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Newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES

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Volume 21 Number 1 March 2010


Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

Introduction: Claudius Lament do (Romans 7:19). This is the thought behind Jesus cau-
tion to us that we Trust not [y]our good intentions. They
In the third act of Hamlet, King Claudius, the protago-
are not enough (T-18.IV.2:1-2). In the workbook, Jesus
nists unclethat incestuous, that adulterate beastis
provides a clear description of this contrast between our
praying, ostensibly to be rid of the guilt over the murder of
words and thoughts, echoing Shakespeares morally-fallen
his brother the king, Hamlets father. Yet the futility of
Claudius efforts is reflected in these words, as he deject-
edly rises from his empty prayer: To say these words [I want the peace of God.] is
nothing. But to mean these words is everything. But
My words fly up, my thoughts remain below:
few indeed have meant them. You have but to look
Words without thoughts never to heaven go (III,iii).
upon the world you see around you to be sure how very
The kings meaning here is that his words of prayer (i.e., few they are (W-pI.185.1:1-2; 2:7-8).
forgiveness) are meaningless and will not rise to Heaven if The purpose of this article, therefore, is to explore the
true intention of thought is not there, which was clearly relationship between our words and thoughts. We begin
absent in the play. with the conflict between them that results from the funda-
Claudius lament is our own, for we are all guilty of mental dishonesty with ourselves, continues with the heal-
the sin of not meaning what we say, our apparently ing of the conflict that comes through being honest with
right-minded words and wrong-minded thoughts being ourselves (and Jesus), and concludes with the ultimate res-
completely discrepant. Indeed, as long as we are bodies olution of all conflict: accepting the One Thought that
we will never totally mean the words that we say. The pro- transcends our little words and thoughts.
testations of love to our Creator must inevitably belie the
hidden hate we keep locked in the vaults of our minds, Words and Thoughts: Dishonesty and Conflict
buried beneath the rubble of guilt and fear that is the foun-
Dishonesty is one of the egos most salient and malev-
dation of the egos thought system. At the same time, our
olent characteristics, and so it is small wonder that Jesus
expressions of disdain, disappointment, and disbelief are
makes honesty the second characteristic of Gods advanced
but the cover for the love we most deeply feel for our
Source, what the text refers to as the attraction of love for
love (T-12.VIII). The peace of mind which the advanced teachers of
These darkened tombs in the mind are what we think God experience is largely due to their perfect honesty.
of as the unconscious. Interestingly, notions of this vast, It is only the wish to deceive that makes for war. No
unknown reservoir of interred thoughts and feelings one at one with himself can even conceive of conflict.
Conflict is the inevitable result of self-deception, and
existed long before Freud put it on the worlds psycholog-
self-deception is dishonesty (M-4.II.2:1-4).
ical map. The artistic intuition of Shakespeare, for
example, probed these mysterious realms, one reason Such teachers are conflict free, as we read:
Freud revered the Bards psychological as well as his liter- At no level are they in conflict with themselves. There-
ary genius. Indeed, without an understanding of the fore it is impossible for them to be in conflict with any-
minds storehouse of guilt and fear, we could never one or anything (M-4.II.1:8-9).
fathom why our consciously sincere prayers never to Yet since very few of us can consider ourselves
heaven go, why, in the words of St. Paul, For the good advanced teachers, Jesus addresses us at the beginner level
that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I
Words and Thoughts (continued)
(the bottom of the ladder [S-1.II]), where we believe we love or hate relationships) are not in harmony with our
are as bodies living in a material universe. When I have unconscious thoughts, be they wrong- or right-minded.
given classes to psychotherapists based upon the pamphlet, The ego is hellbent (literally!) on convincing us that we
Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice, I would are bodies and not minds, whether the latter are filled with
often read these humbling and sobering lines, which easily guilt over the separation, or the innocence of Atonement.
apply to most students of A Course in Miracles as well: Such conflict must always engender fear as it opposes
Most professional therapists are still at the very start of truth, which leads to guilt, for it reminds us of our original
the beginning stage of the first journey. Even those opposition to truth when we told God that His Love was
who have begun to understand what they must do may not enough. And then the terrifying thought follows that
still oppose the setting-out (P-3.II.8:5-6). He will retaliate in wrathful vengeance. Thus we read the
following passage from the manual, in which I substitute
Therefore, a major part of the teaching of A Course in
external conflicts for magic thoughts in the first sen-
Miracles is that right from the beginning, a beginning that
is always present in what is in truth nonlinear time, Gods
Son was dishonest, deceiving himself about his identity as But what will now be your reaction to all external
a mind, and continuing the deception by believing he is a conflicts? They can but reawaken sleeping guilt, which
body. The only workbook lesson that occurs more than you have hidden but have not let go. Each one says
oncethree times, in factis I am as God created me clearly to your frightened mind, You have usurped the
place of God. Think not He has forgotten. And now
(Lessons 94, 110, 162), and the idea is repeated through-
there is no hope. An angry father pursues his guilty
out all three books of the Course. What God created is son. Kill or be killed, for here alone is choice. Beyond
spirit, the nonspatial and atemporal extension of His non- this there is none, for what was done cannot be done
dualistic Self and Will. If this is true, as Jesus emphati- without. The stain of blood can never be removed, and
cally teaches us it is, all thoughts and experiences of our- anyone who bears this stain on him must meet with
selves as bodiesphysical and psychological entities that death (M-17.7:1-4,7,10-13).
exist in the dualistic world of separation and perception
Every one who comes into this dry and dusty world,
must perforce be a lie and thus inherently dishonest.
where starved and thirsty creatures come to die (W-pII.
Imagine, then, what our lives in the world are truly
13:5:1) carries the above horrific thought (the stain of sin)
like. A part of ourselves, the forgotten decision-making
within, and each of us first denies it, and then devises a
mind, always knows that our experienced self and situa-
unique way of expressing it outwardly in the world of spe-
tion are illusory, and that the truth of our reality is else-
cial bodies. We magically believe that the problem of guilt
where (But you, the holy Son of God Himself, are
has been eliminated through projecting it onto others and
unaware of your reality [T-30.III.11; 10]). As Jesus tells
attacking them. Yet projection does not work since ideas
us in Lesson 182:
leave not their source. What is inside the mind remains
This world you seem to live in is not home to you. inside the mind:
And somewhere in your mind you know that this is
true. A memory of home keeps haunting you, as if Ideas leave not their source, and their effects but seem
there were a place that called you to returnyou feel to be apart from them. Ideas are of the mind. What is
an alien here, from somewhere all unknown. an projected out, and seems to be external to the mind, is
exile . No one but knows whereof we speak (W-pI. not outside at all, but an effect of what is in, and has
182.1:1-5; 2:1; italics mine). not left its source (T-26.VII.4:7-9).

