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Libra natives are generally thought to be sociable, somewhat intellectual souls.

They have an almost innocent way about them that makes them very approachable.
Generally quite eager to cooperate, Librans spend a lot of their time trying not
to rock the boat.
In theory, Libras are peace-loving. In practice, they can quietly stir up all so
rts of trouble with their ways. Because Libra enjoys balance in their lives, the
y seek the middle ground. In the process, they may end up trying to be everythin
g to everyone. This is where their reputation for untruthfulness comes from. Gen
erally, their untruths spring from a true desire for peace and fairness although t
hey may not be comfortable with direct and malicious trickery, they feel totally
justified when they lie in order to avoid making waves. Peace at any price! In
this sense, they seem harmless. But, what can result is quite a ruckus! People i
nvolved with Libras may crib about their lack of directness and their apparent i
nability to take a stand. Librans are experts at avoiding being the one to blame
. When confronted, they ll (calmly and reasonably) say, What, me? No, I just want p
On the fence , middle ground , middle road these are all expressions that we can safely
associate with Libra.
Some more powerful signs may consider Libra a little on the weak side. This is a
ll a matter of opinion, however! Without Libra, life simply wouldn t be as fair.
Librans are known for comparing and thinking in relative terms, instead of in ab
solutes. This weekend is not just a good weekend, it s better than last weekend. T
hese people are always looking for the best way or the right way to live. Harmony is
the ultimate goal, but their idealism and high expectations can mean plenty of
discontent. Since life presents all of us with an extraordinary amount of choice
s, if Libra doesn t learn to live in the moment at least some of the time, they ll b
e in a constant state of unrest.
Society needs rules, and these rules attempt to bring justice, equality, and fai
rness. On an individual level, Libra represents these laws of civilization. Libr
a comes across as very civilized and rather refined.
Familiarity is important to Lunar Taureans. These people are earthy and strong-w
illed. They feel with their senses and they are pretty much rooted in their ways
. They revel in material comforts in fact, building a solid and comfortable home a
nd foundation helps to keep them feeling safe and content.
It isn t wise to try to push Lunar Taureans into doing anything, but once they hav
e made a commitment, they re persevering.
There s a steadiness to this position of the Moon that is comforting to those clos
e to them. But the conservative streak in these natives can be maddening to more
progressive personalities. They tend to go out of their way to avoid messy or unp
redictable situations, crises, and emotional displays. Instead, they focus on cr
eating a reliable and secure life around them. In relationships, Lunar Taureans
may not easily recognize their partner s need for change, growth, or emotional sti
Moon in Taurus natives are generally very romantic. Their affections are strong,
deep, and unwavering. They are sentimental and warm. Since Taurus is a practica
l earth sign, the placement of the Moon in this sign suggests an ability to prot
ect themselves and their own interests. They will rarely make a move without fir
st determining that it is safe and that there s something in it for them.
Generally, Taurus Moon people have reliable instincts. They are very much tied t
o the physical world, and they often have a particularly well-developed sense of
Relationships with people born with this position of the Moon are often quite en
during. Many Moon in Taurus people hang onto their mates, even in the face of se
rious conflict. Taurus is a fixed sign, so break-ups don t happen easily.
There is a serenity to them that is calming. In fact, it takes a lot to really g
et to them. However, they do get off-center every once in a while. They are not
the most adaptable people when their own routine is interrupted, for example.
Though some Lunar Taureans might be considered anal, most simply have a stubborn
streak that keeps them rather resistant to change. Rarely are they spontaneous
sorts. Uncomfortable with surprises, these natives value stability. Their needs
are strong but quite simple at the same time they love the good things in life. The
world of the five senses is all-important to these natives. Their love of stabil
ity and steadiness can make them slaves to routine. However, they are loyal and
capable people.
People with Virgo rising are often a little understated in their personal manner
isms and appearance, although a lot depends on the position of Mercury (the ruli
ng planet of Virgo) in the chart. Generally, there is an intelligent and reserve
d aura about Virgo rising individuals that is unmistakable. These are actually s
omewhat shy people who need time to analyze things around them before they warm
up to both situations and people. This quality can be received exactly as that,
or it can be received as a rather stand-offish, cool, and even critical manner (
depending on the audience).
One of the biggest personality traits of this position is body-awareness. People
with Virgo ascendants are sensitive to any discomfort or other signals their bo
dy gives them. Many are especially interested and concerned with physical health
, and some are attracted to mind-body awareness exercises such as yoga. Virgo ri
sing people are often rather particular about food. Although some have good appe
tites, there can be an unmistakable pickiness about what they put in and on thei
r bodies.
Virgo ascendant natives have a tendency to worry a lot, especially when confront
ed with new situations. They notice the tiniest details that others overlook.
