB 11. War j o u r n a l concerning defensive, 1943/07/31-1943/09/25 227.ID 35527/1 1708 622
reconnaissance, and assault operations in the Volkhov
a n i P o l i s t R i v e r s , C h u d o v o , a n d G r u z i n o areas a n d
a s s e m b l y in the Chudovo area and relief by the 21.ID,
2 3 - 2 5 Sep 1943.
l a , A n l a g e n m a p p e I z u m K I B 1 1 . O r d e r s , reports, m a p s , 1943/06/29-1943/08/31 2 2 7 . I D 35527/2 1708 776
and o v e r l a y s p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e a n d a s s a u l t
o p e r a t i o n s , c o u n t e r a t t a c k s , c o n s t r u c t i o n o f strong
p o i n t s and combat outposts, a r t i l l e r y and engineer
a c t i v i t y , f o r m a t i o n of Feld-Ers-Btl. 227, German and
e n e m y losses, c o m m a n d c o n f e r e n c e s a n d i n s p e c t i o n s ,
r e g r o u p i n g , t r a i n i n g , and Russian assault operations,
l a , A n l a g e n m a p p e IT z u m K T B 1 1 . O r d e r s , reports, 1943/09/31-1943/09/25 2 2 7 . I D 35527/3 1708 1332
messages, maps, and o v e r l a y s p e r t a i n i n g to d e f e n s i v e
and reconnaissance operations, artillery and engineer


activity, construction of strong points, rail security,

c o m m a n d conferences, regrouping, training, and assembly
of division units in the Chudovo area. An
order-of-battle chart, an afteraction critique relating
to the combat action of AOK 18 during the third Lake
Ladoga battle, a translation of an enemy report
regarding the effects on German troops by the Russian
usa or screening smoke, and reports on enemy assault
la, Anlagenmappe III zum KTB 11. Daily reports on the 1943/07/31-1943/09/25 2 2 7 . I D 35527/4 1739 1
tactical situation.
Ic, TB als Anlagenmappe VI zum KTB 11. Activity report 1943/07/31-1943/09/30 227.10 35527/7 1739 130
concerninq enemy operations, losses, unit
identification, agent and partisan activity, and
propaganda, morale and attitude of the civilian
population, military security, counterintelligence,
trDDp indoctrination and entertainment, and operations
against partisans. Maps showing the location of enemy
reconnaissance and assault operations and artillery
positions, interrogation summaries, and intelligence
la/Gabo, TB als A n l a g e n m a p p e VIII zum KTB 11. A c t i v i t y 1 9 4 3 / 0 7 / 3 1- 1 9 4 3 / 0 9 / 2 1 227. TD 35527/9 1709 352
report of the chemical warfare officer, combat and
ration strength reports, and supplementary registers of
la, KTB 12. War journal concerninq movement to and 1943/09/26-1943/12/31 2 2 7 . in 4 0 4 2 8 / 1 1 709 436
relief of the 28.JgD in the area north of Mga, 26-29
Sep 194.3, defensive, reconnaissance, and assault
oparations in the Sinyavino and Gaytolovo areas, 30
Sep-19 Dec 1943, regroupinq in the Gaytolovo area, 20
De3 1943, and preparations for and execution of Fall
Schneehase (withdrawal to the Mga position due to a
ma-jor Russian attack, 31 Dec 1943-1 Jan 1944).
la, Anlagenband 1 zum KTB 12. Orders, messages, maps, 1943/09/26-1943/11/15 227.ID 40428/2 1 739 720
and overlays pertaining to the relief of the 28.JgD in
60 227. I N F A N T E R T E - D I V I S I O N


the a r e a n o r t h of M g a , t a k e o v e r by the d i v i s i o n of part

of t h e 6 1 . I D a n d 6 9 . I D sector, d e f e n s i v e , a s s a u l t , a n d
reconnaissance operations, artillery and engineer
a c t i v i t y , c o n s t r u c t i o n of the Mga position, c o m m a n d
conferences, alerts, r e o r g a n i z a t i o n , regrouping,
training, and winter combat mobility in the Sinyavino
a n d G a y t o l o v o areas,
l a , A n l a g e n b a n d 2 z u m KTB 12. O r d e r s , messages, m a p s , 1943/11/16-1943/12/31 227.ID 40428/3 1710 1
and o v e r l a y s p e r t a i n i n g t o t h e t a k e o v e r b y t h e d i v i s i o n
of p a r t of the 2 5 4 . I D sector and relief of the S.GebD,
18-19 N o v 1 9 4 3 , d e f e n s i v e a n d a s s a u l t o p e r a t i o n s ,
r e g r o u p i n g , c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e Mga position, f o r m a t i o n
of alert units, preparations for w i n t e r ,
counterattacks, and t r a i n i n g in the Sinyavino and
G a y t o l o v o areas and p r e p a r a t i o n s for and execution of
Fall Schneehase.
la, A n l a g e n b a n d 3 z u m K T B 1 2 . D a i l y reports o n t h e 1943/09/29-1943/12/31 227.ID 40428/4 1710 259
tactical situation.
I a / 3 a b o , T B als A n l a g e n b a n d 7 z u m K T B 1 2 . Activity 1943/09/01-1943/12/31 227.10 40428/6 1710 473
r e p o r t o f t h e c h e m i c a l w a r f a r e o f f i c e r , special
directives concerning gas defense, combat and r a t i o n
s t r e n g t h reports, and a s u p p l e m e n t a r y register of
ic, T B a l s A n l a g e n b a n d 5 z u m K T B 1 2 . A c t i v i t y report 1943/10/31-1943/12/31 227.ID 40428/7 1710 534
concerning enemy operations, unit identification,
p a r t i s a n a c t i v i t y , a n d p r o p a g a n d a , morale a n d a t t i t u d e
of t h e c i v i l i a n p o p u l a t i o n , c o u n t e r intelligence,
m i l i t a r y security, operations against partisans, and
t r o o p i n d o c t r i n a t i o n a n d e n t e r t a i n m e n t . Maps showing
the t a c t i c a l d i s p o s i t i o n of e n e m y forces, i n t e r r o g a t i o n
s u m m a r i e s , a n d i n t e l l i g e n c e bulletins,
l a , A n l a g e z u m K T B 9 , G e t e c h t s b e r i c h t d e r 2 2 7 . I D ueber 1943/01/12-1943/01/18 2 2 7 . I D 77833/1 1710 732
die K a e m p f e suedl. des Ladoga-Sees. (A copy of record
item 30705/8.)


1939/02/02 Loetzen, Wehrkreis I Activation of 228.ID (3.Welle) by

conversion of 228.LdwD,
formation, training

1939/08/17 Wehrkreis I Operational readiness Subordinate to: Stellv.Gen.Kdo. I, 1939/08/17-1939/08/23

1939/08/24 Deutsch Eylau (Ilawa), Movement, border security, Stellv.Gen.Kdo. X X I , 1939/08/25-1939/09/05

Lessen (Lasin) preparations for the invasion of Poland
1939/09/01 Graudenz (Grudziadz) Invasion of Poland, C.O.: Gen.Maj. Suttner, 1939/09/01-?
offensive engagements

1939/09/06 Brodnica, Sierpc, Plonsk, Modlin Movement, offensive engagements Subordinate to: AK 2, 1939/09/06-1939/09/30

1939/09/14 Narew River, Modlin Crossing, defensive operations

1939/09/18 Modlin Attack on fortifications

Record item P166c of the 228.ID is reproduced on roll 1711 of Microfilm Publication T315 and is described following the unit history 0

Although only one record item of the 228.ID was available in the National Archives for the period 1939/08/25-1939/09/21, the situation
maps of Lage Poland, Ost and West, and the general officer personnel files show:

mOann Offensive and defensive operations

1939/10/01 Pultusk Movement, occupation duty
1939/10/12 Ostroleka, Ostrow Mazowiecka Movement, border security, occupation duty
1939/10/21 Warsaw Movement, occupation and security duty
1940/05/23 Munsterlager, near Lueneburg, Transfer, training
Wehrkreis X
1940/07/31 Munsterlager (presumably) Disbandment (source: Potsdam catalog) C.O.: Gen.Maj. Friedrich Karl von Wachter,
62 228. I N F A N T E R I E - D I V I S I O N


la, A n l a g e n z u r a K T B 1. O r d e r s and messages p e r t a i n i n g 1939/08,725-1939/09/21 2 2 8 . I D P166c 1711 1

to q u a r t e r i n g , border s e c u r i t y , and preparations for
t h e invasion of Poland in the Deutsch E y l a u ( I l a w a ) and
Lessen (Lasin) areas, 25-31 Aug 1939; invasion of
P o l a n d and o f f e n s i v e e n g a g e m e n t s in the G r a u d e n z
( G r u d z i a d z ) area, 1-5 Sep 1939; m o v e m e n t to and
o f f e n s i v e engagements in the B r o d n i c a , Sierpc, Plonsk,
and M o d l i n areas, 6-13 Sep; crossing the N a r e w River,
14 Sep; d e f e n s i v e operations in the Modlin area, 15-17
Sep; and attack on the f o r t i f i c a t i o n of M o d l i n , 18-21
Sep 1939. Includes intelligence bulletins.


1942/04/14 Finnmark, Norway Command takeover of the sector by Subordinate to: AK 71 Hoeh.Kdo., 1942/04/14-1942/10/24
Kuestenschutzverband Alta,
1942/04/22 Finnmark, Alta, Redesignation as 230.ID, C.O.: Gen.Maj. Otto Schoenherr, 1942/04/21-1942/10/10
Hammerfest, Mageroy defensive action, coastal defense, Gen.Lt. Konrad Menkel, 1942/10/10-1944/01/10 and
regrouping, training 1944/02/15-1944/09/25
Subordinate to: AK 71, 1942/10/25-1943/12/31

Records of the 230.ID are reproduced on roll 1712 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history.
Although no records of this division dated later than 1943/12/31 were available in the National Archives, situation maps of Lage Skandinavien
and the general officer personnel files show:
1944/01/01 Finnmark, Alta, Defensive engagements, coastal C.O.: Gen.Maj. Bernhard Pamberg, 1944/09/25-1945/04/14
Hammerfest, Mageroy defense, regrouping, training
1945/01/14 Alta, Nordreisa, Narvik Withdrawal
1945/02/09 Spannstinden Movement, security duty, coastal defense
1945/02/20 Hamaroy Island Movement, security duty, coastal defense

1945/05/19 Narvik Movement Obst. Herbert von Wagner, mFb, 1945/04/15-?

1945/05/22 Narvik Surrender



la, IB 1" Norweqen mit Anlaqen. Activity report 1942/04/14-1942/10/24 2 3 0 . I D 25356 1712 1
including orders, directives, reports, and maps
pertaininq to the takeover of command of the Finnmark
sector .by Kuestenschutzverband Alta, 14 Apr 1942, its
redesiqnation as the 230.ID on 22 A p r 1942, formation,
organization, quartering, defense preparations and
assignments, coastal defense, construction of
positions, alerts, battle conduct, training, and enemy
operations in the Alta and Hammerfest areas of Norway.
Orier-of-battle charts, status and strenqth reports,
ani a register of officers.
la, IB 2 mit Anlaqen. Activity report concerninq 1942/10/25-1943/04/30 2 3 0 . I D 31292 1712 130
organization" a n d - t r a i n i ng of the division and enemy
operations; orders, directives, and reports pertaining
to defense preparations and assignments, coastal
defense, regrouping and formation of division units,
and training; and maps showing the location of division
units in the Alta and Hammerfest areas.
Orier-of-battle charts, combat and ration strength
reports, a register of officers, and activity reports
of the Protestant and Catholic chaplains, 1 Oct 1942-31
Mar 1943.
la, KTB 3 mit Anlagen. Activity report concerninq 1943/05/31-1943/10/31 230.ID 37730 1712 537
3rgani?ation, tactics, and training of the division and
enemy operations in the Hammerfest, Alta, and Mageroy
areas; and orders and reports pertaining to the release
of division elements to form the 274.ID, 9 Jun 1943,
coastal defense, border security in the Kautokeino
area, construction of positions, reorganization,
regrouping, courier service, and traininq. Register of
officers, combat and ration strength reports, and an
afteraction critique relating to winter mobile
Ia/NaFue., TB. Activity and monthly reports of the 1943/11/31-1943/12/31 230.ID 43844 1712 757
signal staff officer, special directives concerning
230. I N F A N T E R I E - D I V I S I O N >


s i g n a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , and a r e g i s t e r of siqnal
l a , IB m i t A n l a q e n . A c t i v i t y r e p o r t c o n c e r n i n g 1 9 U 3 / 1 1 / 3 1-1943/1 2 / 3 1 230.ID 45U98 1712 33U
o r g a n i z a t i o n , tactics, a n d t r a i n i n g o f t h e d i v i s i o n a n d
enemy operations in the Alta, H a m m e r f e s t , and Mageroy
areas; ordprs pertaining to defense preparations,
c o a s t a l d e f e n s e , r e g r o u p i n g , r e o r g a n i z a t i o n , courier
s e r v i c e , and t r a i n i n g ; a r e p o r t r e g a r d i n g a c t i v i t i e s of
O r g a n i s a t i o n T o d t , 2-11 Nov 1 9 U 3 ; a m a p s h o w i n g the
l o c a t i o n of the 2 3 0 . I D in t h e F i n n m a r k sector. A
register of officers, order-of-battle charts, and
c o n b a t a n d r a t i o n s t r e n g t h reports.


1939/02/02 Gleiwitz, Wehrkreis VIII Activation of the 239.ID (3.Welle) by

conversion of the 239.LdwD,
formation, training
1939/08/25 Gleiwitz, Cosel, Oppeln Operational readiness, assembly Subordinate to: Stellv.Gen.Kdo. VIII, 1939/08/25-1939/10/06
1939/09/01 Beuthen (Bytom), Nikolai (Mikolow), Invasion of Poland, movement, C.O.: Gen.Lt. Ferdinand Neuling, 1939/09/01-1942/03/02
Kattowitz (Katowice), Zory, security and occupation duty
Biala, Orawka, Bochnia
1939/10/06 Rzeszow, Jaroslaw, Krosno, San Movement, security and occupation Subordinate to: AK 8, 1939/10/07-1940/04/29
River sector, Sieniawa, Jaslo
1940/04/29 Truppenuebungsplatz Brdywald (Brdy) Transfer, training Mil.Bfh. Protektorat Boehmen u. Maehren,
Beraun (Beroun) 1940/05/01-1940/05/28
1940/05/31 Villingen, Freiburg Movement, assembly AK 33 Hoen.Kdo.

1940/06/13 Rhine River, Colmar, Soultzbach- Crossing, advance, offensive

les-Bains, Mulhouse, Belfort engagements, occupation duty
1940/07/03 Freiburg Movement
1940/07/07 Gleiwitz, Oppeln, Cosel, Beuthen, Transfer, rehabilitation, Stellv.Gen.Kdo. V I I I , 1940/07/07-1941/04/03
Truppenuebungsplatz Lamsdorf training
1941/04/03 Siret River sector, Botosani, Transfer, training Rumanian units, Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumaenien,
Pascani, Suceava, Falticeni, offensive engagements 1941/04/04-1941/05/24
1941/06/10 Dorohoi, Braesti, Bucecea Preparations for invasion of Russia, Obkdo.d.Tr.d.deutscn.Heeres in Rumaenien,
defensive and assault operations 1941/05/24-1941/06/05
AK 11, 1941/06/06-1941/06/28
1941/07/02 Prut River, Zguritsa, Yampol, Advance into Russia, offensive Kgl.rum.Kav.Korps, 1941/06/28-1941/07/01
Balta, Dniester and Kodyma Rivers engagements, crossing AOK 11, 1941/07/01-1941/07/08
AK 11, 1941/07/08-1941/07/28

1941/08/06 Pasitsely, Bug River, Novaya Advance, offensive engagements

Odessa, Novo-Ukrainka, Kirovograd,
Znamenka, Chigrin
1941/08/29 Dnieper River, Uspenskoye, Psel Crossing, attack, AK 44, 1941/08/28
River, Kremenchug capture, AK 11, 1941/08/28-1941/10/05
Kandybovka, Zolotonosha offensive engagements
1941/09/23 Orshitsa, Khorol, Vorskla River, Offensive and defensive operations
Poltava, Krasnokutsk, Bogodukhov
1941/10/15 Bogodukhov Occupation, defense AK 17, 1941/10/05-1941/10/25
1941/10/17 Kharkov (northern part) Attack, occupation AK 55, 1941/10/25-1941/11/03
1941/11/01 Donets River sector Movement, defense, security AK 51, 1941/11/03-1941/11/27
1941/11/27 Bogodukhov Movement, disbandment AK 17, 1941/11/28-1941/12/03
1941/12/26 Oboyan, Marino (Rzhava) Transfer of the Div.Stab and AOK 6, 1941/12/03-1942/02/01
Nachr.Komp. 239 to form
Gruppe Neuling

1942/02/01 Bogodukhov Disbandment completed

Records of the 239.ID are reproduced on rolls 1713-1716 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history,
Situation maps of Lage Ost and West and the general officer personnel files were also used for the unit history.


Iar KTB 4. War journal concerning traininq and 191*0/08/27-1940/11/22 239.10 9 6 0 4 / 1 1713 1
rehabilitation in the Gleiwitz, Oppeln, Cosel, and
Beuthen (Eytom) areas and at Truppenuebungsplatz
la, Anlagen zum KTB 4. Orders, directives, reports, 1940/08/24-1940/11/23 239.ID 9604/2 1713 28
and maps pertaining to training, air raid protection,
rehabilitation, and leave for military personnel to
bolster the economy in the Oppeln, Cosel, Beuthen
(Bytom), and Gleiwitz areas and at Truppenuebungsplatz
Lamsdorf; a register of officers; and status reports.
la, Anlagen zum KTB 4. Schedules, reports, and maps 1940/09/19-1940/11/09 239.ID 9604/3 1713 175
pertaining to training and map exercises in Oppeln.
la, Anlagen zum KTB 4. Orders, reports, schedules, and 1940/11/23-1941/03/29 239.ID 9604/4 1713 239
maps pertaining to training, reeguipping,
rehabilitation, leave for personnel to bolster the
economy, and completion of formation and march
readiness of the division on 29 P!ar 1941, in the
Glsiwitz, Hindenburg (Zabrze), Oppeln, Kattowitz
(Katowice), Neustadt (Prudnik), and Beuthen (Bytom)
areas and at Truppenuebungsplaetze Lamsdorf and
Neuharamer. A list of officers duty assignments, an
orler-of-battle chart, and special directives
concerning supply and rear area services.
la, KTB 5. War -journal concerning transfer to Rumania, 1941/03/29-1942/02/01 2 3 9 . ID 16183/1 1713 239
3-8 Apr 1941, training and defensive operations in the
Siret (Sereth) Fiver sector, 10 Apr-1 Jul; advance to
and offensive engagements in the Botosani, Zguritsa,
Ya-npol, Balta, Novaya Odessa, Novo-Ukrainka,
Kirb,vograd, Znamenka, Kremenchug, 7,olotonosha, Khorol,
Poltava, Krasnokutsk, and Rogodukhov areas; 2 Jul-14
Oct 1911, attack on and occupation of the northern part
of Kharkov, 17-30 Oct; relief by the 68.ID, 31 Oct;
movement to and securing the Donets River line south of
Belgorod, 1-25 Nov; relief by the 79.ID, 26 Nov; and
m o v e m e n t to Bogodukhov for disbandraent, which was


c o m p l e t e d 1 Feb 1942.
la, A n l a g e n z u r a KTB 5 . O r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , r e p o r t s , 1941/03/28-1941/05/13 2 3 9 . I D 16183/2 1713 831
a n d m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o t h e t r a n s f e r f r o m Oppeln a n d
G l l e i w i t z t o t h e Siret ( S e r e t h ) R i v e r sector i n R u m a n i a ,
training of Rumanian A r m y and division units in the
B o t D s a n i , Suceava, Falticeni, and Pascani areas, 9
A p r - 1 1 M a y , relief of the area east of the Siret R i v e r
b y t h e 76,ID, 1 2 M a y , a n d m o v e m e n t t o a n d p r e p a r a t i o n s
f o r d e f e n s e o f t h e D o r o h o i a n d Braesti areas, 10-13 J u n
1941. An o r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t , a s t a t u s r e p o r t , an
a n t r a i n i n g s u r v e y , a list of code n a m e s for d i v i s i o n
u n i t s , a n d special d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n g s u p p l y a n d
signal communications,
la, A n l a g e n z u m KTB 5. O r d e r s , messages, a n d m a p s 1941/06/14-1941/37/02 2 3 9 . I D 16183/3 1714 1
p e r t a i n i n g to preparations for O p e r a t i o n Barbarossa
(invasion of R u s s i a ) ; assault and defensive operations
i n t h e D o r o h o i , B r a e s t i , Bucecea, a n d S a v e n i areas;
r e s u l t s o f r e c o n n a i s s a n c e o f t h e P r u t R i v e r sector,
14-29 J u n 1 9 4 1 ; relief b y t h e 2 . g e m i s c h t e r u m . Geb.
B r i g a d e ; a s s e m b l y in the B r a e s t i and Bucecea areas, 30
J u u - 1 J u l ; and m o v e m e n t to east of Botosani, 2 J u l
1941. An order-of-battle c h a r t , c a s u a l t y reports, and
special directives concerning signal c o m m u n i c a t i o n s ,
la, A u i a g e n zaifi K T B 5 . O r d e r s , messages, a n d m a p s 1941/07/32-1941/08/05 239.ID 16183/4 i/i4 417
pertaining to movements and offensive and defensive
o p e r a t i o n s f r o m B o t o s a n i t o t h e Y a m p o l a n d Soroki areas
via Z g u r i t s a a n d t h e c r o s s i n g o f t h e P r u t R i v e r east o f
Botosani a n d t h e D n i e s t e r R i v e r a t Y a r o v a , 2-17 J u l
1941, m o v e m e n t t o a n d D f f e n s i v e e n g a g e m e n t s i n t h e
Z a g n i t k o v a n d K o d y r a a areas, 18-24 J u l , a t t a c k o n B a l t a
and m o p p i n q - u p action, 25 Jul-4 A u a , and movement
t o w a r d t h e K o d y m a R i v e r , 5 A u g 1941. O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e
c h a r t s ; a n d r e p o r t s c o n c e r n i n g e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s , losses
and u n i t identification,
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 5 . O r d e r s , messages, a n d m a p s 1941/08/3&-1941/09/23 2 3 9 . I D 16183/5 1714 813


p e r t a i n i n g to movement and offensive enqaqements from

P a s i t s e l y t o i"Iostovoye L y a k h o v o a n d t h e crossinq o f t h e
B u q R i v e r between V o z n e s e n s k a n d N o v a y a Odessa, 6-17
A u j 1 9 4 1 ; o f f e n s i v e e n q a q e m e n t s t o t h e K r e m e n c h u g area
via Novo-Ukrainka, Kirovograd, Znamenka, and Chigrin,
18-29 A n g ; r e l i e f b y t h e 2 4 . I D , 3 0 A u q ; crossinq t h e
D n i e p e r R i v e r a t U s p e n s k o y e , 3 1 A u g ; crossinq t h e Psel
R i v e r and a t t a c k on and c a p t u r e ot K r e r a e n c h u g , 1-9
Sep; and movement and o f f e n s i v e engagements to
K a n d y b o v k a n o r t h of Z o l o t o n o s h a , 10-23 Sep 1941.
O r i e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s , a s t a t u s r e p o r t , and reports on
e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s a n d losses.
l a , A n l a q e n z u m K T B 5 . O r d e r s , messaqes, a n d o v e r l a y s 1941/09/23-1941/11/07 2 3 9 . I D 16183/6 1713
p e r t a i n i n g to m o v e m e n t to the P o l t a v a area via O r z h i t s a
a n i K h o r o l , crossing t h e Psel R i v e r ; o f f e n s i v e
e n g a g e m e n t s in the V o r s k l a R i v e r sector, 23 Sep-6 Oct
1941, a n d i n K r a s n o k u t s k , P a r k h o m o v k a , a n d B o g o d u k h o v
and t h e ">erlya F i v e r sector, 7 - 1 4 O c t ; occupation a n d
d e f e n s e of B o g o d u k h o v , 15-16 Oct; m o v e m e n t to K h a r k o v ;
c r o s s i n g the U d y R i v e r ; a t t a c k on and o c c u p a t i o n of the
n o r t h e r n p a r t of K h a r k o v , 17-30 Oct; r e l i e f by the
6 8 . I D ; and m o v e m e n t to and s e c u r i n g of the D o n e t s R i v e r
sector f r o m l u r o m to s o u t h of Belgorod, 1-7 Nov 1941.
S t a t u s reports, special d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n g s u p p l y ,
and r e p o r t s o n e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s .
la, A n l a q e n zura KTB 5 . O r d e r s a n d messages p e r t a i n i n g 1941/11/08-1941/12/23 239.ID 161R3/7 1715 534
to s e c u r i n g of the D o n e t s R i v e r line, t r a i n i n g ,
o p a r a t i o n s a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s , 8-25 Nov 1941, relief of
the d i v i s i o n ' s security sector by the 79.ID, and
m o v e m e n t to B o q o d u k h o v for d i s b a n d m e n t , to be completed
by 1 Feb 1 9 4 2 .
Ic, T B . A c t i v i t y report c o n c e r n i n g e n e m y operations, 1941/07/04-1941/12/23 239.ID 16183/8 1715 815
losses, a n d u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , a n d reports b y G e r m a n
war c o r r e s p o n d e n t s d a t e d f r o m 16 J u l to 7 Aug 1941,
German propaganda leaflets and proclamations for the


c i v i l i a n population, a f t e r a c t i o n reports, overlays

s h o w i n g the enemy tactical s i t u a t i o n , and a note
r e f e r r i n g to the d i s b a n d m e n t of the d i v i s i o n by 1 Feb
1 9 4 2 , w i t h a s s i g n m e n t of t h e d i v i s i o n s t a f f a n d
N a c h r . K o m p . 239 to form the nucleus of Gruppe N e u l i n q .
Ic, B i o g r a p h i e russischer F u e h r e r . Brief biographical 1941/06/20-1941/06/20 2 3 9 . I D 16183/10 1715 1036
s k e t c h e s o f t h e t o p level R u s s i a n A r m y a n d N a v y
commanders and Army commissars,
l a . D i e 239. I n f a n t e r i e - D i v i s i o n im F e l d z u g q e q e n 1939/08/26-1939/10/14 37412/1 1716 690
Polen. Orders a n d r e p o r t s p e r t a i n i n g t o p r e p a r a t i o n s
foe the invasion of Poland in the G l e i w i t z (Gliwice)
a r e a , 2 6 - 2 9 A u g 1939; a s s e m b l y i n t h e Cosel ( K o z l e ) a n d
3 p p e l n areas, 30-31 A u g ; i n v a s i o n o f P o l a n d ; p r o t e c t i o n
o f t h e r i g h t f l a n k o f A K 8 ; o c c u p a t i o n o f t h e east
Silesian industrial region; security activity f r o m
Benthen (Bytom) to Bochnia via Nikolai (Mikolow),
K a t t o w i t z ( K a t o w i c e ) , Z o r y , B i a l a , a n d O r a w k a , 1-18 S e p
1939; o c c u p a t i o n d u t y in the B o c h n i a a r e a , 19 Sep-10
O c t ; m o v e m e n t t o t h e S a n R i v e r area v i a R z e s z o w ,
J a r o s l a w , a n d K r o s n o ; a n d relief o f t h e 2 . G e b D a n d t h e
5 7 I D o f s e c u r i n g t h e S a n R i v e r sector f r o m U z h o k Pass
to S i e n i a w a , 11-14 Oct 1939.
la, E r l e b n i s b e r i c h t e . Afteraction reports relating to 1939/11/13-1939/11/27 239.ID 37412/2 171o 759
c o n b a t a c t i o n d u r i n g t h e Polish c a m p a i g n .
la. D i e 239. I n f a n t e r i e - D i v i s i o n . Ihr Einsatz im Krieg 1939/08/25-1940/07/04 239.ID 37412/3 1716 854
1939/1940. Reports concerning operations d u r i n g the
Polish c a m p a i g n ; movement to and securing the San Piver
s e c t o r ; relief by the Z o l l g r e n z s c h u t z and m o v e m e n t to
t h a Jaslo a n d K r o s n o a r e a s f o r o c c u p a t i o n d u t y i n
D e c e m b e r 1939; t r a n s f e r t o T r u p p e n u e b u n g s p l a t z B r d y w a l d
(Brdy) and Beraun ( B e r o u n ) , Czechoslovakia, for
t r a i n i n g i n A p r i l 1940; m o v e m e n t t o V i l l i n g e n a n d
a s s e m b l y in the F r e i b u r q area, 31 M a y - 1 2 Jun 1 9 4 0 ;
crDSsinq the Rhine River; movements to and offensive
engagements in the Colmar, Soultzbach-les-Bains,


Mulhouse, and Delfort a r e a s , 13-24 J u n ; occupation d u t y

in the Belfort area, 25 J u n - 3 J u l ; and movement back to
F r e i b u r g , 4 Jul 1940. C a s a a l t y reports.
Ic, F e i n d m p l d u n g e n . I n t e l l i q e n c o r e p o r t s c o n c e r n i n g 1941/12/26-1942/03/25 239.ID 37U12/U 1 7 1 :> 1011
enemy operations on land and in the air, movements, and
u n i t identification d u r i n g d e f e n s i v e operations by
C J r u p p e N e u l i n g i n t h e D b o y a n a n d R z h a v a areas.


1943/07/16 Gross-Bom, Scimeidemuehl, Activation, C . O . : Gen.Lt. Johannes Baessler, 1943/07/20-1944/11/11

Neustettin, Deutscii-Krone, formation, training (deceased)
rt'ehrkreis II Subordinate to: Stellv.Gen.Kdo. II, 1943/07/18-1943/06/07

1943/08/16 Gnent, Bruges, Belgium Transfer, training, reorganization AK 67, 1943/08/08-1943/08/28

AK 89, 1943/08/29-1943/10/04
1943/10/05 Toulon, France Movement AOK 19, 1943/10/05-1943/10/31

1943/10/16 Toulon, Brignoles, lies d'Hyeres, Coastal defense, training Gruppe Kniess, 1943/11/01-1944/04/01

Records of the 2 4 2 . I D are reproduced on roll 1717 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history.

Although only a few record items of the 242. ID were available in the National Archives, situation maps of Lage West, records of OKH/GenStdH/Org.Abt.,
HI/38 (T78, roll 398), and OKH/AHA/Abwicklungsstab, H41/S7 (T78, roll 142), and the general officer personnel files contain references to tnis
division as follows:

1944/01/01 Toulon, Brignoles, Hyeres, Coastal defense, training AK 62 Res, 1944/04/02-1944/08/15

lies d'Hyeres, Saint-Raphael

1944/08/15 Toulon, lies d'Hyeres, Hyeres Defensive operations (Allied invasion) AOK 19, 1944/08/16-1944/08/19

1944/08/21 Salon-de-Provence Withdrawal, defensive operations by

rciuTiiints o:

1944/08/28 Toulon fortress Defense

1944/09/02 Toulon fortress Probably captured

1944/10/07 Officially disbanded



la, KT3 1. War journal concerning activation of the 1943/07/16- 1943/12/31 242.ID 44004/1 1717 1
2 4 2 . I D at T r u p p e n u e b u n g s p l a t z Gross-Born, Wehrkreis II,
16 J u l 1 9 4 3 ; f o r m a t i o n a n d t r a i n i n g i n t h e
S c n n e i d e m u e h l , N e u s t e t t i n , a n d D e u t s c h - K r o n e areas, 1 7
J u l - 1 5 A u g ; m o v e m e n t to a n d t r a i n i n g a n d r e o r g a n i z a t i o n
in the G h e n t and B r u g e s a r e a s , B e l g i u m , 16 A u g - 4 Oct.
1 9 4 3 ; m o v e m e n t t o T o u l o n , F r a n c e , 5-15 O c t ; a n d c o a s t a l
d e f e n s e and t r a i n i n g in the Toulon, Hyeres, Brignoles,
a n d lies d H y e r e s a r e a s , 16 Oct-31 Dec 1943.
la, A n l a g e n z u r n K T B 1 . O r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , a n d 1943/07/15-1343/12/29 242.ID 44004/2 1717
messages p e r t a i n i n g to the activation of the division
at T r u p p e n u e b u n g s p l a t z Gross-Born, Wehrkreis II, 16 Jul
1943; formation and training in the Neustettin,
S c n n e i d e m u e h l , a n d D e u t s c h - K r o n e areas; o p e r a t i o n a l
readiness on 15 A u g , t r a n s f e r to and t r a i n i n g ,
occupation d u t y , and reorganization in the Ghent and
B r u g e s areas, B e l g i u m , 16 A u g - 4 Oct 1 9 U 3 ; m o v e m e n t to
T o a l o n , France, 5-15 O c t ; and coastal d e f e n s e ,
c o n s t r u c t i o n of f o r t i f i e d positions, m i n e l a y i n g , and
t r a i n i n g i n t h e T o u l o n , H y e r e s , lies d ' H y e r e s ,
Saint-Cyr-sur-ler, Brignoles, Pandol, and Aubagne
areas. Strength and status reports, order-of-battle
c h a r t s , reports on a r t i l l e r y o r g a n i z a t i o n and
a s s i g n m e n t s , a n d special d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n g coastal
l a , Ic, V e r s c h i e d e n e A n o r d n u n g e n . I n t e l l i g e n c e reports 1944/02/32-19-44/33/02 2 4 2 . I D 77719 1717 333
ani directives concerning troop indoctrination and
e n t e r t a i n m e n t , training, partisan and
c o u n t e r i n t e l l i g e n c e a c t i v i t y , m i l i t a r y a n d coastal
s e c u r i t y , conduct d u r i n g patrols, the N o r m a n d y
i n v a s i o n , and the assassination attempt on Hitler.

1939/02/02 Darmstadt, Wehrkreis XII Activation of 246.ID (3.Welle) by

conversion of 246.LdwD, training

1939/08/29 Darmstadt, Operational readiness, Subordinate to: Stellv.Gen.Kdo. XII, 1939/08/29-1940/01/19

Bad Duerkheim, Worms, Landau, movement, training C.O.: Gen.Lt. Erich Denecke, 1939/09/01-1941/12/13
Speyer, Neustadt, Woerth am Rhein
1940/01/21 Rastatt, Bruchsal, Karlsruhe Movement, training,
Lauter River border security
Subordinate to: AK 37 Hoeh.Kdo.zbV, 1940/03/01-1940/07/02
1940/05/13 Lauterbourg, Niederlauterbach, Invasion of France, advance,
Salmbach, Wissembourg offensive engagements

1940/06/03 Hunspach Attack on the Maginot Line

1940/06/21 Soultz-sous-Forets (Sulz), Advance, offensive engagements,

Haguenau, Reichshoffen,
Brumath, Bischwiller occupation of the Maginot Line

1940/07/03 Germersheim, Darmstadt, Weinheim, Transfer, training, Stellv.Gen.Kdo. XII, 1940/07/03-1941/02/28

Mannheim, Worms, Speyer, Bitche reorganization, regrouping

1941/02/14 Tours, France, Trans fer, AK 59 Hoeh.Kdo.zbV, 1941/03/01-1941/12/31

Chinon, Chatellerault, Poitiers, security and occupation duty,
Civray, Ruffec regrouping, training C.O.: Gen.Lt. Maximilian Siry, 1941/12/13-1943/05/15

1942/01/01 Liozno, Smolensk, Russia Transfer, Subordinate to: Gruppe Frhr. v. Esebeck, 1942/05/09-1942/07/07
Dukhovshchina, Bely movement, defensive operations Panzerkorps Harpe, 1942/07/08-1942/07/14
AK 23, 1942/07/15-1942/11/20
1942/07/01 Bely, Nelidovo, Pushkari Offensive, defensive, and AK 41 Pz, 1942/11/20-1943/03/17
assault operations AK 23, 1943/03/17-1943/03/21
AK 27, 1943/03/21-1943/06/30
1942/11/24 Bely, Obsha River, Lomonosovo, Defensive and assault operations C.O.: Gen.Maj. Konrad von Alberti, 1943/05/16-1943/09/12
Repino, Dukhovshchina, Yartsevo Obst. Heinz Fiebig, 1943/09/12-1943/10/05
Subordinate to: AK 39 Pz, 1943/07/01-1943/08/01
1943/04/01 Troitskoye, Vorotyshino, Fomina Position defense, defensive operations AK 27, 1943/08/01-1943/08/30
AK 9, 1943/08/31-1943/09/06
1943/09/16 Rudnya, Liozno, Disengagement movement, AK 27, 1943/09/07-1943/09/16
Bol'shoy Rutavech1 Lake defensive operations AK 39 Pz, 1943/09/16-1943/09/24
AK 27, 1943/09/24-1943/09/25
AK 6, 1943/09/26-1943/10/09


1943/10/11 Shelokhovo and Zelenskoye Lakes, Disengagement movement, C.O.: Gen.Maj. Wilhelm Falley, 1943/10/05-1944/04/20
Vysochany, Pogostishche, defensive operations Subordinate to: AK 53, 1943/10/10-1943/11/13
Babinovichi AK 6, 1943/11/14-1944/01/31

1944/01/01 Vysochany, Starobobyl'ye Defensive operations

1944/01/20 Vitebsk Withdrawal, defensive operations

Records of the 246.ID are reproduced on rolls 1718-1725 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history.

Although no records of this division dated later than 1944/01/31 were available in the National Archives, records of OKH/GenStdH/Org.Abt.,
HI/38 (T78, roll 398), and OKH/AHA/Abwicklungsstab, H41/7 (T78, roll 139), H41/24 (T78, roll 141), and H41/57 (T78, roll 142), the general
officer personnel files, and situation maps of Lage Ost and West contain references to the 246.ID as follows:

1944/06/24 Vitebsk Encirclement, C.O.: Gen.Maj. Klaus Mueller-Buelow, 1944/04/20-1944/07/00

1944/06/26 breakthrough by remnants, (captured)
mass of the 246.ID captured
1944/08/13 Disbandment (source: Potsdam catalog)
1944/09/01 Milowitz (Milovice) Czechoslovakia Formation of the 565.VGrD, Obst. Harald Hirschfeld, 1944/09/01-1944/09/15
1944/09/09 arrival of remnants of the 246.ID,
1944/09/15 redesignation as 246.VGrD,
1944/09/20 operational readiness
1944/09/26 Wuerselen, Germany Transfer, relief of the 116.PzD Subordinate to: AK 81, 1944/09/27-1944/11/30
1944/10/02 Aachen, Barmen, Juelich, Stolberg Defensive engagements, C.O.: Obst. Erich Neumann, 1944/10/09-1944/10/23
1944/10/22 incorporation of elements of 49.ID Obst. Gerhard Wilck, 1944/10/23-1944/11/01
1944/11/23 Northeast of Juelich Withdrawal for rehabilitation (missing in action)
1944/11/30 South of Juelich Movement, relief of 3.PzGrD Gen.Maj. Peter Koerte, 1944/11/07-1945/04/01
1944/12/20 Monschau, Malmedy and Saint-Vith, Offensive and defensive operations
1945/02/01 Kronenburg, Pruem, Germany Defensive operations
1945/03/12 Bernkastel-Kues, Traben-Trarbach Withdrawal, defensive operations Gen.Maj. Walter Kuehn, 1945/04/01-?

Manuscripts in the Foreign Military Studies series, prepared by former German officers for the Historical Division, Headquarters U.S.
Army, Europe, between 1945 and 1959, contain references to the 246.ID(VGr) as follows:
Aachen, Juelich: MS A-988 (Order of Battle of the LXXXI Corps from Sep 1944 to Apr 1945), and MSS A-991, A-993, A-996-A-998 (Combat
operations in the Aachen sector, Sep-Dec 1944), by Gen.d. Inf. Friedrich Koechling;
MS P-174 (Die 246.Volks-Grenadier-Division in der Zeit von September bis November 1944), by Obst. Gerhard Wilck.


I d , A n l a g e n b a n d A z u m KTB 1, O p e r a t i o n s b e f e h l e . Orders 1939/09/31-1939/10/25 246.ID W607/b 1718 1

pertaining to the reorganization, regrouping, and
t r a i n i n g i n the B a d D u e r k h e i m , W o r m s , L a n d a u , S p e y e r ,
F r a n k e n t h a l , and N e u s t a d t areas and the relief of the
3 3 . I D i n t h e L a n d a u a n d W o e r t h a m R h e i n a r e a s , 23-26
O c t 1939; d a i l y O K W c o m m u n i q u e s ; special s u p p l y
d i r e c t i v e s ; a n a f t e r a c t i o n report r e g a r d i n g a n e n e m y
r e c o n n a i s s a n c e p a t r o l in the H a g o n b a c h a r e a , 16 Oct
la, A n l a g e n b a n d 3 zum KTB 1. Orders, maps, and 1939/08/29-1939/12/31 246.1") W f > 0 7 / r 1713 231
o v e r l a y s p e r t a i n i n q to m o v e m e n t of the advance echelon
frDoa Darmstadt to Bad D u e r k h e i m via Mannheim, 30A u g ;
m o v e m e n t to, f o r m a t i o n , a n d t r a i n i n g i n t h e W o r m s ,
L a n d a u , B a d K r e u z n a c h , N e u s t a d t , a n d F r a n k e n t h a l areas,
3 S e p - 2 3 Oct; r e l i e f of the 3 3 . I D , b o r d e r s e c u r i t y ; and
l a y i n g minefields in the Speyer, Woerth am Rhein,
K a n d e l , and Neuburg am R h e i n areas and in the Lauter
R i v e r sector, 2 6 Oct-31 D e c 1939. O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e
charts, strength reports, afteraction critigues
r e l a t i n g to the m o b i l i z a t i o n and f o r m a t i o n of t h e
division and the action and conditions in the former
3 3 0 I D sector, a n d r e p o r t s o n t h e e n e m y m i l i t a r y
situation (damaged by f i r e ) .
Ic, F e r n s p r e c h b u c h . R e c o r d e d t e l e p h o n e c o n v e r s a t ions = 1 9 3 9 / i n ' 2 7 - 1 ? 39/1 2 / 2 1 2 4 6 . I D '*607/! 1713 631
la, KTB 3*. War j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g ' r e g r o u p i n g , 1940/02/01-1940/07/03 2 4 6 . ID 6 8 3 8 / 1 1719 1
reDrganization, and training in the Bruchsal,
K a r l s r u h e , K a n d e l , a n d D e r g z a b e r n a r e a s ; border
s e c u r i t y a l o n g t h e L a u t e r R i v e r , 1 Feb-12 ilay; i n v a s i o n
of F r a n c e ; crossing t h e L a u t e r R i v e r a t L a u t e r b o u r g ;
advance and offensive engagements in the
N i a d e r l a u t e r b a c h , Salrabach, Wissembourg, and Altenstadt
a r e a s , 1 3 *1ay-2 J u n ; p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r a n d a t t a c k o n t h e
M a g i n o t L i n e i n t h e H u n s p a c h a r e a , 3-20 J u n ; a d v a n c e
and o f f e n s i v e engagements in the Soultz-sous-Forets,
H a g u e n a u , a n d R e i c h s h o f f e n a r e a s , 21-24 J u n ; o c c u p a t i o n
246. T N F A N T E R I E - D I V I S I O N


o f tfce M a q i n o t L i n e i n t h e B r u m a t h , H a g u e n a u , a n d
Bischwiller areas; and movement to Germersheira,
G e r m a n y , 3 J u l 1940 ( d a m a g e d b y f i r e ) .
l a , TB m i t A n l a g e n . A c t i v i t y r e p o r t , o r d e r s , 1940/07/02-1941/32/13 246.TO 8734 1719 139
d i r e c t i v e s , a n d maps p e r t a i n i n g t o m o v e m e n t f r o m
H a g u e n a u , France, t o G e r m e r s h e i m a n d D a r m s t a d t ;
r e o r g a n i z a t i o n ; r e g r o u p i n g ; t r a i n i n g ; m i l i t a r y leave t o
s u p p o r t t h e w a r e c o n o m y ; a n d a i r raid protection i n
t h e D a r m s t a d t , W e i n h e i m , M a n n h e i m , Worms, a n d Speyer
a r ^ a s a n d a t T r u p p e n u e b u n g s p l a t z Bitsch ( B i t c h e ) , 3 J u l
1940-8 Feb 1941; and p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r the t r a n s f e r to
F r a n c e , 9-13 Feb 1941. O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s , m a r c h
and t r a i n i n g s u r v e y s , a register of o f f i c e r s , s t r e n g t h
r e p o r t s , and an a c t i v i t y report of the intelligence
b r a n c h , 3 Jul 1940-13 Feb 1941.
la, T b m i t A n l a g e n . A c t i v i t y r e p o r t , orders, a n d maps 1941/02/14-1941/05/31 246.ID 1 1728/1 1719 497
p e r t a i n i n g to o r e p a r a t i o n s for and movement to Tours,
F r a n c e , to relieve the 4 6 . I D , 14 Feb-11 ar 1941;
r e g r o u p i n a ; securing the d e m a r k a t i o n and railroad
l i n e s ; o c c u p a t i o n d u t y ; a n d t r a i n i n g i n t h e Tours,
C h i n o n , Chatellerault, Poitiers, Civray, and P u f f e c
a r e a s ; and relief of W a c h r e g i m e n t / 6 . I D in Paris by the
4 0 4 . G r e n . R g t . / 2 4 6 . ID, 9-10 M a r , and its release on 18
Apr to relieve the 2 2 3 . I D in the area south of
P o i t i e r s . E n t r a i n i n g a n d d e t r a i n i n g schedules a n d
s t r e n g t h reports.
Ic, I B m i t A n l a g e n . A c t i v i t y reports c o n c e r n i n g e n e m y 1941/02/13-1941/05/30 246.IT) 12371/1 1719 954
a c t s of sabotage; the a t t i t u d e , morale, and support of
the civilian population; counterintelligence activity;
and troop indoctrination and entertainment. Maps
s h o w i n g the location of the d i v i s i o n n o r t h of the
d e m a r k a t i o n line a n d French a r m y u n i t s i n unoccupied
la, TB r a i t A n l a g e n . A c t i v i t y reports, orders, 1941/06/D1-1941/12/31 2 4 6 . ID 1 3 7 3 5 / 1 1720
directives, and messages p e r t a i n i n g to r e g r o u p i n g .


securing the deniarkation and railroad lines, air raid

protection, safeguarding aqainst parachutists,
o c c u p a t i o n d u t y , a n d t r a i n i n g i n t h e Tours, Chinon,
L o u d u n , C h a t e l l e r a u l t , P o i t i e r s , a n d C i v r a y areas; a n d
preparations for the transfer to Germany. Afteraction
c r i t i q u e s r e l a t i n g t o t h e eastern c a m p a i g n .
la, A n l a g e n z u m T B . T r a i n i n g s c h e d u l e s a n d d i r e c t i v e s , 1941/06/3 1-1941/12/31 246.10 13735/2 1720 532
o r d e r s , a n d reports r e g a r d i n g t r a i n i n g exercises a n d
a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y , notes o n c o m m a n d c o n f e r e n c e s ,
c o m b a t a n d r a t i o n s t r e n g t h reports, lists o f o f f i c e r s
d u t y a s s i g n m e n t s , a n d m a p s s h o w i n g t h e location o f
division units.
Ic, T B m i t A n l a g e n . A c t i v i t y r e p o r t s c o n c e r n i n g 194 1/06/3 1 - 1 9 4 1 / 1 2 / 3 1 246.ID 13735/3 1721
C o m m u n i s t acts o f s a b o t a g e a n d s e d i t i o n ; a t t i t u d e ,
morale, and support of the civilian population;
c o u n t e r intelligence a c t i v i t y ; m i l i t a r y security; and
troop indoctrination, training, and entertainment.
l a , K I B 5 . W a r j o u r n a l i n c l u d i n g orders, messages, a n d 1942/07/J 1-1942/09/15 246.ID 26085/1 1721 249
maps pertaining to offensive, d e f e n s i v e , and assault
o p e r a t i o n s a n d t r a i n i n g i n t h e 3ely a r e a ; a f t e r a c t i o n
reports concerning Unternehmen Seydlitz (attack on,
e n c i r c l e m e n t , and destruction of the Soviet 39th A r m y
i n t h e B e l y area, 2-12 J u l 1 9 4 2 ) ; U n t e r n e h m e n 7 i e t h e n
( a d v a n c e w e s t w a r d t o stop t h e e n e m y f r o m w i t h d r a w i n g
a l o n g t h e B e i y - N e l i d o v o r o a d , 3 1 J u l ) ; the b a t t l e
a r o u n d P u s h k a r i , 1-18 A u g 1 9 4 2 ; a n d o p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t
p a r t i s a n s , 6-12 Sep. A n a f t e r a c t i o n c r i t i g a e o n t h e
1 9 4 1 - 4 2 w i n t e r c a m p a i g n o f AK 2 3 ; o r d e r - o f - b a t t l e
c h a r t s ; s t a t u s , s t r e n g t h , a n d c a s u a l t y reports;
i n t e r r o g a t i o n s u m m a r i e s ; and reports on the enemy
military situation and German and enemy artillery
la, O3 6 . W a r j o u r n a l i n c l u d i n g orders, messages, a n d 1942/11/24-1942/12/31 246.ID 2 6 0 8 5 / 2 1721 934
m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e a n d assault o p e r a t i o n s i n
t h a B e l v area a n d i n t h e Obsha R i v ^ r sector;


afteraction reports regarding combat action, 25 Nov-25

Qez 1942; casualty and strength reports; registers of
officers; and reports on the enemy situation.
la, Aalage zum KTB. Transcript of daily radio 1942/11/27-1942/12/09 2 4 6 . I D 26085/3 1722 1
Iaf Anlage zum KTB. Transcript of daily messages. 1942/11/27-1942/12/09 2 4 6 . I D 26085/4 1722 1D7
la, Anlage zum KTB. Orders concerning defensive and 1942/11/25-1942/12/25 2 4 6 . I D 26085/5 1722 191
offensive operations in the Bely area including
strength and status reports.
la, Unternehmen Erbschaftsausgleich (Puschkari). 1942/09/16-1942/D9/21 246.ID 26085/6 1722 214
Orders, messages, and maps pertaining to the execution
of Unternehmen Erbschaftsausgleich (an attack to regain
territory in the Pushkari area to straighten the main
line of resistance).
Ic, 3efangenenvernehmungen. Interrogation summaries 1942/10/D6-1942/12/31 246.TD 29384 1722 247
and a list of Russian A r m y units facing AK 41 Pz.
Ic, TB. Activity report including orders, messages, 1943/01/01-1943/06/30 246.ID 33505/1 1722 412
and reports pertaining to enemy operations, losses,
unit identification and strength, reaction to
Unternehmen Bueffel (disengagement) , partisan and agent
activity, propaganda, and acts of sabotage; morale,
supply situation, and control of the civilian
population; military security; German propaganda; and
troop indoctrination and entertainment. Intelligence
bulletins, interrogation summaries, and maps showing
ths location of Russian Army units facing the 246.ID.
Ic, Anlagenband 1 zum TB. Daily reports on the 1943/03/21-1943/06/30 246. ID 33505/2 1722 757
operations of the division addressed to Ic/AK 27.
Ic, Anlagenband 2 zum TB. Interrogation summaries. 1943/03/01-1943/36/30 246.ID 33505/3 1722 940
la, KTB 1. War "journal including orders, reports, and 1943/01/01-1943/03/31 246.ID 33815/1 1723 1
maps pertaining to defensive operations, training, and
construction of positions and roads in the Bely area;
preparations for and execution of Unternehmen Bueffel
(disengagement movements from Bely to the Dukhovshchina
and Yartsevo area via Lomonosovo and Repino, 14 Feb-22
246. I N F A N T E H I E - D I V I S I O N


Mar 1 9 4 3 ) ; a n d t h e d e f e n s e o f t h o s e areas. S t r e n g t h
l a , K T B 2 . W a r j o u r n a l i n c l u d i n g orders, r e p o r t s , 1943/04/31-1943/36/30 2 4 6 . I D 33815/2 1723 470
maps, and overlays pertaining to defensive operations,
c o n s t r u c t i o n of positions, and t r a i n i n g in the Y a r t s e v o
a n d T r o i t s k o y e areas; s t r e n g t h a n d c a s u a l t y r e p o r t s ;
and a register of o f f i c e r s ,
la, A a l a g e n z u m K T B , Band 1 . O r d e r s r e l a t i n g t o 1943/02/13-1943/06/09 2 4 6 . I D 33815/3 1723 332
disengagement movements, regrouping, and reorganization
of tha d i v i s i o n ,
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 1 . O r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , a n d r e p o r t s 1943/01/01-1943/03/31 2 4 6 . I D 33315/4 1723 936
p e r t a i n i n g to assault operations, training,
c o n s t L u c t i o n of positions, and disengagement f r o m Eely
to the D u e f f e l positions; order-of-battle charts;
s t r e n g t h a n d s t a t u s r e p o r t s ; special s u p p l y directives.
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 2 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , maps, a n d 1943/04/01-1943/06/30 2 4 6 . T D 33815/5 1724 1
o v e r l a y s pertaining to defensive operations,
construction of positions, and t r a i n i n g ;
o r d e r - o f - b a t t l e charts; and strength and status
la, A n l d g e n z u m K T B 3 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , m a p s , a n d 1943/07/31-1943/09/30 246.ID 43323/2 1724 132
o v a r l a y s p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e operations,
r e g r o u p i n g , construction of positions, training,
u i a e n ^ a ye me fit m o v e m e n t s , a n d e v a l u a t i o n of the supply
s i t u a t i o n . Order-of-battle charts and status and
s t r e n g t h reports,
l a , K T B 3 . W a r j o u r n a l i n c l u d i n g orders, r e p o r t s , 1943/07/01-1943/09/30 2 4 6 . I D 43323/1 1724 324
maps, and overlays pertaining to defensive operations,
r e g r o u p i n g , c o n s t r u c t i o n of positions, and t r a i n i n g in
t h a Y a r t s e v o a n d T r o i t s k o y e a r e a s , relief b y t h e
1 1 3 . I D , 26-30 J u l ; m o v e m e n t to and defense of the
V o r o t y s h i n o and F o m i n a areas west of Y a r t s e v o ;
disengagement to and defense of the H u b e r t u s and Klara
p o s i t i o n s in the fludnya and L i o z n o areas, 16-27 Sep
1943; and d e f e n s e of the B o l ' s h o y R u t a v e c h 1 L a k e area.
82 246.I N F A N T E R I E - D I V I S I O N


O r i e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s a n d s t r e n g t h reports,
la, K T B 4 . W a r i o u r n a l i n c l u d i n g orders, reports, 1943/10 /3 1-1943/12/31 2U6.ID 43323/3 1724 873
m a p s , a n d o v e r l a y s p e r t a i n i n g t o disengagements f r o m
the B o l ' s h o y R u t a v e c h 1 Lake area to d e f e n d the Liozno
a r e a , 1-10 Oct 1943; a n d disengagement m o v e m e n t s and
d e f e n s e of the P a n t h e r and Baeren positions in the
L a f c e s S h e l o k h o v o a n d Z a l e n s k o y e area a n d t h e V y s o c h a n y ,
Pogostishche, and B a b i n o v i c h i areas southeast of
V i t e b s k . A register of o f f i c e r s , casualty and s t r e n g t h
r e p o r t s , and an a f t e r a c t i o n r e p o r t r e g a r d i n g the combat
a c t i o n of the d i v i s i o n , 26 Sep-9 Oct 1943.
la, A n l a g e TV z u m KTB. O r d e r s , reports, m a p s , and 1943/10/31-1943/12/31 246.ID 43323/4 1725 1
o v e r l a y s p e r t a i n i n g t o d i s e n g a g e m e n t movements,
d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s , c o u n t e r a t t a c k s , c o n s t r u c t i o n of
positions, r a i l s e c u r i t y , o p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s ,
reorganization, regrouping, and German and enemy
a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y . O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e charts, strength
ani status reports, and lists of officers d u t y
l a , S e f e c h t s b e r i c h t ueber d i e A b s e t z b e w e g u n g a u f d i e 1943/09/26-1943/10/09 246.ID 43323/5 1725 270
P a n t h e r s t e l l u n g . A f t e r a c t i o n report including maps a n d
o v e r l a y s r e l a t i n g to disengagement m o v e m e n t s to the
P a n t h e r positions,
l a , K T B 1 . W a r j o u r n a l i n c l u d i n g orders, reports, 1944/01/31-1944/31/31 246.ID 43323/6 1725 236
m a p s , a n d overlays p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e operations
in the V y s o c h a n y and S t a r o b o b y l y e areas, 1-19 Jan
1944, and w i t h d r a w a l to and defense of the Vitebsk
a r a a ; a n d s t r e n g t h reports,
la, A n l a g e 1 zum KTB 1. Orders, reports, maps, and 1944/01/31-1944/01/31 2 4 6 . I D 43323/7 1725 338
o v e r l a y s p e r t a i n i n g to d e f e n s i v e operations, securing
r e a r areas, r e g r o u p i n g , c o n s t r u c t i o n of positions, road
m a i n t e n a n c e , and w i t h d r a w a l to the Vitebsk a r e a .
O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s and status and strength reports.
Ic, TB m i t A n l a g e n . Daily intelligence reports 1943/07/31-1944/01/31 2 4 6 . I D 43536 1725 636
r e g a r d i n g enemy operations, losses, u n i t

identification, and partisan activity; operations

against partisans; and troop indoctrination and
entertainment. Maps and overlays showing the location
of enemy attacks, assault and reconnaissance
oparations, and units facing the 2U6.ID. Interrogation
summaries, intelligence bulletins, and special
directives concerning intelligence service.

