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Compose and Create (CC).

Students will extend their abilities to speak, write, and use other forms of representation to explore and present thoughts, feelings, and
experiences in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Grade Grade Six Grade Seven Grade 8 Grade 9
Outcome: CC6.9 Create a teacher-guided inquiry CC7.2 Create and present a teacher-guided CC8.2 Create and present a group inquiry CC9.2a and CC9.2b Create and present an
Inquiry process project related to a stand on a topic, theme, inquiry project related to a topic, theme, or project related to a topic, theme, or issue individual researched inquiry project related
or issue studied in English Language Arts. issue studied in English language arts. studied in English language arts. to a topic, theme, or issue studied in English
Enduring Finding the answer to a question is a process.
Essential How can I ask the right questions and then find the answers?
Indicators Use a teacher provided inquiry model, directed by Use a teacher provided inquiry model, supported Adapt a teacher provided inquiry model Use an inquiry model independently
teacher by teacher guidance
Use the language of inquiry to examine personal knowledge of and experiences related to a topic to determine information needs. What experiences have I had What do I know?
Activate personal knowledge through a Activate personal knowledge through a Activate personal knowledge to bring to the Independently use a variety of methods to activate
classroom activity such as classroom activity such as collective group knowledge personal knowledge
Brainstorming Brainstorming Collaborative online webbing tools
webbing webbing Reflective skills
Jot notes
Use the language of inquiry to develop general background knowledge I wonder if., What do I want to find out? What do others know?
Explore general sources provided by teacher Explore general sources compiled by the class As a group, determine or create a data collection Individually, determine or create a data collection
Class video Class video tool and the sources to gather general background tool and the sources to gather general background
Short reading Short reading knowledge knowledge
Asking significant others Asking significant others
class KWL chart KWL chart or other data collection tool
Use the language of inquiry to formulate a variety of relevant questions on a topic to establish a purpose for seeking information What inquiry question(s) would focus my task?
Teacher provides essential question and the teacher provides a few essential questions on a group determines the essential questions create essential and guiding questions
class develops guiding questions topic, issue or theme group determines guiding questions
class chooses one essential questions and
develops guiding questions
Create an inquiry plan How will I get answers to my question?
teacher provides the plan that includes: teacher provides the essential components of group determines the essential plan components individual determines the essential components
source types that support the question and the plan and student: with guidance from teacher on the plan, develops the data collection tool, and
their location (web sources, online databases, chooses source types that support the group develops the data collection tool considers the product that best shares their
print, etc.) question and their location (web sources, group considers the product that best shares their response to the questions
the data collection tool where students record online databases, print, etc.) response to the questions
references chooses the data collection tool from those
notes provided by teacher
a pre-determined product that shares the final online, graphic organizers
response to question considers products that best shares their
response to the questions
Locating information Where would I find information and ideas about this topic, question, problem, or issue? How will I access these sources?
Develop ability to identify purposeful key Understand the differences in sources and Use basic features of search tools: Use basic features of search tools:
words to use in search when it is appropriate to use each Computer library catalogue Computer library catalogue
Use basic features of search tools: Use basic features of search tools: Online magazine search engine Online magazine search engine
Computer library catalogue Computer library catalogue Online encyclopedias Online encyclopedias
Online magazine search engine Online magazine search engine Search engines Search engines
Online encyclopedias Online encyclopedias Expand the repertoire of search tools and utilize Expand the repertoire of search tools and utilize
Search engines Search engines advanced features of all search tools, including advanced features of all search tools, including
Expand the repertoire of search tools database search engines database search engines
Search social media ie. blogging, micro blogging
Evaluate information within found sources How do I know if this information is suitable?
Use strategies to initially determine value of Use strategies to initially determine value of Understand triangulation - the comparison of Use triangulation - the comparison of three
source source three different sources to assess accuracy and different sources to assess accuracy and relevance
Skim/scan Skim/scan relevance of ideas and information of ideas and information
Text features Text features Use strategies to initially determine value of Use strategies to initially determine value of
Review and practice the pre-established criteria Review and practice the pre-established criteria source source
to evaluate the currency, relevance, and to evaluate the currency, relevance, and Skim/scan Skim/scan
Match the sharing
reliability format with
of information the audience
sources and purposereliability
in answering of information sources in answering What is the
of the inquiry Textbest way to share my response to the question?
