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Title: New Professor Focuses on Helping Children with Language Disorders.

January 25th 2017
University of Texas at Dallas (press release)

Dr. Lisa Goffman is a new professor in the School of Behavior and Brain Sciences. Her
goal is to help children that have speech and language difficulty, however her main focus
is the children that have poor academic and social skills due to their language disorder.
Goffman has spent more than two decades studying language components in children and
yet discovered a way to help the challenged kids. She said she is also interested in motor
activities, like gesturing, writing, speaking, and studying how crucial these complicated
movements are to young learners. Goffman is now able to do research with some of the
best researchers of childhood speech and language impairments and speech motor
control. In Goffmans research she was able to find a relation between language and
motor deficits. This allows Goffman to go further in her study and apply what she has
discovered to how children learn sounds, words and sentences. Goffman ends with
saying, By focusing on the core causes of language disorders, earlier identification and
more effective treatment may be possible.

Title: Communication Disorders in Multicultural Populations by Dolores E. Battle
Elsevier Health Sciences, May 14, 2012

In Chapter One there is a section that focuses on multiculturalism to help explain
where it originated from and its role in communication. It emerged in the 1960s
when referring to cultures by race and ethnicity. Since culture can be a broad
term, multicultural was not restricted to just race and ethnicity. Multicultural was
used to describe a society that came from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, but
make up one rich group. Members are valued and each individual is respected for
their contribution to the group. Multicultural society includes all individuals who
come from different culture groups or subgroups. Subcultures are also important
because they relate to a large group of people. For instance a Chinese-American is
apart of a subgroup because they belong to a large culture but participate in the
culture of their choosing. Each individual has a unique culture, which makes them
apart of a group for which they share common beliefs and activities.

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