1941/08/13 Truppenuehungsplatz Grafenwoehr, Activation of the 250.ID (spanisch) Subordinate to: OKH/GenStdH, 1941/08/13-1941/09/17
Wehrkreis XIII (Spanish 250th "Blue" Division)
1941/08/21 Olecko (Treuburg), Poland, Transfer
via Hof, Plauen, Berlin, Elk(Lyck)
1941/08/31 Grodno, Vilna, Minsk, Vitebsk, Movement into Russia, AOK 9, 1941/09/18-1941/09/28
Dno, Girgorovo administrative activity AK 1, 1941/09/29-1941/10/10
1941/10/12 Volkhov and Vishera Rivers, Defensive, assault, and reconnaissance Gruppe von Roques (AOK 16), 1941/10/11-1941/11/13
Novgorod, Podberez'ye operations, regrouping AK 38, 1941/11/14-1942/07/24
1942/09/01 Leningrad front Movement
1942/09/07 Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Krasny Bor Defensive, assault, and
reconnaissance operations
1943/02/10 Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Izhora River Defensive, assault, and
reconnaissance operations
Records of the 250,ID (spanisch) are reproduced on roll 1726 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history.
Although no records of this division dated later than 1943/06/30 were available in the National Archives, records of OKH/AHA, H37/168 (MR 1316),
and of the German Field Commands, Army Groups (T311, roll 72, 1st Frame 7093678), and situation maps of Lage Nord contain references to the
250.ID (spanisch) as follows:
1943/07/01 Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Izhora River Defensive, assault, and
reconnaissance operations
1943/10/21 Gatchina Assembly for departure to Spain
1943/11/05 Kingisepp Reorganization of elements of the 250.ID
(spanisch) as Spanische Legion
1943/11/30 Gatchina Completion of transfer of the remainder
of the division to Spain
250. I N F A N T E R I E - D I V I S I O N (SPANISCH)


la, Jef echtsberichte. D a i l y afteraction reports 1941/12/16-1942/03/31 (spanisch) 1^759 172b 1
c o n c e r n i n g the o p e r a t i o n s and losses of the d i v i s i o n
and e n e m y u n i t s in the Volkhov and Vishera Rivers,
N o v g o r o d , P o d b e r e z ' y e , a n d K r e c h e v i t s y areas ( f i r s t 2 5
pages missing) .
la, K T B 1. A t y p e w r i t t e n copy of p a r t of record item 1941/08/13- 1 9 4 2 / 0 3 / 3 1 250.ID (spanisch) 19656 172b 34
la, < T B 1 . W a r j o u r n a l o f D e u t s c h e r V e r b i n d u n g s s t a b 1941/08/1 3 - 1 9 4 2 / 0 7 / 2 4 250.IP (spanisch) 22754/1 1726 36
der s p a n i s c h e n Division c o n c e r n i n g the a c t i v a t i o n of
t h a 250. ID (spanisch) (also k n o w n as the Spanish 250th
"Blue" D i v i s i o n ) at Tru ppen u e b u n g s p l a t z G r a f e n w o e h r ,
W e h r k r e i s X I I T , 1 3 A u g 1941; m o v e m e n t t o Olecko
( T r e u b u r g ) , P o l a n d , v i a H o f , P l a u e n , Berlin, a n d E l k
( L y c k ) , 21-24 A u g ; a d v a n c e t o a n d a d m i n i s t r a t i v e
a c t i v i t i e s in Olecko, 25-31 A u g , G r o d n o , R u s s i a , 1-7
Sep, V i l n a , 8-14 Sep, flinsk, 15-20 Sep, V i t e b s k , 21
S e p - 1 Oct, Dno, 3-10 Oct, and G i r g o r o v o , 11 Oct; and
d e f e n s i v e , a s s a u l t , a n d reconnaissance o p e r a t i o n s a n d
regrouping in the V o l k h o v and Vishera Rivers, Novgorod,
P o d b e r e z ' y e , and K r e c h e v i t s y a r e a s , 12 Oct 1941-24 J u l
1942. A register of o f f i c e r s of Deutscher
Verbindungsstab der spanischen Division.
Ea, A n l a g e n zura KTB 1. Orders relating to the advance 1941/08/18-1942/07/19 250.ID (spanisch) 227&4/2 1726 139
i n t o R u s s i a ^ defense of the V o l k h o v R i v e r sector,
s e c u r i t y of and t r a i n i n g in r e a r areas. S t r e n g t h
r e p o r t s , maps s h o w i n g t h e l o c a t i o n o f d i v i s i o n u n i t s ,
and d a i l y a f t e r a c t i o n r e p o r t s c o n c e r n i n g o p e r a t i o n s , 18
Aug 1941-31 Mar 1942.
la, K I B . M o n t h l y war journals concerning defensive, 1942/05/01-1943/06/30 250.ID (spanisch) 41539 1726 31 7
a s s a u l t , a n d reconnaissance o p e r a t i o n s a n d r e g r o u p i n g
in the Volkhov River, Novgorod, Podberez'ye, and
K r a s h e v i t s y areas, 1 M a y - 3 1 Auq 1942; t r a n s f e r to the
L e n i n g r a d f r o n t , 1 - 6 Sep; a n d d e f e n s i v e , a s s a u l t , a n d
reconnaissance operations in the Pushkin, Pavlovsk,
K r i s n y Bor, and I z h o r a R i v e r a r e a s , 7 Sep 1 9 4 2 - 3 0 Jun
1943. Casualty reports and information regarding
enemy operations and losses.


1939/03/00 Hanau, Wehrkreis IX Activation of 251.ID (4.Welle) by

conversion of 251.LdwD, formation, training

1939/08/26 Hanau Operational readiness C.O.: Gen.Lt. Hans Kratzert, 1939/08/26-1941/08/06

1939/09/06 Monschau, Simmerath, Heimbach Transfer, border security, training
1940/05/10 Monschau, La Reid, Liege, Invasion of Belgium, attack, Subordinate to: AK 5, 1940/05/09-1940/05/22
Huy, Soree, Dinant advance
1940/05/22 Givet, Fourmies, Marcoing, Invasion of France, AK 1, 1940/05/23-1940/06/01
Arras, Li Hers, Lille pursuit engagements
1940/06/02 Lens, Combles, Grandvilliers, Movement AOK 18, 1940/06/02-1940/06/08
Louviers, Gace, Argentan, Brest AK 10, 1940/06/08-1940/06/13
AK 28, 1940/06/13-1940/06/20
1940/07/05 Finistere Department (Landerneau, Coastal defense, occupation and AK 10, 1940/06/20-1940/06/30
Quimper, Douarnenez, security duty, AK 28, 1940/06/30-1941/04/08
Morlaix, Le Faou) regrouping, training
1941/04/29 Grauidenz (Grudziadz), Poland Transfer, AK 25, 1941/04/09-1941/05/02
Allenstein (Olsztyn), movement, preparations for the AK 28, 1941/05/03-1941/05/16
invasion of Russia, AK 23, 1941/05/16-1941/06/28
1941/06/04 Insterburg (Chernyakhovsk) assembly
1941/06/22 Neman River and Lithuania, Invasion of Russia, river crossing, AK 50, 1941/06/28-1941/08/08
Nevel, Novosokolniki, battle, offensive engagements,
1941/08/22 Velikiye Luki, Toropets, advance C.O.: Gen.Lt. Karl Burdach, 1941/08/07-1943/03/09
Andreapol, Selizharovo, Volga
Subordinate to: AK 23, 1941/08/08-1941/12/09
1941/10/16 Volga River, Babino, Torzhok, Pursuit and defensive engagements,
Staritsa, Dmitriyeva, Salygino offensive engagements
1941/12/14 Kalinin, Evacuation, AK 27, 1941/12/10-1942/01/26
Pushkino, Oshurkovo, disengagement movements AK 6, 1942/01/27-1942/03/15
Gorodishche, Zubtsov AK 46 Pz, 1942/03/15-1942/04/28
1942/01/27 Rzhev, Volga River sector, Battle, defensive operations, AK 27, 1942/04/28-1942/07/15
Bykovo, Bakhmutovo, operations against partisans, AK 6, 1942/07/15-1942/10/15
1942/07/01 Muzhishchevo position defense AK 27, 1942/10/15-1943/01/09

1943/01/01 Trushkovo, Chertolino, Sychevka Disengagement movements, defense Gruppe Burdach, 1943/01/09-1943/01/19
AK 43, 1943/01/19-1943/01/23
1943/03/07 Smolensk, Pogar, Gremyach, Movement, Gruppe Burdach, 1943/01/23-1943/02/06
Novgorod-Severski, Sevsk, defensive and assault operations, AK 27, 1943/02/06-1943/03/06
Seredina-Buda, Kholmy disengagement movements HGr. Mitte, 1943/03/07-1943/03/10

1943/09/16 Kholmy, Lyubech Reorganization as Kampfgruppe 251 C.O.: Gen.Lt. Maximilian Felzmann, 1943/03/10-1944/09/30

1943/10/21 Bragin Withdrawal, defensive operations Subordinate to: AK 20, 1943/03/11-1943/03/30

1943/11/03 Bragin Disbandment of Kampfgruppe 251, AK 47 Pz, 1943/03/30-1943/04/01

reorganization as Div.Gr. 251 AK 20, 1943/04/01-1943/06/30

1943/11/04 Kotlovitsa, Beresnevka, Movement, defensive operations, Korps-Abt. E, 1943/11/04-1943/11/26

Khoiniki, Yurevichi, disengagement movements, AK 56 Pz, 1943/11/27-1943/12/31
Kalinovichi, Gorochichi, defensive and offensive operations
Bobrovichi, Lesets, Koreni
1943/12/31 Mozyr Withdrawal, incorporation of Div.Gr. 251
into Korps-Abt. E

Records of the 251. ID are reproduced on rolls 1727-1739 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history.

Although no records of this division dated later than 1943/12/31 were available in the National Archives, situation maps of Lage Ost show:

1944/09/30 Warka, Poland Redesignation as 251.ID, position defense

C.O.: Geri.Maj. 'Vemci Heucke, 1944/10/01-1945/02/23
1945/01/15 Grojec, Sochaczew, Golub, Kulmsee Disengagement movements
(Chelmza), Kulm (Chelmno) .
Stargard, Karthaus (Kartuzy)
1945/03/10 Schoeneck (Skarszewy) Reorganization as Kampfgruppe 251 Obst. Ernst Mangold, mFb, 1945/02/28-1945/03/20
1945/03/11 Gotenhafen (Gdynia) Withdrawal, defensive operations
1945/03/21 Probably destroyed
The Potsdam catalog, the general officer personnel files, records of OKH/GenStdH/Org.Abt., HI/38 (T78, roll 398), and situation maps of
Lage West were also used for the unit history.

Manuscripts in the Foreign Military Studies series, prepared by former German officers for the Historical Division, Headquarters U . S .
Army, Europe, between 1945 and 1959, contain references to the 251.ID as follows:
Russia, 1941: MS T-008, Part II, vol. 10 (Problems of supply in far-reaching operations, supply of the 251st Inf Div) by Gen.Maj. Alfred
Toppe and others;
MS D-153, summer 1943 (The XX Corps in the defense of the area southwest of Orel) by Gen. Rudolf von Roman.


l a , A n l a g e n z u m K T B . O r l e r s a n d reports p e r t a i n i n g t o 1940/04/34-19 40/06/30 2 5 1 . T D 7 315/2 1727 1

p r e p a r a t i o n s for the invasion of the Low Countries;
o f f e n s i v e engagements d u r i n g the western campaign;
i n v a s i o n of B e l g i u m at M o n s c h a u ; a d v a n c e to La Reid,
10-14 l a y ; a t t a c k o n Liege, 15-17 M a y ; advance t h r o u g h
B e l g i u m v i a B u y , Soree, a n d D i n a n t , 18-21 M a y , a n d into
F r a n c e near G i v e t a n d t o Lille v i a F o u r m i e s , M a r c o i n g ,
A r r a s , Lillers, a n d E s t r e e - B l a n c h e , 2 2 M a y - 1 J u n ; a n d
m o v e m e n t t o Lens, Combles, G r a n d v i l l i c r s , L o u v i e r s ,
Sa^e, A r g e n t a n , and D o m f r o n t and to Brest, 30 Jun 1940
(damaged bv fire) .
la, KTB. War journal concerning operations d u r i n g the 1940/05/15-1940/06/30 251.ID 7315/1 1727 134
w e s t e r n c a m p a i g n , i n c l u d i n g c a s u a l t y reports ( d a m a g e d
by f i r e ) .
la, K T B . W a r - j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g m o v e m e n t f r o m A r g e n t a n 1940/07/01-1940/12/31 251.ID 1 2 4 3 6 / 1 1727 27 3
to B r e s t , 1-4 J u l 1940, coastal d e f e n s e , security of
r e i r a r e a s , o c c u p a t i o n d u t y , a i r r a i d protection,
r e g r o u p i n g , and t r a i n i n g in the Brest, L a n d e r n e a u ,
^ u i m p e r , D o u a r n e n e z , a n d M o r l a i x areas. Register o f
l a , A n l a g e A z u m KTB. O r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , and maps 1940/06/29-1940/L1/03 251. ID 12436/2 1727 '416
p e r t a i n i n g to preparations for and movement from
A r j e n t a n t o Brest, coastal a n d rear area s e c u r i t y ,
o c c u p a t i o n d u t y , t r a i n i n g , a n d release o f u n i t s t o f o r m
11. W e l l e d i v i s i o n s . O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s .
l a , A n l a g e B z u m KTB. Orders r e l a t i n g t o m o v e m e n t f r o m 1940/07/01-1940/12/17 251.ID 1 2 4 3 6 / 3 1727
A r g e n t a n to Brest, s e c u r i n g and a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of the
Finistere Department, regrouping, and training.
S p e c i a l s u p p l y directives.
Ic, T B . A c t i v i t y r e p o r t c o n c e r n i n g c o n t r o l o f t h e 1940/06/26-1940/12/31 2 5 1 . ID 1 2 4 3 6 / 5 1727 332
French civilian population and troop indoctrination and
e n t e r t a i n m e n t . Notes o n c o n f e r e n c e s between G e r m a n
M i l i t a r y Government and French civilian authorities
r a g a r d i n g the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of the Finistere

Id, KTB. W a r - j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g coastal defense, a i r 1/01/3 1 - 1 9 4 1 / 0 4 / 2 7 251.ID 12530/1 1728 1

r a i d p r o t e c t i o n , r e g r o u p i n g , a n d t r a i n i n g i n t h e Brest,
Le F a o u , D o u a r n e n e z , Q u i r a p e r , a n d M o r l a i x areas, relief
oy t h e 2 1 1 . T D , a n d p l a n n e d m o v e m e n t t o P o l a n d b y 2 K a y
la, A n l a g e A z u m KTB. Orders r e l a t i n g to securing and 1941/01/01-1941/04/27 251. ID 12533/2 1723 31
administration of the entire Finistere Department by
t h a d i v i s i o n , defense a g a i n s t enemv l a n d i n g s , coastal
detense, t r a i n i n g , and the transfer of the division to
P o l a n d , b e a i n n i n a 2 May 1941. Maps s h o w i n g the
i D C d t i o n of 251.ID u n i t s .
l a , A n l a g e B z u m KTB. Orders a n d messages p e r t a i n i n g 1941/01/0 1 - 1 9 4 1 / 0 4 / 2 7 2 5 1 . T D 12530/3 1728 122
to securing the entire Finistere D e p a r t m e n t , defense
a g a i n s t e n e m y l a n d i n g s , coastal d e f e n s e , r e g r o u p i n g ,
and t r a i n i n g . Maps s h o w i n g t h e l o c a t i o n o f d i v i s i o n
u n i t s ; a n d special d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n a signal
Ic, T B . A c t i v i t y report concerning the relief of the 1941/01/0 1 - 1 9 4 1 / 0 4 / 2 7 251.10 125.30/4 1728 258
S . P z D , 26 Jun 1 9 4 0 , and the 61. ID, 3 Feb 1941, and the
suosequent securing of the entire Finistere Department
by t h e d i v i s i o n , enemy a i r o p e r a t i o n s , sabotage
a c t i v i t y b y t h e d e G a u l l e m o v e m e n t , control a n d m o r a l e
of t h e c i v i l i a n p o p u l a t i o n , c o u n t e r i n t e l l i g e n c e
; ~ f i ir -i * ir => n ^ tr"OOD ,<->. J. l i 111 <^ lit.
* ~ * * - . * . V . * . * - f , "

la, KTb. R e l i e f b y t h e 2 1 1 . I D a n d t r a n s f e r f r o m Brest, 1941/04/28- 1941/10/31 251.TD 14609/1 1723 276

France, to Graudenz ( G r u d z i a d z ) , Poland, 29 Api-14 May
1941, p r e p a r a t i o n s for Operation Barbarossa (invasion
of R u s s i a ) in the G r a u i e n z and A l l e n s t e i n ( O l s z t y n )
araas, 15 Pay-3 J u n , assembly in the Insterburg
( C h e r n y a k h o v s k ) area, 4 - 2 1 J u n , crossing t h e N e m a n
R i v e r a n d L i t h u a n i a vii V i l X i j a , K e d a i n i a i , a n d
P a n e v e z y s , a d v a n c e t o a n d b a t t l e f o r Nevel, 20-24 J u l ,
o f f e n s i v e engagements in the Novosokolniki area, 25
J u l - 2 1 A u g ,t h e b a t t l e f o r V e l i k i y e L u k i , 2 2 - 2 4 A u g ,
a d v a n c e t o t h e Volga R i v e r v i a T o r o p e t s , A n d r e a p o l , a n d


S e l i z h a r o v o , 25 A u g - 1 5 Oct, b r e a k t h r o u g h of the Volga

p o s i t i o n , a n d p u r s u i t t o t h e B a b i n o a r e a , 16-31 O c t
1941. Register of o f f i c e r s .
l a , A n l a g e A zura KTB. Orders and messages p e r t a i n i n g 1941/04/24-1941/37/16 2 5 1 . T D 14609/2 1728 9'43
t o t h e t r a n s f e r f r o m Brest, F r a n c e , t o G r a u d e n z
(Grudziadz1) , Poland, q u a r t e r i n g , t r a i n i n g and
p r a p a r a t i o n s for A c h t u n g Berta (defense in case of a
R u s s i a n attack) in the G r a u d e n z , Heilsberg ( L i d z b a r k
W a r m i n s k i ) , and i^ohrungen (Morag) areas, movement to
and a s s e m b l y i n t h e I n s t e r b u r g area, a d v a n c e t h r o u g h
L i t h u a n i a , crossing th2 D v i n a R i v e r n e a r K r a s l a v a ,
L a t v i a , and advance t o w a r d Nevel. E n t r a i n i n q and
d e t r a i n i n g schedules,
l a , A n l a g e z u m K T B , S t u d i e "Barbarossa". S t u d y , 1941/05/24-1941 /05/24 251.ID 14609/3 1729 1
oriers, and directives relating to preparations for
O p a r a t i o n Barbarossa (invasion of R u s s i a ) ,
la, A n l a g e A zum K T B . Corps orders and messages 1941/07/16-1941/08/29 251.TD 14609/4 1729 '4 5
p e r t a i n i n g t o o f f e n s i v e e n g a g e m e n t s i n t h e Nevel a n d
V e l i k i y e L u k i areas,
l a , A n l a g e A z u m K T B . Corps orders a n d messages 1941/08/30-1941/10/29 2 5 1 . T D 14609/5 1729 233
p e r t a i n i n g to a t t a c k on and o c c u p a t i o n of V e l i k i y e L u k i
and advance to Babino v i a Toropets, Andreapol, and
S e l i z h a rovo.
la, A n l a g e B z u m K T B . O r d e r s a n d messages p e r t a i n i n g 1941/04/28-1941/08/06 251.ID 14609/6 1729 475
t o t h e t r a n s f e r f r o m Brest, F r a n c e , t o G r a u d e n z
( S r u d z i a d z ) , Poland, quartering, t r a i n i n g , and
p r e p a r a t i o n s for A c h t u n g Berta (defense in case of a
R u s s i a n a t t a c k ) i n t h e W o r m d i t t { O r n e t a ) , Preussisch
H o l l a n d ( P a s e l k ) , Preussisch E y l a u ( B a g r a t i o n v s k ) , a n d
S r a u d e n z areas, m o v e m e n t t o a n d assembly i n t h e
I n s t e r b u r g area, a d v a n c e t h r o u g h L i t h u a n i a t o V e l i k i y e
L u k i v i a Nevel, a n d crossing t h e L o v a t R i v e r near
Velikiye Luki.
la, A n l a g e B z u m K T B . O r d e r s a n d messages p e r t a i n i n g 1941/08/07-1941/10/31 251.ID 14609/7 1729 7SJ
to the a d v a n c e f r o m the L o v a t R i v e r to B a b i n o east of
251. I N F A N T E R I 5 - D I V I S I O N 91


the V o l g a Fiver via Toropets, A n d r e a p o l , and

la, A n l a g e C zuro KTB. D ^ i l y r e p o r t s and messages, 1941/06/35-1941/10/24 251.ID 14609/8 1729 1051
overlays, ani afteraction reports p e r t a i n i n g to
m o / e r a e n t s a n d o p e r a t i o n s o f t h e 251.ID.
l a , A n l a g e K z u m KTB. O v e r l a y s s h o w i n g t h e r e s u l t s o f 194 1 / 0 5 / 2 4 - 1 9 4 1 / 0 9 / 2 2 251.10 1U609/11 1 730 1
r e c o n n a i s s a n c e f o r p l a n n e d a d v a n c e s , location o f a c t u a l
advances a n d . m i n e f i e l d s , and the tactical disposition
of division u n i t s f r o m Nevel to Selizharovo.
l a , A n l a g e z u m KTB. Daily division reports and 1941/06/22-1941/10/31 251.ID 14609/12 1730 78
m e s s a g e s to corps h e a d g u a r t e r s .
la, A n l a g e z u m K T B , G e f e c h t s b e r i c h t ueber d e n A n g r i f f 1941/08/32- 1941/08/02 251.ID 14609/13 1730 341
b e i W e i i k i j e - L u k i , , A f t o r a c t i o n reports and orders
c o u c e r n i n g p r e p a r a t i o n for and e x e c u t i o n of the b a t t l e
of V e l i k i y e L u k i , 31 J u l - 2 Aug 1941.
Ic, TB. A c t i v i t y report c o n c e r n i n g t h e t r a n s f e r f r o m 194 1/05/3 1- 1 9 4 1 / 1 0 / 3 1 251.ID 14609/15 1 730 426
B r i t t a n y to East Prussia, m o v e m e n t to and assembly in
tha Insterburg area, movement t h r o u g h L i t h u a n i a ,
a d v a n c e i n t o Russia v i a N e v e l , V e l i k i y e L u k i , Toropets,
A n i t e a p o l , a n d S e l i z h a r o v o t o east o f t h e Volga R i v e r ;
e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s , losses, u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , a n d
partisan activity; morale of the L i t h u a n i a n civilian
population; interrogation summaries; and maps showing
the location of e n e m y f o r c e s f a c i n g the d i v i s i o n .
la, K T B . War journal concerning defensive operations 1941/11/3 1 - 1 9 4 2 / 0 1 / 2 6 251.ID 16282/1 1733 '49 1
in the B a b i n o and T o r z h o k areas east of the Volga
R i v e r , 1 Nov-4 Dec 1911 r m o v e m e n t to D m i t r i y e v a via
Staritsa and offensive engagements in the Salygino
a r a a , 5-10 Dec, e v a c u a t i o n of K a l i n i n and d i s e n g a g e m e n t
m o v e m e n t s t o a n d d e f e n s e o f t h e C o b u r g a n d Dresden
lines i n t h e P u s h k i n o area, 14-22 Dec, t h e Giessen line
in the O s h u r k o v o and G o r o d i s h c h e areas, 23 Dec 19U1-13
Jaa 1942, the H a n a u position in the S h a k h o v s k a y a area,
14-16 J a n , t h e T l m e n l i n e i n t h e Pogoreloye G o r o d i s h c h e
a r e a , 17-22 J a n , and the K o e n i g s b e r g or "K" position in


t h a Z u b t s o v a r e a , 2 3 - 2 6 J a n 1 9 4 2 . A r e g i s t e r of
o r t i c e r s and a casualty report.
l a , A n l i o e A z u m K T B . C ^ r p s orders a n d messages 19U 1/11/J 2 - 1 3 1 * 1 / 1 2 / 1 3 251.10 1 6 ? S 2 / 2 1 730 742
p e r t a i n i n g to defensive operations in the Babino area
d n l movement to and o f f e n s i v e e nqaqemen ts in the
K a l i n i n area.
la, A n l a q e A z u m K T B . C o r p s orders a n d messages 1941/12/13-1942/01/26 ?51.TF> 16282/3 1 73J 955
p e r t a i n i n g to disenqaqement movement from the K a l i n i n
t o t h e Z u b t s o v area.
la, A n l a q e B zum KTB. O r d e r s , directives, and messages 1941/11/01-1941/12/19 251.ID 16282/4 1731 1
p e r t a i n i n g to d i v i s i o n and enemy operations and
t r a i n i n q in winter and stationary warfare.
la, A n l d g e B zum K T B . O r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , and messages 1941/12/19-1942/01/26 251.ID 16282/5 1731 132
p e r t a i n i n g to w i t h d r a w a l operations and weather and
roid c o n d i t i o n s in Russia d u r i n g the w i n t e r of 1941-42.
la, A n l a g e C zum KTB. I n c o m i n g weekly reports, 1941/11/31-1942/01/26 215.ID 16282/6 1731 359
messages, and orders f r o m s u b o r d i n a t e units concerning
o p e r a t ions.
la, A n l a g e z u m K T B . D a i l y r e p o r t s a n d messages t o 1941/11/0 1 - 1 9 4 2 / 0 1 / 2 6 251.ID 16282/9 1731 431
corps headquarters, order-of-battle charts, and
s t r e n g t h reports.
Ic, T B . A c t i v i t y report concerning enemy operations, 1 9 4 1 / 1 1 / 0 1- 1 9 4 2 / 0 1 / 2 6 16282/10 1731 557
losses, u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , a r t i l l e r y a n d espionage
a c t i v i t y , and military security. Interrogation
s u m m a r i e s , i n t e l l i g e n c e b u l l e t i n s , a n d maps s h o w i n g t h e
location of enemy forces f a c i n g the 251.ID.
la, K T B . War journal concerning the winter battle of 1942/01/27-1942/06/30 251.ID 22020/1 1731 527
R z h e v , 27 J a n - 2 0 Feb 1942, d e f e n s i v e engagements along
t h j V o l g a F i v e r Bend n o r t h w e s t o f R z h e v , 2 1 Feb-18 A p r ,
and position defense in the R z h e v , Bykovo,
M u z h i s h c h e v o , a n d B a k h m u t o v o a r e a s , 1 9 A p r - 3 0 J u n 1942.
A r e g i s t e r of o f f i c e r s .
la, A n l a g e A 1 z u m K T B . O r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , a n d 1942/01/27-1942/02/28 251.ID 22020/2 1732
m e s s a g e s p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e operations,
t e r a t t a c k s , c o n s t r u c t i o n of s t r o n g p o i n t s , road


maintenance, engineer activity, organization and

equipment of mobile units, combating enemy artillery,
and training.
la, Anlage A2 zum KTB. Orders and messages pertainina 1942/03/32-1942/04/29 25 1. ID 2 2 3 20/3 1732 371
to defensive and offensive operations, road maintenance
and security, preparations for the thaw period,
artillery and antiaircraft activity, and raopping-up in
the area south of Chernovo after enemy penetration. 18
Mar 1942; and special directives concerning signal
coaiDun ications and a m m u n i t i o n control.
la, A n l a g e A3 zura KTB. Orders, directives, and 1942/04/29-1942/06/27 251. ID 2 2 0 2 0 / 4 1732 730
messages pertaining to defensive, assault, and
reconnaissance operations, rail security, preparations
for Operation Seydlitz (destruction of the Soviet 39th
Army), and training; and an afteraction critigue
relating to the battles for Kharkov and the Kerch
la, Anlage B1 zum KTB. Orders and messages pertaining 1942/01/27-1942/03/14 251.ID 2 2 0 2 0 / 5 1733
to defensive and offensive operations, road security
and maintenance, antiaircraft and artillery activity,
preparations for the thaw period, and training.
la, Anlage B2 zum KTB. Orders and messages pertaining 1942/03/14-1942/34/29 251.ID 2 2 0 2 0 / 6 1733 352
to defensive and offensive operations, organization in
defense, reorganization a
artillery, regrouping, and training,
la, Anlage B3 zum KTB. Orders and messages pertaining 1942/04 / 3 0 - 1 5 4 2 / 3 & / 3 0 251.ID 2 2 0 2 0 / 7 1733 5i3
to defensive, assault, and reconnaissance operations,
rail security, regrouping, and training,
la, A n l a g e C1 zum KTB. Eingehende Meldungen, Befehle 1942/01/27-1942/04/17 251. 10 22320/8 1733 759
unl Berichte der unterstell ten Truppen.
la, Anlage C2 zum KTB. Eingehende Meldungen, Befehle 1942/04/20- 1942/06/30 22020/9 1733 930
uni Berichte der unterstell ten Truppen.
la, A n l a g e D zum KTB. Orders and messages pertaining 1942/03/37-1942/06/28 251.ID 22020/10 1734 1
to training and courses of instruction.
la, A n l a g e F zum KTB. Reports and messages pertaining 1942/02/35-1942/06/30 251.ID 22020/11 1734 197
91* 251. I N F A N T E R I E - D I V I S I O N


t o a s s a u l t o p e r a t i o n s , i m p r o v i n q combat e f f e c t i v e n e s s ,
m o o i l i t y , road s e c u r i t y , a n t i t a n k d e f e n s e , t r a i n i n q ,
and preparations for Operation Seydlitz; strenqth and
s t a t u s reports: a n a f t e r a c t i o n c r i t i q u e r e l a t i n q t o
w i n t e r w a r f a r e ; a n d a n a f t e r a c t i o n report r e q a r d i n q
c o n b a t o p e r a t i o n s , 1 K a r - 8 Apr 1942.
la, A n l a g e G z u m KTB. D a i l y r e p o r t s c o n c e r n i n g 1942/01/30-1942/06/30 251.ID 22020/12 1734 327
la, A n l a q e H z u m KTB. C a s u a l t y a n d personnel s t r e n g t h 1942/01/27-1342/06/30 251.ID 22020/13 1734 530
is, TB m i t A n l a g e n . A c t i v i t y report p e r t a i n i n g t o 1942/01/27-1^42/06/30 251.ID 22020/16 1734 5*5
e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s , losses, a n d u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n ;
c o n t r o l of the c i v i l i a n p o p u l a t i o n , r e c r u i t i n g of a
R u s s i a n labor f o r c e f o r e m p l o y m e n t i n G e r m a n y , a n d
t r o o p i n d o c t r i n a t i o n a n d e n t e r t a i n m e n t ; interrogation
s u n m a r i e s , including an interrogation of Brig.Gen.
M e l n i k o v , c o m m a n d i n g o f f i c e r o f t h e Soviet 2 4 6 t h
I n f a n t r y D i v i s i o n ; reports on G e r m a n and enemy
artillery a c t i v i t y and the overall m i l i t a r y situation;
special d i r e c t i v e s concerning i n t e l l i g e n c e service; an
i n t e l l i g e n c e b u l l e t i n ; and maps s h o w i n g the location of
e n e m y forces f a c i n g the 251.10.
la, K I B . W a r j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g assault operations, 1942/07/31-1942/12/31 2 5 1 . I D 26778/1 1734 330
p o s i t i o n d e f e n s e , o p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t partisans, r a i l
s a - u r i t y , and t r a i n i n g in the V o l g a R i v e r sector and in
t h a B a k h m u t o v o , M u z h i s h c h e v o , a n d T r u s h k o v o areas east .
of O l e n i n o , p r e p a r a t i o n s for and e x e c u t i o n of
U n t e r n e h m e n Nordpol ( f e i n t a t t a c k i n t h e S y c h e v k a ,
R z h e v , and Olenino areas, 15-20 Nov 1 9 4 2 ) , f o r m a t i o n of
G r u p p e B u r d a c h , 9 Dec, consisting of the 14.ID ( m o t )
and the 251.ID, to seal off Soviet penentration in the
R z h e v area a n d t o s t r e n g t h e n t h e d e f e n s i v e f r o n t . T h e
1 4 . I D ( m o t ) was released 26 Dec 1942.
la, A n l a g e A zum KTB. Corps orders and messages 1942/07/31-1942/09/07 2 5 1 . I D 26778/2 1735 1
p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e operations, a n t i t a n k defense.


c o o p e r a t i o n between a r m y a n d a i r torce u n i t s ,
a s s i g n m e n t o f close a i r s u p p o r t u n i t s , G e r m a n a n d e n e m y
a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y , r a i l s e c u r i t y , road c o n s t r u c t i o n ,
subordination, and training. An instruction pamphlet
c o n c e r n i n a civil a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , control of the
c i v i l i a n p o p u l a t i o n , a n d e x p l o i t a t i o n o f Soviet
la, Anlage A zum KTB. Defensive and antipartisan operations. 1942/09/07- 1942/10/27 251.ID 2 ^ 7 7 8 / 3 1735 239
l a , A n l a q e A z u m KTB. C o r n s orders a n d messages 1942/10/25- 1942/11/29 .751. T D 2 6 7 7 8 / 4 1735 532
p e r t a i n i n g to defensive operations, a n t i t a n k defense,
o p a r a t i o n s against partisans, rail security, a r t i l l e r y
a c t i v i t y , commitment of alert u n i t s , regrouping,
t r a i n i n g , and preparations for and execution of
Unternehmen Nordpol.
Id, A n l a g e A z u m K T R . C o r p s orders and messages 1942/11/29-1942/12/3 1 2 5 1 . I D 26778/S 173D 754
p e r t a i n i n a to defensive o p e r a t i o n s , rail m a i n t e n a n c e
a n d s e c u r i t y d u r i n g w i n t e r , n e w c o m b a t m e t h o d o f Soviet
t a n k units, assignment and supply of alert units, and
t r a i n i n g ; a n d f o r m a t i o n o f G r u p p e D u r d a c h , 9 Dec, t o
seal o f f Soviet p e n e t r a t i o n i n t h e P z h e v area a n d t o
strengthen the defensive f r o n t .
la, Anlage B zum KTB. D i v i s i o n orders a n d r a e s s a o e s 1 9 4 2 / 0 7 / D 1- 1 9 4 2 / 1 0 / 0 7 251.TD 26778/b 1735 399
pertaining t o d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s , a n t i t a n k d e f e n s e ,
operations a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s - c o n s t r u c t i o n o f
positions, f o r m a t i o n o f p r i s o n e r - o f - w a r c o n s t r u c t i o n
battalions. r a i l s e c u r i t y , a n d t r a i n i n g . A n
a f t e r a c t i o n c r i t i g u e r e l a t i n g to o p e r a t i o n s of a
reinforced Sch'ietzen-Kompanie d u r i n g the defensive
battles in t h e s u m m e r o f 1942.
la, Anlage B zii m KTB. D i v i s i o n orders and messages 1942/10/08- 1942/12/31 2 6 7 7 8 / 7 1736
pertaining t o d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s , a n t i t a n k defense,
oparations a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s , c o n s t r u c t i o n of
positions, w i n t e r m o b i l i t y , a n d t r a i n i n a .
la, Anlage C zum KTB. O r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , a n d messages 1942/07/31-1942/10/27 251.ID 26778/R 1736 236
r e l a t i n g t o d e o l o y m e n t , r e g r o u p i n g , t a b l e s o f basic


allowance, and defense by artillery u n i t s ; a n t i t a n k

defense, rail security, operations aqainst partisans,
s t a t u s of r e p l a c e m e n t , and f o r m a t i o n of p r i s o n e r - o f - w a r
c o n s t r u c t i o n sections. Maps a n d o v e r l a y s s h o w i n q t h e
l o c a t i o n of qun p o s i t i o n s , zone of f i r e , and the r a i l
s e c u r i t y sector f r o m O l e n i n o t o R z h e v .
l a , A n l a g e C z u m KTB. O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , m a p s , and 1942/07/3 1- 1942/12/31 251.ID 2 6 7 7 8 / 9 1736 476
overlays pertaining to defense, the organization and
a c t i v i t i e s o f a r t i l l e r y , e n g i n e e r , t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , and
s u p p l y u n i t s , a n d t h e f i g h t i n g q u a l i t i e s a n d power o f
G r e n . R e g t . 451. S t a t u s r e p o r t s a n d a n a f t e r a c t i o n
report r e g a r d i n g t h e a t t a c k b y R a d f a h r - A b t . 7 2 i n t h e
L i t v i n o v o area, 6 Dec 1 9 4 2 .
la, A n l a q e D zum K T B . D i r e c t i v e s on t r a i n i n g and 1942/06/25-1942/10/06 251.ID 26778/10 173b 319
courses of i n s t r u c t i o n .
la, Anlage D zum K T B . D i r e c t i v e s o n t r a i n i n g a n d 1942/10/D7-H42/12/28 251.ID 26778/11 173b 32 1
courses of i n s t r u c t i o n .
la, Anlage F zum KTB. R e p o r t s and messages concerninq 1942/07/3 1 - 1 9 U 2 / 1 2 / 3 0 251.ID 26778/12 1736 956
t a n k a n d assault g u n s i t u a t i o n , a n t i t a n k defense,
evaluation of the m i l i t a r y situation, training,
operations against partisans, and enemy unit
identification. Casualty, strength, and status
r e p o r t s ; notes on a c o u m a n d inspection; and a map
s h o w i n g the location of the 251.ID.
la, A n l a g e G zura K T B . D a i l y r e p o r t s c o v e r i n g 1942/07/31-1942/12/31 251.ID 2 6 7 7 8 / 1 3 1737 1
la, A n l a g e H zum K T B . C a s u a l t y and s t r e n g t h reports. 1942/07/01-1942/12/31 251.ID 2 6 7 7 8 / 1 4 1737 222
Ic, T B r a i t A n l a g e n . A c t i v i t y report pertaining to 1942/07/01-1942/12/31 251.ID 2 6 7 7 8 / 1 6 1737 230
a n a m y o p e r a t i o n s , losses, a n d u n i t strength a n d
i d e n t i f i c a t i o n ; a n d m o p p i n g - u p a c t i o n i n t h e rear a r e a ,
c o u n t e r intelligence a c t i v i t y , a n d t r o o p i n d o c t r i n a t i o n
ani e n t e r t a i n m e n t . Reports on German and enemy
a r t i l l e r y activity, overlays showing the location of
e n e n y forces f a c i n g the 251.ID, G e r m a n propaganda
l e a f l e t s , i n t e r r o g a t i o n s u m m a r i e s , special d i r e c t i v e s


concerning the intelligence service, intelligence

B u l l e t i n s , a n d a t r a n s l a t i o n of a S t a l i n order to the
S o v i e t 3 9 t h A r m y , date-.! 28 J u l 1 9 4 2 .
Ic, A n l a g e z u m TB. I n t e l l i g e n c e r e p o r t s r e l a t i n g t o 1942/10/D3-1942/12/29 251.ID 26778/17 1737 4bG
J e r m a n and enemy a L t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y , enemy air
a c t i v i t y , and the r o r m a t i o n of a German spy ring;
interrogation summaries; special directives concerning
the intelligence service; intelligence bulletins;
o v e r l a y s s h o w i n g t h e l o c a t i o n o f e n e m y forces f a c i n g
t h 3 d i v i s i o n ; a t r a n s l a t i o n of a S t a l i n o r d e r , d a t e d 10
Oct 1 9 4 2 , on a c h a n g e in "Das S y s t e m der
La, KTB. Defensive and assault operations; 1 94 3/01 /:) 1 - 1 9 4 3 / O b / 3 0 251.ID 33449/1 1737 6b4
p r e p a r a t i o n s for and execution of the Bueffelbewegung
(disenaagement movement in the Trushkovo and Chertolino
a r e a s east o f O l e n i n o a n d w i t h d r a w a l t o a n d d e f e n s e o f
the area southwest of Sychevka, 1 Jan-6 M a r ) ;
r e - f o r m a t i o n of G r u p p e B u r d a c h , 9 J a n , consisting of
the 87., 206., and 2 5 1 . I D and the 9 . p z D , and its
d i s b a n d m e n t on 6 F e b ; m o v e m e n t to S e r e d i n a - B u d a via
o i a - j o r G e r m a n o f f e n s i v e i n t h e K u r s k area i n J u l y 1 9 4 3 ) .
A register of o f f i c e r s ,
la, A n l a g e A 1 z u m K T B . R e p o r t s c o n c e r n i n g o p e r a t i o n s 1942/09/15-1*42/11/12 251.ID 33449/2 1737 824
ignnst partisans, construction of w i n t e r positions,
and a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y ; t r a i n i n g directives; maps
s h o w i n g the location of positions in the Pzhev and
Olenino areas; and an a f t e r a c t i o n critigue, dated 15
Sep 1942, r e l a t i n g to t h e latest o f f e n s i v e engagements.
la, A n l a g e A? zum KTB. Reports, directives, and 1943/01/01-1943/02/28 251.ID 33449/3 1737 890
messages concerning p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r , 1 J a n - 2 4 Feb
1943, a n d e x e c u t i o n o f , 2 5 Feb-6 M a r , o f t h e
B u a f f e l b e w e g u n g ( d i s e n g a g e m e n t to and defense of the
area southwest of S y c h e v k a ) .
l a , A n l a g e A 3 z u m K T B . C o r p s orders, m e s s a g e s , a n d 1943/03/01-1943/06/29 33449/4 17J8 1
maps pertaining to disengagement movements in the


i > y : : h e v k a a r e a , 1-6 Mar 1943, d e f e n s e of the R o q o v k a

a r e a , relief of the 4 . P z D , d e f e n s e of the S e r e d i n a - B u d a
a r e a , 15-27 M a r , and the Sev R i v e r sector a n d Sevsk , 2^
Mar-30 Jun 1943, operations against partisans,
c o n s t r u c t i o n o f r e a r a n d s w i t c h positions, a n d
preparations for Unternehmen Zitadelle.
la, A u l a q e B 1 z u m K T B . O r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , a n d 1943/01/01-1943/OJ/15 251.ID 33449/5 1733 138
messages p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s , a n t i t a n k
defense, operations against partisans, w i n t e r m o b i l i t y ,
a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y , c o n s t r u c t i o n of rear positions,
r a - f o L m a t i o n of G r u p p e B u r d a c h , 9 J a n , and its
d i s b a n d m e n t , 6 ?eb 1 9 4 3 , d i s e n g a g e m e n t m o v e m e n t s , and
t r a n s f e r b y r a i l f r o m t h e area n o r t h w e s t o f V y a z m a t o
t h s a s s e m b l y area i n P3gar v i a D o r o g o b u z h , S m o l e n s k ,
anl Kholmy. Directives c o n c e r n i n g t h e t r a n s p o t a t i o n
s y s t e m ; a n a f t e r a c t i o n c r i t i q u e r e l a t i n g t o t h e latest
e n g a g e m e n t s , d a t e d 11 Jan 1943.
la, A n l a g e B2 zum KT3. O r d e r s , directives, and 1943/03/15-1943/36/30 2 5 LTD 3 3 4 4 9 / 6 1738 596
messages p e r t a i n i n g to defensive operations, a n t i t a n k
defense, operations against partisans, winter m o b i l i t y ,
a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y , c o n s t r u c t i o n o f r e a r positions,
r a - f o r m a t i o n of G r u p p e B u r d a c h and its d i s b a n d m e n t ,
disengagement movements, and transfer by rail from the
V y a z m a area t o t h e assembly area a t P o g a r v i a
D o r o g o b u z h , S m o l e n s k , a n d K h o l m y . Special d i r e c t i v e s
c o n c e r n i n g the t r a n s p o r t a t i o n s y s t e m and an a f t e r a c t i o n
c r i t i q u e , d a t e d 11 Jan 1943, r e l a t i n g to the latest
I a r ftulage C z u m KTB. O r d e r s , messages, maps, and 1943/01/D1-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/7 173d 931
o v e r l a y s p e r t a i n i n g to the o p e r a t i o n s of G r u p p e
d u r d a c h , a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y , c o m b a t i n g enemy m o r t a r
f i r e , w i n t e r m o b i l i t y , construction of rear positions,
d i s e n g a g e m e n t m o v e m e n t s , p a r t i c i p a t i o n of d i v i s i o n
e l e m e n t s in o p e r a t i o n s against p a r t i s a n s in the B r y a n s k
f o r e s t a l o n g the Desna R i v e r , and d e f e n s i v e , assault.
251. I N F A N T E B I E - D I V I S I O N

a n d a n t i t a n k o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e Sevsk, D o b r o v o d ' y e , a n d
3 o l y s h i n o areas. A n a f t e r a c t i o n report r e g a r d i n g
o p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s in the T e r e b i k o v o a r e a , 28
Mar 1943.
la, A n l a q e D zum KTB. T r a i n i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s p e r t a i n i n g 1943/01/01-1943/33/20 251.TD 33449/8 1739 1
t o courses f o r p l a t o o n leaders, i n f a n t r y school f o r
subordinate commanders, a n t i t a n k warfare, and
a r t i l l e r y schools,
la, A n l a a e F zum K T B . Orders, r e p o r t s , messages, and 19U3/01/31-1943/06/30 251. ID 3 3 4 4 9 / 9 1739 47
maps p e r t a i n i n g to the operations of Gruppe Burdach and
t h e 251.ID, reorganization of the division, d e m o l i t i o n
p l a n , c o n s t r u c t i o n o f r e a r positions, a r t i l l e r y
activity, winter mobility, and training. An evaluation
report of the m i l i t a r y situation; an order-of-battle
c h i r t ; s t a t u s r e p o r t s ; a t i m e t a b l e on the d i v i s i o n f s
operations from the beginning of the invasion, 22 J u n
1941, to d e f e n s i v e e n g a g e m e n t s in the Sevsk a r e a , 30
J U Q 1943.
la, A n l a g e G zum KTB. D a i l y r e p o r t s on o p e r a t i o n s . 1943/01/01-1943/36/30 251.ID 33449/10 1739 336
la, A n l a g e z u m K T B . S t r e n g t h a n d c a s u a l t y r e p o r t s . 1943/01/31-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/11 1739 551
Ic, IB m i t A n l a g e n . A c t i v i t y r e p o r t r e g a r d i n g e n e m y 1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/13 1739 571
a n d p a r t i s a n o p e r a t i o n s , losses, a n d u n i t
identification, German and enemy artillery activity,
G e r m a n p r o p a g a n d a ; an'i troop e n t e r t a i n m e n t .
I n t e r r o g a t i o n s u m m a r i e s ; intelligence bulletins;
special directives c o n c e r n i n g t h e i n t e l l i g e n c e service;
m a p s s h o w i n g t h e location o f e n e m y forces f a c i n g
G r u p p e B u r d a c h and the 251. ID.
la, KIB 9. W a r j o u r n a l Df D i v i s i o n s g r u p p e 2 5 1 1943/11/04-1943/12/31 251.ID 44807/1 1739 817
concerning defensive operations in the Kotlovitsa and
B e c e s n e v k a areas, 4 - 1 4 N o v 1943, d i s e n g a g e m e n t m o v e m e n t
f r o m t h e B r a g i n area t3 Y u r e v i c h i v i a K h o i n i k i , 15-24
N o v , m o v e m e n t t o t h e K a l i n k o v i c h i area, 25-28 N o v ,
s u b o r d i n a t i o n o f D i v . G r . 251 (except t h e d i v i s i o n
s t a f f ) to Gruppe Schmidhuber ( 2 . P z D ) , 30 Nov, defensive


o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e G o r o c h i c h i a n d B o b r o v i c h i areas, 2 9
N o v - 1 9 nee, e x e c u t i o n o f U n t e r n e h m e n N i k o l a u s
( o f f e n s i v e e n g a g e m e n t s i n t h e K o b y l s h c h i n a a n d Lesets
areas, 20-24 Dec), s u b o r d i n a t i o n of the division staff
to t h e U . P z D , 1U Dec, defensive operations in the
? l e i t h o v s h c h i n a a n d K o r e n i areas, 25-30 Dec, a n d
w i t h d r a w a l from the f r o n t and incorporation of Div.Gr.
251 i n t o K o r p s a b t e i l u n q E in the M o z y r area, 31 Dec
la, ftnlagenheft z u m KTD 9. Orders, reports, and maps 19U3/11/33-19U3/12/31 251.IP UU807/2 1739 899
p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e a n d assault o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e
K o t l o v i t s a and Beresnevka areas, disengagement
m o v e m e n t s , c o n s t r u c t i o n of p o s i t i o n s , changes in
s u b o r d i n a t i o n , t r a i n i n g , and execution of Unternehmen
Nifcolaus. A r e g i s t e r of o f f i c e r s ; s t r e n g t h and
c a s u a l t y r e p o r t s o f D i v . G r . 251.


1939/03/00 Neisse, Wehrkreis VIII Activation of 252.ID (4.Welle) by Subordinate to: Stellv.Gen.Kdo. V I I I , 1939/03/00-1939/09/05
conversion of 252.LdwD,
formation, training

1939/08/27 Neisse Operational readiness, training C.O.: Gen.Lt. Diether von Boehm-Bezing, 1939/08/26-1942/01/29
(source: Potsdam catalog)

1939/09/02 Glogau, Posen, Witkowo, Slesin, Movement, assembly, antipartisan Subordinate to: AOK 8, 1939/09/05-1939/09/13
Konin, Wreschen, Kutno, Sroda, operations, security and Mil.Bfh. Posen, 1939/09/14-1939/10/11
Gniezno, Mogilno, Szubin, Poland occupation duty

1939/10/13 Wolfs tein, Kaiserslautern, Transfer, AK 24, 1939/10/12-1939/11/02

Blieskastel, Homburg, border security, regrouping AK 12, 1939/11/02-1940/05/30
Voelklingen, Saarbruecken
1940/05/12 Blies River, Sarreguemines, Crossing, advance, AK 24, 1940/05/31-1940/07/10
Forbach, France offensive engagements

1940/06/14 Maginot Line, Sarralbe, Penetration attack,

Marne-Rhine Canal, Vosges battles for,
Mountains, Cirey rehabilitation

1940/07/02 Zweibruecken, Bruchsal Movement

1940/07/10 AK 35 Hoeh.Kdo.. 1940/07/10-1940/07/17

Lowicz, Skierniewice, Grojec occupation duty AK 44, 1940/07/18-1941/04/14

1940/08/01 Gora Kalwaria, Radom, Pulawy Movement, border security, regrouping

1941/04/30 Minsk, Mazowiecki, Wolomin Movement, training AK 35 Hoeh.Kdo., 1941/04/15-1941/06/03

AK 43, 1941/06/04-1941/07/10
1941/06/22 Bug River, Bialowieza, Slonim, Crossing, advance into Russia, Bfh.rueckw.HGeb. Mitte, 1941/07/10-1941/08/21
Slutsk, Bobruisk, Rogachev, offensive engagements AK 53, 1941/08/22-1941/09/16
Krichev, Roslavl, Desna River, AK 7, 1941/09/16-1941/09/24
Yelnya, Vyazma, Gzhatsk, AK 12, 1941/09/24-1941/09/29
Volokolamsk, Istra AK 44, 1941/09/29-1941/10/18
AK 7, 1941/10/18-1941/10/25
1941/12/16 Mozhaisk, Ruza Movement, defensive operations PzGr 4 (Gruppenreserve), 1941/10/25-1941/11/11
AK 9, 1941/11/11-1943/10/09
1942/01/18 Gzhatsk Withdrawal, position defense AK 39 Pz, 1943/10/10-1943/11/03

C.O.: Gen.Lt. Hans Schaefer, 1942/01/30-1943/01/10

1943/03/01 Shimonovo, Podmoshch'ye, Disengagement movements, Gen.Lt. Walther Melzer, 1943/01/10-1944/10/01
Volochek, Sharipino, Dorogobuzh, defensive operations,
Yelnya, Bayevo counterattacks
1943/11/03 Nevel Attack, defensive operations Subordinate to: AK 9, 1943/11/04-1943/12/19

1943/11/22 Nevel, Redesignation as Kampfgruppe 252,

Gorodok movement, defense
1943/12/21 Obol River sector Release of Div.Kdo.252 and its elements AK 53, 1943/12/20-1943/12/21
for defensive operations
1943/12/22 Vitebsk Movement and defensive operations AK 9, 1943/12/22-1943/12/31
of Kampfgruppe 252
Records of the 252.ID are reproduced on rolls 1740-1753 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history.

