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Serie / Series

MR 5080
Emissione / Issue Sostituisce / Superseedes

09.06 08.04
Catalogo / Catalogue

CLA 29

Modulo idronico remoto - Remote hydronic module


Serbatoio inerziale Inertial tank

Vaso di espansione inserito all'interno Expansion vessel fitted into the tank
del serbatoio
Valvola di sicurezza Safety valve
Manometro Guage
Valvola di sfiato aria Air vent
Rubinetti di carico e scarico impianto Filling valves and system drain

Modelli 50 80 Models
Contenuto dacqua lt 50 80 Storage water volume
Vaso di espansione lt 3 3 Expansion vessel
Valvola di sicurezza bar 3 3 Safety valve
Attacchi idraulici G 1 1 Water connections

Dimensioni Dimensions
Lunghezza mm 240 340 Lenght
Altezza mm 1100 1270 Lenght
Profondit mm 320 500 Depth
Peso di trasporto Kg 28 36 Transport weight
Peso in esercizio Kg 78 116 Operating weight

G.I. HOLDING S.p.A. Via Max Piccini, 11/13 33050 RIVIGNANO (UD) - ITALY
Tel. +39 0432 773220 r.a. - Fax +39 0432 773855 - http:/ - e-mail:
Serie / Srie

MR 5080
Ausgabe / Edition Ersetzt / Remplace

09.06 08.04
Katalog / Brochure
CLA 29

Hidronische bauseitige Module - Module hydronique remote


Pufferspeicher Ballon inertial

In dem Speicher eingebautes Vase d'expansion inclus dans le ballon
Sicherheitsventil Soupape de sret
Manometer Manomtre
Entlftungsventil Air manuel
Druck-und Entleerung Absperrventile Robinets de remplissage et vidange installation

Modelle 50 80 Modle
Speicherinhalt lt 50 80 Volume deau
Ausdehnungsgef lt 3 3 Vase dexpansion
Sicherheitsventil bar 3 3 Soupape de srete
Wasseranschlsse G 1 1 Raccords hydrauliques

Abmessungen Dimensions
Lnge mm 240 340 Longeur
Hhe mm 1100 1270 Hauteur
Breite mm 320 500 Largeur
Transportgewicht Kg 28 36 Poids dexpedition
Betriebsgewicht Kg 78 116 Poids en opration

G.I. HOLDING S.p.A. Via Max Piccini, 11/13 33050 RIVIGNANO (UD) - ITALY
Tel. +39 0432 773220 r.a. - Fax +39 0432 773855 - http:/ - e-mail:

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