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Data retreat notes:

10/13/2016, 1/26/2017 and 1/27/2017

Grade 2: 22 students

Wyatt is doing much better overall. No behavior issues in general class-- some in SLD setting.
More effort is noticed with him. Not having school with snow days has been an issue with his

Reid Weber is doing great!

Mia Weber-- Discusses moving a lot-- Her progress has been a concern. She wants to do well
and has a lot of baggage. Support for social-emotional

Nick Gosda- Tons of growth! Classroom behavior continues to be a concern. Handwriting

without Tears book sent home. His handwriting is a concern-- very difficult to read. Attendance
is an issue-- he has missed 14 days-- PM shows he is on track.

Hunter White, Nick Gosda, and Wyatt Yoose-- Double dose--

Sound partners (30 minutes), Fundations level 1-- (30 minutes)
Hunter Whites ORF is very low-- instructional oral reading level (60% accuracy) consider
adding a HS tutor to read with him for 10 minutes a day.

Preston Wunderlin--progress is slow He does not like to be singled out. Independent work is
a concern- he needs a lot of guidance. He is afraid to be wrong. He is on reading assistant, but
not sure this is a good intervention for him. He is using RA the way it is intended...PALS show
he is not on track either.

Consider Preston, Nick, And Wyatt for Sound Partners and Move Hunter in an individual group
for Fundations Tammy will call Prestons dad ask for a meeting to set up Title one intervention
with Sound Partners (flagged on all of PALS) Hunter will have a tutor during a daily 5 time
(reading practice and sight word practice--- ) New group-- Wyatt Y, Nick, and Preston (8;10)--
Hunter (9:40) on his own with Fundations--

Reading Data observations:

8 kids showing a need for intensive intervention (2 are special educations)
Sound Partners: Hunter, Nick, Preston, Wyatt E
Preston is doing very well--
Wyatt Emler is biggest concern.. He can become a behavior problem
Problem Solving team needed for Wyatt E.
Reid and Wyatt Yoose not getting intervention
Reid is reading a ton Fluency 105 after practice--
Classroom seem to be sufficient at this time
Wyatt Yoose will join Sound Partners
7 kids are at or above the 90th%tile
Mini lesson with whole group, daily 5 choice, mini lesson, daily 5, (4 groups) MTW
Need for kids to get Intensive Intervention (Fundations--- 9:10-10:55)
Possibly meet with second high group during CC-- 8:10-8:40 so during classroom
instruction daily 5 another block could open 3 days a week (FCCR phonics info)
Re-assess needs/progress at end of quarter; schedule meeting with Wyatt E. mom

Kindergarten: 15 students (Cassie doing CC 9:40-10:10-- reteach with Jolly Phonics)

Shannon Pishion-- very advanced in reading (MAP 99%tile)

Schedule problem solving meeting to discuss how to meet needs
Shannon is moving forward and taking AR quizzes-- Strong growth in

No students scored below 25%tile-- no students below 25th other than Weston. He has
been referred for SPL-- and will begin intervention of Phonemic Awareness
Students who are popping up-- Norah Post, Isabelle Warren, Weston Glasson and
Peyton Quisenberry-- Izzy, Weston, Peyton and Lane Leffler-- Lisa will do a PA group
8:45-9:10 on Mondays and Fridays-- Melanie will contact parents
Classroom asst. Show beginning sounds is an issue
During classroom centers, Melanie will amp up phonemic awareness for these
kiddos-- Progress monitor with DiBELS at the end of first quarter
If not adequate progression will move onto PRESS Interventions
Lane Leffler has not been flagged but processing/hearing is a concern-- Look at
getting hearing checked with nurse
Concerned with behaviors more than academics
Rylee Simonini
Tantrums and does not like to be told no
12:45 she gets a bit grumpy-- look at building in a break around this time
Problem solving meeting scheduled
Rylee has improved a lot over the course of the 1st semester.
Behavior plan has been effective. Only one outburst since
Xmas break.
Weston Glasson- Speech referral initiated
First time in school so he needs a lot of teach/reteach
Melanie will build discussion of character into her morning and afternoon meeting
Math: Rylee S has popped up
-- however it is believed this is due to missing class instruction due to outbursts early..
This has improved so expect ach. To follow. Melanie is doing reteaching as needed.
First Grade:
15 students

Dani Johnson and Gabby Grovenburg-- both flagged on PALS, but MAP show strong growth.
(Both in intervention) Seeing Stars is working for these two.

