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Writing an Address/Sending an Letter

Common Core Standard:

CC.1.4.2.R Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the

conventions of Standard English grammar, usage, capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling.

Objective: Students will be able to properly address their letters and learn how
people send them to the post office to mail out.


Address worksheet (Mechanics Booklet)
Doc Cam
Letter Template
Classroom Mailbox


I will show students that we have received another letter from the
mysterious man.
Point out that the letter is in an envelope and the letter is insdie.
Look at the envelope
o What can you see on the front?
o Why would this be important?
Today we will be learning how to address our letters to peopleand seal
them in the proper envelope.


Show students that there are different kinds of envelopes you can use
depending on the size of the mail
o Show standard envelope
o Small postcard envelope
o Large document envelope.
Show an example of an enelarged envelope on the board.
Student will be handed a large copy of what is presented on the board.
Show apowerpoint slide about What to do when writing an address
o Use capital letter to write the name of a street, town, city, or state
o Use a period after and abbreviation in a street name
o Use a comma to separate the city and state.
Have students write out the address as I write on the board.

Guided Practice:

I will pass out a copy of Writing Addresses.

We will complete the first one together.

Individual Practice:

Students will complete the worksheet.

When finished students will write a brief letter and place the letter in an
envelope, address it to the teacher (me) and use the proper address.
When finished students will place the letter in the classroom mailbox.


Student will write a letter about what they learned from the lesson and
explain what was easy and what was difficult to understand. This will
allow me to write back and give help when needed.


One student will be wearing an FM system

I will be wearing a lapel microphone
Repeating directions for student who have troubling processing
Chunking tasks into smaller parts.
Check for understanding of directions.
Preferential Seating
Frequent feedback and praise
Extra time to complete classwork for a few group of students.

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