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Complete report of Human Anatomy and Physiology with tittle Muscle

and Joint , arranged by:

Name : Qoryani
ID : 141 4442 012
Class : Biology Education of ICP B
Group : V (Five)

has been checked and accepted by Assistant and Assistant Coordinator, so this
report were accepted.

Makassar, April 2017

Assistant Coordinator, Assistant,

A.Citra Pratiwi, S.Pd, M.Ed Rega Marwah Andini

ID: 1314440027

Known by,
Lecturer of Responsibility

Dr. Drs. Andi Mushawwir Taiyeb, M.Kes.

ID: 19644016 198803 1 002

A. Background

Muscle is a tissue that function to give a support for our body and
moving the organ of body. Beside that muscle also defend or protect inside of
body. Muscle fibro has contractile element that called miofibril. The
existance of miofibril make the muscle fibrin has ability to contaction. Beside
the muscle we also has joint which has function to make every connected of
bone easy to move.
This observation was given information to student to know about what is
a muscle and joint how the structure of the muscle and joint. Which all this
time university student only know about the muscle tissue from the theory so
in this observation will give an extra knowledge about muscle and joint.

The muscular system of the body play a role guard stability of the
position of the body, resulting in the movement, and generate body heat.
Discussion on the muscular system focused on skeletal muscles that work
under the command aware (in invervasi by the system the peripheral nerves
or nervous system craniospinal). Almost 700 muscular build muscle system,
for example muscle biceps brachii composed of skeletal muscle tissue
and connective tissue. Some skeletal muscle has the main function to
stabilize the position of the bones bone so that the muscles can order another
perform a movement more effective.
Skeletal muscle is a classic example of a biological structure-function
relationship. At both macro- and micro-scopic levels, skeletal muscle is
exquisitely tailored for force generation and movement. This page is an
attempt to at least mention some of the important aspects of the basic science
of the neuromuscular system, a kind of table of contents in prose. Muscle
cells are roughly cylindrical, with diameters between 10 and 100 m but up
to a few centimeters long. Each cell is embedded in a basal lamina of
collagen and large glycoproteins. Between the fiber and the basal lamina are
large numbers of satellite cells, that are important in the growth and repair of
the fiber.
The fiber itself contains specialized structures for excitation-contraction
coupling to ensure that a contractile stimulus (received at the synapse) is
rapidly and evenly communicated to the whole fiber. Contractile and
performance characteristics vary, but are closely linked to the myosin heavy
chain isoform expressed by the fiber. Force production occurs in the
myofibrils, which are chains of sarcomeres running from one end of the fiber
to the other. Energy for contraction comes from metabolism of fats and

