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Aunt Agather and the French Chef Phrasal verbs with go

My Aunt Agather is looking for a boyfriend. I suggested a friend who is a chef. She said he once went out
with a chef. She didnt want to go through that experience again. She has met him the year before. His name
was Jean-Paul, he was a famous French Chef. She wanted to impress him but she didnt know anything about
cooking so she went on a cookery course. On the first day she bought the necessary ingredients for the first
lesson, some milk. It was very expensive, the price had gone up! Prices are always going up, she thought.
And when she opened the carton, she realised it had gone off! Then the teacher arrived! It was her boyfriend.
She decided to carry on. He went through the first recipe. This is a famous English recipe that goes back to
the Romans. Explained Jean-Paul. It was very complicated. Aunt Agather knew she could never make it.
Then the teacher went out of the room. She suddenly had an idea. She stuck her fork into the electric socket.
Bang! The lights went out, and then the alarms went off. Then the sprinklers went off. It was chaos. Aunt
Agather never went back to the cookery class and she never saw Jean-Paul again.

Exercise 1. Match the phrasal verb with the definition

1. Go through an experience a. Have an experience

2. Go off (alarm, bomb, lights) b. Explode(Bomb), become unlit (lights), start
3. Go out with someone working (alarm)
4. Go on a course/trip c. Return
5. Go up (prices) d. Do a course, have a trip
6. Go back to somewhere e. Examine an exercise or exam from beginning to end
7. Go back to the eighteenth century f. Become sour, not fresh
8. Go through an exam g. Leave a room
9. Go off (milk) h. Be the boy/girlfriend/partner of someone
10. Go out of a room/building i. Have its historical origin in (the eighteen century)
j. Increase, rise (intransitive)

Read through the story with a partner and see if you can remember which verbs go in each gap.

My Aunt Agather is looking for a boyfriend. I suggested a friend who is a chef. She said he once
________ a chef. She didnt want to ________ that experience again. She has met him the year before.
His name was Jean-Paul, he was a famous French Chef. She wanted to impress him but she didnt know
anything about cooking so she ________ a cookery course. On the first day she bought the necessary
ingredients for the first lesson, some milk. It was very expensive, the price had________! Prices are
always________, she thought. And when she opened the carton, she realised it had________! Then the
teacher arrived! It was her boyfriend. She decided to carry on. He ________ the first recipe. This is a
famous English recipe that ________ to the Romans. Explained Jean-Paul. It was very complicated.
Aunt Agather knew she could never make it. Then the teacher ________ of the room. She suddenly had
an idea. She stuck her fork into the electric socket. Bang! The lights________, and then the
alarms________. Then the sprinklers________. It was chaos. Aunt Agather never ________ to the
cookery class and she never saw Jean-Paul again.
Uncle Bob goes flat hunting Phrasal verbs with Look

I really admire my Uncle Bob, Ive always looked up to him as someone I can go for advice. What is
nice that now and then he comes to me. My Uncle Bob is looking for a new flat. He spent the weekend
looking through the newspapers trying to find something in his price range. He decided he needed some
advice so he looked up my phone number in his address book and gave me a ring. The next day we spent
the afternoon looking at some possibilities on the outskirts of San Sebastian, in a suburb called Renteria.
He was looking for a bargain but I told him to look out for flats which needed a lot of work. doing. In
every flat we looked over the electrics and the plumbing. All the flats we saw were quite pricey so we
looked into the possibility of getting a mortgage from the bank. In the end we managed to find the
perfect flat and Uncle Bob is really looking forward to moving in. It was pricey but I think Uncle Bobll
look after it well.