Despite this inner remembrance of our Identity, held Consequently, we are stuck with the problem, which
for us by the Holy Spirit in the right mind, our separated means we are possessed by this irreconcilable conflict
lives reflect the exact opposite of what the mind knows to between God and the ego, as we just read in the passage
be true. We live here as bodies in the strange and even per- from the manual for teachers. Since projection makes per-
verse comfort of specialness, having adjusted to a self, ception, the corollary to ideas leave not their source, we
world, and reality that is not our home. What greater con- will believe that what we have projected is really outside
flict could there ever be, wherein our very words and us, and since we cannot see what is in the mind, we are
behavior, especially when they seem to reflect an authen- perpetually living out as bodies the conflict that rages
tic spiritual striving, contradict what our thoughts tell us is within. How could we not then walk the world in a state of
the truth about ourselves? absolute terror? Our vulnerable bodiesphysically and
Thus do we all walk the world in conflict that is inevi- psychologicallyare prey to all manner of dark forces
table, for our conscious words or behavior (in our special

Words and Thoughts (continued)
beyond our control that could extinguish our living light to revert back to their usual judgments and specialness
at any instant, literally and figuratively. concerns. The contrast could not be more starkly dramatic,
One of the manifestations of this conflict between our and guilt must necessarily follow the betrayal of Jesus
thoughts and words or behavior is where we may con- and his course.
sciously think, feel, or desire something, but uncon- All this is easily avoided, however, when the conflict
sciously want the opposite, an example of the Pauline is raised to awareness and we can look upon the problem
syndrome cited above. We read early on in the text: as it is, and not the way that [we] have set it up (T-27.
Fear is always a sign of strain, arising whenever VII.2:2). In switching teachers from the ego to Jesus, from
what you want conflicts with what you do. you can guilt to forgiveness, we choose the honesty of looking at
behave as you think you should, but without entirely the real problem over the dishonest practice of looking for
wanting to do so. This produces consistent behavior, the problem where it is not, and then seeking to find the
but entails great strain.the mind and the behavior are solution where it is not as well.
out of accord, resulting in a situation in which you are
doing what you do not wholly want to do (T-2. Words and Thoughts: Honesty and the End of Conflict
We begin this section on honesty by looking at an
A clear and obviously relevant example would be stu- important passage that states that the problem is not the
dents approach to, and practice of A Course in Miracles. ego thought system per se, but our keeping it hidden, thus
It goes to the heart of the important theme of form and protecting us from the truth. This is the ego practice of
content, the core of the special relationship. The Course ensuring that the real problem of the minds decision for
tells us: guilt never be recognized so it can be chosen against:
Whenever any form of special relationship tempts No one can escape from illusions unless he looks at
you to seek for love in ritual, remember love is content, them, for not looking is the way they are protected.we
and not form of any kind. The special relationship is a [Jesus and the reader] must look first at [the ego] to see
ritual of form, aimed at raising the form to take the beyond it, since you have made it real.And how else
place of God at the expense of content. There is no can one dispel illusions except by looking at them
meaning in the form, and there will never be (T-16.V. directly, without protecting them? (T-11.V.1:1,5; 2:2)
In a more succinctly stated form, a later section on the
If we students of A Course in Miracles were honest, holy instant explains that we are not asked to abandon all
we would recognize that behind the forms of our work ego thoughts, which would seem almost impossible at the
with the Coursestudying the text, practicing the work- early stages of the journey, where Jesus assumes us to be.
book lessons, attending workshops and classes, leading or Rather, we are only asked not to keep these thoughts,
joining groups, etc.often lie the content of our resis- which looking at them with Jesus would surely release:
tance. Recall this earlier quote from the Psychotherapy
The necessary condition for the holy instant does
pamphlet: Even those who have begun to understand not require that you have no thoughts that are not pure.
what they must do may still oppose the setting-out (P-3. But it does require that you have none that you would
II.8:6). In other words, very often the words that protest keep (T-15.IV.9:1-2).
our love for the Course fly up, but our thoughts of fear
remain below. This cannot help but reinforce guilt and Bringing our conflicts and guilt to Jesus is the only
conflict, the hallmark of the special relationship, thereby true honesty possible in the illusory world, the delusional
interfering with our progress on the journey. system of those made mad by guilt ( It is the
For example, I sometimes tell students attending honesty of recognizing the truth of our situation of having
classes at our Foundation about a strange phenomenon chosen the ego over God. This means that we no longer
that seems to occur when they are here. They will sit for tolerate the dishonesty of believing that our problems
hours in classes, dutifully listening, faithfully taking notes, come from somewhere else, wherein we embrace the form
and diligently studying recommended readings from the over the content, the appearance over reality. Looking
