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Spiritualism is a religious system of thinking based on the idea

that we are all to form our personal relationship with God through
the guidance we receive as a result of the spiritual progression. It
recognizes no savior in particular and it strives to understand the
physical, mental and spiritual laws of nature.
Most of us do not know why we have taken this birth, why we are
leading these lives, what happens after death or what the ultimate
goal of our lives is, but a spiritual person knows the answers to all
these questions.
We are descended of a huge source of energy that divides itself
into small quantities and creates the physical body that starts
doing some karma (actions) which determine different experiences
that will have an impact upon our level of consciousness.
A spiritual person will never concentrate on its body but rather on
the purification of the mind and soul.
Astrology represents quite an important tool in the manner of
guidance as it can determine whether a person is keen on craving
for worldly pleasures or achieving spiritual heights.
Spiritual growth is indicated by the planets among which Jupiter is
considered the most benefic one as it gives material wealth and
spiritual progress.
Numerology, also, plays its part in this mysterious side of the
world. Numerology is the study of numbers, and the occult
manner in which they reflect certain aptitudes and character
tendencies, as an integral part of the cosmic plan. These numbers
show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates,
and where talents may lie and are often used when an important
decision is to be made.
The ultimate important belief of a spiritual person in the concept
of reincarnation. This person knows that life never actually ends
as the energy we are made of transcends time and takes new
shapes every time another cycle of life begins.
It is believed that there are 9 lives we are supposed to live and
each one comes with a lesson that must be learned otherwise the
progress will not take place. This concept is bonded to
numerology as it determines which life we are living. Our wisdom
is thought to increase along with progress we make. Those who
are living the first life are inclined to be more superficial and
insecure while those who are living the ninth live are meant not to
be attached to material things as they are closer to God and so they
are usually considered by the others not lucky enough.
In conclusion, spiritualism is a mysterious but fascinating land to
explore as long as we are open minded and accept that there is
more in this world than what we can see and that we are only tiny
pieces of a much bigger picture.


Irimescu Daniela
12 E

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