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Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were going to live forever.
-Mahatma Gandhi

T his book began as an idea. A sequence of thoughts grown and nurtured into
the blog Grasping Triumph. Grasping Triumph was a testing ground for ideas of
growth, inspiration and direction. Its since been taken down, but it created a spark. A
spark which has finally culminated in this book.

H ow to Make the Future is the culmination of years

of research into personal development, mastery
and the factors that influence the achievement of great
things. That research has led to insights on the impact
of innovation on society, the nature of greatness and
what turns ordinary people into exceptional achievers.
We need exceptional people to keep pushing the enve-
lope and propelling society forward. Society needs
people who care. People who want to see it succeed
and thrive. People like you whore determined to make
a difference in whatever way they can.

L anding Attempts, the progeny of Grasping Triumph, exists because of people like
you. Your involvement support us. Your stories of growth and participation inspire
us. Thank you for being the amazing person you are and for finding this resource. I
hope it will be of service.


2 How to Make the Future


The Purpose of Fulfillment
The Process of Fulfillment

Getting Started
Finding Your Passion
The Lifestyle of Achievement
Making a Purposeful Impact
Exercises For Discovering Yourself

What Is a Body?
Fitness For People Who Enjoy Fun
Nutrition For People Who Love Eating
Reward Mechanisms and Stress
Exercises For The Body

Mind Over Matter
The Process Of Thinking

3 How to Make the Future

Emotional Mastery
Kaizen, or Constant Learning
Exercises For The Mind

The Reality of Souls
Wealth and Finances
Enlightenment and Transcendence
Exercises For The Soul

The State of Things
Self Mastery



4 How to Make the Future

I promise you that the same stuff galaxies are made of, you are.
The same energy that swings planets around stars makes electrons
dance in your heart. It is in you, outside you, you are it. It is beauti-
ful. Trust in this. And you your life will be grand.
-Kamal Ravikant

The Purpose of Fulfillment

T he purpose of this book is to help you become a leader of positive change in the
fields youre passionate about. That is, to help you fulfill what youre uniquely ca-
pable of. Fulfillment then, could be said to be the achievement of the differing things
one values above all else.

P eople who are fulfilled and creating at their best cant help but have a significant
impact on the world. Change begets change. So when a society is flush with
driven, innovative people pursuing change in their fields. Wonderful crossovers and
ideas take flight and the world never looks the same again. Its beautiful. The entire
planet could become like that, a giant melting pot of people who believe in them-
selves and their world enough to fight for its improved future. However it isnt. The
tragedy then is what were missing and what this book is intended to help overcome.

Fulfillment can be thought of

as a spectrum that each person
falls somewhere on. This book
is designed to help you find
how to push yourself further
along that spectrum.

5 How to Make the Future


C ertain exceptional people seem to be born each generation. People like Einstein,
Gandhi, or Martin Luther King. We know their names. Their achievements rank
amongst the pantheon of humanitys greatest. But whats so special about them? Are
they born that way? What makes them capable of these acts of greatness?

T he simple answer is theyre not special. Through a combination of being awoken

to their mission or passion at a young age and of learning to work hard enough,
theyve became who they are. Not everyone is capable of greatness in the same way,
but everyone is capable of greatness.

T he key then lies in identifying our passions as soon as possible, so we can begin
the long process towards mastery in them. This may seem far-fetched. But if youll
allow yourself briefly to ease the guilt we all seem to feel when things like our own
greatness are discussed, youll quickly
Famous people are see the truth of it.

circumstance. Ac-
complished people, E instein spent his every waking hour
at the patent office pondering the

determined. Look at questions, whose answer, were his

greatness. Martin Luther King worked
fulfilled people to tirelessly for years as a civil rights activist,
see what a good life before anyone ever called him great.

should look like.

I t takes substantial hard work to be gre-
at and most people wont do it. But the
internal life you can lead is well worth the effort. If you havent started the journey,
then you havent felt the satisfaction of those who know their actions matter. They
know they make a difference by pursuing what they love. This book will explore the
process of finding your passion and of developing the discipline needed to pursue it
to the end. Give yourself a chance to shine and pursue this journey with all you have.

6 How to Make the Future

The Process of Fulfillment

L ife is given meaning by our actions. Our memories are elaborate narratives stit-
ched together from our sensory perceptions. These memories and the order we
arrange them in give our experiences focus. They give our lives meaning. Rich lives,
ones deep with meaning and greatness. Are the ones where our actions hold that
richness, and that when compiled together create a narrative of richness and depth.

A ctions are moments in time. Putting meaning into your moments is done by
acting consistently with a sense of mission. Its done by forcing your actions to
work together to weave a tapestry of purpose. When the Dalai Lama eats, he doesnt
just put food in his mouth and chew. He fuels his body to give himself the energy and
clarity to continue pursuing his lifes mission. Muhammad Ali didnt just work out. He
trained his body and mind every single moment of every day to fulfill his own intrin-
sically felt purpose. When you live with purpose your actions gain that same clarity.
They become about something bigger than they individually appear. They become a
strand of the narrative structure of your life. A life lived towards greatness.

T he feeling of purpose has been touched upon. In essence its the sense of weight
your actions have. Its the meaning they have in contributing towards your life
mission. It can seem intimidating to begin a journey of this nature. It feels like youll
never have time to relax without intense feelings of guilt for not continuing to work.
Those feelings are real. But they arent mission. Burnout is a genuine phenoma and
even the most disciplined individual knows they need to relax and detox to continue
producing value at high levels. Its for this reason meditation and other deep rela-
xtion processes are so common amongst high achievers. Even their downtime con-
tributes to their happiness, and in doing so they find ways of making it more efficient
and contributory towards their greater goal.

T he point of all this, is that living with purpose isnt easy, but its worthwhile to
pursue. The following pages will cover; discovering your passion, how to develop
the discipline to fully pursue that passion and how to ultimately become a Self Ma-
ster. Who strives daily to further fulfill themself, their mission and to contribute.

7 How to Make the Future

Formal education will make you a living;
self education will make you a fortune.
-Jim Rohn

Getting Started

S elf discovery is the actions one takes to find their passion. From the outside, self
discovery doesnt seem hard. It can be said to be a scientific process in the sense
that you construct hypotheses and then test them. These hypotheses are constructed
through lists of goals, values, potential missions and then going out into the world
and testing them. You think helping others is your mission? Try doing some volunteer
work. Or try contributing something meaningful, besides spare change to someone
who needs help. Of course, this wont make you Mother Teresa. But it will show you if
youre on the right track.