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Exercise 1. Match the phrasal verbs with the definition:

1. Look up to someone a. Take care of (a baby, plant)

2. Look for b. Try to find
3. Look through a newspaper c. Try to find a telephone number in a book
4. Look up a telephone number d. Investigate
5. Look at (possibilities) e. Wait with anticipation (Christmas)
6. Look out for f. Go and see before something (buying it)
7. Look over (a report, plumbing) g. Read quickly for the main points
8. Look into h. Keep a careful watch for
9. Look forward to i. Value someones opinions (especially someone
10. Look after older)
j. Look at and check to see if it is okay

Exercise 2. Read through the story with a partner and see if you can remember which verbs go in each

I really admire my Uncle Bob, Ive always ____________ him as someone I can go for advice. What is
nice that now and then he comes to me. My Uncle Bob is ________ a new flat. He spent the weekend
________ the newspapers trying to find something in his price range. He decided he needed some advice
so he ________ my phone number in his address book and gave me a ring. The next day we spent the
afternoon __________ some possibilities on the outskirts of San Sebastian, in a suburb called Renteria.
He was looking for a bargain but I told him to ________ flats which needed a lot of work. doing. In
every flat we _______ the electrics and the plumbing. All the flats we saw were quite pricey so we
________ the possibility of getting a mortgage from the bank. In the end we managed to find the perfect
flat and Uncle Bob is really ___________ moving in. It was pricey but I think Uncle Bobll
_____________ it well.

Exercise 3. In pairs, ask each other these questions. You must use the phrasal verbs in your answer,
and you must both answer the question.

1. Who do you look up to?

2. Do you like to look through a newspaper or magazine before reading it, or do you just start on page
one and go through it?
3. If you have to look up a telephone number, where do you look?
4. What typical mistakes should students look out for when checking a written composition?
5. What are looking forward to? Holidays, Christmas,?
6. Have you ever or do you often have to look after a child or animal for someone?

Exercise 4. Add the correct phrasal verb in the correct form, to the following examples. Be careful to
add any pronouns where necessary. Write the answer in the margin only so you can reuse this exercise
again and again.

1. I told the boss about the problem. She said she would _______ it when she had time.
2. If we go to the cinema, maybe Frank could _______ the children for a few hours.
3. If you __________ this picture very hard, you can actually see that it is a copy.
4. Uncle Gerry was someone I always ____________ . He always had such good advice.
5. After a series of local burglaries, the police are asking the public to _____ for any suspicious
people in their neighbourhood.
6. If you want the information I can ___________ on the computer in no time.

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7. Did you get a chance to __________________ that book I lent you? I think youll like it.
8. Im ___________________ the holiday. Two weeks in Greece, I cant wait!
9. Can I help you? Yes, Im __________________ a summer dress."
10. I ______________________ the wallet everywhere but I couldnt find it.

Exercise 5. Key word sentence transformations

Rewrite the first sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence, using the key word. You must not
change the key word in any way.

Example: Angela started to smoke when she was twelve.


Answer: Angela took up smoking when she was twelve.

1. When you buy things in a market, you have to be careful of cheap imitations
When you buy something in a market you _____________________________________

2. My boss checked the plans but seemed to think they were ok.
My boss ________________________________________________________________

3. A man has claimed that his boss assaulted him. The police are investigating it.
A man has claimed that his boss assaulted him. The police ________________________

4. Although I respected my father, it was my uncle who I really admired.

Although I respected my father, it was _________________________________________

5. If you dont know the telephone number, you could try to find it in his address book.
If you dont know the telephone number, _______ ________________________________

6. The neighbours have said they would take care of the dog while we are away.
The neighbours ____________________________________________________________

7. I read the catalogue quickly but I didnt see anything that caught my eye.
I ________________________________________________________________________

8. Im really excited about seeing her after all this time.

Im ______________________________________________________________________
The Argument Phrasal verbs with make

Aunt Agather phoned my Uncle. She said she wanted to stay for a few days. He said he could make up
the spare bed, or make up the futon in the sitting room. She couldnt make up her mind which she