Many people with this position have a tendency to attract (or be attracted to) p
eople who need help. Their relationships may be confusing as a result. Despite t
he Virgo rising tendency to appear rather collected and professional, relationsh
ips can sometimes be messy simply because these natives don t always see their par
tners and partnerships clearly.
There s a quiet charm to many Virgo rising people. Once they have the chance to wa
rm up to new people and situations, you ll find they have a lot to offer. They ll he
lp you out of a jam, go out on a limb for you, and surprise you with a natural m
odesty under a somewhat critical and standoffish manner.
Your ruling planet, Mercury, is in the judicious, fair-minded sign of Libra indi
cating a gift for diplomacy and for communicating your observations, critiques,
and analysis tactfully. Your impartiality and humility, as well as your ability
to see and to weigh both sides, makes you a good mediator or arbitrator. Science
appeals to your rational, logical, orderly mind. However, a refined sense of ae
sthetics, of form and beauty, colors all that you do.
Libra communicators come across as very pleasing. Diplomacy comes naturally to t
hese natives. At the very least, they take many pains to be diplomatic. Whether
they succeed or not depends on their audience?but more on that later.
Mercury in Libra people long for equality in the intellectual world. They view m
ental affinity as one of the most important themes in any relationship they have
. If they are not getting it (and many do not), they should look within themselv
es for answers. Perhaps they are trying too hard to score intellectual points wi
th their partners instead of truly listening to what they are saying. Mercury in
Libra attempts always to be fair in any discussion, but to more personal commun
icators, Libra s constant comparisons can, in effect, seem unfair! Libra can go of
f on so many tangents, and offer excessive disclaimers for any opinion presented
, that they end up all over the place.
Mercury in Libra looks for compromise. Middle ground is constantly sought. In fa
ct, they are extraordinarily uncomfortable with extremes of opinion! This makes
them excellent counselors and go-betweens, but it also gives rise to plenty of i
ndecision in their personal lives. In their desire to find the best, fairest, mo
st just choice, they can swing from a pro to a con, and back to a pro again but we
can t forget another con just to balance the last pro . It can be dizzying for others
to observe! They simply can t help but see the other side. This maddening characte
ristic leads to a strange paradox they can end up seemingly incapable of giving
a compliment without a but . After all, complimenting you is essentially drawing a
conclusion, or forming an opinion. This is a paradox because Libra is charming,
but give them a little time with something, and they will have a hard time arriv
ing at a totally good (or totally bad) conclusion.
Their ability to think in the abstract gives them a good measure of objectivity.
These people have a subtle intelligence. Their thoughts are generally dominated
by relative thinking they simply can t seem to evaluate their environment without c
omparing one thing with an other. This trait contributes to refined tastes.
Mercury in Libra is generally good at making connections with others, but rememb
er that Libra can be a lazy sign and for Mercury in Libra natives, this means ment
al laziness. This can prevent them from following up and maintaining the connect
ions they ve made.
Mercury in Libra hates to be thought of as the bad guy (or gal), and can end up
trying to make too many people happy.
Mercury in Libra often has to turn to others for opinions when making a decision
. The maddening part of it is this: Give these people an answer to their questio
n, and they ll probably take the other side. For example, if they are deciding bet
ween two different restaurants, and you give them an answer, they are almost sur
e to suddenly see the other restaurant s merits. These natives play devil s advocate
far too often. Many times they don t even truly believe the side they have taken th
ey are simply engaging in an intellectual argument. Mercury in Libra would be wi
se to look inside themselves to do a check on what they really feel every now an
d again. They can get so caught up in trying to win an argument and correcting t
he (perceived) biases in others beliefs and actions that they totally lose sight
of what really matters to them.
Venus in Scorpio people attract others with their intensity and willingness to c
ommit. They have a strong and concentrated manner which suggests their feelings
run deep. Their actions in love tend to promise deep commitment and sexual pleas
ure, even if they are not telling you this directly. Their appeal lies in their
focus on you, and their dedication. Venus in Scorpio seems fearless when it come
s to intimacy. Potential lovers get the feeling that Venus in Scorpio will never
stray, that they are intensely loyal to the one they love. They possess you, an
d somehow make it seem attractive to be possessed.
Pleasing Venus in Scorpio involves demonstrating your complete commitment and lo
yalty to them. Appreciate their guts when it comes to love and intimacy they re pr
oud of their courage in these matters. If you can, and they re deserving, relinqui
sh some of the control in the relationship. Let them feel they own you, without
taking it to extremes. Remember, though, that some Venus in Scorpio lovers can a
nd will take advantage of you on a subtle level, if only to keep you all to them
selves. Let them have their secrets and their silences.
This position inclines toward passive-aggressiveness. These people seem to resis
t change and to shy away from direct confrontations. They need to feel secure be
fore they act. As a result, they can appear rather slow at times. Their motto is
The best offence is defense . They may appear weak to some, but they can be very s
trong. Their strength lies in their tenaciousness.