O r perhaps you wish to pursue art, or become a writer. Start working. Begin the
process of creation. Put something of yourself into whatever you believe is
meaningful to you, and never be afraid of failure. Mother Teresa was a child once and
had never helped a soul. But at some point she noticed her deep inclination towards
helping those less fortunate and began pursuing it. She did so with enough discipli-
ne and consistency and so her legend was born.

L ook for those inclinations within yourself. Start pursuing them even if its only in
your spare time. The 10,000 hour rule is genuine. Mastery takes a long time. But
that great block of time is composed of moments and those moments can be ticked
off at any point, as you long as you tick them off with intention. The process becomes
more rewarding as you continue because you begin to develop that sense of mission.

8 How to Make the Future

Finding Your Passion

P assion is what drives you. It could just as easily be called mission, purpose and so
on. The notion is everywhere. Historical literature often describes a similar con-
cept. For example, they were blessed by the muses. Indicating fate had gifted them
with a sense of mission. Although of course we know they developed it themselves.

S tart your search for your mission. If you truly dont know where to being, go to the
end of this chapter to the exercises section. Youll find some great methods for
getting going. However its likely you already know where to start, even if you dont
recognize it. Look to your inclinations. Have you always had an interest in something
and just never acted upon it? Do you find yourself always being curious about ani-
mals perhaps, or always looking towards the stars? Start there.

If not, make the lists. Develop some guesses. Once you honestly start asking yourself
what you care about, the answers will quickly come. In any case, immediately start
testing them. Dont let fear or self doubt consume and slow you. If its writing, dont
worry about what other people think or about some arbitrary goal like writing a
book. Just write something. Create something. Do something and then dont stop.

9 How to Make the Future

The Lifestyle of Achievement

Its easy to look at the lifestyles of those whove achieved great things and be envio-
us. Their biographies read like it was fate that they wound up doing what they did.
Things seem so straightforward for them. Like they knew from the moment of birth
exactly what they were put on this Earth for. As we know, none of that is true. Every
great achievement from the work of Einstein, to the writing of Dostoyevsky, is the
culmination of a lifetimes hard work. A lifetime of discipline and deep passion mixing
to create something of value and worth.

A nother reoccurring theme presents itself beyond the hard work of the great. We
all have finite amounts of time. These high achieving individuals put virtually all
of their time into their works. Relationships, children and hobbies all fall by the way-
side as they pursue their personal greatness. Theyre often not happy as well. They
devote their lives to these works and often like Galileo are hated for it (at least during
their lifetimes). These people are the outliers. They, you could say, take it to far.

A deep sense of mission can drive us all without it consuming us entirely. Great
men and women can have families. They can love their spouses and play with
their children. They have balance. They let the things they love mingle with their
work to produce things of greatness. They also love their lives while doing it. The
feeling of greatness can be addictive however. Those who know theyre doing some-
thing exceptional can become drawn to it in lieu of other rewarding endeavors. Or
some like Newton just cant concieve of life outside their labours.

In the end its your life and your passion. Own it. No one else can, or should tell you
how to pursue it or what aspects of it are worthwhile. Dont let the works of others
influence your choices beyond what you deem appropriate. Just because some
people become more famous than others, doesnt mean they were more fulfilled.
Fame is circumstance and chance. Some like Einstein even wish theyd never become
famous. He claimed it was very distracting. Dont be afraid of failure either. Newton,
likely the greatest mathematical mind of all time, devoted half his time to alchemy.
Including most famously the search for the philosophers stone, which naturally fa-
iled. Just start the process and find your own reasons for it being meaningful.

10 How to Make the Future

Making a Purposeful Impact

W hile greatness always seems to

have some serendipity involved,
its rarely chance. You must intend to
Tips for making a
lasting impact

make an impact, to make a truly signifi- 1. Always do your best. Even when
cant one. Nelson Mandela didnt half he- it seems like the world would
artedly fight to end Apartheid. He lived rather youd fail.
and breathed the struggle. He intended 2. Keep looking deeper. Theres
to make an impact and devoted himself always another layer to every-
whole heartedly to its cause. He also thing. Look harder for it.
had three wives and six children. He had 3. Be your own reason. Dont
balance. externalize responsibility. You
are your own agent of change.

M andela lived a life outside his

struggle. He had hobbies. He
was a person. With all the connotations
4. Believe in yourself. You know
you have it within you. Let it
loose. Surround yourself with
therein. Dont fall under the delusion people who believe in you.
that people of greatness spend their 5. Begin today. Theres no better
every waking moment working on their time to start and no better pla-
passion. Life is more complex than that. ce than where you are now.
They eat, shower, their minds wander.

A gain theyre people. But hero-wor-

ship and the passage of times leads
the great to have mythological stories
to achieve it. Hes a person. Remember that when
youre working towards your passion.

told of them. Like Musk and his heroic

work-ethic. He works hard no doubt.
But he also has a wife and kids. He likes
U ltimately its up to you to start this journey.
There will be those who root for your failure.
Theyre jealous. They dont have the courage to be-
playing first person shooters to relax gin their own journey and will hold you back so they
from working. Hes a normal guy with arent alone. Push through it. As you live more truly
an above average ambition and ability to yourself youll naturally draw the right people.