Although no records of this division dated later than 1943/12/31 were available in the National Archives, records of OKH/AHA, H37/86 (MR 1304),
the general officer personnel files, and situation maps of Lage Ost show:

1944/01/15 Obol River sector (between Reorganization as 252.ID, position

Vitebsk and Polotsk) defense, defensive operations
1944/06/22 Utena, Alanta, Kurkliai, Disengagement movements
Rezekne, Lithuania
1944/07/28 Kedainiai, Dotnuva Reorganization as Kpf.Gr.252, withdrawal,
disbandment 1944/07/31
1944/08/01 Raseiniai Reorganization as 252.ID, defensive operations
1944/08/02 Krustpils, Plavinas, Madona, Disengagement movements
1944/09/23 Mielau (Mlawa), Ciechanow, Poland Movement, defensive operations
1944/10/01 Nasielsk Position defense
1945/01/15 Ploehnen (Plonsk), Radzyn, Nowe, Disengagement movements C.O.: Gen.Lt. Paul Drekmann, 1944/10/01-1945/03/25
Graudenz, Starogard, Sopot Obst. Georg von Unold, mFb., 1945/03/25-
1945/03/12 Danzig Movement, defense,
reorganization as Kpf.Gr.252
1945/04/06 Bohnsack (Sobieszewo) Withdrawal, defensive operations
1945/05/01 Destroyed or captured

Manuscripts in the Foreign Military Studies series, prepared by former German officers for the Historical Division, Headquarters U.S.
Army, Europe, between 1945 and 1959, contain references to the 252.ID as follows:
Orsha, winter 1943-44: MS T-010, p. 52 (Rollbahnschlachten bei Orsha - Abwehrtaktik bei Durchbruechen im Osten) by Gen.Obst. Erhard Raus,
English: see DA Pamphlet No. 20.233 (German Defense Tactics against Russian Breakthroughs).

la, A n l a g e 1 zum KTR. OLders, surveys, reports, and 252. TO P 4 9 / ? 1 7U0 1

messages p e r t a i n i n g t o m o v e m e n t t o Posen ( P o z n a n ) via
T nche.n berg ( Z m i q r o d ) , H e r r n s t a d t ( W a s o s z ) , a n d G o s t y n ;
operations against partisans, removal of mines, and
s e c u r i t y a c t i v i t y , 4 - 1 5 Sep; m o v e m e n t t o a n d r e p a i r o f
bridges, security of rear areas, reconnaissance and
s e a r c h a c t i v i t y , t a k i n g ancl e x e c u t i n g h o s t a g e s , a n d
control of refugees in the W i t k o w o , Slesin, K o n i n ,
K o i o , K u t n o , a n d W r e s c r t ^ n ( W r z e s n i a ) a r e a s , 16-30 Sep;
m o v e m e n t t o a n d o c c u p a t i o n d u t y i n t h e Posen, G n i e z n o ,
Honensalza ( I n o w r o c l a w ) , Mogilno, Szuhin, Sroda,
S c h r i m m ( S r e m ) , a n d K o s t e n ( K o s c i a n ) areas o f P o l a n d ,
1-6 O c t 1939.
Ic, K I B 1 . W a r j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g e n e m y a i r a n d 1940/02/31-1940/05/24 W481a 174J
a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y , 1 Ffb-10 M a y 1940, a n d e n e m y
d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e B l i e s R i v e r sector a n d i n
t h 3 S a r r e g u e m i n e s area. A register of i n t e l l i g e n c e
Ic, \ r i l a g e n h e f t I zum KT5. laps showing the location 1940/05/1 2- 1 9 4 0 / 0 5 / 2 0 W4R1h 1740 275
o f G e r m a n a n d e n e m y f o r c e s i n t h e B l i e s R i v e r sector
and in the Sarregucmines area; German propaganda
learlets in the French language.
Icr raktische Meldungen. Reports concerning German and 1939/10/29-1940/05/21 252.ID 1 740 2)6
enemy military situation and reconnaissance operations
a l s n g t h e A K 1 2 f r o n t , 2 N o v 1939-21 M a y 1 9 4 0 ; r e p o r t s
e v a l u a t i n g the French forces f a c i n g AK 12; and maps
s h o w i n g t h e l o c a t i o n o f e n e m y forces i n t h e F o r b a c h a n d
S a r r e g u e m i n e s areas.
Ic, T a g e s m e l d u n g e r , T e i l 1. D a i l y r e p o r t s c o n c e r n i n g 1939/11/01-1940/01/31 2 5 2. IP W 4 3 1 d 1740 5^6
en^my air and artillery activity,
Ic, l a g e s m e l d u n g e n , Teil 2. Daily reports concerning 1940/02/0 1-1940/03/2-3 252.ID rf481p 1740 732
enamy air and artillery activity.
Ic, r a k t i s c h e M e l d u n g e n a n d N a c h r i c h t . e n . Reports 1939/10/30-1940/05/22 252.ID M 1740 97b
concerning reconnaissance and assault operations,
artillery target reconnaissance, m i l i t a r y security.


enemy air activity, and troop indoctrination and

entertainment; directives relating to training in air
defense and the control and treatment of prisoners of
war; and strength reports.
Ic, 3eistige Betreuung. Reports concerning troop 1 939/09/02- 1940/05/19 252.TD W4R2i 1741 1
welfare, entertainment, and indoctrination.
Ic, Faindnachrichtenblatt. Intelligence bulletins 1939/10/29- 1940/05/25 252.ID 174 1 434
pertaining to enemy operations in Belgium, France, and
Ic, Jefangenenaussaaen. Interrogation summaries, 1939/10/31-1940/05/23 252. T D W 4 f t 2 f 1741 532
la, K T B 1 . W a r - j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g t h e t r a n s f e r f r o m 1939/10/1 2-1940/05/11 252.ID W522a 1741 631
C J n i e z n o , Poland, to W o l f s t e i n near Kaiserslautern,
13-20 Oct, m o v e m e n t to and t r a i n i n g in the B l i e s k a s t e l
a r e * , 20 Oct-9 N o v , and border s e c u r i t y and t r a i n i n a in
t h e H a m b u r g , V o e l k l i n g a n , a n d S a a r b r u e c k e n areas. A
casualty report,
l a , K.IB 2 . W a r j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g crossing t h e Blies 1 9UO/05/12- 1940/J5/28 25?.ID W522b 1741 776
H i v e r , advance, and holding attack in the Sarregueraines
a r e a , 12-26 i"!av 1 9 4 0 ; release f r o m t h e f r o n t ; a n d
p l a n n e d m o v e m e n t to the Saac. A r e g i s t e r of o f f i c e r s
and a casualty report,
la, A n l a q e n z u m KT^ 1 . O r d e r s c o n c e r n i n g t r a i n i n g , 2 9 1939/11/29-1940/05/27 252.ID ^5223 1741 822
Nov 1939-29 A p r 1 9 4 0 , a n d c o m b a t o p e r a t i o n s , 11-27 M a y
I a / S t o p i . , Anlaqen. Directives concerning the use of 1939/10/3 1-1^39/12/31 252.ID W527/1 174 1 880
mines, laying m i n e f i e l d s , and construction of field
f o r t if i c a t i ons.
la, I n n e r e r D i e n s t , P e r s o n a l a n g e l e g e n h e i t e n , 1939/10/31-1939/12/31 252.ID W527/2 1742 1
Druckvorschrift, Transporte.
la, L e h r g a e n a e u n d A u s b i l d u n g s k o m m a n d o s , P i o n i e r e , 1940/01/31-1940/05/23 252.ID W527/U 1742 72
N a c h r . T r a i n i n g d i r e c t i v e s a n d schedules, o r d e r s
r e l a t i n g to maneuvers and training at
T r i i p p e n u e b u n g s p l a t z E a u m h o l d e r , and r e p o r t s c o n c e r n i n g
reconnaissance and assault operations,
la, L3hcgaenqe und A u s b i l d u n g s k o m m a n d o s , T n f . u. A r t l , 1940/01/31-1940/35/2B 252.TD H527/5 1742 221


Driers relating to the assignment of military

personnel to attend training schools.
Id, Lehrgaenge und A u s b i l d u n g s k o m m a rid os, Pionierp, 1940/01/01-1940/05/23 252. I D r f 5 2 7 / b 1742 J3b
Nachr. Orders concerning the assignment of military
personnel to attend t r a i n i n g schools.
Id, Anlaqen. Reports and orders pertaining to th^ 1940/01/01-1940/05/23 2C>2. TD W527/7 1 742 52 b
construction of command posts and positions, laying of
minefields, reorganization of the division's artillery,
and occupation of c o m m a n d posts.
la, Anlagen. Reports concerning assignment of m i l i t a r y 1 940/01/01- i y 4 0 / J 5 / 2 8 252.TD 3527/8 1 742 745
personnel to training schools, road maintenance,
a c t i v i t y of the map and survey officer, and issuance of
military driver's permits; transport announcements; and
directives relating to chemical warfare defense.
la, 5paehtrupp- und Stosstruppunternehmen, 1940/01/3 1-1940/05/23 252.ID W527/10 1742 93 J
Kamptanweisungen. Orders and reports pertaining to
reconnaissance operations, 24 M a y , release of the
division from the c o m b a t front, 27-2B "lay, and planned
m o v e m e n t to the Saar for regrouping and training, 1
Jan-30 Apr 1940; afteraction reports and critiques
regarding combat and assault action of IP 461, 14, 17,
and 21 Mav; and special directives concerning signa]
id, Jrganisation und Ausbildung. Orders relating to 1940/01/31-1940/05/23 252. ID W527b 1 742 1332
the assignment of m i l i t a r y personnel to training
scaools and reorqanization of division units and
training schedules arid directives on courses of
instruc tion.
Id, Allgemeine Befehle und Verfuegungen. Division 1940/01/01-1940/05/24 252.ID rt527c 174 J 1
status reports and strength and casualty lists.
la, Dperations-, Abloesungs- u. Umgliederungsbefehle. 1939/09/J2-1940/D5/25 252.ID W527d 1743 176
Orders, directives, reports, and maps pertaining to
assembly in the Glogau area, 2 Sep 1939; construction
of positions, training, and reqrouping in the
Blieskastel area, 20 Oct-9 Nov, and in the Woelfersheim


a i o a n e a r Horn b u n , 15 N o v 1 9 3 9 - 3 0 A p r 1 9 4 0 ; a s s a u l t a n d
r e j o i H i a issa nee o p e r a t i o n s in the Blics Fiver sector,
1-15 M a y ; b o i l i n g a t t a c k i n t h e S a r r e g u e m i n e s a n d
Focbach areas, 19-2b M a y ; relief of the d i v i s i o n by the
75. I D a n d 2 5 7 . I T ; and w i t h d r a w a l to the r e a r area,
2 7 - 2 d !My 1 9 4 0 . S t a t u s r e p o r t s .
Id, rtor-jen- u n d A b e n d m e l d u n q e n der Division und 1 9 3 9 / 1 0 / 2 5 - 1 9 3 9 / 1 1/15 252.10 M r ^ 7 L 1743 373
ant erst e l l t e n ^ i n h e i t e n . Daily reports concerning
d i v i s i o n a n d e n e m y m i l i t a r y s i t u a t i o n , reconnaissance
o p e r a t i o n s , air and a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y , and casualties.
I d , ' l o r ^ e n - u n d A bend m e l d u n q e n d e r D i v i s i o n u n d 1939/11/16-19 39/11/30 252. in ''5?7s 1 743
u n t e r s t e l l t e n F i n h e i t e n . D a i l y reports concerninq
d i v i s i o n and e n e n y m i l i t a r y s i t u a t i o n , reconnaissance
operations, a r t i l l e r y *nd air a c t i v i t y , and casualties.
la, J t e l l u n a s b a u . Directives cor.cerninq the 1939/11/31-19UO/05/17 252.ID W527n 1743 354
c o n s t j . 'let i o n a n d m a n n i n q o f f o r t i f i c a t i o n s .
la, viors)en- und A b e n d m e l d u n q e n der Division und der 1939/12/3 1 - 1 J 3 9 / 1 2 / 2 3 252.ID tf527n1 1743
ins t e r s t ellt e n E i n h e i t e n . D a i l y r e p o r t s c o n c e r n i n q
d i v i s i o n a n d e n e m y m i l i t a r y s i t u a t i o n , reconnaissance
j p ^ r a t i o n s , a i r arid a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y , a n d c a s u a l t i e s .
la, lorqen- und Abendmeldunqen der Division und der 1939/12/24-1940/01/2^ 2 5 2 . i n M527o 1744
u n] t e n E i n h e i t e n . D a i l y r e p o r t s c o n c e r n i n q
d i v i s i o n a n d e n e m y m i l i t a r y s i t u a t i o n , reconnaissance
o p e r a t i o n s , artillery and air a c t i v i t y , and casualties,
a n d t h e i n t e r c e p t i o n of e n e m y r a d i o c o m m u n i c a t i o n s .
l a , ^ l o r g e n - und A bendmeld u n q e n der D i v i s i o n und 1940/01/23-1940/02/29 252. ID W 5 2 7 p 1744 240
utiterstellten Einheiten. Daily reports concerninq
d i v i s i o n a n d e n e m y m i l i t a r y s i t u a t i o n , reconnaissance
o p e r a t i o n s , a r t i l l e r y a n d a i r a c t i v i t y , a n d casualties,
and the interception of enemy radio communications.
la, .larjen- und A b e n d m e l d u n q e n der Division und 1940/03/3 1-1940/03/31 252.ID W527q 1 744 438
u n t e r s t e l l t e n E i n h e i t e n . Daily reports concerninq
d i v i s i o n a n d e n e m y m i l i t a r y s i t u a t i o n , reconnaissance
o p e r a t i o n s , a r t i l l e r y a n d air a c t i v i t y , and casualties,
a n d t h e i n t e r c e p t i o n Dt" e n e m y r a d i o c o m m u n i c a t i o n s .


la, .lorgen- u n d A b e n d m e l d u n q e n d e r Division u n d 1 9 4 0 / 0 4 / 0 1- 1 9 4 0 / 0 4 / 2 6 252.ID W527r 1/44 691

unterstellten E i n h e i t e n . Daily reports concerninq
division and enemy m i l i t a r y s i t u a t i o n , a r t i l l e r y and
air a c t i v i t y , and casualties,
la, J l o r g e n - u n d A b e n d m e l d u n g e n d e r D i v i s i o n u n d 1 9 4 0 / 0 4 /27- 1940 / 0 5 / 2 8 252.1^ W527s 1744 833
u n t e r s t e l l t e n ^inheiten. Daily reports concerninq
division and enemy m i l i t a r y s i t u a t i o n , reconnaissance
and assault operations, air and a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y , and
c a s u a l t ies.
l a , A k t o " P l a n s p i e l III". Orders p e r t a i n i n g to 1940/05/28-1940/06/11 252.10 W 7 0 5 3 / 1 1745 1
o f f e n s i v e enqaqements carried out to break t h r o u q h the
b l D C K a d e zone a n d q a i n a n a s s e m b l y area b e f o r e
a t t a c k i n q t h e l a q i n o t L i n e , 2 8 M a y - 3 J u n 1940, a n d
p r a p a r a t i o n s f o r t h e a t t a c k , 4-11 J u n ; m a p e x e r c i s e ;
and special d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n q s u p p l y ,
reconnaissance, siqnal communications, cooperation
w i t t i a i r force u n i t s , r e a r services, a n d a r t i l l e r y a n d
engineer activity.
L a , A k t e " P l a n s p i e l III". Orders and reports 1940/06/33-1940/06/14 252.10 W7053/2 1745 224
p e r t a i n i n q to P l a n s p i e l III ( m a p exercise for t he
attack on and penetration of the Maqinot Line) and
t a c t i c a l r e q r o u p i n c j ; special d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n q
s u p p l y , siqnal communications, artillery,
t e s o n n a i s s a n c e , rear s e r v i c e s , a n d c o o p e r a t i o n w i t h a i r
f o r c e u n i t s in p r e p a r a t i o n for the a t t a c k on the
H a g i n o t Line and for " A n q r i f f Tiqer" (AOK 1 a t t a c k on
the Maqinot Line, 14 J u n 1940). Order-of-battle
la, A k t e "Geheimer S c h r i f t v e r k e h r " . AOK 1 orders 1940/05/29-1940/07/04 252.10 110*3/3 17^5 375
p e r t a i n i n q to preparations for the attack on the
M a j i n o t L i n e , o f f e n s i v e e n g a q e m e n t s o f AOK 1 i n Alsace
and L o r r a i n e , and the planned t r a n s f e r of the 2 5 2 . I D to
Warsaw, Poland; a division status report; and an
a f t e r a c t i o n report c o n c e r n i n q U n t e r n e h m e n F a c k e l ( a
f a i n t a t t a c k to c o n t a i n enepiy forces b e y o n d thp Saar,
12 May
108 252. T N F A N T E R T E - D T V I S T O N


l a , S r f d h r u n g s b e r i c h t e n a c h A b s c h l u s s des P e l d z u g e s i m 1940/07/J5-1940/07/18 252.TO W7053/4 1 745 4S2

W e s t e n f u e r O b e r b e f e h l s h a b e r d e s Heeres. Afteraction
c r i t i q u e s r e l a t i n g to t h e c a m p a i q n in France.
l a , E r f a h r u n q s b e r i c h t e u ^ b e r den A n q r i f f d e r D i v i s i o n 1940/05/21-1940/06/24 252.n W 7 0 5 3 / 5 1745 536
un.l D u r c h b r u c h d u r c h d i e M a q i n o t - L i n i e u n d
Getechtsberichte. A f t e r a c t i o n reports and critiques
c o n c e r n i n q h o l d i n g a t t a c k i n t h e Blies R i v e r sector,
2 1 - 3 0 f a y , o f f e n s i v e en gage m e n t s i n t h e Sa r n e g u e m i n e s
a n d F o r b a c h a r e a s , 1-13 J u n , p e n e t r a t i o n o f t h e M a o i n o t
Line in the Sarr^lbe area, 1U-15 Jun, advance to
S a r r e b o u r q and the b a t t l e for the M a r n e - R h i n e Canal,
16-18 J u n , t h e b a t t l e i n t h e Vosqes M o u n t a i n s n e a r
C i c e y , 19-24 J u n ; a n d c a s u a l t y L e p o r t s .
la, T a k t i s c h e R e f e h l e i n A u s f u e h r u n q d e s Planspiels I I I 1940/06/14-1940/06/25 H7053/6 1745 73 1
byim D u r c h b r u c h d u r c h d i e ftaqinot-Linie, Corps orders
ini messaqes r e l a t i n g to the e x e c u t i o n of Planspiel
la, ^ o r y e n - und A b e n d m e l d u n q e n . Daily reports 1940/06/32-1940/06/14 S7053/7 1745 738
c o n c e r n i n q o p e r a t i o n s d u r i n g t h e c a m p a i g n in F r a n c e .
la, Korps- u r d Divisionsbefehle. Corps and division 1940/05/01-1940/06/04 252.ID W7053/8 1745 8'40
o r d e r s p e r t a i n i n q t o p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r a n d e x e c u t i o n of
t h a i n i t i a l stage of the c a m p a i q n in France.
la, F u n k - u n d ^ e r n s p r u e c h e i n der Z e i t d e s E i n s a t z e s 1940/06/1 4 - 1 9 4 0 / 0 6 / 1 7 252.ID W7053/9 1745 937
beim Durchbruch durch die Maqinot-Linie, Akte I.
T e l e t y p e messages d e a l i n q w i t h o p e r a t i o n s .
la. F u n k - u n d F e r n s p r u e c h e i n d e r Zeit d e s E i n s a t z e s 1940/06/13-1940/Ob/23 252.ID W7053/10 1746 1
b e i m D u r c h b r u c h d u r c h d i e M a q i n o t - L i n i e , A k t e II.
la, A l l j e m e i n e r S c h r i f t v e r k e h r . Orders, 1940/05/30-1940/07/06 252. ID W7053/11 1746 222
c o r r e s p o n d e n c e , a n d messaqes p e r t a i n i n q t o r e l i e f b y
tha 75. ID, 30 M a y , o f f e n s i v e e n q a q e m e n t s in the
S a c r e g u e m i n e s a n d F o r b a c h a r e a s , 1-13 J u n , b a t t l e f o r
t h a M a r n e - R h i n e C a n a l a n d b a t t l e i n t h e Vosqes
M o u n t a i n s n e a r C i r e y , 16-25 J u n , o c c u p a t i o n d u t y in
the Cirey area, 26 Jun-6 Jul, and the planned transfer

j f t h e d i v i s i o n f r o m Z w e i b r u e c k e n t o W a r s a w , 10-12 J u l
la, A k t e " B r a u n " . O r d e r s a n d m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o 1 940/03/19-1940/05/12 252.ID 3 7 0 5 3 / 1 2 1746 371
preparations for and execution of U n t e r n e h m e n Fackrl.
la, j a h e i m e K o r a m a n d o s a c h e u . Orders, directives, and 1939/06/16-1940/05/29 W 7 0 5 3 / 1 3 1 746
maps p e r t a i n i n g to combat instructions, battle conduct,
t r a i n i n g , construction of defensive positions and
f o r t i f i c a t i o n s , r e g r o u p i n g , a m a r c h exorcise, a n d
p r e p a r a t i o n s for U n t e r n e h m e n Fackel; e n t r a i n i n g tables
relating to the planned transfer from Gruenberg and
R o t h e n b u r g , Poland.
la, KTB 4. ^ W a r "journal c o n c e r n i n g h o l d i n g attack in 1940/05/29-1940/07/10 252. IP W 7 0 5 4 / 1 1 746 634
t h a Blies F i v e r sector, 21-30 M a y , relief b y t h e 7 5 . I D
a n d m o v e m e n t t o S c h e l d t n e a r S a a r b r u e c k e n , 30-31 M a y ,
o f f e n s i v e engagements in the Forbach and Sarreguemines
a r a a s , 1-13 J u n , t h e p e n e t r a t i o n a t t a c k o n t h e Magir.ot
L i n s in t h e S a r r a l b e a r e a , 14-15 J u n , a d v a n c e t o
Sarrebourg and the battle for the Marne-Rhine Canal,
16-18 J u n , t h e e x t e r m i n a t i o n c a m p a i g n i n t h e Vosges
M o u n t a i n s n e a r C i r e y , 19-24 J u n , c a p i t u l a t i o n
n e g o t i a t i o n s and armistice, 24-25 J u n , r e h a b i l i t a t i o n ,
26 J u n - 1 Jul, preparations for d e p a r t u r e and movement
to Zweibrueckon and Bruchsal, 2-8 Jul, and planned
t r a n s f e r to t h e e a s t - 10-12 J u l ^ 9 4 0 ^ A r ^ ^ i s t e r of
o f f i c e r s a n d c a s u a l t y a n d s t r e n g t h reports.
l a , A n l a g e n z u m K T B4 . O r d e r s r e l a t i n g t o t h e a t t a c k 1940/05/29-1940/07/10 2S2. ID M 7 0 5 4 / 2 1 746
on t h e M a g i n o t L i n e a n d t h e N a m e - R h i n e C a n a l , t h e
e x t e r m i n a t i o n c a m p a i g n i n t h e Vosges M o u n t a i n s , a n d t h e
p l a u n e d t r a n s f e r of t h e d i v i s i o n to the east.
la, T B . A c t i v i t y report concerning the transfer to 1940/07/10-1941 /05/24 252.IP 12486/1 1746 772
W a r s a w v i a B r e s l a u a n d K e p n o , 10-15 J u l ; occupation
d u t y i n t h e L o w i c z , S k i e r n i e w i c e , Grojec, a n d Sochaczew
a r e a s , 16-30 J u l ; m o v e m e n t t o a n d g u a r t e r i n g ,
r e g r o u p i n g , border s e c u r i t y , a n d t r a i n i n g i n t h e Gora
K a l w a r i a , R a d o m , a n d P u lawy a r e a s , 1 A u g 1 9 4 0 - 2 9 A p r


1941; movement to and t r a i n i n g in the Minsk,

t t a z o w i e c k i , W o l o r a i n , a n d R a d z y m i n areas, 3 0 A p r - 2 4 M a y ;
p r e p a r a t i o n s for A c h t u n g ' B e r t a (defense in case of a
R u s s i a n a t t a c k ) ; and a m m a p exercise on the a t t a c k
across the Bug R i v e r ,
la, V e r f u e q u n g e n u n d Befehle. O r d e r s concerning border 1941/03/31-1941/05/20 252.ID 12U86/3 1745 324
security, preparations tor Achtunq Berta and Operation
B a r b a r o s s a ( i n v a s i o n of R u s s i a ) , and p l a n n e d a s s e m b l y
i n t h e Siedlce area; c o m b a t d i r e c t i v e s f o r s e c u r i t y
u n i t s o n t h e R u s s i a n b o r d e r ; a n d maps s h o w i n g l o c a t i o n
of b i l l e t i n g areas,
la, 3 e h e i m e K o m m a n d o s a c h e n , A k t e II u . I T T . O r d e r s 1940/06/31-1940/07/26 252.ID 12486/4 1746 390
p e r t a i n i n g to p r e p a r a t i o n s for the a t t a c k on the
M a . j i n o t L i n e , o f f e n s i v e e n g a g e m e n t s t o gain a n a s s e m b l y
area in f r o n t of and to p e n e t r a t e the ^ l a g i n o t L i n e ,
a d v d n c e , a n d a t t a c k s o n t h e M a r n e - R h i n e C a n a l ; reports
on the s u r r e n d e r of the French 43d A r m y Corps; t r a i n i n g
directives concerning the division's assignment in the
east; a n d a n a f t e r a c t i o n report r e g a r d i n g c o m b a t
o p e r a t i o n s d u r i n g the period 29 H a y - 5 J u l 1940.
la, J e h e i m e K o m m a n d o s a c h e n . F u e h r e r d i r e c t i v e 1941/01/01-1941/05/25 2 5 2 . I D 12486/5 174b 995
g o v e r n i n g acceptance of c a p i t u l a t i o n of e n e m y troops.
D i r e c t i v e s for border s e c u r i t y , the use of code n a m e s ,
t a n k shelters, h i g h w a y a n d b r i d g e c o n s t r u c t i o n , a n d
t r a i n i n g activities,
la, V e r l e g u n g und U n t e r b r i n g u n g von E i n h e i t e n der . 1940/07/01-1941/05/24 2 5 2 . I D 12486/14 1746 10a7
D i v i s i o n . Orders a n d r e p o r t s c o n c e r n i n g t h e t r a n s f e r
to W a r s a w and q u a r t e r i n g in the area south of W a r s a w ,
16-31 J u l 1940, i n t h e Gora K a l w a r i a , Raclom, a n d P u l a w y
dceas, 1 Aug 1940-29 Apr 1941, and in the area east of
W a r s a w , 30 A p r - 2 4 May 1941.
la, K T B 4 , W a r - j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g assembly a l o n g the 1941/05/25-1941/12/31 2 5 2 . I D 16497/1 1747 1
Bug R i v e r i n t h e Siedlce, S o k o l o w , a n d Bielsk P o d l a s k i
a r e a s , border s e c u r i t y , a n d p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r A c h t u n g
B e r t a , 25 M a y - 2 1 Jun 1 9 4 1 ; crossing the Bug R i v e r n e a r
25?. I K F A N T E R I E - D I V I S I O N Ill

the riialowieza forest, advance, security and m o p p i n q - u p

action, operations aqainst partisans, and defensive and
offensive engaqements in the Sloniro, Baranovichi,
Kopyl, Nesvizh, Slutsk, Finch R i v e r , Bobruisk, Berezina
R i v e r , Roqachev, Slavqorod, K r i c h e v , R o s l a v l , Desna
River, Yelnya, V y a z m a , Gzhatsk, V o l o k o l a m s k , and Istra
.areas, 2 2 J u n - 1 5 Dec; a n d m o v e m e n t t o a n d d e f e n s e o f
t h a M o z h a i s k a r e a , 16-31 D e c 1 9 4 1 . A r e q i s t e r of
3f f icers.
l a , A n l a q e n z u m K T D 4 , Ak te I . C o r p ; ; and d i v i s i o n 1941/0^/27-1941/07/10 2S2.ID 16497/2 1 747 335
orders concerninq p r e p a r a t i o n s for the a t t a c k on Russia
and tne advance from B i a l o w i e z a to Rardnovichi via
S ion 101.
I d , A n l a q e n ziira K T B 4 , Ak te I I . Orders trom 1 9 4 1 / 0 7 / 1 1- 1 ^ 4 1 / 0 8 / 2 0 2S2. TD 1 6 4 9 7 / 3 1 74/ 532
B e i e h l s h a b e r d-?s r u e c k w . H e e r e s q e b i e t M i t t < = f o r r e a r
area security d u r i n g the a d v a n c e to Bobruisk via K o p y l ,
N e s v i z h , a n d Slutsx..
l a , A n l a q e n z u m K T B 4 , Ak to III. Corps and division 1 0 4 1 / 0 8 / 2 1- 1 } 4 l / 0 9 / 1 r > 252.10 16497/4 1747 727
orders concerning the advance to Roslavl via Roqachev,
Slavqorod, and Krichev and operations aqainst
la, A n l a q e n z u m K T B 4 . O r d e r s r e l a t i n q t o o f f e n s i v e 1941/09/15-1941/1J/15 252.ID 16497/5 174 7 378
engaqements carried out d u r i n q the crossinq of the
Desna River and the a d v a n c e to V y a z m a via Y e l n v a .
l a , A n l a q e n z u m K T B4 . O r d e r s p e r t a i n i n q t o t h e 1941/10/1 5 - 1 9 4 1 / 1 1 / 1 5 252.ID 16497/6 1747 1055
a d v a n c e t o I s t r a , n o r t h w e s t o f M o s c o w , v i a G z h a t s k and
la, A n l a q e n z u m K T B 4 . Orders relatinq to movement to 1941/11/16-1^41/12/31 252.ID 16497/7 1 748
and defense of the M o z h a i s k area and the p l a n n e d
w i t h d r a w a l to the G z h a t s k area.
la, A u i a q e n z u m K T B 4 . A f t e r a c t i o n reports of the 1941/06/22-1941/09/15 252.ID 164Q7/8 1 743 152
d i v i s i o n ' s s u b o r d i n a t e u n i t s a n d in t e r r o q a t i o n
la, A n l a q e n z u m K T B 4 . Afteraction reports of the 1941/09/16-1941/12/31 252.ID 16497/9 174d 339
d i v i s i o n ' s s u b o r d i n a t e u n i t s a n d in t e r r o q a t ion


la, A a l a q e n z u m K T B4 , A k t e T . D a i l y r e p o r t s 1941/05/25- 1941/09/15 25 2. ID 16*107/11 1748 532

concerninq operations.
l a , A n l d g e n z u m K T B 4 , A* t e I I . D a i l y reports 1941/09/15-1941/12/31 252.10 16497/12 1748 715
concernina operations.
l a , A n la g e n z u m K T P 4 , A k t e I . F u n k - u n d F e r n s p r u e c h e . 1941/06/22-1941/07/10 252.TD 16497/13 1 746 778
l a , A n l a g e n z u m K T B 4 , Ale t e I I . Funk- und 1941/07/11-1941/09/15 252.ID 16497/14 1748 939
l a , A n l a q e n z u r a K T 3 4 , A< te I I I , Fin- u n d a u s a e h e n d e 1 94 1 / 0 9 / 1 o - V ) 4 1 / 1 0 / 1 4 25 2. ID 16497/15 1743 "1028
F u n k - und Fernsprueche.
la, A n l a q e n zum KTB4, Aite IV. Einqehende 194 1/10/1 4 - 1 9 4 1 / 1 1 / 3 0 252. TD 1 6 4 9 7 / 1 6 1 749 1
la, A n l a g e zum KTB 4, A k t o V Ein- u n d a u s g e h e n d e 1941/01/1 7 - 1 9 4 1 / 1 2 / 3 1 25 2. IP 1K497/17 1749 21 1
Fern- und Funksprueche.
la, A n l a g e z u m KTB 4 , V e r f u e g u n g e n u n d Befehle. 1941/05/17-1941/06/15 252.ID 16497/18 1 749 '497
O r i e r s , directives, and maps p e r t a i n i n g to p r e p a r a t i o n s
for the attack on Russia, t r a i n i n g , and bonder
s e c u r i t y ; intelliqence b u l l e t i n , 17 May 1941; a n d notes
on a c o m m a n d c o n f e r e n c e , 27 Sep 1941.
l a , A n l a g e zura K T B 4 . Afteraction critiques relating 1941/05/27-1941/11/26 2 5 2 , IT) 1 6 4 9 7 / 1 9 1 749 539
to c o m b a t i n g Russian t a n k s and directives concerning
the conduct of German troops in Russia and border
l a , A n l a q e z u m K T B4 . O r d e r s p e r t a i n i n q t o 1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252.10 16497/20 521
r e D r g a n i z a t i o n of the division, tables showing the
d i s t r i b u t i o n of weapons and e q u i p m e n t for subordinate
u n i t s , o r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s , s t a t u s reports, a n d
special directives concerning t r a f f i c control.
Ic, T B . A c t i v i t y report concerning enemy tactical 1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252.ID 16497/21 1 7,49 733
operations and interrogation summaries.
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B . Orders, d i r e c t i v e s , a f t e r a c t i o n 1942/03/D6-1942/12/31 252.ID 28187/1 1749 735
c r i t i q u e s , reports, a n d o v e r l a y s p e r t a i n i n g t o position
a n d a n t i t a n k d e f e n s e , a s s a u l t operations, c o n s t r u c t i o n
of s t r o n g p o i n t s , b a t t l e c o n d u c t , r e g r o u p i n g , a n d t r o o p
m o r a l e i n t h e G z h a t s k a r e a ; s t a t u s reports; a f t e r a c t i o n
25?. I N F A N T E P I ^ - D I V I S I O N 113


reports concerning defensive operations; maps showina

t h e t a c t i c a l d i s p o s i t i o n o f G e r m a n a n d e n e m y forces i n
tha Gzhatsk ar^a; intelligence bulletins; interroqation
s u m m a r i e s ; and a t r a n s l a t i o n of an o r d e r by the
P e o p l e ' s C o m m i s s a r i a t f o r D e f e n s e , 8 O c t 1942.
la, K T B . War j o u r n a l concerning position defense in 1 9 U 2 / 1 2 / D 1- 1 9 4 3 / 3 3 / 1 7 252.10 28187/2 1750
t h e G z h a t s k area, 1 D e c 1 9 4 2 - 1 N a r 1 9 4 3 , d i s e n g a g e m e n t
m o v e m e n t s and destruction of villages prior to
w i t h d i a w a l t o S h i m o n o v o , east o f V y a z m a , 2-11 P ? a r , a n d
to P o d m o s h c h v e a n d V o l o c h e k i n t h e O s ' m a R i v e r s e c t o r ,
s o u t h e a s t of O o r o g o b u z h , 12-17 "la r 1 9 4 3 .
la, A u l a q e n z u m K T B . Orders, messaaes, a n d maps 1 9 4 2 / 12/2*4- 1 9 4 3 / 0 2 / 1 2 2. ID 28187/3 55
p e r t a i n i n g to issault operations, construction of rear
position Bueffel and the Gzhatsk defense position,
f o r m a t i o n of snow-removal u n i t s , regrouping, artillery
a c t i v i t y , a n d t h e p l a n n e d s h i f t s o u t h w a r d o f t h e corps
sector. Special directives c o n c e r n i n g s u p p l y and s u p p l y
la, A n l d g e n z u m K T B . O r d e r s , m e s s a g e s , a n d o v e r l a y s 19U3/02/13-1943/03/10 252.TO 28187/4 1750 233
p e r t a i n i n g to preparations for and execution of the
B u ^ f f e l b e w e g u n g (disengagement movement to strengthen
the defense of V y a z m a ) .
la, A u l a g e n z u m K T B . O r d e r s , m e s s a g e s , a n d o v e r l a y s 1 9 U V 0 3 / 1 1- 194 3 / 0 3 / 1 6 252.ID 28187/5 1750 537

(disengagement movement t o t h e O s ' m a F i v e r sector t o

strengthen the defense of the D o r o g o b u z h a r e a ) =
la, Sperrolaene "Bueffel" R e p o r t s arid d i r e c t i v e s on 1943/02/23-1943/03/14 252.ID ?9499 1750 638
tha various stages ot t he B u e f f el b e w e g u n g .
la, KIB 5. War -journal c o n c e r n i n g d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s 1943/03/18-1943/07/31 252.IP 34261/1 1750 759
and counterattacks in t he P o d m o s h c h ' ye, V o l o c h e k ,
lertishchevo, Ostrovshc h i n a , a n d S h a r i p i n o a r e a s
southeast of Dorogobuzh a n d n o r t h e a s t o f Y e l n y a .
la, A n l a g e n zum KT3 5. 0 r d e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , a n d 1943/03/26-1943/07/31 252.10 14261/2 1750 831
overlays pertaining to d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s ,
counterattacks, antitan k d e f e n s e , c o n s t r u c t i o n of


fortified positions, formation of alert units and a

Feliersatz-Btl., regrouping, and training. An
afteraction critique ot the battle of Kursk.
Ic, TB. Activity report concerning enemy operations 1943/03/01-1943/07/31 252.ID 34261/3 1 750 952
ini losses, "Propagandaaktion Silberstreif" (propaganda
to entice the enemy soldier to desert), and troop
la, K T B 6 . W a r j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s 1943/03/01-1^43/12/31 2 5 2 . ID 4 1985/1 1750 975
i n t h e area southeast o f D o r o g o b u z h a n d n o r t h e a s t o f
Y e l n y a , 1-31 A u g ; d i s e n g a g e m e n t m o v e m e n t s t o Bayevo v i a
G l i n k a , Monastyrshchina, Kalino, Gorki, and Lenino, 1
S e p - 1 7 Oct; d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e B a y e v o a r e a ,
18-31 Oct; relief by the 9 5 . I D , 3 N o v ; t r a n s f e r to area
s o u t h of Nevel via O r s h a , V i t e b s k , and G o r o d o k , 3-7
N o v ; d t t a c k a n d d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e area s o u t h
of N e v e l , 8-21 N o v ; r e d e s i g n a t i o n as K a m p f g r u p p e 252,
22 N o v ; relief b y t h e 1 2 9 . I D ; m o v e m e n t t o a n d d e f e n s e
of the Gorodok area, 23 N o v - 2 0 Dec; release of D i v . K d o .
252 and other e l e m e n t s to d e f e n d the Obol R i v e r sector
b e t w e e n Vitebsk and P o l o t s k , 21 Dec; and movement of
K a m p f g r u p p e 252 to d e f e n d t h e V i t e b s k area, 22-31 Dec
la, Anlagen zum KTB 6. Corps a n d d i v i s i o n orders, 1943/08/02-1943/10/17 2 5 2 . I D 41985/2 1751
messages, a n d m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s ,
2-31 A u g , d i s e n g a g e m e n t m o v e m e n t s , 1 Sep-17 Oct 1943,
construction of defensive positions, m i n e l a y i n g ,
Dparations against partisans, and regrouping.
la, A a l d g e n zura K T B 6 , F u n k s p r u e c h e , 1943/09/0 1-1943/09/30 2 5 2 . I D 41985/3a 1751 2i>8
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 6 , F u n k s p r u e c h e . 1941/08/01-1943/08/31 2 5 2 . I D 41985/3b 1 751 737
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 6 . 3rders, r e p o r t s , messages, a n d 1943/10/18-1943/11/17 2 5 2 . I D 41985/4 1752 1
m a p s p e r t a i n i n g to the defense of the P a n t h e r position
in the Bayevo and A r v y a n i t s a a r e a s , 18-31 Oct; t r a n s f e r
t o s o u t h o f Nevel m o v i n g v i a O r s h a , V i t e b s k , a n d
G o r o d o k , 2-6 N o v ; e x e c u t i o n of U n t e r n e h m e n H u b e r t u s
( a t t a c k to d r i v e the e n e m y beyond the old Nevel l i n e ) ,


y-9 N o v ; defensive operations in the Lake Vezerishcher

L o o o k , R u d n y a , a n d Borok areas s o u t h o f Nevel, 10-17
Nov; and movement of division elements to Gorodok for
i t s d e f e n s e , 17 Nov 1943.
la, A n l a g e n zurn KTB 6. O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d 1 9 4 3 / 1 1 / 1 8 - 1 9 4 3 / 1 1/30 2 5 2 . T D 41985/5 1752 273
maps pertaining to defensive operations in the Lobok
p o s i t i o n s o u t h of N e v e l , 18-21 N o v , r e d e s i g n a t i o n as
K a o a p f g r u p p o 252, 2 2 N o v , m o v e m e n t t o south o f G o r o d o k ,
and defensive operations between Gorodok and Lake
L o s v i d a , 23-10 Nov 1943.
la, A n l a o e n z u m K T B 6 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , a n d messages 1943/12/31-1943/12/18 252.10 41985/6 1752 428
p e r t a i n i n g to defensive operations in the Gorodok area
by K a m p f g r u p p e 252.
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 6 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , a n d messages 1943/12/19-1943/12/31 252.ID 41985/7 1 752 540
p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e Gorodok area,
19-20 Dec, release of D i v . K d o . 252, T I T . / A r t . R g t . 2 5 2 ,
and e l e m e n t s of N a c h r . A b t . 252 for the defense of t h e
Obol R i v e r sector between V i t e b s k and Polotsk, 21 Dec,
and m o v e m e n t of K a m p f g r u p p e 252 to and defense of t h e
Z h s r e b i c h i and C h e r e m k h a areas n o r t h w e s t of V i t e b s k
22-31 Dec 1943.
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 6 , T a gesmeld u n g e n , Daily reports 1943/08/01-1943/11/04 252. ID 4 1 9 8 5 / 8 1 752 543
c o n c e r n i n g operations.
la, A n l a g e n z u m KTB 6. Ta gesin e l d u n g e n . Daily reports 1 9 u 3 / 1 1 /3 9 - 1 9 4 3 / 1 2 / 3 1
a n d e v a l u a t i o n reports c o n c e r n i n g e n e m y s i t u a t i o n ,
e n l a r g i n g area of p e n e t r a t i o n south of Nevel, l a u n c h i n g
an offensive via GorodDk and Vitebsk, and the enemy's
i n t e n t i o n t o encircle G e r m a n forces between N e v e l a n d
la, A n l a g e n zura K T B 6 , F u n k s p r u e c h e . 1943/09/D4-1943/09/16 252.TD 41985/10 1752 1022
Ic, TB. A c t i v i t y report c o n c e r n i n g e n e m y operations, 1943/10/16-1943/12/31 252.ID 4 1 9 8 5 / 1 1 1 753 1
u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , a n d losses; a n i n t e l l i g e n c e
b u l l e t i n ; a n d maps s h o w i n g t h e tactical disposition o f
e n e m y forces.

1939/03/00 Duesseldorf, Wehrkreis VI Activation of 253.ID (4.Welle) by

conversion of 253.LdwD,
formation, training
1939/08/26 Duesseldorf Operational readiness, training C.O.: Gen.Lt. Fritz Kuehne, 1939/08/26-1941/03/14
Subordinate to: Stellv.Gen.Kdo. VI, 1939/08/26-1939/09/01
1939/09/06 Erkelenz, Viersen, Duelken, Movement, AK 5, 1939/09/02-1939/09/05
Benrath, Hi1den, Eschweiler, border security, AK 27, 1939/09/05-1939/12/31
Stolberg, Aachen training AK 26, 1940/01/01-1940/01/29
AK 16, 1940/01/29-1940/02/02
1940/05/10 Liege, Moresnet, Namur, Scheldt Advance, offensive engagements AK 27, 1940/02/02-1940/05/25
River, Tournai, Belgium AK 10, 1940/05/25-1940/05/26
1940/05/25 Lille, France Attack, capture AK 27, 1940/05/26-1940/06/02
1940/06/03 Charleroi, Belgium Movement, security of rear area, AK 11, 1940/06/02-1940/07/02
Rocroi, No/on, France advance
1940/06/12 Rethel, Chalons-sur-Marne, Withdrawal,
AvalIon, Chatillon-sur-Seine advance, offensive engagements
1940/07/01 Laon, Soissons, Vitry-le-Francois, Occupation duty, HGr. A, 1940/07/02-1940/07/15
Bar-sur-Aube, Mourmelon-le- training AK 29, 1940/07/15-1941/03/07
Grand, Rethel, Suippes AOK 9, 1941/03/07-1941/04/10
C.O.: Gen.Lt. Otto Schellert, 1941/03/15-1943/01/18
1941/04/14 Allenstein (Olsztyn), Poland Transfer, training Subordinate to: AK 10, 1941/04/10-1941/04/28
AK 28, 1941/04/28-1941/05/14
1941/06/20 Eydtkau (Chernysshevskoye) Assembly AK 10, 1941/05/14-1941/05/26
Unterabschnitt Ostpreussen I, 1941/05/26-1941/05/28
1941/06/22 Vistytis, Kaunas, Zamosh'ye Invasion of Lithuania, AK 23, 1941/05/28-1941/07/02
Drissa, Polotsk, Idritsa, Russia advance, offensive operations AOK 16, 1941/07/02-1941/07/04
1941/07/19 Ushcha River, Nevel, Offensive operations, AK 50, 1941/07/04-1941/08/08
Novosokolniki, Velikiye Luki capture and securing
1941/08/28 Toropets, Lakes Otolovo and Advance, AK 23, 1941/08/08-1941/09/26
Luchanskoye, Selizharovo, defensive operations AK 2, 1941/09/26-1941/10/29
Volga and Tikhvina Rivers AK 23, 1941/10/29-1942/06/25
1941/12/16 Volga River, Molodoi Tud Disengagement movements AK 27, 1942/06/25-1942/07/15
1942/01/24 Olenino, Mostovaya, Kholmets, Defensive operations, AK 6, 1942/07/15-1942/07/31
Khmelevka position defense, security AK 23, 1942/08/01-1943/03/12
C.O.: Gen.Lt. Carl Becker, 1943/01/18-1944/10/27
1943/02/25 West of Olenino, Obsha and Bueffel Bewegung Obst. Joseph Rintelen, 1944/07/07-1944/07/31
Belaya Rivers, Nikitinka (disengagement movements)
Subordinate to: AK 27, 1943/03/12-1943/03/16
1943/03/07 Vop River sector, Vopets and Movements, defensive AK 23, 1943/03/16-1943/03/21
Tsarevich Rivers, Yartsevo operations AK 27, 1943/03/21-1943/04/10
AK 39 Pz, 1943/04/10-1943/06/30
Records of the 253.ID are reproduced on rolls 1754-1760 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history.
Although no records of this division dated later than 1943/06/30 were available in the National Archives, records of OKH/AHA, H37/85 (MR 1303),
the general officer personnel files, and situation maps of Lage Ost show:
1943/08/09 Bryansk Withdrawal, defensive operations,
redesignation as Kpf.Gr. 253
1943/08/15 Bryansk Reorganization as 253.ID
1943/09/17 Gorodets, Pochep, Unecha, Disengagement movements
Klintsy, Peretin, Vetka
1943/10/04 Pykhan, Chechersk, Tursk, Zhlobin Defensive operations
1943/12/20 Shatilki, Parichi Position defense
1944/04/01 Kovel, Lyuboml, Olesk Transfer, movement, position defense
1944/07/19 Chelm, Krasnik, Poland Withdrawal, redesignation as Kpf.Gr. 253
1944/08/09 Solec, Ostrowiec Defensive operations, reorganization as 253.ID
1944/09/30 Kielce, Grybow, Dukla, Krepna Defensive operations, position defense
1944/10/18 Dukla PoHoci onati
..v *. .v ~-^.. _ nr
ac ..f,
Krf Kr
, 7^1
1944/11/01 Dukla Reorganization as 253.ID
1944/12/20 Nizna Polianka, Janske Lazne, Transfer, defensive operations C.O.: Obst. Emanuel von Kiliani, mstFb,
Czechoslovakia 1944/12/08-1944/12/31
1945/01/15 Bardejov, Spisska Stara Ves, Redesignation as Div.Gr. 253,
Bialka, Polhora disengagement movements
1945/01/30 Polhora Reorganization as 253.ID
1945/02/11 Skotschau (Skoczow), Zywiec, Movement,
Poland, Karvina, Darkov, defensive operations
1945/04/05 Mosty Movement, defensive operations
Manuscripts in the Foreign Military Studies series, prepared by former German officers for the Historical Division, Headquarters U.S.
Army, Europe, between 1945 and 1959, contain references to the 253.ID as follows:
Rzhev area, 1941-42: MS D-078 (Winter fighting of the 253d Infantry Division in the Rzhev area in 1941-42), by Gen.Lt. Otto Schellert
Moravsk-Ostrava area, Czechoslovakia, Feb 1945: MS P-149/48 (Nachtangriff mit einer geschwaechten, ungeuebten Truppe, Gren.Rgt. 453
am Knaierwald), by Obstlt. Wilhelm Viehmann.


la, K T B , Teil 1 ( D r u c h s t u e c k ) . W a r l o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g 1939/09/36-1939/10/29 253.IT) W6854/1a 1754 1

m o v e m e n t to and q u a r t e r i n g , border security,
r e g r o u p i n q , and t r a i n i n g in the Frkelenz,
S e i l e n k i r c h e n , D u e l k e n , a n d A m e r n areas ( d a m a g e d b y
l a , K T B , Teil 2 . W a r l o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g m o v e m e n t s f r o m 1939/11/39- 1 9 4 0 / 0 9 / 2 9 253.ID W6854/1b 1754 33
t h e E r k e l e n z area t o t h e B e n r a t h , H i l d e n , a n d
D u a s s e l d o r f areas, 2 8 - 2 9 Dec 1939, and to the A a c h e n ,
E s c h w e i l e r , and S t o l b e r q a r e a s , 2-4 Feb 1940; a d v a n c e
i n t o a n d o f f e n s i v e e n g a g e m e n t s i n B e l g i u m f r o m Liege
t o T o u r n a i , 10-24 M a y ; a t t a c k a n d c a p t u r e o f Lille,
P r i n c e , 25-28 l a y ; m o v e m e n t to the C h a r l e r o i area,
B e l g i u m , 3-8 J u n ; a d v a n c e t o N o y o n , F r a n c e ; w i t h d r a w a l
to R e t h e l , a d v a n c e s o u t h w a r d t o t h e A v a l l o n a n d
Chitillon-sur-Seine areas via Chalons-sur-Marne and
T r o y e s , 9-30 J u n , a n d m o v e m e n t t o a n d o c c u p a t i o n d u t y
in Laon, Rheims, Rathel, Vitry-le-Francois,
B a r - s u r - A u b e , a n d M o u r m e l o n - l e - G r a n d t o relieve t h e
7 8 . I D , 1-18 J u l ; and a d m i n i s t r a t i o n and s e c u r i t y of t h e
M a r n e D e p a r t m e n t , 19 J u l - 2 9 Sep 1940.
la, A n l a g e n z u m KTB 1. Orders, directives, and maps 1939/08/29-1939/12/13 253.ID W6854/2 1754 132
p e r t a i n i n g t o m o v e m e n t f r o m Duesseldorf t o E r k e l e n z ,
V i e r s e n , a n d D u e l k e n , border s e c u r i t y , b a t t l e c o n d u c t ,
c o n s t r u c t i o n of p o s i t i o n s , r e g r o u p i n q , and t r a i n i n g ; an
o r i e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t ; n o t e s o n c o m m a n d conferences;
special d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n g a i r r e c o n n a i s s a n c e a n d
signal communications; and an enemy leaflet regarding
i n v e s t m e n t s a b r o a d m a d e b y N a z i leaders.
la, A n l a g e n b a n d I zurc KTB 2. Orders, messages, a n d 1940/01/3 1 - 1 9 4 0 / 0 5 / 3 1 253.ID W6854/3 1754 439
m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o m o v e m e n t f r o m Duesseldorf t o t h e
A a c h e n , Stolberq, and E s c h w e i l e r areas, 2-4 F r b ;
t r a i n i n g a n d alert exercises; a s s e m b l y along a n d
c r o s s i n g t h e B e l g i a n border n e a r Moresnet, 7-10 M a y ;
a d v a n c e to and c a p t u r e of L i e g e , 11-14 M a y , N a m u r ,
15-16 M a y , T o u r n a i ( b y crossing t h e Scheldt R i v e r ) ,
253. I N F A N T E H I E - D I V T S I O N 119


17-24 M a y , and Lille, France, 25-28 M a y ; and the

c o n t r o l of prisoners of war in the L i l l e area.
l a , A n l a g e n b a n d T T z j m K T B 2 . Orders a n d messages 1940/06/15-1940/36/23 2 5 3. in 1753 1
concerning movements a n d operations of the division and
reports on the general m i l i t a r y situation.
la, A n l a g e n b a n d T i l z u m K T B 2 . O r d e r s r e l a t i n g t o 1940/09/16-1940/10/14 253.TD W6854/5 130
t r a i n i n g , regrouping, a n d the release of recruits and
maps showing the location of division quarters in the
Chilons-sur-Marne, Vitry-le-Francois, and
Mourmelon-le-Grand areas.
la, A n l a g e n b a n d T V z u m K T B 2 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , a n d 1940/06/03-1940/08/22 253. I D W 6 8 5 4 / 6 175s 170
maps pertaining to movement f r o m Lille, France, to
Charleroi, Belcrium, for security d u t y ; advance to
N o / o n , France, v i a R o c r o i ; w i t h d r a w a l t o R e t h e l ;
movement southward and offensive engagements to the
A v a l l o n a n d C h a t i l l o n - s u r - S e i n e areas v i a
C h a l o n s - s u r - M a r n e , Troyes, a n d V e n d e u v r e - s u r - B a r s e , t o
t h e L a o n , Soissons, C h a t e a u - T h i e r r y , R h e i m s , R e t h e l ,
Vitry-le-Francois, Mussy-sur-Seine, Bar-sur-Aube,
S o u l a i n e s - D h u y s m , a n d M o u r m e I o n - l e - G r a n d a r e a s ; relief
of t h e 7 8 . I D , 7-18 J u l ; a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d s e c u r i t y o f
t h a f l a m e D e p a r t m e n t ; a i r raid p r o t e c t i o n ; a n d c o n t r o l
and e m p l o y m e n t of r e f u g e e s and prisoners of w a r .
Or ier-o f b a 11 Is c h a r t s and n o t e s on c GUI w a n d
EC, TBe A c t i v i t y report concerning operational 1939/08/26-1940/05/31 253.ID rfb854/7 1 75b 314
r e a d i n e s s o f t h e d i v i s i o n i n D u e s s e l d o r f , 2 6 A u g 1939,
m o v e m e n t to the Dutch border in September,
r e c o n n a i s s a n c e r e s u l t s r e g a r d i n g border f o r t i f i c a t i o n s ,
m o v e m e n t to the Duesseldorf a r e a for t r a i n i n g , 28 Dec,
a n i l a t e r t o t h e A a c h e n area f o r border s e c u r i t y ,
t a x i n g p r i s o n e r s of war in B e l g i u m in A p r i l , o f f e n s i v e
e n g a g e m e n t s i n t h e Liege, N a m u r , a n d T o u r n a i areas o f
B e l g i u m , and the attack on and capture of Lille,


la, K T 3 2 mit A n l a q e n . W a r - j o u r n a l a n d orders 1940/11/01-1941/04/13 2 5 3 . I D 10fS73/1 1755 323

c o n c e r n i n g occupation d u t y , r e g r o u p i n g , a n d t r a i n i n g i n
the Chalons-sur-Marne, Hourmelon-le-Grand,
"lailly- l e - C a m p , S u i p p e s , V i t r y - l e - F r a n c o i s , R e t h e l , a n d
S d i u t e - M e n e h o u l d areas, 1 Nov 1940-9 Apr 1941, g u a r d i n g
th-e " N o r d o s t L i n i e " by d i v i s i o n e l e m e n t s to c o n t r o l the
m o v e m e n t of refuqees in the Sainte-Menehould and
E v a c g n i c o u r t a r e a s , 11 J a n - 1 5 i^.ar 1941, the p l a n n e d
m o v e m e n t o f t h e d i v i s i o n t o t h e east, a n d t h e d e p a r t u r e
of the advance party f r o m Chalons-sur-Marne, France,
f o e A l l e n s t e i n ( O l s z t y n ) , P o l a n d , 10-12 A p r 1941.
Ic, IB. A c t i v i t y r e p o r t c o n c e r n i n g m o v e m e n t s o u t h w a r d 1940/06/24-1941/04/12 2 5 3 . ID 1 0 6 7 3 / 2 1755 328
to C o t e - d ' O r c o m p l e t e d by the t i m e of the a r m i s t i c e and
n o r t h w a r d t o t h e Flame D e p a r t m e n t t o relieve t h e 78.10,
control of r e f u g e e movement t h r o u g h the "Nordost
L i n i e , " e m p l o y m e n t and c o n t r o l of prisoners of w a r ,
c o u n t e r intelligence a c t i v i t y , a n d troop e n t e r t a i n m e n t .
A imp s h o w i n g the location of t h e "Nordost Linie."
l a , K T B 3 . T r a n s f e r f r o m France t o A l l e n s t e i n 1941/04/14-1941/12/03 253.10 22495/1 1755 5'40
( D l s z t y n ) , P o l a n d , 14-23 A p r ; q u a r t e r i n g a n d t r a i n i n q ,
24 A p r - 1 9 J u n ; assembly in the E y d t k a u
( C a e r n y s h e v s k o y e ) a r e a , 20 J u n ; i n v a s i o n of L i t h u a n i a
and advance to Drissa in R u s s i a , 22 Jun-12 J u l ; road
a n d r a i l s e c u r i t y i n t h e P o l o t s k a r e a , 13-18 J u l ;
a d v a n c e to and c a p t u r e of N o v o s o k o l n i k i , 19-25 J u l ;
a t t a c k , capture, and securing of Velikiyp L u k i , 26
J u l - 2 7 A u q , and Toropets, 28 A u q - 3 Sep; defense of the
l a K e area n o r t h o f t h e A n d r e a p o l , Peno, a n d S e l i z h a r o v o
l i n e , 4 Sep-5 N o v ; a t t a c k on a n d c a p t u r e of
S e l i z h a r o v o , 6-ft N o v ; a n d t h e d e f e n s e o f t h e T i k h v i n a ,
S e l i z h a r o v k a , and V o l g i R i v e r s sectors, 9 N o v - 3 Dec
1941. A register of o f f i c e r s and a c a s u a l t y r e p o r t . An
a c t i v i t y report of the personnel b r a n c h , 11 A p r - 2 Dec
la, A n l a g e n z u m KTB3. Orders and maps p e r t a i n i n g to 1941/04/10-1941/06/21 253.ID 22495/2 1755 931


the? t r a n s f e r f r o m F r a n c e t o A l l e n s t e i n ( O l s z t y n ) ,
O s t e r o d e (Ostroda) , and M o h r u n g e n (lorag) ; m o v e m e n t to,
q u a r t e r i n g , and t r a i n i n g i n t h e Preussisch H o l l a n d
(Palek) and Bormditt (Orneta) , Eischofstein
( B i s z t y n e k ) , Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warminski) , G u t t s t a d t
( D a b r e M i a s t o ) , G e r d a u e n (Zheleznodoroz hny) ,
Bartenstein (Eartoszyce) f Rastenburg (Ketrzyn) ,
A n q a l b u r g (Wegorzewo) , and Goldap areas; m o v e m e n t to
t h a L i t h u a n i a border a n d E y d t k a u area. Special
directives concerning march and t r a f f i c control, air
r a i d p r o t e c t i o n , a n d i n t e l l i g e n c e service. R e p o r t s o n
e n s m y o p e r a t i o n s a n d losses.
la, Anlagen z u m KTB 3. O r d e r s , messages, a n d m a p s 1941/06/22-1941/07/07 2 5 3 . ID 2 2 4 9 5 / 3 1755 1138
p e r t a i n i n g to the crossing of the L i t h u a n i a n border in
t h a V i s t y t i s a n d K y b a r t a i areas a n d a d v a n c e , m o p p i n g - u p
action, and offensive engagements in the Mari jampole,
Kaunas, Kaisiadorys, Paberze, Moletai, K o l t y n i a n y , and
Z a n o s h ' y e areas o f L i t h u a n i a a n d i n t h e V i d z y a r e a o f
R u s s i a . R e p o r t s o n e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s a n d losses.
l a , A n l a g e n zum KTB 3. O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , and m a p s 1 9 4 1 / 0 7 /J8- 194 1 / O B / 0 2 253.10 22495/4 17to 1
p e r t a i n i n g t o t h e a d v a n c e f r o m P e r e b r o d ' y e across t h e
D v i n a R i v e r t o Drissa, 8-12 J u l , s e c u r i n g t h e r o a d t o
P o l o t s k a n d t h e r a i l r o a d line P o l o t s k - I d r i tsa r 13-18
7nT_ b a t t l e across t h e H s h c h a F i v e r in t h e
T u r k i - P e r e v o z area, advance to Nevel, and attack and
c a p t u r e o f N o v o s o k o l n i k ie 2 2 - 2 5 J u l , a n d V e l i k i y e L u k i , -
2 6 J u l - 2 A u g 1941. A f t e r a c t i o n r e p o r t s c o n c e r n i n g t h e
b a t t l e i n t h e rjshcha R i v e r sector, 2 1 J u l , a n d f o r
Velikiye Luki, 27 Jul-2 A u g . Reports on enemy
o p e r a t i o n s and losses.
la, A n l a g e n zum KTB 3. Orders, reports, and maps 1941/08/03-1941/09/03 253.10 2 2 4 9 5 / 5 175b 229
p e r t a i n i n g t o t h e a t t a c k o n V e l i k i y e L u k i , crossing t h e
L o v a t R i v e r , 3-11 A u g , t h e c o n t a i n m e n t a n d e n c i r c l e m e n t
o f e n e m y forces i n V e l i k i y e L u k i , o p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t
p a r t i s a n s in the area b e t w e e n N ovosok ol n i k i and