Cassie will continue to go into math to assist in Chieftain Challenge

Dani, Tony, and Kylie currently in intervention (Stepping Stones-- 3 lesson left)
After Stepping Stone is completed Dani, Mason, Gabby pulled into Seeing Stars. This
will start by Oct. 24.
Hold a problem solving meeting for Dani
Watch Kinley McCorkle--

Harmony Reynolds-- Revisit some things with Dana
Jessa Caley-- some trouble focusing--
Behaviors-- no big ones

5th grade:
20 students

Winter Discussion:
Phonics is needed in lower elementary. Some students not having the skills needed to be
efficient decoders and this interferes with comprehension. Fawn has been reading the book
Reading at the Speed of Sight. This has left an impression that more phonics is needed in
younger grades. Wonders a a resource is questionable with phonics instruction. Fundations
takes too much time for whole a class. We need a more concentrated and sequential resource
for phonics instruction

Biggest concerns:

Aubrey Warren-- She is a distraction to Julies reading group right now. Focus and attention are
an issue. Using a computer tutoring program at home. She does not apply what is taught in
intervention to her reading of texts. She is getting a lot accommodations and supports She
has met her AR goal. She is social and gets distracted by these things. She is inconsistent with
progress monitoring. She has improved 30 cwpm since fall. Reading around 90 cwpm. 99 SGP
on fall to winter MAP. In class does well with teacher led comprehension checks than weekly
book tests. She is showing lots of growth and really benefits from the direct instruction with OG
from Julie

Reanna Pink-- Regressing behaviorally and academically. She is very negative. Need a
problem solving meeting-- She does not demonstrate adequate phonics skills. When she
comes to a word she does not know she does not know how to attack it. She can fluently until
she comes to a word she does not know. Comprehension is a concern. VV is current
intervention. She struggles with visualization a great deal. Behavioral part of things needs to
be our first issue to tackle in problem solving-- This is biggest barrier. She has a hard time
working with others and is very argumentative. Persistence and Grit are concerns. She
struggles to work independently and wants teacher guidance and assistance. Grandma living
with the family. She was diagnosed with cancer. There has not been a significant change in her
attitude since this time. Past teachers report similar concerns-- starting in second grade. All
indicators suggest academics are progressing as expected-- PM is off the charts for DAZE, and
SGP of 86 in reading for MAP; 47 SGP 47 in Math--

Chloe Capps- Doing adequate with VV-- She is stronger with visualization than Reanna.
Extension has been signed. Will work to get back into study group habit next few weeks. IEP
meeting will be scheduled Early March to review SLD criteria.

Wyatt Udelhoven-- Emotional component to his school performance. Daytons behavior impacts
his behavior-- Study Group will be moved and revamped and hope to see this make a positive
impact for him. He had accessed Tales to Go but has lost interest in this. He is a nice boy, but
avoids reading. He is good in math--MAP scores do not reflect this- when he puts in the effort
he does do fine. Attention issues are a concern-- He blurts out in class and is easily distracted.
He did get glasses and is wearing them more consistently.

Gavin, Wyatt, Reanna are a group in class that focuses on word structure and decoding.
Increasing this time from one day a week to two days a week.

Girls lunch bunch-- one day a week on Fridays (had been happening twice a week)
Discussion around the idea of mindfulness with this group of kiddos

Willy Yager-- Study group refocus for him;

Erin Potter-- Group with kids who need more phonics work She is strong in math and has a
good memory-- Fawn will move her to the group that focuses more on phonics twice a week.

Cassie is working with Reanna and Chloe (adding Wyatt and Willy)

Autum Reuter-- Math concerns. Fawn is working with her after school. We will look into having
her join her after school study group. Have a meeting with Grandma ahead of time before
starting this to lay out expectations

CC is being used for groups--

10 students below 50%tile; 10- above 50%tile Math

9 students below %0%tile; 11 -above 50%tile -- Reading
Current Intervention
with Cassie: Press (Chloe, Erin, Aubrey, Willy
DIBELS- Erin Potter, Chloe Capps, Reanna Pink, Wyatt Udelhoven, Aubrey Warren,
Gavin Wunderlin
Kids needing more intensive intervention:
Chloe Capps-- Attentions and focus is a concern. We need to a problem
solving--VV to start no later VV
Press Intervention with Cassie currently
Wonders comprehension strategy and fluency work
She is low across the board
She seems happy and at ease--- does not appear anxious
Consider a BASC or Connors
Accurate by slow reader
Aubrey Warren-- needs OG direct, explicit instruction-- Fawn will call mom
Wyatt Udelhoven--needs eyes examined;
Gavin Wunderlin- F and P level needed
Will Yager--phonics-- 9 errors on a reading passage--mostly high frequency
words-- Fand P level needed
Reanna Pink--needs comprehension-- VV
Meet next Thursday 11:15 to review F and P