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preferred, the futon or the spare bed. After an hour he got a bit annoyed. They had an argument and she
hung up. But she likes Uncle Bob so she decided to make up. She drove to see him, but she got held up
in a traffic jam. So she drove fast to try to make up time. Then she realised she was being followed. The
car had some letters on it, but she couldnt make them out. Pol...Poli... what was it. The police car
stopped her. Aunt Agather panicked; she decided to make up a story to explain why she had been
speeding. She made out she was a doctor. Im a doctor She explained I was going to the hospital. Its
an emergency. She showed the policeman her licence, but it was a very bad photocopy. He couldnt
make it out. Bill, can you make this out, what does it say? His partner couldnt make it out either.
What do you make of her, and her story? They eventually decide to let her go. She made for the first
pub to have a big drink. She met Uncle Bob. They soon made up. He offered to buy her a drink. What
would you like, beer of wine? Oh, beer or wine, I dont know, beer or wine, hmmme, I cant make up
my mind. They were there for a long time.

Exercise 1. Match the phrasal verb with the definition

1. Make up a story a. Go in the direction of

2. Make up after an argument b. Invent a story
3. Make up lost time c. Distinguish or see clearly
4. Make for somewhere d. Pretend to be something you are not
5. Make up your mind e. Decide after much thought
6. Make something out f. Recover
7. Make of someone g. Become friends again
8. Make out you are someone or something h. Have an opinion of someone
9. Make up a spare bed i. Prepare a bed not normally used (for a guest)

Read through the story with a partner and see if you can remember which verbs go in each gap.
DO NOT WRITE anything in the gaps. Then you can reuse it again and again

Aunt Agather phoned my Uncle. She said she wanted to stay for a few days. He said he could
__________ the spare bed, or make up the futon in the sitting room. She couldnt __________ which
she preferred, the futon or the spare bed. After an hour I got a bit annoyed. They had an argument and
she hung up. She decided to__________, so she drove to see him, but she got held up in a traffic jam. So
she drove fast to try to __________ time. Then she realised she was being followed. The car had some
letters on it, but she couldnt __________ them __________. Pol..........Poli....... what was it? The
police car stopped her. Aunt Agather panicked, she decided to __________ a story to explain why she
had been speeding. She __________ she was a doctor. Im a doctor She explained I was going to the
hospital. Its an emergency. She showed the policeman her licence, but it was a very bad photocopy. He
couldnt __________ it__________. Bill, can you __________ this__________, what does it say? His
partner couldnt ____ it out either. What do you __________her, and her story? They eventually
decide to let her go. She __________ the first pub to have a big drink. She met Uncle Bob. They
soon__________. He offered to buy her a drink. What would you like, beer of wine? Oh, beer or
wine, I dont know, beer or wine, hmmme, I cant__________. They were there for a long time.

Uncle Bobs new assistant Phrasal verbs with Take

Uncle Bobs company was taken over by a big multi-national. He had to take on more work, and take
on a lot more responsibility. All the paperwork began to take up too much time, so he bought a
computer. But it immediately broke down so he took it back. Then he had an idea, he decided to take on
a new assistant. Wendy was very nice, he immediately took to her. On here first day he gave her lots of
instructions and told her to take down everything he said. But there was too much information, she
couldnt take it all in. Poor Wendy. So Bob gave her a different job, taking care of the accounts.
Everything went well for the first month, then one day Wendy didnt turn up for work. Bob called her
home, but there was no answer. She had disappeared. Then the bank manager rang. Wendy had
disappeared, and so had all the money from Uncle Bobs bank account! Poor Uncle Bob had been
completely taken in by Wendy. The police are still looking for her.

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Match the phrasal verb with the definition

1. Take to someone a. Like someone the first time you meet

2. Take up time b. Take control
3. Take over c. Employ someone new
4. Take someone in d. Understand and remember information
5. Take on responsibility e. Return something because it is faulty or
6. Take care of something or someone borrowed
7. Take in information f. Expend time doing something
8. Take on staff g. Look after someone or deal with a matter (Bills,
9. Take something back to a shop an enquiry)
10. Take down information in writing h. Have more responsibility or work
i. Make a note of something in writing
j. Deceive someone into believing something that
isnt true

Read through the story with a partner and see if you can remember which verbs go in each gap.
DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING! Then you can reuse it again and again.