Course. No one could doubt their sincerity in learning the again at the description of honesty from the manual for
lessons of forgiveness: giving up judgments and seeing teachers, we read further from the paragraph we cited
everyone as the same. And yet as they leave the audito- above:
rium at the end of a session, it is as if a huge vacuum Honesty does not apply only to what you say. The term
cleaner embedded in the beam over the doorway suddenly actually means consistency. There is nothing you say
sucks their resolve out of their minds, leaving them free that contradicts what you think or do; no thought
opposes any other thought; no act belies your word;
Words and Thoughts (continued)
and no word lacks agreement with another. Such are how we ever were insane enough to accept such a par-
the truly honest (M-4.II.1:4-7). ody and travesty (T-24.VII.1:11; 10:9) of our true Self.
This consistency translates in our everyday life into And yet we did, and still do. Consequently, Jesus
not believing the stories and lies we tell ourselves about pleads with us to be honest with him, to hold nothing back
why we are upset (I am never upset for the reason I from him, which really means from ourselves. And herein
think. [W-pI.5]). Jesus calls for us to have the little will- lies the work of A Course in Miracles. He needs us to look
ingness to look with open eyes at these lies when we prac- openly and honestly at our scraps of fear, for these little
tice the egos deception of believing that the causes of our thoughts of specialness, judgment, and attack are suffi-
problems lie outside us. After his above-mentioned cau- cient to block our awareness of his loving presence in our
tionary words about not trusting our good intentions, Jesus minds. His help, then, would be rendered impotent, for we
says to us: cannot avail ourselves of this wise and loving counsel as
long as we remain ambivalent about our desire to be an
But trust implicitly your willingness, whatever else
ego. Thus he says to us:
may enter. Concentrate only on this, and be not dis-
turbed that shadows surround it (T-18.IV.2:3-4). Watch your mind for the scraps of fear, or you will be
unable to ask me to do so. Watch carefully and see
We can say that the temptation of the world is to what it is you are really asking for. Be very honest with
believe it and its lies. As I have written before in these yourself in this, for we must hide nothing from each
pages (The Lighthouse, June 2006), and have emphasized other (T-4.III.7:5; 8:1-2).
in workshops and classes, we should never truly believe
anyone who tells us that 2 + 2 = 4. Any right-minded per- We demonstrate our honesty with Jesus by doing the
son, following the Underground Man in Dostoevskys short work he asks us to do: we look with open eyes, free from
novel, Notes from Underground, knows that 2 + 2 = 5. In judgment, at the stories and lies our egos tell us. Happily,
other words, the world was established by the lie of sepa- we do not have to be perfect, but we do need the little will-
ration and attack (cf. W-pII.3.2:1-4) and is upheld by the ingness to bring to the right-minded truth our decision to
same lie, now perceived as external to the mind that is its be egos. To repeat:
source. Why, then, believe in the world or anyone who The necessary condition for the holy instant does
supports its foundation of lies and shadows by making the not require that you have no thoughts that are not pure.
error of separation and specialness real? But it does require that you have none that you would
Once the egos illusory premise is accepted as true, keep (T-15.IV.9:1-2).
everything that follows must also be illusory. Remember To be ready to learn to gain access to the truth, there-
our two principles: ideas leave not their source and pro- fore, does not mean we have mastered the process of for-
jection makes perception. This is the argument of Lesson giveness. Indeed, this idea is so important it is stated twice in
76, I am under no laws but Gods, which reflects our the Course (T-2.VII.7; M-4.IX.1:10). Accepting the Atone-
shift from outside to inside, the world to the mind, the illu- ment through forgiveness is a process, which is why at the
sion to the truth. Jesus continually returns to this shift in close of the workbooks one-year training program, we are
perception. The conclusion to I Need Do Nothing in reminded that This course is a beginning, not an end
Chapter 18 of the text, originally a personal message to (W-ep.1:1). We are never asked to be perfectonly God
Helen Schucman, scribe of A Course in Miracles, is a clear and Christ are perfectbut we are asked for the little will-
presentation of the Courses central thought. ingness to learn to become perfect. Honesty with Jesus
To do anything involves the body. And if you rec- about our egos is the first and actually the most significant
ognize you need do nothing, you have withdrawn the step, since the rest inevitably follow from our determina-
bodys value from your mind. To do nothing is to tion to become happy learners.
rest, and make a place within you where the activity of A helpful rule of thumb to guide us on our journey
the body ceases to demand attention. And you will from dishonesty to honesty is to evaluate everything in our
be more aware of this quiet center of the storm than all day from one of two criteria: either it facilitates our accep-
its raging activity (T-18.VII.7:1-2,7; 8:2). tance of the Atonement or hinders it. What could be sim-
This quiet center is the seat of honesty, for herein ends pler and more in keeping with the simplicity of Jesus
the seeming conflict between truth and illusion that is the teachings, being a variation of what he says, for example,
egos bread and butter, except that the bread is moldy and at the beginning of the section entitled The Simplicity of
the butter rancid. The egos gifts are such a shabby substi- Salvation:
tute for Gods gift of Himself that we can only wonder at