Their sex drive can be very tied up with emotional need. At their best, they tur
n others on with a protective, almost therapeutic way about them. The protective
nature of Cancer is best expressed when Mars in Cancer natives are turning the
energy outward ? when they are being the protectors of others. Turning it inward
s is when there are problems. They must avoid over-sensitivity and self-protecti
on when it comes to sex. Some Mars in Cancer people are especially turned on by
the thought of creating a baby.
These people are threatened by indifference. They can be argumentative and manip
ulative. Their energy levels are variable, and they can appear to move rather sl
owly. They have defensive reactions and bursts of emotional displays when they f
eel cornered.
With reassurance and confidence, these natives are protective, helpful, and depe
ndable in the long haul. They prefer to handle situations peacefully and humanel
Those born with Jupiter in Scorpio are creatures of mystery. They are very comfo
rtable with their own darkness and spend much of their time pondering the shapes
of their own shadows. Secrecy and obscurity are the centerpieces of their exis
tence. They are the guardians of the monsters that lurk in the darkness, hide i
n the closets and beneath the beds. The monsters are their friends and they are
dismayed by the inability of the general population to appreciate and get comfo
rtable with their own demons. They understand that the dark elements are as natu
ral as the light and spend their lives trying to show people the freedom in the
acceptance of this truth. They get a primal satisfaction out of antagonizing tho
se they feel are more fearful of their own ugliness, inhibited by convention. T
hey can sense what turns people on - their most hidden desires. They can psychi
cally zone in on someone s insecurities and anxieties . Then, they will wickedly f
lirt with exposing all of your hidden compulsions and will confront you with you
r biggest fears.
These types of people can scare the shit out of you. They are the masters of cr
eepiness and horror.
They love being the ambassadors to the dark side and will take any opportunity t
o parade their close and comfortable relationship with the demons underneath. Th
ey love taking what is taboo and putting it in the forefront - forcing people to
face it, embrace it, move beyond it, be transformed by it. Whatever people fin
d sexy, scary, inconceivable, unspeakable, they make their life s ambition to attr
actively and fearlessly represent.
These natives are very committed to individual self expression and won t hold them
selves to someone else s barometer of tastefulness. They want to be who they are a
nd don t respect any form of oppression or suppression of individual creativity.
Their endeavors are not driven by a desire to be liked or to be accepted, but by
a desire to be truthful and honest; to represent themselves fully, completely,
and honestly; to be seen for the beautifully unique creature that they are - war
ts and all.
Jupiter in Scorpio natives understand the value of secrecy and respect it highly
. They can be very private and have many secrets that they never share. But mos
t importantly, they want to live in a world where secrets are not necessary. The
y are on a mission to slowly evolve the world passed fear of the darkness. But i
n the meantime they value the importance of keeping the darkness under control.
Though they yearn for naked expression, they realize that most are not able to h
andle all there is to share.
These natives often have a lot of sex appeal. And it should be no problem for th
ese natives to get lucky . Even if they are not classically or commercially attract
ive, they can become sexual icons because of their raw sexual magnetism. They us
ually love to flaunt their sexuality and to break any societal sexual taboos.
They are immensely powerful people, and it wouldn t be unwise to keep a healthy fe
ar of them. Their boundaries are much wider than the average person and range mu
ch deeper into the nether regions of existence. Sometimes their vision gets obs
cured by all the darkness and they get a little too comfortable in the underworl
d. They can be very destructive to themselves and others when they are unable t
o separate themselves from hell. The young or unevolved Jupiter in Scorpio nativ
e can spend a lot of time hanging around with the wrong crowd and may feel that th
ey have to prove how tough, scary, and fearless they are. They are actually qui
te fearful of their own shadow but will try to prove that they are not. They ma
y feel powerful dark primal compulsions and may not yet have the wisdom to direc
t it. They often get involved in wicked or destructive activities.
Jupiter in Scorpio natives begin to gain wisdom when they remember that shadows
are nothing without light and the interplay between them is beautiful and etern
al. When this happens they are the bold champions of truth, exposing what is be
hind the shadows to advance the greater good. They are righteous warriors of the
light , letting no lie live freely in their presence, redefining outdated conventi
ons, standing up for the downtrodden, the abused, the unappreciated, the overloo
ked and all those who have been kept in the dark; transforming the notion of ugl
iness to a different kind of beauty - one that is deeper, richer, sublime.
Jupiter in Scorpio natives at their best can be great role models and confidants
for Sun in Scorpio natives, yet at their worst a sobering reminder of how it ca
n all go wrong.