V e l i k i y e L u k i , 13-24 A u q , a n d s e c u r i n g V e l i k i y e L u k i ,
25-27 A u q , and the a d v a n c e to t h e Toropets a r e a , 28
A u g - 3 Sep 1941. A status report, intelligence
b u l l e t i n s , a n d r e p o r t s o n e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s a n d losses.
la, A n l a q e n 7. urn K T R 3. O r d e r s , roessaqes, and m a p s 1941/09/33-1941/10/11 253.ID 22495/6 1756 440
p e r t a i n i n q to defensive, operations and the advance from
T o r o p e t s t o t h e L a k e s O t o l o v o a n d L u c h a n s k o y e areas v i a
L a t c e s L o b n o a n d B o y n o , D u b n o , D u d i n o , Lakes O k h v a t a n d
Z d b o l o t ' y e , and N o v a y a Perevoloka; orders reqardinq
increase of i n f a n t r y m o b i l i t y and the combat strenqth
of c o m p a n i e s ; and reports on e n e m y operations and
l a , A n l a q e n z u m K T B 3 . O r d e r s , messaqes, a n d m a p s 1941/10/12-1941/11/08 253.ID 22495/7 1 756 639
p e r t a i n i n q to movement to and defensive enqaqements in
t n e L a k e s V s e l u q a n d G l u b o k o y e a r e a s , 12-17 Oct,
c r o s s i n q of the Volqa R i v e r n e a r S e l i z h a r o v o , 18-24
Oct, d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s in the L a k e Volqo a r e a , 25
Oct-5 N o v , and the attack on Selizharovo, 6-8 Nov
1941. R e p o r t s on e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s and losses.
la, A n l a q e n z u m K T B 3 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messaqes, a n d 1941/11/32-1941/12/02 253.ID 22495/8 1756 795
m a p s p e r t a i n i n q to the d e f e n s e of the s o u t h e r n shore of
L a k e V o l q o a n d t h e T i k h v i n a , S e l i z h a r o v k a , a n d Volqa
R i v e r s sectors in the S e l i z h a r o v o area; a report on the
d i v i s i o n ' s a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s , 2 2 J u n - 2 5 N o v 1941; a n
a t ' t e r a c t i o n r e p o r t c o n c e r n i n q the a t t a c k on
S e l i z h a r o v o , 6-8 Nov 1 9 4 1 ; and r e p o r t s on e n e m y
o p e r a t i o n s and losses.
la, KTri 4 . War -journal ~oncerninq defensive operations 1941/12/04-1942/1)4/13 253.ID 27625/1 1756 912
in the area s o u t h e a s t of L a k e V o l q o and east of the
V o l q a R i v e r and S e l i z h a r o v o , 3-15 Dec; d i s e n q a q e m e n t to
and d e f e n s e of the area s o u t h of L a k e V o l q o ,
S e l i z h a r o v o , and beyond the V o l q a R i v e r , 16 Dec 1941-12
J a n 1 9 4 2 , a n d t o t h e M o l o d o i T u d p o s i t i o n , 13-23 J a n ;
and movement to and defensive operations north and
s o u t h o f t h e O l e n i n o - M o s t o v a y a r a i l r o a d line, 2 4 J a n - 1 3
Apr 19U2.


l a , A n l a g e n z u m K T B 4 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d 1941/ 1 2 / 3 4 - 1 9 4 2 / 0 1 / 1 3 253. I D 2 7 6 2 5 / 2 1757 1

m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e area
s o u t h e a s t of L a k e V o l g o and east of t h e Volga F i v e r and
Selizharovo; and disengagement to and defense of the
area south of Lake Volgo, Selizharovo, and beyond the
Volga R i v e r , Casualty and strength reports; an
a f t e r a c t i o n report concerning the c o m b a t action of the
division, 9-22 Jan 1 9 4 2 ; and reports on enemy
o p e r a t i o n s and losses.
la, A u l a g e n z u m K T B 4 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d 1942/01/13-1942/01/10 253.13 2 7 6 2 5 / 3 1 757 236
maps p e r t a i n i n g to preparations for and disengagement
m o v e m e n t t o t h e Molodoi T u d p o s i t i o n , 1 3 - 2 3 J a n , a n d
d e f e n s e of the F o s t o v a y a area n o r t h of the
Olenino-Nelidovo railroad line, 24-31 J a n ; reports
r e g a r d i n g e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s , losses, a n d u n i t
i d a n t i f i c a t i o n ; and strength reports.
l a , A n l a g e n z u r a K T B 4 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d 1942/02/01-1942/03/03 253. I D 2 7 6 2 5 / 4 1757 323
maps p e r t a i n i n g to movement to, defensive engagements,
and o p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s i n t h e Spas Eereza a n d
G l u K h o v o areas s o u t h w e s t of O l e n i n o , 1-21 Feb, and
movement to and defensive operations in the Mostovaya
a r e a n o r t h w e s t of O l e n i n o , 22 Feb-3 Mar 1 9 4 2 ; s t r e n g t h
5; a f t e r a c t i o n r e p o r t s
K a r p o v o , 16-24 Fob, a n d defense a g a i n s t R u s s i a n t a n k
a t t a c k s on K a r p o v o , 3 rtar 1 9 4 2 ; and reports on e n e m y
operations, losses, a n d u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n .
la, A n l a g e n zura K T B 4, O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d 1942/03/34-1942/04/13 253.TD 27625/5 1757 652
m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e area
n o r t h a n d south of the Mostovaya-Olenino railroad line
and a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y ; o r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s ; a n d
s t r e n g t h a n d s t a t u s reports.
Ic, I B m i t A n l a g e n . A c t i v i t y r e p o r t c o n c e r n i n g e n e m y 1941/12/33-1942/34/13 253.ID 27625/6 1757 837
operations and unit i d e n t i f i c a t i o n , control of the
c i v i l i a n p o p u l a t i o n , c o u n t e r i n t e l l i g p n c e , a n d troop


entertainment and indoctrination; maps showing the

location of Russian units f a c i n q the division; and
t r a n s l a t i o n s o f R u s s i a n c o m b a t orders a n d reports.
la, K T B 5 . W a r j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g d e f e n s i v e a n d 1942/04/14-1942/12/31 253.TD 30512/1 1757 850
assault operations in t h e L i p o v k a , Kholmets, K h m e l e v k a ,
T r s b e s k i , Sely, a n d T u d o v k a R i v e r areas n o r t h a n d
northwest of Olenino and preparations for and execution
of U n t e r n e h m e n Nordpol ( f e i n t attacks in the western
sector of the n o r t h e r n f r o n t of AOK 9 in the d i r e c t i o n
of O s t a s h k o v , 26 Oct-25 Nov 1 9 4 2 ) .
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 5 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d 1 9 4 2 / 0 4 / 13 - 1 9 4 2 / 0 6 / 3 0 253.ID 30512/2 1758
m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e a n d assault o p e r a t i o n s i n
tha L i p o v k a , Kholmets, K h m e l e v k a , Trebeski, and Tudovka
R i v e r areas n o r t h a n d n o r t h w e s t o f O l e n i n o a n d
r e D r g a n i z a t i o n of the 253.ID, 24-31 lay;
o r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s ; s t r e n g t h a n d s t a t u s reports;
m a p s s h o w i n g t h e t a c t i c a l d i s p o s i t i o n o f e n e m y forces
f a c i n g the division; and an intelligence bulletin.
la, A n l a g e n z u r n KTB 5 . O r d e r s , reports, messages, a n d 1942/07/3 1-1942/07/31 253.TD 30512/3 1758 193
maps pertaining to defensive and assault operations in
t h a area n o r t h and northwest of Olenino and the
a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d c o n t r o l o f t h e d i v i s i o n ' s r e a r area
n o r t h o f t h e Obsha R i v e r ; s t r e n g t h a n d status r e p o r t s ;
t r a i n i n g directives; and reports on enemy operations.
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 5 . O r d e r s , reports, messages, a n d 1942/08/3 1-1942/08/31 253.ID 30512/4 1758 374
maps pertaining to defensive and assault operations,
b a t t l e conduct, t h e f o r m a t i o n o f reconnaissance u n i t s ,
and the decision to e m p l o y s t r o n g p o i n t s i n s t e a d of
d e f e n s i v e positions in the area n o r t h and n o r t h w e s t of
O l a n i n o and s e c u r i t y of the d i v i s i o n s rear area n o r t h
of t h e O b s h a R i v e r . S t r e n g t h arid s t a t u s r e p o r t s , a n
i n t e l l i g e n c e b u l l e t i n , a n d reports r e g a r d i n g e n e m y
operations and unit identification and strength.
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 5 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d 1942/09/01-1942/09/30 253.ID 30512/5 1753 5'48
maps pertaining to defensive and assault operations,


partisan activity, battle conduct, and training in the

area north and northwest of Olenino. Order-of-battle
cnarts, status and strength reports, an intelligence
b u l l e t i n , and a map showing the location of enemy u n i t s
f a c i n g the 2 5 3 . I D , 10 Sep 1 9 4 2 .
l a , A n l a g e n z u m K T B 5 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d 1942/10/3 1 - 1 9 4 2 / 1 0 / 3 1 253.10 30512/6 1 758 754
maps p e r t a i n i n g to defensive and assault operations in
the aiea n o r t h and n o r t h w e s t of Olenino and
preparations for Unternehmen Nordpol. Order-of-battic
c h i r t s , s t r e n g t h a n d s t a t u s r e p o r t s , a f t e r a c t i o n report
anl critigue w i t h maps concerning the assignment of IR
473 to the area n o r t h o f R z h e v , 12 S e p - 2 3 Oct 1 9 4 2 , and
reports on enemy operations.
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 5 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d 1942/11/01-1942/11/30 253.ID 30512/7 1759
maps pertaining to defensive and assault operations,
a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y , road m a i n t e n a n c e , and execution of
U n t e r n e h m e n N o r d p o l i n t h e area n o r t h a n d n o r t h w e s t o f
Olenino. Order-of-battle charts; status, strength, and
c a s u a l t y reports; a f t e r a c t i o n r e p o r t s c o n c e r n i n g e n e m y
penetration and the division's sealing-off action in
t h e P a n i k l y a R i v e r sector, 25-27 N o v ; a n d r e p o r t s o n
enemy operations and unit identification.
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 5 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d 1 9 4 2 / 1 2 / 3 1- 1 9 4 2 / 1 2 / 3 1 253.TD 30512/8 1759 253
maps pertaining to defensive and assault operations,
construction of w i n t e r positions, and r e g r o u p i n g in the
area n o r t h and northwest of Olenino. Order-of-battle
c h a r t , s t r e n g t h a n d s t a t u s reports, a n a f t e r a c t i o n
c r i t i q u e r e l a t i n g t o t h e d e f e n s i v e b a t t l e , 2 5 Nov-9 D e c
1942, a n d r e p o r t s r e g a r d i n g e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s a n d u n i t
la, K T B d e r b e w e g l i c h e n 3 r u p p e S c h m i d t . W a r - j o u r n a l 1941/05/16-1941/07/02 2 5 3 . I D 36940 1 759 438
concerning formation of Bewegliche Gruppe Schmidt,
c o n s i s t i n g of bicycle c o m p a n i e s , 16 l a y - 1 7 Jun 1941,
a s s e m b l y in the G o l d a p area, 18-20 J u n , i n v a s i o n of
L i t h u a n i a near V i r b a l i s , offensive engagements in


Lithuania in the Marijampole, Kaunas, Karmelava,

Kaisiadorys, and Paberze areas, 22 J u n - 2 Jul, and
d i s b a n d m e n t , 2 J u l 19U1. A list of o f f i c e r s d u t y
a s s i g n m e n t s a n d c a s u a l t y a n d s t r e n g t h reports.
la, K T B 6 . War journal concerning defensive and 1943/01/0 1-1943/06/30 2 5 3 . I D 38874/1 1759 511
a s s a u l t o p e r a t i o n s in the area n o r t h and n o r t h w e s t of
' J l a n i n o , 1 J a n - 2 4 Feb, the B u e f f e l b e w e g u n g
( d i s e n g a g e m e n t m o v e m e n t s to the B e l a y a R i v e r sector
n o r t h o f N i k i t i n k a , 2 5 Feb-6 M a r ) , c o n s t r u c t i o n o f
B u ^ f f e l s t e l l u n g e n , disengagement to northeast of
Y a r t s e v o in the Vop R i v e r sector, 7-31 M a r ,
c o n s t r u c t i o n and d e f e n s e of B a r b a r o s s a s t e l l u n g e n ,
d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s in the Vop R i v e r sector (west of
t h e Vopets R i v e r a n d east o f t h e Tsarevich P i v e r ) ,
r e h a b i l i t a t i o n , and p l a n n e d w i t h d r a w a l to west of the
Vop R i v e r , 9 J u l . An a c t i v i t y report of the personnel
orarich, 1 J a n - 3 0 Jun 1943, and a register of o f f i c e r s .
la, A n l a g e n zuin KTB 6. O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, and 1943/01/01- 1 9 4 3 / 0 1 / J 1 253.ID 38874/2 1759 738
m a p s pertainincj to defensive and assault operations,
r ^ a d m a i n t e n a n c e , c o n s t r u c t i o n of rear positions,
operations against partisans, f o r m a t i o n of alert u n i t s ,
and t r a i n i n g in the area n o r t h and northwest of
3 l a n i u o . S t r e n g t h a n d s t a t u s reports, combat
d i r e c t i v e s , a m a p s h o w i n g the location of e n e m y u n i t s
t a c i n g the 2 5 3 . I D , 6 Jan 1943, intelligence b u l l e t i n s ,
a n d reports on enemy o p e r a t i o n s .
la, A n l a g e n z u m KTB 6 . O r d e r s , reports, messages, a n d 1 94 3 / 0 2 / ) 1-1 9 4 3 / 3 2 / 2 0 253.ID 38874/3 1759 916
n a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e operations a n d r e g r o u p i n g
in the area n o r t h and n o r t h w e s t of O l e n i n o ,
p r e p a r a t i o n s a n d a m a p exercise f o r t h e B u e f f e l b e w e g u n r j
( d i s e n g a g e m e n t m o v e m e n t to the Obsha R i v e r sector,
14-20 F e b ) ; special d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n g signal
c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , r o a d c o n s t r u c t i o n , t r a f f i c control, a n d
t h e a s s i g n m e n t of engineers; and reports on e n e m y


la, A i i l a g e n z u m K T B 6 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d 1 9 4 3 / 0 2 / 2 1- 131*3/3.3/06 253. ID 38874/4 1760 1

maps pertaining to assault operations in the K o m a r y
a u d B a b a y e v o areas n o r t h w e s t of O l e n i n o , e x e c u t i o n of
t h a Bueff elbewegung, and disengagement movements to
w e s t of O l e n i n o , t o t h e Obsha R i v e r p o s i t i o n , a n d t o
t h e B e l a y a R i v e r sector n o r t h o f N i k i t i n k a , 6 M a r 1 9 U 3 ;
a n d s t r e n g t h a n d s t a t u s reports.
la, A n l a q e n z u m K T B 6 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d 1943/03/07-1943/33/23 253.ID 38874/5 17oO 130
m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o a s s e m b l y i n t h e K h o l m area a n d
disengagement movement to Panfilovo via Tgoryevskaya,
N o v i k i , D r o n o v k a , a n d T i m o s h i n o a n d a t t h e same t i m e
a s s e m b l y i n t h e l a r k i n o area a n d d i s e n g a g e m e n t m o v e m e n t
to O z e r i s h c h e v i a K r u t i t s y , K u r b a t o v o , Y e r s k i , a n d
S h a m o v a , 8-17 f l a r , a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d d e f e n s e o f t h e
B u a f f e l s t e l l u n g i n t h e area n o r t h o f Y a r t s e v o , 18-23
M a c ; a n d s t a t u s reports.
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 6 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d 1943/03/24-1943/04/22 253. ID 38874/6 372
maps p e r t a i n i n g to the construction and defense of the
B u a f f e l s t e l l u n g i n t h e V o p R i v e r sector n o r t h e a s t o f
Y a r t s e v o , 24-31 M a r , a n d t h e B a r b a r o s s a s t e l l u n g east o f
t h a V o p R i v e r i n t h e H a c h u l ' n i k i a n d V y s h e g o r areas,
2-22 A p r , a n d t r a i n i n g , r e g r o u p i n g , a n d r e o r g a n i z a t i o n
of the division. Order-of-battle charts, s t r e n g t h and
s t a t u s reports? 3 n - a f t e r B c t i o n r e p o r t c o n c e r n i r g
assault operations of Sren.Rgt. 473 in the Kovshiki
a r a a , 4 A p r , a map s h o w i n g the location of e n e n y u n i t s
f a c i n g the 253.ID, an intelligence b u l l e t i n , and
reports on enemy operations and u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n .
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B 6 . Orders, r e p o r t s , messages, a n d 1943/04/23-1J43/36/03 253.ID 38874/7 17b3 579
maps pertaining to defensive operations and t r a i n i n g in
tha V o p R i v e r sector n o r t h e a s t of Y a r t s e v o , relief of
t h e 1 2 9 . I D ( w h i c h increased t h e d i v i s i o n sector t o
i n c l u d e the area to L u k s h i n a west of the V o p e t s R i v e r ) ,
d e f e n s e o f t h e e n l a r g e d a r e a , 2 5 A p r - 3 1 M a y ,a n d t h e
relief of the division by the 36.ID for r e h a b i l i t a t i o n
128 253. I N F A N T E R I E - D I V I S I O N


and t L a i n i n q , 1-3 J u n . Order-of-ba ttlo charts, status

reports, afteraction reports and a critique r e l a t i n g to
R u s s i a n assault o p e r a t i o n s , a m a p s h o w i n g t h e l o c a t i o n
of e n e m y u n i t s f a c i n g the 253.ID, and reports on enemy
la, A n l a g e n ? u m KTD 6 . O r d e r s , reports, messages, a n d 19U3/06/JU-1943/06/30 253.11) 3 B 8 7 U / 8 932
maps pertaining to defensive operations, offensive
e n g a g e m e n t s , r e g r o u p i n g , a n d t r a i n i n g east o f t h e
Tsarevich River and along the Vop River in the
P r i s e l ' y e , N o v o s e l * y e a n ^ O z e r i s h c h e areas a n d p l a n n e d
w i t h d r a w a l f r o m t h e f r o n t t o west o f t h e V o p R i v e r , 9
J u l ; a n d r e p o r t s c o n c e r n i n g e n e m y assault o p e r a t i o n s .

1939/03/00 Lingen, Wehrkreis VI Activation of 254.ID (4.Welle) by

conversion of 254.LdwD,
formation, training

1939/09/01 Lingen Operational readiness

(source: Potsdam catalog)

1939/09/05 Grevenbroich, Bedburg, Goch, Movement,

Geilenkirchen, Geldern training
1939/10/13 Goch, Cleves, Emmerich Border security, training
(source: situation maps Lage West)
C.O.: Gen.Lt. Walter Behschnitt, 1940/04/30-1942/03/23
1940/05/10 Grave, Netherlands Invasion,
Hertogenbosch, Breda offensive engagements

1940/05/18 Antwerp, Brussels, Ath, Advance,

Renaix, Menin, Belgium offensive engagements

1940/05/30 Dunkirk, France Battle for

1940/06/05 Calais, Boulogne, Etaples, Berck, Offensive engagements,

Saint-Valery-sur-Somme, coastal defense,
Abbeville, Rue, Samer, Montreuil occupation duty

1941/04/05 Preussisch Stargard (Starogard), Transfer,

Dirschau (Tczew), Poland occupation duty, training

1941/05/13 Wormditt (Orneta) Movement, preparations for Subordinate to: AK 38, 1941/05/04-1941/07/03
the invasion of Russia

1941/06/17 Insterburg (Chernyakhovsk) Assembly

1941/06/22 Taurage, Kelme, Seduva, Birzai, Invasion,

Pasvalys, Lithuania offensive engagements

1941/07/05 Plavinas, Jaunjelgava, Velena, Advance, AOK 18 (Armeereserve), 1941/07/04-1941/07/14

Vecpiebalga, Ape, Latvia offensive engagements AK 26, 1941/07/15-1941/08/14
Aseri, Jogeva, Paide, Tapa,
Kunde, Viljandi, Estonia

1941/08/12 Sonda, Reval (Tallinn) Mopping-up action, security AK 42, 1941/08/15-1941/08/31

1941/09/09 Narva-Joesuu, Estonia, Movement, AOK 18, 1941/09/01-1941/09/14

Kingisepp, Krasnoye Selo, Russia defensive operations AK 26, 1941/09/15-1941/09/16
Mga, Glazhevo, Volkhov River, AK 38, 1941/09/16-1941/09/28
Kirishi, Chudovo, Lyuban AK 39 Pz, 1941/09/29-1941/10/12
AK 1, 1941/10/12-1942/10/20
1942/04/01 Babino, Apraksin Bor, Chervino, Movement, C.O.: Gen.Lt. Friedrich Koechling, 1942/04/10-1943/08/15
Finev Lug, Krivino, Rogavka, defensive operations, Subordinate to: AK 38, 1942/10/20-1943/01/14
Spasskaya Polist1 position defense
1943/01/09 Chudovo to Demyansk pocket, Transfer, Gruppe Hoehne (AK 2), 1943/01/15-1943/02/26
Olkhovets, Zdrinoga, Fedorovo regrouping, defensive operations
1943/02/24 Pustoshka, Lyadiny, Soltsy Disengagement movements AK 10, 1943/02/26-1943/03/08

1943/03/09 Gatchina, Krasnoye Selo, Movement, AOK 18, 1943/03/09-1943/03/14

Krasny Bor, Izhora River position defense AK 50, 1943/03/14-1943/03/21
1943/07/23 Mga AK 54, 1943/03/21-1943/07/31
Records of the 254.ID are reproduced on rolls 1761-1767 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history.
Although no records of this division were available in the National Archives for 1940/10/01-1941/06/09 (situation maps of Lage West and Ost
were used covering that period), or after 1943/07/31, records of OKH/AHA, H37/85 (MR 1303), the general officer personnel files, and situation
maps of Lage Ost show:
1943/08/01 Mga Position defense C.O.: Gen.Lt. Alfred Thielmann, 1943/08/15-1944/03/21, and
1944/01/01 Vinnitsa Transfer to the southern sector 1944/04/20-1944/12/18
1944/01/11 Lipovets, Ilintsy, Nemirov Defensive operations
1944/03/16 Dzhurin, Bar, Olkhovets Disengagement movements
1944/03/24 Borshchev, Chortkov, Buchach Redesignation as Kpf.Gr. 254
1944/05/02 Monastyriska Reorganization as 254.ID, disengagement movements
1944/07/16 Podgaitsy, Vybranovka, Stry Movement, defensive operations
1944/07/29 Sambor, Russia, Redesignation as Kpf.Gr. 254,
Ustrzyki Dolne, Poland movement, defensive operations
1944/08/12 Sanok, Rymanow, Dukla, Reorganization as 254.ID
Snina, Slovakia movement, defensive operations
1944/10/30 Vysna, Radvan, Presov, Budimir, Movement, defensive operations
Bidovce, Gelnica, Levoca Gen.Maj. Richard Schmidt, 1944/12/18-1945/03/01
1945/01/29 Strehlen (Strzelin), Withdrawal, defense
Lower Silesia
1945/03/01- Schweidnitz, Ziegenhals Withdrawal,
1945/04/17 (Glucholazy) defensive operations
l a , < T B 2 , H ? f t 1, Drders, reports, and maps 1940/02/36-1940/J5/2"? 254.TO W6368/4
p a c t a i n i n g t o r e g r o u p i n g , t r a i n i n g , border s e c u r i t y ,
a n d p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r t h e i n v a s i o n o f th<= N e t h e r l a n d s
a n i B e l g i u m in the Goch, Cleves, and Emmerich areas,
b - 2 1 Feb 1940; and the i n v a s i o n of the N e t h e r l a n d s , 10
l a / , and advance and offensive engagements in ftrave,
H a r t o g e n b o s c h , a n d B r e d a , 11-17 M a y , a n d i n t h e
A n t w e r p , Brussels, A t h , F e n a i x , a n d M e n i n areas o f
B e l g i u m , 18-27 M a y 1943. S p e c i a l d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n g
s u p p l y , signal communications, use of engineers, and
reconnaissance (damaged by fire).
l a , A n l a g e n z u m K T B2 , H e f t 3 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , a n d 1 9 4 0 / 0 7 / 3 9 - 13 '4 3 / 3 9 / 3 0 1 751 235
m a p s p e r t a i n i n g t o coastal defense, occupation d u t y ,
c a g c o u p i n a , and contact between i n f a n t r y and artillery
in the Boulogne, Etaples, Berck,
S a l n t- V a l e r y - s u r - S o m m e , A b b e v i l l e , R u e , 3 u t r s a u , S a t n e r ,
a n d M o n t r e u i l areas ( n o r e c o r d s a v a i l a b l e f o r t h e
p a r i o i 1 Oct 1940-9 J u i 1 9 4 1 ) . O r d e r - o f - b a t t i e c h a r t s .
la, A n l a g e n zum KTB2. Conscript of d a i l y radio 1940/05/1 0 - 1 9 4 0 / J 5/2 6 2 5 4 . in W M 6 3 / 7 327
Ic, TB. Activity report concerning enemy operations in 1940/05/10- 1940/06/16 2 5 4 o T P <i6B63/9 1 73 1 596
t n 3 N e t h e r l a n d s f r o m S r a v e t o B r e d a , 10-17 M a y , i n
f r o m A n t w e r p t o Y p r e s , 18-29 F a y , a n d i n F r a n c e
T\ .,* \, 1 ~-\s ^ ^ ^ -. t ., ,,
I_/UIII\J.I.A. ci i_ rm j u 11 , Co. j. a IS ,
B o u l o g n e , a n d E t a p l e s a r e a s , 5-16 J u n 1 Q 4 0 .
Ic, \ n l a g e n b a n d I zum TB. Orders, reports, and maps 1940/03/18- 1 9 4 0 / 3 7 / 0 4 254. TO 17 Si 5
p e r t a i n i n g to the tactical disposition of enemy forces
in t n e Netherlands, B e l g i u m , and France before and
l u r i n g the western c a m p a i g n ; division and enemy
o p a r a t i o n s ; surrender negotiations with the Belgian
A r n e i Forces, 2 8 - 2 9 M a y ; t h e b a t t l e f o r D u n k i r k ,
France, 30 May-4 Jun; and advance, offensive
e n g a g e m e n t s , a n d o c c u p a t i o n o f t h e F r e n c h coast i n t h ?
C a l a i s , B o u l o g n e , a n d E t a p l e s a r e a s , 5 J u n - 4 J u l 1940.
I c , \ n l a g e n b a n d TI z u m T B . O K W b u l l e t i n s c i t i n g 1940/04/31-1940/0b/16 254.TO W6368/12 1731 334


i n f o r m a t i o n on the m i l i t a r y situation and reports on

t r o o p recreation.
la, X T 3 4 , Toil T . Q u a r t e r i n g a n d t r a i n i n a i n t h e 194 1 / 0 6 / 1 3 - 1 3 4 1 / 1 0 / 2 5 254.10 21100/1 1 !'> 1 371
rfornditt (Orneta) area, 10-16 J a n ; a s s e m b l y i n t h e
I n s t e u b u r g ( C h e r n y a k h o / s k ) a r e a , 17-21 J u n ; i n v a s i o n of
L i t h u a n i a , 22 J u n , and offensive engagements in the
r a u r a q c , Kelme, S e d u v ^ , Pasvalys, and Rirzai areas, 23
J u n - 4 J'll, i n t h e J ^ k a b p i l s , J a u n i e l g a v a , P l a v i n a s ,
V e ^ p i a b a l q a , V e l e n a , a n d A p e a r e a s o f L a t v i a , 5-12
J u l , and in the Voru, V i l - j a n d i , Jogeva, Paide, Tapa,
< u a i a , and Aseri a r e a ^ of E s t o n i a , 13 J u l - 1 1 A ug;
m o / a m e n t t o a n d m o p p i n g - u p a c t i o n and s e c u r i t y a c t i v i t y
in t h a Sonda and Peval ( T a l l i n n ) areas of E s t o n i a , 12
A u g - 8 Sep; m o v e m e n t t o K r a s n o y e Solo, R u s s i a , d e f e n s i v e
o p 3 r a t i o n s ; a n d m o v e m e n t t o t h e M g a a r e a , 2 6 Sep-25 Oct
1941. A r e g i s t e r of o f f i c e r s a n d c a s u a l t y and s t r e n g t h
l a , K I B U , Teil T T . W a r - j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g d e f e n s i v e 1941/10/26-1941/12/23 254.ID 2 1 1 0 0 / ? 1 751 999
o p e r a t i o n s in the Mga, G l a z h e v o , and Podsol*ye areas
south of Lake Ladoga aad along the Volkhov River.
la, K T 3 4, Teil I T T . War - j o u r n a l concerning movement 1941/12/24-1942/34/02 ?54.T:> 21100/3
to a n i d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s a n d r e g r o u p i n g i n t h e
K i c l s h i , Chudovo, and L y u b a n areas in the V o l k h o v Fiver
sector south of Lake L a d o g a .
l a , A b h a n d l u n q u ^ b e r d i e K a e m p f e urn d e n W o l c h o w - K e s s e 1 . 1942/01/24-1942/05/21 7 5 4 . T D 21158
A f t e r a c t i o n reports concerning the battles in the
V o l k h o v River Docket.
I ~ , PB. A c t i v i t y report c o n c e r n i n q enemy operations, 79055 43 J
losses, a n d u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n i n t h e V o l k h o v R i v e r
sector and troop e n t e r t a i n m e n t ; interrogation
s u a n a r i e s ; a n d maps s h o w i n g t h e l o c a t i o n o f e n e m v u n i t s
f a - i n g the 254.TD.
la, K T B 5. War journal concerning defensive and 194?/04/D1-19'42/12/31 2 5 4 . TH 3 4 1 5 U / 1 4S2
a s s a u l t o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e B a b i n o , A p r a k s i n Bor,
C h s r v i n o , Finev L u g , a n d K r i v i n o areas, 1 Apr-31 H a y ,

and in th Pogavka area, 1-30 Jun; position defense in

th2 Spasskaya Polist 1 area, 1 J u l - 3 1 Dec; and planned
mD/e:nept of Gren.Rgt. '474 to Griqorovo, 2 Jan 1943.
R e p o r t s on enemy operations, a reqister of officprs,
ind casualty and strength reports.
la, ^ n l a q p n b a n d 1 zu:n KT3 5. Daily roports concernina 1-1-942/J 1 7b2
d e f e n s i v e operations, training, and th^ f o r m a t i o n of
? r u p p ? K'oechlina (consistinq of elements of the 254. TD
and the 291. ID) , 25 Anr; daily intelligence reports
re.jardina pn^mv operations; and strenqth and status
r e pD u t s .
la, ^nlaqonhand 2 zura KTB c>. Daily reports concernirq
defensive and assault operations and d a ^ l y intelliqence
reports reaardina enemy operations.
[a, A n l a g e n h a n d 3 ZMTI KTB 5 . D a i l y reports concerning '47
iefansive operations and the d i s b a n d m e n t of Gruppe
K D 3 3 h l i n g , 2 Jnr 1942, overlays showinq the tactical
disposition of the division, and daily intelliqence
reports regarding enemv op^r^ t i or s.
la, A n l a g e n b a n d U zum KT3 5. Daily reports concernina 1 9 U 2/06/1 1- 1942/,) 7/2 2 > 5 U . T!^ 3 49 54 /S 1 7 -> 4
defensive, and assault operations ar.d construction of
positions, training directives, status reports, a map
showina the tactical disposition of the division, d a i l y
intelligence reports regarding enemy operations, and
interrogation summaries.
la, A n l d g e n b a n d *> zum KTB 5. D a i l y reports concerninq 1942/07/23-1142/08/31
defensive operations, preparations for the winter, and
3ngin9P.r activity; status reports; maps showing the
tactical disposition of the division; daily
incali igence reports regarding enemy operations; and
int erroaation summaries.
Ea, Anldqenba-nd 6 zu<n KTB 5. Daily reports concerning 19U2/09/) 1- 1 3 4 2 / 1 0 / 3 1 2 5 4 . t[) 34954/7 1 735
defensive, operations, regrouping, construction of
winter positions, engiieer activities, and the
formation of alert units; order-of- batt le charts;


status reports; training directives; maps and overlays

s h o w i n g the tactical disposition of the division; daily
intelligence reports regarding enemy operations; and
interrogation summaries.
la, Anlagenband 7 zum KTB 5. Daily reports concerning 1942/11/31-1942/12/30 2 5 4 . I D 34954/8 1 756
defensive operations, fortifying Spasskaya Polist 1 ,
training, and engineer activity; status reports; maps
showing the tactical disposition of the division; an
appraisal of the enemy military situation; reports on
enemy operations; and interrogation summaries.
Ic, TB zum KTR 5. A c t i v i t y reports concerning enemy 1942/04/3 1-1942/12/31 254.ID 34954/9 1 75fa 314
operations, losses, unit identification and strength,
probable intentions, the tactical situation, control of
tha civilian population in rear areas, operations
against partisans, counterintelligence, and troop
indoctrination and entertainment. Maps and overlays
showing the location of enemy units facing the 254.ID
anl interrogation summaries.
ta, KTB 6. War -journal concerning defensive operations 1943/01/31-1343/37/31 254.ID 37991/1 393
in the Spasskaya Polist 1 area, 1-8 Jan, movement from
Chuiovo to the Demyansk pocket, 9-14 Jan, relief of the
225.ID, 15 Jan, and its attachment to the 254.ID,
defensive engagements in the Olkhovets, Zdrinoga, and
Sa/kino areas, 16 Jan-23 Feb, disengagement movements
to Lyadiny via Fedorovo and Pustoshka, 24 Feb-2 Mar,
m o v e m e n t to and entraining at Utorgosh and Soltsy, 3-8
Mar, arrival at Gatchina 9-14 Mar, movement to and
position defense in tha Krasnoye Selo, Krasny Bor, and
Izhora River areas, 14 Mar-22 Jul, and movement to and
defense of the fga area, 23-31 Jul 1943. A register of
officers and casualty reports.
la, Anlagenband 1 zum KTB 6. Daily reports and 1943/01/31-1943/31/31 254.ID 37991/2 1766 722
messages concerning movements, defensive operations,
anl construction of positions; order-of-battle charts;
status reports; maps and overlays showing the tactical


disposition of the division; and reports on enemy

la, A n l a g e n b a n d 2 z u m K T B 6 . D a i l y reports and 1 9 4 3 / 0 2 / D 1- 1 9 4 3 / 3 2 / 2 8 254.ID 37991/3 17:>7
messages pertaining to d e f e n s i v e operations and
p r e p a r a t i o n s for and execution of (Jnternehraen Ziethen
(disengagement from the Demyansk pocket),
o r i e r - o f - b a t t l e charts, s t a t u s reports, special
directives concerning s u p p l y , afteraction reports, maps
ani overlays showing the tactical disposition of the
division, and reports on enemy operations.
la, A n l a g e n b a n d 3 z u m K T B 6 . D a i l y reports and 19U3/03/J1-1^43/04/30 254.IH 37991/U 342
messages p e r t a i n i n g to the t r a n s f e r to the L e n i n g r a d
f r D i i t , position defense, r e g r o u p i n g , t r a i n i n g , combat
experience, c o n s t r u c t i o n of positions, and f o r m a t i o n of
alert units; order-of-battle charts; status reports;
maps and overlays showing the tactical disposition of
tha division; an a f t e r a c t i o n c r i t i q u e r e l a t i n g to the
c l o s i n g of a R u s s i a n p e n e t r a t i o n in the sector b e t w e e n
tha 58. and 254.TD, 12-13 A p r ; and reports on enemy
la, A n l a g e n b a n d 4 z u m K T B 6 . Daily reports and 1943/05/D1-1943/06/30 254o 10 37991/5 71
messages p e r t a i n i n g to position defense on the
Leningrad front, training, regrouping, formation of and
mission of centers of resistance ( W i d e r s t a n d s z e n t r u m ) ,
t r a t f i c control ,officecs, and construction of
positions. O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s ; s t a t u s reports;
a f t e r a c t i o n reports concerning an assault operation of
S r a n . r t g t . 474, 22 J u n , and an enemy attack on that
regiment, 22-23 M a y ; m a p s s h o w i n g the tactical
d i s p o s i t i o n of the d i v i s i o n ; appraisal of the enemy
m i l i t a r y s i t u a t i o n ; and reports on enemy operations.
l a , A n l a g e n b a n d 5 zutn K T B 6 . Daily reports concerning 1943/07/J1-1J43/07/31 37991/6
position defense on the Leningrad f r o n t , training,
r e g r o u p i n g , construction of positions and roads, and
r e l i e f o f t h e 58.10 a n d p a r t o t i t s sector, 2 3 - 2 4 J u l .
136 25U. I N F A N T E K I E - D I V I S I O N


3r.ler-of-batt 1^ charts, status reports, maps showinq

tha tactical disposition of the division, and Leports
on 9nemy operations.
Ic, TB init Anlaqen. A c t i v i t y reports concerninq enemy 19U3/01/15-1943/06/30 799 1/7 1757 1227
operations, losses, unit identification, probable
intantions, and tactical situation; German propaganda:
ani troop entertainment and indoctrination. Appraisals
of the enemy military situation in the Demyansk and
Leainqrad areas and south of Lake Ilmen; and maps and
overlays showinq the location of enemy units facing the

1939/03/00 Loebau, Wehrkreis IV Activation of 255.ID (4.Welle) by

conversion of 255.LdwD,
formation, training

1939/08/26 Loebau Operational readiness Subordinate to: Wehrersatz-Inspektion Leipzig u. Dresden,

1939/09/01 Prague, Milovice, Brandys Transfer, Wehrm.Bev. in Boehmen u. Maehren, 1939/09/01-1939/11/30
nad Labem, Czechoslovakia training C.O.: Gen.Lt. Wilhelm Wetsel, 1939/09/01-1942/01/12

1939/12/01 Bautzen, Dresden, Saxony Movement, training Subordinate to: Wehrkreiskommando IV, 1939/12/01-1940/03/07

1940/03/07 Iserlohn, Dortmund, Westphalia Movement, preparations for the AK 9, 1940/03/08-1940/05/09

invasion of the Netherlands

1940/05/09 Krefeld, Duelken Assembly AOK 6, 1940/05/10-1940/05/12

AK 11, 1940/05/12-1940/06/02
1940/05/11 Roermond, Weert, Netherlands, Invasion,
Bree, Dyle River, Aarschot, advance,
Brussels, Oudenaarde, Waregem, offensive engagements
Dixmude, Roulers, Belgium

1940/05/31 Tourcoing, Saint-Amand, Cambrai, Advance, AK 28, 1940/06/03-1940/06/10

Saint-Quentin, Laon, Soissons, offensive engagements AOK 9, 1940/06/11-1940/06/14
Chateau-Thiefiy, Corbel 1, AOK 6, 1940/06/15-1940/06/17
Etampes, Vendome, France AOK 18, 1940/06/18-1940/07/02
1940/06/23 Saumur, Tours, Blois, Niort, Movement,
Parthenay occupation duty

1940/07/18 lies d'Yeu and de'Noirmoutier, Movement, coastal defense, AOK 7, 1940/07/02-1940/07/05
Les Sables-d'Olonne, Croix-de- occupation duty, AK 40, 1940/07/06-1940/07/07
Vie, Saint-Gilles-sur-Vie, regrouping AK 6, 1940/07/08-1940/07/23
La Roche-sur-Yon, Fontenay-le-Comte AK 2, 1940/07/24-1940/07/25
AK 6, 1940/07/26-1941/02/28
1941/03/03 Breslau, Silesia, Transfer^ AK 9, 1941/03/03-1941/04/21
Schweidnitz, Waldenburg, Vyskov quartering, training

1941/04/23 Kreuzburg, Radom, Poland Movement, training AK 13, 1941/04/21-1941/05/01


1941/05/26 Pulawy, Wlodawa, Bug River, Movement, border security, AK 12, 1941/05/02-1941/06/04
Parczew, Lubien preparations for invasion of Russia AK 24 mot, 1941/06/04-1941/06/26

1941/06/22 Wlodawa, Kobrin, Pruzhany, Invasion, . AOK 4, 1941/06/26-1941/07/04

Slonim, Baranovichi, Bobruisk offensive engagements AK 53, 1941/07/04-1941/08/27
AOK 4, 1941/08/27-1941/08/31
1941/07/13 Rogachev, Zhlobin, Dnieper River Defensive operations, security

1941/08/19 Gadilovichi, Cherikov, Krichev, Advance, AOK 9, 1941/08/31-1941/09/03

Mstislavl, Khislavichi, offensive engagements
Smolensk, Dukhovshchina

1941/09/04 Koprovshchina north of Yartsevo, Movement, defensive operations AK 8, 1941/09/03-1941/09/29

1941/10/09 Levino, Bely, Movement, AK 27, 1941/09/29-1941/10/11

Smolensk, Yartsevo, Dukhovshchina, area security AOK 9, 1941/10/12-1941/11/09
Sychevka, Gzhatsk, Vyazma, Bfh.rueckw.HGeb. Mitte, 1941/11/10-1941/11/30
Rzhev, Dorogobuzh AOK 9 (HGr-Reserve), 1941/12/01-1941/12/04

1941/12/09 Ruza, Volokolamsk, Ruza- Movement, defensive operations, PzAOK 4 (HGr-Reserve), 1941/12/05-1941/12/12
Moskva River, Mozhaisk operations against partisans

1941/12/31 Iznoski, Gzhatsk, Yukhnov, Disengagement, AK 7, 1941/12/13-1942/01/13

Temkino defensive operations C.O.: Gen.Lt. Walter Poppe, 1942/01/12-1943/10/12,
and 1943/11/04-1943/11/15
1942/02/28 Ugryumovskiye Vyselki, Valukhovo, Defensive operations, Subordinate to: AK 9, 1942/01/14-1942/01/18
Ivanovskoye, Berezki, Vorya security, training, PzAOK 4, 1942/01/18-1942/01/20
and Ugra Rivers, Bocharovo regrouping AK 20, 1942/01/20-1942/01/26
Kampfgruppe Seeger (292.ID), 1942/01/27-1942/02/05
1943/02/16 Konotop, Boromlya, Psel, Transfer to the southern sector, AK 20, 1942/02/06
Vorskla, and Pena Rivers, defensive and assault operations, 20.PzD, 1942/02/07-1942/02/17
Trostyanets, Rakitnoye Unternehmen Zitadelle AK 20, 1942/02/18-1942/02/25
Gruppe Thoma (20.PzD), 1942/02/26-1942/05/08
1943/07/23 Graivoron, Disengagement movements, AK 20, 1942/05/09-1943/02/01
1943/08/05 Golovchina, break through the encirclement, AOK 4, 1943/02/01-1943/02/27
Akhtyrka, Lebedin, Oposhnya, defensive operations AOK 2, 1943/02/27-1943/02/28
Gadyach, Psel River merging with the 332.ID AK 7 (Armeereserve) , 1943/02/28-1943/03/03
Korps Rothkirch, 1943/03/03-1943/03/11
1943/09/08 Gadyach Disbandment, assignment of combat AK 52, 1943/03/11-1943/04/02
units to the 57. and 112.ID, AK 7, 1943/04/03-1943/04/06
reorganization of 255.ID Div.Stab AK 52, 1943/04/07-1943/09/08
and remnants PzAOK 4, 1943/09/08-1943/10/28

1943/09/26 Kiev, Dymer, Dnieper River Movement, operations against partisans,

Radomyshl, Lenino, Irpen, securing river crossing,
Fastov, Ros River, Vasirkov construction of defensive positions
Mironovka, Karapyshi
1943/12/12 Volchinets, Berdichev to Transfer of the Div.Stab C.O.: Obst. Werner Lange, 1943/10/12-1943/11/03
1943/12/12 Radom, Poland to Transfer of remnants of the
Bordeaux, Motteville, France 255. and 332.ID

1944/01/13 Shepetovka, Russia Abwicklungsstab 255.ID remained

Records of the 255.ID are reproduced on rolls 1768-1794 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history.
The Potsdam catalog, the general officer personnel files, and records of OKH/GenStdH/Org.Abt., HI/38 (T78, roll 398, page 202), and
OKH/AHA, H37/86 (MR 1304), were also used for the unit history.
Manuscripts in the Foreign Military Studies series, prepared by former German officers for the Historical Division, Headquarters U.S,
Army, Europe, between 1945 and 1959, contain references to the 255.ID as follows:
Advance into Russia, Jun-Nov 1941: MS D-183 (Operations of the 255th Infantry Division in Russia);
Temkino: MS D-184 (Winter campaign of the 255th Infantry Division east and south of Temkino, mid-December 1941 to April 1942); and
Operation Zitadelle: MS D-336 (Teilnahme der 255.ID an der Kursk Offensive Juli-August 1943 mit anschliessendem Ausbrechen aus
einem Kessel auf Achtyrka), by Gen.Lt. Walter Poppe.


E d , K T B , Teil 1 . W a r j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g o p e r a t i o n a l 1939/08/26-1940/05/12 255. ID ' 4 4 0 0 4 1763 1

reidiness of the division in the Loebau area, Kehrkreis
IV, 2 6 - 3 1 A u g , m o v e m e n t t o t h e P r o t e c t o r a t e o f B o h e m i a
a n i M o r a v i a , 1 - 2 Sep, t r a i n i n g i n t h e P r a g u e , M i l o v i c e ,
a n i B r a n d y s nad Labem areas, 3 Sep-30 Nov, movement to
S a x o n y , 1 - 7 Dec, t r a i n i n g i n t h e B a u t z e n a n d Dresden
a i e a s , 8 Dec 1939-6 Mar 1 9 4 0 , m o v e m e n t to W e s t p h a l i a ,
7-18 M a r , t r a i n i n g a n d p r e p a r a t i o n s f o r F a l l Gelb
(invasion of the Motherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg)
in t h e I s e r l o h n a n d D o r t m u n d areas, 9 ?3ar-B M a y ,
a s s e m b l y i n t h e K r e f e l d a n d D u e l k e n a r e a s , 9-10 M a y ,
and i n v a s i o n o f t h e N e t h e r l a n d s i n t h e R o e r m o n d a n d
H e a r t a r e a s , 11-12 M a y 1940.
l a , A n l a g e n b a n d I I z u m K T B , Teil 1 . O r d e r s r e l a t i n g t o 1940/04/1 5 - 1 9 4 0 / 0 4 / 2 6 255.ID W4004b 17S3
p r e p a r a t i o n s for Fall 3 e l b and lists of code n a m e s of
division units.
La, K I B , Teil 2 . A d v a n c e into B e l g i u m n e a r Bree, 1 3 1940/05/12-1940/06/23 255.TO WUOOUc 17S8 174
N a y , o f f e n s i v e e n g a g e m e n t s a n d c a p t u r e o f t h e Dyle
R i v 3 i : p o s i t i o n i n t h e A a r s c h o t a r e a , 15-17 K a y , a d v a n c e
t o B r u s s e l s , 13-20 M a y , o f f e n s i v e e n g a g e m e n t s a n d
c r o s s i n g t h e Scheldt R i v e r i n t h e O u d e n a a r d e a r e a , t h e
L y s R i v e r a t W a r e g e m , a n d t h e Yser R i v e r a t Dixmude,
a d v a n c e f r o m Poulers, B e l g i u m , to Tourcoing, France, 31
[1ay-3 J u n , a n d o f f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e
S a i n t - A i n a n d , C a m b r a i , S a i n t - Q u e nt in, L a o n , Soissons,
C n a t e a u - T h i e r r y , C o r b e i l , E t a m p e s , a n d V e n d o m e areas,
4 - 2 3 Jun 1940: a b r i e f s u m m a r y of the d i v i s i o n s
a c t i v i t i e s , 26 Aug 1 9 3 9 - 2 3 Jun 1940; a list of
ofticers d u t y assignments; casualty and strength
reports; and afteraction reports a n d c r i t i g u e s o n
c o a b a t a c t i o n s o f t h e 2 5 5 . I D d u r i n g t h e western
l a , / U i l a g e n b a n d I z u m K T B , Teil 2 . O r d e r s a n d m a p s 1940/05/10-1940/06/23 255.10 M U O O U d 1768 770
p e r t a i n i n g to a s s e m b l y a l o n g the D u t c h border west of
D u a l k e n , and advance a n d offensive engagements through


tha N e t h e r l a n d s , Belgium, and i n t o France to the

V e n d o r a e area,
l a , A n l a g e n b a n d II z u m K T B , Teil 2, F e r n q e s p r a e c h e . 194 0/05 /1 3 - 1 9 4 0 / 0 6 / 2 2 255. ID W 4 0 0 4 e 1739 1
T r a n s c r i p t of d a i l y telephone conversations of the
division during the western campaign.
I c , IB, T e i l I u. I I . A c t i v i t y reports concerning 1939/08/25-1940/06/23 755.10 6 8 0 2 d 1739 130
f o r m a t i o n o f t h e d i v i s i o n i n t h e L e i p z i a area, t r a n s f e r
tD t h e P r o t e c t o r a t e o f B o h e m i a a n d M o r a v i a , r e t u r n t o
S a x o n y , m o v e m e n t t o t h e I s e r l o h n area o f W e s t p h a l i a ,
assembly, invasion of the Netherlands, movements
t h r D u g h B e l g i u m a n d t o t h e V e n d o m e area o f F r a n c e , a n d
troop indoctrination. Reports pertaining to the
a t t i t u d e , c o n d u c t , a n d m o r a l e o f t h e Czech p o p u l a t i o n
ani German propaganda pamphlets relating to the
P r o t e c t o r a t e of Bohemia and Moravia,
la, K T B , Teil 3 ; I c , I l a , T B . W a r j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g 1940/06/23-1941/02/28 255.TD S299/1 1769 193
m o v e m e n t t o a n d o c c u p a t i o n d u t y i n t h e S a u m u r , Tours,
Blois, N i o r t , a n d P a r t h e n a y areas, 2 3 J u n - 2 4 J u l ;
relief of the 12.ID; coastal and air raid defense and
occupation duty on the lies d ' Y e u a n d d e N o i r m o u t i e r
and in the Les S a b l e s - d ' O l o n n e , C r o i x - d e - V i e ,
Saint-Gilles-sur-Vie, La Roche-sur-Yon, and
F o n t e n a y - l e - C o m t e a r e a s , 25 Jul 1 9 4 0 - 2 8 Feb 1 9 4 1 ; and
the planned relief by the 8 1 - I D and transfer of the
2 5 5 . I D to the east, 3 Mar 1941. S t r e n g t h r e p o r t s ,
o r i e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s , lists o f o f f i c e r s d u t y
a s s i g n m e n t s , reqisters of o f f i c e r s , a c t i v i t y reports of
tha intelligence and personnel branches, 24 Jun
1 9 4 0 - 2 8 F e b 1941, a n d r e p o r t s o n t h e a t t i t u d e a n d
m o r a l e of the French p o p u l a t i o n and on
counter intelligence a c t i v i t y ,
la, A n l a q e n z u m K T B , Teil 3 , B e f e h l e I . Orders a n d 1940/06/23-1940/10/20 255. I D 8 2 9 9 / 2 17o9 558
m e s s a g e s p e r t a i n i n g to the c o n t r o l of p r i s o n e r s of w a r ,
tha civilian population, and captured materiel;
d d . n i n i s t r a t i v e a c t i v i t y i n t h e Loire a n d C h e r R i v e r s


sector, 23 Jun-6 Jul; movement to the Niort and

Parthenay areas, 6-10 Jal; relief of the 12.ID, 18-24
Jul; and movement to and reqroupinq in, coastal defense
of, and occupation duty in the Vendee Department, 25
Jul-20 Oct 1940. Special directives on supply and rear
la, Anlagen zum KTB, Teil 3, Befehle II. Orders and 1940/10/2 1 - 1 9 4 1 / 0 3 / 1 B ?55. ID 3 2 9 9 / 3 1770
messages pertaining to coastal and air raid defense,
occupation duty, alerts, and training in the Vendee
Department, 21 Oct 1940-27 Feb 19U1; the planned relief
by the 81.ID, 28 Feb-3 Mar 19U1; and transfer of the
division to the east. An afteraction critique relating
to coastal defense and special directives concerning
signal communications.
la, IB, Teil 4. Transfer from Les Sables-d'Olonne, 1941/03/31-1941/05/31 255.TO 9870/1 1770 445
Prince, to Breslau, Silesia, 3-7 Mar; quartering and
triining in the Waldenburq and Schweidnitz areas and in
tha Truppenuebungsplatz Wischau (Vyskov),
Czechoslovakia, 8 Mar-23 A p r ; movement to and training
in the Truppenuebungsplatz Mitte and Radom, 23 Apr-25
day; and movement to and border security in Wlodawa on
the Bug River, Parczew, and Lubien west of Brest, 26-31
May 1941. An order-of-battle chart; strength reports;
lists of officers duty assignments; activity reports of
the intelligence and personnel branches, 1 Mar-31 May
1941; and a report regarding the attitude, conduct, and
morale of the Polish population, 14 May 1941.
la, Anlagen zum KTB, Teil 4. Orders, messages, and 1941/03/3 1 - 1 9 4 1 / 3 4 / 2 3 255.ID 9870/2 1770 579
maps pertaining to the transfer from France to Silesia
and quartering and training in the Waldenburg and
Schweidnitz areas of Silesia and at Truppenuebungsplatz
Wischau (Vyskov) in Czechoslovakia; and special
directives concerning supply and rear services.
la, Anlagen zum KTB, Teil 4, Befehle. Orders, 1941/04/23-1941/06/05 255.TD 9870/3 1771
messages, and maps pertaining to training in the

