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Name: Hannah Guidebeck

Directions: Using the template below, describe how students could use a blog, wiki, or other website-
creation tool to learn required learning standards in your content area: For an A grade provide an idea that
reaches a Level of Technology Implementation of 4 or above. Remember higher levels (4-6) require that
students assume adult/professional roles; engage in higher-order thinking; and use technology
create/publish original content for their classmates and/or others beyond their school/classroom. The
learning activities and products should be engaging and meaningful to the students and to others who will
view/use/benefit from students work. Review your handouts on Engaged Learning, Authenticity, and LoTi.
Grade Level: Second
Content Area: English Language Arts
Technology Used (check all that apply):
Blog Wiki Other Website Creation Tool (list):
Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:
ELAGSE2RL4: Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines)
supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song.
Brief Description of Learning Experience: What learning standards will be addressed? What will
students and teachers do? What products will students create? How will the project be introduced? How
long will it take to complete? What audience will use/care about the product(s) students are creating? How
broad is this audience? (Overview should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs).
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply):
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Student Engagement/Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): What LoTi would this lesson be and
This lesson would be LoTi level 3 because it is teacher led. This is also because students will not be
publishing their own work or creating their own blog. The blog will be used for parents to see what students
are learning.
Importance of technology: This lesson could be completed without the use of technology, but we will be
watching a video found.
Internet Safety and Student Privacy: A way to minimize risk for students is to not post any photos from
this lesson that include students faces or names. Any work included will not have the students names, but
only their number. (All students have a number based on where they fall alphabetically in the roster. This
number is also on their cubbies.)

Describe your personal learning goal for this activity. My learning goal for this activity to see how much
the blog is visited by parents. I would love to see that parents are referring to the blog and things they find

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