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The image above is a population graph from the predator-prey game. Green indicates grass, blue indicates
rabbits, and red indicates wolves. The rapid growth in grass shown at the right of the graph is probably due to:

A. ? wolves becoming extinct

B. ? wolves controlling the rabbit population

C. ? rabbits going on diets

D. ? rabbits becoming extinct


Of the organisms depicted above, the one that would likely be found in the smallest number within the
ecosystem is the

A. ? northern pike

B. ? perch

C. ? bleak

D. ? osprey

E. ? freshwater shrimp

3. An organism that feeds only on heterotrophs is a(n)

A. ? primary consumer

B. ? autotroph
C. ? omnivore

D. ? carnivore

E. ? herbivore

4. Most climate models predict that during this century, the average temperature

A. ? on land will increase, as will the average ocean temperatures

B. ? on land will increase, and the average ocean temperatures will decrease

C. ? on land will decrease, and the average ocean temperatures will increase

D. ? on land will decrease, as will the average ocean temperatures


The image above is a population graph from the predator-prey game. Green indicates grass, blue indicates
rabbits, and red indicates wolves. Wolves appear to have gone extinct because:

A. ? other predators replaced them

B. ? they ran out of grass to eat

C. ? there was no grass for rabbits to eat

D. ? they starved after eating all of the rabbits


In the growth curve shown above, the red line indicates

A. ? K, the carrying capacity

B. ? the reproductive rate

C. ? the death rate

D. ? the y-intercept


The food chain above shows

A. ? one heterotroph and two autotrophs

B. ? one producer and two omnivores

C. ? one producer, one autotroph, and one decomposer

D. ? one autotroph and two heterotrophs


The image above is a population graph from the predator-prey game. Green indicates grass, blue indicates
rabbits, and red indicates wolves. In this graph, the factor controlling the population of rabbits is:
A. ? competition from other herbivores

B. ? the presence of predators

C. ? the availability of food

D. ? the presence of predators and the availability of food


In addition to helping to remove nitrogenous wastes, the plants in the aquarium provide the fish with

A. ? bacteria

B. ? carbon dioxide

C. ? nitrogen

D. ? oxygen

10. Organisms that obtain energy directly from photosynthesis are known as

A. ? heterotrophs

B. ? primary consumers

C. ? herbivores

D. ? autotrophs

The water cycle process labeled #4 is

A. ? condensation

B. ? precipitation

C. ? evaporation

D. ? transpiration


The water cycle process labeled #1 is

A. ? condensation

B. ? transpiration

C. ? evaporation

D. ? precipitation

The land shown in the picture was once cultivated farmland. The process being shown here is

A. ? secondary succession

B. ? primary succession

C. ? extinction

D. ? invasion

14. The processes of photosynthesis and respiration are tied together in

A. ? the nitrogen cycle and water cycle

B. ? the nitrogen cycle

C. ? the carbon cycle and oxygen cycle

D. ? the phosphorus cycle


As the air temperature increases, the rate of process #3 _______________ and the rate of process #1
A. ? increases / increases

B. ? decreases / increases

C. ? decreases / increases

D. ? increases / decreases

16. Most people have pesticides and other environmental contaminants in their body. This is an example of

A. ? biomagnification

B. ? healthy eating

C. ? bioamplification

D. ? bioaccumulation


Creative commons attribution: copyright Dan L. Perlman, 1988

The caterpillar pictured here has wasp pupae attached that will hatch and then consume the caterpillar. This
relationship is an example of

A. ? commensalism

B. ? mutualism

C. ? parasitism

D. ? sexual selection

When the fish is provided with so much food that it cannot eat all of it, the excess food

A. ? can be absorbed by the plant for photosynthesis

B. ? adds to the nitrogenous wastes in the aquarium

C. ? kills bacteria

D. ? helps to remove nitrogenous wastes from the aquarium


The most efficient transfer of energy to the artic cod occurs when it feeds on

A. ? harbour seals

B. ? herbivorous zooplankton

C. ? carnivorous zooplankton

D. ? harp seals

If the ecosystem above was contaminated with the pesticide DDT, the highest concentration of DDT would be
found in