Words and Thoughts (continued)
How simple is salvation! All it says is what was of the minds power that is nothing less than the means for
never true is not true now, and never will be. The choosing Heaven or hell. In the words of Transforma-
impossible has not occurred, and can have no effects. tion, a poem that Helen took down:
what is false can not be true, and what is true can not
be false (T-31.I.1:1-3,7). The trivial
Enlarge in magnitude, while what seemed large
Within our world of illusion, what is true is anything Resumes the littleness that is its due.
that allows us to remember we are minds, not bodies, and The dim grow bright, and what was bright before
therefore nothing outside us can ever hurt us. This is the Flickers and fades and finally is gone.
meaning behind Jesus rhetorical question and its answer: (The Gifts of God, p, 64)
Are thoughts, then, dangerous? To bodies, yes! (T-21. The peace of God that the ego has judged as trivial
VIII.1:1-2). But not to minds! Moreover, pleasure can now becomes lifes only purpose, and the need for the
never be of the body either, which does not feel, as it does attainment of worldly goals diminishes in intensity until it
not exist outside the mind that projected it. Rephrasing disappears entirely. Under Jesus guidance we learn to use
this important sentence, we read: The body enjoys not the the worlds symbols of specialness as the means of reach-
pleasure it receives because it has no feeling (T-28.VI. ing beyond them to the minds truth of Atonement. This is
2:2). Therefore, what is false in our world is the level con- the Word beyond words, attainment of which is our ulti-
fusion that would tell us that the body does in fact feel mate goal. This consummation of the journey we take with
pleasure and pain, and thus has the power to take away our Jesus and the Course is the expression of the minds deci-
peace or give it to us. This is succinctly yet incisively sion, once and for all, not to believe the lies of our wrong-
summarized in the workbook: minded thoughts, but to accept the one truth of our reality
accepting todays idea [My salvation comes from as unseparated selves: Ideas leave not their source, and so
me]means that nothing outside yourself can save we have never left our Fathers house. Song to My Self,
you; nothing outside yourself can give you peace. But another of Helens poems, joyously exclaims:
it also means that nothing outside yourself can hurt
I never left my Fathers house. What need
you, or disturb your peace or upset you in any way. (W-
Have I to journey back to Him again?
(The Gifts of God, p. 38)
Restating this, we can say that truth in this world,
Thus does our journey end where it had begun, in the
which the ego made, is that the minds decision for guilt is
decision-making mind. Where we had formerly chosen
the cause of everything we feel as bodies (physically and
against the Word of Atonement, constructing a massive,
psychologically), which are but effects. The lie is that the
albeit illusory thought system of guilt, punishment, and
world and its laws are the cause of our pains and plea-
death, and then a world of guilt, punishment, and death to
sures, over which we have almost no control:
conceal it, we now embrace the Word that dissolves the
Once you were unaware of what the cause of every- lies in a gentle blaze of truth. We have reached the real
thing the world appeared to thrust upon you, uninvited world, the Word and Thought beyond all words and
and unasked, must really be. Of one thing you were thoughts.
sure: Of all the many causes you perceived as bringing
pain and suffering to you, your guilt was not among Beyond Words and Thoughts: One Thought
them (T-27.VII.7:3-4).
Very infrequently, Helen spoke to me of another level of
Choosing finally to learn and live out the Holy Spirits
hearing, which transcended her experience of Jesus
truth, we are able to return to our minds and make a differ-
voice and words. On certain rare occasions (I doubt if it
ent choice, deciding that forgiveness is what we want
happened more than four or five times), I was with Helen
instead of guilt. The right-minded choice being made,
when she allowed herself and me to experience this other
guilt is gone and our loving thoughts of forgiveness and
dimension. It was indeed a movement beyond hearing
non-judgment guide our bodies or personal lives in actions
Jesus, to a state of mind even beyond the individuality of
that can only be loving, forgiving, and non-judgmental. It
Jesus himself, not to mention Helens. At these times our
is this consistency that constitutes the honesty of our life
scribe appeared timeless, transformed into a state in which
here, wherein our thoughts and words (and behavior)
she seemed to merge finally with what I referred to in
reflect the oneness of Heavens love.
Absence from Felicity as Helens priestess self. In these
Once our perspective has shifted, the littleness of the
truly holy instants I was vouchsafed a glimpse into her real
egos world of bodies gently gives way to the magnitude
identity, an egoless, trans-world self that was barely here

