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Name: Stacey Hoffe Subject Area: Math Grade: 8

Lesson Title
Exploring Algebraic Word Problems
Lesson Description/Purpose
During this 45 minute lesson, students will explore how algebraic equations can be
represented in word problems. Students will learn about key phrases that appear in
word problems and apply what they learned during individual practice.
Provincial Content Standards/Outcomes - Goals and Objectives

SCO: PR2: Model and solve problems using linear equations of the form:
ax = b; ax = b , a 0; ax + b = c; ax + b = c a 0; a(x + b) = c, concretely, pictorially
and symbolically, where a, band c are integers. [C, CN, PS, V]
Student Friendly Outcomes (I Can Statements)

I can identify key words and phrases in algebraic word problems.

I can create and solve algebraic equations from the information provided in word

Computer/Smart Board
Slideshow (See attached)
Poster Paper (1 sheet per group)
Annex A - Guess Your Birthday Activity (For teacher only)
Annex B - Key Phrases Handout (1 per student)
Annex C - Worksheet (60 copies)
Annex D - Accommodated Worksheet (30 copies)
Annex E - Modified Worksheet (30 copies)

Algebraic Expression, Variable, Term, Coefficient, Constant, Algebraic Equation

(These words are not new to this lesson)
Other key vocabulary words are noted in Annex B
Pre-Lesson Instructions

Set desks up into six groups of four

Check technology and set up slideshow
Make copies of Annexes
Ensure students have a writing utensil, calculator and paper.
Lesson Instructions (45 Minutes)

HOOK (5 Minutes)
Have students sit in groups of three or four.
Guide students through Guess Your Birthday activity (slide 1 through 3).
Instructions can be found on Annex A. Students will require a calculator, pencil and
some paper.
Use slideshow (slide 4 and 5) to explain the purpose of hook activity and to
introduce the lesson topic. Explain that algebra is used in everyday life and it is
important to understand how algebraic equations can be expressed in word

BODY (35 Minutes)

Key Phrases Poster (20 Minutes)
Pass out Key Phrases handout (Annex B) to each student.
Give students 1 to 2 minutes to review the list in silence. Ask students to put a star
by any phrases that are unfamiliar to them.
Review group roles (i.e. recorder, presenter, time manager, materials manager) with
students (slide 7). Give class 1 minute to confirm who will be performing the roles at
each group.
Assign each group an operation (multiplication, addition, subtraction, or division).
Explain that each group will be creating a poster consisting of approximately 5 key
phrases that are associated with the operation they are assigned. Use slideshow
(slide 8) to assist with explanation.
Each group will share their poster with the class. Teacher should use the posters as
exemplars to be posted in the classroom following the lesson.

Group and Individual Practice(15 Minutes)

Use slideshow to show examples of key phrases in short word problems. Have
students identify the operation being suggested in each example based on the key
phrases and words they see (slide10-23).
If time permits, allow students to select a practice worksheet (Annex C, D and E)
that is appropriate for their level. Students should work on the practice questions
individually. Teacher should circulate around the class to provide assistance where

CONCLUSION (5 Minutes)
Ask students to submit completed work and put work that is not completed in a safe
place. Inform students that next week we will be have more time to practice. Allow
time for students to pack up and clean up desk space.
Assessment Method - Measurement of Objectives

Teacher should formatively assess students understanding of the concepts by

circulating the classroom as the students work on the posters, during large group
discussions and while students are working individually on assignments. Teacher
should provide guidance or extra help as necessary. Worksheets should be
collected as a formative assessment once complete.

Management Suggestions

Teacher can implement a seating plan if deemed necessary.

Orally note what behaviour expectations are required for each phase of the lesson.
If class is concluded early, have students complete Easter worksheets provided to
the class on Wednesday, April 12th.
Differentiation Considerations

Ensure students who require assistance with reading/writing/speaking are with

students who will be able to assist them with these tasks.
Speak with Educational Assistant to discuss how they can assist particular students
during this lesson.
Review instructions orally for each phase of the lesson and have them posted for
students to review.
Offer three variations of word problem practice sheets (one accommodated and one
modified). See Annex C, D and E.
Consider which group roles would benefit students most. For instance, it may be
more appropriate for EAL students to be assigned the materials manager role so
they do not feel pressured to present or write on behalf of their group.

In order for this lesson to be effective the teacher will need to provide clear and
concise directions, particularly with regard to timelines for each phase of the lesson.
Annex A - Guess Your Birthday


1. Think of two numbers

(1) the number of the month in which you were born and
(2) the number of the day of the month on which you were born.

2. Multiply the month number by 5.

3. Add 6.

4. Multiply by 4.

5. Add 9.

6. Multiply by 5.

7. Add the Day on which you were born.

8. Subtract 165 to reveal the month and day that you were born.
The last two digits give the day and the other digits give the month.

Why does this work? Use algebra to prove it!

1. Let m = month and d = day.

2. Multiply the month number by 5: 5m

3. Add 6: 5m + 6

4. Multiply by 4: 20m + 24

5. Add 9: 20m + 33

6. Multiply by 5: 100m + 165

7. Add the Day on which you were born: 100m + d + 165

8. Subtract 165: 100m + d. (The 100 just moves the month over 2 places)
Annex B -
Key Phrases
Handout (Side 1)
Annex B - Key Phrases Handout (Side 2)
Annex C - Worksheet
NAME: _________________________ CLASS: ____________


Highlight or underline the key phrases in the word problem.
Then, write an algebraic equation and solve for the unknown variable.

1. Joey has a collection of 18 rap songs downloaded on his phone.

He accidentally deleted some songs. He now has 12. How many
songs did Joey delete?

2. Ben was piling wood for his fathers wood stove. In total there were
42 sticks of wood. If ben stacked the wood in 6 piles, how many
pieces of wood would be in each?

3. Sally shares some skittles equally between her 9 BFFs (best

friends for like ever). Sally has 27 skittles in total. How many
skittles will each friend receive?

4. Jennifer looks at the vegetables on her plate. There are 4 pieces of

each kind of vegetable. After removing 7 pieces of vegetables she
is left with 49 on her plate. How many vegetables did she start
Annex D - Worksheet (Accommodated )
NAME: _________________________ CLASS: ____________


Select the correct equation and solve for the unknown variable.

1. Joey has a collection of 18 rap songs downloaded on his phone. He

accidentally deleted some songs. There are 12 songs left on his phone. How
many songs did Joey delete?

a) 18 + S = 12
b) 18 - S = 12
c) 12 - S = 18
Joey deleted _____ songs.

2. Ben was piling wood for his fathers wood stove. In total there were 42 sticks
of wood. If Ben stacked the wood in 6 piles, how many pieces of wood would
be in each?

a) 6 x 42 = W
b) 42 - 6 = W
c) W = 42 / 6
Ben would have _____ pieces of wood in each pile.

3. Sally shares some skittles equally between her 9 BFFs. Sally has 27 skittles
in total. How many skittles will each friend receive?

a) S = 27 - 9
b) S = 27 / 9
c) 27 = S - 9
Each friend will receive _______ skittles.

4. Jennifer looks at the vegetables on her plate. There are 4 pieces of each kind
of vegetable. After removing 7 pieces of vegetables she is left with 49 on her
plate. How many vegetables did she start with?
a) 4V - 49 = 7
b) 4V - 7 = 49
c) 7V - 4 = 49
Jennifer started with _____ vegetables.
Annex E - Worksheet (Modified)

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