Uncle Bobs company was __________ by a big multi-national. He had to __________more work, and
__________ a lot more responsibility. All the paperwork began to __________too much time, so he
bought a computer. But it immediately broke down so he __________ it__________. Then he had an
idea, he decided to __________ a new assistant. Wendy was very nice, he immediately __________ her.
On here first day he gave her lots of instructions and told her to __________ everything he said. But
there was too much information, she couldnt __________ it all__________. Poor Wendy. So Bob gave
her a different job, __________ of the accounts. Everything went well for the first month, then one day
Wendy didnt turn up for work. Bob called her home, but there was no answer. She had disappeared.
Then the bank manager rang. Wendy had disappeared, and so had all the money from Uncle Bobs bank
account! Poor Uncle Bob had been completely __________ by Wendy. The police are still looking for
Cousin Charlie visits the Zoo Phrasal verbs with Get

I get on with my cousin Charlie. The problem is I dont get on with his kids. He is a single parent. They
are always getting up to something as soon as your back is turned. But they never get into trouble, they
always get away with it. They are very clever! Anyway, Charlie came to visit. He said being a single
parent was getting him down. I said he should get out more. I offered to baby-sit while he went out. Big
mistake! They asked me to take them to the zoo. I refused because its so expensive, but they managed to
get round me. They always know how to get round me, Im too soft! So we all got on the bus, and got
off in front of the zoo. I told them to meet me at the caf in one hour. Dont get up to anything! I said.
The zoo was very peaceful. The peace lasted about ten minutes. Suddenly there were people shouting,
screaming, police sirens. The Kids. Yes, they had managed to get into the lions enclosure and the lions
had escaped. Unfortunately the kids fell into the pool and got pneumonia. The doctor said they would
soon get over the illness. I dont think i will ever get over the experience. Exercise 1. Match the phrasal
verb with the definition

1. Get on with someone a. Enter a bus, or train

2. Get over an illness or bad experience b. Leave a bus or train
3. Get into somewhere c. Persuade or convince someone to do something
4. Get away with something d. Have a good relationship with someone
5. Get on a bus/train e. manage to enter somewhere
6. Get off a bus/train f. Do something (naughty)
7. Get round someone g. Be told off because of your actions
8. Get up to something bad h. Recover from
9. Get into trouble i. Make someone depressed
10. Get someone down j. Do something bad and not get caught

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Read through the story with a partner and see if you can remember which verbs go in each gap. DO NOT
WRITE ANYTHING. Then you can use it again and again.

I _________ my cousin Charlie. The problem is I dont _________ his Kids. He is a single parent. They are
always _________ something as soon as your back is turned. But they never _________ trouble, they
always _________ it. They are very clever! Anyway, Charlie came to visit. He said being a single parent was
_________ him _________. I said he should _________ more. I offered to baby-sit while he went out. Big
mistake! They asked me to take them to the zoo. I refused because its so expensive, but they managed to
_________ me. They always know how to _________ me, Im too soft! So we all _________ the bus, and
_________ in front of the zoo. I told them to meet me at the caf in one hour. Dont _________ anything! I
said. The zoo was very peaceful. The peace lasted about ten minutes. Suddenly there were people shouting,
screaming, police sirens. The Kids. Yes, they had managed to _________ the lions enclosure and the lions
had escaped. Unfortunately the kids fell into the pool and got pneumonia. The doctor said they would soon
_________ the illness. I dont think I will ever get over the experience.
Uncle Bobs new dog Phrasal verbs with Put