Words and Thoughts (continued)
and that transcended human thought and emotion. The It must follow, then, that words, serving the purpose of
words she uttered during these times flowed through her the egos need to keep us separated, can never be true,
from a source that was clearly not of this world, but rather even though they can be used to help Gods Son recognize
reflected an ancient, eternal wisdom, the Word beyond the illusory nature of his world and self.
words that patiently awaits the minds acceptance of it. The teacher of God mustlearn to use words in a new
This egoless, knowing self was the real Helen, as it way. he learns how to let his words be chosen for
would be our real self, although the name Helen (or our him by ceasing to decide for himself what he will
own) does not really fit here. The person that the world say. He does not control the direction of his speak-
recognizes as our self, with whom we relate almost all of ing. He listens and hears and speaks (M-21.4:4-5,8-9).
the timethe idol of specialnessis totally unrelated to Their purpose reinterpreted by the Holy Spirit, our
this other self, analogous to the Thought God holds of us, words lead us to the Word. The forgiveness of illusions we
the Christ He created one with Him, as reflected in this once held dear now reflect Heavens love, and we are
beautiful paragraph near the end of the text: mere steps away from the dreams end. We thus can no
Beyond all idols is the Thought God holds of you. longer be enslaved by the specifics of the world, for we
Completely unaffected by the turmoil and the terror of are aware of the one Word that stands behind them all.
the worldthe Thought God holds of you remains This Wordthe remembrance of love that Atonement
exactly as it always was. Surrounded by a stillness so bringsis our true goal. And so we are reminded in The
complete no sound of battle comes remotely near, it Song of Prayer (S-1.I.4) that it is only Gods Lovethe
rests in certainty and perfect peace. Here is your one
one Word and Thoughtthat we truly want, not the little
reality kept safe, completely unaware of all the world
that worships idols, and that knows not God. In perfect
words that come from our decision to be separated and
sureness of its changelessness and of its rest in its eter- specific. Our choice is now for the abstract Self that God
nal home, the Thought God holds of you has never left created one with Him. Therefore Jesus asks us to overlook
the Mind of its Creator Whom it knows, as its Creator the specific needs and requests of our lives, and ask
knows that it is there (T-30.III.10). instead for Gods true answer. This is the answer we truly
seek, the only one we accept, the only one we truly love.
Throughout A Course in Miracles, Jesus tells us how
Armed with the gentle strength of this Word beyond
insignificant words are, for it is only the content behind
words, love over special love, Jesus before the ego, we
the form that is important. For example, in the introduc-
live our lives mindful of their true purpose: not to be taken
tion to Lessons 181-200, in the context of our journey
in by the voices of the dead (W-pI.106.2:3). Instead, we
beyond words (3:1), Jesus speaks of the inadequacy of
hear the Voice that speaks of life and love, that gently leads
words (of little consequence [2:5]) to convey what lies
us home as we, together with Jesus and all our brothers,
beyond the blocks he is helping us to undo. In Lesson
disappear into the Presence beyond the veil, not to be lost
183I call upon Gods Name and on my own.he tells
but found; not to be seen but known (T-19.IV-D.19:1).
us of the insignificance of words to reach God, Who
The Word has come to us at last, and we are that Word. Q
stands behind all words (7:3-4; 10:3).

* * * * * * *

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THE LIGHTHOUSE (ISSN 1060-4987) is the newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES. The Foundation is a not-for-profit organization
founded in 1983 to help students of A Course in Miracles through educational programs and publications.
THE LIGHTHOUSE is published and sent out four times a year (March, June, September, December) by the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES, 41397
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by Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.


B19s El poder sanador de la bondad:
Volumen UnoEl liberarse del juicio $7.00, plus shipping
Spanish translation of The Healing Power of Kindness, Volume OneReleasing Judgment Available mid-April

B20s El poder sanador de la bondad

Volumen DosEl perdonar nuestras limitaciones $7.00, plus shipping
Spanish translation of The Healing Power of Kindness, Volume TwoForgiving Our Limitations Available mid-April

3m92 Letting Go of Judgment
Entering the Stately Calm Within1 CD (3:20) $16.00, plus shipping

3m111 Transformation:
The Journey through Form to Formlessness1 CD (2:53) $14.00, plus shipping

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recent newsletters in their entirety; find program schedules for both the Temecula Center and the La Jolla branch; and
consult our teaching aids, including our online excerpts series.

The Foundations Catalog of Publications is available in a .pdf format, which is downloadable from our Web site at:

YouTube is a free video-sharing Web site where users can upload, view, and share video clips. The Foundation now
has its own channel at: You can view Foundation video clips of Kenneth and
Gloria presenting workshops and classes at the Foundation, as well as never-before-seen mini-talks by Kenneth on
selected Course themes.


Non-US distributors for our Spanish titles are: 1) Asclepius LLC, working as a partner company for the main office
based in Mexico as Tarots del Mundo, Av. Oaxaca 71, Col. Roma Norte, Mexico City (06700). Contact Orlando Asman
or Patricia Chagoyan Phone (52-55) 1998-3301 Cell 52-1-55 2273-1277. Email:; and
2) Ediciones El Grano de Mostaza, C/ Balmes 394 pral.1 08022 Barcelona, Spain. Contact Jordi del Rey Phone
+34 93 417 38 48 Email: For Mexico, our exclusive distributor is Asclepius LLC.

