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Dear International students:

We have received a message from the immigration services at the prefecture informing us that procedures have
changed. From now on the School we are no longer responsible for taking residency card renewals to the prefecture.
(We are still in charge of taking the OFII validation forms to the immigration services when our students first arrive in
France). Students should anticipate their renewal at least two months prior to the expiry date.

Instructions for residency card renewal:

The French Immigration offices can be found in the PREFECTURE (local government

Postal address: 18 Boulevard Desaix

63033 Clermont-Ferrand cedex 1

Visitor's address: 1 rue dAssas

63033 Clermont-Ferrand cedex 1
Tl : - Fax :

ASSAS Building

Opening times:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday Mornings from 8.15am - 11.45am
Important : During the opening times, students may visit the prefecture's immigration services for general
queries and for picking up their visa validation or residency permit once the procedure has been completed
and the documents are ready. However, an online appointment must be made for handing in a renewal
application (more information later on in this document). Please make sure that you arrive just before the
opening times as there will be queues. (Take a ticket at the reception desk in the entrance hall to reserve
your place in the queue). The immigration booths are on the first floor.

If your permit expires between mid-August and the beginning of December:

Please take your application for renewal to the CROUS University student welcoming services:
30 rue Etienne Dolet
63000 Clermont-Ferrand
(Opening times from 10am to 7.30pm)

If your permit expires when this service is closed

You must visit the prefecture's official website and reserve an appointment on line (see below** for the
appointment reservation procedure) in order to submit your application materials. Please make sure that
you anticipate the expiry date as there is often a long delay to obtain an appointment.
Residency permit renewal form (download here):

You must provide the following documents with this application (originals and photocopies
of each document). Full details are available on the website (http://www.puy-de-

Valid passport (showing current visa and OFII validations)

Birth certificate (officially translated into French)
Proof of address in Clermont or the Puy-de-Dome region (receipts, electricity or other utility bill) recent
date (not more than 3-months old). If you are living in another region in France, you should go to the
prefecture in that region.
3 identical passport photos in color (format 35 mm x 45 mm norm ISO/IEC 19794 5 : 2005) (no
photocopies).- taken on a light (but not white) background - either get them done professionally or go to a
government approved photo booth
Tax stamp payment (to be bought just before you pick up your new permit)
Proof of student status ("certificat de scolarit" provided by the school)
Proof of sufficient financial resources (615 per month) -( bank statements showing a regular wire transfer, proof of
scholarship, proof of other sources of income)
Proof of social security (health insurance) - either French student social security or private health
insurance depending on the age of the student
Proof of success in exams enabling the student to continue with the program of study
Proof of internship ("convention de stage") (if relevant)
**How to make your online appointment:
Making the appointment
The website for the application for a visa renewal is in French. A copy of the webpage (in French) follows
with a translation in English.

Attending the appointment

When you attend the appointment, you must take all your original documents and photocopies with you.
Please make sure that all the papers are complete, still valid and that the photos are exactly what is asked
for. Otherwise your application will not be accepted (the School can check through your application with
you before you go to the appointment if you are not sure). Please be on time. If you miss your appointment,
you will have to start the reservation procedure all over again.

After application submission

Once your application has been submitted, you should wait for a notification letter to inform you that your
card is available. You will then be able to pick it up during the opening times. When you go to pick it up you
will have to take the fiscal stamp that you will have purchased beforehand. (Instructions for this will be
contained in the letter).

Merci de cocher la case en bas de page pour poursuivre votre demande de rendez-vous
Vous souhaitez prendre un rendez-vous pour dposer une demande de titre de sjour
Lors du rendez-vous, vous ne pourrez dposer qu'un seul dossier par personne ( sauf TIR/DCEM )
Vous pouvez prendre rendez-vous si :
- vous souhaitez le renouvellement ou la modification de votre titre de sjour en cours de validit ;
- vous sollicitez une 1re demande de titre de sjour
- vous relevez de la procdure de regroupement familial avec visa
- vous demandez un document de circulation pour votre enfant mineur
Avant de prendre rendez-vous, veuillez vous assurer que votre dossier est complet.
Pour connaitre la liste des pices correspondant votre demande, cliquez ici.
Tout dossier incomplet sera refus et un nouveau rendez-vous devra tre pris.

Vous devez tre muni des originaux et copies des documents exigs lors du rendez-vous.
Une demande de renouvellement de titre de sjour doit tre dpose dans un dlai de deux mois prcdant son expiration.
Tout dossier dpos aprs lexpiration du titre de sjour fera lobjet du paiement dune taxe de 180 euros.
Vous ne pouvez pas prendre de rendez-vous si :
- vous ne disposez daucun titre de sjour ou visa en cours de validit,
- vous souhaitez obtenir des renseignements.
Dans ce cas, veuillez vous prsenter au guichet du 1er tage durant les horaires douverture.
- vous tes tudiants trangers. Vous devez vous rapprocher de l'espace accueil tudiant du CROUS
jusqu'au 11 dcembre 2015 pour toute demande de titre de sjour.
Au-del de cette date, vous devrez dposer votre demande de titre par l'intermdiaire de ce module de prise de rendez-
Pour faire renouveler votre rcpiss :
Vous devrez en faire la demande avant sa date dexpiration par voie postale, accompagne dune enveloppe timbre au
tarif en vigueur.
Les informations recueillies au cours de cette procdure visant l'obtention d'un rendez-vous concernant une demande de
titre de sjour sont l'usage exclusif de la prfecture et sont utilises des fins de communication.
Conformment la loi "informatique et liberts" du 6 janvier 1978 modifie en 2004, vous disposez d'un droit d'accs et de
rectification aux informations qui vous concernent que vous pouvez exercer en vous adressant la :
Prfecture du Puy-de-dome
18 Boulevard Desaix
63033 Clermont-Ferrand cedex 1
La Prfecture du Puy-de-dme se rserve le droit dannuler un rendez vous.

Veuillez cocher la case pour accepter les conditions d'utilisation avant de continuer le processus de prise de rendez-vous.

Effectuer une demande de rendez-vous Annuler, consulter et grer mes demandes de rendez-vous
Please tick the box at the bottom of this page to make an appointment

Only one person is allowed to attend this interview

You can make an appointment if :

- you wish to renew or modify your residence permit

- You would like to apply for a residence permit


Before making this appointment, please make sure that your dossier is complete

To find the list of required documents, please click here cliquez ici.

You should bring original documents and copies of these documents to the interview

A renewal application should be made within 2 months of the expiry date of your current permit

Any dossier handed in later than this will be subject to a fee of 180 euros

You should not make an interview if:

- you do not currently possess a residency permit

- you just need information

In this case, you should go the Prefecture immigration booths with care on the first floor of the prefecture during the
opening times: les horaires douverture.

- if you are an international student, you should visit the CROUS student welcoming services which are open between
th th
mid-August and early December (dates to be confirmed each year) In 2015: 24 August to the 11 December

After this date, you should reserve an appointment on this website. (In case of emergency, please go to the booths
during the opening times to obtain a temporary card. You should still reserve an appointment on line to get your card

To renew your short-term temporary card:

You can do this by post (before the expiry date)
Prfecture du Puy-de-Dome
18 Bd Desaix
63033 Clermont-Ferrand cedex 1

The prefecture reserves the right to cancel your interview if necessary.

Please tick this box to to accept the conditions of use before being able to continue with the appointment
reservation procedure

Effectuer une demande de rendez-vous Annuler, consulter et grer mes demandes de rendez-vous

Make an appointment Cancel, consult and manage my appointment(s)

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