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Get the best soil.

Flowers, like all plants, need good soil to grow up strong and
healthy. Regardless of whether you are planting your flowers in a pot or a garden,
good soil is a must. Find out what the best soil conditions are for the flowers you are
growing and then try to find the best location or potting mix for your flowers.

Image titled Plant Flowers Step 2 preview

Select your location. Although flowers are typically easy to grow, they cant be
grown just anywhere. An area with too much direct sun or too much shade will be
difficult for some flowers to grow in. Find out what type of light is best for the
flowers you are planting.

If you have a specific plant in mind to grow, check the light preferences for that
plant and choose your plot accordingly. You may end up wanting to choose an area
with more or less sun than your original plot has.

If you plan on planting several different types of flowers, choose ones with similar
light/shade requirements so that they grow equally well in the same location.

Image titled Plant Flowers Step 3 preview

Decide on your flowers. Visit a local gardening center to choose the best flowers for
your garden. Growing from seeds, a small plant, bulbs, or a cutting requires nearly
the same process, so focus on flowers that you enjoy and that will add a beautiful
appearance to your yard. Check the tags that come with the flowers or seed packets
to make sure the flower is right for you.

Look for the completed growth size of the flower. Will it become very large and
bushy, or stay relatively small? Will it grow upwards and become tall or outwards
like a vine?

Ask about native flowers before looking at all the available varieties. Flowers
indigenous to your area are already known to be successful growers in your soil,
temperature, and humidity zones.

Check to see if the flower you are growing is an annual or a perennial. Annuals
bloom only once a year and must be replanted yearly, but are known for their bright
colors and beautiful blossoms. Perennials grow back every year without needing to
be replanted and will continue to grow larger over time.

Read the tag for the watering requirements for the flowers. Some need water often,
while others require it only infrequently. If you are getting multiple different species
of flower, try to choose ones with similar watering requirements.[1]
Image titled Plant Flowers Step 4 preview

Plant at the right time. Even with the perfect soil, ideal location, and healthy
flowers, if you dont plant at the right time your garden will be ruined. Most flowers
dont do well in weather that is too cold or hot, so it is usually best to plant flowers
in spring because it is between these periods. Although planting in the spring may
seem obvious, there is an art to choosing the perfect time. With the exception of
bulbs and wildflowersplant these flowers in the fallwait to plant flowers till at
least two weeks after the most recent frost, and avoid planting until temperatures
at night stay above freezing on a regular basis.

Use a farmers almanac to find the best time to plant flowers in your area. Because
of differences in weather in different locations, flowers can be planted anywhere
from February - July.

Check the seed packets of the flowers you are planting to find the best planting
time for your flowers.



Part 1 Quiz

What is one important aspect to consider when planning your flower garden?

You need to choose a flower that's listed as an annual so you get blooms all year

Plant in the fall for flowers in the spring and in the winter for flowers in summer.

Choose the best soil or potting mix for your flowers.

Flowers love sun, so choose a location for your garden that gets full sun all day


Planting Your Flowers

Image titled Plant Flowers Step 5 preview

Dig a hole. If you are planting your flowers from seed, you will usually only need to
plant your seeds 14 inch (0.6 cm) deep, but it is important to check the specific
planting recommendations for any flower you want to plant to find out how deep to
plant them. A transplanted/potted flower will need a hole as deep as the root ball
that it comes with. Flowers dont need to be smothered with soil, so burying them
deep isnt necessary.

Image titled Plant Flowers Step 6 preview

Get out your flowers. This step is mainly for potted flowers that are being
transplanted. While the flowers are still in a plastic pot, water them heavily to
drench the soil. Then, pull the flowers out of the pot and gently break up the root
ball with your fingers. This will help the roots of the flowers to grow out into the soil,
rather than back into a confined lump.

Image titled Plant Flowers Step 7 preview

Feed your flowers. Putting a bit of slow-release food for flowers (similar to fertilizer)
will help new plants to grow quickly. Add a few tablespoons to the bottom of each
hole, and gently incorporate it into the soil with your fingers.

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Plant your flowers. Place each plant into the individual holes prepared for them. Use
your hands to fill in the empty space around each flower and cover the top of the
root ball. Avoid adding much soil to the top of the flower; the stem of the flowers
should never be covered by the dirt.[2]


Part 2 Quiz

What's one thing you should avoid doing when you plant your flowers?

Breaking up the root ball of your potted flower.

Covering the stem of the flower with dirt.

Using plant food similar to fertilizer for your flowers.


Maintaining Your Flowers

Image titled Plant Flowers Step 9 preview

Water your flowers regularly. Unless you are experiencing rain on a daily basis, take
the time to give water to your flowers. Add several cups of water to each plant by
using a watering close to the soil to avoid disturbing the growing flowers or causing
soil erosion. You can also have a sprinkler or drip system installed to do the work for
you on an automated basis.

Image titled Plant Flowers Step 10 preview

Weed the area. You want your flowers to be the focal point of your little garden plot,
so dont let weeds steal the show! As you see them appear, pull out unsightly
weeds from the soil around your flowers. Not only are the weeds unattractive, they
take nutrients from the soil and space in the ground that your flowers need to grow

Image titled Plant Flowers Step 11 preview

Deadhead your flowers. Whenever blooms on your flowers die off or become old and
wilted, cut them off. Cutting off the dead blossoms and leaves will stimulate new
growth and have your flowers looking even more beautiful than ever.