Jupiter in Scorpio natives at their best want everyone to confront their own dar
kness and to expose any harmful secrets. They understand that monsters are only
scary when you are too afraid to confront them, when you let them run amuck by
pretending that they don t exist. When they have not evolved, it is easy for them
to get lost in their own darkness and never face the light of day - live a dest
ructive, depraved, perverse existence. But when these natives are on a steady p
ath to righteousness, there is no stopping these fearless truth warriors.
Uranus in Capricorn is ambitious and enterprising. They can be very serious mind
ed, with a strong sense of responsibility. Their original business ideas will br
ing them success, especially when they work with electrical or aerial fields. Th
ey can also be erratic or eccentric. They have a strong stubborn streak and they
may be quarrelsome. They may suffer great sorrow and trouble if they are not ca
utious. They are prone to sudden changes in employment and their surroundings.
Capricorn Uranus can be restless or impulsive. They may act before they think it
through. They can be stubborn, eccentric and radical. They are good at balancin
g ambition, independence and their intellectual abilities. They are not afraid o
f challenges. They are tolerant of differences in people, and they have no probl
em treating them all equally. They are even tempered.
Capricorn Uranus is responsible and is capable of handling power with ease. They
are good people to hold a job needing the trust of the public. They have the ta
lent to see the coming trends long in advance. They are not afraid to change pro
cedures in order to achieve their goals. They are logical and have a great mind.
They may be excellent politicians or business leaders. They will be capable of
accomplishing great things for mankind and may make great material progress.
Uranus in Capricorn may come across as ultra conservative or as very reactionary
. They are accepting of policies that are made to keep society safe and secure.
They like things to be structured carefully with a conservative feel to them, th
ough they are willing to change from tradition.
The stubborn nature of Capricorn zodiac sign is reflected through their symbol,
the mountain goat. This is where Neptune in Capricorn gets their drive and ambit
ion, which helps them to come up with new ideas. For them, inspiration comes fro
m logic, reason and the practical uses of different theories to better society.
(Get a free financial astrology reading).
Neptune symbolizes imagination, illusion, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual inc
lination, occult and dreams. As a conservative personality, Neptune in Capricorn
doesn t often get struck by a creative thought. They develop their ideas more slowl
y and thoroughly, as they do everything else in their life.
In fact, they would rather work on things at their own pace and in their own way
. They don t like to work together with others when brainstorming. More times than
not, they would rather sit by themselves in quiet reflection.
It s the absence of noise and chaos that helps them to come up with innovative tho
ughts and strategies. And anything that has to do with business or success in th
eir career stimulates them into utilizing their imagination.
They are often obsessed with status, so Neptune in Capricorn tends to focus on w
ays to increase their wealth and influence. They like power and are always think
ing of new ways to acquire more.
Scorpio zodiac sign in astrology are known for their mysterious nature, which is
why it makes sense for them to be ruled by Pluto. Pluto in Scorpio is always lo
oking further and deeper into any situation to discover what s really going on beh
ind the scenes. They need to learn everyone s motives for their actions.
Pluto represents regeneration, spiritual inclination, inner psyche and your hidd
en struggle for power. As a water sign, Pluto in Scorpio feels everything as dee
ply as one can, deep down in their soul. Their intuitive and psychic nature can
read any situation and anyone like a book. So they always know what s going on aro
und them.
It doesn t mean the Scorpio Pluto sign have a negative understanding of the way th
e world works. They are simply prepared for the worst if it ever happens. They a
lso have a better attitude towards things like change, tragedy or death. They kn
ow these things are a given and they accept them for what they are inevitable.
This means they can also be well-adjusted people who are ready for anything. You
certainly want them on your side in a difficult situation (or any situation for
that matter). They are strong, confident and very protective of their loved one
s. This is most important to the Pluto in Scorpio.
The Pluto in Scorpio people keep everything close to the vest, meaning they don t
let on to what they re thinking or feeling. They don t even like to talk about their
past, as it may allow others to hold some power or control over them. They need
to always be in control, and will fight for the ability to gain the upper hand
every time. This means the Scorpio man can be manipulative at times, especially
when they need others to agree with them or be on their side.
It s best not to go against Pluto in Scorpio, for they take every little offense p
ersonally. Because they feel everything so deeply, it doesn t take much for them t
o believe they have been slighted. And once you are on their bad side, it s extrem
ely difficult to get back on their good side. This is reflected by your Pluto si
gn personality.
They are the most intense sign of the zodiac. This means their reaction is stron
ger than the offense itself. And since they tend toward darker thoughts and a mo
re pessimistic view of life, it s difficult for them to snap back to a lighter vie
Their connection to their social circle brings about the most growth and happine
ss to Scorpio Pluto, for their need for companionship is as intense as they are.
It s only in the bedroom with their most trusted lover that they break down their
walls and let their true selves shine. Sex is the most profound experience for
Their partner has to be as strong and confident as they are or else they will dr
own in Scorpio Pluto s sea of emotions. For them, this kind of sexual experience i
s as real as it gets, and they will not allow anyone into their bed who doesn t ta
ke it as seriously as they do.