B. Purpose
To determine muscle type of human body.

C. Benefit
Students can find out, recognize and understand humans muscle type.


The muscle-up is astonishingly difficult to perform, unrivaled in building

upper body strength, a critical survival skill, and most amazingly of all, virtually
unknown. This movement gets you from under things to on them. Let your
imagination run. Though containing a pull-up and a dip, its potency is due to
neither. The heart of the muscle-up is the transition from pull-up to dip - the
agonizing moment when you dont know if youre above or below. That moment
the transition - can last from fractions to dozens of seconds. At low, deliberate
speeds, the muscle-up takes a toll physically and psychologically that can only be
justified by the benefit. No other movement can deliver the same upper body
strength. Period (Killgore.2009).
Muscle power and strength performance in sport are known to be based on
many factors. These respectively; exercise, resistance training, nutrient intake,
beverages, etc. Although some factors cannot be controlled, two factors that we
can control are exercise and nutrition habits. Therefore, exercise and nutrition
habits need closer examination. The aim of the current study is to examine such
factors influence muscle power and strength performance in detail. Building
strong muscles are developing body resistance. Developing body resistance
depends on a specific outcome like as muscular endurance, maximal strength, or
power. These include: muscle action; exercise selection; repetition velocity; and
frequency. Resistance training is developing both strong muscles and body
building. It can have favorable effects on bone mineralization and growth as well
as lead to a decreased risk of osteoporotic fractures later on in life. Resistance
training also provides psychological benefits for young participant. For optimal
athletic performance, recovery and body composition, athletes need to
synchronize diet and physical activities. The composition of nutrient intake can
significantly influence recovery from heavy exercise. Beverages are a significant
influence on the exercise and muscle strength. Each of the beverages provides
similar effects on recovery following heavy aerobic exercise, despite variations in
the carbohydrate/protein compositions of the beverages. Caffeine-containing
energy drink has become the most used caffeine-containing beverages in the sport
setting. A dose of energy drink at least equivalent to 3 mg/kg of caffeine is
necessary to significantly improve lower-body and upper-body muscle power and
strength (Ozgur Turgay,2012).
Muscles actuate running by developing forces that propel the body forward
while supporting the bodys weight. To understand how muscles contribute to
propulsion (i.e., forward acceleration of the mass center) and support (i.e., upward
acceleration of the mass center) during running we developed a three- dimensional
muscle-actuated simulation of the running gait cycle. The simulation is driven by
92 musculotendon actuators of the lower extremities and torso and includes the
dynamics of arm motion. We analyzed the simulation to determine how each
muscle contributed to the acceleration of the body mass center. During the early
part of the stance phase, the quadriceps muscle group was the largest contributor
to braking (i.e., backward acceleration of the mass center) and support. During the
second half of the stance phase, the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles were the
greatest contributors to propulsion and support. The arms did not contribute
substantially to either propulsion or support, generating less than 1% of the peak
mass center acceleration. However, the arms effectively counterbalanced the
vertical angular momentum of the lower extremities. Our analysis reveals that the
quadriceps and plantarflexors are the major contributors to acceleration of the
body mass center during running. the simulated activations for muscles crossing
the back and hip in comparison to EMG recordings. While arms do not
significantly contribute to propulsion and support, modeling arm dynamics may
be necessary to produce accurate full-body simulations of running. Additionally, a
three-dimensional model allowed us to examine muscle contributions to the
mediolateral acceleration of the body mass center. Unlike propulsion and support
of the mass center, individual muscles or muscle groups did not have distinct roles
in producing the small net mediolateral acceleration of the body mass center
observed during running (Supplemental Fig. 5, see mediolateral mass center
accelerations (Hamner,2010).
the consequence of the Hyde principle is that it is possible that a secondary
party could be guilty of murder on the basis of not much more than mere
associationwith a joint enterprise, for example, by being a member of a gang. In R
v Mitchell15 the defendant and her friends became involved in a violent argument
and fight over a taxi with another group of people. The fight ended. The
defendants codefendants went to a nearby house and armed themselves with
weapons. She did not go with them. They returned to the car park where they saw
the opposing party and chased them. Having caught up with them, an assault
ensued and fatal head injuries were caused to the victim. At the time, the
defendant was in the car park looking for her shoes. It was left open to the jury to
conclude that the enterprise that the defendant had joined at the time of the
argument over the taxi still continued at the time of the fatal attack (Simon,2012).
Histologic analyses of chronically painful sacroiliac joints has verified the
presence of nerve fibers within the joint capsule and adjoining ligaments A recent
cadaveric study by McGrath and Zhang found that the long posterior sacroiliac
ligament received afferent input from S2 (96%) and S3 (100%) in almost all
specimens, from S4 in 59% of cases, and only occasionally from S1 (4%). The
nerve fascicles contain both myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers, 2
morphotypes of paciniform-encapsulated mechanoreceptors, and a single
nonpaciniform mechanoreceptor, suggesting that both pain and proprioception are
transmitted from the sacroiliac joint Szadek et al (105) concluded that the
presence of calcitonin gene-related peptide and substance P immunoreactive fibers
in the anterior capsular and interosseous ligaments provide a morphological and
physiological base for pain signals originating from these structures. They further
hypothesized that infiltration techniques used to diagnose sacroiliac joint pain
should consider extraarticular as well as intraarticular approaches. Sakamoto et al
(103) showed that most mechanoreceptor units in the sacroiliac joint are high-
threshold group 3 units that likely serve a nociceptive function. However, they
contend that the sacroiliac joint has little proprioceptive function (Thomas
As already described,the transverse process grows out behind the vertebral
end of each arch. It is at first connected to the costal process by continuous
mesoderm, but this becomes differentiated later to form the costotransverse
ligament; between the costal process and the tip of the transverse process the
costotransverse joint is formed by absorption. The costal process becomes
separated from the vertebral bow by the development of the costocentral joint. In
the cervical vertebroe (Fig. 67) the transverse process forms the posterior
boundary of the foramen transversarium, while the costal process corresponding
to the head and neck of the rib fuses with the body of the vertebra, and forms the
antero-lateral boundary of the foramen. The distal portions of the primitive costal
arches remain undeveloped; occasionally the arch of the seventh cervical vertebra
undergoes greater development, and by the formation of costovertebral joints is
separated off as a rib. In the lumbar region the distal portions of the primitive
costal arches fail; the proximal portions fuse with the transverse processes to form
the transverse processes of descriptive anatomy. Occasionally a movable rib is
developed in connection with the first lumbar vertebra. In the sacral region costal
processes are developed only in connection with the upper three, or it may be four,
vertebr the processes of adjacent segments fuse with one another to form the
lateral parts of the sacrum. The coccygeal vertebroe are devoid of costal processes
(Gray Henry,18211865).