11 How to Make the Future

Exercises For Discovering Yourself

S elf discovery is hard. Its abstract and requires a lot of you. Its also fun. It makes
you feel alive. Once you really get going youll start to discover what youve been
missing this whole time. Youll start to get a taste of how amazing life truly is. But for
that to happen youve got make the initial effort. Youve got to begin with bravery
and see it through with diligence and discipline. Below are some exercises to get you
started, but ultimately its up to you to ask the right questions and test your assump-

1. Morning Pages. These are taken from The them. Pursue the top 5 and it will be enough.
Artists Way by Julia Cameron. Every morning 3. Write yourself a mission statement. These are
you write a page about something. Anything. usually seen as being short, dense state-
It could be how you felt about yesterday, ments. They dont need to be. Write some-
what youre doing today, a brief story, even thing you can put beside your bed and read
an idea for something. The practice is tough each morning for immediate clarity. Your first
at first. You may not know what to write. try will seem fine. It isnt. Keep going. Refine it
Within a week it becomes both easy and constantly. Youll discover things you thought
incredibly liberating. You have an avenue for were important arent. Youll unravel your
discussing and analyzing questions you can true priorities and gain clarity into a side of
rarely think through just in your head. Youll yourself you hadnt thought was there.
write of your past, dreams for the future, 4. Write a list of goals. Buffets list is high level
deep personal truths. But that all starts by stuff. This isnt. It could be pet a dog, or smile
writing one 8.5x11 worth every morning at a stranger. Any single thing you can think
without fail. Its easy once you start. of that you want to do, go do it. Do them

2. Warren Buffets 5 and 20 exercise. Take a she- fast. Do several a day. Come up with more.
et of paper. Write down your top 25 life goals. Do them fast as well. Try and finish the list.
The things that you could die happy knowing You wont. Youll realize just how diverse and
youd done and nothing else. Then circle the fascinating the world is. Youll have countless
5 most important. Those 5 are what you truly unique experiences your old routine and
care about. The other 20 are distractions. habit based lifestyle couldnt give you. Push
Theyre the things that will give you guilt at harder, make your goals more ambitious. Run
night because youre not working on them. marathons, talk to strangers, call your heroes,
Forget them. Intentionally never work on push. Your life will never be the same again.

12 How to Make the Future

Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy
body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.
-John F. Kennedy

T his is not a workout plan. It wont tell you how to lose 50 pounds in 4 minutes or
any other bogus thing. It will explain how fitness and health fits into your journey
towards fulfillment and help where possible when thats a challenge. Its a guide to
enhancing your creative output through nurturing your body.

What Is a Body?

Y our body is the one

possession youre born
with. The body is a machine.
Preventative maintenance in
the form of exercise keeps it
running smoothly and for a
long time. Proper fuel in the
form of healthy food keeps it running at peak condition. There combination leaves
you with the energy to work hard at things that matter to you.

W hen youre healthy you can focus for long periods of time. You can easily enter
the Flow or Deep Work state. You can more deeply engage with your creative
mind and create things of originality and value. You feel happier and people notice.
Youll produce better work and people will notice that to. Youll become more effecti-
ve at doing the things you love doing when youre healthy. Its worth it.

13 How to Make the Future

Being Fit for People Who Enjoy Fun

M ost people not involved in fitness imagine it as either going for some slog of a daily run
or as weightlifting in some testosterone laden, brohouse of a gym. Fitness can be that if
you let it, but its easily not. You dont have to be some jacked machine to be fit, nor some ma-
rathon running cardio-phile. You just have to get some physical activity, fairly frequently. Like
maybe 5x a week frequently. Fitness can be anything that gets your heart going a bit. Ideally
its something you can efficiently fit into your life, which is why so many people end up at the
gym. Its simple, and fits the bill.

F itness can go way beyond the gym. Theres a wide range of sports and physical pursuits
that can be fun and beneficial to your health. Try taking some dance lessons or learning a
martial art. Maybe go climbing or skating or start doing yoga. Try them all if you can. You will
100% find some physical activity you love and from then on youll never think of staying fit as
being work again. The only real hard part is trying them in the first place. So go get that out of
the way and then enjoy the rewards of a richer, deeper life full of another thing you love doing.

Nutrition For People Who Love Food

G ood nutrition is not meticulous calorie counting. Its not a battle between your willpower
and food all day every day. In fact, good nutrition can be boiled down to five simple words
eat fresh, and eat healthy. Thats it. If the foods you eat fit that criteria youll have to work to
NOT be healthy. Think about the foods that fit the profile. Fruits and vegetables, fresh delicious
breads, meats and cheeses. Delicious stuff. Where people start getting into trouble is with fat
and salt intake. Because of there scarcity in nature were wired to find them irresistible, so as to
feed our brain the nutrition it needs. However now were not hunter gatherers. Were grocery
shoppers. So avoid the chips and pop and the sugar/fat dependencies we so easily develop as a

Its possible youre even slightly addicted. Breaking that can seem tough. Its not. Get through
the first few days. Stay focused on the positive rewards like a longer life, and a happier time
living it and push through. Once you break the cycle youll find you dont miss unhealthy foods
at all and the incredible levels of energy youll now have will keep the cycle repeating long term.

14 How to Make the Future

Reward Mechanisms and Stress

S tress is a physiological reaction we

possess to react rapidly and effecti-
vely in the face of sudden dangers. Its a
valuable trait for our ancestors to have
had. Today it mostly just leaves people
dying younger, and feeling unhappy. Its
all because were not physically designed
to deal with the stressors of modern
post-industrial life.
W ere incapable of humanizing that
many people and it leaves us
feeling isolated and distant. People cope
with these complex, modern problems

S ociety has gotten much more com-

plicated since the lives of our distant
but still human ancestors. Weve evolved
with escapist hobbies and behaviours.
Its ironic as its the material wealth of
the modern age thats resulted in this
remarkably little in that time. Our social phenomona.
systems of tribe and stature are residual
from the sub-150 people cultures we
used to reside in. T hese behaviours induce a state,
which could be termed The Fog.
The Fog is the feeling of anxiety, confu-

T his had led to many frustrations

for modern humans in the form of
unsatisfactory romantic, social and fami-
sion and unease which results from esca-
pist behaviours and mental habits. These
behaviours include gambling, smoking,
lial lives and reduced levels of empathy video games and so on. Virtual reality is
and compassion for the sheer deluge of scary because if left open could create
people were presented with each day. A a perfect escape which people may not
modern city dweller can see upwards of desire to return from. Embrace your life,
several thousand unique faces per day. or change it. But dont run away from it.

1The Fog is a fictional concept used to conceptu-

alize the mental impacts of stress and distrac-

15 How to Make the Future

Exercises For The Body

T his isnt a list of literal exercises. Its ways of approaching the challenge of integra-
ting body health into your lifestyle. For some thats easy, for others, it seems quite
tough. No matter your position, your body is everything and you need to nurture it.
Eat healthy, exercise and enjoy it all. Feeling and knowing the movements of your
body is one of the most satisfying and meaningful experiences a person can have.
When you can deeply listen to your body and hear its every quiver and pulse. Munda-
ne things become extraordinary; romance, even walking down the street becomes a
rich and incredibly satisfying experience. Try it and see.