My Uncle Bob wanted to buy a dog but it was rather expensive so he had to put some money by every month for
a year. Last week he bought the dog and to celebrate he took it to a restaurant he knew in London. Bobs sister
lives in London and has a spare room so she put them up for the weekend. The restaurant was rather expensive.
He noticed they had put the prices up. Anyway, Bob had the chicken and Rover had the steak. They had a very
good meal but the next day Rover became ill. He new he should have taken it to the vet but he put it off and he
put it off. In the end Bob took the dog to the vet. The dog had food poisoning and the vet had to put him down!
Bob was furious with the restaurant so he phoned them. He spoke to the secretary who put him through to the
manager. But the manager refused to speak to Bob, said he was busy. Bob said he wasnt going to put up with
that excuse, so he charged out of the house and ran down the street, round the corner and straight into the
restaurant. I demand to see the manager! Shouted Bob, smoking excitedly on his cigarette. Could you put out
your cigarette, its very unhygienic. Replied the secretary. Unhygienic! Cried Uncle Bob What about your
steak! You killed my pedigree dog! He showed her its photo. The secretary simply put him down by saying it
wasnt a pedigree, it was a mongrel! Uncle Bob marched up to the secretaries desk and threw all her papers, pens,
handbag, flowers, all over the room. Ha! Cried Bob, and he walked out of the restaurant. He stood in front of the
restaurant, looked across the road and what do you think he saw on the opposite side of the street? The restaurant
he had been in the night before.

Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions.

1. Put up with something/someone a. tolerate

2. Put something by/aside ( money/time) b. increase prices
3. Put someone up for a night c. extinguish a fire or cigarette
4. Put prices up d. connect by telephone
5. Put something off e. save something for the future
6. Put up with someones behaviour f. Let someone stay the night in your home
7. Put an animal down/ to sleep g. Say negative things about someone
8. Put a cigarette/fire out h. To kill humanely
9. Put someone down by making a derogatory i. Postpone until later
remark j. Discourage someone from doing something
10. Put someone through to someone by phone

Exercise 2. Read through the story with a partner and see if you can remember which verbs go in each gap.

My Uncle Bob wanted to buy a dog but it was rather expensive so he had to _______ some money
______every month for a year. Last week he bought the dog and to celebrate he took it to a restaurant he knew
in London. Bobs sister lives in London and has a spare room so she _______them _______for the weekend.
The restaurant was rather expensive. He noticed they had _______the prices_______. Anyway, Bob had the
chicken and Rover had the steak. They had a very good meal but the next day Rover became ill. He new he
should have taken it to the vet but he _______it _______and he_______ it _______In the end Bob took the dog
to the vet. The dog had food poisoning and the vet had to _______him _______.

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Bob was furious with the restaurant so he phoned them. He spoke to the secretary who _______him _______to
the manager. But the manager refused to speak to Bob, said he was busy. Bob said he wasnt going to
_______that excuse, so He charged out of the house and ran down the street, round the corner and straight into
the restaurant. I demand to see the manager! Shouted Bob, smoking excitedly on his cigarette. Could you
_______your cigarette, its very unhygienic. Replied the secretary. Unhygienic! Cried Uncle Bob What
about your steak! You killed my pedigree dog! The secretary simply _______him _______by saying his dog
wasnt a pedigree but a mongrel! Uncle Bob marched up to the secretarys desk and threw all her papers, pens,
handbag, flowers, all over the room. Ha! Cried Bob, and he walked out of the restaurant. He stood in front of
the restaurant, looked across the road and what do you think he saw on the opposite side of the street? The
restaurant he had been in the night before.
Uncle Bobs new invention Phrasal verbs with Turn