Miracles versus Magic is the current feature in this series. The excerpts are from the workshop of the same name
held in May 2004. The Courses usage of these concepts is defined, and the differences are discussed in terms of how
magic roots us in the egos dream of separation, and miracles gently awaken us. By adopting Jesus attitude of non-
judgment, the guilt over our attempts to use magic is alleviated, freeing us to look at our minds mistake and choose
again. These excerpts can be found at

Most of the Foundation books and several CDs have been translated into German. For information, please contact:
Greuthof Verlag und Vertrieb GmbH Herrenweg 2 D79261 Gutach i. Br. Germany Tel. 7681-6025 FAX 7681-
6027. Many of the Foundation books have also been translated into Spanish including Absence from Felicity, Awaken
from the Dream, and Ending Our Resistance to Love. Spanish translations can be ordered from our Web site
( or by phoning our order department at 951.296.6261, ext. 30.
Dutch: The Talk and The Most Commonly Asked Questions. Order from Ankh-Hermes bv Postbus 125 7400 AC
Deventer The Netherlands; Ending Our Resistance to Love. Order from Miracles in Contact Postbus 3086
3760 DB Soest The Netherlands.
Italian: The Talk and The Most Commonly Asked Questions. Order from
Danish: The Talk, The Most Commonly Asked Questions, and Absence from Felicity. Order from SphinX Publishers
Lvstrde 8 1152 Kbenhavn K Denmark.
Slovene: The Talk. Order from Zalozba Quatro Zabnica 31 1357 Notranje Gorice Slovenia.
French: The Talk. Call our order department at 951.296.6261, ext. 30.
Afrikaans: The Talk. Order from Henri Theron 302 Monterey Bay Road Mouille Point, Cape Town 8005 South
Finnish: The Talk. Order from Pelquin Kustannus Merivirta 19 E 35 02320 Espoo Finland.

Pre-registration is encouraged for all programs, and Confirmation information will be given over the phone if
REQUIRED for the week-long Academy class taught your registration form does not reach us in time for a letter
by Kenneth Wapnick, as well as the Seminar preceding to be sent to you. In this instance, you may call the office
it. MondayFriday, 9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. Pacific time to ver-
We accept registrations by mail, FAX, telephone, and on ify your acceptance into a program.
our Web site at If you register online, It is important that you double-check the registration
please submit your registration at least 3 days prior to information sent with your confirmation letter to
the event you plan to attend. ensure the accuracy of the information. In the event the
program you register for is filled, your registration form
If you register by mail or FAX, please allow enough time and fee will be returned to you, unless you have requested
for your registration form to reach us and the confirma- that your name be placed on a waiting list. Thus, you may
tion form to reach you in return. be confirmed either as a participant or as being on the
If you register by phone, please have your credit card waiting list
ready when you call. .
Payment for programs must be made in full at the time of We charge a $20.00 fee for all registration changes, includ-
registrationby check, money order, credit card, or ing cancellations, so please review the program schedule
PayPal ( International students carefully.
may also use wire transfer, which will incur a $15.00
fee (call our office for information). Your check or Five-Day Academy Class: To avoid a $50.00 cancellation
money order should be made payable to ITIP-ACIM fee, your cancellation must be received no later than 7
(in US funds only, drawn on a US bank). There will days before the start of a five-day Academy class.
be a $20 fee for any check returned to us for insuffi- WALK-INS
cient funds. While walk-in registrations are accepted, pre-registration is
encouraged, as auditorium seating cannot be guaranteed.
Payment by cash or US check only at the door.


Best Western Country Inn (1mile / 951.676.7378) offers students attending classes at the
Foundation discounted rates: Sun-Thurs $69.00, Friday $99.00, and Saturday $109.00.

Motel 6 Marriott Fairfield Inn & Suites La Quinta Inn & Suites
951.676.7199 (2.6 miles) 951.587.9800 (.5 mile) 951.296.1003 (.4 mile)
Hampton Inn Extended Stay-Kitchenettes Embassy Suites Hotel
951.506.2331 (2.4 miles) 951.587.8881 (.9 mile) 951.676.5656 (2.8 miles)

Holiday Inn Express Quality Inn Receive a 10% discount when you
951.699.2444 (1.2 mile) (formerly Comfort Inn) identify yourself as a student attend-
951.296.3788 (.4 mile) ing class at the Foundation.

For a list of additional lodging accommodations in the surrounding area

Many food establishments
are nearby in Temecula.
(10-45 minutes from Temecula), please call our office at 951.296.6261
between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PT, Monday through Friday.


Our bookstore, Oasis of Peace, is open 9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please note that the book-
store will also be open weekend days when programs are being held at the Foundation.

Temecula Center Faculty: Dr. Kenneth Wapnick

Pre-registration is encouraged for all programs, and REQUIRED for the week-
long Academy class taught by Kenneth, as well as the Seminar preceding it.

Time: 2:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Fee: $30.00


IS HOW TO MAKE IT YOURS Saturday, July 10
Saturday, April 10
Saturday, May 15
S-6 I NEED DO NOTHING Saturday, September 18
Saturday, June 12

Time: 12:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Free
An introductory lecture for those interested in learning more
about A Course in Miracles and what it says. The program format
will include a question-and-answer period.
DATE: Saturday, September 11

No Registration Required


The Foundation conducts weekly ninety-minute discussion and study groups on the Course (except on
days when an Academy class is in progress). These Wednesday sessions (11:00 a.m.12:30 p.m. and 7:00
p.m.8:30 p.m.) are facilitated by the Foundation Staff. There is a $5.00 fee per session.

Faculty: Kenneth Wapnick, Rosemarie LoSasso, Loral Reeves, and Jeffrey Seibert
Times: 10:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.


Dates: April 11 13 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-4D1 April 11 Fee: $40.00 A-4D2 April 12 Fee: $40.00 A-4D3 April 13 Fee: $40.00
The egos system of defenses, designed to keep our decision-making minds from choosing the Holy Spirit as our Teacher, is so
effective that it appears to be a solid and impenetrable wall of granite, with the special relationship its most imposing aspect. It is
only when we take Jesus hand and, following the pathway of the miracle, return to the mind to look with Christs vision that we see
specialness as merely a wispy cloud with no power to offset the truth of our reality.