This is where they feel most powerful and most alive, so their partner better be
in it for the long haul. Pluto in Scorpio doesn t have mindless flings, because t
hey are incapable of treating something so haphazardly. For them, it s all or noth
If you were born with the North Node in Scorpio, you were meant to evolve into a
n impassioned, empowered individual. There is a higher self within that understa
nds and embraces the depths of life. Everyone s North Node is located deep down wi
thin themselves. But, with a Scorpio North Node, this is a part of your soul tha
t goes especially deep. In this life, you will realize your greatest potential w
hen you can make life something that gets your heart pounding and your blood rac
ing. For you, things are supposed to be a bit risky, slightly dangerous, allowin
g you to teeter right on the edge. It might not make sense but embracing a bit o
f that danger is what you re made for. What your soul really wants is to engage in
a high-wire act, with not much of a net underneath. It s through this approach th
at you will embrace the emotional power that you have within.
But, what could stand in the way of this life-changing intensity? Your Taurus So
uth Node, of course. With this placement, it is all too easy to get stuck in you
r ways. I think Scorpio North Node people have one of the most challenging, if n
ot the most challenging, paths to walk because your comfort zone is so comfortab
le that you just don t want to leave it. In fact, it might not make any sense at a
ll to leave it. Yet, your natural common sense can be much less effective when y
ou dig in your heels and refuse to budge. With the South Node in Taurus, your wo
rst habits come from being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn, unable to go
with the flow of the inevitable changes of life. Therefore, you might feel like
you re being totally practical by sticking to your routines, clinging to your pos
sessions, or insisting on your values. But, little do you know that these things
have gone past their expiration date and being unable to do away with them will
only hurt you, in the end.
We look at a person s past life when we look at the South Node. Having the South N
ode in the sign of Taurus tells me that you experienced a ton of comfort, ease,
and luxury in either your most recent past life or a very recent one. In this fo
rmer existence, you could just kick back and relax. There was a lot of simplicit
y and groundedness to this lifestyle. In many ways, you were very skilled at est
ablishing security and stability for yourself. All you needed was plenty of mone
y, good food, nice things, and the people you loved to be happy. You were far fr
om a complicated person. But, this ended up shooting you in the foot, after a wh
ile. You were so simple-minded that you were unable to handle the complexities o
f life, of yourself, or of other people. Anything that was too intense, dramatic
, or chaotic was resisted by you. But, the thing is that you were so insistent o
n things being peaceful and stable that the slightest disturbance could feel lik
e unwelcome drama.
Due to your inability to put yourself through these emotional fires, you never r
eally grew as a person. You remained very stagnant on a psychological level. Sin
ce you were so practical, you didn t see the reason why you had to change your way
s. You equated happiness with the things that you owned. So, as long as you had
financial and material security, why complain? But, this kept you in a very supe
rficial mindset, unable to understand the deeper elements that were at play in y
our psyche, in your relationships, and in life in general. You were too busy cou
nting your cash! One possibility with the Taurus South Node is that you went thr
ough your past life as a very financially well-off person. Maybe you were born i
nto money and just never had to worry about it. But, this created an attitude of
greed and materialism that racked up some negative karma. Another possibility i
s that you weren t born into money. Instead, you displayed the determination neede
d to establish a very self-made wealth for yourself. But, like the spoiled and s
elf-indulgent type, you too displayed a really greedy attitude toward money, pro
bably because you never had it before.
The ways in which you made your money were utterly practical; a little too pract
ical. Whether you came from a wealthy background or created your own material co
mfort, you were given the message that the bottom line is all that counts. Go ou
t and make money! But, what about the motivation behind it? Making money for mon
ey s sake is a trap you really fell into in this former lifetime. It s something tha
t prevented you from knowing and investing in your true passion, especially if i
t didn t provide stable or practical income. This lack of passion defined your rel
ationships with others, as well. While you were a laidback, reliable, and down-t
o-earth person, the intimacy of these relationships suffered because you were ne
ver willing to truly go deep. Instead, you settled for a ho-hum, uneventful way
of connecting to others. No depth, no fire, no real intimacy; just sitting aroun
d and having dinner and reading and going to bed and doing it again.
A big reason behind this was how easy it was for you to fall into a routine and
remain trapped within it. South Node in Taurus people are coming from a past whe
re they stuck to the same old, same old in various ways. On a very basic level, it
meant that you were an absolute creature of habit who couldn t conceive of changi
ng these habits. Change was a very terrifying concept for you in your past life.
It was a deep threat to the security you worked so hard for. The slightest chan
ge in your life could send your normally calm self into a complete freak-out, as
if it meant that the entire sky would come crashing down. Also, you found psych
ological habits just as difficult to break, if not more. You often saw no practi
cal reason for it, even if these habits drove people away or ruined relationship
s. You were so insistent on being comfortable and at ease that you wanted desper
ately to believe that you didn t have any problems or issues that couldn t be simply
, easily resolved. But, of course, life is not that simple for anyone.
