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Hydrogen Cracking

During welding cracks can occur in some types of steel due to
the presence of hydrogen.
Its is also called Hydrogen induced cracking. Butt it is called
in many ways:
1. Cold cracking
2. HAZ cracking
3. delayed cracking
4. under bead cracking

Factor influencing susceptibility to Hydrogen cracking:

Hydrogen cracking in the HAZ zone of steel occurs when 4

conditions exist at the same time namely;
1. hydrogen is present above a certain level
2. tensile stress is acting on the weld above a certain level
3. a susceptible HAZ microstructure is present
4. the weldment is at a low temperature

Cracking Mechanism:

1. Hydrogen can enter the molten weld metal when hydrogen

containing molecules are broken down into H atoms in the
welding arc.
2. Because hydrogen atoms are very small they can move about
in steel and while weld metal is hot they can diffuse to the
weld surface and escape into the atmosphere.
3. However at low temperatures hydrogen cannot diffuse as
quickly and if the weldment cools down quickly and
hydrogen become trapped .
4. If the HAZ has a susceptive microstructure indicated by
relatively hard and brittle are also relatively high tensile
stresses in the weldment then hydrogen cracking can occur.

How to Avoid Hydrogen cracking:

1. Hydrogen:
The principle source of hydrogen is moisture and principle
source of welding is flux. Some fluxes contain cellulose and his
can be very active source of hydrogen

Welding process that does not require flux can be regarded as

low hydrogen process.

Other sources of hydrogen are moisture present in rust or

scale and oils and greases

2. Tensile stress:

There are always tensile stresses acting on a

weld because there are always residual stresses from welding.

The magnitude of tensile stress is dependent upon the heat

input, joint type and the size an weight of the components being

Reduces influencing the tensile stress:

1. avoiding stress concentrations due to poor fit up
2. avoiding poor weld profile
3. apply a stress relief heat treatment after welding
4. increase the travel sped as practicable in order to reduce the
heat input
HAZ microstructure:
A susceptible HAZ microstructure that contains a relatively
high proportion of hard brittle phases of steel .
The HAZ hardness is agud indicator off susceptibly and when
it exceeds as certain value a particular steel is considered to be

Maximum hardness of an HAZ is influenced by;

Chemical composition of the steel

The cooling rate of the HAZ after each weld run is made

The element with most influence on HAZ hardness is carbon.

The faster the rate of HAZ cooling after each weld run the
greater the tendency for hardening.

Cooling rate leads to increase as:

Heat input decreases
Joint thickness decreases

Avoiding susceptible microstructure:

1. procuring steel with a CEV that is the low end of the range
of the steel grade
2. using moderate welding heat input so that the weld does not
cool quickly
3. Applying preheat so that the HAZ cools more slowly in multi
run welds maintain a inter pass temperature.

Weldment at Low temperature:

It has a major influence on susceptibility to cracking mainly by

influencing the rate at which hydrogen can move through the weld
and HAZ. While a weld is relatively warm hydrogen will diffuse
quite rapidly and escape into atmosphere rather trapped and cause

Limitation of Weldment temperature:

1. applying suitable pre heat temperature

2. preventing the weld cooling down quickly after each pass by
maintaining preheat and the specific inter pass temperature
during welding
3. Maintaining the preheat temperature when welding has
finished and holding the joint at this temperature for a
number of hours to facilate the escape of Hydrogen.


Apply preheat to slow down the cooling rate and thus avoid
the formation of susceptible microstructures.
Maintain a specific inter pass temperature.
Post heat on completion of welding to reduce the hydrogen
content by allowing hydrogen to effuse from the weld area.
Apply PWHT to reduce the residual stress and eliminate
susceptible microstructures.
Reduce weld metal hydrogen by proper selection of welding
process or consumable.
Use multirun instead single run technique which eliminate
susceptible microstructures by means of self tempering
effect reduce the hydrogen content by allowing hydrogen to
effuse from the weld area.
Use a temper bead or hot pass technique.
Use austenitic or nickel filler to avoid susceptible
microstructures formation and allow hydrogen diffusion out
of critical areas.
Use dry shielding gases to reduce hydrogen content.
Clean joint from rust to avoid hydrogen contamination from
moisture present in the rust.
Reduce residual stress.
Blend the weld profile to reduce stress concentration at the
toes of the weld.

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