Iruppenuebungsplatz Hitte and Radom, 23 Apr-25 May, and

movement to, training, and border security in the
d l o i a w a , Parczew, and Lubien areas, 26 May-5 Jun 1^41;
and special d i r e c t i v e s concerninq n u p n l y a n d rear
t a , K T B , Teil 5 . War journal and orders pertaining to 19U1/06/D1-1941/36/21 255.10 123U6/1 1771 536
t r a i n i n g , border security, control of the civilian
p o a u l a t i o n , and p r e p a r a t i o n s for Operation Barbarossa
( i n v a s i o n of R u s s i a ) and F a l l B e r t a ( d e f e n s e in case of
a ttussian a t t a c k ) ; t r a i n i n g directives; order-of-battle
c n i L t s ; strength reports; lists of officers d u t y
a s s i g n m e n t s ; and special d i r e c t i v e s concerning s u p p l y ,
s i g n a l communications, reconnaissance, and preparations
for the attack.
I c , I B , T e i l V . A c t i v i t y r e p o r t c o n c e r n i n g m o v e m e n t to 1 91*1/06/) 1- 1 9 4 1 / 0 6 / 2 1 2 5 5 . I D 12146/2 1771 993
t h a W l o d a w a area v i a P u l a w y , e n e m y m i l i t a r y s i t u a t i o n ,
control and evacuation of the c i v i l i a n population,
border security, reconnaissance and counter intelliqence
a c t i v i t y , and troop e n t e r t a i n m e n t and i n d o c t r i n a t i o n .
l a , K T B , Teil 6 . War journal concerning the invasion 1941/06/22-1341/10/03 255.TO 17609/1 1772
of R u s s i a n e a r W l o d a w a , 2 2 - 2 3 J u n ; a d v a n c e t o a n d
offensive engagements in Kobrin, P r u z h a n y , Slonim,
Baranovichi, Slutsk, and Bobruisk, 24 Jun-12 Jul;
m o v e m e n t t o a n d d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e area
between Rogachev and Z h l o b i n , 13 Jul-10 A u g ; occupation
of a n d s e c u r i n g Z h l o b i n a n d crossing t h e D n i e p e r R i v e r ,
11-18 A u g ; a d v a n c e t o a n d o f f e n s i v e e n g a g e m e n t s i n t h e
Ciadilovichi, Cherikov, Krichev, Mstislavl, Khislavichi,
S m o l e n s k , a n d D u k h o v s h c h i n a areas, 1 9 A u q - 4 Sep;
d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s in the a r e a n o r t h of Y a r t s e v o , U
Sep-7 Oct; a n d p l a n n e d m o v e m e n t t o t h e L e v i n o area
s o u t h of B e l y , 8 Oct 1941.
l a , K T B , Teil 6 ( Z w e i t s c h r i f t ) . 1941/06/22-1941/10/08 255.ID 17609/2 1773 1
l a , A n l a g e n z u r n K T B , Teil 6 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , 1941/06/18-1941/37/13 255.ID 17609/3 1773 539
messages, and maps pertaining to preparations for the


i n v a s i o n o f R u s s i a , c r o s s i n g t h e B u g R i v e r near
W l o d a w a , advance and offensive engagements in Kobrin,
P r u z h a n y , Bereza K a r t u s k a y a , Slonim, Baranovichi,
S l u t s k , a n d B o b r u i s k , crossing t h e P t i c h F i v e r near
Solon and the Berezina River at Bobruisk, 24 Jun-12
J u l , a n d a d v a n c e t o w a r d t h e Dnieper R i v e r t o t h e
Z h L o b i n a n d R o g a c h e v a r e a , 1 3 J u l 1941.
3 r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s , s t a t u s reports, special
directives concerning engineers, a f t e r a c t i o n reports
r e g a r d i n g c o m b a t a c t i o n o f I n f . R g t . 4 6 5 a n d 4 7 5 , 22-28
Jun, intelligence bulletins, and reports on enemy
o p e r a t i o n s and losses.
l a , A a l a g e n z u m K T B , Teil 6 . O r d e r s , messages, m a p s , 1941/07/13-1941/07/25 255.ID 17609/4 1 774
and o v e r l a y s p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e
R o g a c h e v a n d Z h l o b i n areas, 13-24 J u l , a n d a t t a c k o n
t h e e n e m y west o f t h e D n i e p e r a n d P r u t R i v e r s .
Orier-of-battle charts; afteraction reports concerning
t h e d e f e n s i v e b a t t l e i n t h e R o g a c h e v a n d ? , h l o b i n areas,
13-19 J u l , and AOK 2 c o m b a t a c t i o n d u r i n g the
Roqachev-Gomel battle; and intelligence bulletins.
la, A n l a g e n zura K T B , Teil 6. Orders, messages, maps, 1941/07/25-1941/08/16 255.ID 17609/5 1774 416
and o v e r l a y s p e r t a i n i n g t o d e f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e
D n i e p e r , D r u t , a n d O l a R i v e r s sector, 2 5 J u l - 1 0 A u g ,
a d v a n c e t o a n d o c c u p a t i o n o f Z h l o b i n , 11-14 A u g , a n d
c r j s s i n g the Dnieper R i v e r , 16 Aug 1 9 4 1 ;
o r i e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s ; a list of passwords for A u g u s t ;
an a f t e r a c t i o n c r i t i g u e r e l a t i n g t o d e f e n s i v e
engagements; afteraction reports concerning the combat
a c t i o n o f I n f . R g t . 475, 3-14 A u g ; special d i r e c t i v e s
r e g a r d i n g s i g n a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n s ; and i n t e l l i g e n c e
l a , A i i l a g e n z u m K T B , Teil 6 . O r d e r s , messages, a n d 1941/08/16-1941/J9/04 2 5 5 . I D 17609/6 1 774 31 3
maps pertaining to securing Zhlobin and mopping-up
a c t i o n east of Z h l o b i n , 16-18 A u g , and a d v a n c e to and
o f f e n s i v e engagements in Gadilovichi, Dovsk, Cherikov,
255. I N F A N T F R I E - D I VISION


K r i " h e v , Mstislavl, Khislavichi, Smolensk, and

D u k h o v s h c h i n a , 1 9 A u g - 4 Sep; o r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s ; a n
a f t e r a c t i o n c r i t i q u e r e l a t i n g t o t h e a t t a c k across t h e
D n i e p e r R i v e r , 12-17 A u g ; a n d i n t e l l i g e n c e b u l l e t i n s .
l a , A n l a g e n z u m K T B , Teil 6 . O r d e r s , messages, 194 1/09/)4- 1 9 4 1 / 0 9 / 2 5 255.ID 17609/7 177-3
repDrts, and maps p e r t a i n i n g to defensive operations in
tha F o m i n a , K h o l m , and Skachkova areas north of
Yartsevo; status reports; and intelligence bulletins.
l a , A n l a g e n z u m K T B , Teil 6 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , 1941/09/25- 1941/10/OH 255.ID 17609/R 1 775 432
messages, and maps p e r t a i n i n g to o f f e n s i v e and
d e f e n s i v e operations in thp K o p r o v s h c h i n a area n o r t h of
Y a r t s e v o , 2 5 Sep-7 O c t , a n d p l a n n e d m o v e m e n t t o t h e
L e v i n o area s o u t h o f B e l y ; o r d e r - o f - b a t t i e c h a r t s ;
coibat and ration s t r e n g t h reports; an afteraction
c r i t i q u e relating t o t h e eastern c a m p a i g n ; special
directives concerning a i r reconnaissance and signal
communications; and intelligence bulletins.
lc, IB z u m K T B , Teil 6 . Activity report concerning 194 1 / 0 6 / 2 2 - 1 9 4 1 / 1 0/J-J 255.ID 17609/13 1775 73b
e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s , lossas, a n d u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n a n d
division casualties d u r i n g the advance in the central
sector o f t h e e a s t e r n f r o n t .
I c , A n l a g e n z u m TB. R e p o r t s r e g a r d i n g e n e m y a r t i l l e r y 1941/06/22-1941/1D/OS 255.ID 17609/14 1775 753
s i t u a t i o n , German and enemy propaganda, partisan
a c t i v i t y , a s s i g n m e n t o f m i l i t a r y police a n d
i n t e r p r e t e r s , and troop e n t e r t a i n m e n t ; maps showing the
tactical disposition of enemy forces; and i n t e r r o g a t i o n
l a , K T B , Teil 7 . War j o u r n a l concerning movement to 1941/10/39-1942/34/30 255. ID 2 5 3 3 7 / 1 1776
t h e L e v i n o area s o u t h o f B e l y , 9-11 O c t , s e c u r i t y
a c t i v i t y i n t h e area d e f i n e d b y S m o l e n s k , Y a r t s e v o ,
Dukhovshchina, Bely, Sychevka, Gzhatsk, Vyazma,
Z a p a d n a y a D v i n a , P z h e v , a n d D o r o g o b u z h , 1 1 Oct-8 Dec;
movement to and defensive engagements and operations
a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s i n t h e R u z a - M o s k v a R i v e r s sector a n d
M o z h a i s k a r e a , 9-31 D e c ; d i s e n g a g e m e n t m o v e m e n t t o a n d


d e f e n s e o f t h e area s o u t h w e s t o f G z h a t s k a n d northeast
o f Y u k h n o v , 3 1 ^ec 1 9 4 1 - 2 7 Feb 1 9 4 2 ; a n d d e f e n s i v e
o p e r a t i o n s in the V o r y a R i v e r s e c t o r r 28 Feb-30 A p r
l a , ^ n l a q o n z u m K T B , Teil 7 . Orders, reports, and 1941/10/39-1941/11/08 255.ID 25337/2 1777
messages p e r t a i n i n q to m o p p i n g - u p action, operations
a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s , r a i l a n d road s e c u r i t y , t r a f f i c
c o n t r o l , supervision of p r i s o n e r - o f - w a r collection
p o i n t s , s a l v a q i n g b o o t y a n d e c o n o m i c qoods, a n d c o n t r o l
of t h e c i v i l i a n p o p u l a t i o n i n t h e area d e f i n e d b y
Smolensk, Yartsevo, D u k h o v s h c h i n a , Bely, Sychevka,
J z h a t s k , Vyazma, and Doroqobuzh.
l a , A n l a q o n z u m K T R , Teil 7 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , 1941/11/08-1941/12/08 255.ID 25337/3 177rf
messages, and maps pertaininq to operations aqainst
p a r t i s a n s , t r a f f i c control, road and rail security,
c o n t r o l of the c i v i l i a n p o p u l a t i o n , s u p e r v i s i o n of
p r i s o r i e r - o f - w a r collection p o i n t s , s a l v a q i n g b o o t y a n d
e c o n o m i c qoods i n t h e a r e a d e f i n e d b y Y a r t s e v o ,
Z a p a d n a y a Dvina, Rzhev, Vyazma, and Doroqobuzh, and
p l a n n e d m o v e m e n t t o t h e L a k e T r o s t e n s k o y e area
n o r t h e a s t of R u z a , 3 Dec 1941.
la, A n l a q e n z u m K T B , Teil 7 . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , 1941/12/08-1941/12/31 255.ID 25337/4 177d 533
messages, and maps pertainina to movement to the Ruza
a n i V o l o k o l a m s k a r e a s , 8-12 Dec, d e f e n s i v e e n q a q e r a e n t s
and operations aqainst partisans in the R u z a and Moskva
R i v e r s sector, 13-29 D a e , o c c u p a t i o n a n d d e f e n s e o f t h e
a o z h d i s k p o s i t i o n , 3 0 - 3 1 Dec, a n d p l a n n e d d i s e n g a g e m e n t
m o v e m e n t t o t h e area e a s t o f G z h a t s k ; s t a t u s a n d
s t r e n g t h reports; and an a f t e r a c t i o n report concerning
a c o u n t e r a t t a c k in the G o r b o v o a r e a , 14 Dec 1941.
la, A n l a q e n z u m K T D , T e i l 7 . Orders, reports, 1941/12/31-1942/31/31 255.ID 25337/5 1779
messages, and maps p e r t a i n i n q to disengaqement movement
a n l d e f e n s e o f t h e I z n o s k i area s o u t h e a s t o f G z h a t s k
and northeast of Y u k h n o v ; order-of-battle charts; and
s p e c i a l d i r e c t i v e s c o n c e r n i n g road m a i n t e n a n c e a n d


la, Anlagen zum KTB, Teil 7. Orders, reports, 1942/01/31-1942/02/27 255.ID 25337/6 1 730 1
messages, and maps pertaining to disengagement movement
to and defense of the Iznoski area southeast of Gzhatsk
and northeast of Yukhnov; order-of-battle charts; and
spacial directives concerning road maintenance and
la, Anlagen zum KTB, Teil 7. Orders, reports, 1942/02/28- 1942/03/30 2 5 5 . in 2 5 3 3 7 / 7 1730 437
messages, and maps pertaining to defensive and
reconnaissance operations, regrouping, construction of
shelters, preparations for the thaw period, and
training along the Vorya River in the Ugryumovskiye
Vyselki, Ivanovskoye, V a l u k h o v o , and Berezki areas;
status reports; and a list of officers duty
la, Anlagen zum KTB, Teil 7. Orders, reports, 1 9 4 2 / 0 4 / 3 1- 1 9 4 2 / 0 4 / 3 0 255.ID 25337/8 1730 932
messages, and maps pertaining to defensive operations,
reqroupinq, construction of positions, and training
along the Vorya River in the Berezki, V a l u k h o v o , and
Zhaltukhino areas; status reports; and special
directives concerning supply and traffic control on the
h i g h w a y Smolensk-Gzhatsk,
la, Anlagen z ura KTB, Teil 7. Status reports. 1939/11/08-1*42/04/30 255.ID 25337/10 1731 1
la, Anlagen zum KTB, Teil 7. Combat and ration 1941/10/J9-1942/04/30 255.TD 25337/11 1731 1 44
strength reports.
la, Anlage zum KTB, Teil 7, KTB der Gruppe Brendel. 1942/03/05-1942/04/2 3 255.ID 75337/12 1 73 1 251
War journal concerning formation of Gruppe Brendel
under the command of H d u p t m a n n Brendel to offset the
increased reconnaissance activity of the Russians along
tha Vorya River in the Ivanovskoye area, redesignation
as Gruppe Pisse under the c o m m a n d of Hauptmann Risse
with the same mission, 4 Apr, and disbandment on 23 Apr
Ic, Tb. Activity report concerning enemy operations, 1941/10/J8-1942/04/JO 2 5 3 3 7 / 1 3 333
losses, and unit identification, control of the
1U8 255. I N F A N T E R I E - D I V I S I O N


civilian population, administration of prisoners of

war, salvaqinq booty, operations aqainst partisans, and
troDp entertainment.
Ic, Anlaqenband zum TB. Reports reqardinq partisan 194 1 / 1 0 / 1 8 - 1 9 4 2 / 0 4 / 2 5 255.ID 25337/14 347
activity, control of the civilian population,
counterintelliqence activity, and operations aqainst
partisans; division information and intelliqence
bulletins; maps showinq the location of enemy units
facinq the 255.ID; and interroqation summaries.
la, Anlagen zurn KTD, Teil 7. Order-of-battle charts. 1941/10/09- 1942/04/01 255.ID 25337/16 17d1 '43 1
la, KTB, Teil 8. War -journal concerning defensive, 1942/05/D 1-1J42/09/20 255.ID 25610/1 17*1 4'4 7
reconnaissance, and assault operations, reqroupinq,
traininq, and operations aqainst partisans alonq the
Vorya River and in the area between the Vorya and Uqra
Ic, IB als Anlaqe zum KT3, Teil 8. Activity report 1942/05n 1-1942/09/30 255.ID 25610/3 1782
concerninq enemy operations, losses, unit
identification and strenqth, operations aqainst
partisans, counterintelliqence activity, and troop
la, Anlaqe zum KTB, Teil 8. Order-of-battle charts. 1942/05/31- 1 9 4 2 / 0 9 / 0 1 2 5 5 . I D 25610/4 1732 13
la, Anlaqe zum KTB, Teil 8. Combat and ration strenqth 1942/05/31-1942/09/30 255.ID 25610/5 1782 28
la, Anlaqen zum KTB, Teil 8. Orders, reports, 1942/05/01- 1 9 4 2 / 0 5 / 3 1 255.ID 25610/8 1732 39
messages, and maps pertaininq to defensive operations
along the Vorya River in the Ivanovskoye and Berezki
areas, 1-5 May; and movement to and relief of the
17.ID, defensive operations, reqroupinq, reorganization
as a two-regiment division, construction of positions,
road maintenance, security, and traininq in the Vorya
and Ugra Rivers sector, 5-31 May. Status and
afteraction reports.
la, Anlaqen zum KTB, Teil 8. Orders, reports, 1942/06/01-1942/06/30 255.ID 25610/9 1793
messages, and maps pertaining to defensive, assault,
ani reconnaissance operations, securing the division

sector, road maintenance, and training in the area

between the Ugra River and the Vorya Fiver; status
reports; and an afteraction critique relating to the
t h d w period and road maintenance.
Id, Anlagen zum KTB, TeiL 8. Orders, reports, 1 94 2/07 /3 1 - 1 942/0 7/3 1 255. ID 25610/10 1733 5S5
messages, maos, and overlays pertaining to defensive,
assault, and reconnaissance operations, securing and
administration of the division sector, road
construction, regrouping, and training in the area
between the Vorya and (Jgra Rivers; strength and status
reports; an order-of-ba ttle chart; special supply
directives; a war -journal of the
Pa rtisanenjagdkommando/ AK 20, 26 Ja n- 1 7 Jun 1942; an
afteraction renort regarding (Jnternehmen Knacker
(assault operation in the Berezki area, 29-30 Jun

la, Anlaqen zum KT3, Teil 8. Orders, reports, 1 94 2/OR A) 1- 1 942/08/3 1 255. ID 25610/11 1734 1
messages, and maps pertaining to defensive,
reconnaissance, and assault operations, artillery and
patrol activity, construction and preparation of
positions for fall arid winter, operations against
partisans, regrouping, and training along the Vorya
K i v e r in the Valukhovo, Berezki, and Ivanovskoye areas
and at the point of confluence of the TJgra and Vorya
Rivers; order-of- battle charts; strength and status
rsports; and lists of officers and noncommissioned
officers d u t y assignments.
la, Anlagen zura KTB, Teil 8. Orders, reports, 1 94 2/09 /J 1- 1 942/0 9/3 0 255. ID 25610/12 1734 739
messages, and maps pertaining to defensive,
reconnaissance, and assault operations, division and
e n a m y artillerv activity, fighting guality of
replacements, preparations for winter, operations
against partisans, regrouping, and training along the
Vorya Piver in the Valukhovo, Berezki, and Tvanovskoye
ar^as; order-of-hattle charts; status and strength


reports; special directives concerning supply of

aoounin ition and administrative plans given to town
headquarters; and afteraction reports regarding enemy
assault operations.
la, KTB, Teil 9. War -journal concerning defensive, 1942/10/D 1-1942/12/31 2 5 5 . I D 29366/1 1735
assault, and reconnaissance operations, construction of
positions, operations against partisans, regrouping,
and training in the Ugra and Vorya Rivers sector.
la, Anlagen zum KTd, Teil 9. Orders, reports, 1942/10/J 1-1942/10/31 255. ID 2 9 3 6 6 / 2 17S5 321
messages, and maps pertaining to defensive and assault
operations, construction of positions, ammunition on
hand, use of auxiliary volunteers, operations against
partisans, regrouping, and training along the Vorya
R i v e r in the Tvanovskoye, Valukhovo, Berezki, and
Bocharovo areas and at the point of confluence of the
Ugra and Vorya Rivers; an order-of-bat tie chart;
status and strength reports; lists of officers and
noncommissioned officers duty assignments; and
interrogation summaries.
la, Anlagen zum KTB, Teil 9. Orders, reports, 1942/11/3 1-1942/1 1/30 255.ID 29366/3 1 736
messages, and maps pertaining to defensive, assault,
ani reconnaissance operations, construction of
positions, use of auxiliary volunteers, ammunition on
h a n d , camouflage, regrouping, and training in the Ugra
and Vorya Rivers sector; an order-of-battle chart;
status and strength reports; list of officers and
noncommissioned officers duty assignments; and an
atteraction report regarding defense against a Russian
assault operation on 22 Nov 1942.
la, Anlagen zum KTB, Teil 9. Orders, reports, 1942/12/31-1942/12/31 255.10 2 9 3 6 6 / 4 1737
messages, and maps pertaining to defensive,
reconnaissance, and assault operations, construction of
positions, formation of alert units and a replacement
training battalion, division and enemy artillery
activity, ammunition allotments, and training in the
255. I N F A N T E R I E - D I V T S I O N 151

area between the Uqra a n d Vorva Rivers; s t a t u s and

s t r e n g t h r e p o r t s ; lists o f o f f i c e r s a n d n o n c o m m i s s i o n e d
officers duty assignments; and afteraction reports
concerning Russian assault operations.
l a , A n l a q e n ? u m K T B , Teil 9 . O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s . 1942/10/10-1942/12/10 2 5 5 . T O ;><n66/5 1737 736
la, A n l a g e n z u m K T B , Teil 9. C o m b a t a n d r a t i o n 1 9 4 2 / 1 0 / J 1- 1 9 4 2 / 1 2 / 2 4 255.ID 29^66/7
s t r e n g t h reports.
Ic, IB. Activity report concerning e n e m y operations, 1942/10/01- 191*2/12/31 29166/9 1737 31 1
u n i t identification, and partisan operations;
counter intelligence a c t i v i t y ; and troop e n t e r t a i n m e n t .
la, Bailage 1 zum K T R , Teil 9. D a i l y reports 1942/07/1 5- 1 9 U 2 / 1 2 / 3 0 255.ID J2272/1 17J7 319
c o n c e r n i n g o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e area b e t w e e n t h e U g r a a n d
V o r y a Rivers and combat and t r a i n i n g directives.
la, B a i l a g e 2 z u m K T B , T e i l 9 . O r d e r s , reports, and 19U2/06/19-1943/02/10 2 5 5 . ID 32272/2 1 733
maps p e r t a i n i n g to construction of f o r t i f i c a t i o n s ,
d e f e n s i v e positions, and strong points in the Vorya
a i v e r sector a n d a t t h e p o i n t o f c o n f l u e n c e o f t h e U g r ^
a n i V o r y a Fivers.
la, B e i l a g e 3 z u m K T B , T e i l 9 , " W i r t e r e i n s a t z " . 1942/08/08-19(43/31/24 255.IP 32272/3 153
D r i e r s , d i r e c t i v e s , r e p o r t s , a n d d u t y rosters o f
o f f i c e r s and noncommissioned officers concerning
f o r m a t i o n , t r a i n i n g , a n d reserve s t r e n g t h o f w i n t e r
mobile units.
la, Beilage 5 zum KTB, Teil 9, " B a n d e n b e k a e r c p f u n g " . 1942/07/07-1943/02/02 2 5 5 . ID 12272/5 274
Orders, directives, and reports p e r t a i n i n g to securing
of c o r p s a n d d i v i s i o n r e a r a r e a s , o p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t
p a r t i s a n s , patrol a c t i v i t y , and o r g a n i z a t i o n of the
F e l d g e n d a r m e r i e - D i e n s t a n d W i n t e r k o m p a n i e 255.
l a , B e i l a g e 4 z u m K T B , Teil 9 , " L e h r g a e n g e " . Reports 1942/08/39- 1942/12/30 255.ID 32272/4 1733 41 7
a n i o r d e r s c o n c e r n i n g m i l i t a r y courses o f i n s t r u c t i o n .
la, Beilage 6 zum KTB, Teil 9, "A l a r m - E i n h e i t e n " . 1942/09/28-1943/02/09 255.ID 32272/6 1 73d 535
Reports regarding organization, equipping, training,
a s s i g n m e n t , and a c t i v i t y of alert u n i t s and Streifen-
und. T r o s s k o m p a n i e n .
l a , B a i l a g e 7 z u m K T B , Teil 9 , " S t r a s s e n i n s t a n d h a l t u n g 1 942/05/21- 1943/02/12 255.10 3 2 2 7 2 / 7 173d b54


unl tfeqebau". Orders and reports concerninq road

maintenance and construction,
la, 33ilaqe 8 zura KTB, Tail 9, Akte "Kreml". Orders, 1 9U 2/06/1 1-19U2/37/1 S 255.ID 12272/8 1738 737
messages, and m a p s pertaining to preparations for and
execution of A k t e Kreml (attack, across the Vorya River
in the Bocharovo and Ivanovskoye areas and the planned
a d v a n c e to and offensive engagements in the Iznoski
area). (There is no indication that the letter part of
A k t e K r e m l was over carried out.) Special directives
concerning reconnaissance, assignment of engineer and
constL action troops, signal communications, and traffic
control; a map showing the location of enemy forces
facing the 255.ID, 8 Jul 19U2; and an intelligence
la, Bailage 9 ?um KTB, Teil 9, "Unternehmen Aeguator". 19U 2/12/35-19U3/3 1/1 0 255.TO 32272/9 1738 918
Orders, reports, and maps pertaining to the planned
Unternehmen Aeguator (feint attack in the Vyazishchi
and Zhetukhino areas) .
la, KTB, Teil 10. War -journal concerninq defensive, 1 94 3/0 1/3 1-19'43/03/3 1 255. ID 32272/10 1788 955
reconnaissance, and assault operations along the Vorya
R i v e r in the Tvanovskoye, Valukhovo, Berezki,
Bocharovo, and Nekrasovo areas, 1 Jan-15 Feb; transfer
to Konotop in the southern sector of the eastern front
vii Dorogobuzh, Yelnya, Roslavl, and Betlitsa, 16
Feb-13 Mar; movement to and attack across the Psel
R i v e r south of Sumy, 13-15 Mar; and advance to and
defensive and assault operations in the Lebedin and
Irostyanets areas, 15-31 Mar 1943.
la, Anlagenband 1 zum KTB, Teil 10. Orders, reports, 1943/01/31-1943/02/28 255.ID 32272/11 1739 1
messages, and maps pertaining to defensive,
reconnaissance, and assault operations, artillery
activity, ammunition on hand, construction of
positions, regrouping, and training along the Vorya
River in the Ivanovskoye, Valukhovo, Berezki,
Bocharovo, and Nekrasovo areas; and movement to Roslavl


and Betlitsa. An order-of-battle c h a r t , status and

s t r e n g t h r e p o r t s , list o f o f f i c e r s a n d n o n c o m m i s s i o n e d
o f f i c e r s d u t y assignments, a f t e r a c t i o n reports
r e g a r d i n g enemy assault operations, an a f t e r a c t i o n
c r i t i q u e r e l a t i n g to the alert exercise on 20 J a n , and
special directives concerninq supply troops and signal
l a , A n l a g e n b a n d 2 z u m K T B , Teil 1 0 . Orders, reports, 1943/02/31-1943/02/23 255.ID 32272/12 1790 1
massages, and maps pertaining to defensive,
r e c o n n a i s s a n c e , and assault o p e r a t i o n s , a r t i l l e r y
a c t i v i t y , road m a i n t e n a n c e , f o r m a t i o n of a
Strafvollstreckungszug, and trainina in the Vorya Fiver
sector; and movement to Roslavl and Betlitsa.
3 r i e r - o f - b a t t l e charts, s t a t u s reports, and lists of
officers and noncommissioned officers d u t y assignments.
la, A n l a g e n b a n d 3 zum K T 3 , Teil 10. Orders, reports, 1943/03/31-1943/33/31 255.ID 32272/13 1790 2*6
messages, maps, and overlays p e r t a i n i n g to the t r a n s f e r
to Konotop via Porogobuzh, Y e l n y a , Roslavl, and
B e t l i t s a ; m o v e m e n t t o a n d a t t a c k across t h e Psel R i v e r
s o u t h of S u m y ; and advance to and defensive and assault
o p a r a t i o n s , a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y , road m a i n t e n a n c e a n d
security, regrouping, and training in the Boromlya,
B i s h k i n , G r e b e n n i k o v k a , Terebreno areas and along the

O r l e r - o f - b a t t l e charts, status and strength reports,

spacial directives concerning signal c o m m u n i c a t i o n s .
and reports regarding the collapse of H u n g a r i a n u n i t s
on the eastern front and enemy operations,
l a , A n l a g e n b a n d 5 z u m K T R , Teil 1 0 . O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e 1943/01/31-1943/33/01 32272/15 1791 1
la, A n l a g e n b a n d 6 z u m K T B , T e i l 1 0 . Combat and r a t i o n 1943/01/31-1943/33/31 2 5 5 . I D 32272/16 1791 7
s t r e n g t h reports,
l a , A n l a g e n b a n d 7 z u m K T B , Teil 1 0 , L a n d e s e i g e n e 1942/11/30-1943/02/00 255.ID 32272/17 1 7 9 1 32
Verbaende. R e p o r t s and messages p e r t a i n i n g to the
f o r m a t i o n , t r a i n i n g , and movement to Ostrovki of
154 255. I N F A N T E R T E - D I V I S I O N


K o s a k e n - B t l . <S23 for o p e r a t i o n s a q a i n s t oartisans.

la, A n l a g e n h a n d 8 z u m K T B , Teil 1 0 , A k t e n z u m 1942/12/1^-1943/01/27 ?55. I D 3 2 2 7 2 / 1 8 1791 3h
U n t e r n e h m e n E i s b l u m e . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , messages, a n d
overlays pertaining to preparations for Unternehmen
E i s b l u m e (assault o p e r a t i o n s to move the Russian line
oack 4 0 0 m e t e r s s o u t h w e s t o f t h e V o s k r e s e n s k s e c t o r ) ,
l a , A n l a g e n b a n d 9 zim K T B , Toil 1 0 , T a e t i g k e i t d e s 1943/02/13-1943/)2/27 255.ID 32272/19 1791 134
V o r a u s p e r s o n a l s . O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , a n d Tiessaqes
p e r t a i n i n g to o r e p a r a t i o n s by the advance echelon for
e n t r a i n i n g the division at Roslavl and Betlitsa for
m o v e m e n t t o K o n o t o p , except those e l e m e n t s m o v e d t o
l a , A n l a g e n b a n d 1 0 z u m K T B , Teil 1 0 . 1942/12/23- 1943/02/27 255.ID 32272/20 1731 132
T r a n s p o r t a n m e l d u n g e n der 255.ID f u e r den
Eisenbahn-Transport in den Raum Konotop-Ssumy.
Ic, T B z u m K T B , Teil 1 0 . A c t i v i t y report concerning 1 9 4 3 / 0 1 A) 1 - 1 9 4 3 / O 3 / 3 1 32272/22 1791 273
e n a m y o p e r a t i o n s , losses, a n d u n i t i d e n t i f i c a t i o n i n
t h a U g r a a n d V o r y a R i v e r s sector, 1 Jan-15 Feb, a n d i n
t h a S y r o v a t k a R i v e r s e c t o r , 16-31 M a r ; m o v e m e n t t o t h e
Boroinlya area via Roslavl, Betlitsa, Konotop, and the
Psal riiver sector, 16 Feb-15 M a r ; d e f e n s i v e and a s s a u l t
o p e r a t i o n s in the S y r o v a t k a R i v e r sector;
counter intelligence a c t i v i t y ; and troop entertainment,
la, < T B , Teil 13 m i t A n l a g e n ; Ic, TB. (For K T B , Teil 1 943/07 /> 1- 194 J / 3 d / 0 4 2 5 5 . I D 41584/1 1791 234
1 2 , s e e record i t e m 4 4 5 1 3 . ) W a r " j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g t h e
division's participation in Unternehmen Zitadelle
( o f f e n s i v e o p e r a t i o n s i n t h e area b e t w e e n Belgorod a n d
R a k i t n o y e ) by securing the f l a n k s of the 332.ID along
t h e V o r s k l a a n d Pena R i v e r s i n t h e area s o u t h o f
R a k i t n o y e a n d n o r t h e a s t o f G r a i v o r o n , 1-22 J u l ; a n d
disengagement movements toward Graivoron, 23 Jul-4 Aug
1943. A c t i v i t y report of the intelligence branch
p e r t a i n i n g t o e n e m y o p e r a t i o n s , losses, a n d u n i t
i d a n t i f i c a t i o n ; lists o f o f f i c e r s d u t y a s s i g n m e n t s ;
d a i l y reports r e g a r d i n g the divisions operations; and
255. T N F A N T F R I E - D I V I S I O N 155

a n d overlays showing the location of division and

l a , < T b , Teil 14 m i t A n l i g e n . War -journal concerning 1943/08/05-194^/09/07 255. 4 1584/2 1 79 1 337

the bueak t h r o u g h the Russian encirclement in the
S r i i v o r o n and 'lolovchino areas, 5-8 A u g , disengagement
m o v e m e n t s to the A k h t y r k a and T e b e d i n areas, 9-22 A uq,
. n e r g i n q o f t h e 255. a n d 332. T D , a n d d e f e n s i v e
o p e r a t i o n s west o f t h e Psel R i v e r i n t h e O p o s h n y a a n d
G a J y a c h a r e a s , 2 3 A u g - 7 Sep. O r d e r - o f - b a t t l e c h a r t s ,
s t r e n g t h and casualty reports, a c t i v i t y report of the
p e r s o n n e l b r a n c h , 5 A u g - 7 S^p 1 9 4 3 , list o f o f f i c e r s
d u t y assignments, and afteraction reports relating to
t h e b L e a k t h r o u g h t h e e n c i r c l e m e n t in t h e G r a i v o r o n
E a , A n l a q e n b a n d 1 zuin K T B , Teil 14. O r d e r s , r e p o r t s , 194 3 / O B / J 2 - 1 9 4 3 / 0 9 / 1 0 ? 5 5 . r1^ 4 1 5 8 4 / ? 1 791 572
a n d messages p e r t a i n i n g t o c o m b a t o p e r a t i o n s , a r t i l l e r y
a c t i v i t y , personnel matters, and the merqing of the
255. a n d 3 3 2 . I D t o f o r m a K a m p f d i v i s i o n a n d a n
Auftrischungsgruppe, 13-28 A u g ; o r d e r - o f - b a t t l e
c h a r t s ; s t a t u s a n d s t r e n g t h r e p o r t s ; a n d special
d i r e c t i v e s concerning s u p p l y and s u p p l y troops.
l a , A n l a g e n b a n d 3 z u m K T B , Teil 14. S t a t u s reports and 1943/08/15- 1 9 4 V 0 9 / 0 5 2 5 5 . ID 4 1 S R 4 / 5 1792
l a , A u i d q e f i b a n d 4 z u m K T B , Toil I n , Z u s a m m e n i e g u n g 1943/08/27-194 3/09/07 255.TD 41584/6 1792 37 1
2 5 5 . / 3 3 2 . I D . Status reports concerning personnel
s t r e n g t h , horses, weapons, and e q u i p m e n t .
l a , K T B , Teil 15; Ic, I l a / b , TB. D i s b a n d m e n t of the 1943/09/07-1943/09/26 255.ID 4 2 9 9 6 / 1 1792 545
d i v i s i o n an 1 i n c o r p o r a t i o n of its c o m b a t u n i t s i n t o
tha 57. and 112.TD and assignment of Kdo.Stab d.
A r m e e w a f f e n s c h u l e P o l t a w a as A b w i c k l u n g s s t a b 255, 8 Sep
1943; reorganization of the division s t a f f ; movement
t o t n e K i e v area v i a D y m e r w h e r e , t o g e t h e r w i t h
Pi.Btl. 255 and r e m n a n t s of the 255.ID, the d i v i s i o n
was engaged in o p e r a t i o n s a g a i n s t p a r t i s a n s , s e c u r i n g
a n i m a i n t a i n i n a D n i e p e r R i v e r crossings, c o n s t r u c t i o n


and occupation of the A d l e r s t e l l u n q ; and movement to

R a d o m y s h l on 26 Sep 1943. A c t i v i t y reports of the
intelligence and personnel branches and of Abt.
l a / U n t e r b r i n g u n a ( s p e c i a l l y f o r m e d t o resolve
Bartering problems), and reports relating to
f o r m a t i o n and assignment of the Weiterleitungsstello
( f o r w a r d i n g s t a t i o n ) i n D a r n i t s a , 16-23 S e p 1 9 4 3 .
l a , A n l a g e n b a n d 1 z u m K T B , T e i l 15. Orders, reports, 1 9 4 3 / 0 9 / J 7 - 1 94 3 / 0 9 / 2 7 255.ID U2996/? 1792 329
messages, and naps p e r t a i n i n g to the d i s b a n d m e n t of t h e
d i v i s i o n , 8 Sep 1943; m o v e m e n t of the d i v i s i o n s t a f f t3
the Kiev area, operations against partisans, and
construction and occupation of the A d l a r s t e l l u n g in
d e f e n s e of the Dnieper R i v e r sector by the d i v i s i o n
s t a f f a n d u n i t s o f t h e 4 5 4 . S i c h D a n d t h e 38. a n d
167.ID; and the planned w i t h d r a w a l from Kiev and
m o v e m e n t to the R a d o m y s h l area via 7 h i t o m i r , 26-29 Sep
1943. A d u t y r o s t e r o f t h e d i v i s i o n s t a f f a n d special
s u p p l y directives.
L a , A n l a g e n b a n d 3 z u m K T B , Teil 1 5 , D e n k s c h r i f t 1>43/09/10-1)43/39/22 255.10 4 2 9 9 6 / 4 1793 1
Adler s tellung" . M e m o r a n d u m r e l a t i n a to the
c o n s t r u c t i o n and occupation of the Adlerstellung in
d e f e n s e of the D n i e p e r R i v e r sector,
l a , K T B , Teil 16; Ic, Ha, T B . War j o u r n a l c o n c e r n i n g 1 9 U 3/09 /27- 1 -J 4 3 / 1 0 / 2 8 255. in 4 2 9 9 6 / 5 179J 129
m o v e m e n t of the division staff and motorized remnants
of the 255.ID to the R a d o m y s h l and L e n i n o areas for
o p e r a t i o n s against partisans, 27-29 Sep, and to
M i r o n o v k a v i a F a s t o v , V a s i l ' k o v , a n d K a g a r l y k , 28-29
Oct. A c t i v i t y report of the intelligence branch, an
i n t a l l i g e n c e b u l l e t i n , and maps p e r t a i n i n g to
o p e r a t i o n s against partisans; a c t i v i t y report of the
personnel branch; status and s t r e n g t h reports; and an
o r d e r - o f - b a t t l e chart of the s t a f f and r e m n a n t s of the
2 5 5 . I D as of 1 Oct 1 9 4 3 .
l a , A u l a g e n b a n d 1 zum K T B , Teil 16. D a i l y r e p o r t s and 1 9 4 3 / 0 9 / 2 6 - 1 :> 4 3 / 1 0 / 2 7 255.TD 42996/6 1793 2b6
messages, orders, and maps p e r t a i n i n g to the movement

of the staff and remnants of the 255.ID to the

Raiomyshl area for operations against partisans and
triining; construction of defensive positions in the
Irpen, Fastov, and Ros River areas; the planned
m o v e m e n t to the Mironovka area; and activities of
Abrf ickl ungsst ab 255./332.ID. Evaluation reports of
enamy operations, special directives concerning supply
and supply troops, strength reports, an order-of-battle
chart, and a counterintelligence bulletin,
la, KTB, Teil 12. War "journal concerning the movement 1943/04/31-1943/36/30 255.ID 44513 1794
from the Syrovatka River sector to the Slavgorodok,
Smorodino, and Dronovka areas and the Vorskla River
sector via Boromlya, 1-9 Apr; and defensive engagements
and operations against partisans in the Poroz area and
west of the Vorskla River. An order-of-battle chart;
and maps and overlays showing the tactical disposition
of Serman and enemy forces, 23 Mar-1 Jul 1943.
la, KTB, Teil 17, Abwicklungsstab 255. ID. War -journal 1943/10/29-1943/12/20 255. in 4570? 1794 4b
including orders and reports pertaining to quartering
of the staff and remnants of the 255.ID and operations
against partisans in the Karapyshi and Mironovka areas,
29-30 Sep; release of personnel, materiel, and
remnants of the 255. and 332.ID to the 112.ID and
higher echelons; planned formation of Korpsabteilung B
by incorporation of Div.Gr. 112, 255, and 332.ID and
the 112.Div.Stab; transfer of the 255.Div.Stab to
Volchinets, to the area northeast of Serdichev, and to
Frankfurt/a.M. via Kovel, Brest, Warsaw, Kutno, Posen,
Halle, Weimar, and Fulda, 22 Nov-18 Dec 1943. Status
and strength reports and special directives concerning
supply and supply troops.
la, TB Bit Anlagen das Abwicklungsstabes 255.ID. 1943/12/12-1944/31/13 255.ID 45702/2 1794 730
Activity report, orders, reports, and messages
pertaining to the release of younger military personnel
to Nachschub-Btl. 619 in Zhitomir and transfer of the


255.Div.Stab from Berdichev to F r a n k f u r t / a . M . and

r e m n a n t s of the 255. and 332.ID to Bordeaux and
flotteville, France. (The A b w i c k l u n q s s t a b 255.ID, w h i c h
supervised the operations, remained in Shepetovka.)


This index was computer formated and printed from terms input simultaneously with the descrip-
tive material in the foregoing text of the guide. The ultimate objective of producing cumula-
tive indexes dictated certain limitations on the format, structure, and nature; further compli-
cations were created by the need to cope simultaneously with two languages, abbreviations, page
location of descriptive materials, and microfilm roll and frame locations of the records
Economy of space and ease of reading seem sufficient justification for the asymmetry of the
broad horizontal layout of the descriptive text of the guide and the narrow vertical format
of the index.
While the index does not pretend to bilinguality, it refers to the records in their original
German terminology as well as in generally accepted English equivalents, using the original
German word or its abbreviation as the index term and the English word as a cross-reference
term. For purposes of automation, the diphthong was used instead of the Umlaut, so that
BUffel becomes Bueffel, for example.
Geographical Terms
Geographical terms are mainly rendered in the native language, but for transliteration from
the Cyrillic alphabet the English rendition found in the NIS (National Intelligence Survey)
Gazetteer (Office of Geography, Department of the Interior, Washington, 1955-64) was used,
rather than the German-language transliteration found in the records.
In order .to take advantage of the cumulative and repetitive capabilities of automatic data
processing in compiling future individual and multiple guide indexes, cross-references of
broad or universal application were preferred, although this sometimes results in general
references to types of entries for which there may be no specific examples in the index of
a particular guide; e.g., MOUNTAIN UNITS, GERMAN, gives cross-references to index headings
under which all echelons of such units may be found, but there is no specific entry in this
index for the only German mountain army, AOK 20 GEB; another example; LUXEMBOURG is followed
by a see also reference to specific populated places and geographical terms, although there
are no specific Luxembourgian places or terms listed in this index.

Units and Commands

In order not to encumber the index with multiplicity of additional entries, the records
of the units described in this guide were not listed separately under the unit number.
Instead there is only a reference to the first page of the unit history, which lists all
of the rolls on which that unit's records are reproduced, and which is followed immedi-
ately by an itcm-by-iten listing of such records.

All of the field command unit designations are indexed in official or recognizable German
abbreviations, with the exception of the corps, where infantry, armored, mountain, and
special corps are all grouped under the prefix AK (Armeekorps), followed by the specific
unit name or number and a suffix denoting the type. Since the computer sorts Roman numerals
alphabetically rather than numerically, the conventional Herman sequence for a corps desig-
nation was reversed and the number converted to Arabic, e.g., XVIII AK becomes AK leS. The
"Item No." for all field command record items is a combination of the last designation of the
provenance unit witli the accession number assigned during World 'Var II by the Ileeresarchiv
Span Dates and First Frames
The years, nonths, and days under the "Dates" heading are the span dates of the entire
record iten (or unit history) listed under the corresponding "Item" heading, rather than
the specific date or dates of each index entry. Similarly the "1st Frane" is the first
frame of the entire record item, rather than the exact frame location '.here reference to
that index entry begins. An attest to give specific dates or an exact nicrofilu frame
location for each entry would produce an index cumbersome to the point of uselessness as
a finding aid. It seems more purposeful and economical of time for the researcher to
proceed in sequence from index term to unit history and/or to the record description, then
to the microfilm roll and first franc reproducing the record item, arid thence to searching
out the particular frame or frames containing the specific reference indicated by the index
entry. Such "narrowing down" or "bracketing-in" is, of course, a customary researcli practice.

Suggestions for Improvement

Since automatic data processing is especially efficient for updating or revising data, we
hope to evolve improved computer indexes for arcliival material. The preparation of individual
indexes for subsequent Alexandria guides will hopefully be a proving ground for revising and
indexing the entire series, and suggestions for improvement are invited. A possible and
desirable byproduct of such a revision would be an open-ended edition, of which individual
guides or the entire series would be available to all at reasonable prices.
Chief, Modern Military Branch
Military Archives Division
162 I.MDEX


1939/02/02-1945/03/12 ID Jnit History 75
1941/06/20-1941/10/12 223. ID 20890/3 1590 925 28
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1940/05/12-1943/06/23 255. ID 4004c 1763 174 140
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1940/07/09-1940/09/30 254. ID W6868/6 1761 205 131
1940/10/01-1941/08/30 225. ID 13511/2 U9& 416 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225. ID 13511/1 1596 355 39
1941/09/01-1941/12/20 225. ID 13511/3 1696 777 39
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227. ID 11370/1 1701 1 '43
A r m e e K o r p s ( A r m y C o r p s ) , Hosaeras Kommaado or
i a a a r a l i o m m a n d o (Corps Command) .
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
AK 1
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.10 Jnit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Uait History 36
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250. ID (Spanish!) Unit His 84
AK 2
1939/02/02-194J/07/31 228. ID Uait History S1
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.10 Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Uiit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
Att 3
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 4 '4
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
AK 4
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.5i3aD Unit iistory 1
AK 5
1939/U2/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
AK 6
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Uiit History 75
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Uiit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
AK 7
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.Si^hD Unit .iistory 1
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 131
AK 3
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239-ID Unit History 66
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.5i3nD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
AK 9
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Uait History 44
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID Uait History 131
AK 10
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Uait History 22
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Uait History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36


19J9/03/00 1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 86
1939/OJ/OO 1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00 1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
AK 11
1939/02/02 1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
1*39/02/02 1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00 1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00 1945/04/05 253. ID Uait History 115
AK 12
1939/03/00 1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00 1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
AK 13
1*39/03/00 1944/01/13 255. ID Uiit History 137
AK 16
1939/03/00 1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
AK 17
1939/U2/02 1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
AK 20
1939/03/00 1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00 1945/03/2 1 251. ID U n i t Histacy
AK 23
19J9/02/02 1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1939/02/02 1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00 1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00 1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
AK 24
1939/03/00 1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
1939/03/00 1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
AK 24 PZ
1939/02/02 1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
AK 25
1939/02/02 1944/07/05 221.Si3hD Unit History 1
1939/03/00 1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 35
AK 26
1939/02/02 1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/0^/02 1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02 1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00 1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00 1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
AK 27
1939/02/02 1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02 1944/07/05 221.5i3hD Unit rlistory 1
1939/02/02 1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1939/02/02 1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00 1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00 1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00 1945/04/05 253. ID U n i t History 116
AK 28
1939/02/02 1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02 1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02 1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 35
1939/03/00 1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00 1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00 1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
AK 29
1*39/03/00 1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
AK 30
1939/02/02 1943/12/04 223-ID Unit History 22
AK 31
1939/02/02 1943/12/04 223.1D Unit History 22
AK 32
1939/02/02 1943/12/04 223oID Unit History 22
1939/02/02 1944/07/05 221oSi-hD Unit History 1
1939/02/02 1945/03/24 227, ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02 1945/04/26 225.ID Uait History 35
AK 33
1939/02/02 -1942/02/01 239.ID Jnit History 56

164 INDEX.


A K 35
1939/02/02- 1944/07/05 221.51= hD Unit History 1
1 9 3 ^ / 0 3 / 0 0 - 1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
AK 37
1939/02/02- 1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
19J9/02/02- 1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
AK 38
1939/03/00- 1945/04/17 254. ID Uait History 129
1941/08/13- 1943/11/30 250. ID (spanisch) Unit His 84
A K 39 PZ
1939/02/02- 1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02- 1945/03/12 246.ID Uait History 75
1939/02/02- 1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1939/03/00- 1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00- 1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1939/OJ/OO- 1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
AK 40
1939/03/00- 1944/01/13 255. ID Uait History 137
A K 41 PZ
1939/02/02- 1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
A K 42
1939/U2/02- 1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00- 1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00- 1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
A K 43
1939/02/02- 1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02- 1944/07/05 221.5i3hD Unit History 1
1939/03/03- 1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00- 1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
A K 44
1939/02/02- 1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
1939/OJ/OJ- 1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
AK 46 PZ
1939/02/02- 1944/07/05 221.513 aD Unit History 1
1939/03/00- 1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 86
AK 47 PZ
1939/03/00- 1945/03/21 251. ID Uiit History 36
AK 50
1939/02/02- 1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00- 1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 86
1939/OJ/OO- 1945/04/05 253. II> Unit History 116
1939/03/00- 1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
A K 51
1939/02/02- 1942/02/01 239-.ID Unit History 66
A K 53
1939/02/02- 1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1939/03/00- 1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00- 1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
AK 54
1939/03/00- 1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
AK 55
1939/02/02- 1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
1939/02/02- 1944/07/05 221.513 aD Unit History 1
A K 56 PZ
1939/02/02- 1944/07/05 221.513 .id Unit --li story 1
1939/03/00- 1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 86
AK 59
1939/02/02- 1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02- 1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
A K 62 BES
1943/07/16- 1944/10/07 242. ID Unit History 73
AK 67
1943/07/16- 19^44/10/07 242. ID Unit History 73
A K 71
1942/04/14- 1945/05/22 230. ID Unit History 63
AK 81
1939/02/02- 1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
AK 89
1943/07/16- 1944/10/07 242. ID Unit History 73

19 39/03/.00-1944/01/13 255, ID Unit History 137
1943/08/05-1943/09/07 255, ID 41584/2 1791 387 155
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.5i^hD Unit History 1
1*39/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225, ID Unit History 36
1 940/0 1/OJ- 1940/09/30 225, ID W7049/b 1696 213 38
19-40/10/01-1941/12/20 225, ID 13511/1 1595 355 39
1941/09/01-1941/12/20 225, ID 13511/3 169b 777 39
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 1 16
1941/04/14-1941/12/03 253.ID 22495/1 1755 540 120
1*41/04/28-1941/10/31 251.ID 14b09/1 1723 276 39
1942/04/14-1942/10/24 230.ID 25356 1712 1 54
194^/04/14-1945/05/22 230.ID Unit History 63
1942/10/25-1943/04/30 230.ID 31292 1712 180 64
1943/Ub/01-1943/10/31 230.ID 37730 1712 537 64
1943/11/01-1943/12/31 230.ID 45493 1712 804 S5
1942/04/14-1942/10/24 230.ID 25356 171,2 1 64
1940/02/01-1940/07/03 246.ID 6838/1 1719 1 77
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit H i s t o r y 44
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1 9*0/01/u1-1940/06/30 227.ID H6123/1 1s99 1 46
1940/10/01-1941/08/30 225.ID 13511/2 1596 4 16 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/1 1S9b 355 39
1 941/09/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/3 1696 111 39
1941/12/21-1942/05/03 225.ID 18022/1 1a97 1 40
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 25UID Unit History 86
1 941/04/14-1941/12/03 253.ID 22495/1 1755 540 120
1941/04/28-1941/10/31 251.ID 14&09/1 1723 276 39
1941/U5/01-1941/10/31 251.ID 14609/15 1730 426 91
1941/08/07-1941/10/31 251.ID l4t>09/7 1729 763 90
1941/08/30-1941/10/29 251.ID 14609/5 1729 233 90
1942/10/06-1943/01/26 221 Sic hD 36509/11 1685 1 17
1943/01/26-1943/04/21 221 5ic: hi) 36509/12 1585 345 18
1 93y/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit H ist ory 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227 ID W6123/1 1699 1 46
1940/01/01-1940/09/30 225 ID W7049/b 1596 213 33
1940/02/06-1940/05/27 254 ID 1761 1 131
194U/05/10-1940/06/16 254 ID 1761 596 131
1940/05/23-1940/06/30 227, ID W6123/3 1599 243 46
Arineeoberlcommando ( G e r m a n fieli irmy) .
1*39/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.5ichD Unit iistory 1
1940/U5/29-1940/07/04 252.ID W7053/3 1745 375 107
1 94 0/0t>/03-1940/06/14 252.ID W7053/2 1745 224 107
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.5i3hD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
194 1/07/13-1941/07/25 255.ID 17609/4 1774 144


1941/12/11-1942/03/1 1 221.SichD 13944/8 1675 779 10
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Uait History 66
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID* Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID- Unit History 137
1939/02/32-1944/07/05 221. SichD Unit Uistory 1
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252, ID Unit History 101
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255, ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Uait History 116
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250, ID (spanisch) Unit His 84
1942/04/14-1942/12/31 253.ID 30512/1 1757 860 124
AOK 11
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History S6
AOK 16
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID- Unit History 116
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250.ID (spanisca) Dnit His 84
AOK 18
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Uait History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Onit History 129
1941/12/17-1941/12/21 227. ID 1U776/10 1702 984 52
1943/09/01-1943/09/25 227. ID 35527/3 1738 1002 58
A O K 19
1943/07/16-1944/10/07 242.ID Unit History 73
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254.ID 21100/1 1761 871 132
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1942/04/01-1942/12/31 254.ID 34954/1 1762 462 132
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1940/06/05-1941/10/27 223.ID 20890/5 1691 17 28
1941/04/30-1941/10/26 223.ID 20890/1 1693 630 27
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251, ID Unit History 86
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251, ID 7315/2 1727 1 38
1940/06/29-1940/11/03 251, ID 1243i6/2 1727 416 38
1940/07/01-1940/12/17 251, ID 12436/3 1727 645 88
1940/07/01-1940/12/31 251. ID 12436/1 1727 273 88
(Nonstindard headquarters, usually teaporary,
between AOK and AK in size, assigned to peninsulas
or otner limited geographical araas, or
established for the purpose of Serman coordination
of non-German units.) See specific unit name with
suffix Armeeabteilung.
(Army Corps). See prefix AK and specific unit
number or name.
(3srman field army). See prefix AOK aad specific
unit number.
(Armeeoberkomm,andos) . See prefix AOK and specific
unit number. For armored armies
(Panzer-Armeeoberkommandos), sae prefix PZAOK ani


See prefix denoting nationality (e.g., Italian,
Bumanian, Soviet, etc.) and specific unit number.
See prefix PZAOK (Panzer-ArmeeDberkommando) and
specific unit number.
For armored (tank) armies, sae prefix PZAOK
(Pinzerarmeeoberkommando) and specific unit
number; tor armored groups see prefix PzGr and
specific number; for armored corps, see prefix AK
and specific unit number or nime (UARPE) with
suffix PZ denoting type; for armored divisions see
specific unit number with suffix PZD
(Piiizerdivision) for armored infantry. For SS
armored division, see prefix SS and spacific unit'
number with suffix PZ (Panzer) and name.
(Heeresgruppen) . See prefix HSR and specific unit
letter or name.
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227.ID W6123/1 1699 1 46
1940/01/03-1940/09/30 225.ID W7049/b 1696 213 38
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251.ID 7315/2 1727 1 88
1940/07/10-1941/02/28 221.5ichD 16743/2 1665 324
1943/10/18-1943/11/17 252.ID 41985/4 1752 1 114
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254, ID 2110.0/1 1761 871 132
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223, ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254, ID Unit History 129
1940/02/06-1940/05/27 254.ID W6868/4 1761 1 131
1940/05/17-1940/06/21 223.ID U5749h 1689 219 25
1943/07/15-1943/12/29 242.ID 44004/2 1717 51 74
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/11/09-1940/09/29 253.ID W6854/1b 1754 33 118
1940/06/03-1940/08/22 253.ID W6854/6 1755 170 119
1943/02/21-1943/03/06 253.ID 38874/4 1763 1 127
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/04/28-1941/10/31 251.ID 14609/1 1723 276 39
1941/08/07-1941/10y3l 251.ID 14609/7 1729 763 90
1941/08/30-1941/10./29 251.ID 14609/5 1729 233 90
1941/11/01-1942/01/26 251, ID 16282/1 1730 491 91
1941/11/02-1941/12/13 251. ID 16282/2 1733 742 92
1942/04/01-1942/12/31 254, ID 34954/1 1762 462 132
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246, ID U n i t History 75
1943/10/01-1943/12/31 246, ID 43323/3 1724 873 32
1943/07/16-1944/10/07 242.ID Unit History 73
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251 ID Unit History 36
1942/01/27-1942/06/30 251 ID 22020/1 1731 627 92
1942/07/01-1942/12/31 251, ID 26778/1 1734 880 94
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1941/03/29-1942/02/01 239.ID 16183/1 1713 299 63
1941/07/02-1941/08/05 239.ID 16183/4 1714 427 S9



1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221.5ichD 22639/1 1376 184 11
1943/07/15-1943/12/29 242.ID 44004/2 1717 51 74
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/11/09-1940/09/29 253.ID W6854/1o 1754 33 118
1940/06/03-1940/08/22 253.ID W6854/6 1755 170 119
1935/02/02-1944/07/05 221. Sichl) Unit iistory 1
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255, ID Unit History 137
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221, SichD 16748/7 156S 1 5
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252 ,ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/05/27-1941/07/10 252, ID. 15497/2 1747 385 111
1941/06/18-1941/07/13 255 ,ID 17609/3 1773 609 143
1941/00/20-1941/07/31 221, SichD 16748/9 1S67 1 6
1941/06/22-1941/10/08 255.ID 17609/1 1772 1 143
1941/03/31-1941/05/20 252, ID 12486/3 1746 824 110
1941/04/28-1941/10./31 251, ID 14609/1 276 89
1941/05/06-1941/06/19 221, SichD 16743/8 1663 360 5
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221, SichD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1941/05/24-1941/05/24 251, ID 14609/3 1729 1 90
1941/06/01-1941/06/21 255, ID 12346/1 1771 506 143
1941/06/14-1941/07/02 239, ID 16183/3 1714 1
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1943/08/01-1943/12/31 252.ID 41985/1 1750 975 114
1943/10/18-1943/11/17 252.ID 41985/4 1752 1 114
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1940/10,/01,-1941/08/30 225.ID 13511/2 1396 416 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
1941/09/01-1941/12/20 2 2 5 . I D 13511/3 1695 777 39
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Uait History 116
( C o m m a n d e r ) . See specific p l a c e of c o m m a n d , w i t h
s u f f i x Mil b f h (Militaerbefehlsnaber, i.e.,
Military C o m m a n d e r ) , or Wehrm Bev
( w e h L m a c h t b e v o l l m a e c h t i g t e r , i.e.. A r m e d Forces
Plenipotentiary) .
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 253.ID 38874/1 1759 511 126
1943/02/21-1943/03/06 253.ID 38874/4 1760 1 127
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1939/08/25-1940/07/04 239.ID 37412/3 1716 854 71
1940/03/18-1940/07/04 254.ID W6868/11 1761 645 131
1940/05/23-1940/06/30 227.ID W6123/3 1699 243 46
See also specific populated plices and
geographical terms.
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID< Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Uait History 75
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44


