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What is a significant status that can tell the difference from a child of God, a
nd the opposing nature of a person of this world? We know that its not church go
ers, or religious philosopherâ s, or even those that appear to be fanatics of relig
ion, who in my eyes all tend to be hypocrites, who are not even close to be cons
idered a child of God.
We all know what it truly takes to be a child of God, because we are the
children of God. We not only made the necessary changes in our lives, which inc
ludes obeying to his every commandments, specially to the one where we replenish
our spirit through baptism, and we do everything possible to make that living s
acrifice that our Heavenly Father which He requires of us to have, and do in acc
ordance to his glorious will (Ro.12:1,2) I beseech you therefore brothers, by th
e mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, accepta
ble unto God, which is your reasonable [spiritual] service. And be not conformed
[fashioned according] to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of y
our mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will
of God. We therefore do this not only on the first day of the week, but everyday
of our lives, until the day we die or the day we worship him in our heavenly ho
me (1Pe.2:5) You also, as lively [living] stones, are built up a spiritual house
, an holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus
As a child of God, I offer my advice to any who thinks of making the dec
ision of returning to God, that we must leave the life we once lived and commit
to God more than it is expected of ourselves. Anyone can assume that the sacrifi
ce is but a one time thing, but in reality is a lifetime thing, day after day, n
ight after night, in other words 24/7/365 till infinity.
This childhood can not be bought with anything other than ourselves, and
we know this because we have read about this in the Holy Scriptures, about a ce
rtain man named Simon the sorcerer (Acts8:13-24) the gall and bitterness of anyo
ne who would assume such stupidity. Lets not be naÃ‾ve about this, because it ma
y also be in relation with the idea for those who give generously or perhaps hel
p the poor, thinking that this is their ticket to enter heaven, a terrible misco
nception of Godâ s will.
Lets consider the one fact concerning everything that surrounds a child
of God, in order to make sense of it all, and it is really that simple â Everything
that belongs to God belongs to God without a doubt, so this means that as a chi
ld of God we belong to him, but only if this is done in accordance with his glor
ious will, with no doubt in mind, no going back and forth, no veering off the ri
ght path, but being of strong sound mind. We do everything possible to correct,
reproof, and make all necessary changes using the word of God as our guide (2Ti.
3:16,17) All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doc
trine [teaching], for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect [complete], thoroughly furnished unto all go
od works.
This is something that we as a child of God is already aware of because
we have read this many times over, apart to the many verses that are written, an
d Iâ m sure that a true yokefellow can concur with me on this. Going back to the su
rety of our knowledge that we do belong to our Heavenly Father should be a safe
assumption that we do not mingle with the affairs of this world or this life, b
ecause it is not who we are anymore, and we no longer belong to ourselves. We ha
ve become soldiers of Christ (2Ti.2:3,4) Thou therefore endure hardness [suffer
hardship with me], as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that is at war [no
soldier on service] entangles himself with the affairs of this life: that he may
please him who has chosen [enrolled] him to be a soldier.
We all know exactly what this means, that is, we do not fraternize with
the enemy, because the enemy is always there that can and will pull us away fro
m what we are known as, or should be known as, children of God, again what belon
gs to God belongs to God, unless we or anyone wishes not to be a part of God. Le
ts face it there is absolutely no room for hypocrisy in the glorious realm of Go
d. As a child of God the only affiliation that we must have with this world, is
teach this world about Jesus Christ, to pray for all men and women alike, to rep
rove all evildoers, and to shine as lights in the world using the word of God as
our gavel.
As it is written, redeeming the time, and life is but a gas, it is a vap
or and vanishes in thin air. Well, the key word to everything that consists in a
child of God is obedience. As I have said many times before, we all know that s
in still lingers within us, but we as children of God take that extra step to en
sure our own fate, simply by living a daily sacrifice in our honor towards God.
We at times force ourselves to do the right thing, not to please anybody but God
. Letâ s consider the ultimate example that we have, and the ultimate sacrifice tha
t was made for our behalf that was offered once, and once and for all (Heb.10:10
) By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus
Christ once for all. Paul told the Philippians, by exhorting them to unity and h
umility, by example in Christ (Ph.2:3-8) that being in a lowliness of mind, and
regarding the next person better that yourself is not a bad thing. Also that bei
ng faithful, and obedient is all part of the same sacrifice that we need to alwa
ys have in our frame of mind.
One thing that comes out of the mouth of every human, when they are told
this very issue, is that how can we be as he was (Jesus Christ), knowing that h
e came from God pure and holy, blameless, spotless, and no guile in his mouth; a
nd we being just the opposite of who Christ was or is? Assuming that they are ri
ght, and that there is no comparison as far as our sinâ s are concerned, yet he was
still in human form as we are; and did suffer more than we have even come close
to the suffering that he over came. All is inexcusable, because our Lord and Sa
vior Jesus Christ said, that we all can be as one as they are, in his intercesso
ry prayer to our heavenly Father in (Jo.17:16-26). I tell you what every time I
read John 17, which is our Lords intercessory prayer for us; it always beings te
ars to my eyes, and is very comforting, puts hope where it belongs, in our spiri
t. Its quite visible that the example that our Lord sets for us, is that we to s
hould always pray for each other, and to become as one with them as well. No gre
ater sacrifice has ever been done for anyone than the one that has been done for
the whole world. We all know this, and the whole world is aware of this as well
, and the true sacrifice that was done, was by God to give his only begotten Son
to die for the world.
As well as the sacrifice that Jesus made for all, so that we all may be
saved through him. Other examples of sacrifices that were made, were made by the
Apostles and the first century Christians, who with the assistance of Godâ s Holy
Spirit established the Church and wrote the Holy Scriptures, that we now have th
is day in time. If we are to look at anything up close, and for certain as these
are all examples for us to see what it takes to be a child of God, and to be as
a child of God. Many times I have spoken in my lessons about the Scriptures, ho
w they are there for us to read and learn everything that pertains to our Heaven
ly Father, and how it is used to mold us to the way our Father in Heaven is plea
sed. I truly believe and have all the faith that exists, if we are being molded
by the word of God is because itâ s the Holy Spirit of God that is working in us, f
or us, and towards us to be that better child for our Heavenly Father. I am sure
that every day we can see changes in our lives that werenâ t there before, and we
know why, and have read it many times before (Mat.19:26) With men this is imposs
ible, but with God all things are possible. Another reason as to why we should b
elieve that we are his, he disciplines us to his favor (He.12:5-8) verses 5-7 sp
eaks directly as to what I am speaking about, if we are a child of God, we are d
ealt as a child of God. In verse 8 it also unfolds the reality of the ones that
do not belong to God.
I myself concur with everything that has been said thus far. Reason bein
g is that we are here, listening to the word of God, admonishing and edifying ea
ch other with spiritual, hymns, and songs worshiping our Heavenly Father, doing
everything that is commanded of us. Even if we sacrifice what ever gets in the w
ay or what ever tries to hold us back. Listen here and observe in the words of e
ncouragement that are unfolded from the Word of God; just as the words that writ
e and speak are guided by the Holy Spirit of God.
As a child of God we need to always rely on his help for everything, that is fro
m the biggest to the smallest thing, of what troubles us, or that what He can do
for us! As we know that there isnâ t nothing that is out there that God can do, a
nd also gives some the power of prayer to a righteous man, and through this pray
er they can avail much, seeing that: that person is, as a child of God!
As a child of God we win the victory over death.
As a child of God we prevail in our faithful life to please God.
As child of God we have become joint-heirs with Jesus Christ.
As a child of God we are living life after death.

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