Image titled Plant Flowers Step 12 preview

Add support. If your flowers are tall growing, over time they may become too heavy
to stand on their own. Add bamboo stakes or forked branches upright in the ground
for the plants to lean against or wrap around for support. This is particularly helpful
and necessary for vine-y flowers which grow by wrapping around things.

Image titled Plant Flowers Step 13 preview

Consider relocating. As you continue to help your flowers grow, they may become
too large for the plot you originally chose for them. Consider moving them to a
larger location and adding new flowers to their old location. This will keep your
garden growing big, healthy, and beautiful![3]



Part 3 Quiz

True or false: It's important to cut off wilted or dying blooms or leaves to make room
for new growth.



Community Q&A

What flowers or plants are best to plant in fall?

Andrew Carberry

Bulbs, such as daffodils or tulips do best when planted in the fall.

Not Helpful 5 Helpful 15

What do I need to do if I plant it in a dry place?

Andrew Carberry

Add some compost to the soil to help with its moisture retaining abilities. Look for
flower varieties that are drought-tolerant.

Not Helpful 8 Helpful 9

How much water do you give to the plants?

wikiHow Contributor

An answer to this depends on which plants you are referring to as some plants need
a lot, some very little, and most in between. It isn't possible to give one answer to
such a broad question. Most houseplants don't appreciate being over-watered and
many garden plants prefer well-draining soil that their roots aren't soggy but you
will need to research each plant's needs individually.

Not Helpful 9 Helpful 21

My plants very healthy, but there are no flowers. What can I do to get flowers?


It depends on what kind of plants you have. If they're annuals, you should be
getting flowers soon, as they tend to quickly bloom as long as the environment is
right, then die. If you have perennial shrubs or forbs, there's a few possibilities: 1)
You missed the window of opportunity, as some plants, like lilies and irises, only
bloom once at a particular time of year; 2) The plant is still growing and not focused
on reproduction; or 3) The plant species has flowers that are hard to notice. You
didn't make any specification to what kind of plants you have, so it's hard to tell
from here.

Not Helpful 5 Helpful 13

How often should I water my plants?

wikiHow Contributor

It depends on the type of plant. Some plants need need to be watered every day,
while others need to be watered once a week. In general, you will want to wait until
upper layer of the soil appears dry before watering your plants again. Over-watering
your plants can be just as bad as under-watering them.

Not Helpful 8 Helpful 15

How do I know when I'm done for the year, and my flowers have successfully

If you live in an area where killer frosts and snow are common, come November or
December, you will know you're done gardening for the year.

Not Helpful 0 Helpful 2

Are flowers good to eat?

wikiHow Contributor

Only edible flowers are good to eat and these are the exception rather than the rule.
Most flowers are not good to eat and many are toxic to humans. You'll find some
more information at How to Choose Edible Flowers.

Not Helpful 13 Helpful 14

We just bought a house that has a flower bed attached to the front porch. What type
of flowers can I plant in it?

wikiHow Contributor

This depends on the depth of the bed, the drainage, and how much light the bed
receives. The depth of the bed determines how big the plants can be. If the bed is
only 6" deep, you may stick to pansies (partial sun) or marigolds(full sun). If it is a
ground bed, then you can choose larger flowers. The drainage determines what
plants fit that soil requirement, and the light determines the range of plants that fit
within that lighting; full sun, part sun, or shade.

Not Helpful 6 Helpful 8

Can I plant the bulbs from my potted hyacinth in the garden now, or do I wait until

wikiHow Contributor

You can plant them at any time, so long as they are established in the ground before
next spring, and the soil is not wet. I would not recommend planting them in a warm
area, as it can lead to the growth of fungus or mold that could kill the bulb. Fall is
the best time to plant them, however, because the growth of the hyacinth has
slowed, the temperatures slow the growth of mold and fungus, and the moisture
levels are high enough to keep the bulb going without drying it completely out; this
will increase its chance of survival.

Not Helpful 5 Helpful 7

How close should I plant my flowers? I have a 5' x 16' area. Is 1' apart okay? I am
planting tubular begonias.

One foot apart maybe too far apart. Try putting them closer together, like 4"- 6"
apart, in different bunches or patches (or lines if you want) so you can access them
for easier watering. It also sounds like an ideal area to grow vegetables as well!

Not Helpful 5 Helpful 5

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How does a plant make its own food and sugars with just carbon dioxide and

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What kind of soil is good for indoor flowers?

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What is the best direction to plant my flowers?

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What is the good direction to keep the flower plants?

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What can I do if I planted marigold flowers but they are not growing?

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If you have pets, enclose the planting area with a barrier that will prevent them
from trampling the newly planted flowers.

When you buy plants, carry a white sheet of paper with you and place it under the
leaves. Gently shake the plant and if a lot of bug remains or rot falls off, don't buy
the plant because it will infect the other plants in your garden.

Some flowers are poisonous to people and pets, so unless you're sure, keep kids
and animals away from the plant.

Follow the instructions on the little plastic marker or seed packet. Specifically, make
sure that the flower is planted in sun or shade, depending on what it needs.

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Categories: Growing Flowers

In other languages:

Espaol: sembrar flores, Portugus: Plantar Flores, Deutsch: Blumen pflanzen,

Franais: planter des fleurs, Italiano: Piantare i Fiori, : , :
, etina: Jak szet kvtiny, Bahasa Indonesia: Menanam Bunga, Nederlands:
Bloemen planten
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Expert Review By:


Andrew Carberry

Professional Gardener

480 votes - 81%

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Co-authors: 84

Updated: yesterday

Views: 665,381

"The tip to not over water my plants helped. That is as bad as under watering."

Dianne Motsinger - Apr 8, 2017

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