When I woke up on Saturday I didnt realise it was going to turn out to be such an exciting day. While I was
having breakfast, Uncle Bob turned up. He was depressed because his application to join the Mad Inventors
Society had been turned down. He had a new invention, super strength machine, which could turn a
poodle into a hunting dog. To cheer him up I suggested we visit the Inventors Exhibition at the town Hall.
We went in my car and after five minutes we had to turn back, Bob had forgotten his invention! Anyway,
we finally arrived but we were turned away because it was full. So we climbed in through the window.
Uncle Bob saw Bill Gates with his pet dog, and decided to show him his new invention. He put the dog
inside the machine. Uncle Bob turned the machine on and we waited. Nothing happened. The machine was
upside-down! So he turned the machine over. We waited. Nothing happened. Uncle Bob turned up the
power. Nothing. So he turned it up even more. Nothing. Finally Bob turned the machine off and took out
the dog. Suddenly there was a bang, and the dog turned into a huge ten-foot monster. AAAHHH!!!
Shouted everyone. Everyone started running in all directions, screaming, and shouting. It was a disaster! But
the story has a happy ending, because the experiment turned out to be a success. A businessman who
wanted to create more effective guard dogs bought the machine. It was exactly what he was looking for!

Exercise 1. Match the phrasal verbs to the definitions

1. Turn out
2. Turn up power/volume
3. Turn into
4. Turn back
5. Turn up unexpectedly
6. Turn down
7. Turn on
8. Turn off
9. Turn over
10. Turn away

a. Change into, become

b. Reject
c. Press button to stop working (light, TV)
d. Press button to start working (light, TV)
e. Become upside-down
f. Increase volume
g. Decrease volume
h. Not be allowed to enter (A disco)
i. Arrive unexpectedly or after a lot of time
j. Be, in the end (And not what you had expected

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Exercise 2. Read through the story with a partner and see if you can remember which verbs go in each gap.

When I woke up on Saturday I didnt realise it was going to ______to be such an exciting day. While I was
having breakfast, Uncle Bob _________. He was depressed because his application to join the Mad
Inventors Society had been ______. He had a new invention, super strength machine, which could _______
a poodle ______ a hunting dog. To cheer him up I suggested we visit the Inventors Exhibition at the town
Hall. We went in my car and after five minutes we had to _________, Bob had forgotten his invention!
Anyway, we finally arrived but we were _________ because it was full. So we climbed in through the
window. Uncle Bob saw Bill Gates with his pet dog, and decided to show him his new invention. He put the
dog inside the machine. Uncle Bob _____ the machine _______ and we waited. Nothing happened. The
machine was upside-down! So he _______ the machine ______. We waited. Nothing happened. Uncle Bob
___________ the power. Nothing. So he _________ even more. Nothing. Finally Bob ________ the
machine ______ and took out the dog. Suddenly there was a bang, and the dog _______ a huge ten-foot
monster. AAAHHH!!! Shouted everyone. Everyone started running in all directions, screaming, and
shouting. It was a disaster! But the story has a happy ending, because the experiment _________ to be a
success. A businessman who wanted to create more effective guard dogs bought the machine. It was exactly
what he was looking for.

The Photograph Phrasal verbs with Bring

My cousin Charlie has taken up photography. He took some photos for a new local magazine which they are going to
bring out next month. The editor arranged a meeting for May, but they suddenly brought it forward to last week. At
the meeting the editor brought up the subject of the cover of the first issue. They needed a good photo, something
striking. Charlie went off to his car and brought back a selection of photos of local people. There was one
Headmistress of the local secondary school. Charlie thought this would be an excellent choice because it would bring
back memories for the readers. The editor agreed that it would bring back memories, but not necessarily good ones.
Then there was a portrait of the local bank manager. He had been brought in to solve some problems. The problems
had been brought about by the last manager having an affair with the cashier. Finally there was a picture of a really
beautiful woman. This will be a great story Charlie explained She lives in this town, and has a respectable job, but
I have discovered that in fact she isnt a she but a he. She is a man! And he was born in Los Angeles and brought up
by Pamela Anderson. At this point the editor fainted, it was a picture of his fiance. Charlie finally brought him
round with a glass of brandy.