Dates: May 16 18 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-5D1 May 16 Fee: $40.00 A-5D2 May 17 Fee: $40.00 A-5D3 May 18 Fee: $40.00
We are taught that in this world the only remaining freedom is the freedom of choice (C-1.7:1), and returning awareness to the
mind that we may choose again is the central purpose of our work with the Course. The choice is between the egos thought system of
guilt and attack, culminating in a mindless world, and the Holy Spirits correction of innocence and forgiveness that leads to our mind-
fulness. The former judges and leads to suffering, while the latter leads us to the oneness joined as one that lies beyond all choice.


Dates: June 13 15 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-6D1 June 13 Fee: $40.00 A-6D2 June 14 Fee: $40.00 A-6D3 June 15 Fee: $40.00

Despite its beautiful language and profundity of thought, A Course in Miracles is worthless if it is not lived. Indeed, the focus of
the workbook lessons is to train us to apply the texts theoretical principles to our everyday lives. In this regard, Jesus exhorts us:
Teach not that I died in vain. Teach rather that I did not die by demonstrating that I live in you (T-11.VI.7:3-4). Thus does the
Course teach us how to live meaningful lives of forgiveness midst a world of illusion.


Dates: July 11 13 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-7D1 July 11 Fee: $40.00 A- 7D2 July 12 Fee: $40.00 A-7D3 July 13 Fee: $40.00
We read that The holiest of all the spots on earth is where an ancient hatred has become a present love (T-26.IX.6:1). This is the
promise of the holy relationship, that we remember the inherent holiness of Gods Son. Yet is this relationship not found in the
world of bodies, but in the mind, which becomes the holiest spot on earth when the decision maker remembers to laugh at the egos
unholy thoughts of specialness. Thus is the holiness of Heaven reflected both in our healed minds and in our relationships on earth.

Dates: August 22 24 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-8D1 August 22 Fee: $40.00 A-8D2 August 23 Fee: $40.00 A-8D3 August 24 Fee: $40.00
In his course, Jesus asks us to cast no one out of the circle of Atonement (T-14.V.11:8), for if we do, we ensure that we are cast
out with him. Not in Heavens eyes that see only the oneness of creation, but in the nightmarish world of separation and specialness.
In this hell that the ego made, salvation consists of the principle of one or the other: we are saved at anothers expense. This mock-
ery of salvation is gently corrected by recognizing that we enter Atonements holy circle together, or not at all. And so is Gods Son
saved as one.


Dates: Sept. 19 21 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-9D1 Sept. 19 Fee: $40.00 A-9D2 Sept. 20 Fee: $40.00 A-9D3 Sept. 21 Fee: $40.00
Workbook Lesson 157 is the framework for this class that will highlight the all-inclusive nature of forgiveness as the precondition
for knowledge. If we are truly desirous of entering Christs Presence, we must take all Gods Sons with us, without exception. This
means that retaining the egos judgments is a direct expression of our resistance to awakening from the dream. Withholding forgive-
ness from even a single person or event is enough to keep the door to Heaven closed in our awareness. Yet bringing our grievances
to Jesus healing love opens the door, that we may enter in and be at peace at last.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 1

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group S-4 Study Group

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Disc. Group Disc. Group

A-4 A-4 A-4 Study Group Study Group S-5

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group A-5 A-5 A-5 Study Group

25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Disc. Group
30 31 Disc. Group
Study Group Study Group

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3
Disc. Group

Study Group

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group S-6 Study Group S-7

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Disc. Group Disc. Group

A-6 A-6 A-6 Study Group A-7 A-7 A-7 Study Group

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group Study Group

27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group Study Group

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group Study Group

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group Study Group Intro-2

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group S-8 Study Group S-9

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Disc. Group Disc. Group

A-8 A-8 A-8 Study Group A-9 A-9 A-9 Study Group

29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30
Disc. Group

Study Group

You may use the same form if you are attending with another student.
Registrations without the correct amount of money accompanying them will be returned.

PERSON 1: (Please print) PERSON 2: (Please print)

Name ________________________________________ Name ________________________________________
Address_______________________________________ Address ______________________________________
City/State/Zip __________________________________ City/State/Zip__________________________________
Phone: Day ( ) Eve. ( )____________ Phone: Day ( ) Eve. ( ) ___________
E-mail (optional): _______________________________ E-mail (optional): ______________________________

Some of our Workshops, Classes, & Discussions are videotaped. Some of our Workshops, Classes, & Discussions are videotaped.
Please sign and date the Release Form below. If you do not want Please sign and date the Release Form below. If you do not want
to be videotaped, you will be seated in the rear of the auditorium. to be videotaped, you will be seated in the rear of the auditorium.

* * * * RELEASE FORM * * * * * * * * RELEASE FORM * * * *

I hereby grant the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES per- I hereby grant the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES per-
mission to videotape me. I understand that the finished video mission to videotape me. I understand that the finished video
may be sold to the public, as well as shown on the internet, and may be sold to the public, as well as shown on the internet, and
that I will receive no compensation for said videotape. that I will receive no compensation for said videotape.

___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Signature Signature

__________________________ __________________________
Date Date


Make check or money order payable to the Institute for Teaching Inner Peace through A Course in Miracles, or ITIP-ACIM (US funds only,
drawn on a US bank), or provide credit card information to secure a place for the programs listed on pages 10-11.

