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Social Media

to Computer Science
CS First
CS First
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Welcome to CS First!
This passport is the key to something special: a creative, fun, interactive
way to learn computer science. Google CS First teaches students computer
science skills while they build cool, functional projects they can show o to
their friends and even add to on their own. While CS First club members
build, create, and play, they learn important skills that will help open future
educational and career opportunities, as they gain the confidence in
technology they will need to take advantage of them.

Take a look inside this Google CS First Passport to see the exciting projects
your student has worked on, and use it as a jumping-o point to talk about
his or her experiences in club.

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Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available
for free at

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This is your ticket to club activities! Follow your Gurus instructions
to get your sign-in information, then write it below.

Use it to sign in to: and

Favorite social media app:


Favorite thing to do on a computer:

CS First Activity 1 Home

My Club Notes

Activity 1
Place Badge Here

What I Created What I Learned

In my first activity for CS First Social Media, I learned how the Scratch interface works and how to program
I programmed something surprising. a sprite to move around the stage.

u t - O
s and
Loved your club? Want to learn more about computer science?
u t - O
s and

CS First Activity 2 Home

My Club Notes

Activity 2
Place Badge Here
Profile Page

What I Created What I Learned

I created a profile page where users can I learned how to use variables to store user information.
customize and share information
about themselves.
CS First Activity 3 Home

My Club Notes

Activity 3
Place Badge Here
Depict & Deduce

What I Created What I Learned

I built a game in which a player draws a I learned how computers make decisions. I used if-else
picture and gets another player to guess statements to determine whether a player guessed the correct
what it is. answer in the game.

CS First Activity 8 Home

My Club Notes

Activity 8
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Time Lapse

What I Created What I Learned

I made a project that reflects on my I learned how to use procedures to save time when coding.
accomplishments in CS First Social Media.
CS First Activity 7 Home

My Club Notes

Activity 7
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Viral Video

What I Created What I Learned

I made a viral video about an issue I care I used many of the concepts I learned in this club to create a
about and added features to attract viewers. video to advocate for a cause.

CS First Activity 4 Home

My Club Notes

Activity 4
Place Badge Here

What I Created What I Learned

I made a photo-editing program that lets I learned how to broadcast messages from one part of my
users customize pictures by changing the program to another to change the look of the images.
color, brightness, sharpness and other
qualities of the image.
CS First Activity 5 Home

My Club Notes

Activity 5
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Best Quiz Ever

What I Created What I Learned

The personality quiz I built tells users which I learned how to use variables, conditionals, and operators to
character they most resemble based on the give a user a quiz result based on their answers to questions.
answers they give.

CS First Activity 6 Home

My Club Notes

Activity 6
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Style Board

What I Created What I Learned

I created a program in which users I learned how to use events to let the user view and select items
select their favorite images from a list to for their personalized style board.
personalize their own style board.

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