A. Time and Place
Day/Date : Wednesday/April 4th 2017
Time : 13:30 15:00 pm
Place : Laboratory of zoology at the 3nd flour in east side
faculty of mathematics and science state university
of makassar

B. Tools and Materials

1. Tools
a. Pen
b. Eraser
1. Materials
a. Probandus
b. Muscle picture
c. Paper
C. Work Procedure
1. Prepare all the tools and materials to be used
2. Observing muscle type in probandus
3. Drawing muscle type on the observation page


A. Results
Facial Muscles Note
1. Temporalis
2. Orbicularis oculi
3. Levator labii
superior aleque
4. Orbicularis oris
5. Masseter
6. Depressor anguli
7. Mentalis
8. Platysma
9. Depressor labii
10. Levator anguli oris
11. Buccinator
12. Zygomaticus major
13. Zygomaticus minor
14. Levator labii
15. Occipitofrontalis

Abdomen Muscles Note

1. Pectoralis major
2. Linea alba
3. Umbilicus
4. External oblique
5. Inguinal canal
6. Inguinal ligament
7. Illiac crest
8. Rectus sheath
9. Rectus abdominis
10. Serratus anterior
11. Latisimus dorsi

The Back Muscles Note

1. Semispinalis kapitis
2. Splenius kapitis
3. Splenius kervisis
4. Levator scapula
5. Supraspinatus
6. Rhombhoideus major
7. Infraspinatus major
and minor
8. Serratus anterior
9. Serratus posterior
10. Erektor spina
11. External oblique
12. Internal oblique
13. Gluteus maksimus
14. Fasia thorakolumbar
15. Latisimus dorsi
16. teres major
17. Teres minor
18. Deltoid
19. Trapesiuz
The arm muscles Note