Note: If you are also ordering publications, please send separate payment.
U Check or money order enclosed for $
U Credit card information: U American Express U Discover U MasterCard U VISA

Person 1: Exp Date: _____________ No. CVV2/CID Number: ____________

Person 2: Exp Date: _____________ No. CVV2/CID Number: ____________

Important Credit card billing address if different from above:

Person 1: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Person 2: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature(s) required: Mail to: Institute

41397 Buecking Drive
Temecula, CA 92590
FAX: 951.296.9117



Pre-registration is encouraged for all pro- AMOUNT HERE:
grams, and REQUIRED for the week-long
Academy classes taught by Kenneth Wapnick, Program
as well as the Seminar preceding it. Number

Program Program Person 1 $

Number Date
Person 2 $
Person 1 $
Please use program numbers listed on page 11
when registering for portions of, rather than Person 2 $
a complete, Academy class. Person 1 $
A-4 April 11 13 $100.00 Person 2 $
A-5 May 16 18 $100.00 Person 1 $
A-6 June 13 15 $100.00 Person 2 $
A-7 July 11 13 $100.00 Person 1 $
A-8 August 22 24 $100.00 Person 2 $
A-9 September 19 21 $100.00 Person 1 $
Person 2 $
SEMINARS Person 1 $
(2:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m.) Fee $30.00
Person 2 $
S-4 April 10 S-5 May 15
Person 1 $
S-6 June 12 S-7 July 10
Person 2 $
S-8 August 21 S-9 September 18
Person 1 $
Person 2 $
Person 1 $
Person 2 $
Person 1 $
Person 2 $
Person 1 $
Person 2 $


La Jolla Branch
7843 Girard Avenue, Suite E ) La Jolla, CA 92037 ) 858.551.1227

Classes are held each Thursday from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The fee for these lectures is $5, payable at the door.


Monday: 6 p.m. 7:30 p.m. or Tuesday: 10 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 10 a.m. 1 p.m. $15 fee
Pre-registration is required at the La Jolla Branch. Call: 858.551.1227. No registration required.
Dates: April 5 April 26 (Mon.) Dates: July 12 July 19 (Mon.) Date: April 25
April 6 April 27 (Tue.) July 13 July 20 (Tue.)
Fee: $20.00 plus CD set Fee: $10.00 plus CD set FW-4 BEYOND ALL IDOLS
Registration ends: March 25 Registration ends: July 1 Date: May 23

LIVING FLAME Dates: August 2 August 23 (Mon.) Date: July 25
Dates: May 10 May 24 (Mon.) August 3 August 24 (Tue.)
May 11 May 25 (Tue.) Fee: $20.00 plus CD set FW-6 LITTLENESS VS. MAGNITUDE
Fee: $15.00 plus CD set Registration ends: July 22 Date: August 29
Registration ends: April 29

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat MAY
1 2 3 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat JUNE
1 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
4 5 CD 6 CD 7 8 9 10
2 3 4 5 6 Lecture 7 8
Study Study Lecture 1 2 3 4 5
9 10 CD 11 CD 12 13 14 15
11 12 CD 13 CD 14 15 16 17 Lecture
Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture 6 7 CD 8 CD 9 10 11 12
16 17 CD 18 CD 19 20 21 22
18 19 CD 20 CD 21 22 23 24 Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture 13 14 CD 15 CD 16 17 18 19
23 24 CD 25 CD 26 27 28 29
25 26 CD 27 CD 28 29 30 Study Study Lecture
FW-4 Study Study Lecture
FW-3 Study Study Lecture 20 21 CD 22 CD 23 24 25 26
30 31 CD
Study Study Lecture
Study Lecture
27 28 CD 29 CD 30

JULY Study Study Lecture

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat AUGUST

1 2 3 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat SEPTEMBER
1 2 CD 3 CD 4 5 6 7 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
4 5 CD 6 CD 7 8 9 10
Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture 1 2 3 4
8 9 CD 10 CD 11 12 13 14
11 12 CD 13 CD 14 15 16 17 Lecture
Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture 5 6 CD 7 CD 8 9 10 11
15 16 CD 17 CD 18 19 20 21
18 19 CD 20 CD 21 22 23 24 Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture 12 13 CD 14 CD 15 16 17 18
22 23 CD 24 CD 25 26 27 28
25 26 CD 27 CD 28 29 30 31 Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture
FW-5 Study Study Lecture 19 20 CD 21 CD 22 23 24 25
29 30 31 CD
Study Study Lecture
FW-6 Study Lecture
26 27 CD 28 CD 29 30
Study Study Lecture

41397 Buecking Drive
Temecula, CA 92590-5668

The Foundation is located just off I-15.
From the north: Take the CA-79 N/Winchester Road
exit and stay in the far right lane. Turn right onto Winches-
ter Road/CA-79, again staying in the far right-hand lane.
Turn right onto Jefferson Avenue, which is the first stop
light. Continue straight on Jefferson (heading north) for
two long blocks until you reach Buecking Drive. Turn
right onto Buecking Drive. The Foundation is the second
building on the left.
From the south: Take the CA-79N/Winchester Road
exit, turning left onto Winchester Road. Get into the far
right lane and turn right onto Jefferson Avenue, which is
the second stop light. Continue straight on Jefferson (head-
ing north) for two long blocks until you reach Buecking
Drive. Turn right onto Buecking Drive. The Foundation is
the second building on the left.

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