Exercise 1.Match the phrasal verbs with the definitions

1. Bring out an issue of a magazine a. Publish

2. Bring a meeting forward b. Get someone from outside to come and help
3. Bring up a matter in a meeting c. Cause something to happen
4. Bring back something from somewhere d. Return with something (souvenir)
5. Bring back memories e. Raise and educate a child
6. Bring in someone from outside to help f. Move the time of an event forward in time
7. Bring about a result g. Raise or mention a point in a conversation or
8. Bring up someone form birth meeting
9. Bring someone round who has been h. Make you remember certain things
unconscious i. Help someone regain consciousness (after fainting
or being knocked out

Exercise 2. Read through the story with a partner and see if you can remember which verbs go in each gap.

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My cousin Charlie has taken up photography. He has taken some photos for a new local magazine which they are
going to __________ next month. The editor arranged a meeting for May, but they suddenly __________ it
__________ to last week. At the meeting the editor __________ the subject of the cover of the first issue. They
needed a good photo, something striking. Charlie went off to his car and __________ a selection of photos of local
people. There was one Headmistress of the local secondary school. Charlie thought this would be an excellent
choice because it would __________ memories for the readers. The editor agreed that it would __________
memories, but not necessarily good ones. Then there was a portrait of the local bank manager. He had been
__________ to solve some problems. The problems had been __________ by the last manager having an affair
with the cashier. Finally there was a picture of a really beautiful woman. This will be a great story Charlie
explained She lives in this town, and has a respectable job, but I have discovered that in fact she isnt a she but a
he. She is a man! And he was born in Los Angeles and __________ by Pamela Anderson. At this point the editor
fainted, it was a picture of his fiance. Charlie finally __________ him __________ with a glass of brandy.

Exercise 3. In pairs, ask each other these questions. You must use the phrasal verbs in your answer, and you
must both answer the question.

1. When you go on holiday, do you bring things back for family or friends? somewhere
2. Do you have any souvenirs that really bring back memories?
3. If you had to redecorate or rewire your house, would you bring someone in or would you do it yourself?
4. What environmental results might factory and car pollution bring about?
5. If someone fainted, how would you try to bring them round?
6. How big a responsibility is it to have to bring someone up?

Exercise 4. Add the correct phrasal verb in the correct form, to the following examples. Be careful to add any
pronouns where necessary. Write the answer in the margin only.

1. If you go to England, ________ a souvenir from London for me! ...............

2. His illness was ___________ by too much work and not enough sleep. ...............
3. Looking at this old photo album really ____________ happy memories. ...............
4. He is Spanish but he was actually __________ in England. ...............
5. The company decided to ________ the launch of its new product by six months. ...............
6. If we cant solve the problem, we will have to __________ an expert to help us. ...............
7. After being in the meeting for an hour, George _________the matter of the new pay offer. ...............
8. The doctors managed to ____________ the woman after she had fainted. ...............
9. The magazine is going to _____ a special edition to commemorate the Royal wedding. ...............

Exercise 5. Key word sentence transformations

Rewrite the first sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence, using the key word. You must not change the
key word in any way.

Example: Angela started to smoke when she was twelve.


Answer: Angela took up smoking when she was twelve

1. The company wants to publish another issue of the magazine

The company ________________________________________________________________

2. Increased pollution could cause catastrophic results

Increased pollution ____________________________________________________________

3. She was raised by her grandparents after the accident.

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4. The boss decided to advance the date of the meeting to this Thursday
The Boss____________________________________________________________

5. He mentioned the matter in the meeting on Friday.


6. She said she would return from England with that strong cheese he so liked.
She said _______________________________________________________

7. Whenever I look at that photograph I get lovely memories of my childhood in Wales.

Whenever _________________________________________________________

8. The job was too difficult so we got an expert to come and help us.

9. After he fainted, Uncle Bob helped him regain consciousness with some brandy.
After he fainted, Uncle Bob _________________________________________

Dominic Streames 2011 10

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