Grade 4
34 students

12 kids below benchmark-Reading

4 kids with Julie (Kayla, Dawson, Haylie White, Willy Reuter
Addie, Brooklyn, Joe Haas, Kaitlyn Horner, Delaney , Callie Potter, Konnor
Spitzack, Laura Traver, Hailey Wunderlin
Cassie see Kaitlyn, Konnor and Laura (Wilson)

Hailey, Delaney, and Konnor will do Reading Asst. (fluency 3-5 days a
Cassie will see Brooklyn, Kaitlyn, and Laura T.
Addie, Joe and Kalie-- support in classroom

14 students below benchmark

Pre-teach during CC just started 4
Sum Dog and Extra Math are other resources
Winter Notes
Brooklyn Grovenburg-- Wilson Reading (1st quarter) changed to Seeing Stars
January 2-- need to continue-- She is very low across the board and has some
emotional concerns. She is a worrier and has a hard time staying focused.
Monitor for SLD-- and initiate referral if no progress with Seeing Stars.
Joe Haas, Kallie Potter, Konnor Spitzack (Chieftain Challenge group for
Hailey Wunderlin--continue with reading asst.
Fade intervention from Addie
Kids who are not doing well but suspect his a result of social and emotional
issues: Ryleigh Kirk (emotional regulation plan in place), Austyn Olsen (Molly is

Discussion notes-- Brett and Alyssa feel they need to slow down on the amount of content and
focus more on depth and skills-- give more practice and create more stamina for reading. Also,
discussed providing more feedback about just right books and ensuring independent reading
time is spent with Just right books They will also begin exploring LIt groups with students.

Math: Students of concern--Brooklyn Grovenburg-- Need a parent conference Julie is planning

to change Willys math services and will include Brooklyn. 15 minutes at 2:20-2:35 to work on
filling gaps three days a week (W, TH, FR)

Pre-teach/Re-teach -- Mia, Brooklyn, Kaitlyn, Allie, Miranda, Laura T. Konner Spitzack, Kallie
Potter, Ryleigh Kirk, Addie Emler, Haylie White, Joe Haas-- Delany McKillip

EXtra Math and Sum Dog also available

Third Grade:
19 students

8 kids below benchmark (Reading)

Carter, Connor, John, Ava, Lacy
Mattie, Garrett, Emma, Constantine, Jordan, Tristan, Tessa
Current interventions:
Cassie has Connor, Constantin with Foundations--Still need this, but MAP asst.
Was very low. PM data for Connor shows limited progress as well. Classroom
he is doing well with classroom work. Connor has plateaued in Fundations-- We
need a problem solving meeting. Constantin has surpassing Connor with these
skills. We need to give Constantin a bit more time. She is picking up on things in
class as well. Cassie is going add more book reading in her Title one time to
allow more practice with Fundations skills
Carter and Tessa Fundations with Julie-- Tessa no longer needs Fundations,
Carter is avoiding-- he will be coming by himself for instruction. Tessa will work in
Title One room on Reading Assistant by second week of Feb.
Chieftain Challenge-reteach/pre-teach phonics-- 3 days a week-- John, Ava
Lacey and Jordan, Emma Emma and Jordyn improved a lot-Ava showed
adequate growth-- Lacey and John are of concern-- poor growth and poor achi.
Garrett Brehm and Mattie U. also popped up mid year as a concern
Candice will group Lacey, John, Garrett and Mattie to focus on vocab
and info. Text. She will also look at MAP data for specific areas of reteach
-- Also look at providing explicit modeling for thinking about thinking and
self-monitoring (metacognition)
Carter Bierman showing more avoidance behaviors: Losing a lot of academic
minutes with using the bathroom need to address with parents at IEP on 1/31
Change Chieftain Challenge time to Words their Way phonics-- Not sure if this
will continue-- Many students are meeting goals, but with the time needed to
differentiate the lists for students we nott sure results are sufficient
Problem solving mtg needed for Constantin due to hearing concerns and

6 students (math)
John, Garrett, Logan, Lacy, Tessa, and Constantin
Constantin, Lacy, Connor Emler-- Candice has talked with mom about
Lacy--Retention of information is a concern. She is good with learning one
way of doing things, but struggles when lots of strategies are given.
Grouping math will focus on strategies that work well and reteaching
those strategies as needed.
John, Logan, Connor Robbins-- These three do well in classroom just did
not test well. Attention is an issue for John and Connor
Sum Dog and Extra Math are also available
Lacy, Tess and Constantin benefit from re-teaching or double dosing when this
happens they reach adequate proficient-- Time needed (2:05-2:35) reteach time

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