1. Try a new physical practice every week for at be different for everyone. Dont be intimida-
least three months. As the name suggests, go ted by new food, or new methods of pre-
try a new thing every week. Youll be surpri- paration. Its all good stuff. Its about whats
sed how easy it is. Every gym offers some sustainable for you, that you enjoy and thats
form of free trial, especially if you just ask. healthy. Fresh, healthy and lifestyle appro-
Thats 12 new sports or activities. Youre gu- priate. Too easy. Heres a list of some possible
aranteed in that time to find something you diets, there are many more and any could
love. The process is fun, and youll meet new be the one that works for you; intermittent
people and new challenges every step of the fasting, vegetarian/vegan, meal prepping,
way. Heres a short list of possible activities, paleo, gluten free. Ignore any connotations
or find your own; martial arts, rock climbing, these may have. Theyre all just approaches
skating, parkour, tai chi, yoga, lifting - either to either preparing food or whats prepared.
olympic, power or body, a new sport, swim- Find the right solution for you. Once you do
ming, running, biking, group fitness classes. youll find food isnt a battle and instead is a
The list is endless, find stuff thats local and satisfying part of your lifestyle, and your ener-
try it. One new thing a week. gy levels will be higher from eating clean.

2. Try new diets every week for at least three 3. Track your food and exercise intake. Literally
months. Youve likely never experimented just keep track of them. Get some paper and
with diets before. They probably seem like write down what you ate and did. There are
one of those weird things some body crazy apps and programs to help. Youll immedia-
people do. Diets are experiments in finding tely get a snapshot of whether youre eating
food habits appropriate for your body. It can and exercising healthy or not. If not, fix it.

16 How to Make the Future

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to
those who prepare for it today.
Malcolm X

Mind Over Matter

E very moment of every day your mind is whirring away. It never stops processing
the sensory stimuli of the world around you. Your body is how you interact with
the world, but your mind is the great architect behind it all. Your mind is you. Tha-
ts why its a shame that most people never learn to listen to their minds. They take
direction from the social cues of the world around them and act accordingly. They
hover in a reactionary state waiting for the next direction.

E very culture has certain standards for behaviour, such as marriage. These cultures
all differ, but theyll all have some variant that its participants follow. Mindfulness
is the opposite of this phenomenon. Its embracing the unique perspective your
mind grants you and living true to it. Following it wherever it may lead, even if that
direction is contrary to the social cues. Mindfulness leads to integrity, courage and
innovation. Mindful people trust in their abilities and so can create things of value.

The mind is what we refer to

when we talk of intellect or
sentience. It can be defined in
strictly physiological terms. But
to reduce our minds to purely
chemical interactions does
it a disservice. Its so much
more and is the basis for all of

17 How to Make the Future

The Process of Thinking

M ost people never learn to think.

They learn how to come to conc-
Tips for effective thinking

lusions, to rationalize and to engage in 1. Ask questions. Its remarkable

other behaviors which to the uninfor- how much becomes apparent
med appear to be thinking. Theyre not. when you ask the questions
your mind naturally thinks of.

T hinking is the process of coming to

logically sound conclusions from
disparate points. A logically sound
2. Believe in your judgement.
You may be wrong. Be open to
being corrected and learning.
conclusion at its simplest is if A + B = C, But dont assume without proof
then C - B must = A. Its irrevocable and that youre wrong just becau-
undeniably true. The logic is sound. Ho- se someones credentialed or
wever the conclusion is only true if A and confident.
B are both true. That is, if both the logic 3. Push. Accurate, critical thought
and the premises are true. An argument is hard. Some claims arent
where both are true is called sound. worth it. But when it matters,
put the work in and draw the

T hats an issue many people have.

They come to logically correct conc-
lusions from false data. For example;
correct conclusion. The world
changes when you know.

everything with spots is a giraffe, that

dog has spots. That dog is a giraffe. Is first principles they ARE true. Further when we do
he? No. But the logic of the argument is our reasoning ourselves and dont rely on the conc-
correct. But the premises are false. lusions of others, we fully understand the conclu-
sions. The world is no longer based on assumptions

T hats why thinking is best done from

first principles. Thats a physics term.
but truths. We see the world accurately.

It means to begin our thinking from

axiomatic or undeniably true facts. When
logicially correct conclusions come from
T he clarity of this state is the opposite of The
Fog and is very helpful for producing creative
works containing deep human truths.

18 How to Make the Future

Emotional Intelligence

E motions are your minds heuristics for making rapid assessments of the world. So-
mething dangerous? Feel fear. Something hostile? Feel anger. Something good?
Feel happy. And so on. Emotions are a good indicator of how you truthfully feel about
something. But theyre also rooted in our
evolution. Our emotions havent evo- Positive emotions
lved to cope with the modern world and
come from feeling
sometimes that can make them tricky
to grapple with. Emotions play strongly autonomous, com-
with stress and the two play hell with petent and connec-
people in the modern world.
ted to those around
T hats why its a good practice to
think through your emotions in
order to understand them before acting
us. Negative from
their absence.
on them. If youre mad, dont immedia-
tely react aggressively to the stressor. Think it through. Why would you instinctively
react this way? Is that reaction appropriate? Whats the smart response?

E motions can be sources of great pleasure. People essentially have three psycho-
logical needs and our emotions act as regulators to assess whether were getting
them or not in any given moment. Those needs are to feel autonomous, competent
and connected to others. Any time reality is telling you thats not the case, youll feel a
negative emotion in response. When reality says thats happening, positive emotion.

B y becoming aware of these processes we gain greater emotional intelligence or

EQ. High levels of EQ are essential for producing meaningful works that hint at
the truths of nature and for developing the internal discipline to deal with lifes hard-
ships and critics and still produce things of meaning and value. Whether that be art,
social good, or scientific breakthroughs. EQ is vital within all fields and disciplines.

19 How to Make the Future


O nes mindset is the default lens through which they observe the world. Ones
mindset is a filter. It can distort or enhance the sensory inputs of the world. If
you understand your mindset fully. You can grasp how you intuitively react in diffe-
rent situations and ultimately construct a more powerful, happy mind for yourself.