A. ? the sea water

B. ? small fish

C. ? pelicans

D. ? microscopic organisms

21. Ultimately, all of the energy in most food chains or food webs comes from

A. ? the sun

B. ? the producers

C. ? the oceans

D. ? the carnivores

22. Invasive species may harm an ecosystem by


outcompeting native species


providing humans with a new food source


altering habitat


introducing new diseases

23. Check

b. Organisms that can feed on autotrophs as well as on heterotrophs are known as

A. ? carnivores

B. ? omnivores

C. ? producers

D. ? primary consumers

E. ? herbivores

B. Most extinctions occurring on the planet today are due to

A. ? hunting

B. ? loss of habitat

C. ? invasive species

D. ? global warming

The source of the carbon in fossil fuels is

A. ? ocean water

B. ? limestone deposits

C. ? ammonia from proteins

D. ? dead plant and animal matter

D. A foreign species of organism, introduced into a new ecosystem, will not become invasive unless


there is an available niche, or a weaker competitor occupies that niche


the population is sufficiently large to allow for natural breeding


people help care for them until they adapt

pregnant females are released


it is well suited to the habitat into which it is being released

E. Check

b. After a forest fire, the first signs of ecological recovery occur with the appearance of

A. ? trees

B. ? grasses and small shrubs

C. ? predators

D. ? large herbivores

B. Which of the following is the formula for determining the rate of growth of a population?

A. ? birth rate + death rate + immigration rate + emigration rate

B. ? (immigration rate + emigration rate) - (death rate + birth rate)

C. ? (birth rate - death rate) + immigration rate + emigration rate

D. ? (birth rate + immigration rate) - (death rate + emigration rate)

C. Which of the following is an example of a community?

A. ? All of the geese in the world.

B. ? All of the organisms living within a lake.

C. ? All of the grass in a meadow.

D. ? All of the animals in North America.

D. Which of the following IS NOT a greenhouse gas?

A. ? methane, CH4

B. ? water vapor
C. ? carbon dioxide, CO2

D. ? oxygen, O2


Which of the following has only ONE food source depicted in this web?


harp seal


ringed seal


polar bear


artic char

killer whale

F. Check


According to the 10% rule, compared to the osprey, the perch has

A. ? 1/10 the energy available

B. ? 20x more energy available

C. ? 10x more energy available

D. ? 100x more energy available

E. ? 1/100 the energy available

B. Starlings, sparrows and other European birds were introduced into the United States during the 1890's, when
they were released in New York's Central Park by

A. ? mad scientists

B. ? crazy Spongebob Squarepants fans

C. ? alien life forms

D. ? evil Shakespeare fans


As this diagram indicates, human population is distributed in a pattern of

A. ? uniform dispersion

B. ? clumped dispersion

C. ? random dispersion

D. During a particularly hot summer, the smallest change in temperature would likely be noted in

A. ? oceans

B. ? temperate grasslands

C. ? deserts

D. ? temperate forests


Assume that a human can choose from any of the three organisms above as a source of nutrition. Which of
the food sources provides the most efficient transfer of energy from the sun to us?

A. ? Eat the wolf!

B. ? Eat the steer!

C. ? Eat the corn!

F. An organism whose removal from an ecosystem may cause the collapse of that ecosystem is known as a(n)

A. ? herbivore

B. ? tertiary consumer

C. ? keystone species

D. ? dominant predator

In addition to carbon dioxide, what chemical compound is released into the atmosphere as a result of
processes #2 and #5

A. ? evapotranspiration

B. ? water, H2O

C. ? oxygen, O2

D. ? ammonia, NH3

E. ? phosphate, PO43-

H. Which of the following is an example of a population?

A. ? All of the raccoons in North America

B. ? All of the raccoons in a forest

C. ? All of the mammals in a forest

D. ? All of the trees in a forest


In a healthy ecosystem, trophic level "A" will be composed of










J. Check


On the African savanna, large herbivores such as elephant and giraffe would be found in

A. ? Trophic level D

B. ? Trophic level A
C. ? Trophic level B

D. ? Trophic level C


Bees collect nectar from flowers, and serve as pollinators for the plants. This relationship is an example of

A. ? mutualism

B. ? predator-prey

C. ? parasitism

D. ? commensalism

C. As a population grows, factors that slow or limit the growth of the population include




competition for resources

disease and parasitism



D. Check


Creative commons attribution: copyright Dan L. Perlman, 1988

Ants are known to protect, or "tend" aphids from predators, and in return receive some nutrients from the
aphids. This relationship is an example of

A. ? commensalism

B. ? mutualism

C. ? parasitism

D. ? sexual selection

B. A relationship between two organisms of different species in which one benefits, while the other neither
benefits nor is harmed:

A. ? commensalism
B. ? symbiosis

C. ? parasitism

D. ? mutualism


The water cycle process labeled #3 is

A. ? evaporation

B. ? condensation

C. ? precipitation

D. ? transpiration


Process #1 removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by means of

A. ? decomposition

B. ? photosynthesis

C. ? evapotranspiration

D. ? deamination

E. ? respiration

Based on the diagram, the greatest amount of energy (and biomass) in a healthy ecosystem will be found in

A. ? secondary consumers

B. ? primary consumers

C. ? producers

D. ? tertiary consumers


The growth curve shown above is an example of

A. ? a predator-prey relationship

B. ? exponential growth

C. ? extinction

D. ? logistic growth

The water cycle process labeled #2 is

A. ? transpiration

B. ? condensation

C. ? precipitation

D. ? evaporation


If the ecosystem above was contaminated with the pesticide DDT, the highest concentration of DDT in fish and
pelicans would be found in

A. ? muscle

B. ? fat tissue

C. ? bone tissue

D. ? blood

The growth curve shown above is an example of

A. ? extinction

B. ? logistic growth

C. ? exponential growth

D. ? a predator-prey relationship


In this diagram the predator is coded in ____________ and the prey is coded in ____________.

A. ? blue / red

B. ? red / blue

K. Deforestation has the effect of

contributing to global warming


decreasing biodiversity


increasing atmospheric oxygen, O2


increasing atmospheric CO2


increasing soil loss through erosion

L. Check

Substances #1 and #2 are






carbon dioxide



c. Check

There is about 100x more energy stored in trophic level A than in

A. ? trophic levels B, C and D combined

B. ? trophic level C

C. ? trophic level D

D. ? trophic level B

B. Examples of symbiotic relationships include








C. Check

b. The process by which the volcanic island Surtsey has progressed from bare lava in 1963 to an island with
vegetation and animal life today is known as

A. ? secondary succession

B. ? primary succession

C. ? a climax community

D. ? an extinction event


Missing from this food web are

A. ? carnivores

B. ? decomposers

C. ? primary consumers

D. ? producers


Wastes and dead organisms from this food chain will be fed upon by

A. ? herbivores

B. ? tertiary consumers

C. ? autotrophs
D. ? decomposers


The growth curve above indicates that in this population

A. ? births + immigration = deaths + emigration

B. ? the ecosystem must be at its carrying capacity

C. ? extinction has occurred

D. ? births + emigration = deaths + immigration


Processes #2 and #5 add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by means of

A. ? deamination

B. ? photosynthesis

C. ? respiration

D. ? evapotranspiration

E. ? decomposition

Substances #3 and #4 are




carbon dioxide





G. Check

The plant shown here is Russian thistle, better known as tumbleweed. It was accidentally introduced into the
United States in the nineteenth century in contaminated flax seed. The fact that it has spread throughout the
western United States suggests that


it is an attractive garden plant


it has an efficient seed dispersal mechanism


it is being farmed as an agricultural crop


regions of Russia have a climate similar to the western United States

c. Check

(From Reuters)A golden eagle picks the carcass of a wild boar that was killed by wolves in the 30 km (18
miles) exclusion zone around the Chernobyl nuclear reactor near the village of Babchin some 370 km (217
miles) southeast of Minsk February 3, 2008. Wildlife in the exclusion zone has been teeming despite radiation.

If one were to study organisms in the area, which of these indicates the probable order
of increasing concentrations of radiation in living tissue?

A. ? wild boar -- plants -- wolves

B. ? wolves -- wild boar -- plants

C. ? wolves -- plants -- wild boar

D. ? plants -- wild boar -- wolves

B. Food webs differ from food chains in that they

A. ? identify the keystone species within an ecosystem

B. ? show the distribution of biomass within an ecosystem

C. ? show the actual movement of energy within the ecosystem

D. ? show more of the available feeding relationships in an ecosystem


Nitrospira and nitrosomonas are

A. ? small fish

B. ? fungi

C. ? bacteria

D. ? plants


Missing from this food chain are

A. ? producers

B. ? carnivores

C. ? consumers

D. ? heterotrophs

The producer in this food web is the

A. ? capelin

B. ? herbiverous zooplankton

C. ? phytoplankton

D. ? polar bear


The burning of fossil fuels

A. ? releases O2 and requires CO2

B. ? requires O2 and CO2

C. ? requires O2 and releases CO2

D. ? releases O2 and CO2

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