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Karen Garca Figueroa

Actividad F1-A2-1

Ejercicio 1: Practique los siguientes dilogos cortos y responda las siguientes preguntas:
Cuntas personas hay? Quines son? Dnde estn?

Dialogue 1 Dialogue 3
Hay dos personas. / There are two people.
Carlos y Linda. / Carlos and Linda. Hay dos personas. / There are two people.
Estn en algn lugar. / Theyre somewhere. John y el recepcionista. / John and the recepcionist.
Estn en un hotel. / Theyre in a hotel.

Dialogue 2 Dialogue 4
Hay tres personas. / There are three people. Hay 4 personas. / They are four people.
Papa, Tammy y David. / Dad, Tammy and David. Peter, Kathy, Mike y Quien pregunta. / Peter, Kathy,
Estn en casa. / Theyre at home. Mike and asker.
Estn en un caf. / Theyre in a coffee.

Ejercicio 2: Now following the example, practice introducing yourself to other people. / Ahora
siguiendo el ejemplo, practique presentndose con otras personas.

Hola. Soy Karen Garca Figueroa. Tengo 31 aos, soy ingeniero de sistemas y tecnloga en
contabilidad y finanzas.
Soy casada y tengo un bebito de tres y medio meses, su nombre es Samuel.
Me gusta la msica, ver documentales y compartir mi tiempo libre con la familia y amigos.

Hi. Im Karen Garca Figueroa. Im thirty-one years old, im systems engineer and technologist
in accounting and finance.
Im married and have a baby boy of three and a half months, his name is Samuel.
I like music, watch documentaries and share my free time with family and friends.
Actividad F1-A2-2
Ejercicio 3: Listen to the three dialogues in the video then do the exercises below. / Escuche
los tres dilogos en el video y despus haga los ejercicios debajo.

Activities / Actividadades
Watch and listen to the first dialogue in the video, then write it in order. / Vea y escuche el
primer dilogo en el video despus escrbalo en orden.

Dialogue 1
Terry: Chris! Is that you?
Chris: Terry! Fancy meeting you here. Long time no see.
Terry: It has been a long time. Who's your friend?
Chris: This is my wife Kathrina.
Terry: I'm pleased to meet you Kathrina.
Chris: Darling, this is Terry, we played on the same basketball team in High school.
Kathrina: Nice to meet you Terry.
Chris: We are about to have dinner.
Kathrina: Would you like to join us?
Terry: Thanks, but I'm having dinner with my mother tonight and I must be going.
Chris: It was good to see you.
Terry: Good to see you too, bye.
Chris and Kathrina: Bye.
Terry: I'm pleased to meet you Kathrina.
Chris: Darling, this is Terry, we played on the same basketball team in High school.
Kathrina: Nice to meet you Terry.
Chris: We are about to have dinner.

Watch and listen to the second dialogue in the video, then unscramble the expressions. / Vea y
escuche el segundo dilogo en el video, despus ordene las expresiones.
Dialogue 2
Mike: Hi Don!
Don: Hi Mike. Who's your friend?
Mike: Have you meet Tina before?
Don: No, I don't think so.
Mike: Don, this is my friend Tina. Tina, this is my colleague Don.
Don: Hello Tina, it's nice to meet you.
Tina: It's nice to meet you too, Don.

Watch and listen to the third dialogue in the video, then complete it. / Vea y escuche el tercer
dilogo en el video, despus compltelo.
Dialogue 3
Seller: Excuse me.
Young lady: Yes?
Seller: May I introduce myself? My name is Elroy Jetson.
Young lady: Hello, nice to meet you.
Seller: Thanks and nice to meet you too. I sell computers.
Young lady: You sell computers?
Seller: Yes. If you need a computer please call me.
Young lady: Ok Elroy, I do appreciate it. I will call you if I need a computer.
Seller: No trouble at all.

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