T here is no universally ideal mindset. The mindset that lets you follow your pas-
sion and create things of value, and connect deeply with others is the one thats
best for you. Start paying attention to your immediate mental reactions to the world.
Do you celebrate others failures even subtly? Its common. It can indicate inversely
that you believe that you yourself are a failure. Celebrate everyones success including
your own. Because when the worlds better for everyone, its better for everyone.

A n easy way of constructing a healthy mindset is to use whats known as a Posi-

tive Explanatory Style. Whenever something happens in the world, explain it in
the positive form. Someones angry about something? Explain it as they care deeply
about something but have trouble putting problems and emotions into perspective
and coping. Perhaps discussing the situation with them will help them lead themse-
lves to insights about it. This mindset turns irritants into opportunities.

T ry this approach with the inputs of tomorrow. Youll find its much easier to main-
tain a positive, optimistic outlook when youre not putting others down mentally
all day. Its a common mindset amongst high achievers. They believe in their own
success and so can believe in that of others. Thats true confidence and it feels great.

Common Mindset Faults

Thinking ones a fraud after a success.
Assuming others care deeply about ones actions.
Believing an indifferent universe has hostile intentions towards oneself.
Not celebrating ones successes because theyre seen as meaningless.
The false belief that one isnt capable of greatness or distinction.

20 How to Make the Future

Kaizen, Or Constant Learning

K aizen in the context of learning. Refers to the idea that every single experience
you have is one worth learning from. Everything you see, touch, or feel. Every-
one you speak with, or to, has something of value to offer.

T his wonderful, open perspective is one of great curiosity. Nothing is taken for
granted. Everything is appreciated and put in a positive, valued perspective. If
cultivated moment by moment the holder of this mindset will flourish in a sea of
positivity and understanding. Its a very common perspective amongst those of gre-
atness. They see the world around them as something worth taking an interest in.

C onstant Learning also speaks to how we spend our time. When we avoid
escapist behaviours like social media scrolling. We open up quite big chunks of
spare time. Really pay attention to how much time you waste on memes, or other
pursuits that dont significantly enrich your life in any meaningful way.

T he Constant Learning philosophy says this freed up time should be spent lear-
ning something. Our passions tell us what that should be. Perhaps a career re-
levant skill, or to create works of art or literature. It holds that creating SOMETHING
no matter how trivial teaches us something and that learning things is always
valuable. The discipline developed by accurately tracking our time and putting it to
good use is helpful in the greater pursuit of ones passion. Give it a shot.

What is Kaizen?

K aizen is a Japanese concept from

post WWll which means quite li-
terally change for better. Its a recent
business trend towards top to bottom
innovation that originates from any level
of the company; from janitor to CEO.

21 How to Make the Future

Exercises For the Mind

T raining ones mind seems a bit abstract at first. However the effective use of the
mind is a skill and one most people neglect. Its quite easy to train and very flexi-
ble. Youll find immediate clarity and perspective arises no matter which method you
choose, so long as youre consistent in its application. Once youve gotten your mind
going, itll be tough to stop. Youll have ideas constantly, youll see ways of improving
a world youd taken for granted. Conversations will take on new meaning and people
will begin to value your ideas more. Its quite satisfying and its something everyone
should make a point of doing.

1. Daily meditation practice. Meditation invo- a why ladder, you just start with a state-
lves either emptying the mind or filling it ment. Say the sky is blue. Then, you ask why?
with one single thing, typically ones breath. Because its a certain wavelength of light.
However it can be so much more. Beyond the Why? Because.... ? Keep going. The easier the
typical varieties, try these; gratitude, where statement is, the deeper youll go. Eventually
you focus on the things in your life youre you always hit a wall. So go learn what the
thankful for; kindess, where you focus on next thing is. This is the practice of learning
producing positive thoughts for the people from first principles and is actually quite fun
of your life; or forgiveness, where you focus if youve got a curious mindset. Give at least
on letting go of the people whove hurt you one a try and see where it takes you.
in the past. These varieties can be liberating 4. Experiment with perspective taking. A per-
and very effective for helping to release the spective is the concept of how a certain per-
past and so focus on the present. son/thing would see the world. Basically you

2. Track your time. Get a calendar or time sheet practice putting yourself into another entitys
and keep track of all your time. When youre shoes. Easiest is family members, friends, or
eating, sleeping, at work, everything. Youll coworkers. Try more obtuse things. How do
quickly identify how much time you spend dogs see the world, or rocks, or trees? Be a
doing... nothing. Looking at memes, mindles- tree for a while, its very peaceful. Try one.
sly scrolling through social sites. Activities 5. Daily reading habit. The most straightfor-
that dont create anything meaningful in your ward. Every day read for 10+ minutes from a
life. Identify and eliminate the wasted time source of value. Not FaceBook posts. Try bio-
and put it towards activities of value. graphies of people you respect, or rich lore

3. Practice creating why ladders. To construct based fiction. Engage the mind. Every day.

22 How to Make the Future

Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints
his own nature into his pictures.
-Henry Ward Breecher

The Reality of Souls

T he soul is one of those longstanding human beliefs that speak to the permanen-
ce of something inside us. Theyre also not real. At least not in the simplistic form
theyre usually presented. Humans like to think were special. That were some unique,
fortunate bud on the evolutionary tree that the universe has been anticipating. Were
not. We never will be. Were a thing thats happened because the parameters of our
universe have evolved in such a way that statistically we could happen, and then with
enough chances we did.

F or all we know were not even rare. The universe at its rate of expansion/decay
will last for countless trillions of years. Its only been 13 billion. Were still being
warmed by the afterglow of the Big Bang. Were not the pinnacle. In the same way
an insect cant comprehend a ruin of ours when it sees them. We cant even remotely
comprehend what a greater intelligence than ours could be like or create. Intelligen-
ce is a staircase where you mock the step below you to cover your fear of the many,
many steps above. When we speak of colonizing the galaxy. It wont be us that does
it, in the sense of Homo Sapiens. Itll be our descendants.

R eligion capitalizes on our uncertainty at cosmic mysteries by providing answers

from indisputable sources that tell us whats comforting. Religion can lead to
strong, wholesome communities but the philosophical beliefs about creation are
universally flawed and are products of their time when science couldnt account for
things like stars, the cosmos, geological processes and the origin of intelligent life.