These problems went unresolved in this last life of yours. Therefore, they have
been carried over into this lifetime in order to be settled and dealt with. Even
if you re not into the theory of past lives, all of what I just said has definite
ly manifested in your past in this current life. No matter what, Taurus South No
de people are coming from a past, in this life or in another one, where their st
ubbornness, superficiality, and self-indulgence got the best of them. It s all goi
ng to come to a head now, in the present. The breakthrough moment for you, in te
rms of your South Node, could be the fact that you are so stuck in a rut that yo
u feel like you re in quicksand and you can t get out. It might come from having a s
upposedly happy, stable life but feeling like it s all very empty and meaningless.
It could also be that you want to develop a deeper, richer emotional life, crea
ting a connection to the self and others that is far more complex than just ever
yday living.
This is when you know that you re ready to embrace your Scorpio North Node. The Un
iverse keeps denying us what our South Node wants and/or makes that area of life
difficult until we focus on our North Node. So, if you remain preoccupied with
practical, routine, predictable living, you are going to continue to hit a wall
until you wise up. With the North Node in Scorpio, there is an intense part of y
our soul that has unconsciously developed in response to this over-simplicity. D
eep down, you have wondered if there is more to life than this. All the mysterie
s and subtleties and complexities that make up the human existence are what you
have been unconsciously craving. This inner yearning has constantly undermined y
our overly straightforward mentality. Every time you try to keep it simple, ther
e s this nagging feeling inside of you that something else is going on.
While one of the negative traits of Scorpio is paranoia and suspicion, with the
North Node in this sign, it s more of a healthy suspicion. Nothing and no one are
entirely what they seem. Gaining conscious awareness of this allows your higher
soul-expression of the psychologist and the detective to rise to the surface. In
order to evolve, you must be willing to dig deep and figure out what s really goi
ng on. First off, this translates to other people. By transforming the expressio
n of your Taurus South Node, you will be able to use this grounded simplicity to
support the shrewd, uncanny intuition that your Scorpio North Node is capable o
f. After all, like I always say, it s about transforming the South Node, not leavi
ng it behind altogether. If you use your natural levelness as a base for your inv
estigations , you will display the common sense needed to see very straightforward
ly into the hidden truths around you. You ll be able to read people and situations
as easily as you would a book because those complicated answers come to you wit
h complete ease.
This insight should be turned inward as well as outward. As a Scorpio North Node
, you realize your greater potential by being able to investigate yourself, as w
ell. Instead of seeing introspection and psychoanalysis as being silly and unnec
essary, you must see the value in this process. The thing is that, as a person w
ith the South Node in Taurus, you have very strong values. That s why they re so dif
ficult to budge. So, whatever you see as valuable, you will manifest it and main
tain it in wonderful ways. Therefore, you have to develop your internal awarenes
s and see the understanding of your deeper emotions as a very valuable thing, li
ke a currency. In fact, you have to and stay with me here see your inner life as
being more valuable than the money in your pocket. The North Node is what we ha
ve to focus on, while the South Node is what we ve already had enough of. You re alr
eady experienced in material riches. Now, you have to build your emotional riche
With this North Node placement, you might read that you are discovering your abi
lities in terms of other people s money. Personally, I m not interested in this view o
f Scorpio or the 8th House. You are accessing and developing your inner power. I
think it s quite disempowering to focus on other people s money. The way I like to
see the dichotomy of Taurus and Scorpio is that Taurus makes you financially ric
h and Scorpio makes you psychologically rich. When you invest in your emotional c
urrency , you win in this lifetime. The Scorpio North Node means that you need to
work just as hard on and be just as dedicated to developing your inner depth. Ta
ke the time you need to reflect in a profound way. Explore any issues from your
past, figure out what s going on with you emotionally, examine any barriers or def
enses that are getting in the way of you and true intimacy. In this way, you wil
l earn a lot of valuable emotional resources. That s what Scorpio is about to me:
inner resources, not other people s money. And these inner resources are needed to
get you through tough times, to overcome your issues, and to amazingly transfor
m yourself.

In doing this, you will have to discover some unsettling things. Because of your
comfort-loving Taurus South Node, it is a significant challenge for you to embr
ace those uncomfortable emotions within. Scorpio North Node folks can spend a gr
eat deal of their lives fooling themselves into thinking that they don t have a da
rk side; that they don t get angry, depressed, jealous, self-loathing, or just pla
in irrational. But, here s the thing: you can t find true fulfillment in this lifeti
me until you deal with those difficult feelings. With this placement, you experi
ence spiritual growth by embracing that scary person you have inside of you. Thi
s shadow self might scare you more than anyone, especially since you would much
rather prefer that everything remain stable and easy. But, understanding the way
s in which you can be potentially unstable actually brings great rewards. For th
ose who have the North Node in a Water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), the Eleme
nt which represents emotion and irrationality, positive growth comes from being
able to go a little psycho.
