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a. Identify one (or two) disposition(s) in which you believe you've made the most personal
growth this semester. Define this (these) disposition(s) using evidence from the literature we've
read and providing concrete examples of what this looks like in a classroom setting.

For this semester I have taken the time to practice the disposition of knowing student

lives which is often a practice not present in most teachers. It seems that the many

responsibilities educators are tasked and limitations that discourage any teacher practice other

than approved practices have taken a toll on how educators see themselves in Arizona. Somehow

the ironic part that teachers embrace as role models has decayed to a position of dreading teacher

responsibilities in way that has affected teaching. (Kolh) What Im trying to say is that teachers

have really made teaching horrible which I dont blame them, it takes a certain degree of

patience and tolerance with the many roadblocks we face as teachers; ranging from low pay, lack

of funds, lack of resources, overwhelming procedures, state/federal limitations, student attitude

and behavior. Its gotten to a point to which teachers now treat their profession as a mandatory

job that they are stuck which is baffling considering they went to college to even begin becoming

a teacher. (Khol) This stagnation has taken a toll on students who are the real victims of the

unparalleled struggles of our school system.

Most importantly teachers need to know who their students are! I understand the

separation of personal life to our education profession but to an even balance. The most common

thing I have experince is teachers who sometime barely know their students name, I get that

teachers are too busy but cmon to point it is a bother. A great example of a teacher who cares

make simple conversation with their students even a compliment like a haircut or smile.

Honestly students learn efficiently when they feel invested in their teacher as opposed to a

teacher who is disliked entirely.

b. Describe how you will embody at least one of the culturally responsive teaching dispositions
in your future classroom. Provide two examples where you discuss a specific lesson, learning
experience, or teaching practice that illustrate how you plan to incorporate these dispositions into
your classroom. Be specific!

In terms of future use of teaching disposition, I am very anxious to try to implement

being able to bring educational change especially when we derive our lessons not equivalent to

to student knowledge. I understand that such a task may seem as fruitless endeavor but usually

people who maintain a type of mentality of failure are the ones who have discouraged others

from trying in the first place. My perspective is that you cant wait for change nor can students

wait for one individual to make a difference in education. But somewhere along the line there has

to be an effort in the process no matter how small.

First example to which I can bring student knowledge forward is in the area of

Imperialism from the perspective of what students know. The interesting correlation between

real life and history is that student can make their own interpretation such as understanding why

the United States hold so much value over other countries which students can make a honest

attempt to figure out that imperialism is a legacy to why the United States is so affluent, a

leading nation. I really hold with high regard that students shouldnt be afraid of not having the

right answer, if anything we should encourage students to think outside the standard

parameters of student expectations. Believe me students that I have taught from my internship

can say a lot when given the chance to explore and apply what they know.

Another example for lesson that I had in my targets an older student age group which is

high school senior, in Arizona Government is a social studies credit required which is usually

spent in a semester. I have experienced most government teachers do the logistical approach of

government lessons without considering what students will get out of it other than a required
credit to graduate. An example in which I employ in terms of educational change. I figure out

what can I get students to be interested in without sacrificing any content, usually this isnt a

problem considering that most of the students are close to adulthood and having the ability to

vote, drive, purchase adult items, hold bank accounts, and close to college/career. One of the

most recent lesson plans I taught was TLO v New Jersey which is a lesson heavily based on our

civil and criminal court systems most students dont even realize they are covering because most

government teachers cover the basis for the lesson unit. One way I applied my method was

asking students their own personal experiences with the law in terms of court order if not I

usually give my own since students are always eager to hear about my outside life other than

school. Once students know where I am heading with any topic (usually my hook) students get

an example of how I apply relevant topics to our government curriculum even they are

entertained in way that I convey the necessary knowledge students need to make their own

decision and critical thinking revolving on the subject of civic and criminal court cases.

Provide specific examples of how you will use at least one of the professional competencies to
build relationships with: students, parents, and colleagues (address ALL THREE). Refer to the
Cultural Competencies materials in the Session 2 folder and your notes.


For students as a facilitator who has to oversee usually between 20 to 35 students at a time can be a very

demanding task to take up. With so much responsibility there will always be some kind of blind spots

most teachers are not aware of their own students. Not because of neglect or anything like that but more

in the sense teaching and facilitating are two different things which doesnt leave much room for other

responsibilities that dont fall under the two mentioned. Often people forget that teachers are also agents

of discipline which often is a very troubling thing to apply if students are too much. I believe that discipline

can very unwanted consequence if certain discipline is unappropriate for certain students. Sometimes

teachers need to suspend judgement at times when a teacher is so fed up or frustrated with a student or

group of students. Most importantly having the capacity to think and reflect why certain students behave

the way they do, we have to remember that we are the only ones who care about their development other

than their parents even at times the parents have no care for their own children. We need to think and

make our own decisions rather act on impulse or on emotion.


With parents, certain tendencies of teachers seem to reflect themselves whenever a teacher and a parent

communicate. Usually poor communication can lead to difficulty and lack of cooperation. We need to

remember that parents can be a useful resource at our disposal, we shouldnt war with our parents if

there ever is an argument or differences between ourselves and the parents. Understanding our own

biases can sometimes impede how we conduct ourselves around parents let alone our judgment whether


Having interpersonal awareness can result on understanding outside perspectives of others. One thing

that is prevalent in schools is that our public school are not homogenous groups of students. We need to

understand the diversity of students that will come across in our classes. With diversity, there is certain

aspects that are sometimes go unnoticed. With colleagues having the capacity to work with other fellow

staff members should be a collaboration to better educate ourselves.


Kohl, H. (1991)I wont learn from you.

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