1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID. Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Uait History 129
1943/07/16-1944/10/07 242.ID Unit History 73
(Oberbefeklshaber Belgian und Nordfrankreich)
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.10 Unit History 36
1941/03/29-1942/02/01 239.ID 16183/1 1713 299 S3
1941/09/23-1941/11/07 239.ID 16183/6 1715 1 70
1943/07/01-1943/08/04 255.ID 41584/1 1791 284 134
Sea also Soviet Union, as well as specific
populated places and geographical terms.
1941/05/06-1941/07/30 221.5ichD 16743/13 1669
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1941/10/09-1941/11/08 255.ID 25337/2 1777 1 1'42
1941/10/09-1942/04/30 255.ID 25337/1 1776 1 145
1942/07/01-1942/09/15 246.ID 26085/1 1721 249 79
1942/11/24-1942/12/31 246.ID 26085/2 1721 904 79
1942/11/25-1942/12/25 246.ID. 26085/5 1722 191 80
194 3/01/0 1-1 9 43/0'3/31 246. ID 33815/4 1723 906 31
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 246.ID 33815/1 1723 1 80
1943/01/18-1943/07/11 221.Si=hD 36509/17 1686 355 19
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1940/07/09-1940/09/30 254.ID H6868/6 1761 205 131
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Uait History 137
1943/10/29-1943/12/20 255.ID 45702 1794 46 157
1943/12/12-1944/01/13 255.ID 45702/2 1794 700 157
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1943/11/03-1943/12/31 251.ID 4480.7/2 1739 899 100
1943/11/04-1943/12/31 251.ID 44807/1 1739 817 99
1941/06/18-1941/07/13 255.ID 1760,9/3 1773 609 143
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252.ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
194l/0b/18-1941/07/13 255.ID 17609/3 1773 609 143
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Uait History 137
1942/02/28-1942/03/30 255.ID 25337/7 178J 467 147
1942/04/01-1942/04/30 255.ID 25337/8 1780 902 147
1942/05/01-1942/05/31 255.ID 25610/8 1782 89 148
1942/07/01-1942/07/31 255.ID 25610/10 1783 565 149
1942/08/01-1942/08/31 255.ID 25610/11 1784 1 149
1942/09/01-1942/09/30 255.ID 25610/12 17d4 709 149
1942/10/01-1942/10/31 255.ID 29366/2 1785 321 150
1943/01/01-194J/02/28 255.ID 32272/11 1789 1 152
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/10 1783 955 152
193*9/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1940/01/01-1940/09/30 225.ID H7049/b 1696 213 38
1939/0^/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1940/05/17-.1940/06/21 223.ID H5749h 1689 219 25
1940/06/21-1940/08/20 223.ID 12242/2 1689 612 25
1940/U6/24-1941/04/30 223.ID 12242/1 1689 477 25
1940/08/01-1940/11/22 223.ID 12242/3 1689 954 26


1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
(Alert Berta)
1940/07/10-1941/05/24 252. ID 12486/1 1746 772 109
1941/03/31-1941/05/20 252. ID 12486/3 1746 824 110
1941/04/24-1941/07/16 251. ID 14609/2 1723 943 90
1941/04/28-1941/08/06 251. ID 1460.9/6 1729 475 90
1941/05/06-1941/06/19 221.5icliD 16748/8 1666 360 5
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252. ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/06/01-1941/06/21 255. ID 12346/1 1771 506 143
1943/01/30-1943/05/28 221.SichD 1685 626 18
1943/01/01-1943/02/28 255. ID 32272/11 1789 1 152
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255. ID 32272/10 1788 955 152
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255. ID 32272/22 1791 273 154
1943/02/01-1943/02/28 255. ID 32272/12 1790 1 153
1943/02/18-1943/02/27 255. ID 32272/19 1791 134 154
19*3/03/01-1943/03/31 255. ID 32272/13 1790 246 153
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
1939/08/26-1939/1a/1 4 239. ID 37412/1 1716 690 71
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227. ID 11870/1 1701 1 48
1941/07/01-1941/10/01 227. ID 129.98/1 170-1 586 49
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
1939/08/26-1939/10/14 239. ID 37412/1 1716 690 71
1940/07/10-1941/02/28 221.5ichD 16748/2 1665 324
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252. ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/05/27-1941/07/10 252. ID 16497/2 1747 385 111
1941/06/20-1941/07/31 221.SistD 16748/9 1667 1 6
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1941/05/06-1941/07/30 221,SictiD 16748/13 1669 1 7
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.5icliD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1941/06/20-1941/07/31 221.SichD 16748/9 1667 1 6
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.Si=hD 16748/7 1666 5
1941/06/20-1941/07/31 221.SiahD 16748/9 1367 6
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252. ID 16497/1 1747 110
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254..ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10./25 254. ID 21100/1 1761 871 132
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID< Unit History 75
1940/02/01-1940/07/03 246. ID 6338/1 1719 1 77
1943/03/01-1943/03/31 255. ID 32272/13 1790 246 133
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.10 Unit History 131
1939/09/02-1940/05/26 252. ID H527d 1743 176 105
1940/02/01-1940/05/24 252. ID U481a 1740 178 103
194O/Ob/12-1940/05/20 252. ID V481b 1743 275 133
194Q/05/12-1940/05/28 252. ID W522b 1741 776 104
1940/05/21-1940/06/24 252.ID B7053/5 174,5 536 108
1940/05/29-1940/07/10 252. ID H7054/1 1746 604, 109
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Uait History 137


1940/06/23-1941/02/28 255.ID 8299/1 1769 198 141
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1943/11/04-1943/12/31 251.ID 4480.7/1 1739 817 99
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/U3/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Uait History 101
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.SicnD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1941/05/^5-1941/12/31 252.ID 16497/1 174,7 1 110
1941/06/18-1941/07/13 255.ID 17609/3 1773 609. 143
1941/06/22-1941/10/08 255.ID 1760.9/1 1772 1 143
1941/07/11-1941/08/20 252.ID 1b497/3 1747 582 111
1941/08/01-1941/09/20 221.SichD 16748/10 1667 562 6
1941/09/21-1941/10/31 221.5i3hD 16748/11 1668 1 6
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1942/06/11-1942/07/18 255.ID 3^272/8 1788 737 152
1942/10/01-1942/10/31 255.ID 29366/2 1785 321 150
1943/01/01-1943/02/28 255.ID 32272/11 1789 1 152
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/10 1788 955 152
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History S6
1939/08/26-1939/10/14 239.ID 37412/1 1716 690 71
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1941/03/29-1942/02/01 239.ID 16183/1 1713 299 68
1941/09/23-1941/11/07 239.ID 16183/6 1715 1 70
1941/11/08-1941/12/23 239.ID 16183/7 1715 554 70
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/1 1694 638 33
1943/08/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/3 1695 1 33
1939/08/26-1940/06/23 255.ID H680,2d 1769 130 141
(Armed Forces Planipotau tiary in the Protectorate*)
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
(Armed Forces Plenipoten tiary in the Protectorate)
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 131
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1943/07/01-1943/09/30 246.ID 43323/1 1724 324 31
1943/10/01-1943/12/31 246.ID 43323/3 1724 873 82
1941/04/06-1941/06/28 227.ID 11870/7 1701 481 49
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.II> Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID. Unit History 137
1940/05/05-1941/10./27 223.ID 20890/5 1691 17 28
1941/04/30-1941/10/26 223oID 20890/1 1590 630 27
1941/06/20-1941/10/12 223.ID 20890./3 1690 925 28
1941/10/28-1942/03/31 223. ID 20890/6 1691 89 28
1943/12/12-1944/01/13 255.ID 4 5 7 0 2 / 2 1794 700 157
1943/10/18-1943/11/17 252.ID 4 1 9 8 5 / 4 1752 1 114
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/22 1791 273 134
1943/03/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/13 179J 246 153
1943/04/01-1943/06/30 255ID 44513 179'4 1 157
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129


1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1941/03/28-1941/06/13 239,10 16183/2 1713 801 69
1941/03/29-1942/02/01 239.ID 16183/1 1713 299 68
1941/06/14-1941/07/02 239.ID 16183/3 1714 1
1941/07/02-1941/08/05 239.ID 16183/4 1714 427 69
1339/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1940/03/18-1940/07/04 254.ID H6868/11 1761 645 131
1940/05/10-1940/06/16 254.ID W6868/9 1761 596 131
1940/07/09,-1940/09/30 254.ID H6868/6 1761 205 131
1941/U9/03-1941/10/11 253.ID 22495/6 1756 440 122
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1941/03/28-1941/06/13 239.ID 16183/2 1713 801 S9
1941/06/14-1941/07/02 239.ID 16183/3 1714 1
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 36
1943/11/04-1943/12/31 251.ID 44807/1 1739 817 99
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1940/02/06-1940/05/27 254.ID H6868/4 1761 1 131
194Oy05/10-1940/06/16 254.ID H6868/9 1761 596 131
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1940/05/12-1940/06/23 255.ID W400.4C 1763 174 140
1942/03/05-1942/04/23 255.ID 25337/12 1781 261 147
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SishD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221.SichD P1376 1665 1 3
1 939/Oti/26-1940/07/31 221.5i~tiD W5934/5 1665 179 3
1941/03/01-1941/05/31 255.ID 9870/1 1770 445 142
1941/05/06-1941/06/19 221.5ichD 16748/8 1666 360. 5
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/7 U66 1 5
1943/12/12-1944/01/13 255.ID 45702/2 1794 700 157
1940/07/07-1941/03/29 227.ID 11870/6 1701 306 '48
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SicbD Unit History 1
1940/06/06-1940/07/12 2 2 1 . S i = h D H5934/1 1665 40 3
1940/07/10-1941/02/28 221.5ictiD 16748/2 1665 324 4
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.Sic:iiD U n i t H i s t o r y 1
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251.ID 7315/2 1727 1 88
1940/06/29-1940/11/03 251.ID 12436/2 1727 416 88
1940/07/01-1940/12/17 251.ID 12436/3 1727 645 88
1940/07/01-1940/12/31 251.ID 12436/1 1727 273 88
1941/01/01-1941/04/27 251.ID 12530/1 1728 1 89
1941/03/01-1941/05/31 255.ID 9870./1 1770 445 142
1941/04/24-1941/07/16 251.ID 14609/2 1728 943 90
1941/04/28-1941/08/06 251.ID 1460.9/6 1729 475 90
1941/04/28-1941/10/31 251.ID 1460,9/1 1723 276 89
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.5ichD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1941/06/20-1941/07/31 221.SichD 16748/9 1667 1 6
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.Si=hD Unit History 1
1943/07/15-1943/12/29 242.ID 44004/2 1717 51 74
1943/07/16-1943/12/31 242.ID 44004/1 1717 1 74
1943/07/16-1944/10/07 242.ID Unit History 73
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228.ID Unit History 61


1939/08/25-1939/09/21 228.ID P166C 1711 1 62
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1940/01/01-1940/09/30 225.ID W70.49/b 1696 213 38
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1940/01/01-1940/09/30 225.ID H7049/b 1696 213 38
194U/ 10/0 1-1 941/08/30 225.ID 13511/2 1696 416 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
1943/07/15-1943/12/29 242.ID 44004/2 1717 51 74
1943/07/16-1943/12/31 242.ID 44004/1 1717 1 74
194 3/07/1 b- 1944/10/07 242. ID Unit History 73
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1940/02/01-1940/07/03 246.ID 6838/1 1719 1 77
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1940/02/06-1940/05/27 254.ID W6868/4 1761 1 131
1940/U5/12-1940/06/23 255.ID W4004c 1763 174 140
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit history 1
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/7 1566 1 5
1941/09/21-1941/10/31 221.5ichD 16748/11 1bb8 1 6
1941/11/01-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/12 1563 595 7
1941/12/11-1942/03/11 221.5ichD 13944/8 1675 779 10
1941/12/12-1942/03/14 221.SichD 19344/2 1674 209 10
1941/12/14-1942/03/19 22t.Sic:hD 19344/1 1674 39 9
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/1 1676 184 11
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/1 1737 664 97
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/7 1733 931 98
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History
1941/06/14-1941/07/02 239.ID 16183/3 1714
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1943/01/0-1-1943/02/28 251.ID 33449/3 1737 890 97
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 246.ID 33815/1 1723 1 80
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 253.ID 38874/1 1759 511 126
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 246.ID 33505/1 1722 412 80
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/1 1737 564 97
1943/02/01-1943/02/20 253.ID 38874/3 1759 916 126
1943/02/13-1943/03/10 252.ID 28187/4 1750 263 113
1943/02/21-1943/03/06 253.ID 38874/4 1763 1 127
1943/02/23-1943/03/14 252.ID 29499 1750. 638 1 13
1943/03/11-1943/03/16 252.ID 28187/5 1753 537 113
1939/02/02-1 9 42/02/X)1 239.ID Unit History 66
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1940/07/10-1941/05/24 252.ID 124,86/1 1746 772 109
1941/03/01-1941/05/31 255.ID 9870/1 1770 445 142
1941/05/06-1941/07/30 221.Si::hD 16743/13 1669 1 7
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252.ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/06/18-1941/07/13 255.ID 17609/3 1773 609 143
1941/08/06-1941/09/23 239.ID 16183/5 1714 813
1942/02/04-1942/03/06 227.ID 17799/3 1703 131 52
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86

194 1/09/2 1-1 9 4 1 / 1 a/31 221.Si::hD 16748/11 1668 1 6

1941/11/01-1941/12/13 221.Si;:hD 16748/12 1568 595 7


1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 36
1942/01/27-1942/06/30 251. ID 22020/1 1731 627 92
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1 94 J/Oo/2 1-19 40/08/20 223. ID 12242/2 1589 612 26
1940/06/24-1941/04/30 223. ID 12242/1 1589 477 25
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
194^0/03/1 8-i194 0/07/04 254. ID W6868/11 1761 645 131
1940/05/10-1940/06/16 254..ID W6868/9 1761 596 131
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Uait History 137
1940/05/12-1940/06/23 255. ID ri400,4c 1763 174 140
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227. ID 11870/1 1701 1 48
1941/04/06-1941/06/28 227,10 11870/7 1701 481 49
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
193^/11/09-1940/09/29 253.ID W6854/1b 1754 33 118
1940/06/03-1940/08/22 253, ID W6854/6 1755 170 119
1940/09/16-1940/10/14 253. ID W6854/5 1755 100 119
1940/11/01-1941/04/13 253. ID 10673/1 1755 323 120
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1939/11/09-1940/09/29 253. ID H6854/1b 1754 33 118
1940/06/03-1940/08/22 253. ID W6854/6 1755 170 119
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227. ID 11870/1 1701 1 48
1941/07/01-1941/10/01 227. ID 12998/1 1701 586 49
1941/09/26-1941/11/05 227. ID 14776/2 1702 515 51
1941/10/01-1941/12/31 227. ID 14776/1 1702 190 50
1941/10/01-1941/12/31 227. ID 14776/8 1702 923 51
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1940/10/01-1941/08/30 225. ID 13511/2 1696 416 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225. ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
1941/07/01-1941/10/01 227. ID 12998/1 1701 586 49

1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Uait History 137

1940/05/12-1940/06/23 255. ID tf4004c 1763 174 140
1940/05/17-1940/06/21 223. ID Wb749h 1689 219 25
1940/06/03-1940/08/22 253. ID W6854/6 1755 170 119
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1940/06/24-1941/04/30 223. ID 12242/1 1689 477 25
1940/11/23-1941/03/02 223. ID 12242/4 1690 1 27
1941/02/14-1941/05/31 246. ID 11728/1 1719 497 73
1941/03/02-1941/04/29 223. ID 12242/5 1690 396 27
1941/06/01-1941/12/31 246. ID 13735/1 1720 1 78
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1939/11/09-1940/09/29 253. ID W6354/1b 1754 33 118
1940/06/03-1940/08/22 253. ID H6854/6 1753 170 119
1941/08/01-1941/09/20 221.5icliD 16748/10 1667 562 6
1941/11/03-1941/12/13 221.Sj.chD 16748/12 1668 595 7
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.Si^hD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1942/06/18-1942/12/31 221.Si=aD 29380yi1 1680 299 14
1942/06/18-1942/12/31 221.SichD 29380/1 1678 23 13
1942/1U/01.-1942/12/31 221.Si-hD 35408/2 1681 619 15
1943/01/01-1943/08/31 221.5ichD 36509/26 1587 569 20
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SicfcD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221.Sic:hD P1376 1665 3


1940/06/23- 1940/ia/20 255. ID 8299/2 1769 558 141
1943/12/19- 1943/12/31 252. ID 41985/7 1752 540 115
1939/03/00- 1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1941/06/22- 1941/10/08 255. ID 1760,9/1 1772 1 143
1941/08/16 1941/09/04 255. ID 17609/6 1774 813 144
1939/02/02- 1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
"1943/04/01- 1943/09/30 223. ID 35823/1 1694 638 33
1943/08/01- 19U3/09/30 223. ID 35823/3 1695 1 33
1943/10/01- 1943/11/20 223. ID 40156/1 1695 451 34
1939/02/02- 1943/12/04 223. ID Uait History 22
1941/10/28- 1942/03/31 223. ID 20890/6 1691 89 28
1941/11/20- 1941/12/31 223. ID 20890/8 1691 390 29
1942/03/02- 1942/04/29 251. ID 22020/3 1732 371 93
1939/03/00- 1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 36
1943/01/01- 1943/06/30 251. ID 33449/1 1737 664 97
1939/03/00- 1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1942/04/01- 1942/12/31 254. ID 34954/1 1762 462 132
1939/02/02- 1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
1 941/08/06- 1941/09/23 239. ID 16183/5 1714 813 69
1939/02/02- 1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1941/02/14- 1941/05/31 246. ID 11728/1 1719 497 78
1941/Ob/OI- 1941/12/31 246. ID 13735/1 1720 1 78
1939/02/02- 1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History '44
1939/03/00- 1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1939/02/02- 1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1939/03/00- 1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1941/12/24- 1942/04/02 254. ID 21100/3 1762 1 132
1942/01/01- 1942/03/31 223. ID 20890/9 1691 666 29
1943/01/01- 1943/07/31 254. ID 37991/1 1766 393 134
1943/02/01- 1943/06/30 227. ID 33811/1 1707 1 57
1943/05/01- 1943/06/30 227. ID 33d11/3 1707 603 57
1943/07/01- 1943/09/25 227. ID 35527/1 1708 622 58
1943/09/01- 1943/09/25 227.ID 35527/3 1708 1002 58
1943/06/08- 1943'/07/13 221.SichD 36509/19 1685 683 19
1939/03/00- 1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1941/05/06- 1941/06/19 221.Si^hD 16748/8 1666 360 5
1941/05/06- 1941/12/13 221oSichD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1939/03/00- 1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1940/05/21- 1940/06/24 252.ID W7053/5 1745 536 108
1940/05/29- 1940/07/10 252.ID W7054/1 1746 604 139
1940/05/30- 1940/07/06 252. ID H7053/11 174i 222 108
1939/02/02- 1943/12/04 2230ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02- 1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1940/06/24- 1941/04/30 223. ID 12242/1 1689 477 25
1940/11/23- 1941/03/02 223. ID 12242/4 1693 1 27
1941/02/14- 1941/05/31 246. ID 11728/1 1719 497 78
1941/03/02- 1941/04/29 223.ID 12242/5 1590 396 27
1941/06/01- 1941/12/31 246.ID 13735/1 1720 1 78
1939/02/02- 1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1939/02/02- 1944/07/05 221.SicnD Uait Histi 1
1939/08/25- 1940/07/04 239oID 37412/3 1716 854 71


1940/06/06-1940/07/12 221, 3ichD H5934/1 1665 40 3
1940/07/10-1941/02/28 221 SichD 16748/2 1665 324 4
1939/0J/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251.ID 7315/2 1727 88
(faafehlshaber). See specific place of command,
with suftix nil Bfh {Militaerbafealshaber, i.e..
Military Commander), or Wehrm Bev
(Hehriaachtbevollmaechtigter, i.e., Armal Forces
Planipotantiary) .
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1940/10/01-1941/08/30 225.ID 13511/2 1696 416 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/1 169S 355 39
1941/09/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/3 1696 777 39
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1940/05/12-1940/06/23 255.ID H4004c 1768 174 140
See prafix AK (Armeekorps) and specific unit
number or name with suffix PZ (Panzerkorps) for in
armored or tank corps, Res (Hesecvekorps) , and HOvT
(motorized corps).
See prefix denoting nationality (e.g., French,
Rumanian, etc.) and specific unit number or name.
1939/08/26-1939/10/14 239.ID 37412/1 1716 690 71
1940/06/24-1941/04/12 253.ID 10673/2 1755 528 120
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1940/06/24-1941/04/30 223.ID 12242/1 1639 477 25
1941/03/02-1941/04/29 223.ID 12242/5 1693 396 27
194U/01/01-1940/09/30 225, ID W7049/b 1696 213 38
1940/05/17-1940/06/21 223, ID H5749h 1689 219 25
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255, ID Uait History 137
1940/06/23-1941/02/28 255, ID 8299/1 1769 198 141
1943/06/08-1943/07/13 221.SichD 36509/19 1636 683 19
See also specific populated places and
geographical terms.
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 1D1
1939/03/30-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
194 3/09/C7-1943/09/26 255.ID 42996/1 1792 545 155
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1941/01/01-1941/04/27 251. ID 12530./4 1728 258 39
1939/02/02-1943/12/04- 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225, ID Unit History 36
1940/06/21-1940/08/20 223, ID 12242/2 U89 612 25
1940/06/24-1941/04/30 223, ID 12242/1 168) 477 25
1940/08/01-1940/11/22 223. ID 12242/3 1689 954 26
1940/10/01-1941/08/30 225.ID 13511/2 1696 416 39


1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
1943/01/26-1943/04/21 221.5ichD 36509/12 la 85 346 18
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1942/12/05-1943/01/31 225. ID 34327/1 1597 845 42
1942/12/07-1943/01/31 225. ID 34327/3 1t>97 889 42
1943/01/01-1943/07/31 254. ID 37991/1 1766 393 134
1943/01/15-1943/06/30 254. ID 37991/7 1767 1227 136
194J/02/0I-1943/02/28 254. ID 37991/3 1767 1 135
1943/u2/2i>-1943/09/15 225. ID 37355/1 1 42
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252. ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/09/15-1941/10/15 252. ID 16497/5 1747 878 111
194J/u1/01-1943/06/30 251. ID 334,49/7 1738 931 98
1943/03/02-1943/05/28 221.SichD 36509/3 1582 580 16
1943/03/03-1943/03/13 221.5icnD 36509/14 1685 903 18
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228. ID Unit History S1
1939/08/25-1939/09/21 228. ID P166c 1711 1 62
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227. ID H6123/1 1699 1 45
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227. ID 11870/1 1701 1 48
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 86
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251. ID 7315/2 1727 1 88
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1 94 O-/10/0 1-194 1/08/30 225. ID 13511/2 1596 416 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225. ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
See specific anit number with suffix denoting
type: ID {Intanterie Division), VGRD
(Volksgrenadier) for Peoples Infantry division,
GEbD (Gebirgsdivision) for mountain division,, PZD
(Panzerdivision) for armored division, JGD
(Jaegerdivision) for light infantry division,,
LwtfldD (Luftwaffenfelddivision), and SICHD
(Sicherungsdivision) for security division. For
SS divisions, see prefix SS and specific unit:
n u m b a r with suffix giving type and name.
See prefix denoting nationality (e.g.. Soviet,
Hungarian, etc.) and specific unit number.
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1940/05/12-1940/06/23 255.ID tf4004c 1763 174 140
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1941/11/01-1942/01/26 251.ID 16282/1 1730 491 91
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1941/06/18-1941/07/13 255 ID 17609/3 1773 609 143
1941/06/22-1941/10/08 255 ID 1760.9/1 1772 1 143
1941/07/13-1941/07/25 255 ID 17609/4 1774 1 144
1941/07/25-1941/08/16 255 ID 17609/5 1774 4 16 144
1941/08/06-1941/09/23 239.ID 16183/5 1714 813 69




1941/08/16-1941/09/04 255.ID 17609/6 1774 813 144
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/2 1675 425 11
1942/U3/20-1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/1 1676 184 11
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/1 U94 638 33
1943/08/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/3 1695 1 33
1943/08/14-1943/11/04 223.ID 40156/2 1695 494 35
1943/U9/C7-19 43/09/2 6 255.ID 42996/1 1792 545 155
1 94 3 / 0 9 / C 7 - 1 9 4 3 / 0 9 / 2 7 255.ID 42996/2 1792 629 156
1943/09/10-1943/09/22 255.ID 42996/4 1793 1 156
1943/10/01-1943/11/20 223.ID 40156/1 1695 451 34
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1941/07/02-1941/08/05 239.ID 16183/4 1714 427 69
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1941/08/13-1942/07/24 250.ID (spaniscn) 22764/1 1726 86 85
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250.ID (spanisch) Unit His 84
1943/04/01-1943/07/31 223.ID 35823/2 1694 694 33
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/1 1594 638 33
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/7 1738 931 98
1943/01/01-1943/08/31 221.Si3tiD 36509/26 1687 569 20
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251.ID 7315/2 1727 1 88
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1941/03/29-1942/02/01 239.ID 1618.3/1 1713 299 68
1941/09/23-1941/11/07 239,ID 16183/6 1715 1 70
1941/11/08-1941/12/23 239.ID 16183/7 1715 554 73
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1941/W09-1941/11/08 255.ID 25337/2 1777 1 142
1941/10/09-1942/04/30 255.ID 25337/1 1776 1 145
1941/11/08-1941/12/08 255.ID 25337/3 1778 1 146
1943/01/01-1943/03/15 251.ID 33449/5 1733 188 98
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32^72/10 178b 955 152
1943/03/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/13 1790 246 153
1943/03/11-1943/03/16 252.ID 28187/5 1753 537 113
1943/03/16-1943/06/30 251.ID 334,49/6 1738 596 93
1943/U8/0.1-1943/12/31 252.ID 41985/1 1753 975 114
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1941/03/28-1941/06/13 239.ID 16183/2 1713 801 69
1941/06/14-1941/07/02 239,10 16183/3 1714 1
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 131
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1 94 0/0 7/01.-194 1/06/30 227.ID 11870/. 1701 48
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1940/07/01-1940/12/31 251.ID 12436/1 1727 273 88
1941/01/01-1941/04/27 251.ID 12530/1 1723 1 89
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
1941/09/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/3 1696 777 39
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SicnD Unit History 1
1941/08/16-1941/09/04 255.ID 17609/6 1774 813 144
1943/01/30-1943/05/28 221.5ichD 36509/13 1635 626 18
1943/05/01-1943/08/31 221.SichD 36509/2 1682 331 16
1943/06/02-1943/07/15 221.5ichD 3-6509/18 1586 425 19


1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1941/04/14-1941/12/03 253, ID 22495/1 1755 540 120
1941/07/08-1941/08/02 253, ID 22495/4 1756 1 121
1943/03/07-1943/03/23 253. ID 38874/5 1763 180 127
1943/04/01-1943/06/30 255, ID 44513 1794 1 157
1941/07/13-1941/07/25 255.ID 17609/4 1774 1 144
1941/07/25-1941/08/16 255.ID 17609/5 1774. 416 144
1941/09/03-1941/10/11 253.ID 22495/6 1756 440 122
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1942/07/01-1942/10/31 227.ID 26023/1 1704 222 54
1941/09/03-1941/10/11 253.ID 22495/6 1756 440 122
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1941/06/22-1941/10/08 255. ID 17609/1 1772 1 143
1941/08/16-1941/09/04 255. ID 1760,9/6 1774 813 144
1941/10/09-1941/11/08 255.ID 25337/2 Mil 1 142
1941/10/09-1942/04/30 255. ID 25337/1 1776 1 145
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 246. ID 33815/1 1723 1 80
1939/0-3/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1940/03/18-1940/07/04 254. ID W6868/11 1761 645 131
1940/05/10-1940/06/16 254. ID H6868/9 1761 596 131
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Uait History 36
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1941/04/24-1941/07/16 251. ID 14609/2 1728 943 90
1941/07/08-1941/08/02 253. ID 22495/4 1756 1 121
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255, ID Unit History 137
1940/05/12-1940/06/23 255. ID W4004c 1763 174 140
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
194^/12/18-1943/01/27 255.ID 32272/18 1791 66 154
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223, ID Unit History 22
1940/06/24-1941/04/30 223, ID 12242/1 1689 477 25
194 OyO8/01-1940/11/22 223. ID 12242/3 1589 954 26
1939/U2/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 35
1942/09/16-1942/09/21 246.ID 26085/6 1722 214 80
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
See also specitic populated places and
geographical terms.
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225-ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129



1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251.ID 7315/2 1'727 88
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1940/05/12-1940/06/23 255.ID S4004c 1763 174 140
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254,ID Uait History 129
1940/03/18-1940/07/04 254.ID W6368/11 1761 645 131
1940/05/10-1940/06/16 254.ID W6868/9 1761 596 131
1940/07/09-1940/09/30 254.ID W6868/6 1761 205 131
1940/11/03-1941/04/13 253.ID 10673/1 1755 323 120
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1940/05/17-1940/06/21 223.ID ri5749h 1689 219 25
1940/06/05-1941/10/27 223.ID 20890/5 1691 17 28
1940/06/21-1940/08/20 223.ID 12242/2 168} 612 26
1 9 4 0 / 0 6 / 2 4-19 4 1 / 0 4 / 3 0 223.ID 12242/1 1689 477 25
1940/08/01-1940/11/22 223.ID 12242/3 158J 954 26
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1941/04/14-1941/12/03 253.ID 22495/1 1755 540 120
1939/06/16-1940/05/29 252.ID M7053/13 1746 465 109
1940/03/19-1940/05/12 252.ID H7053/12 1746 371 109
1940/05/29-1940/07/04 252.ID W7053/3 1745 375 107
( C a s e ) , See s p e c i f i c name, with suffix FALL,
O P E R A T I O N , U N T E R N E H M E N , or PLAN.
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Uait History 75
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1941/03/28-1941/06/13 239.ID 16183/2 1713 801 69
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1941/01/01-1941/04/27 251.ID 12530/1 1723 1 89
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1943/09/26-194 3/10./2 7 255.ID 42996/6 1793 256 1>S
1943/09/27-1943/10/28 255.ID 42996/5 1793 129 156
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227.ID 11870/1 170.1 1 48
1941/04/06-1941/06/28 227.ID 11870/7 170,1 481 49
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1943/01/01-194J/07/31 254.ID 37991/1 1766 393 134
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 36
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1942/04/01-1942/12/31 254.ID 34954/1 1762 462 132
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1940/06/26-1940/12/31 251.ID 124J6/5 1727 862 88
1940i/07/01-1940/12/17 251.ID 12436/3 1727 645 38
1941/01/01-1941/04/27 251.ID 12530/2 1728 81 89
1941/01/01-1941/04/27 251.ID 12530/3 1728 122 39
1941/01/01-1941/04/27 251.ID 12530/4 1723 258 39
1942/04/14-1942/10/24 230.ID 25356 1712 1 64
1942/04/14-1945/05/22 230.ID Unit History 63
1943/11/01-1943/12/31 230.ID 45498 1712 804 65
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44


19 4O/10/01-1941/08/30 225.ID 13511/2 1696 416 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13531/1 1696 355 39
1941/09/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/3 1696 777 39
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1941/09/04-1941/09/25 255, ID 17609/7 1775 1 145
1943/07/01-1943/09/30 246. ID 43323/1 1724 324 81
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1940/00/23-1941/02/28 255, ID 8299/1 1769 198 141
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252, ID Unit History 101
1939/09/02-1940/05/26 252, ID W527d 1743 176 105
1939/10/29-1940/05/21 252. ID W481c 1740 296 103
1940/05/21-1940/06/24 252. ID W7053/5 1745 536 108
1940/05/29-1940/07/10 252. ID H70.54/1 1745 604 109
1940/05/30-1940/07/06 252, ID W7053/11 1746 222 108
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251, ID Unit History 86
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251, ID 7315/2 1727 88
See also specific populated places and
geographical terms.
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History S6
1939/U2/G2-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit 1 History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID' Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
1939/0b/26-1940/07/31 221. Sic hD W5934/5 1665 179 3
1943/07/16-19,44/10/07 242. ID Unit History 73
(Oberbefehlshaber Belgien and Nordfrankreich)
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1943/10/29-1943/12/20 255.ID 45702 1794 46 157
1943/12/12-1944/01/13 255.ID 4570.2/2 1794 700 157
1940/06/01-1940/07/26 252.ID 12486/4 1746 890 110
1942/0b/18-1942/12/31 221, SichD 29380/8 1580 1 14
1942/06/23-1942/10/29 221 SichD 29380/5 1679 287 13
1942/07/06-1943/01/05 221 SichD 29380/9 1680 25
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1940/01/01-1940/09/30 225.ID H7049/L 1696 213 38
1940/10/01-1941/08/30 225.ID 13511/2 1696 416 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225,ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251.ID 7315/2 1727 38
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID U n i t H i s t o r y 137
194 1/06/22-1 941/10./08 255.ID 1760,9/1 1772 1 143
1941/08/16-1941/09/04 255.ID 17609/6 1774 813 144
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1943/08/05-1943/09/07 255.ID 41584/2 1791 387 155
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250.ID (spanisch) Unit His 34



1941/09/26-1941/11/05 227.ID 14776/2 1702 515 51
1941/10/01-1941/12/31 227.ID 14776/1 1702 190 50
1941/10/01-1941/12/31 227.ID 14776/8 1702 923 51
1941/12/21-1942/05/03 225.ID 16022/1 1697 1 40
1942/01/07-1942/05/01 225.ID 18022/2 1697 76 40
1943/01/01-1943/07/31 254.ID 37991/1 176b 3-93 134
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1941/10/01-1941/12/31 227.ID 14776/1 1702 190 50
1942/09/23-1942/10/18 227.ID 26023/9 1705 231 55
1942/11/01-1943/01/31 227.ID 30705/1 170.5 628 56
1943/09/20-1943/11/15 227.ID 40428/2 1709 720 59
1943/09/26-1943/12/31 227.ID 40428/1 1709 436 59
1943/11/16-1943/12/31 227.ID 40428/3 1710 1 60
1939/06/25-1940/05/12 255.ID W4004 1763 1 140
1940/04/15-1940/04/26 255.ID W4Q04b 1768 40 140
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 35
1940/01/01-1940/09/30 225.ID W7049/b 1696 213 38
( O b e r JcomtQcindo des Heeres) See OKH.
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227.ID W6123/1 1699 1 46
1940/01/01-1940/09/30 225.ID W7049/b 1696 213 33
1943/07/15-1943/12/29 242.ID 44004/2 1717 51 74
1943/07/16-1943/12/31 242.ID 44004/1 1717 1 74
1943/07/16-1944/10/07 242.ID Unit History 73
1940/06/01-1940/11/22 223. ID 12242/3 1689 954 26
1941/08/13-1942/07/24 250. ID (spanisca) 22764/1 1726 86 85
194 1/08/13-1943/11/30 250. ID (spanisca) Unit His 84
1 94 0/Ot>/2 4 - 1 9 4 1 / 0 4 / 3 0 223. ID 12242/1 1689 477 25
1941/03/02-1941/04/29 223. ID 12242/5 1690 396 27
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 25.1. ID Unit History 35
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251. ID 7315/2 1727 1 88
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1*41/10/26-1941/12/23 254. ID 21 100/2 1761 999 132
1939/08/26-1939/10/14 239. ID 37412/1 1716 690 71
1943/08/01-1943/12/31 252. ID 41985/1 1753 975 114
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID- Unit History 101
1941/10/12-.1941/11/08 253. ID 22495/7 1756 639
1942/02/01-1942/03/03 253. ID 27625/4 1757 523 123
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/09/04-1939/10/06 252.ID P49/2 1740 1 103
1939/10/05-1939/10/28 223.ID W5749b 1688 1 24
1939/10/17-1940/01/11 223.ID W57U9c 1688 25 24
1940/01/15-1940/02/07 223.ID W5749d 1688 281 24
1940/01/16-1940/04/15 223.ID M5749e 1688 434 24
1943/05/U-1941/07/02 253.ID 36940 1759 438 125
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137


1943/08/05-1943/09/07 255.ID 41584/2 1791 387 155
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/7 1738 931 98
1939/U2/02-1944/07/05 221.5ichD Unit History 1
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.SicbD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1941/07/13-1941/07/25 255.ID 17609/4 1774 1 144
1941/08/01-1941/09/20 221.SichD 16748/10 1667 562 6
1941/09/21.-1941/10/31 221.SichD 16748/11 1668 1 6
1941/11/01-1941/12/13 221.3ichD 16748/12 1668 595 7
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/2 1676 425 11
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221.5i3hD 22639/1 1576 184 11
1942/03/21-1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/7 1o77 833 12
1942/0b/18-1942/09/30 221.SichD 35408/1 1681 1 15
1942/06/18-1942/12/31 221.SichD 29380/1 167d 23 13
1942/06/18-1942/12/31 221.S1CHD 29380/11 1680 299 14
1942/06/23-1942/10/29 221.3ichD 29380/5 167J 287 13
1942/10/01-1942/12/31 221.SichD 35408/2 1681 619 15
1942/10/31-1942/12/31 221.5ichD 29380/6 1679 773 14
1943/01/01-1943/04/30 221.5icnD 36509/4 1682 631 16
1943/01/01-1943/06/01 221.5ichD 36509/1 1682 1 16
1943/01/01-1943/08/31 221.SichD 36509/26 1687 569 20
1943/01/30-1943/05/28 221.5icliD 36509/13 1685 626 13
1943/05/01-1943/08/31 221.SichD 36509/2 1682 331 16
1943/06/02-1943/07/15 221,5ichD 36509/18 163o 425 19
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1940/07/01-1941/05/24 252.ID 12486/14 1746 10,67 110
1940/07/10-1941/05/24 252.ID 12486/1 1745 772 139
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1942/01/07-1942/05/01 225.ID 18022/2 1697 76 40
1942/U5/04-1942/12/05 225.ID 2450.0/1 1697 252 41
1942/08/13-1942/12/04 225,10 2450.0/4 1697 657 41
1943/08/01-1943/12/31 252.ID 41985/1 1750 975 114
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 25UID Unit History 86
1943/11/04-1943/12/31 251.ID 44807/1 1739 817 99
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 25UID Unit History 36
1941/11/01-1942/01/26 251.ID 16282/1 1733 491 91
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1942/U7/01-1942/10/31 227.ID 26023/1 1704 222 54
1943/08/01-1943/12/31 252.10 41985/1 1750 975 1 14
1943/10/15-1943/11/17 252.ID 41985/4 1 114
1943/11/09-1943/12/31 252.ID 41985/9 1752 869 115
1943/11/18-1943/11/30 252.ID 41985/5 1.752 273 115
1943/12/01-1943/12/18 252.ID 41985/6 1752 428 1 15
1943/12/19-1943/12/31 252.ID 41985/7 540 115
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1943/07/01-1943/08/04 255.ID 41584/1 1791 284 154
1943/08/05-1943/09/07 255.ID 41584/2 1791 387 155
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251.ID 7315/2 1727 88
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228.ID Unit History 61



1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-191*5/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/08/25-1939/09/21 228.ID P166C 1711 1 62
194,1/04/24-1941/07/16 251.ID 14609/2 1723 943 90
1 94 1 / 0 4 / 2 8 - 1 9 4 1/08/06 251.ID 14609/6 1723 475 90
1941/04/28-1941/10/31 251.ID 14609/1 1723 276 39
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1940/02/06-1940/05/27 254.ID H6868/4 1761 1 131
1940/05/10-1940/06/16 254.ID W6868/9 1761 596 131
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227.ID H6123/1 1699 1 45
1940/03/25-1940/05/22 227.ID W6123/2 1699 85 46
1943/03/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/13 1790 246 153
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/1 1737 97
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.5ichD Unit iistory 1
1941/08/13-1942/07/24 2 5 0 . I D ( s p a n i s c r h ) 22764/1 1726 86 85
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250.ID (spanisch) Unit His 84
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1940/07/10-1941/05/24 252.ID 12486/1 1746 772 109
(Group). See specific unit name, with suffix
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1943/02/01-1943/06/30 227.ID 33811/1 1707 1 57
1943/07/01-1943/09/25 227.ID 35527/1 1708 622 58
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252.ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/10/09-1941/11/08 255.ID 25337/2 1777 1 142
1941/10/09-1942/04/30 255.ID 25337/1 1776 1 145
1941/10/15-1941/11/15 252,ID 16497/6 1747 1065 111
1941/11/16-1941/12/31 252.ID 16497/7 1748 1 111
1941/12/08-1941/12/31 255.ID 25337/4 1773 663 146
1941/12/J1-1942/01/31 255.ID 25337/5 1779 1 146
1942/01/31-1942/02/27 255.ID 25337/6 1780 1 147
1942/03/06-1942/12/31 252.ID 28187/1 1749 755 112
1942/04/D 1-1942/04/30 255.ID 25337/8 1780 902 147
1942/12/01-1943/03/17 252.ID 28187/2 1750 1 113
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1 94 0./0 1/0 I- 19 4 0 / 0 6 / 3 0 227.ID W6123/1 1699 '46
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1940./02/01- 1940/07/03 246.ID 6838/1 1719 77

1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36

1 94 O/ 1Q/01-1941/08/30 225.ID 13511/2 1696 416 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
1942/04/14-1945/05/22 230.ID Unit History S3
19 42/04/14- 194 2/1 0./24 230.ID 25356 1712 1 54
1942/04/14-1945/05/22 230.ID Unit History 63
1942/10/25-1943/04/30 230.ID 31292 1712 180 4
1943/05/01-1943/10/31 230.ID 37730 1712 537 64
1943/11/01-1943/12/31 230.ID 45498 1712 804 65

1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1943/01/30-1943/05/28 221.Sic:hD 36509/13 1685 626 18
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227, ID Unit History
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227, ID 11870/1 1701 1 48
1941/04/06-1941/06/28 227, ID 11870/7 170.1 481 49
( A r m y G r o u p s ) . S e e p r e f i x HGR and specific unit
l e t t e r or name.
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1940/01/01-1940/09/30 225.ID W7049/b 1595 213 38
194u/10/01-1941/08/30 225.ID 13511/2 1696 416 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/1 1596 355 39
19J9/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1940/02/06-1940/05/27 254.ID W6868/4 1761 131
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/U2/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
.1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221. SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255, ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251, ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252, ID Unit History 101
1941/11/03-1941/12/13 221, SichD 16748/12 1668 595 7
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223, ID Unit History 22
1942/11/01-1943/01/31 227. ID 30705/2 1706 56
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254,ID Unit History 129
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1940/05/10-1940/05/19 223. ID H5749q 1589 1 25
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID- Unit Hdstory 36
1940/05/2 1-19 4 0 / C 8 / 2 0 223. ID 12242/2 1589 612 25
1940/06/24-1941/04/30 223. ID 12242/1 1689 477 25
194U/08/01-1940/11/22 223. ID 12242/3 1689 954 26
1940/10/01-1941/08/30 225. ID 13511/2 1696 416 39
1940./10/01-1941/12/20 225. ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
1940/08/01-1940/11/22 223.ID 12242/3 1589 954 26
1943/10/18-1943/11/17 252.ID 41985/4 1752 1 114
1943/00/08-1943/07/13 221-SichD 36509/19 1686 683 19
1943/03/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/13 1790 246 153
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Uait History 75
1940/02/01-1940/07/03 246.ID 68J8/1 1719 1 77

isr, INDEX


1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251.ID 7315/2 1727 1 88
1943/07/15-1943/12/29 242.ID 44004/2 1717 51 74
1943/07/16-1943/12/31 242.ID 44004/1 1717 1 74
1943/07/16-1944/10/07 242.ID Unit History 73
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1941/07/08-1941/08/02 253.ID 22495/4 1756 1 121
1943/04/01-1943/07/31 223.ID 35823/2 1694 694 33
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/1 1694 638 33
1943/08/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/3 1695 1 33
1943/03/07-1943/03/23 253.ID 38874/5 176J 180 127
1940/03/25-1940/05/22 227.ID W6123/2 1699 85 46
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1943/01/15-1943/06/30 254.ID 37991/7 1767 1227 136
1943/02/25-1943/09/15 225.ID 37355/1 1698 1 42
Sea specific unit number with sutfix ID or ID
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/10/17-1940/01/11 223.ID M5749c 1688 25 24
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID- Unit History 36
1941/04/28-1941/08/06 251.ID 14609/6 1729 475 90
1941/04/28-1941/10/31 251.ID 14609/1 1728 276 39
1942/10/06-1943/01/26 221.5ichD 36509/11 1685 1 17
1943/05/06-1943/05/19 221.SictiD 36509/15 1686. 1 18
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1943/09/^:6-1943/10/27 255. ID 42996/6 1793 256 155
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252.ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/10/15-1941/11/35 252.ID 16497/6 1747 1065 111
1943/01/01-1943/04/30 2 2 1 . 3 i c h D 36509/4 1582 631 16
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1942/02/28-1942/03/30 255.ID 25337/7 1780 467 147
1942/03/05-1942/04/23 255.ID 25337/12 1781 261 147
1942/05/01-1942/05/31 255.ID 25610/8 1782 89 U8
1942/06/11-1942/07/18 255.ID 32272/8 1788 737 152
1942/U8/01-1942/08/31 255.ID 25610/11 1784 1 149
1942/09/01-1942/09/30 255,ID 25610/12 1784 709 149
1942/10/01-1942/10/31 255.ID 29366/2 1785 321 150
1943/01/01-1943/02/28 255.ID 32272/11 1789 1 152
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/10 1788 955 152
1939/U2/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1940/01/OJ-1940/06/30 227.ID W6123/1 1699 45
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250.ID (spanisch) Unit His 84
1942/05/01-1943/06/30 250.ID (sp-anisch) 41589 1726 317 85
1943/01/01-1943/07/31 254.ID 37991/1 1766 393 134
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1941/12/31-1942/01/31 255.ID 25337/5 1779 146
1942/01/31-1942/02/27 255.ID 25337/6 1780 147


1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/10/05-1939/10/28 223.ID W5749b 1688 24
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1939/08/26-1939/10/14 239.ID 37412/1 1716 690 71
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1939/08/25-1940/07/04 239^10 37412/3 854 71
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 35
1939/03/0J-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254ID 21100/1 1761 871 132
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254.ID 21100/1 1761 871 132
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254.ID 21100/1 1761 871 132
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246oID Unit History 75
1943/06/02-1943/07/15 221.5ichD 36509/18 1586 425 19
1943/09/27-1943/10/28 255.ID 42996/5 1793 129 156
1941/05/16-1941/07/02 253.ID 36940 1759 433 125
1941/06/22-1941/07/07 253.ID 22495/3 1755 1108 121
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1941/11/01-1942/01/26 251.ID 16282/1 1730 491 91
1941/11/02-1941/12/13 251.ID 16282/2 1730 742 92
194 1/12/13-1942/01/26 251.ID 16282/3 1730 955 92
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1941/09/21-1941/10/31 221.5ichD 16748/11 1668 1 6
1*43/11/04-1943/12/31 251.ID 44807/1 1739 817 99
1943/08/01-1943/12/31 252.ID 41985/1 1750 975 114
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SicnD Unit History 1
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221.SichD P1376 1665 1 3
1939/08/26-1940/07/31 221.SicnD H5934/5 1665 179 3
1943/01/26-1943/04/21 22T.SichD 36509/12 1585 346 18
1943/01/30-1943/05/28 221.Si3hD 36509/13 1685 626 18
(Battle Group). See specific unit name, with
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1941/08/00-1941/09/23 239.ID 16183/5 1714 813 69
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255, ID Unit History 137
1943/10/29-1943/12/20 255. ID 45702 1794 46 157
1939/U2/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1942/10/01-1942/12/31 223, ID 310.72/2 1693 645 31
1942/10/01-1943/03/31 223, ID 31072/1 1693 536 31
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 223, ID 310,72/3 1693 932 32
1943/04/01-1943/07/31 223.ID 35823/2 1b94 694 33
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/1 1694 638 33


1941/05/16-1941/07/02 253.ID 36940 1759 438 125
1942/02/01-1942/03/03 253.ID 27625/4 1757 523 123
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1941/12/21-1942/05/03 225.ID 18022/1 1697 1 40
1942/01/01-1942/03/31 225.ID 204-60/2 1697 235 40
1942/01/07-1942/05/01 225.ID 18022/2 1697 76 40
1942/10/06-1943/01/26 221.SichD 36509/11 1685 1 17
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1939/08/26-1939/10/14 ID 37412/1 171b 690 71
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227,ID H6123/1 1699 46
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1941/05/16-1941/07/02 253.ID 36940 1759 438 125
1941/06/22-1941/07/07 253.ID 22495/3 1755 1108 121
1943/05/01-1943/10/31 230.ID 37730 1712 537 64
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223,ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1941/04/28-1941/10/31 251.ID 1460,9/1 1728 276 89
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254.ID 21100./1 1761 871 132
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1942/04/29-1942/06/27 251.ID 22020/4 1732 700 93
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1941/10/28-1941/11/19 223.ID 20890/7 1691 165 29
1941/10/28-1942/03/31 223.ID 20890/6 1691 89 28
1942/01/01-1942/03/31 223.ID 20890/9 1691 666 29
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239^10 Unit History 66
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1941/03/29-1942/02/01 239-ID 16183/1 1713 299 68
1941/09/23-1941/11/07 239.ID 16183/6 1715 1 70
1942/04/29-1942/06/27 251.ID 22020./4 1732 700 93
1943/04/01.-1943/09/30 223. ID- 35823/1 1694 638 33
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223. ID 35823/4 1695 232 34
1943/06/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/3 1695 1 33
1943/08/14-1943/11/04 223.ID 40156/2 1695 494 35
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
194 1/06/22-1941/10./08 255.ID 1760.9/1 1772 1 143
1943/08/16-1941/09/04 255.ID 1760.9/6 1774 813 144
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1942/04/13-4942/06/30 253.ID 30512/2 1758 1 124
1942/04/14-1942/12/31 253.ID 30512/1 1757 860 124
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 36
1943/11/04-1943/12/31 251.ID 44807/1 1739 817 99
1941/09/04-1941/09/25 255.ID 1760.9/7 1775 1
1943/03/07-1943/03/23 253.ID 38874/5 1763 180 127


1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1942/04/13-1942/06/30 253.ID 30512/2 1758 1 124
1942/04/14-1942/12/31 253.ID 30512/1 1757 860 124
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1943/01/01-1943/03/15 251.ID 33449/5 1738 188 93
1943/03/15-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/6 1738 596 98
1943/06/02-1943/07/15 221.SichD 36509/18 1686 425 19
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1941/03/29-1942/02/01 239.ID 16183/1 1713 299 63
1941/09/23-1941/M/07 239.ID 16183/6 1715 1 73
1939/1)2/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1942/10/06-1943/01/26 221.S1C&D 36509/11 1685 1 17
1943/01/01-1943/06/01 221.SichD 36509/1 1582 1 16
1943/U1/01-1943/08/31 221.5-ichD 36509/26 1687 569 20
1943/05/01-1943/08/31 221.oicnD 36509/2 1682 331 16
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221-SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/08/26-1940/07/31 221.SichD W593Q/5 1665 179 3
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1943/09/07-1943/09/26 255.ID 42996/1 1792 545 155
1 9* 3 / U 9 / C 7 - 1 9 4 3 / 0 9 / 2 7 255.ID 42996/2 1792 629 156
3939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 115
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227,ID Unit History 44
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit,History 129
1941/U8/13-1943/11/30 250.ID (spanisch) Unit His 84
1942/01/07-1942/05/01 225.ID 18022/2 1697 76 40
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254,10 Unit History 129
1941/12/24-1942/04/02 254.ID 21100/3 17t>2 132
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239ID Unit History 66
1941/03/29-1942/02/01 239.ID 16183/1 1713 299 68
1941/08/06-1941/09/23 239oIU 16183/5 1714 813 69
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227-ID Unit History 44
1942/04/01-1942/05/31 223.ID 23598/2 1692 373 30
1942/04/01-1942/09/30 223.ID 23598/1 1692 277 30
1942/06/01-1942/09/30 223.ID 23598/3 1592 655 30
1942/11/01-1943/01/31 227<,ID 30705/2 1706 1 56
1942/11/01-1943/01/31 227.ID 30705/1 1705 628 56
1942/10/06-1943/01/26 221.Si3hD 36509/11 1685 1 17
1943/05/06-1943/05/19 221.SichD 36509/15 1686 1 18
1943/01/26-1943/04/21 221.SichD 36509/12 1685 346 18
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1942/06/18-1942/09/30 221.5ichD 35408/1 1681 1 15
1942/1 a/01-1942/12/31 221.SichD 35408/2 1681 619 15
1943/U1/01-1943/08/31 221.SictiD 36509/26 1687 569 20
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1941/09/21-1941/10/3 1 221.SichD 16748/11 1t>63 1 6
1942/06/18-1942/09/30 221.SichD 35408/1 1681 1 15
1942/06/18-1942/12/31 221.SichD 29380/1 1678 23 13
1942/06/18-1942/12/31 221.SichD 29380/11 1680 299 14
1942/06/23-1942/10/29 221.Si3hD 29380/5 1679 287 13


1942/10/01-1942/12/31 221.SicaD 35408/2 1381 619. 15
194<i/10/3l-1942/12/31 221.SichD 29380/6 1679. 773 14
1943/01/01-1943/06/01 221.5ichD 36509/1 1682 1 16
1943/01/01-1943/08/31 221.SicaD 36509/26 1687 569 20
1943/01/30-1943/05/28 221.3ichD 36509/1.3 1685 626 18
1943/05/01-1943/08/31 221.3ichD 36509/2 1682 331 16
1942/07/01-1942/07/31 255.ID 25610/10 1783 565 149
194 3/07/16-1944/10./07 242.ID Unit History 73
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.Si3tiD U n i t H i s t o r y 1
1 9 3 9 / U 3 / 0 0 - 1 9 4 4 / 0 1/1 3 2 5 5 , I D U n i t History 137
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 2 2 1 . S i c h D 16748/7 1666 1 5
1941/06/18-1941/07/13 255.ID 17609/3 1773 609 143
1941/06/20-1941/07/31 2 2 1 . S i c h D 16748/9 1667 1 6
1941/05/22-1941/10/08 255.ID 1760,9/1 1772 1 143
1941/Ob/01-1941/09/20 2 2 1 . S i c h D 16748/10 1667 562 6
1943/11/04-1943/12/31 251.ID 44807/1 1739 817 99
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 56
1941/07/02-1941/08/05 239.ID 16183/4 1714 427 69
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/09/04-1939/10/06 252.ID P49/2 1740 1 103
1943/08/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/3 1695 1 33
1941/06/22-1941/07/07 253.ID 22495/3 1755 noa 121
1941/08/01-1941/09/20 221.SichD 16748/10 1667 562
1943/02/21-1943/03/06 253.ID 38874/4 1760 1 127
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/09/04-1939/10/06 252.ID P49/2 1740 1 103
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1941/11/0.1-1941/12/13 221,SicnD 16748/12 1668 595 7
1942/12/28-1943/02/27 255.ID 32272/20 1791 162 154
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/22 1791 273 154
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/10 1788 955 152
1943/02/18-1943/02/27 255.ID 32272/T9 1791 134. 154
1943/03/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/13 1790 246 153
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1941/12/21-1942/05/03 225.ID 18022/1 1697 1 40
1942/01/C7-1942/05/01 225.ID 18022/2 1697 76 40
1942/05/03-1942/08/13 225.ID 24500/3 1697 432 41
1942/05/04-1942/12/05 225.ID 24500/1 1697 252 41
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1941/09/25-1941/10/08 255.ID 17609/8 1775 482 145
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252.ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/07/11-1941/08/20 252.ID 16497/3 1747 582 111
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1943/11/04-1943/12/31 251.ID 44807/1 1739 817 99

1939/02/02-1 9 44/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1942/06/18-1942/09/30 221.SichD 35408/1 1681 15
1942/06/18-1942/12/31 221 SichD 29380/11 1680 299 14
1942/06/18-1942/12/31 221 SichD 29380/1 1678 23 13
1942/10/01-1942/12/31 221. SichD 35408/2 1681 619 15
194 j/0 1/0 1-1 943/08/31 221 SichD 36509/26 1&87 569 20
1943/05/01-1943/08/31 221, SichD 36509/2 1682 331 16
1943/06/02-1943/07/15 221, SichD 36509/18 1686 425 19
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SicuD Unit History 1
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/1 1676 184 11
(Corps) . See prefix AK (Arraeekorps) and specific
unit number or name with suffix PZ (Panzerkorp.s)
tor an armored or tank corps. Res (Reser vekorps)
and MOT (motorized corps) .
A corps command combining the remnants of two or
more mauled divisions still in active combat.
1943/10/29-1943/12/20 255, ID 45702 1794 46 157
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 86
(Corps group) . See specific unit name, with
suffix Korpsgruppe.
Kommandant rueckwaertiges Armeegebiet (Army Hear
Area Command) .
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/10/05- 1939/1 a/28 223,ID W5749b 1688 1 24
1939/10/17-1940/01/11 223.ID W5749c 1688 25 24
1940/01/15-1940/02/07 223.ID W5749d 1b88 281 24
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/09/04-1939/10/06 252,10 P49/2 1740 103
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
19U 2/06/1 8- 1942/09/30 221.SichD 35408/1 1681 1 15
1943/01/01-1943/08/31 221.SichD 36509/26 1637 569 20
1 94 J/05/0 1-1 943/08/31 221.SichD 36509/2 1682 331 16
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251 ID' Unit History 86
1943/11/03-1943/12/31 251 44807/2 1739 899 100
1943/11/04-1943/12/31 251 44807/1 1739 817 99
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225, ID Unit History 36
1942/08/13-1942/12/04 225, ID 24500./4 1697 657 41
1942/12/05-1943/01/31 225. ID 34327/1 1697 845 12
1942/12/07-1943/01/31 225< ID 34327/3 1697 889 42
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116