1. Origin
2. Tendon
3. Biceps
4. Insertion
5. Triceps

Elevation and Depretion Abduction and Adduction

Flexion and Ekstension Pronation and supination

Eversion and Inversion

Pivot Joints Saddle Joints

Planar Joints Ball and Socket joints

Hinge joints Condyloid Joints

A. Discussion

Based on observation that has been done, there are many names of human
muscle and types of human joint. Muscle and joint have role important on the
human to support the body, make bones and other body parts move, skeletal
muscles help maintain a constant body temperature, skeletal muscle
contraction causes ATP to break down, releasing heat that is distributed about
the body. The names are different based on size, shape, location and etc.
a) Facial Muscle
The muscles of facial expression are located in the subcutaneous tissue,
originating from bone or fascia, and inserting onto the skin. By
contracting, the muscles pull on the skin and exert their effects. They are
the only group of muscles that insert into skin. The facial muscles can
broadly be split into three groups; orbital, nasal and oral.
b) Orbital Group
These muscles control the movements of the eyelids, important in
protecting the cornea from damage. They are both innervated by the facial
nerve. For example:Orbicularis Oculi has function to close and open the
eyelCorrugator Supercilii has function to draw the eyebrows together,
creating vertical wrinkles on the bridge of the nose.
c) Nasal Group
The nasal group of facial muscles are associated with movements of the
nose, and the skin around it. Divided into 3 muscles, they are:
1. Nasalis has function to help the size of nares when breathing
2. Procerus. Contraction of this muscle pulls the eyebrows downward
to produce transverse wrinkles over the nose.
3. Depressor. It pulls the nose inferiorly, opening the nares.
d) Oral Group
These are the most important group of the facial expressors the are
responsible for movements of the mouth and lips. The oral group of
muscles consists of the orbicularis oris, buccinator, and various smaller
muscles.Orbicularis Oris. It has function to purses the lips.
1. Buccinator The buccinator pulls the cheek inwards against the
teeth, preventing accumulation of food in that area.
2. Other oral muscles
There are other muscles that act of the lips and mouth. Anatomically, they
can be divided into upper and lower groups:
The lower group contains the depressor anguli oris, depressor labii
inferioris and the mentalis.
The upper group contains the risorius, zygomaticus major,
zygomaticus minor, levator labii superioris, levator labii superioris
alaeque nasi and levator anguli oris.
a. Muscles in the human neck, chest and back
Muscles in the neck.
The neck muscles, including the sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius,
are responsible for the gross motor movement in the muscular system of the
head and neck. They move the head in every direction, pulling the skull and
jaw towards the shoulders, spine, and scapula. Working in pairs on the left
and right sides of the body, these muscles control the flexion and extension of
the head and neck. Neck muscles contract to adjust the posture of the head
throughout the course of a day and have some of the greatest endurance of
any muscles in the body.
Muscles in the chest
On the anterior side of the thoracic region, the pectoralis minor and
serratus anterior muscles originate on the anterior ribs and insert on the
scapula. These muscles work together to move the scapula anteriorly and
laterally during pushing, throwing, or punching motions. In the upper back
region, the trapezius, rhomboid major, and levator scapulae muscles anchor
the scapula and clavicle to the spines of several vertebrae and the occipital
bone of the skull. When these muscles contract, they elevate the pectoral
girdle (as in shrugging) and move the scapula medially and posteriorly
toward the center of the back (as in rowing). The trapezius also contracts
along the back of the neck to extend the head at the neck and hold it upright
throughout the day.
Muscles in the back
Muscles of the back are so complex and divided into 3 groups, they are
Superficial layers, Intermediate layer and Deep layer There are so many
muscles that construct the back part with different function. So to simplify to
learn about it, we grouped it into several table.
1. Superficial Layer has function to move the upper extremity,
consist of:
a. Trapezius to depress or to elevate the shoulder, retracts scapula
and also extends head
b. Latisimus Dorsi to extends, adduct, and medially rotates arm
c. Levator scapula to elevate and adduct scapula
d. Rhomboid Minor to elevate and adduct scapula
e. Rhomboid Major to elevate and adduct scapula
2. Intermediate Layer has function to and consist of:
a. Levatores costarum to raise ribs in inspiration
b. Serratus posterior superior to raise ribs in inspiration
c. Serratus posterior inferior to lower ribs in expiration
3. Deep Layer has function to and consist of:
a. Splenius to extend neck and head (rotate in unilateral action)
b. Erector spinae to extend trunk and vertebral columnae
c. Tranversospinalis all extend trunk in bilateral action and rotate
vertebral column in unilateral action
Muscles in the upper arm
The muscles of the upper arm are responsible for the flexion and
extension of the forearm at the elbow joint. Flexion of the forearm is
achieved by a group of three muscles the brachialis, biceps brachii, and
brachioradialis. The biceps brachii operates as a supinator of the forearm by
rotating the radius and moving the palm of the hand anteriorly. On the
posterior side of the upper arm is the triceps brachii, which acts as an
extensor of the forearm at the elbow and the humerus at the shoulder. The
triceps brachii, as its name indicates, has three heads whose origins are on the
scapula and humerus. These three heads merge to insert on the olecranon of
the ulna.
Muscles in the foot
There are 20 muscles in the foot that give the foot its shape by holding the
bones in position and expand and contract to impart movement. The main
muscles of the foot are:
the anterior tibial, which enables the foot to move upward;
the posterior tibial, which supports the arch;
the peroneal tibial, which controls movement on the outside of the ankle;
the extensors, which help the ankle raise the toes to initiate the act of
stepping forward; and
the flexors, which help stabilize the toes against the ground.
Joints in the human body are considered fibrous, cartilaginous or
synovial. Fibrous joints are connected by dense connective tissue, composed
primarily of collagen. Cartilaginous joints are connected entirely by cartilage
tissue, and synovial joints are composed of bone coated with a fluid-secreting
membrane, which reduces friction in moving joints
a. Hinge
Movement in a hinge joint is permitted in only one single plane of action
like the opening and closing of a door, and the two moving bones are
connected with incredibly strong ligaments. Examples include the elbow, the
joints between the fingers, and the knee, which is the largest hinge joint in the
human body,
b. Ball and Socket
The rounded or ball-shaped surface of one bone fits into the concave or
cup-shaped depression of another bone to form a synovial joint, which allows
360-degree movement. Examples of ball and socket joints include the hip,
where the ball-shaped head of the femur fits into the cup-like cavity of the
c. Pivot
Turning of pivot joints usually occurs in a half circle, facilitated by the
rotation of one bone around another. A pivot joint is formed by the meeting of
two bones, one being a bony cylinder, and the other a ring-like structure
constructed of bone and ligament. One example of a pivot joint is at the base
of the skull, joining the first vertebra of the spine to the second vertebra,
allowing the head to rotate, because the first vertebra is joined to the skull.
b. Gliding
When the bony surfaces that hold a synovial joint together are flat or only
slightly rounded, the joint is referred to as gliding. A gliding joint permits a
wide range of motion, facilitated by the sliding of one bone past another. The
vertebrae of the spine and the eight small bones that form the wrist are
examples of gliding joints.


A. Conclussion

The human body has several structures that will help them to move
and both of that system is muscle in joints. There are so many type, size,
shape and function of muscle that exist in our body. It is same with joint. The
system provides the basic supporting structure of the body. A joint is an area
where two or more bones are in contact with each other. Joints allow
movement. There are 4 types of joints, they are hinge, ball and socket, pivot
and gliding.

B. Suggestion

The suggestion for this unit is as good as possible if the picture in

guidebook clear and has color.

Gray Henry.1821-1805.Anatomy of the Human Body.Great BooksOnline:1-2.

Hamner Samuel R, Ajay Seth, Scott L. Delp.2010.Muscle Contributions to

propulsion and support during running. Journal of Biochanisc.2709-

Killgore Lon.2009.Movement 101. Crossfit Journal Articles: 2-6.

Ozgur Turgay.2012.Muscle Power and strenghth Performance in sport.

International Journal of Basic and Clinical studies (IJBCS).1(11):41-

Simon.2012.Joint Enterprise and murder. The Journal of Criminal law:463-465.

Thomas T.Simopoulus,etc.2012.Systematic Evaluation of Prevalance and

Diagnostic Accuracy of Sacroillac Joint interventions. Pain
physician.ISSN 2150-1149:E306.

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