I m not saying become destructive and criminally insane. What I am saying is that
you have to understand your shadows and know what to do with them. The best way
to put it to you, thanks to your pragmatic Taurus South Node, is seeing those em
otions as needing a savings account. You can store away your rage, hatred, sadness
, or scariness in this psychological savings account, managing it and saving it
up until you really need to use it. This might mean when you need to have a mome
nt of real emotional honesty with someone, when you need to face and overcome ce
rtain issues, once and for all, or just when you need a cathartic release. Getti
ng into something artistic can work wonders for you because it allows you to get
all of that out! Your shadows cannot be ignored in this life. If they are, they
will find a way to make you increasingly stagnant until you re just hit with such
overwhelming boredom and complacency that you re desperate to make a change.
North Node in Scorpio people are figuring out that, deep down, they don t want man
y dull moments. This is what makes you the passionate soul. You actually don t wan
t everything to be nice and easy. You want to experience some tempests, some tri
als and tribulations. You might actually end up sabotaging yourself, in this sen
se, because you can unconsciously get yourself stuck in some really upsetting si
tuations just to wake yourself up. Your Taurus South Node finds it hard to let g
o once it s invested. So, you may have a habit of attracting or creating some upse
tting, intense situation and then not being able to get out of it. And while you
may convince yourself that everything is fine, an inner storm is brewing that b
ecomes increasingly hard to ignore. Eventually, something will have to explode o
r implode to get your attention. You re incredibly hard-headed, to a point where y
ou miss what s really happening. So, often times, change happens in your life that s
not at all of your doing. The Universe forces it on you and keeps doing it to t
he point where you can no longer say no.
This is a process that you need to embrace. Just let the transformation happen.
Don t cling so hard to what or who you have. Also, don t insist so much on possessin
g things and people so tightly. I m not saying don t seek stability. You will always
have a knack for being grounded and living a relatively consistent life. But, y
ou should also keep a loose hold on what or who is around you. In doing so, you
will actually end up feeling so much better. I can t think of a better metaphor fo
r this placement than the show Hoarders. These people keep endless stuff for years
and years that have completely worn out their use or that are actually making t
hemselves or their lives much worse. Then, once it s all cleaned out, they feel so
much better and a process of emotional purging and healing takes place. You are
a hoarder, on a literal or metaphorical level. So, let your space be cleaned out,
overhauled, transformed. You ll be pleasantly surprised at the wonders that it wo
It can not only heal you emotionally but it can also rebalance your finances. In
spite of how sensible you are by nature, there is a part of you that can mishan
dle money through unnecessary spending, accumulating, or hoarding. Whether it s th
e storage space that you have to pay for every month for that stuff you never us
e or the new car you just had to buy even though you have a perfectly fine one i
n the driveway, you will financially benefit from letting go of what no longer s
erves you. Those with a Scorpio North Node are figuring out how to do this with
people, as well. You might put up with toxic family members and friends far beyo
nd the point where you should ve requested some distance or even cut them off. If
you stop being so attached to a consistent picture of your life in your head, yo
u can take the time to visualize what will truly fulfill you. In doing this, you
can use your natural gift of manifestation, weeding the negative people out and
drawing the people toward you who will truly support you. Also, it takes just a
s much courage for you to figure out how you might be behaving as an unhealthy i
nfluence in someone else s life and what to do to change.
Your North Node in Scorpio is requiring some fierce, often ruthless emotional ho
nesty. Embrace what you re really feeling, even if, or often especially if, it hur
ts. This will allow you to get truly real with the people in your life, not just
clinging to a level of predictable harmony. I m not saying be cruel or vicious. B
ut, do not hold back, on a general level, and see who can stand the heat. Those
who can appreciate, respect, and honor your emotional truth are the keepers. Thi
s translates on a sexual level, as well. The development of your passion is also
about sex. But, it s not just about doing it. It s about all the feelings, needs, and
complex desires that drive sex. You need to take a more nuanced, insightful vie
w of sexuality. In doing so, you will not only be able to emerge as a sex-positi
ve being but wield your powerfully healing touch on your partner. By creating a
truly intimate dialogue where you both can be fully honest about what you want s
exually, no matter how light or dark it is, you will be living out your higher s
elf, with no shame and no fear.
Healing Virgo is a Sacred Mission. And anyone with any prominent Virgo or Sixth
House placements is on that mission. Most especially if that placement involves
Because Chiron in Virgo or the Sixth House may mean you either are or were wound
ed by a walking, talking embodiment of Cartoon Virgo. That is the nit-picking, h
yper-critical, pursed-lip busy body, who never misses an opportunity to point-ou
t a problem. No flaw too small to overlook. No mole-hill that can t be mountained.