23 How to Make the Future


R elationships are one of the many

rich, meaningful facets of a well lived
life. Strong friends, a partner in crime
to share your life with, or sturdy familial
bonds. None are essential for happiness
but all are pieces in the complex puzzle
of constructing a life full of it. Thats why
its wise to cultivate relationships whe- ginfully.
never and wherever possible. Through
honesty, openness and ultimately love
we can bond deeply with our fellow hu-
mans and create magnificent lives worth
C onquer hate with love. Hate is a
response many people have when
they begin to feel cynical about the con-
living. Relationships can be very simple cept of humanity. They think humans
to cultivate. are flawed creatures who dont dese-
rve happiness. Theyre displacing their

W hats rewarding about relation-

ships will differ for most. The se-
cret is to constantly seek mutual benefit
negative emotions towards themselves
outward. Its known as displacement and
is a common psychological coping tac-
in every interaction. Benefits are illusive. tic. Theyre wrong to do it. These people
Complements are benefits because they likely do so because theyve had nega-
reinforce others self worth. Advice can tive experiences in the past and theyve
help us lead better lives. Introductions been falsely lead to belief they dont
can lead to lifelong friends and partners deserve happiness. Watch at how these
that fulfill us. Help others as much, or cold people will warm and glow when
more, than they help you. Strive to provi- they hear kind, thoughtful gestures or
de something of value to them anytime words directed their way. No matter
and any way you can. Most things of someones actions, stature or station
value arent money and arent directly provide love to them and youll see that
bought. Art supplies or fresh flowers are no person whatever their experiences
cheap compared to the wealth of love is beyond redemption. Were all worth
youll create through giving them mean- loving and being loved.

24 How to Make the Future


W ith our every movement and thought we make subtle gestures and facial
expressions. Were wired to intuitively understand these gestures and respond
to them. Its the feeling when you know someones upset or angry without them
explicitly saying anything. Our ance-
stors needed to rapidly assess if fellow Make kindness your
humans were competition, aggressors,
standard and watch
opportunities or what. In response weve
developed these complex mechanisms people respond. Al-
for quickly ascertaining the social value ways be prepared
and intentions of someone.
to bond back and
T heyre ultimately flawed systems be-
cause they can be easily abused as
with peacocking and the PUA commu-
watch yourself re-
spond in kind.
nity. However for day to day life theyre
effective enough. These systems apply to everything from dating, assessing candida-
tes for jobs, meeting friends and any other situation where objectives can either align
or misalign and communication or interaction is what decides which way it goes.

M astering these standards is somewhat simple. Just define what you want to
convey. Then construct that impression through words, actions and appearan-
ces. This approach can easily stray into outright manipulation, which is unethical and
ultimately leads us to feeling guilty and victim to The Fog. A light touch creates the
appropriate impression while leaving people free to their own interpretation. Leaving
social interaction; dynamic, unpredictable and fun and you free to work towards your
mission, free of unwanted interference. By failing to cultivate this skill youll find your-
self harried and stressed by the anxiety and confusion that comes from uncertainty in
social interactions. This state is very detrimental to creativity and should be avoided.
Remember social interaction should be fun. Were all on this confusing, magnificent
journey together. Some people have lost sight of that. Avoid being one of them.

25 How to Make the Future


P ower is when one party has some resource or circumstance which gives them
advantage over another. Its mostly characterized by power imbalances. Where
theres a significant enough differential between the two parties that one is capable
of exerting influence over the actions of the other. Imbalances can be consensual as
in the employer/employee relationship but they remain imbalances. One party has
more need of the other. Power imbalances can easily be abused through manipu-
lation or misrepresentation. Or can be forced upon people. Coercion and force are
unethical and leave people victim to The Fog. As they spin webs of rationalizations to
cover the guilt they feel for the abuse of another intelligent creature.

T he management of power then is an important skill and one which many mis-
sion driven people of today must master. In fact, the most reliable way of making
an impact is activating and inspiring others to create in the field of your mission. This
is the path most large scale projects of today require. An example is offworld colo-
nization. MANY mission driven people are drawn to the sense of purpose this field
instills in them. But its only through the talent of a leader that their abilities can be
combined effectively to create a sum greater than its parts.

O f course meaning is fragile and as the power paradox explains below. Once
you begin gaining power, its almost universal that youll begin losing the traits
that got you there in the first place. The pursuit of power, or of becoming a leader, is
a worthy one. But dont let the vanity of being above others erode you. Youll lose
sight of what makes you unique and so lose the ability to fully offer your gifts.

The Power Paradox

People are put into positions of power because others trust them. That trust
is developed through the leaders empathy and understanding. As leaders
gain more power they begin seeing themselves as above the people who put
them there. Eroding their empathy completely, and leading them to betray
that trust and losing power. As they say absolute power, corrupts absolutely.

26 How to Make the Future

Wealth and Finances

W ealth can be seen as an abundan-

ce of the things we value, usually
thought of as money. However, the true
things of value are those which enrich
our spirits and minds. Things which give
an abundance of positivity and richness
to our lives like; love, community, and
contribution. A s has been pointed out the first step
is the discovery of your values in
the form of your passion. Then you must

M oney is simply a means of exchan-

ge. A trivial piece of ink and paper
given meaning by people when they
begin working, at first, likely for nothing
beyond the satisfaction you get from
doing what fulfills you.
collectively agree on a value. Money is
essential in modern society to get food,
shelter and so on. We need to earn a
certain amount of it. People however
T his is where people struggle. They
dont connect the dots between
the unpaid struggle of the burgeoning
mistake this need for some money, as talent with the wealthy success of the ac-
money being the point of all labor, ever. complished and great. Every talent exists
Through that belief they learn to only on a spectrum. The harder you work, the
work when moneys involved and to better you become relative to others in
relax when its not. that field. The best make money. Always.

O f course selling your lifespan away

to earn the means of survival doing
something you hate is no way to live. But
S tart working today. Develop your ta-
lents with integrity. Support yourself
however you can. Sooner than you think
then, those who experience it know that. youll never have to worry about money
Whats harder is moving past that stage. again and youll be free.

1Unto This Last by Ruskin is perhaps the gre-

atest work of literature on the notion of wealth
and a large inspiration for this segment.

