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Concept Unit

Lesson Plan Template

Unit Working Title: Building a Community of Individual Voices

Unit Big Idea (Concept/Theme): Unique Voices
Unit Primary Skill focus:

Week:1 of 3
Plan # 1 of 9
Minutes: 90

Plan type: Summary

Content Requirement Satisfied:

- Instruction that uses text as a mentor
- Embedded Technology

Unit Learning Objectives and Specific lesson objectives being taught in this lesson:

1. Students will understand that differences are what create variety in literature.
4. Students will know that communities are interdependent, and survive off of the success of
its members.
7. Students will be able to identify community building or destructive actions and themes in


a. Students will understand that communities are enhanced by diversity.
b. Students will know the importance of projecting ones individual voice within a
community of man different voices.

Affective (feel/value) and/or Non-Cognitive:

c. Students grow to feel interconnected with other members of their community.

Performance (do):
d. Student will discuss the importance of communication between members of a
e. Students will create a visual representation of what a community of many unique
voices looks like.
6.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fictional texts, narrative
nonfiction, and poetry.
l) Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout the reading process.

Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.
Methods of Assessment:
[How will you know if the intended learning occurred?] List all methods of assessment used in
this lesson or which are related to this lesson and come in a future lesson. After each assessment,
indicate in brackets the number(s) and letter(s) of the unit objective and the related lesson
objectives that the assessment is evaluating.

Diagnostic Formative Summative

Students completed a brain Students will complete and They create a visual
dump activity during the observation worksheet, where representation of a positive
intro wee. They completed it they will observe aspects of community of unique voices.
in class and then completed it what create a positive This is part of their summative
for homework, and it was community of voices. assessment project. It will not
then collected. The brain be graded until they submit
dump activity required that Students will watch a trailer of their completed summative
complete a Four Box graphic the film and discuss what it assessment.
organizer including means to have unique voices,
everything that came to mind why communities are
when they thought of the interdependent, and what
word in each box. The words attributes create a positive
were voice, community, community of positive voices.
unique, and different.

Objectives: a,b Objectives: 1,4, 7, a,b,d, c, Objectives: e

Procedures/Instructional Strategies

Beginning Room Arrangement:

As students come to class, they will sit in their assigned seat. The class is set up in a double U
shape with one inner U and an outer U. In this arrangement, students do a lot of work with elbow

1. [10 mins.] Bridge/Hook/Opening to lesson:

When student enter the room, they will see a message on the board which tells them to
collect their Four Box Brain Dump that they previously submitted and review it. This is more
of Do Now assignment for when they enter the classroom.

Then we will begin with our class with a viewing of the cover of the movie New Years Eve.
Students will write down three visual things that they can observe. They will write this down
on their work sheet, Appendix B. Then they will share their observations with their elbow
partners. On their worksheet, they will each have to write down
one thing they talked about in their discussion or something
that their partner said that they did not initially see. Then we
will discuss as a whole what sort of observations they made.

2. [15 mins.] Going Over Brain Dump Activity

As a class, we will complete the brain dump activity together, I will ask students to share
their thoughts with the class. As I fill in what they say, they will be asked to write down new
ideas if they do not have it. As students provide their thoughts, they will be asked to provide
explanations or examples for what they wrote down. After we go over the brain dump, we
will discuss what it means to have a community of unique voices. We will discuss what voice
means and why/how someone can express themselves in their community. We will also
talk about our classroom community and why it is important for each individual student to
also be able to express their unique voice

3. [30 mins] Voices Discussion

I will begin by asking students how many of them had seen the film New Years Eve. If one
student has seen it, I will ask them to give the class a summary of what the film was about. If
not, I will explain the premise of the film to them. Then we will watch the trailer from the
movei New Years Eve.

Trailer for the Movie New Years Eve:

We will watch the video several times. Each time, the students will be asked to focus on
something new.

1. Count how many celebrities you can recognize. If you cannot recognize any, watch and
make as guess as to how many main characters there are in the film.
o Discussion will center on the fact that all the characters represent the many
different voices of that community
2. There are many characters because communities have many voices. But why do these
people form a community. Watch the clip again and try to identify what makes them a
o We will focus interdependent aspect of this film. We will talk about how they are
all doing something for new years and how they are all relying on each other to
have a successful New Years Event.
3. Now that we know communities are interdependent, identify what you think builds a
positive community of multiple voices. Actions, speech, or anything else you can see.
Why is this a happy community and not a sad one?

[10 min] Modifying Classroom Rules and Norms

From our discussion of a positive community of individual voices, we will then ask students
to look at our classroom rules and norms and identify similarities and or things we could add
to our norms. They will brain storm in groups a list of things that are similar or what they
want to add and then we will share them with the class.

4. [20] Creating Visual Representations of Positive Communities

The last 20 minutes of class will be spent creating a visual representation of a positive
community of unique voices. Each student will get a white sheet of computer paper or they
can choose to draw an image online. I will also give some students the opportunity to create
collages from internet images. They will submit their work on google classroom at the end of
class if they are complete, or complete their image for homework. I will explain to them that
their works will be published at a later date, therefore they should work very hard and
diligently to keep their sheets neat.
5. [mins] Closure:

Every student will receive a post it while they are working on their image. They will then
write down on the post it one attribute they learned about communities of unique voices.
They will post their post it notes on the wall before leaving. And drop their art of with me
if they have completed them.

Differentiated Instruction to accommodate one or more of my profiled students:

(This is where you identify specific aspects of this lesson which have been differentiated in order
to address the needs of one or more of your profiled studentsidentify them by name)
- The brain dump activity is suited for Samuel who has difficulty expressing himself in
whole class discussion. He has also been given the opportunity of writing his responses
down in his journal in order to participate. I will also pair him with Natalie, and ELL
student who shies away from whole class discussions.
- Natalie will have the opportunity to work with Samuel in small discussions. They will be
paired and will discuss answers together before contributing to whole class discussions. I
will also be stopping by Natalies desk to ask her what New Years Eve looks like in
France. I will give her the option of sharing with the class or writing it down for me. This
will enable her to make connections between what she knows and what is being presented
to her.

Materials Needed (list):

- Computer
- Doc Cam
- Individual student computers (depending on how they choose to create their art piece).

Materials Appendix:
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Appendix C

Appendix A: Four Box Graphic Organizer

Directions: In the four boxes, write down anything you know or what comes to mind when you
think of the word written in the box. This is just a brainstorming activity. There are no right or
wrong answers.

Voices Communities

Unique Different

Appendix B: Observations
Name______________________________________ Date___________________

My Observations: 1.


My Partners Observations: 1.

What do you think the movie is about?






Appendix C:
Name______________________________________ Date___________________

Directions: Each time we watch the trailer of the film, read the direction on each step and write
down your thoughts.

1. Count how many celebrities you can recognize. If you cannot recognize any, watch and
make as guess as to how many main characters there are in the film.

2. There are many characters because communities have many voices. But why do these
people form a community. Watch the clip again and try to identify what makes them a

3. Now that we know communities are interdependent, identify what you think builds a
positive community of multiple voices. Actions, speech, or anything else you can see.
Why is this a happy community and not a sad one?

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