1943/03/24- 1943/04/22 253.ID 38874/6 1760 372 127

194J/04/24- 1941/07/16 251.ID 14609/2 1723 943 90
1939/03/00- 1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/02/02- 1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1941/03/29- 1942/02/01 239.ID 16183/1 1713 299 63
1941/09/23 1941/11/07 239.ID 16183/6 1715 1 70



1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254,ID 21100/1 1761 871 132
1943/01/01-1943/07/31 254.ID 37991/1 1766 393 134
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250.ID (spanisch) Unit His 84
1942/05/01-1943/06/30 250.ID (spanisch) 41589 1726 317 85
1943/01/01-1943/07/31 254.ID 37991/1 176b 393 134
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1941/08/13-1942/07/24 250.ID (spanisch) 22764/1 1726 86 85
1941/12/16-1942/03/31 250.ID (spanisch) 19769 1726 1 85
1942/05/01-1943/06/30 250.ID (spaniscti) 41589 172o 317 85
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1941/03/29-1942/02/01 239.ID 16183/1 171J 299 63
1941/08/06-1941/09/23 239..ID 16183/5 1714 813 69
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/1 1694 638 33
1943/06/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/3 1695 1 33
1942/U6/11-1942/07/18 255,ID 32272/8 1788 737 152
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 1 16
1939/0^/02-1944/07/05 221,SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1341/05/25-1941/12/31 252.ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/06/22-1941/10/08 255.ID 17609/1 1772 1 143
1941/08/16-1941/09/04 255,ID 17609/6 1774 813 144
1941/08/21-1941/09/15 252.ID 16497/4 1747 727 111
1941/09/21-1941/10/31 221.S1C&D 16748/11 1668 1 6
1942/06/18-1942/12/31 221.SichD 29380/1 1678 23 13
1943/01/18-1943/07/11 221.SictiD 36509/17 1686 355 19
1943/08/16-1943/09/29 221.SichD 36509/20 1686 738 19
K T d ( w a r - j o u r n a l o r diar y) . See records of
specinc u n i t or c o m m a n d
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1942/04/01-1942/12/31 254.ID 34954/1 1762 462 132
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID* Unit History 66
1939/08/25-1940/07/04 239.ID 37412/3 1716 854 71
1939/06/26-1939/10/14 239.ID 37412/1 1716 690 71
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221-.SlchD P1376 16b5 3
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1943/03/07-1943/03/23 253.ID 38874/5 1763 180 127
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254.ID 21100/1 1761 871 132
1943/03/D7-1943/03/23 253.ID 38874/5 1760 180 127


1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1942/01/01-1942/03/31 223.ID 20890/9 1691 666 29
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251. ID 33449/1 1737 564 97
1939/U2/02-1944/07/05 221. SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221. SichD P1376 1665 1 3
1939/08/26-1940/07/31 221. SichD W5934/5 1665 179 3
1939/09/04-1939/10/06 252. ID P49/2 1740 1 103
1940/07/10-1941/02/28 221. SichD 16748/2 1665 324 4
1941/06/22-1941/07/07 253,ID 22495/3 1755 1108 121
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1941/10/01-1941/12/31 227. ID 14776/8 1702 923 51
1941/10/01-1941/12/31 227. ID 14776/1 1702 190 50
1941/10/11-1941/12/28 227. ID 14776/6 1702 794 51
1941/10/26-1941/12/23 254. ID 21100/2 1761 999 132
1941/10/28-1941/11/19 223. ID 20890/7 1691 165 29
1941/11/07-1941/12/28 227. ID 14776/3 1702 650 51
1941/12/24-1942/04/02 254. ID 21 100/3 1762 1 132
1942/01/01-1942/03/31 227. ID 17799/1 1702 1062 52
1942/04/01-1942/06/30 227. ID 21496/1 1-703 486 53
1942/04/01-1942/06/30 227. ID 21496/4 1704 122 54
1942/05/01-1942/06/26 227. ID 21496/3 1704, 1 53
1942/07/01-1942/10/31 227. ID 26023/2 1704 722 54
1942/07/01-1942/10/31 227. ID 26023/1 1704 222 54
1942/08/27-1942/09/30 227. ID 26023/8 1705 1
1942/10/01-1942/12/31 223. ID 31072/2 1633 645 31
1942/11/01-1943/01/31 227. ID 307.05/2 1706 1 56
1942/11/01-1943/01/31 227. ID 30.705/1 1705 628 56
1943/01/12-1943/01/18 227. ID 30.705/8 1706 983 56
1943/09/01-1943/09/25 227. ID 35527/3 1708 1002 58
1942/08/27-1942/10/12 227.ID 26023/10 1705 370 55
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251 ID Unit History 86
1940/07/01-1940/12/31 251, ID 12436/1 1727 273 88
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID) Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 1 16
1939/11/09-1940/09/29 253,ID W6854/1b 1754 33 118
1940/05/12-1940/06/23 255o ID W4004C 1768 174 140
1940/05/17-1940/06/21 223o ID W5749h 1589 219 25
1940/06/03-1940/08/22 253. ID W6854/6 1755 170 1 19
See also specific populated places and
geographical terms.
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/0'0-1945/04/17 254o ID Unit History 129
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
1940/02/01-1940/07/03 246.ID 6 8 3 8 / 1 1719 77
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246, ID Unit History 75
1940/02/01-1940/07/03 246, ID 6838/1 1719 77
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255. ID 32272/10 1788 955 152
1943/08/05-1943/09/07 255. ID 41584/2 1791 387 155



1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221-SichD Unit History 1
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221.SichD P1376 1665 3
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227,10 W6123/1 1699 46
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250.ID (spanisch) Unit His 84
1942/05/01-1943/06/30 250.ID (spanisch) 41589 1726 317 85
1943/01/15-1943/06/30 254.ID 37991/7 1767 1227 136
1943/03/01-1943/04/30 254.ID 37991/4 1767 342 135
1943/05/01-1943/06/30 254. ID 379,91/5 1767 716 135
1943/07/01-1943/07/31 254.ID 37991/6 1767 10.88 135
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1943/08/01-1943/12/31 252.ID 419.85/1 1750 975 114
1943/09/27-1943/10/28 255.ID 42996/5 1793 129 156
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251,ID Unit History 86
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251.ID 7315/2 1727 88
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1940/01/01,-1940/06/30 227.ID Wb123/1 1699 46
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Uait History 86
1943/11/04-1943/12/31 251.ID 44807/1 1739 817 99
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1940/06/05-1941/10/27 223.ID 20890/5 1691 17 28
1941/04/30-1941/10/26 223.ID 20890./1 1690 630 27
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228.ID Unit History 61
1939/U8/25-1939/09/21 228.ID P!66c 1711 1 52
1940/07/10-4941/02/28 221.SichD 16748/2 1665 324
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1 94 1 / 10/O 9- 1 9 42/04 /3 0 255.ID 25337/1 1776 1 145
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/08/26-1940/05/31 253.ID H6854/7 1755 314 119
1939/11/09-1940/09/29 253.ID W6854/1b 1754 33 118
1940/01/01-1940/05/31 253.ID W6854/3 1754 459 118
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251.ID 7315/2 1727 1 88
1940/05/10-1940/05/19 223.ID W5749g 1689 1 25
1940/05/17-1940/06/21 223.ID W5749H 1689 219 25
1940/05/10-1940/05/19 223.ID W5749g 1689 1 25
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1940/05/17-1940/06/21 223.ID W5749K 1689 219 25
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/08/26-1940/05/31 253.ID W6854/7 1755 314 119
1939/11/09-1940/09/29 253.ID W6854/1b 1754 33 118
1940/01/03-1940/05/31 253.ID W6854/3 1754 459 118
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227.ID W6123/1 1699. 1 46


1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251. ID 7315/2 1727 1 88
1940/06/03-1940/08/22 253. ID W6854/6 1755 170 119
193^/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 86
1940/01/01-1940/09/30 225. ID W7049/b 213 38
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251. ID 7315/2 1727 1 38
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 2 4 6 . ID Unit History 75
1943/07/01-1943/09/30 24b. ID 43323/1 1724 324 81
1943/ia/01-1943/12/31 2 4 6 . ID 43323/3 1724 873 32
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1941/10/01-1941/12/31 227. ID 14776/1 1702 190 50
1942/U1/OI-1942/03/31 2 2 7 . ID 17799/1 1702 10b2 52
1942/04/01-1942/06/30 227. ID 21496/1 1703 486 53
1942/07/01-1942/10/31 2 2 7 . ID 26023/1 1-704 222 54
19 J 9 / 0 3 / . 0 0 - 1 9 4 5 / 0 4 / 1 7 254.ID Unit History 129
1942/04/13-1942/06/30 253. ID 30512/2 1758 1 124
1942/04/14-1942/12/31 2 5 3 . ID 30512/1 1757 860 124
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 2 2 5 , ID Unit History 36
1940/06/21-1940/08/20 2 2 3 . ID 12242/2 1689 612 26
1940/Ob/24-1941/04/30 223. ID 12242/1 1689 477 25
1940/03/01-1940/11/22 2 2 3 . ID 12242/3 1689 954 26
1940/10/01-1941/08/30 2 2 5 . ID 13511/2 1b9b 4 16 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225, ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1941/12/21-1942/05/03 225. ID 18022/1 1697 1 40
1942/01/01-1942/03/31 225., ID 20460/2 1697 235 40
1942/01/07-1942/05/01 225. ID 180,22/2 1o97 76 40
See also s p e c i f i c p o p u l a t e d places and
g e o g r a p h i c a l terras.
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221. SichD Unit History 1
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 2 5 K ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 1 16
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
1942/07/01-1942/12/31 251.ID 2b778/9 1736 476 96
1941/09/03-1941/10/11 253.ID 22495/6 1756 440 122
1943/10/18-1943/11/17 252. ID 419.85/4 1752 1 114
1943/11/18-1943/11/30 252. ID 41985/5 1752 273 115
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1942/10./01-1942/12/31 223. ID 31072/2 1o93 645 31
1942/10/01-1943/03/31 2 2 3 . ID 310,72/1 1693 536 31
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 223. ID 31072/3 1b93 932 32
1943/04/01-1943/07/31. 223. ID 35823/2 1694 694 33
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223. ID 35823/1 1694 638 33
1*40/Ob/23-1940/10/20 255.ID 8299/2 1769 658 141
1943/04/01-1943/07/31 223.ID 35823/2 1694 694 33
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223. ID 35823/1 1694 638 33
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID U n i t History 75
1943/01/0-1-194J/0.3/31 246.ID 33815/1 1723 80
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1


1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/7 1S6b 1 5
1941/06/20-1941/07/31 221.SichD 16748/9 1667 1 6
1943/11/18-1943/11/30 252.ID 41985/5 1752 273 115
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1940/06/24-1941/04/30 223.ID 12242/1 1689 477 25
1940/11/23-1941/03/02 223.ID 12242/4 1690 1 27
1941/06/01-1941/12/31 246.ID 13735/1 1720, 1 78
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251.ID 7315/2 1727 1 88
1941/04/28-1941/08/06 251.ID 14609/6 1729 475 90
1941/08/03-1941/09/03 253.ID 22495/5 1756 229 121
1941/08/07-1941/10/31 251.ID 14609/7 1729 763 90
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1940/07/10-1941/05/24 252.ID 12486/1 1746 772 109
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221.SichD P1376 1665 1
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1941/OJ/01-1941/05/31 255.ID 9870./1 1770 445 142
1941/04/23-1941/06/05 255. ID 9870./3 1771 1 142
1939/02/32-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221.SichD P1376 1665 1 3
1939/08/2&-1940/07/31 221.SichD W5934/5 1665 179 3
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 1 16
1941/09/03-1941/10/11 253.ID 22495/6 1756 440 122
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1941/12/21-1942/05/03 225.ID 18022/1 1697 1 40
1943/04/23-1943/06/03 253.ID 38874/7 1760 579 127
1941/08/01-1941/09/20 221.SichD 16748/10 1667 562 6
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1940/06/06-1940/07/12 221.SichD W5934/1 1665 40, 3
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1940/01/16-1940/04/15 223.ID W5749e 1688 434 2'4
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1943/01/01-1943/07/31 254.ID 37991/1 1.766 393 134
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID. Unit History '44
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227.ID H6123/1 1699 1 46
1940./05/1 2-1940/06/23 255.ID H400,4c 1768 174 140
1940/05/17-1940/06/21 223.ID H5749h 1689 219 25
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID. Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/10/28-1941/11/19 223.ID 20890/7 1691 165 29
1941/10/28-1942/03/31 223.ID 20890/6 1691 89 28
1941/12/21-1942/05/03 225.ID 180,22/1 1697 1 40
1941/12/24-1942/04/02 254.ID 21 10<0/3 1762 1 132
1942/01/01-1942/03/31 225.ID 20,460/2 1697, 235 40
1942/01/07-1942/05/01 225.ID 18022/2 1697 76 40
1943/02/25-1943/09/15 225.ID 37355/1 1698 1 42
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/1 1694 638 33
1943/08/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/3 1695 1 33
194.3/03/24-1943/04/22 253.ID 38874/6 1763 372 127
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1.939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 10.1
19 42/04/1 4- J 945/05/2 2 230.ID Unit History 63
1943/05/01-1943/10/31 230.ID 37730 1712 537 64
1943/11/01-1943/12/31 230.ID 45498 1712 804 65
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1940/11/01-1941/04/13 253.ID 10673/1 1755 323 120
1941/05/06-1941/06/19 221.SichD 16748/8 166S 360 5
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/7 1-666 1 5

1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246,ID Unit History 75

1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1942/10/01-1942/12/31 223.ID 310.72/2 1693. 645 31
1942/10/01-1943/03/31 223.ID 310,72/1 1693 536 31
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 223. ID 31072/3 1693 932 32
1943/04/01-1943/07/31 223.ID 35823/2 1694 694 33
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/1 1694 638 33
1943/01/26-1943/04/21 221.SichD 3 6 5 0 9 / 1 2 1685 346 18
"1943/03/02-1943/05/28 221.SichD 3 6 5 0 9 / 3 1682 580, 16
1943/05/06-1943/05/19 221-SichD 36509/15 1686 1 18
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID U n i t H i s t o r y 86
1940/07/10-1941/02/28 2 2 1 , i > i c h D 16748/2 1665 324
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID U n i t H i s t o r y 86
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251.ID 7315/2 1727 1 88
1941/05/16-1941/07/02 253. ID 369,40 1759 438 125
1941/06/22-1941/07/07 253.ID 22495/3 1755 1108 121
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1943/03/07-1943/03/23 253.ID 38874/5 1760 180 127
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID U n i t H i s t o r y 22
1941/10/28-1942/03/31 2 2 3 . I D 2Q890,/6 1691 89 28
194 1/11/20-1941/12/31 223.ID 208,90/8 1691 390 29
1942/10/01-1942/12/31 223.ID 31072/2 1693 645 31
1942/10/01-1943/03/31 223.ID 310,72/1 1693 536 31
1943/U1/01-1943/03/31 223.ID 31072/3 1693 932 32
1940/06/24-1941/04/12 253.ID 10673/2 1755 528 120
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1940/05/21-1940/06/24 252.ID H7053/5 1745 536 108
1940/05/29-1940/07/10 252.ID H7054/2 1746 664 109
1940/05/29-1940/07/10 252.ID W7054/1 1746 604 109
1940/05/30-1940/07/06 252.ID W7053/11 1746 222 108
1940/06/01-1940/07/26 252.ID 12486/4 1746 890 110
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227.ID 11870/1 1701 43



1941/07/01-1941/10/01 227.ID 12998/1 1701 586 '49
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1940/07/10-1941/05/24 252.ID 12486/1 1746 772 109

1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22

1940/05/17-1940/06/21 223.ID W5749h 1689 219 25
1943/11/04-1943/12/31 251.ID 44807/1 1739 817 99
1942/01/27-1942/06/30 251.ID 22020/16 1734 545 94
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 1D1
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1940/02/06-1940/05/27 254.ID W6868/4 1761 131
1942/04/14-1945/05/22 230.ID Unit History 63
1943/01/30-1943/05/28 221.SichD 36509/13 1685 626 18
1943/06/02-1943/07/15 221.SichD 36509/18 1686 425 19
1943/09/23-1941/11/07 239.ID 16183/6 1715 1 70
1943/03/18-1943/07/31 252.ID 34261/1 1750. 759 113
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1940/05/10-1940/05/19 223.ID W5749g 1689 1 25
1940/08/01-1940/11/22 223.ID 12242/3 V689 954 26
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254.ID 21100/1 1761 871 132
1941/09/26-1941/11/05 227.ID 14776/2 1702 515 51
1941/10/01-1941/12/31 227.ID 14776/8 1702 923 51
1941/10/01-1941/12/31 227.ID 14776/1 1702 190 50
1941/10/26-1941/12/23 254.ID 211QO/2 1761 999 132
1941/10/28-1941/1-3/19 223.ID 20890/7 1691 165 29
1941/10/28-1942/03/31 223. ID 20890/6 1691 89 28
1941/11/07-1941/12/28 227.ID 14776/3 650 51
1941/11/20-1941/12/31 223.ID 20890/8 1691 390 29
1942/0 1/0 J- 1 9 4 2 / 0 3 / 3 1 223.ID 20890/9 1691 666 29
1942/04/0.1-1942/05/31 223.10 23598/2 1692 373 30
1942/04/01-1942/06/30 227.ID 21496/1 1703 486 53
194^/04/01-1942/09/30 223.ID 23598/1 1692 277 30
1942/05/01-1942/06/26 227,ID 21496/3 1704 1 53
1942/06/01-1942/09/30, 223.ID 23598/3 1692 655 30
1942/07/01-1942/10/31 227.10 26023/1 1704 222 54
1 9 42/10./0 1-1 9 4 3 / 0 3 / 3 1 223.ID 310.72/1 1693 536 31
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 223.10 31072/3 1693 932 32
1943/01/01-1943/07/31 254.10 37991/1 1766 393 134
1943/02/25-1943/09/15 225.10 37355/1 1698 1 '42
1943/09/26-1943/11/15 227.10 40428/2 1709 720 59
1943/09/26-1943/12/31 227.10 40428/1 1709 436 59
1943/11/16-1943/12/31 227.10 40428/3 1710 1 60
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1942/06/18-1942/09/30 221.Si=hD 35408/1 1681 1 15
1942/06/18-1942/12/31 221.SichD 29380/1 1678 23 13
1942/06/23-1942/10/29 221.5icnD 29380/5 1679 287 13
1942/10/31-1942/12/31 221.SichD 29380/6 1679 773 14
1943/01/01-1943/06/01 221-.Sichi) 36509/1 1682 1 16
1943/01/01-1943/08/31 221.SichD 36509/26 1687 569 20


1943/05/01-1943/08/31 221.SichD 3.6S09/2 1682 331 16
1943/05/06-1943/05/19 221.3icliD 36509/15 1686 1 18
1940/01/16-1940/04/15 22 3. ID H57i49e 1688 434 24
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1940/07/10-1941/05/24 252.ID 12486/1 1746 772 109
1941/06/13-1942/07/24 250.ID (spanis^h) 22764/1 1726 86 85
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250. ID (spaniscfi) Unit His 84
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1943/09/26-1943/10/27 255.ID 42996/6 1793 256 156
1943/09/27-1943/10/28 255.ID 42996/5 1793 129 156
1943/10/29-1943/12/20 255.ID 45702 1794 46 157
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1942/04/01-1942/09/30 223..ID 23598/1 1692 277 30
1942/06/01-1942/09/30 223.ID 23598/3 1692 655 30
1939/U3/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228.ID Unit History 61
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/08/25-1939/09/21 228.ID P166c 1711 1 62
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221.SichD P1376 1665 1 3
1940/07/10-1941/02/28 221.SichD 16748/2 1665 324 4
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221,SichD Unit History 1
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221oSictiD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1941/08/01-1941/09/20 221.SichD 16748/10 1667 562 6
1941/09/21-1941/10/31 221.SicliD 16748/11 1663 1 6
1943/06/02-1943/07/15 221.SichD 36509/18 1686 425 19
1943/08/16-1943/09/29 22USi=hD 36509/20 1686 738 19
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/09/04-1939/10/06 252.ID P49/2 1740 1 103
19 3 9 / 1 3 / 0 5 - 1 9 3 9 / 1 0,/28 223.ID W5749b 1688 1 24
1943/06/02-1943/07/15 221.SichD 36509/18 1686 425 19
1941/06/22-1941/07/07 253.ID 22495/3 V755 1 108 121
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221oSichD Unit History 1
1943/01/26-1943/04/21 221oSichD 36509/12 1685 346 18
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253oID Unit History 1 16
1941/12/04-1942/04/13 253.ID 27625/1 1756 912 122
1942/03/13-1942/01/30 253.ID 27625/3 1757 296 123
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1943/08/01-1943/12/31 252.ID 41985/1 1750 975 114
1939/U2/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227.ID 11870/1 170,1 1 48
1941/04/06-1941/06/28 227,ID 11870/7 170-1 481 49
1941/07/XJ1-1941/10/01 227.ID 12998/1 1701 586 49
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251.ID 7315/2 1727 1 88
1940/08/01-1940/11/22 223.ID 12242/3 1689 954 26



1940/1(1/01-1941/08/30 225.ID 13511/2 1596 416 39
1941/09/01-1941/12/20 225. ID 13511/3 1696 777 39
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1940/07/09-1940/09/30 254.ID H6868/6 1761 205 131
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253,10 Unit History 116
1940/01/01-1940/05/31 253.ID W6854/3 1754 459 118
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1940/07/01-1940/12/31 251.ID 12436/1 1727 273 88
1941/01/01-1941/04./27 251.ID 12530/1 1723 1 39
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1941/10/09-1942/04/30 255.ID 25337/T 1776 1 145
1941/12/08-1941/12/31 255.ID 25337/4 1778 663 1'45
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1941/12/04-1942/04/13 253. ID 27625/1 1756 912 122
1942/01/13-1942/01/30 2 53. ID 27625/3 1757 296 123
1942/02/01-1942/03/03 253. ID 27625/4 1757 523 123
1942/03/04-1942/04/13 253. ID 27625/5 1757 662 123
1941/08/06-1941/09/23 239. ID 16183/5 1714 813 69
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 25 3. ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1943/12/12-1944/01/13 255. ID 457.02/2 1794 700 157
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1939/11/09-1940/09/29 2 53. ID W6854/1b 1754 33 118
1940/06/03-1940/08/22 253. ID H685.4/6 1755 170 119
1940/09/16-1940/10/14 253. ID H6854/5 1755 100 119
^40/ 11/0:1- 194 1/04/1 3 253. ID 10673/1 1755 323 120
194.1/12/25-1942/02/01 227. ID 17799/2 1703 1 52
1942/01/01-1942/03/31 227. ID 17799/1 1702 1062 52
1942/02/04-1942/03/06 227. ID 17799/3 1703 131 52
1942/05/01-1942/06/26 227. ID 21496/3 1704 1- 53
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252-ID Unit History 101
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 2 52. ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/10/09-1942/04/30 255. ID 25337/1 1776' 1 145
1941/11/16-1941/12/31 252. ID 16497/7 1748 1 111
1941/12/08-1941/12/31 255. ID> 25337/4 1778 663 146
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/7 166b 1 5
1941/08/01-1941/09/20 221.SichD 16748/10 1667 562 6
1941/09/21-1941/1.0/31 221.SichD 16748/11 1668 1 6
1943/11/04-1943/12/31 251.ID 44807/1 1739 817 99
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1941/06/22-1941/10/08 255.ID 17609/1 1772 1 143
1941/08/16-1941/09/04 255.ID 17609/6 1774 813 144
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1939/08/25-1940/07/04 239.ID 37412/3 1716 854 71

1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1

1940/06/06-1940/07/12 221.SichD H5934/1 1665 40, 3
1940/07/10-1941/02/28 221.SichD 16748/2 1665 324 4


1941/09/23-1941/11/07 239.ID 16183/6 1715 1 70
1940/06/03-1940/08/22 253.ID W6854/6. 1755 170 119
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1942/01/27-1942/06/30 251.ID 220,20/1 1731 627 92
1942/07/01-1942/12/31 251.ID 26778/1 1734 880 94
1943/03/02-1943/05/28 221.SichD 36509/3 1682 580 16
1943/05/06-1943/05/19 2 2 1 . S i c h D 36509/15 1686 1 18
1943/05/20-1943/06/19 2 2 K S i c h D 36509/16 1636 105 19
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 1 16
1939/08/26-1940/05/31 253.ID W6854/7 1755 314 119
1940/01/01-1940/05/31 253.ID W6854/3 1754 459 118
1939/02/02-1940/07/31' 228.ID Unit History 61
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.5ichD Unit History 1
1939/08/25-1939/09/21 228.ID P166c 1711 1 62
1941/05/06-1941/06/19 221.SichD 16748/8 1666 360 5
1941/U5/06-1941/12/13 221.5i3tiD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1941/12/21-1942/05/03 225.ID 18022/1 1697 1 40
1942/01/07-1942/05/01 225.ID 18022/2 1697 76 40
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1942/04/14-1945/05/22 230.ID Unit History 63
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1943/01/01-1943/02/28 255.ID 32272/11 1789 1 152
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/10 1788 955 152
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1942/01/13-1942/01/30 253.ID 27625/3 1757 296 123
1942/07/01-1942/09/15 246.ID 2b 0,8 5/1 1721 249 79
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251, ID Unit History 86
1941/04/28-1941/10/31 251 ID 14609/1 1728 276 89
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252.ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/07/11-1941/08/20 252.ID 16497/3 1747 582 111
See also HOLLAND, as well as specific populate!
places and geographical terms.
1939/J2/02-1945/03/24 227. ID' Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1944/03/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1939/13/23-1940/05/08 227. ID H6123/17 1700 818 47
1940/03/15-1940/05/05 227. ID H6123/18 1700 944 48
1940/03/25-1940/05/22 227.ID W6123/2 1699, 85 '43
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239=. ID Unit History 66
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1942/04/01-1942/06/30 227. ID 21496/1 1703 486 53
1942/05/01-1942/06/26 227, ID 21496/3 1704 1 33
1942/07/01-1942/10/31 227, ID 26023/1 1704 222 54



1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Uait History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Uait History 116
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1941/04/24-1941/07/16 251. ID 14609/2 1723 943 90
1941/04/28-1941/08/06 251. ID 14609/6 1729 475 90
1941/04/28-1941/10/31 251. ID 14609/1 1728 276 39
194 1/05/01-1 941/10./31 251. ID 14609/15 1730 426 91
1941/05/24-1941/09/22 251. ID 14609/11 1733 1 91
1941/07/08-1941/08/02 253. ID 22495/4 1756 1 121
1941/07/16-1941/08/29 251. ID 14609/4 1729 45 90
1943/08/01-1943/12/31 252. ID 41985/1 1750 975
1943/10/18-1943/11/17 252. ID 41985/4 1752 1 114
1943/11/09.-1943/12/31 252. ID 41985/9 1752 869 115
1943/11/18-1943/11/30 252. ID 41985/5 1752 273 115
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227. ID W6123/1 1699 1 '45
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 253. ID 38874/1 1759 511 126
1943/02/21-1943/03/06 253.ID 38874/4 1760 1 127
1939/U2/02-1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
1939/06/^6-1939/10/14 239..ID 37412/1 1716 690 71
1943/11/03-1943/12/31 251. ID 44807/2 1739
1739 899. 100
1943/11/04-1943/12/31 251. ID 44807/1 1739
1739 817 99

1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Uait History 137

1940/06/23-1940/10/20 255. ID 8299/2 1769 658
1940/06/23-1941/02/28 255. ID 8299/1 1769 198 141
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1940/05/17-1940/06/21 223. ID M5749h 1689 219 25
1942/10/06-1943/01/26 221,SichD 36509/11 1685 1 17
1943/01/26-1943/04/21 221.SichD 36509/12 1685 346 18
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.5icbD Unit History 1
1941/12/14-1942/03/19 221.SichO 19344/1 1674. 39 9
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
194O/Ob/23-1941/02/28 255. ID 8299/1 1769 198 141
1942/04/14-1942/12/31 253. ID 30512/1 1757 860 124
1 9 42/0 7/0 1-1942)/12/31 251. ID 26778/1 1734 880 94
1942/10/01-1942/10/31 253. ID 30512/6 1758 754 125
1942/10/25-1942/11/29 251. ID 26778/4 1735 532 95
1942/11/01-1942/11/30 253. ID 30512/7 1759 1 125
1942/04/14-1945/05/22 230. ID Unit History 53
ted places and
See also specific populated
geographical terms.
1942/04/14-1945/05/22 230. ID Unit History 63
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
1941/03/^9-1942/02/01 239. ID 16183/1 1713 299 68
1941/08/06-1941/09/23 239LID 16183/5 1714 813 69
1941/09/03-1941/10/11 253.ID 22495/6 1756 440 122
1941/08/13-1942/07/24 250. ID (spanisch) 22764/1 1726 86 85
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250. ID (spaniszh) Unit His 84
1941/12/16-1942/03/31 250. ID (spanisch) 19769 1726 1 85
1942/05/01-1943/06/30 250. ID (spaniscti) 41589 1726 317 85


1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1941/11/01-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/12 1563 595 7
1943/01/03-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/1 1737 664 97
1943/01/01-1943/08/31 221.SichD 36509/26 1687 569 20
1943/03/02-1943/05/28 221.SichD 36509/3 1682 580 16
1943/03/03-1943/03/13 221.SichD 36509/14 1685 903 18
1943/08/16-1943/09/29 221.SichD 36509/20 1686. 738 19
1943/03/07-1943/03/23 253.ID 38874/5 1760 180 127
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239,10 Unit History 66
1941/03/29-1942/02/01 239.ID 16183/1 1713 299 63
1941/06/06-1941/09/23 239.ID 16183/5 1714 813 69
1941/08/01-1941/09/20 221.SichD 16748/10 1667 562
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1943/04/01-1943/07/31 223.ID 35823/2 1694 694 33
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/1 1694 638 33
1943/06/04-1943/06/30 253.ID 38874/8 1760 832 128
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1941/04/14-1941/12/03 253.ID 22495/1 1755 540 120
1941/04/28-1941/10/31 251.ID 14609/1 1728 276 89
1941/07/08-1941/08/02 253.ID 22495/4 1756 1 121
1941/08/03-1941/09/03 253.ID 22495/5 1755 229 121
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/1 1694 638 33
1943/08/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/3 1695 1 33
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SicaD Unit History 1
1941/11/01-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/12 1668 595 7
1942/0b/18-1942/09/30 221.SichD 35408/1 1681 1 15
1942/0b/18-1942/12/31 221.SichD 29380/1 1678 23 13
1942/0&/18-1942/12/31 221.5ic:hD 29380/11 1680 299 14
1942/06/23-1942/10/29 221.3ichD 29380/5 1679 287 13
1942/10/01-1942/12/31 221.SichD 35408/2 1681 619 15
1942/10/31-1942/12/31 221.SichD 29380/6 1679 773 14
19*3/01/01-1943/06/01 221.SichD 36509/1 1682 1 16
1943/01/01-1943/08/31 221.SichD 36509/26 1687 569 20
1943/01/30-1943/05/28 221.3ichD 36509/13 1685 626 18
1943/05/01-1943/08/31 221.SichD 36509/2 1b82 331 16
1939/U3/00-1945/05/01 252-ID Unit History 101
1941/05/06-1941/06/19 221.SicnD 16743/8 1666 360 5
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1940/01/16-1940/04/15 223.ID W5749e 1f>33 434 2 '4
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 1 16
1939/11/09-1940/09/29 253.ID W6854/15 1754 33 118
1940/0&/03-1940/08/22 253.ID 6854/6 1755 170 119
(German A r m y Hiqh Comma n d ) . See 3KH.
1939/08/26-1940/07/31 221.SichD W5934/5 1665 179
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1943/08/01-1943/12/31 252.ID 41985/1 1750 975 114
1943/12/19-1943/12/31 252.ID 41985/7 1752 540 115
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239-ID Unit History 66
1941/12/26-1942/03/25 239.ID 37412/4 1716 1011 72
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75




1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1942/07/01-1942/07/31 253.ID 30512/3 1758 193 124
1942/08/01-1942/08/31 253.ID 30512/4 1753 374 124
1942/11/24-1942/12/31 246.ID 2&085/2 1721 904 79
19'4 J / 0 2 / 0 1 - 1 9 4 3 / 0 2 / 2 0 253.ID 38874/3 1759 916 126
1943/02/21-1943/03/06 253.ID 38874/4 1760 1 127
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227.ID 11a70/1 1701 4Q
OberKommando des Heeres (German A r m y High
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250,. ID (spanisch) Unit His 84
1941/09/03-1941/10/11 253. ID 22495/6 1756 440 122
1941/07/25-1941/08/16 255. ID 17609/5 1774 416 144
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SiciiD Unit History 1
1941/08/13-1942/07/24 250. ID (sp-aniscti) 227b4/1 1726 86 85
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250.ID (spanisch) Unit His 84
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1941/ 12/04-1942/04/13 253. ID 27625/1 175t> 912 122
1942/01/13-1942/01/30 253. ID 27625/3 1757 296 123
1942/0^/01-1942/03/03 253. ID 27625/4 1757 523 123
1942/U3/04-1942/04/13 253. ID 27625/5 1757 662 123
1942/04/13-1942/06/30 253. ID 30512/2 1758 1 12 '4
19^^/04/14-1942/12/31 253. ID 30512/1 1757 860 124
1942/07/01-1942/07/31 253. ID 30512/3 1758 193 124
1942/07/01-1942/10/27 251. ID 26778/8 1736 286 95
1942/07/01-1942/12/31 251. ID 26778/1 1734 880 94
U42/08/01-1942/08/31 253. ID 30512/4 1758 374 124
1942/09/01-1942/09/30 253. ID 30512/5 1753 548 124
194^/09/15-1942/11/12 251. ID 33449/2 1737 824 97
1942/10/01-1942/10/31 253. ID 30512/6 17S8 754 125
1942/11/01-1942/11/30 253. ID 30512/7 1759 1 125
1942/12/01-1942/12/31 253. ID 30512/8 1759 253 125
1943/01/01-1943/01/31 253. ID 38874/2 1759 738 126
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251. ID 33449/1 1737 664 97
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 253. ID 38874/1 1759 511 126
1943/02/01-1943/02/20 253, ID 38874/3 1759 916 126
1943/02/21-1943/03/06 253. ID 38874/4 1760 1 127
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1943/01/01-1943/07/31 254.ID 379.91/1 1766 393 134
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SiciiD Unit History 1
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221,SichD P1376 1665 1 3
1939/10/17-1940/01/11 223.ID W5749C 1688 25 24
See specific operation name, with suffix
O P E R A T I O N , U N T E R N E H M E N or FALL.
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1943/04/01-1943/07/31 223.ID 35823/2 1694 694 33
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/1 1694 638 33
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137

1943/08/05-1943/09/07 255.ID 41584/2 1791 387 155
1939/08/26-1939/10/14 239.ID 37412/1 1716 690 71
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1941/12/21-1942/05/03 225. ID 18022/1 1697 1 '40
1942/05/03-1942/08/13 225.ID 24500/3 1697 432 41
1942/05/04-1942/12/05 225.ID 24500/1 1697 252 41
1942/08/13-1942/12/04 225. ID 24500/4 1697 657 41
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1939/08/26-1939/10./14 239. ID 37412/1 1716 690 71
1939/02/02--1944/07/05 221. SichD Unit History 1
1941/12/11-1942/03/11 221. SichD13944/8 1675 779 10
1941/12/12-1942/03/14 221. SichD19344/2 1674 209 10
1943/12/14-1942/03/19 221. SichD19344/1 1674 39 9
1941/12/17-1942/03/20 221. SichD 19344/7 1b75 735 10
1940/08/01-1940/11/22 223. ID 12242/3 1689 954 26
1943/08/16-1943/09/29 221. SichD 36509/20 1686 738 19
1943/08/01-1943/12/31 252. ID 41985/1 1750 975 114
1943/10/18-1943/11/17 252. ID 41985/4 1752 1 114
1939/U2/02-1942/02/01 239, ID Unit History 66
1941/09/23-1941/11/07 239. ID 16183/6 1715 1 70
1942/12/01-1943/03/17 252. ID 28187/2 1750 1 113
1943/03/11-1943/03/16 252, ID 28187/5 1750 537 113
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251 ID Unit History 86
1941/11/01-1942/01/26 251 ID 16282/1 1730 491 91
1942/04/14-1942/12/31 253.ID 30512/1 1757 860 124
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
194J/01/01-1940/09/30 225. ID W7049/b 1696 213 38
1940/10/01-1941/08/30 225. ID 13511/2 1696 416 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225. ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
1943/01/30-1943/05/28 221.SichD 36509/13 1685 626 18
1939/U3/00-1945/04/05 253 ID Unit History 116
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228. ID Unit History 61
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1941/05/06-1941/06/19 221.SichD 16748/8 1666 360 5
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1941/06/20-1941/07/31 221. SichD 16748/9 1667 1 6
1942/11/00-1943/02/00 255.ID 32272/17 1791 32 153
1943/03/18-1943/07/31 252.ID 34261/1 1750 759 113
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228.ID Unit History 61
1941/06/20-1941/07/31 221. SichD 16748/9 1667 1 6
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221, SichD Unit History 1
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221 SichD P1376 1665 1 3
1939/08/26-1940/07/31 221. SichD W5934/5 1665 179 3
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116


1939/08/26-1940/07/31 221. SichD W5934/5 1665 179 3
1939/10/17-1940/01/11 223, ID W5749c 1683 25 24
1939/J3/00-1945/04/05 253, ID Unit History 116
1941/09/03-1941/10/11 253. ID 22495/6 1756 440. 122
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255, ID Unit History 137
1940/05/12-1940/06/23 255, ID W4004c 1763 174 140
1940/07/09-1940/09/30 254.ID Wb868/6 1761 205 131
1943/U3/07-1943/03/23 253.ID 38874/5 1760 180 127
1943/06/04-1943/06/30 253.ID 38874/8 1760 832 128
1941/05/16-1941/07/02 253, ID 36940 1759 438 125
1941/06/22-1941/07/07 253, ID 22495/3 1755 1108 121
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254, ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254, ID 2110.0/1 1761 871 132
1942/04/14-1945/05/22 230,ID Unit History 63
1941/04/28-1941/10/31 251.ID 14609/1 1728 276 89
1943/03/07-1943/03/23 253.ID 38874/5 1760 180 127
1942/11/01-1942/11/30 253.ID 30512/7 1759 1 125
(Armored Units). For Panzer (tank) armies, sea
prefix PZAOK (Paazerarmeeoberkotamando) and
specific unit number; for Panzergruppen see prefix
Pz*r and specific number; for Panzerkorps see
prefix AK (Armeekorps) and specific unit number
or name (HARPE) with suffix PZ ianoting type; for
Panzer division see specific unit number with
suffix PZD for armored infantry. For SS armored
divsion, see prefix SS and specific unit number
with suffix PZ (Panzer) and name.
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1941/03/01-1941/05/31 255.ID 9870./1 1770 445 142
194 1/04/23-1941/06/05 255.ID 9870y3 1771 1 1'42
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223, ID- Unit History 22
1940/05/17-3940/06/21 223. ID 5749h 1689. 219 25
1941/09/23-1941/11/07 239.ID 16183/6 1715 1 70
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
19 40/06/2 3-194 0/10./20 255. ID 8299/2 1769 658 141
1940/06/23-1941/02/28 255. ID 8299/1 1769 198 141
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
1941/03/28-1941/06/13 239..ID 16183/2 1713 801 69
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 56
1941/08/06-1941/09/23 239. ID 36183/5 1714 813 69
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254. ID 21100/1 1761 871 132
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/1 1676 184 11
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250. ID (sp.anisca) Unit His 84
1942/05/01-1943/06/30 250. ID (spanisch) 41589 1725 317 85

1943/08/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/3 1695 33
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Uuit History 137
1943/07/01-1943/08/04 255.ID 41584/1 1791 284 154
1941/04/14-1941/12/03 253.ID 22495/1 1755 540 120
1941/07/08-1941/08/02 253,ID 22495/4 1756 1 121
1939/03/00-1943/04/05 253.ID Unit History 1 16
1943/01/30-1943/05/28 221.SichD 36509/13 1685 626 13
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1 9 4 0/10./01 - 1 9 41 / 08/3 0 225.ID 13511/2 1696 416 39
1940/1J/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
1941/09/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/3 1696 777 39
1941/08/01-1941/09/20 221.SichD 16748/10 1667 562 6
1941/09/21-1941/10/31 221.SichD 16748/11 1668 1 6
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1942/07/01-1942/10y31 227.ID 26023/1 1704 222 54
1942/11/01-1943/01/31 227.ID 30705/1 1705 628 56
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit history 1
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Uuit History 1
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1 9 4 1 / O b A! 0-1 9 4 1 / 0 7 / 3 1 221.SichD 16748/9 1667 1 6
1941/08/01-1941/09/20 221.SichD 16748/10 1667 562 6
1940/08/01-1940/11/22 223.ID 12242/3 1689 954 26
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254.ID 21100/1 1761 871 132
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228.ID Unit History 61
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
. 1939/08/2^-1939/09/21 228.ID P166c 1711 62
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221, SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253, ID Uni t History 1 16
1941/09/21-1941/10/31 221, SichD 16748/11 1663 1 6
1941/11/01-1941/12/13 221, SichD 16748/12 1668 595 7
1941/12/12-1942/03/14 221, SichD 19344/2 1674 209 10
1941/12/14-1942/03/19 221, SichD 19344/1 1674 39 9
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221, SichD 22639/2 1676 425 11
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221. SichD 22639/1 1676 184 11
1942/06/18-1942/09/30 221, SichD 35408/1 1681 1 15
1942/06/18-1942/12/31 221, SichD 29380/1 1678 23 13
1942/Oa/23-1942/10/29 221, SichD 29380/5 1679 287 13
1942/10/31-1942/12/31 221. SichD 29380/6 1679 773 14
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit history 1
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/2 1676 425 11
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/1 1676 184. 11
1942/03/21-1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/7 1677 833 12
1942/03/24-1942/06/10 221.SichD 22639/3 1677 1 12
194^/06/18-1942/12/31 221.SichD 29380/11 1680 299
1941/08/13-1942/07/24 250.ID ( s p a n i s c h ) 22764/1 1726 86 85
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250. ID < s p a n i s c h ) Unit His 84
1941/12/16-1942/03/31 2 5 0 . I D (sptaniscii) 19769 3726 85

sor, INDEX


1942/05/01-1943/06/30 250, ID (spanisch) 41589 172b 317 85
1939/08/26-1940/07/31 221.SichD H5934/5 1665 179
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID- Unit History 101
1942/12/01-1943/03/17 252. ID 28187/2 1750 1 113
1943/03/18-1943/07/31 252.ID 34261/1 1750 759 113
1941/10/26-1941/12/23 254.ID 21100/2 1761 999 132
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1942/06/18-1942/09/30 221.SicrtiD 35408/1 1681 1 15
1942/06/23-1942/10/29 221. SichD 29380/5 1679 287 13
1943/01/01-1943/03/15 251. ID 33449/5 1738 188 98
1943/01/01-1943/06/01 221. SichD 36509/1 1632 1 16
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251. ID 33449/1 1737 664 97
1943/01/01-1943/08/31 221. SichD 36509/26 1687 569 20
1943/03/1o-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/6 1738 596 98
1943/05/01-1943/08/31 221. SichD 36509/2 1682 331 16
1941/11/01-1942/01/26 251.ID 16282/1 1730 491 91
1942/04/01-1942/05/03 227. ID 21496/2 1703 722 53
1942/04/01-1942/05/31 223. ID 23598/2 1692 37} 30
1942/04/01-3942/06/30 227. ID 21496/1 1703 486 53
1942/05/01-1942/06/26 227. ID 21496/3 1704. 1 53
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Uait History 75
1943/10/01-1943/12/31 246. ID 43323/3 1724 873 82
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1940/06/24-1941/04/30 223. ID 12242/1 1689. 477 25
1940/13/23-1941/03/02 223. ID 12242/4 1690 1 27
1941/02/14-1941/05/31 246. ID 11728/1 1719 497 78
1941/03/02-1941/04/29 223. ID 12242/5 1690 396 27
1941/0&/01-1941/12/31 246. ID 13735/1 1720 1 78
See also s p e c i f i c p o p u l a t e d places and
g e o g r a p h i c a l terms.
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228. ID Unit History 61
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221. SichD Unit History 1
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 2 2 7 . ID Unit History 44
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Uait History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250. ID ( s p a n i s c h ) U n i t His 84
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253,ID Unit History 116
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1943/02/01-1943/06/30 227. ID 33811/1 1707 1 57
1943/07/01-1943/09/25 227.ID 35527/1 1703 622 58
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 131
1941/04/14-1941/12/03 253.ID 22495/1 1755 540 120
1941/07/08-1941/08/02 253. ID 22495/4 1756 1 121
1943/08/01-1943/12/31 252.ID 41985/1 1750 975 114
1943/12/19-1943/12/31 252.ID 41985/7 1752 540 115


1939/02/02-1912/02/01 2 3 9 , ID Unit History 66
1939/02/02-194J/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1941/03/29-1942/02/01 239, ID 16183/1 171J 299 68
1941/09/23-1941/11/07 2 3 9 . ID 16183/6 1715 1 70
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223. ID 35823/1 1694 638 33
1943/08/01-1943/09/30 223. ID 35823/3 1695 1 33
1943/08/14-1943/11/04 223. ID 40156/2 1695 494 35
1943/09/07-1943/09/26 255. ID 42996/1 1792 545 155
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit Histary 36
1940/10/01-1941/08/30 225. ID 13511/2 1696 416 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225, ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1942/10/01-1942/12/31 2 2 3 . ID 310.72/2 1693 645 31
1942/10/01-1943/03/31 223. ID 31072/1 1693 536 31
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 223.ID 31072/3 1693 932 32
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223, ID Unit History 22
1943/04/01-1943/07/31 223. ID 35823/2 1694 694 33
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/1 1694 638 33
1943/04/01-1943/06/30 255.ID 44513 1794 157
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
1939/09/04-1939/10/06 252. ID P49/2 1740, 1 103
1939/1J/05-1939/10/28 223. ID W5749b 1683 1 24
1939/10/17-1940/01/11 223. ID W5749c 1688 25 24
1940/01/15-1940/02/07 223. ID W5749d 1688 281 24
1940./01/16-1940/04/15 223. ID W5749e 1688 434 24
(Milltaerbefehlshaber Posen)
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 35
J943/Ob/04-1943/06/30 253.ID 38874/8 1763 832 128
(Auea Security Command)
1941/06/^0-1941/07/31 221.SichD 16748/9 1667 6
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.. ID Unit History 66
194,1/06/14-1941/07/02 239. ID 16183/3 1714 1
1941/07/02-1941/08/05 239. ID 16183/4 1714 427 59
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221. SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221. Sic&D 16748/7 1666 1 5
1941/00/18-1941/07/13 255. ID 17609/3 1773 609 143
1941/06/20-1941/07/31 221. SicrhD 16748/9 1667 1 6
1941/06/22-1941/10/08 255. ID 17609/1 1772 1 143
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1941/08/06-1941/09/23 239. ID 16183/5 1714 813 69
1941/09/23-1941/11/07 239.ID 16183/6 1715 1 70
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255. ID 32272/22 1791 273 154
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/10 1788 955 152



1943/03/01-1943/03/31 255, ID 32272/13 1790 246 153
1943/08/05-1943/09/07 255, ID 41584/2 1791 387 155
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223, ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225, ID Unit History 36
19*0/06/05-1941/10/27 223. ID 20890/5 1691 17 28
1941/10/28-1942/03/31 223, ID 20890/6 1691 89 28
1941/12/21-1942/05/03 225. ID 180.22/1 1697 1 40
1941/06/18-1941/07/13 255.ID 17609/3 1773 609 143
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1940/07/01-1941/05/24 252 ID 12486/14 1746 1067 110
1940/07/10-1941/05/24 252 ID 12486/1 1746 772 109
1941/06/01-1941/06/21 255 ID 12346/2 1771 993 143
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228.ID Unit History 61
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1942/07/01-1942/09/15 246.ID 26085/1 1721 249 79
1942/09/16-1942/09/21 246.ID 26085/6 1722 214 80
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250.ID (spaniscti) Unit His 84
194^/05/01-1943/06/30 250.ID (3 pan is:: ti) 41589 1725 317 85
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1941/11/01-1942/01/26 251.ID 16282/1 1730 491 91
1939/0^/0^-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1943/01/01-1943/07/31 254.ID 37991/1 1766 393 134
1943/04/01-1943/07/31 223.ID 35823/2 1S94 694 33
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/1 1694 638 33
1943/08/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/3 1695 1 33
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 1 16
P a n z e r Artneeober k o m m a n d o (Armored Army) .
1939/U3/00-1944/01/13 255,ID Unit History 137
Panzer^jruppe (Armored Group)
PZGfi 4
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1940/07/01-1940/12/31 251.ID 12436/1 1727 273 88
1941/U1/01-1941/04/27 251.ID 12530/1 1723 1 39
1942/09/23-1942/10/18 227.ID 26023/9 1705 231 55
1942/11/01-1943/01/31 227.ID 33705/1 1705 628 56
1943/08/1o-1943/09/29 221.SictiD 36509/20 1636 738 19
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.Sic:hD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/03/26-1940/07/31 221.SichD W5934/5 1665 179 3
1940/J7/01-1941/05/24 252.ID 12486/14 1746 1067 110
1940/07/10-1941/05/24 252.ID 12486/1 1746 772 109
1941/03/01-1941/05/31 255.ID 9870./1 1770. 445 142
1943/12/12-1944/01/13 255.ID 45702/2 1794 700 157
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1943/09/07-1943/09/26 255.ID 42996/1 1792 545 155
1943/09/07-1943/09/27 255.ID 42996/2 1792 629 155
1943/09/26-1943/10/27 255.ID 429.96/6 1793 256 156


1943/09/27- 1943/10/28 255.ID 42996/5 1793 129 156
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1940/07/10-1941/05/24 252.ID 12486/1 1746 772 109
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221.SichD P1376 1665 3
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1943/07/01-1943/08/04 255.ID 41S84/1 1791 284 154
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1940/05/17-1940/06/21 223.ID W5749h 1689 219 25
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252,ID Unit History 101
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Uait History 101
1942/06/23-1942/10/29 221.SichD 2938a/5 1679 287 13
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1940/02/01-1940/07/03 246.ID 6838/1 1719 1 77
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251.ID 7315/2 1727 1 88
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1940/02/06-1940/05/27 254.ID H6868/4 1761 1 131
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 246.ID 33815/1 1723 80
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 1 16
1939/11/09-1940/09/29 253.ID M6854/1b 1754 33 118
1940/06/03-1940/08/22 253.ID W6854/6 1755 170 1 19
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227.ID 11870/1 1701 1 48
1940/10/01-1941/08/30 225.ID 13511/2 1696 416 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
1940/11/01-1941/04/13 253.ID 10673/1 1755 323 120
1941/04/06-1941/06/28 227.ID 11870/7 1701 481 49
1941/07/01-1941/10/01 227.ID 12998/1 1701 586 49
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/11/09-1940/09/29 253.ID W6854/1b 1-754 33 118
1940/06/03-1940/08/22 253.ID W6854/6 1755 170 119
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1942/03/05-1942/04/23 255.ID 25337/12 1781 261 147
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Uait History 36
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Uait History 137
1940/06/23-1941/02/28 255.ID 8299/1 1769 198 141
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1940/06/03-1940/08/22 253.ID M6854/6 1755 170 119
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137


1939/08/26-1940/05/12 255.ID W4004 1768 140
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252.ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/05/18-1941/07/13 255,ID 17609/3 1773 609. 143
1941/06/22-1941/10/08 255.ID 1760,9/1 1772 r 143
1941/07/13-1941/07/25 255.ID 17609/4 1774 1 144
1941/08/01-1941/09/20 221.SichD 16748/10 1667 562 6
1941/08/21-1941/09/15 252. ID 164,97/4 1747 727 111
1941/09/21-1941/10/31 221.SichD 16748/11 1668 1 6
1941/11/01-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/12 1668 595 7
1943/06/08-1943/07/13 221.SictiD 36509yi9 1686 683 19
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1942/04/01-1942/12/31 254.ID 34954/1 1762 462 132
1943/03/01-1943/06/29 251.ID 33449/4 1738 1 97
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1943/02/18-1943/02/27 255.ID 32272/19 1791 134 154
1941/08/13-a 943/11/30 250.ID (spanisch) Unit His 84
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Uait History 137
1943/09/26-1943/10/27 255.ID 42996/6 1793 256 156
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252.ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/08/21-1941/09/15 252.ID 16497/4 1747 727 111
1941/09/21-1941/10/31 221.SichD 16748/11 1668 1 6
1941/11/01-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/12 1668 595 7
1943/01/01-1943/02/28 255.ID 32272/11 1789 1 152
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/22 1791 273 154
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/10 1788 955 152
1943/02/01-1943/02/28 255.ID 32272/12 1790 1 153
1943/02/18-1943/02/27 255.ID 32272/19 1791 134 154
1943/03/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/13 1790 246 153
1943/03/02-1943/05/28 221.SichD 36509/3 1682 580. 16
1943/05/06-1943/05/19 221.SichD 36509/15 1686 1 18
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227.ID W6123/1 1699 1 46
194Q/06/2I-1940/08/20 223.ID 12242/2 1689 612 2S
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227.ID 96123/1 1699 1 46
1940./01/0 1-1 9 4 0 / 0 9 / 3 0 225.10 M7049/b 1696 213. 38
1940/05/12-1940/06/23 255. ID 400.4c 176S 174 140
1939/U2/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1940/06/24-1941/04/30 223.ID 12242/1 1689 477 25
1941/03/02-1941/04/29 223.ID 12242/5 1690 396 27
1941/04/30-1941/06/19 223.ID 20890./2 1690 657 27
1941/04/30-1941/10/26 223.ID 20890/1 1690 630 27
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1940/10/01-1941/08/30 225.ID 13511/2 1696 416 39


1940/1U/OI 1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
1941/09./01 1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/3 1696 777 39
1941/05/06 1941/06/19 221.SichD 16748/8 1666 360 5
1941/05/06 1941/12/13 221.SicfcD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1939/02/02 1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1943/07/01 1943/09/30 246.ID 43323/1 1724 324 81
1943/10/18 1943/11/17 252.ID 41985/4 1752 1 114
1939/03/00 1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1940/07/09 1940/09/30 254.ID K6868/6 1761 205 131
1939/02/02 1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02 1945/03/12 246.ID Unit ttistory 75
1940/06/24 1941/04/30 223.ID 12242/1 1689 477 25
1940/11/23 1941/03/02 223.ID 12242/4 1690 1 27
1941/02/14 1941/05/31 246.ID 11728/1 1719 497 78
1941/03/02 1941/04/29 223.ID 12242/5 1690 396 27

See also specific populated places and

geographical terms.
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239..ID Unit History 66
(ODerkomfflando der Truppen des deutschen Heeress in
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
1941/03/28-1941/06/13 239. ID 16183/2 1713 801 59
19J9/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID- Unit History 101
1941/10/09-1942/04/30 255.ID 25337/1 1776 1 145
1941/12/08-1941/12/31 255.ID 25337/4 1778 663 146
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239..ID Unit History 66
1939/08/26-1939/10/14 239.ID 37412/1 1716 690 71
1941/12/26-1942/03/25 239.ID 37412/4 1011 72
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
19 39/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 86
1941/10/09-1942/04/30 255. ID 25337/1 1776 1 145
1941/11/08-1941/12/08 255. ID 25337/3 1778 1 145
1942/01/27-1942/06/30 251. ID 22020/1 1731 627 92
1942/07/01-1942/10/27 251.ID 26778/8 1736 286 95
1942/07/01-1942/12/31 251-.ID 26778/1 1734 880 94
1942/09/15-1942/11/32 251. ID 33449/2 1737 824 97
1942/10/01-1942/10/31 253. ID 30512/6 1758 754 125
1942/11/29-1942/12/31 251. ID 26778/5 1735 754 95
1940/05/12-1940/05/28 252. ID H522b 1741 776 104
1940/05/29-1940/07/04 252. ID H7Q53/3 1745 375 107
1940/05/29-1940/07/10 252. ID H7054/1 1746 604 139
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1940/06/23-1941/02/28 255. ID 8299/1 1769 198 141
1941/03/01-1941/05/31 255. ID 9870/1 1773 445 142
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137


