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5/9/2017 Deep Solutions | Blog | The Power of Data Augmentation

The Power of Data Augmentation

2 Aug 2016 | Data Augmentation, Optical Char acter Rec ognition

A review of the timing of the most publicized AI advances suggests that perhaps many major AI breakthroughs have actually been constrained by the
availability of high-quality training data sets, and not by algorithmic advances.

Moreover, the preference of high-quality training data sets over purely algorithmic advances might allow an order-of-magnitude speedup in AI

However, getting this data is neither an easy nor a cheap task, Mechanical Turk ( tagging data-sets campaigns could
cost hundreds of dollars easily and yet with an uncertain quality. Therefore, the question is how to exploit the minimal data we have and still be able to
learn well (generalize)

Github project link: liorshk/powerofaugmentation (

Case study: breaking captchas

Lets take a simple real captcha (one of the old generation but some sites actually use them still) and try to break it.
The naive way to solve this problem would be to take a big data-set of captchas, similar to as above, label them manually, and implement a
convolutional neural network for image classi cation. That is doable of-course but you need tons of labeled data for achieving a good accuracy.

A simple pr oblem requires a simple appr oach right? Lets try a different simple appr oach (:

Generating letter images using Linux fonts:

We will use the English alphabet letters (but this can be applied to any language)

letters = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')

Generating the images:

letters_folder = "letters"
fonts = []
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk("/usr/share/fonts/truetype"):
for filename in [f for f in filenames if f.endswith(".ttf")]:
fontPath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)

if not os.path.exists(letters_folder):

for fontPath in fonts:

fontName = fontPath.split('/')[-1][:-4]
font = ImageFont.truetype(fontPath, 20)
for l in letters:
img ="RGBA", (32,32),"black")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
draw.text((5,5),l.upper(),"white",font=font)"/"+l+"_"+fontName+".png") 1/5
5/9/2017 Deep Solutions | Blog | The Power of Data Augmentation
Resulting in images such as these:

This appr oach is simple y et power ful!

We just created a data set of letters based on the fonts in our machine. It allows us to have letters in all kind of shapes which helps to generalize the
learning process.
Now lets add some noise to the images:

for i in range(1,100): # Draw random points

draw.point((randint(0,32),randint(0,32)), fill=255)

# Blur the image

img = img.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=1))

Resulting in the following images:

Lets create a model!

We want to create a model that would distinguish between the letters, so its a multi-class classi cation problem. We will be using Keras deep learning
library . A CNN model could be applied here:
The input is a (32,32) gray scaled image.
The nal layer is a soft-max function with 26 classes (26 english letters)

img_rows = 32
img_cols = 32
nb_classes = len(letters) # 26 letters

model = Sequential()
model.add(Convolution2D(32, 4, 4, border_mode='same', activation='relu',input_shape=(1,img_rows,img_cols)))

model.add(Convolution2D(32, 4, 4, border_mode='same', activation='relu'))

model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(3, 3)))
model.add(Convolution2D(64, 4, 4, border_mode='same', activation='relu'))
model.add(Convolution2D(64, 4, 4, border_mode='same', activation='relu'))
model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))
model.add(Dense(512, input_dim=64*5*5, activation='relu'))

model.add(Dense(nb_classes, input_dim=512,


Real-time data augmentation

Recently Keras released the ImageDataGenerator ( class that de nes the con guration for image data
preparation and augmentation.
This includes capabilities such as:
Sample-wise standardization. 2/5
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Feature-wise standardization.
ZCA whitening.
Random rotation, shifts, shear and ips.
Dimension reordering.
Save augmented images to disk.
We will use ImageDataGenerator to augment the letters data set and then ne-tune the model with additional training on the combined data.
ImageDataGenerator creates the images on the y allowing to t the model on batches with real-time data augmentation.
The goal b y the augmentation pr ocess is t o create realistic data

Using Keras ImageDataGeneretor generated the augmentated data:

# Augmentation - rotation & axis shifting

datagen = ImageDataGenerator(

Lets train!

Training for 30 epochs on our generated letter images to measure accuracy gave the following plot, seemingly converging without much over- tting:

Now that we got a trained model that can predict with good accuracy the right letters we can get back to our use case.

Back to our use case: breaking captchas

Our captchas consist of 6 letters, so in order to detect the letters we will have to split the image into 6 parts where each part contains a letter: 3/5
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numOfLetters = 6

img = cv2.imread(imgPath, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

im = 255-img

imgs = np.zeros((numOfLetters, 1, 32, 32), dtype=np.uint8)

t = np.floor(im.shape[1] / float(numOfLetters))
bb = np.zeros((im.shape[0], 0), dtype=np.uint8) + 255

im1 = im.transpose()[0:int(np.floor(t))].transpose()
imgs[0, 0] = cv2.resize(np.concatenate((im1, bb), axis=1), (32, 32))
for i in range(1,numOfLetters-1):
from_pix = int(np.floor(i*t))
to_pix = int(np.floor((i+1)*t))
imi = im.transpose()[from_pix:to_pix].transpose()
imgs[i, 0] = cv2.resize(imi, (32, 32))

im_end = im.transpose()[int(np.floor((numOfLetters-1) * t)):].transpose()

imgs[numOfLetters-1, 0] = cv2.resize(np.concatenate((im_end, bb), axis=1), (32, 32))

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,numOfLetters,figsize=(10,10))
for i in range(0,numOfLetters):

imgs = imgs.astype('float32') / 255.0

classes = model.predict_classes(imgs, verbose=0)
result = []
for c in classes:

prediction = ''.join(result).upper()

print("Prediction: "+ prediction)

Looks promising!

Out of 10 labeled captchas we got 5 correct, thats pretty good but lets improve that. Splitting the captcha into 6 parts worked well on some captchas
and not so well on others:
The above image shows us that the model mistakenly thought that W was M. It seems that it has also mistaken between the pairs (C,G) and (B,P). All
of those pairs indeed look similar, so in order solve this we will just make more of those letters!
As we said before ImageDataGenerator allows real time augmentation, therefore it is possible to change the parameters of the generator after we
train. So in order to improve the model we changed the parameters via grid search method and trained again:

datagen = ImageDataGenerator(

Now we got 90% accur acy!

Note: solving this task didn t require any data labeling pr ocedure. Applying the letters trick along with the data augmentation
process has been suf cient. How easy is that? (:

Thank you for reading!

Deep Solutions ( wishes you a great deep day! 4/5
5/9/2017 Deep Solutions | Blog | The Power of Data Augmentation

Data Augmentation Optical Character Recognition Keras ( Deep Learning

( 5/5

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