This is not true Virgo. This is not True You. It may have been a prominent figur
e in your childhood.
Because Virgo is The Goddess, all aspects of what would constitute Feminine Serv
ice have a long history of collective misjudgment splashed with, well, mysogyny.
We ve mentioned the Virgo Situation before. It is essential to repeat here.
Virgo is about discernment and attention to detail.
Virgin means woman onto herself . Sex life has nothing to do with. Independence doe
s. Independence in women especially talented, discerning women has not been glob
ally welcomed throughout time.
Women for centuries who might have an ability to discern where improvement to an
y system or structure could be made were not usually encouraged to make this con
Indeed, knowledgeable women with highly detailed knowledge of how to use sharp-e
yed discernment in matters of health a Virgo focus by using natural remedies suc
h as those potent ones from another Virgo concern the Earth like herbs were, in
fact, burnt for these abilities. Along with their knowledge. And their small ani
mals (cats in particular) another area of Virgo care.
The sheer frustration of collective dismissal could only add to the collective p
romotion of Virgo as a critical, unfeeling shrew.
This is not Virgo. This is the misguided ancient patriarchy in action.
Virgo, at her essence, is not cruel. She is just the opposite. She is here to se
rve. She loves Earth. She loves its animals especially. She celebrates health, h
ealing and working hard.
She loves the 3-D. And she is ruled by Mercury who wants us all to communicate.
Notice Virgo s dominion covers a whole lotta things that get beat-up by the misgui
ded patriarchy: Earth, health, animals.
An independent, self-sufficient person that discerns and supports her own health
so clearly that she needs no help from others can give from the bounty of herse
lf to help those things she values. That is Service. Virgo is all about Service.
But Service not conducted from strength of wholeness can warp into criticizing
So if you have been wounded in a Virgo way, especially if you are female, you we
re possibly raised by an over-critical harpie. And/or you are one. Or are involv
ed with one. And this is betraying both your own abilities, and the abilities of
Virgo, because she is so grounded, and so clear-eyed, can perceive the most myst
ical insights into the hippiest trip of all. By learning to pinpoint the exact w
ays each of us, the Earth, and the four-leggeds upon Her, may both join together
, yet also stand fully ourselves within our selves. Learning and sharing that ha
ppiness will be serving yourself, and the whole planet.
Chiron in the Sixth House or Virgo means you are here to help redeem Virgo. And
Start with the body. Pay attention to your health. But if health challenges are
consuming you entire existence, then it s your job to start practicing mental free
Chronic illness can, understandably, create if only existence. If only I was better,
then I could start living.
Start living now. Be better five minutes a day. By forgetting about the health sit
uation and concentrating on freedom. You know how to pinpoint an energy. Focus o
n the energy of open . Just for five minutes. If tears of but I m not healthy appear, b
less them, and get back to smiling. To understanding you don t have to understand
why you got this body, but you do need to love it, and let it know you re gonna ta
ke care of it.
Your body may be as wounded as half the Earth is now, but you re going to honor it
s ecology. Not ask it to try to artificially produce more than it can. But not c
ondemn it. Not concentrate on how it fails you but celebrate how it lets you do
so much: Think, feel, interact in some way with others even if it is limited, re
ad, listen to music, watch TV, go on the internet, invent new ideas the list may
be shockingly long.
If eating disorders are how you ve been channeling your powers of discernment, ple
ase believe it can change. Many people attack their own strongest abilities. And
get lost in the voices that scream and accuse. Remember, I don t believe you. Even
when you don t believe that. Say it anyway.
And get help. Real help. No eating disorder can even be healed alone.
Animals are you friend. Helping animals, letting animals help you.
Listening to the Earth can heal you. Helping heal the Earth can heal you. Studyi
ng healing modalities will heal you, too.
This is Mercury s home. Mercury could plummet into the deepest realms and bring ne
ws to the highest. So can you. You have the ability To Know. Listen well, follow
the energy of True and you can become not just whole. But a powerful teacher of u
s all.
You aspire to cast a wide mental net, catch all the information you can, and sha
pe it into new forms. This gives you gifts in fields like journalism, performanc
e, teaching, writing, the Arts, design and fashion. Your gift of the gab helps y
ou excel in sales, business, public relations, advertising, and being a 'spokesp
erson.' You enjoy work that puts you in the middle of chaos, change, excitement
and a swift current of ideas.
You're a weaver of seemingly disparate threads, that are part of the whole. This
makes you an asset to society, as a commentator, observer, translator and broad
caster. Your kind of fluid intelligence can be an eye-opener to more rigid minds
. This gives you an important role, as a messenger of changes in thinking.

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