1940/05/12-1940/06/23 255.ID W4004C 1768 174. 140
1940/05/17-19UO/06/21 223.ID W5749H 1689 219 25
1943/07/15-1943/12/29 242.ID 44004/2 1717 51 74
1940/08/01-1940/11/22 223.ID 12242/3 1689 954 26
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1940/00/23-1941/02/28 255.ID 8299/1 1769 198 141
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1943/08/14-1943/11/04 223.ID 40156/2 1695 494 35
1943/10/01-1943/11/20 223.ID 40156/1 1t>95 451 34
1940/10/01-1941/08/30 225.ID 13511/2 1696 416 39
1941/09/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/3 1696 777 39
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1940/01/01-1940/09/30 225.ID H7049/b 1596 213 38
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1940/05/12-1940/06/23 255.ID 4004c 1763 174 140
1940/05/17-1940/06/21 223.ID W5749h 1689 219 25
1943/07/16-1944/10/07 242.ID Unit History 73
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227.ID 11870/1 1701 1 48
1941/04/06-1941/06/28 227.ID 11870/7 170,1 481 49
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1940/07/09-1940/09/30 254.ID W6868/6 1761 205 131
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1940/11/01-1941/04/13 253.ID 10673/1 1755 323 120
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1940/02/01-1940/07/03 246.ID 6838/1 1719 77
1943/07/1o-1944/10/07 242.ID Unit History 73
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1941/11/01-1942/01/26 251.ID 16282/1 1730 491 91
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1 94 0./0 7/09-1940/09/30 254.ID W6868/6 1761 205 131
1943/03/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/13 1790 246 153
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239-ID Unit History 66
1939/08/25-1940/07/04 239=.ID 37412/3 1'716 854 71
1939/08/26-1939/10/14 239.ID 37412/1 1716 690 71
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.sichD Unit History 1
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221.SickD P1376 1665 1 3
1939/08/26-1940/07/31 221.Si=hD H5934/5 1665 179 3
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1940/05/21-1940/06/24 252.ID W7053/5 1745 536 108


1940/05/29-1940/07/10 252.ID H7054/1 1746 604 109
1940/05/21-1940/06/24 252.ID H7053/5 1745 536 108
1940/05/29-1940/07/10 252.ID W7054/1 1746 604 109
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/09/02-1940/05/26 252.ID W527d 1743 176 105
1939/10/29-1940/05/21 252.ID H481c 1740 296 103
1940/02/01-1940/05/24 252.ID W481a 1740 178 103
1940/05/12-1940/05/20 252.ID M481b 1740 275 103
1940/05/12-1940/05/28 252.ID H522b 1741 776 104
1940/05/21-1940/06/24 252.ID W70.53/5 1745 536 108
1940/OV29-1940/07/10 252.ID H7054/1 1746 604 109
1940/05/30-1940/07/06 252.ID 1.70.53/11 1746 222 108
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1940/06/2J-1941/02/28 255.ID 8299/1 1769 198 141
1941/06/14-1941/07/02 239-ID 16183/3 17 14 1
1943/01/01-1943/07/31 254.ID 37991/1 1766 393 134
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 35
1940/05/29-1940/07/10 252.ID H7054/1 1746 604 109
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1940/01/01-1940/05/31 253.ID H6854/3 1754 459 118
1940/05/12-1940/06/23 255.ID H4004c 1768 174 140
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/10/05-1939/10/28 223.ID> W5749b 1688 1 24
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221.SichD P1376 1665. 1 3
1940/07/10-1941/02/28 221.Si=hD 16748/2 1665 324 4
1943/11/04-1943/12/31 25KID 44807/1 1739 817 99
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254oID Unit History 129
1943/09/26-1943/12/31 227.ID 40428/1 1709 436 59
1943/11/16-1943/12/31 227.ID 40428/3 1710 1 60
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1942/04/14-1945/05/22 230.ID Unit H-istory 63
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221.SichD P1376 1665 3
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/08/26-1940/07/31 221.SichD W5934/5 1665 179 3
1941/10/01-1941/12/31 227.ID 14776/1 1702 190 50
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254,ID 21100/1 1761 871 132
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227.ID W6123/1 1699 46




1940/05/23-1940/06/30 227,ID H6123/3 1699 243 45
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227.ID 11870/1 1701 1 48
1941/04/14-1941/12/03 253.ID 22495/1 1755 540 120
194 1/11/02-1941/12/02 253.ID 22495/8 1756 795 122
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1941/04/14-1941/12/03 253.ID 22495/1 1755 540 120
1941/U4/28-1941/10/31 251.ID 14609/1 1723 276 89
1941/05/01-1941/10/31 251.ID 14609/15 1730 426 91
1941/05/24-1941/09/22 251.ID 14609/11 1730 1 91
1941/08/07-1941/10/31 251.ID 14609/7 1729 763 90
1941/08/30-1941/10/29 251.ID 14609/5 1729 233 90
1941/10/12-1941/11/08 253.ID 22495/7 1756 639
194 1/11/02-1941/12/02 253.ID 22495/8 1756 795 122
1941/12/04-1942/01/13 253.ID 27625/2 1757 1 123
1941/12/04-1942/04/13 253. ID 27625/1 1756 912 122
1942/04/14-1942/12/31 253.ID 30512/1 1757 860 124
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1943/U5/01-1943/08/31 221.SichD 36509/2 1682 331 16
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/1 1737 664 97
1943/03/01-1943/06/29 251.ID 33449/4 1738 1 97
1943/03/01-1943/06/29 251.ID 33449/4 1738 1 97
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
194J/01/01-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/7 1738 931 98
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/1 1737 664 97
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/9 1739 47 99
1943/03/01-1943/06/29 251.ID 33449/4 1738 1 97
1942/02/05-1942/06/30 251.ID 220,20/11 1734 197 93
1942/04/29-1942/06/27 251. ID 220,20/4 1732 700 93
1942/07/01-1942/09/15 246.ID 26(185/1 1721 249 79
1941/11/01-1942/01/26 251.ID 16282/1 1730 491 91
1943/03/07-1943/03/23 253.ID 38874/5 1760 180 127
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1941/10/28-1942/03/31 223.ID 20890./6 1691 89 28
1942/01/01-1942/03/31 223.ID 20890/9 1691 666 29
1943/02/25-1943/09/15 225.ID 37355/1 1698 1 42
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1943/03/18-1943/07/31 252.ID 34261/1 1750 759 113
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1943/10/01-1943/12/31 246.ID 433=23/3 1724 873 82
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1943/12/12-1944/01/13 255.ID 45702/2 1794 700 157
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1942/12/01-1943/03/17 252.ID 28187/2 1750 1 113
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1942/12/05-1943/01/31 225.ID 34327/1 1697 845 42
1942/12/07-1943/01/31 225.ID 343-27/3 1697 889 42


1942/10/06-1943/01/26 221.SichD 36509/11 1635 1 17
19U 1/03/3 1-1 941/05/20 252. ID 12486/3 1746 824 110
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252. ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239. ID Oait History 66
1 93 9/08/2 6- 19 39/1 a/ 14 239. ID 37412/1 1716 690. 71
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228. ID Unit History 51
1939/08/25-1939/09/21 228. ID P166c 1711 1 62
1943/03/01-1943/07/31 252. ID 34261/3 1750 952 114
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History '44
1941/10/01-1941/12/31 227. ID 14776/1 1702 190 50
1942/01/01-1942/03/31 227. ID 17799/1 1702 1062 52
1942/04/01-1942/06/30 227. ID 21496/1 1703 486 53
1942/07/01-1942/10,/31 227. ID 26023/11 1705 478 55
1942/07/01-1942/10/31 227. ID 26023/1 1704 222 54
1942/10./01-1942/12/31 223. ID 31072/2 1693 645 31
1942/10/01-1943/03/31 223. ID 310.72/1 1693 536 31
1942/11/01-1943/01/31 227. ID. 307.05/1 1705 628 56
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 223. ID 31072/3 1693 932 32
1943/09/26-1943/11/15 227. ID 40428/2 1709 720, 59
1943/09/26-1943/12/31 227. ID 40428/1 1709 436 59
1943/11/16-1943/12/31 227. ID 40428/3 1710 1 60
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
1941/03/28-1941/06/13 239. ID 16183/2 1713 801 S9
1941/03/29- 1942/02/01 239. ID 16183/1 1713 299 68
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1941/09/01-1941/12/20 225. ID 13511/3 1696 777 39
1941/09/04-1941/09/25 255. ID 17609/7 1775 1 ns
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/08/26-1940/07/31 221.SichD W5934/5 1665 179 3
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
1940/07/10-1941/05/24 252. ID 12486/1 1746 772 109
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252. ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/08/21-1941/09/15 252. ID 16497/4 1747 727 111
1943/01/01-1943/08/31 221.5ichD 36509/26 1687 569 20
1943/05/01-1943/08/31 221.SichD 36509/2 1682 331 16
1943/06/02-1943/07/15 221.SichD 36509/18 1686 425 19
194 3/08/1 6 -.194 3/09/29 221.SichD 36509./20 1b36 738 19
1943/04/01-1943/06/30 255. ID 44513 1794 1 157
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
1939/09/04-1939/10/06 252.ID P49/2 1740 103
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252. ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/05/27-1941/C7/10 252. ID 164,97/2 1747 385 111
1941/06/18-1941/07/13 255. ID 17609/3 1773 609 143
1 94 1 /Ob/22- 19 41/10/08 255. ID 17609/1 1772 1 143
1941/08/01-1941/09/20 221.SicliD 16748/10 1667 562 6
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252. ID 16497/1 1747 1 110



1939/02/021-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00 -1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
1941/05/06'-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1941/05/25 -1941/12/31 252. ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/06/18 -1941/07/13 255.ID 17609/3 1773 609 143
1941/06/22 -1941/10/08 255. ID 17609/1 1772 1 143
1941/07/11 -1941/08/20 252. ID 16497/3 1747 582 111
1941/08/01 -1941/09/20 221.SichD 16748/10 1667 562 6
1941/09/21 -1941/10/31 221.SichD 16748/11 1668 1 6
1939/02/02;-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1943/08/14 -1943/11/04 223. ID 40156/2 1695 494 35
1939/02/02 -1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History '44
1939/02/02 -1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/02/02 1-1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1939/03/00 -1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00 -1945/03/21 251, ID Unit History 86
1941/06/22:-1941/10/08 255. ID 17609/1 1772 1 143
1941/08/16 -1941/09/04 255. ID 17609/6 1774 813 144
1941/10/09 -1941 /1 1 /08 255. ID 25337/2 1777 1 142
1941/10/09 -1942/04/30 255. ID 25337/1 1776 1 145
1942/03/20 -1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/1 1676 184. 11
1942/03/20 -1942/06/17 221,SichD 22639/2 1676 425 11
1942/03/21i-1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/7 1677 833 12
1942/04/01 -1942/04/30 255. ID 25337/8 1780 902 147
1943/01/01-1943/03/15 251. ID 33449/5 1738 188 98
1943/01/01 -1943/06/30 251. ID 33449/1 1737 664 97
1943/03/16 -1943/06/30 251. ID 33449/6 1738 596 98
1943/04/01 -1943/06/30 255. ID 44513 1794 1 157
1939/03/00 -1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1939/03/00)-1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 86
1940/07/10)-194V05/24 252. ID 12486/1 1746 772 139
1939/02/022-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1940/07/01I.- 194 1/06/30 227. ID 11870/1 1701 1 48
1941/07/011-1941/10/01 227. ID 12998/1 1701 586 49
1939/02/022-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00)-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00)-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1940/05/12>-1940/06/23 255. ID WU004C 1768 174 no
1940/05/17^-1940/06/21 223. ID H5749h 1689 219 25
1940/06/031-1940/08/22 253. ID W6854/6 1755 170 119
1941/05/25i-1941/12/31 252. ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1939/03/00J-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1941/06/18J-1941/07/13 255. ID 17609/3 1773 609 143
1939/03/00)-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1943/01/031-1943/07/31 254. ID 37991/1 1766 393 134
1939/02/022-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1940/01/011-1940/06/30 227. ID M6123/1 1699 1 46
1940/05/23J-1940/06/30 227. ID H6123/3 1699 243 46
1940/07/011-1941/06/30 227. ID 11870/1 1701 1 48
1940/07/C7^-1941/03/29 221. ID 11870/6 1701 306 48
1943/01/181-1943/07/1 1 221.SicliD 36509/17 1686 355 19
1939/03/00 -1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254.ID 21100/1 1761 871 132


1943/06/0 2-1~943/07/15 221.SichD 36509/18 1686 425 19
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/J3/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1940/04/04-1940/06/30 251..ID 7315/2 1727 1 88
1941/07/02-1941/08/05 239.ID 16183/4 1714 427 59
1940/00/03-1940/08/22 253.ID W6854/6 1755 170 1 19
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1940/02/01-1940/07/03 246.ID 6838/1 1719 1 77
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66"
1939/u8/25-1940/07/04 239.ID 37412/3 1716 854 71
1942/07/01-1942/10/31 227.ID 26023/11 1705 478 55
1942/04/29-1942/Oo/27 251.ID 22020/4 1732 700 93
1942/07/01-1942/09/15 246.ID 26085/1 1721 249 79
1942/07/01-1942/12/31 251.ID 26778/16 1737 230 96
1942/01/27-1942/06/30 251.ID 22020/16 1734 545 94
1941/06/20-1941/06/20 239.ID 16183/10 1715 1066 71
Sea also HUSSIA, as well as specific populated
places and geographical terms.
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239,ID Unit History 66
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221, SicnD Unit History 1
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 24b, ID Unit History 75
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227, ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225, ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255, ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 1 16
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250.ID (spaniscn) Unit His 84
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250.ID (spanisch) Unit His 84
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250.ID (spanisch) Unit His 84
1942/04/14-1945/05/22 230.ID Unit History 63
1942/02/01-1942/03/03 253.ID 27625/4 1757 523 123
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1942/04/01-1942/12/31 254.ID 34954/1 1762 462 132
1942/11/01-1942/12/30 254.ID 34954/8 1766 1 134
1943/01/01-1943/07/31 254.ID 37991/1 1766 393 134
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/09/04-1939/10/06 252.ID P49/2 1740 1 103
1939/10/05-1939/10/28 223.ID U5749b 1688 1 24
1939/10/17-1940/01/11 223.ID H5749c 1688 25 24
194U/01/1 5-194 0/02/07 223.ID W5749d 1688 281 24
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/09/04-1939/10/06 252.ID P49/2 1743 1 103
1939/10/05-1939/10/28 223.ID W5749b 1688 1 2-4



1939/10/17-1940/01/11 223.ID W5749c 1688 25 24
1943/08/01-1943/09/30 223.ID 35823/3 1695 1 33
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1943/02/25-1943/09/15 225.ID 37355/1 1698 1 '42
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1941/11/01-1942/01/26 251.ID 16282/1 1730. 491 91
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1944/01/01-1944/01/31 246.ID 43323/6 1725 286 82
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1942/05/18-1942/09/30 221.SichD 35408/1 1631 1 15
1942/06/23-1942/10/29 221.SichD 29380/5 1679 287 13
1942/10/31-1942/12/31 221.SicliD 29380/6 1679 773 1'4
1943/01/01-1943/06/01 221.SicaD 36509/1 1682 1 16
1943/01/01-1943/08/31 221.SichD 36509/26 1687 569 20
1943/05/01-1943/08/31 221.SichD 36509/2 1682 331 16
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254, ID Unit History 129
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252, ID< Unit History 101
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227, ID Unit History '44
1942/09/23-1942/10/18 227, ,ID 26023/9 1705 231 55
1942/11/01-1943/01/31 227. ID 30705/1 1705 628 5S
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221, SichD Unit History 1
1943/06/02-1943/07/15 221. SichD 36509/18 1686 425 19
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254, ID Unit History 129
1943/01/18-1943/07/11 221, SichD 36509/17 1686 355 19
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
1941/03/28-1941/06/13 239,,ID 16183/2 1713 801 69
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1940/11/01-1941/04/13 253. ID 10673/1 1755 323 120
1943/01/30-1943/05/28 221. SichD 36509/13 1685 626 18
1942/09/23-1942/10/18 227. ID 26023/9 1705 231 55
1942/12/28-1943/02/27 255, ID 32272/20 1-791 162 154
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255. ID 32272/10 1788 955 152
1943/03/01-1943/03/31 255, ID 32272/13 1790 246 153
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221, SichD Unit History 1
1942/06/18-1942/09/30 SichD 35408/1 1681 1 15
1942/06/18-1942/12/31 221 SichD 29380./1 1678 23 13
1942/06/23-1942/10/29 221, SichD 29380/5 1679 287 13
1942/10/31-1942/12/31 221, SichD 2938QY6 1679 773 14
1943/01/01-1943/06/01 SichD 36509/1 1682 1 15
1943/01/01-1943/08/31 221, SichD 36509./26 1687 569 20
1943/01/18-1943/07/11 221, SichD 36509/17 1686 355 19
1943/05/01-1943/08/31 221 SichD 36509/2 1682 331 16
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228.ID Unit History 61


1 939/0 2/02-1944/07/05 221.SickD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 86
1941/10/09-1941/11/08 255. ID 25337/2 1777 1 142
1941/10/09-1942/04/30 255. ID 25337/1 1776 1 145
1942/07/01-1942/12/31 251. ID 26778/1 1734 880 94
1943/01/03-1943/02/28 251. ID 33449/3 1737 890- 97
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251. ID 33449/1 1737 664 97
1943/03/01-1943/06/29 251. ID 33449/4 1738 1 97
1943/01/03-1943/03/31 255. ID 32272/22 1791 273 154
1943/03/01-1943/03/31 255. ID 32272/13 1790 246 153
1943/04/01-1943/06/30 255. ID 44513 1794 1 157
1940/01/16-3940/04/15 223.ID W5749e 1688 434 24
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/09/04-1939/10/06 252.ID P49/2 1740 1 103
1939/10/17-1940/01/11 223.ID W5749c 1638 25 24
1940/01/15-1940/02/07 223.ID W5749d 1688 281 24
IB ( a c t i v i t y r e p o r t ) , usually annex to war
j o u r n a l . See records of specific unit or comiand
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10Y25 254.ID 21100/1 1761 871 132
1943/05/01-1943/06/30 227.ID 33811/3 170.7 603 57
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254.ID 211-00/1 1761 871 132
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254, ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254 ID 21100/1 1761 871 132
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unrt History 137
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/7 1738 931 98
1943/03/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/13 1790, 246 153
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1 94 Q/0 1/01-1 9 4 0 / 0 6 / 3 0 227.ID W6123/1 1699. 1 46
1940/01/01-1940/09/30 225. ID W7049/b 1696 213 38
1940/10/01-1941/08/30 225.ID 13511/2 1696 416 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227.ID W6123/1 1699 1 46
1940/01/01-1940/09/30 225.ID U7049/b 1696 213 38
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1940/06/03-1940/06/14 252.ID H7053/2 1745 224 107
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1941/12/21-1942/05/03 225.ID 18022/1 1697 1 40
1942/01/01-1942/03/31 225.ID 20.460/2 1697 235 40
1942/01/07-1942/05/01 225.ID- 18022/2 169* 76 40
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253,10 Unit History 116
1941/04/14-1941/12/03 253,ID 22495/1 1755 540 120
1943/11/02-1941/12/02 253.ID 22495/8 1756 795 122



1941/08/01-1941/09/20 221.SichD 16748/10 1667 562 6
1943/03/07-1943/03/23 253. ID 38874/5 1760 180, 127
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Uait History 44
1943/11/01-1943/12/31 230. ID 45498 1712 804 S5
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1940/01/01-1940/09/30 225.ID W7049/b 1696 213 38
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1941/04/14-1941/12/03 253. ID 22495/1 1755 540 120
1941/04/28-1941/10/31 251. ID 14609/1 1723 276 89
1941/05/01-1941/10/31 251. ID 14609/15 1730 426 91
1941/08/03-1941/09/03 253. ID 22495/5 1756 229 121
1941/08/07-1941/10/31 251. ID 14609/7 1729 763 90
1941/08/30-1941/10/29 251. ID 14609/5 1729 233 90
1941/09/03-1941/10/11 253. ID 22495/6 1756 440 122
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 86
1941/11/01-1942/01/26 251. ID 16282/1 1730 491 91
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1941/10/28-1941/11/19 223. ID 20890/7 1b91 165 29
1941/10/28-1942/03/31 223. ID 20890/6 1691 89 28
1943/02/25-1943/09/15 225. ID 37355/1 1698 1 42
1943/04/01-1943/07/31 223. ID 35823/2 1694 694 33
1943/07/15-1943/12/29 242. ID 44004/2 1717 51 74
1943/07/16-1943/12/31 242. ID 44004/1 1717 1
1943/07/16-1944/10/07 242. ID Unit History 73
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
194J/05/12-1940/06/23 255. ID H4004C 1768 174 140
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID' Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/2b 225. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1939/08/2b-1940/05/31 253.ID W6854/7 1755 314 119
1939/11/09-1940/09/29 253. ID *6854/1b 1754, 33 118
1940/01/01-1940/05/31 253. ID W6854/3 1754 459 118
1940/01/01-1940/09/30 225, ID 7049/b 1696 213 38
1940/U5/17-1940/06/21 223. ID 5749h 1689 219 23
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227. ID 11&70/1 1701 1 48
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1940/06/23-1941/02/28 255. ID 8299/1 1769 198 141
1941/02/14-1941/05/31 246. ID 11728/1 1719 497 78
1941/06/01-1941/12/31 246. ID 13735/1 1720 1 78
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1942/04/13-1942/06/30 253. ID 30512/2 1758 1 124
1942/04/14-1942/12/31 253.ID 30512/1 1757 860 124
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227. ID 11870./1 1701 1 48
1941/04/06-1941/06/28 227. ID 118-70/7 1701 481 49
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1943/04/01-1943/06/30 246. ID 33815/2 1723 470 81
1943/07/01-1943/09/30 246. ID 43323/1 1724 324 81


1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/10, 1788 955 152
1940/06/2I-1940/C8/20 223.ID 12242/2 1689 612 26
1939/11/09-1940/09/29 253.ID H6854/1b 1754 33 118
1940/06/03-1940/08/22 253.ID H6854/6 1755 170 119
1939/U2/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit Histoi:y 1
1941/12/14-1942/03/19 221.SichD 19344/1 1674 39 9
1941/12/12-1942/03/14 221.SichD 19344/2 1674 209 10
1941/12/14-1942/03/19 221.SicbD 19344/1 1674 39 9
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit Histoiy 1
1941/12/14-1942/03/19 221.SichD 19344/1 1674 39 9
U39/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1942/07/01-1942/12/31 251.ID 26778/1 V734 880 94
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/1 1737 664 97
1940/01/16-1940/04/15 223.ID H5749e 1688 434 24
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 253.ID 38874/1 1759 511 126
1943/06/04-1943/06/30 253.ID 38874/8 1760 832 128
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1942/04/13-1942/06/30 253.ID 30512/2 1758 1 124
1942/04/14-1942/12/31 253.ID 30512/1 1757 860 124
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1942/12/07-1943/01/31 225.ID 34^27/3 1697 889 42
1941/07/08-1941/08/02 253.ID 22495/4 1756 1 121
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1941/09/2J-1941/11/07 239.ID 16183/6 1715 70
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221,SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221.SishD 22639/1 1676 184 11
1942/05/01-1942/05/31 255.ID 25610/8 1782 89 148
1942/05/01-1942/09/20 255.ID 25610/1 1781 447 148
1942/06/01-1942/06/30 255.ID 25610/9 1783 1 148
1942/06/19-1943/02/10 255.ID 32272/2 1788 1 151
1942/07/01-1942/07/31 255.ID 25610/10 1783 565 149
1942/07/15-1942/12/30 255.ID 32272/1 1787 819 151
1942/08/01-1942/08/31 255.ID 25610/11 1784 1 149
1942/10/01-1942/10/31 255.ID 29366/2 1785 321 150
1942/10/01-1942/12/31 255.ID 29366/1 1785 1 150
1942/11/01-1942/11/30 255.ID 29366/3 1786 1 150
1942/12/01-1942/12/31 255.ID 29366/4 1787 1 150
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/22 1791 273 154
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1942/02/28-1942/03/30 255.ID 25337/7 1780 467 147
1940/01/15-1940/02/07 223.ID W5749d 1688 281 24
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit aistory 1
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1942/06/18-1942/09/30 221.SichD 35408/1 1681 1 15
1942/06/18-1942/12/31 221.SictiD 29380/1 1678 23 13
1942/06/18-1942/12/31 221.SichD 2938a/11 1680 299 14


1942/06/23-1942/10/29 221, SichD 29380/5 1679 287 13
1942/10/31-1942/12/31 221 SichD 2938Q./6 1679 773 14
1943/01/01-1943/06/01 221, SichD 36S09/1 1682 1 16
1943/01/01-1943/08/31 221, SichD 36509/26 1687 569 20
1943/05/01-1943/08/31 221, SichD 36509/2 1682 331 16
1940/07/10-1941/02/28 221.SichD 16743/2 1665 324
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
(Undertaking). See specific undertaking name,
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1941/07/08-1941/08/02 253.ID 22495/4 1756 121
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1943/03/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/13 1790 246 153
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239, ID Unit History 66
1941/08/06-1941/09/23 239, ID 16183/5 1714 813 69
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221, SichD Unit History 1
1941/12/14-1942/03/19 221. SichD 19344/1 1674 39 9
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/1 1676 184 11
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/2 1676 425 11
1939/0J/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
194J/01/01-1943/07/31 254.ID 37991/1 1766 393 134
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227.ID W6123/1 1699 1 46
1939/08/26-1939/1a/1 4 239..ID 37412/1 1716 690 71
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1940/05/17-1940/06/21 223. ID H5749h 1689 219 25
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227. ID 11870/1 1701 1 48
1941/07/01-1941/10/01 227. ID 12998/1 1701 586 49
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1943/04/01-1943/09/30 223. ID 35823/1 1694 638 33
1943/08/01-1943/09/30 223. ID 35823/3 1695 1 33
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1942/02/28-1942/03/30 255. ID 25337/7 1780 467 147
1942/04/01-1942/04/30 255. ID 25137/8 1780 902 147
1942/08/01-1942/08/31 255. ID 25610/11 1784 1 149
1942/09/01-1942/09/30 255. ID- 25610/12 1784 709 149
1942/10/01-1942/10/31 255. ID 29366/2 1785 321 150
1943/01/01-1943/02/28 255. ID- 32272/11 1789 1 152
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255. ID 32272/10 1788 955 132
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221. SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/^)0-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1943/09/27-1943/10/28 255. ID 42996/5 1793 129 156
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254. ID 2110,0/1 1761 871 132
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129


1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254.ID 21100/1 1761 871 132
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1941/04/14-1941/12/03 253oID 22495/1 1755 540 120
1941/04/28-1941/08/06 25KID 14609/6 1729 475 90
1941/04/28-1941/10/31 25KID 14609/1 276 89
1941/05/01-1941/10/31 25KID 14609/15 1730 426 91
1941/07/08-1941/08/02 253. ID 22495/4 175b 1 121
1941/07/16-1941/08/29 25KID 14609/4 1729 45 90
1941/06/02-1941/08/02 251.ID 14609/13 1730 341 91
1941/08/03-1941/09/03 253.ID 22495/5 175b 229 121
1941/08/30-1941/10/29 251.ID 14609/5 1729 233 90
1940/06/23-1940/10/20 255.ID 8299/2 176^ 658
1940/10./2 1-1941/03/13 255.ID 8299/3 1770 1
1940/0&/03-1940/08/22 253.ID W6854/6 1755 170 119
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/08/26-1940/06/23 255.ID H6802d 1769 130 141
1940/05/10-1940/06/23 255.ID W4004d 1763 770 140
1940/05/12-1940/06/23 255. ID WUOXMic 1768 174 140
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1941/04/30-1941/06/19 223.ID 20890/2 1690 657 27
1941/04/JO-1941/10/26 223.ID 20890./1 169J 630 27
1940/Ob/2 I-1940/08/20 223.ID 12242/2 1689 612 26
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221-SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 1 16
1942/06/^3-1942/10/29 221.SichD 29380/5 1679 287 13
1942/10/01-1942/12/31 221.S1C&D 35408/2 1681 619 15
1942/10/31-1942/12/31 221.SichD 29380/6 1679 773 14
1943/01/01-1943/08/31 221.5ichD 36509/26 1687 569 20
1943/05/01-1943/08/31 221.SichD 36509/2 1682 331 16
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
194<V 12/05-1943/01/31 225.ID 34327/1 1697 845 42
1942/12/C7-1943/01/31 225.ID 34327/3 1697 889 42
1941/00/22-1941/07/07 253.ID 22495/3 1755 1108 121
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
19u1/06/10-1941/10/25 254.ID 21100/1 17b1 871 132
194 1/04/28-1941/10/31 251.ID 14609/1 1728 27b 89
1941/08/13-1942/07/24 250.ID (spahisch) 22764/1 1726 86 85
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250.ID (spanisch) Unit 84
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Uait History 129
1 94 1/OD/lb-1941/07/02 253.ID 36940 1759 438 125
1941/08/13-1942/07/24 250.ID (spanisch) 22764/1 1726 86 85
1941/08/13-3943/11/30 250.ID (spanisch) Unit. His 84
1941/12/16-1942/03/31 250'. ID (spanisch) 19769 1726 1 85
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 1 16
1941/06/22-1941/07/07 253.ID 22495/3 1755 1108 121
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75



1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID. Unit History 101
1941/08/13-1912/07/24 250. ID {spapisch) 22764/1 1726 86 85
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250. ID (spanisch) Unit His 84
1943/08/01-1943/12/31 252. ID 41985/1 1750 975 114
1943/10/01-1943/12/31 246. ID 43323/3 1724 873 82
1943/10/18-1943/11/17 252. ID 41985/4 1752 1 114
1943/11/09-1943/12/31 252. ID 41985/9 1752 869 115
1943/12/19-1943/12/31 252. ID 41985/7 1752 540. 115
1944/01/01-1944/01/31 246. ID 43323/7 1725 588 82
1944/01/01-1944/01/31 246. ID 43323/6 1725 286 82
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1939/11/09-1940/09/29 253. ID H6854/1b 1754 33 118
1940/06/03-1940/08/22 253. ID H6854/6 1755 170 119
1940/09/16-1940/10/14 253. ID H6854/5 1755 100 119
1940/11/01-1941/04/13 253. ID 10673/1 1755 323 120
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1943/10/29-1943/12/20 255. ID 45702 1794 46 157
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Unit History 86
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1941/04/14-1941/12/03 253. ID 22495/1 1755 540 120
1941/04/28-1941/10/31 251. ID 14609/1 1728 276 89
1941/05/01-1941/10/31 251. ID 14609/15 1730 426 91
1941/08/07-1941/10/31 251. ID 14609/7 1729 763 90
1941/10/12-1941/11/08 253. ID 22495/7 1756 639
194 1/11/01-1942/01/26 251. ID 16282/1 1730 491 91
1941/11/02-1941/12/02 253. ID 22495/8 1756 795 122
1941/12/04-1942/01/13 253.ID 27625/2 1757 1 123
1941/12/04-1942/04/13 253. ID 27625/1 1756 912 122
1942/01/27-1942/06/30 251. ID 22020/1 1731 627 92
1942/07/01-1942/12/31 251. ID 26778/1 1734 880 94
194 1/10/1 2-194 1/M/08 253. ID 22495/7 1756 639
1941/11/02-1941/12/02 253.ID 22495/8 1756 795 122
1941/12/04-1942/01/13 253. ID 27625/2 1757 1 123
1941/12/04-1942/04/13 253. ID 27625/1 1756 912 122
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
194 1/08/13-1942/07/24 250.ID (sp-anisch) 22764/1 1726 86 85
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250. ID (spanisch) Unit His 84
1941/08/18-1942/07/19 250. ID (spaniscli) 22764/2 1726 169 85
1941/10/26-1941/12/23 254. ID 21100/2 1761 999 132
1941/12/16-1942/03/31 250. ID (spanisch) 19769 1726 1 85
1941/12/24-1942/04/02 254. ID 21100/3 1762 1 132
1942/01/24-1942/05/21 254. ID 211-58 1762 165 132
1942/02/09-1942/03/31 254. ID 29055 1762 433 132
1942/05/01-1943/06/30 250. ID (spanisch) 41589 1726 317 85
1943/02/01-1943/06/30 227. ID 33811/J 1707 1 57
1943/07/01-1943/09/25 227. ID 35527/1 1708 622 58
1941/05/06-1941/07/30 221.5ichD 16748/13 1669 1 7
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1941/06/20-1941/07/31 221.SichD 16748/9 1667 1 6
(Peoples Infantry Division designation used after
September 1944). See specific unit number and
suffix VGRD.
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1942/12/01-1943/03/17 252.ID 28187/2 1750 1 113
1943/03/18-1943/07/31 252.ID 34261/1 1753 759 113
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252.ID 16497/1 1747 110


1941/10/15-1941/11/15 2 5 2 . I D 16497/6 1747 1065 111
1941/12/08-1941/12/31 255.ID 25337/4 1778 663 146
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1942/08/13-1942/12/04 225.ID 24500/4 1697 657 41
1942/12/05-1943/01/31 225.ID 34327/1 1697 845 42
1942/12/07-1943/01/31 225.ID 34327/3 1697 889 42
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 253.ID 38874/1 1759 511 126
1943/03/24-1943/04/22 253.ID 38874/6 1763 372 127
1943/04/23-1943/06/03 253,ID 38874/7 1760. 579 127
1943/06/04-1943/06/30 253.ID 38874/8 1763 832 128
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID U n i t H i s t o r y 116
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 253.ID 38874/1 1759 511 125
1943/04/23-1943/06/03 2 5 3 . I D 38874/7 176J 579 127
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1941/10/28-1941/11/19 223.ID 20890/7 1691 165 29
1941/10/28-1942/03/31 223.ID 20890/6 1691 89 28
1941/11/20-1941/12/31 223.ID 20890/8 1691 390 29
1942/01/01-1942/03/31 223oID 20890./9 1691 666 29
1942/04/01-1942/05/31 223.ID 23598/2 1692 373 30
1942/04/01-1942/09/30 223.ID 23598/1 1692 277 30
1942/06/01-1942/09/30 223.ID 23598/3 1692 655 30
1943/05/06-1943/05/19 221.SichD 36509/15 1b86 18
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1943/07/01-1943/09/30 2 4 6 . I D 43323/1 1724 324 81
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 56
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1941/09/23-1941/11/07 239.ID 16183/6 1715 1 70
1943/04/01-1943/06/30 255.ID 44513 1794 1 157
1943/07/01-1943/08/04 255.ID 41S84/1 1791 284 154
1941/06/10-1941/10/25 254,ID 21 10.0/1 1761 871 132
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1941/10/09-1942/04/30 255.ID 25337/1 1776 1 145
1942/02/2,8-1942/03/30 255.ID 25337/7 178J 467 147
1942/03/05-1942/04/23 255.ID 25337/12 1781 261 147
1942/04/0 1-1942/04/30 255.ID 25337/8 1780 902 1!*7
1942/05/01-1942/05/31 255.ID 25610/8 1782 89 148
1942/05/01-1942/09/20 255.ID 25610/1 1781 447 148
1942/06/01-1942/06/30 255.ID 25610/9 1783 1 148
1942/06/11-1942/07/18 255.ID 32272/8 1788 737 152
1942/06/19-1943/02/10 255.ID 32272/2 1788 1 151
1942/07/01-1942/07/31 255.ID 25610/10 1783 565 U9
1942/07/15-1942/12/30 255.ID 32272/1 1787 819 151
1942/08/01-1942/08/31 255. IDi 25610/11 1784 1 149
1942/09/01-1942/09/30 255.ID 25610/12 1784 709 149
1942/10/01-1942/10/31 255.ID 29366/2 1785 321 150
1942/10/01-1942/12/31 255.ID 29366/1 1785 1 150
1942/11/01-1942/11/30 255.ID 29366/3 1786 1 150
1942/12/01-1942/12/31 255.ID 29366/4 1787 1 150
1943/01/01-1943/02/28 255.ID 32272/11 1789 1 152
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/10 1788 955 152
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/22 1791 273 154
1943/02/01-1943/02/28 255.ID> 32272/12 1790 1 153
See also F r a n c e , as well as specific pDpulated
p l a c e s and geographical terms.




1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1940/05/21-1940/06/24 252. ID W70,53/5 1745 536 108
1940/05/29-1940/07/10 252.ID W7054/2 1746 664 109
1940/05/29-1940/07/10 252.ID H7054/1 1746 604 109
1940/05/30-1940/07/06 252.ID W7053/11 1746 222 108
1942/12/18-194J/01/27 255.ID 32272/18 1791 66
1942/08/27-1942/10/12 227.ID 26023/10 1705 370 35
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 36
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227.ID 11870/1 1701 1 48
1940/10/01-1941/08/30 225,ID 13511/2 169b 416 39
1940/10/01-1941/12/20 225.ID 13511/1 1696 355 39
1941/04/06-1941/Ob/28 227.ID 11870/7 1701 481 '49
1941/07/01-1941/10/01 227.ID 12998/1 1701 586 49
1941/06/06-1941/09/23 239.ID 16183/5 1714 813 69
1941/10/12-1941/11/08 253.ID 22495/7 1756 639
1939/U3/00-1944/01/13 255,10 Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 101
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252. ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/09/15-1941/10/15 252. ID 16497/5 1747 878 111
1941/10/09-1941/11/08 255. ID 25337/2 1777 1 142
1941/10/09-1942/04/30 255. ID 25337/1 1776 1 145
1941/11/08-1941/12/08 255. ID 25337/3 1778 1 146
1942/12/01-1943/03/17 252. ID 28187/2 1750 1 113
1943/01/01-1943/03/15 251. ID 33449/5 173d 188 98
1943/02/13-1943/03/10 252. ID 28187/4 1750 263 113
1943/03/16-1943/06/30 251. ID 33449/6 1738 596 98
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1943/03/24-1943/04/22 253. ID 38874/6 1760 372 127
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1943/10/01-1943/12/31 24b.ID 43323/3 1724 873 82
1944/01/01-1944/01/31 246. ID 43323/6 1725 286 82
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228. ID Unit History 61
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 33
1942/04/14-1945/05/22 230,ID Unit History 63
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID* Unit History 137
1940/05/12-194Q/06/23 255.ID W4004C 1763 174 140
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228.ID Unit History 61
1939/03/30-1945/05/01 252.ID- Unit History 101
1940/05/29-1940/07/04 252. ID W70.53/3 1745 375 107
1940/07/01-1941/05/24 252.ID 12486/14 1746 10,67 110
1940/07/10-1941/05/24 252.ID 12486/1 1746 772 109
1941/05/06-1941/06/19 221.SichD 16748/8 1666 360 5
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1939/10/17-1940/01/11 223.ID W5749c 1688 25 24
1939/08/26-1940/07/31 221.SichD H5934/5 1665 179 3
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227.ID H6123/1 1699, 46
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137


1939/08/26-1940/05/12 255.ID W4004 1763 140
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228.ID Unit History 61
1943/07/16-1944/10/07 242.ID Unit History 73
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1939/03/00-1945/04/OS 253.ID Unit History 116
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228.ID Unit Hi&tory 61
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225,ID Unit History 36
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250. ID (spanisch) Unit His 84
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 22USichD Unit History 1
1 93 9/02/J02-19 40/07/31 228.ID Unit History 61
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1943/06/02-1943/07/15 221.SicUD 3 6 5 0 9 / 1 8 1686 425 19
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
19*0/01/01-1940/09/30 225.ID H7049/b 1696 213 38
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/08/26-1940/07/31 221-.SichD H5934/5 1665 179 3
1 942/0 8/2 7-1942/10./1 2 227.ID 26023/10 1705 370 55
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1940/02/01-1940/07/03 246.ID 6838/1 1719 1 77
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1939/09/04-1939/10/06 252.ID P49/2 1740 103
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221.SichD P1376 1665 1 3
1941/OJ/01-1941/05/31 255.ID 9870/1 1770 445 142
1941/04/23-1941/06/05 255.ID 9870/3 1771 1 142
1941/06/01-1941/06/21 255,ID 12346/2 1771 993 143
1941/Ob/1 8-1941/07/13 255.ID 17609/3 1773 609 143
1941/06/22-1941/10/08 255.ID 17609/1 1772 1 143
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1939/03/00-1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1940/07/10-1941/05/24 252.ID 12486/1 174b 772 109
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1940/01/16-1940/04/15 223.ID W5749e 1688 434 24


1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1940/01/16-1940/04/15 223.ID W5749e 1688 434 24
1939/10/17-1940/01/11 223.ID W5749c 1688 25 24
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1939/10/17-1940/01/1 1 223.ID H5749c 1588 25 24
1940/01/15-1940/02/07 223.ID W5749d 1638 281 24
1941/06/20-1941/07/31 221.SichD 16748/9 1667 1
193 9/02/0 2-.19 42/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1941/03/29-1942/02/01 239.ID 16183/1 1713 299 S3
1941/07/02-1941/08/05 239.ID 16183/4 1714 427 69
1941/07/02-1941/08/05 239,10 16183/4 1714 427 69
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID- Unit History 75
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1941/05/22-1941/10/08 255.ID 1760,9/1 1772 1 143
194 1/09/04-1941/09/25 255.ID 17609/7 1775 1 145
194 1/09/2 5-1 941/10./08 255.ID 1760.9/8 1775 482 145
1941/10/09-1941/11/08 255.ID 25337/2 1777 1 142
19 41/ 10/0 9-19 42/04/3 0 255.ID 25337/1 1776 1 145
1941/11/08-1941/12/08 255.ID 25137/3 1778 1 146
1943/01/01-1943/03/31 246,ID 33815/1 1723 1 80
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 253.ID 38874/1 1759 51 1 126
1943/03/07-1943/03/23 253.ID 38874/5 1760 180 127
19<4 3/03/^4 -1943/04/2 2 253.ID 36874/6 1760 372 127
1943/04/01-1943/06/30 246.ID 33815/2 1723 470 81
1943/04/23-1943/06/03 253.ID 3d874/7 1760 579 127
1943/07/01-1943/09/30 246.ID 43323/1 1724 324 81
1939/02/02-1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit History 1
19 39/03/00.- 1945/05/01 252.ID Unit History 101
1941/05/25-1941/12/31 252.ID 16497/1 1747 1 110
1941/09/15-1941/10/15 252.ID 16497/5 1747 878 111
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/2 1676 425 11
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/1 1676 184, 11
1943/01/01-3943/03/31 255.ID 32272/10 1788 955 152
1943/03/01-1943/03/31 255.ID 32272/13 179J 246 153
1943/08/01-1943/12/31 252.ID 41985/1 1750 975 114
1943/03/07-1943/03/23 253.ID 38874/5 1760 180 127
Y E U , ILE D*
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1940/06/23-1941/02/28 255.ID 6299/1 17b9 198 141
1943/10/18-1943/11/17 252.ID 41985/4 1752 1 114
1940/05/10-1940/06/16 254.ID W6868/9 1761 596 131
1 940/U5/12-1940/06/23 255. ID W400.4C 1768 174 140
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1941/10/09-1942/04/30 255.ID 25337/1 1776 145
1941/12/31-1942/01/31 255.ID 25337/5 1779 146
1942/01/31-1942/02/27 255.ID 25337/6 1780- 147
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1943/11/04-1943/12/31 251.ID 44807/1 1739 817 99
1943/06/02-1943/07/15 221-SichD 36509/18 1686 4,25 19
1941/09/03-1941/10/1 1 253.ID 22495/6 1756 440, 122


1941/07/02-1941/08/05 239..ID 16183/4 1714 427 69
1941/05/06-1941/06/19 221.SichD 16748/8 1666 360 5
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.3ichD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1941/06/20-1941/07/31 221.5ichD 16748/9 1667 1 6
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116
1941/06/22-1941/07/07 253.ID 22495/3 1755 1 108 121
1941/10/09-1942/04/30 255.ID 25J37/1 177o 1 145
1941/11/08-1941/12/08 255.ID 25337/3 1778 1 146
1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225.ID Unit History 35
1939/08/26-1939/12/20 221.SichD P1376 1665 3
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223.ID Unit History 22
1940/01/16-1940/04/15 223,ID W5749e 1688 434 24
1*39/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1943/01/01-1943/07/31 254.ID 37991/1 1766 393 134
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1943/10/01-1943/12/31 246.ID 43323/3 1724 873 82
1941/06/20-1941/07/3 1 221-.SichD 16748/9 1t>67 1
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239..ID Unit History 66
1941/03/29-1942/02/01 239,ID 16183/1 1713 299 S3
1941/07/02-1941/08/05 239.ID 16183/4 1714 427 69
1942/04/01-1942/04/30 255.ID 25337/8 1780 902 147
1943/12/19-1943/12/31 252.ID 41985/7 1752 540 115
1943/09/07-1943/09/27 255.ID 42996/2 1792 629 156
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255.ID Unit History 137
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 1 16
1941/06/18-1941/07/13 255.ID 17609/3 1773 609 143
1941/06/22-1941/10/08 255.ID 17609/1 1772 1 143
1941/07/13-1941/07/25 255.ID 17609/4 1774 1 144
1941/07/25-1941/08/16 255.ID 17609/5 1774 4 16 144
1941/08/01-1941/09/20 221.SichD 16748/10 1667 562 6
1941/08/16-1941/09/04 255.ID 17609/6 1774 813 144
1941/11/01-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/12 1668 595 7
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1 939/03/00-1945/04/17 254.ID Unit History 129
1942/07/01-1942/09/15 246.ID 260.85/1 1721 249 79
1943/02/01-1943/02/28 254.ID 379,91/3 1767 1 135
1943/01/01-1943/06/30 251.ID 33449/1 1737 664 97
1943/03/01-1943/06/29 251.ID 33449/4 1738 1 97
1943/07/01-1943/08/04 255.ID 41584/1 1791 284 154
1943/ob/08-1943/07/13 221.SichD 36509/19 1686 683 19
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239.ID Unit History 66
1941/03/29-1942/02/01 239..ID 16183/1 1713 299 S3
1941/08/06-1941/09/23 239.ID 16183/5 1714 813 69
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239..ID Unit History 66
1941/03/29-1942/02/01 239.ID 1b183/1 1713 299 53
1941/08/06-1941/09/23 239.ID 16183/5 1714 813 69



1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239,10 Unit History 66
1939/08/26-1939/10/14 239.ID 37412/3 171o 690 71
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251.ID Unit History 86
1941/11/01-1942/01/26 251.ID 16282/1 1730 491 91
1941/12/13-1942/01/26 251.ID 16282/3 1730- 955 92
1943/01/18-1943/07/11 221.SictiD 36509/17 1586 355 19
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History 44
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227.ID W6123/1 1699 46
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227.ID Unit History '44
1940/01/01-1940/06/30 227.ID W6123/1 1699 1 46
1939/08/26-1940/07/31 221.SichD W5934/5 1665 179 3
1941/U5/06-1941/06/19 221.SichD 16748/8 1666 360 5
1941/05/06-1941/12/13 221.SichD 16748/7 1666 1 5
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253.ID Unit History 116


1942/04/01- 1942/06/30 227. ID 21496/1 1703 486 53
1943/02/25- 1943/09/15 225. ID 37355/1 1698 1 42
1939/08/26- 1939/10/14 239. ID 37412/1 1716 690 71
1943/11/04- 1943/12/31 251. ID 44807/1 1739 817 99
1943/03/01- 1943/06/29 251. ID 33449/4 1738 1 97
1943/11/04- 1943/12/31 251. ID 44807/1 1739 817 99
194,1/12/21- 1942/05/03 225. ID 18022/1 1697 1 40
1943/11/16- 1943/12/31 227, ID 40428/3 1710. 1 60
1941/01/01- 1941/04/27 251. ID 12530/4 1728 258 89
1941/10/01- 1941/12/31 227. ID 14776/1 1702 190 50
1942/05/04- 1942/12/05 225. ID 24500/1 1697 252 41
1940/06/23- 1940/10/20 255. ID 8299/2 1769 658 141
1941/10/01- 1941/12/31 227. ID 14776/1 1702 190 50
1942/07/01- 1942/10/31 227. ID 26023/1 1704 222 54
1943/02/01- 1943/06/30 227. ID 33811/1 1707 1 57
194^/07/01- 1942/12/31 251. ID 26778/1 1734 880 94
1942/05/01- 1942/05/31 255. ID 25610/8 1782 89 148
1942/03/20- 1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/1 1676 184 11
020.ID HOT
1941/10/01- 1941/12/31 227. ID 14776/1 1702 190 50
1939/03/00- 1944/01/13 25b.ID Unit History 137
1943/07/01- 1943/09/25 227. ID 35527/1 1708 622 58
1941/08/06- 1941/09/23 239. ID 16183/5 1714 813 69
1942/11/01- 1943/01/31 227. ID 3070,5/1 1705 628 55
1943/02/01- 1943/06/30 227. ID 33811/1 1707 1 57
1943/09/26- 1943/12/31 227. ID 40428/1 1709 436 59
1939/08/29- 1939/12/31 246. ID W607/C 1718 281 77
1939/09/01- 1939/10/25 246. ID W607/b 1718 1 77
1943/04/23- 1943/06/03 253. ID 38874/7 1760 579 127
1943/09/07- 1943/09/27 255. ID 42996/2 1792 629 156
1941/12/14- 1942/03/19 221.SichD 19344/1 1674 39 9
1941/02/14- 1941/05/31 246. ID 11728/1 1719 497 78
1939/02/02- 1945/03/12 246. ID Unit History 75
1940/07/07- 1941/03/29 227. ID 11870/6 1701 306 48
1939/08/26- 1939/10/14 239. ID 37412/1 1716 690 71
1940/01/01- 1940/06/30 227. ID U6123/1 1699 1 46
1943/09/C7- 1943/09/26 255. ID 42996/1 1792 545 155
1943/03/01- 1943/04/30 254. ID 37991/4 1767 342 135
1943/07/01- 1943/07/31 254. ID 3799.1/6 1767 10.88 135
1941/01/01- 1941/04/27 251. ID 12530/4 1728 258 39
1942/11/01- 1943/01/31 227. ID 30705/1 1705 628 56


1 9 4 3 / 0 9 / 2 6 -1943/11/15 227 ID 404.28/2 1709 7^0 59
1941/03/29 1942/02/01 239-ID 16183/1 1713 299 S3
1941/09/23 1941/11/07 239. ID 16183/6 1715 1 70
1 9 4 3 / 0 2 / 2 5 1943/09/15 225. ID 37355/1 1o98 1 42
1 9 4 3 / 0 9 / 2 6 1943/11/15 227. ID 40428/2 1709 720 59
1 9 3 9 / 0 9 / 0 2 1940/05/26 252. ID W527d 1743 176 105
1 9 4 0 / 0 5 / 2 9 1940/07/10 252. ID W7054/1 1746 604 109
1 9 4 0 / 0 5 / 3 0 1940/07/06 252. ID rf7053/11 1746 222 108
1941/03/28 1941/06/13 239.ID 16183/2 1713 801 69
1939/11/09 1940/09/29 253. ID W6854/1b 1754 33 118
1940/0&/24 1941/04/12 253, ID 10673/2 1755 528 120
4)79. ID
1943/03/29 1942/02/01 239. ID 16183/1 1713 299 63
1941/11/08 1941/12/23 239..ID 16183/7 1715 554 70
1940/10/21 1941/03/13 255. ID 8299/3 1770 1
1942/12/05 1943/01/31 225. ID 34327/1 1697 845 42
1941/12/21 1942/05/03 225. ID 18022/1 1697 1 40
1940/07/01 1941/06/30 227. ID 11870/1 1701 1 48
1942/04/01 1942/05/03 227. ID 21496/2 1703 722 53
1943/02/01 1943/06/30 227. ID 33811/1 1707 1 57
1943/03/02 1943/05/28 221.SichD 36509/3 1682 580. 16
1943/09/07 1943/09/26 255. ID 42996/1 1792 545 155
1943/10/29 1943/12/20 255^10 45702 1794 46 157
1943/07/01 3943/09/30 246. ID 43123/1 1724 324 81
1942/07/01 1942/10/31 227. ID 260,23/1 1704 222 54
19'43/02/01 1943/06/30 227. ID 33811/1 1707 1 57
1943/U4/23 1943/06/03 253. ID 38874/7 1763 579 127
1943/02/25 1943/09/15 225. ID 37355/1 1698 1 42
1940/10/01 1941/08/30 225. ID 13511/2 1696 416 39
1943/09/07 1943/09/27 255. ID 42996/2 1792 629 156
1 9 3 9 / 0 2 / 0 2 3943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1 9 4 3 / 0 8 / 1 4 1943/11/04 223. ID 40156/2 1695 494 35
1 9 4 3 / 1 0 / 0 1 1943/11/20 223, ID 40156/1 1695 451 34
1 9 4 0 / 0 8 / 0 1 1940/11/22 223. ID 12242/3 1689 954 25
1941/11/06 1941/12/13 221.SichD 36509/23 1687 61 20
1942/06/18 1942/12/31 22USichD 29380/1 1678 23 13
1941/01/01 1941/04/27 251. ID 12530/1 1728 1 89
1942/05/04 1942/12/05 225. ID 24500/1 1697 252 41
1 9 3 9 / U 2 / 0 2 1944/07/05 221.SichD Unit aistory 1
194 1/12/14 1942/03/19 221.SichD 19344/1 1674 39 9
1939/02/02 1944/07/05 221,SichD Unit History 1
1939/02/02 1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22
1942/11/03 1943/01/31 227. ID 30.705/1 1705 628 56


1939/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1943/01/01-1943/07/31 254. ID 37991/1 1766 393 134
1939/02/02-1945/03/24 227. ID Unit History 44
1939/02/02-1940/07/31 228. ID Unit History 61
1*42/04/14-1945/05/22 230, ID Unit History 63
1939/02/02-1942/02/01 239. ID Unit History 66
1943/07/16-1944/10/07 242. ID Unit History 73
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246. ID Unit H'istory 75
1941/08/13-1943/11/30 250. ID (spanisck) Unit His 84
1939/03/00-1945/03/21 251. ID Uait History 86
1939/UJ/00-1945/05/01 252. ID Unit History 131
1939/10/05-1939/10/28 22J.ID W5749b 1688 1 24
1939/03/00-1945/04/05 253. ID Unit History 116
1 9J9/02/02-1945/04/26 225. ID Unit History 36
1939/03/00-1945/04/17 254. ID Unit History 129
1942/12/05-1943/01/31 225, ID 34327/1 1697 845 42
1943/11/16-1943/12/31 227. ID 40428/3 1710 1 60
1939/03/00-1944/01/13 255. ID Unit History 137
1939/09/02-1940/05/26 252. ID W527d 1743 176 105
1940/06/24-1941/04/30 223. ID 12242/1 1689 477 25
1941/U4/30-1941/10/26 223. ID 20890/1 1690 630 27
1942/01/01-1942/03/31 227. ID 17799/1 1702 1062 52
1942/04/01-1942/05/03 227. ID 21496/2 1703 722 53
1942/04/01-1942/06/30 227. ID 21496/1 1703 486 53
1943/05/01-1943/10/31 230. ID 37730 1712 537 64
1941/11/01-1941/12/13 221-SichD 16748/12 1563 595 7
1942/U4/01-1942/04/25 254, ID 34954/2 1762 907 133
1940/U&/24-1941/04/30 223. ID 12242/1 1689 477 25
1940/11/23-1941/03/02 223. ID 12242/4 1690 1 27
1941/04/06-1941/06/28 227. ID 11870/7 1701 481 49
1941/04/30-1941/10/26 223. ID 20890/1 1690 630 27
1943/02/25-1943/09/15 225. ID 37355/1 1698 1 42
1940/10/01-1941/08/30 225. ID 13511/2 U96 416 39
1943/07/01-1943/08/4)4 255. ID 41584/1 1791 284 154
1943/08/02-1943/09/10 255. ID 41584/3 1791 572 155
1943/08/05-1943/09/07 255. ID 41584/2 1791 387 155
1943/09/26-1943/10/27 255. ID 42996/6 1793 256 156
1943/10/29-1943/12/20 255. ID 45702 1794 46 157
1943/12/12-1944/01/13 255. ID 45702/2 1794 700 157
1943/08/01-1943/09/30 223. ID 35823/3 1695 1 33
1940/07/01-1941/06/30 227. ID 11870/1 1701 1 48
1939/02/02-1943/12/04 223. ID Unit History 22


1943/10/01-1943/11/20 223.ID 40156/1 1695 451 34
442.D ZBV
1942/03/20-1942/06/17 221.SichD 22639/1 1676 184 11
1942/06/18-1942/12/31 22T.SichD 29380/1 1678 23 13
1943/09/07-1943/09/27 255.ID 42996/2 1792 629 156
1939/02/02-1945/03/12 246.ID Unit History 75
1941/04/30-1941/10/26 223.ID 20890/1 1690 630 27
1941/07/01-1941/10./01 227.ID 12998/1 1701 586 '49

National Archives Microfilm Publication T31S, Rolls 1665-1794

Records of German Field Commands: Divisions (221st-255th), Part X

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