27 How to Make the Future

Enlightenment and Transcendence

E nlightenment is a state of being. Its

characterized by a complete absen-
ce of desire for all material things. The
enlightened still need the basics for
continued life, but they arent spiritually
attached to them. In the sense that their
absence wouldnt affect their mental
state in any way whatsoever.
H appiness comes from an abundance
of things we value relative to our

U s humans set what are known as

anchor points. Its a system of rela-
tive values. That is, everything has value
expectations of what we should have.
More good stuff than we want, then
were happy. Modern society is remar-
relative to the presence or absence of kably good at telling us we never have
other things. For example; foods value enough. That we need another promo-
is relative to our hunger. Certain types tion, raise, or car to have enough. So
of food are valued relative to our bodies our anchor points end up always being
need for specific vitamins or minerals. higher than reality and we never achieve
But food has no objective value except happiness. So to become happier, want
relative to that of our need for it. less or have more.

E nlightened individuals then, have set

the anchor value of all things to zero.
Thus no one thing or state can be said to
A s shown earlier, more doesnt mean
money. It means be happy by ear-
ning yourself an abundance of the spi-
be more or less desirable than another ritually fulfilling things of life like; love,
and thus they have no desires. Its libera- community or meaningful accomplish-
ting, but not a means for creating value. ments towards your mission or passion.

1. Most of the research here on spiritual freedom

originates from the Dhammapada. A book of
verse spoken by the Buddha, richly detailing
the legend of his life and experiences.

28 How to Make the Future

Exercises For the Soul

T he soul could be said to be everything thats you aside from your body and mind.
So whats left? Your soul is what gives everything context. Your mind stores and
analyzes your experiences as memories. But your soul stitches them together into a
narrative of your life. Its the difference between stark reality and reality which has
meaning. Its the feeling in your heart when things have value beyond the pure physi-
cal nature of them. By embracing practices that focus on the soul. We gain new levels
of insight and richness into ourselves and others. Life gains more meaning and that
meaning matters. Experiment and youll find some things deeply, spiritually rewar-
ding that you may not have expected.

1. Face your fears. Fears are often not immedia- the ability to be creative for long periods.
tely apparent. Things like spiders, or heights 4. Rewire your brain for happiness. Think of
jump out at you. But fears like being afraid of three things every day for 21 days youre gra-
being seen as a fraud, or of not getting the teful for. Different things every time. Research
approval of strangers are harder to inden- has shown this simple activity greatly boosts
tify. Using your results from the earlier self happiness levels by raising peoples apprecia-
discovery exercises. Face some of your more tion for what they already have.
complex fears. Public speaking is a common 5. Give something back. Volunteer or donate
one, so go give it a try. Join a club. something of value. No spare change. Things

2. Minimalism. Our possessions can end up with meaning. That means not money but
owning us. By ridding oneself of the unneces- time and effort. The internal rewards for hel-
sary ownership of things. We free ourselves ping others is well worth the effort.
up mentally to create things of greater value. 6. Reconnect with people youve grown distant
Ironically by owning less we end up discove- from. Everyone has people they use to have
ring how much we really have. Try it. strong relationships with but dont anymore.

3. Discipline. Think of something you would Make a point of contacting one such person
prefer not to do thats good for you. Cold every week for three months. The first one
showers are an easy one. Identify something may be hard, but its quite a satisfying thing
like that and then use discipline to carry out to undertake. You may find some people
the habit of it. Have a cold shower every day youve just grown apart from. But with others
for 30 days. Youll feel amazing, refreshed, and youll rekindle your old bond and get a new
alert. Discipline in this way helps us develop lease on a very rewarding relationship.

29 How to Make the Future

The majority of humans have forgotten to fall in love with our
surroundings, with our planet, with the stars, and in those details,
which are free, true happiness dwells.
-Eduardo Serio

The State of Things

1 3 or so billion years ago the universe we inhabit was formed. Multiverse theory
claims that we exist in just one of many universes. Each of which falls somewhere
on a spectrum, on a variety of physical laws. Laws like; at which temperature helium
will break down to hydrogen, or the strength of gravity. These laws ultimately dictate
the evolution, lifespan and end of a universe. This theory assumes that every universe
follows the same constants. The same variables are present but at differing values.

The universe has a theoretical

lifespan of 1050+ years. On that
scale our entire universe has
existed for roughly 10-40% or 0.
000000000000000001% of its
lifespan. Were very young on a
cosmic scale, there is other life
and the universe will change
vastly from now. Dont limit
your perspective or assume we
have the answers. We dont.

E ssentially this means were one of many universes. Each of which exists on a time-
scale far beyond our imaginations. Were ignorant, young and exist in a place we
scarcely understand. Its only in the last few thousands year weve even developed
a way of figuring things out. Its called science. Humanity will change and well be a
footnote in a forgotten history book. Lose the illusions of humanitys ascendancy and
strive for an accurate understanding of our cosmic realm. Think of the freedom this
grants you, the great scale of things. Your actions dont matter. Yet your every

30 How to Make the Future

atom, after you pass, will spread out into this universe and affect things. Your every
movement, the exertions of your mind. These create gravitational ripples which in
some small but undeniable way go on to effect every other piece of matter in the uni-
verse. We exist in an ocean and your paddling around creates ripples all of creation
can feel. Youre powerful beyond compare and you need to know it. To feel it.

T he atoms of the dead men and

women of the past are redistributed.
They primarily stay on Earth within our
There is only one
corner of the univer-
local gravitational field. Theyre redistri-
buted to form new matter, including
se you can be certa-
you. Youre literally composed of the in of improving, and
greatness of those of the past. You ARE
thats your own self.
them in every sense of the word. Their
ideas and beings have never passed, nor -Aldous Huxley
have they ascended to some ethereal
realm. Theyve become the next gene-
ration of humanity and its beautiful. The same will happen to you, your children, to
everyone. The future of humanity will be made of us. Take action with impacts bey-
ond your lifetime. Look to the future of our race as your mission. Create art, impacts
or technologies that benefit everyone. Youre everyone and every one of them is you.

T he universe is indifferent to us. The survival or fall of intelligence wont impact its
processes. It also is incapable of harbouring malevolence towards us. It simply
is, and if we wish for mind to exist in this realm we inhabit its up to us to make it so.
Every great thing is composed of minute things and so the fate of our species is com-
posed of the moment to moment actions of the people who have existed. Like you.

1. Much of this thought can be attributed to Alain De Botton and his work Status Anxiety.
2. Bill Bryson also deserves credit with his work A Short History of Nearly Everything.

