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What is OCD? Compulsive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, also
known as OCD; is characterized as the
unreasonable fears and thoughts that
cause individuals with the disorder to have
compulsive behaviors. Some examples Boubacar Balde
would be fear of germs or the need to
arrange objects in a specific order.
According to the DSM, the obsession is a
combination of recurrent and persistent
thoughts, urges, or images that are
experienced by the person with OCD.
Tell tell signs of OCD
504 and IDEA symptoms
A student with OCD can qualify for 504
Frequent Hand washing
as long they have the following;
physical or mental impairment; they Checking Behavior
must have proof of the impairment, or Counting
is regarded as having the impairment Dwelling on relationship
Overzealously cleaning
Students with a case of OCD are
served under the IDEA (Between the
ages of 3-21)

If they dont qualify for the IDEA, he or Facts

she can still be eligible for the 504
The disorder is most common in males
It is also important to know that if the
student is eligible for the IDEA, this How can School Counselors with the onset of childhood OCD
also means that he or she is protected and Teachers HELP!!!! Statistics shows that females are
under the 504 slightly affected in higher rates during
School Counselors and teachers must adulthood than males
work together and design a plan that
25 percent of the reported OCD case
will help the child to perform better in
occur at the age of 14
Reassurance seeking is praising the The environment can also increase the
good behavior of the student chances of one developing the
During testing, the teacher should disorder
provide the student with extra time and
an alternative location if needed At school, children with OCD are
Teachers and counselors must provide known to be easily distracted
a routine that is predictable to the
student in order to decrease the
chances of the student having anxiety
Creating a task list for the student to
wear or on the back of their school ID

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