features Text features
a teacher chosen format
or research questions. for sharing based on Choose from a teacher created
inquiry or research questions. list of formats for As a group, jointly choose a format for
Review and practice the pre-established criteria sharing Choose
Review from
andan ever-expanding
practice repertoirecriteria
the pre-established of
audience and purpose
Evaluate the appropriateness of information for sharing based on audience and purpose
Evaluate the appropriateness of information based on audience and purpose
to evaluate the currency, relevance, and reliability formats for sharing based on audience and purpose
to evaluate the currency, relevance, and reliability
Ethical use andaudience
a particular acknowledgement
and purpose of others ideas and words: CC6.2 7,8,9.3 During
for a particular audience and purposeCC6.4 7,8,9.5 How have
of I used
information others
sources inideas to
answering support
inquiry my
or point ofinformation
of view? sources in answering inquiry or
Cite(acknowledging the use of another persons idea and words within presentations
Assess completeness and relevance of ideas and Assess completeness and relevance of ideas and composition using a format
research such as
questions. MLA or APA) research questions.
Use quotation marks
within when using
different sources someone and
quotation marks withinwhen using someone
different sources Evaluate
Appropriately cite in text quotes:
the appropriateness of information for a Evaluate
Give credit
the for ideas as wellof
appropriateness asinformation
directly quoted
for a
elses words elses words and use indentation when using particular
Short quotation
audience marks
and purpose materialaudience and purpose
use and acknowledge other peoples ideas to a longer quote Long - indentation
Using use and acknowledge other peoples ideas to
Takessupport a point
notes using oneoforview
moreincluding non-print
of a variety use and acknowledge other peoples ideas
of note-taking strategies such as: note-taking cards, jot notes, colour to usecoding, graphic organizers,
and acknowledge two-column
other peoples to outline support
ideasnotes, CR .6a point of view including non-print
With (interviews,
teacher directionvideos, pictures, etc.) supporta atool
Selects pointfromof view including
a teacher selected non-print As a group, determine note-taking strategies
support a point of view including non-print to sources
Choose a(interviews,
note-makingvideos, etc.)
strategy to suit purpose
repertoire(interviews, videos, pictures, etc.) sources
meet needs (interviews, videos, etc.) Use different sentence
and personal preference structures to cite
Determine relevance and importance of information in a chosen source Experiment in using different sentence Experiment
Is the information useful andin using different sentence
summarizing major ideas and supporting details structures to cite structures to cite
Paraphrase all the bibliographic data on a separate page at the end using a specified format such as MLA or APA)
Quote that online citation generators Identify, with teacher support, source creators Identify, with support, source creators Independently identify source creators
require meaning
Enhances an understanding of source
by connecting ideascreators
across texts (organization, author, editors, interviews, (organization, connect?
How does my information author, editors, interviews, (organization, author, editors, interviews,
(organization, author,
Formal outline tool editors, interviews, photographer, etc.) for the purpose of using an photographer, etc.) for the purpose of using an photographer, etc.) for the purpose of using an
photographer, etc.) as modeled by teacher online citation generator online citation generator online citation generator
Graphic organizers
Understand that there needs to be an exact Understand that there needs to be an exact Understand that there needs to be an exact match Understand that there needs to be an exact match
web of the sources cited within the match of the sources cited within the of the sources cited within the composition or of the sources cited within the composition or
Identify gaps
composition or presentation and the reference composition or presentation and the reference Do I have enough information to fully
presentation and the reference page answer my question? presentation and the reference page
page gaps in information and collect and gather additional page information Understand the difference between a Understand the difference between a
on andideas,
the knowledge,
synthesize and strategies
information a gatheredto help identify class,the
Understand group, or individual
difference between information
a What is needs and sources
the answer cited page and a bibliography
my question? reference/work cited page and a bibliography
Reflect on question: cited page and a bibliography reference/work cited page and a bibliography
What do we/I thatalready
they understand
know? they own Demonstrate an understanding of the process of Use a process for copyrighting own work Use a process for copyrighting own work
copyright for their own
What have we/I found out? work copyrighting their own work
What did others say? (group discussions, interviews and social media Sharing conversations) How can we prepare a presentation suitable for the purpose, audience, and situation that we identified? Sept.
Construct the final product based on rough draft 27,
What is our/my conclusion?
Present and share with appropriate audience
What is our/my point of view? 2010
Adjust inquiry and research strategies as needed to answer my question.
Reflect on Questions:
What did we learn?
Create andWhatcompose first draft:
new questions dowritten,
I want tostoryboard,
pursue? script, sketch How will I organize the information?
What is left unanswered?
Appropriate technology tools are used throughout the inquiry process to prepare, to find, to use and to share information and ideas
Evidence of Establish criteria for process
Understanding Criteria determined by inquiry project format
Living Sky School Division No. 202

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