31 How to Make the Future

Self Mastery

W e all carry a responsibility within us. Fate has gifted us with intelligence and
its up to each of us to pass the torch on. Once one understands the reality of
our situation and begins earnestly working towards manifesting their abilities fully to
contribute to this glorious potential fu-
Greene famously
claims Mastery ture our species could have. They could
takes 10,000 hours to
achieve. 10,000 hours be said to have reached a new state of
is over 416 full days. being. A state thats called Self Mastery.
It seems impossible,
no doubt. But all that
time, each day within
is composed of mere
moments. Moments
you have every day
of your life. Realign
I ts called Self Mastery because these
people have understood their place in
the universe and have worked to master
your priorities in the
direction of your ma- the only thing they truly can. Chance
stery and youll find
the process takes care and fate dictate the swirl of galaxies
of itself.
while we only control the swirl of our

own actions. Self Masters own this fun- Inner peace is simply
the knowledge that
damental truth. They contribute what youre doing your best
within the circumstan-
they can and find joy in the process. ces life has granted
They love their lives because they know you. Its achieveable
by anyone with
their actions have created for them lives passion and determi-
worth loving.

You have power

S elf Mastery is achieveable. As this
book has discussed greatness is just over your mind - not
hard work and an understanding of your outside events. Re-
inner value system. By investing in your-
self you, and all of creation, can reap the
alize this, and youll
rewards forever. Weighty stuff no doubt, find your strength.
but nothing you cant handle. Begin
today and never look back.
-Marcus Aurelius

32 How to Make the Future

Personality Traits of a Self Master

T o guide your journey. Self Masters could be said to share some somewhat uni-
versal traits. There is great diversity amongst those fulfilling themselves fully,
but there seem to be some reoccuring traits which may be of use to you. If you dont
have them it doesnt mean your life is not fulfilling and if you do have them it doesnt
mean youre set and never need to work again. Self Mastery is a process one must
embrace and pursue with every action of their lives.

1. Fit, healthy, in tune with the bodies needs. resistance to enculturation.

2. A strong sense of mission and purpose. Ma- 7. Honest with themselves and to the world.
king them emotionally intelligent and aware. They live true to who they are and thus have

3. A strong personal value system and sense nothing of importance to hide. Including
of integrity which they will only break in the their missteps and mistakes. They understand
most extreme of circumstances. these are all a part of the proccess.

4. A great feeling of love for themselves, people 8. Comfortable being alone. They dont neces-
and for the universe as a whole. sarily prefer solitude. Comfortable with what

5. An intense sense of curiosity about the world happens when their minds run wild because
around them. They wonder and question. theyre not afraid of who they are.

6. Independent in thought and action. They 9. Desire immaterial things. They dont prioritize
dont rely on the assumptions of society and status based possessions and so things like
those around them to make important perso- nice cars dont appeal to them except where
nal decisions. This could also be stated as - a utility or passion are involved.

Y ou likely have some of these traits within yourself. You also have many others of
great value. This is not some standard for an exceptional human. Its just some
common traits many self fulfilling people share. Youre capable of greatness - as you.

1. For his work on the traits of people on the journey to actualization Maslow deserves much credit.
2. Robert Greene has also been a huge influence on the Self Mastery work with his book Mastery.

33 How to Make the Future

In real life endings arent always neat, whether theyre happy en-
dings, or whether theyre sad endings.
-Stephen King

You hold greatness within you...

T his book is very abstract. Much of whats been said is based off personal expe-
rience and research. We all have unique perspectives and insights and no one
person has all or even many of the answers. For that reason I hope you get just one
insight from this book amongst all others.

T hat insight, is a renewed faith in the strength of humanity. No person is ever a

failure. Nobody is worth nothing. Every person, no matter their faith, background
or past actions holds greatness within them and its the support of their peers that
helps them to harness it. Be a supporter, someone that gives people faith in themse-
lves. You have it within you to make the world a better place. Dream. Believe. Do.

L anding Attempts is a community. Its as much you, the reader, as me. You give it
life, you keep the dialogue moving forward. You support it with your donations,
purchases, interactions and support on social media. To keep work like this being
produced and made available so easily, please help in any way you can. Practice
being one of those people who supports people pursuing their missions. Share this
book with your peers, or better yet, act on what youve learned from it and make the
world a better place. There are important conversations that need to be had, and Lan-
dingAttempts strives to be a place where people can have them.

Thank you for reading. I hope this book has been of some service.

34 How to Make the Future
It takes a village to raise a child.
-African Proverb

W ere all the sum of our experiences. So many different people have been the
source of my experiences that its impossible to list or name all of them. Here
Ive done my best to compile a list of direct sources and what theyve contributed.
This humble attempt however is nowhere near sufficient and never will be.

1. Ruskin, John. Unto This Last. Ruskin taught me that wealth is not money and
money is only as valuable as we let it be. The world was wealthier for you having
been in it John. Thank you for writing what was within you.

2. The Buddha. Dhammapada. Im not a Buddhist. Nor am I particularly learned

about Buddhist culture. I am however fascinated by the spiritual studies of the
world and Buddhism has done much to contribute to that body of knowledge.

3. De Botton, Alain. Status Anxiety. The ruins segment of status anxiety has haun-
ted me since reading it. Its beyond compare. His writing on wealth as a compa-
rison and how people instinctively choose who to compare to has been a huge
factor in the writing of this book. Keep it up Alain. Youre inspiring the world.

4. Bryson, Bill. A Short History of Nearly Everything. I read this book as a young
man and it helped me to understand the scientific method and the fragility and
robustness of our collective knowledge. Everything is a guess and that means
anyone can push our species forward. Greatness is within us all Bill. Thanks.

5. Maslow, Abraham. On the Psychology of Being. Maslow and his pyramid of hu-
man values was my first introduction to the notion that life could be bigger inside
of us. Steve Pavlina helped me to understand it further but Maslow is where the
movement all began and where many of the Traits of Self Masters originates.

6. Greene, Robert. Mastery. Mastery is a combination of stories and explanations

that convinced me that greatness isnt chance, anyone is capable of it, and that
we all have value. Thank you for teaching me my own worth Robert, my life hasnt
been the same since.

7. Finally, thank you, to; my family, friends and those whove supported me. Finis.
35 How to Make the Future

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