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Catherine Baranek

SPED 595

Classroom management plan for 6th grade resource

Entering the classroom

Students will line up for class along the wall outside their

classroom during passing time. They will have already gone to

their locker, visited the restroom and gotten a drink before they

line up. A limited amount of passes will be allowed during class

time. When passing time is over, the whole class will walk in

together and sit in their assigned seats. The seating chart will

place students near peers whom they work well with and away from

students who may not interact well together.

Behavior Management

The whole class will participate in the Good Behavior game.

Students will be split into two to three groups, depending on the

class size. Ideally, each group will not be more than 5

students. Every class period, the teacher will refer to a list

of expected behaviors (raising your hand when wanting to

participate, staying on task, staying seated unless given

permission). Students will pick a team name as a group. The

team names will be written on the board. When the team exhibits

a specific behavior, a point is written on the board. Teachers

will acknowledge the reason why the point is being given each


Apart from the behavior game, which holds groups of students

accountable for their behavior, students will also be held

accountable individually. Each student in the class will have a

laminated card with their name on it. There will be two

categories on the white board to represent behavior in class:

satisfactory and needs improvement. Each students name will be

kept under the appropriate category. If a students name is

moved to the needs improvement category, they will be told,

privately, what specific behavior needs improvement. If students

who still fall under the needs improvement category by the end of

class are one a team that receives 10 points, they will not be

eligible to receive a reward. Rewards will be given by the

teacher during the last 2 minutes of class. This could be a

pencil, eraser, small toy or signatures for the school wide PBIS

system. Each member of the team may pick a different reward. If

all teams earn 10 points, all teams will receive a reward. At the

start at every class, the teacher will go over the classroom

expectations or choose a student to go over expectations.

If behaviors continue to impede instruction and student

learning, the school system of behavior management will be

implemented. A minor referral will be given for continued

failure to meet behavior expectations. 4 minor referrals in any

class in a grading quarter will lead to major referral. Major

referrals most often will result in an in-school suspension.

Behavior Grading System:

As part of the class grade for their resource class, students

receive a behavior grade every quarter. In order to help with

classroom management and help teachers give accurate behavior

grades, a binder will be located in a designated spot in the

classroom with a page for each week of school. Each page will

have the class roster with a row of ten boxes next to each name.

If a student is tardy, not prepared for class, being

disrespectful to others or not staying on task, the teacher will

ask them to mark their chart. The remaining points will be their

behavior grade for that week.

Classroom Agenda:

The agenda for the day will be written on the white board

before the start of class each day. Individual assignments will

also be listed. A more comprehensive listing of each

activity/assignment and the expectations for each will be typed

and displayed using the classroom ELMO system. This document will

be referred to throughout the classroom. The class agenda will

begin with a mini-lesson as a whole group, then students will

work on individual assignments that are assigned based on their

IEP goals. Each assignment will be stored in the students

classwork folder.

Storage of classwork

Each student will have a folder that will be stored in basket

that easily accessible throughout the class period. Whole class

assignments will be stored in these folders as well as any

individual assignments for students working towards IEP goals.

Students will be made aware of the procedure of accessing their

folders: After the whole group lesson, students will access their

folders and begin work on their individual classwork.

Accessing Materials

There will be a designated table where all needed material for

class will be located in a designated area of the classroom.

This may include clipboards, flashcards, extra pencils, classwork

packets, etc. This will allow the teacher to manage the class

time effectively by either dismissing children by rows or

designating students to handout supplies. All cabinets will also

be clearly marked with labels for other necessary supplies that

may be needed, such as calculators or glue sticks.

Parent Involvement

At the start of the school year, an introductory letter will

be sent home that explains a little bit about the resource

class that their child is enrolled in, including class

expectations and a sample calendar of instruction. Included

in the introductory letter will be teachers contact

information. All emails sent by parents will be replied to

within 24 hours. Parents will also receive a quarterly

progress report that will indicate how students are

progressing on their IEP goals.

Exiting the Classroom

Students will need to complete an exit ticket with the

assigned task or reflective activity before being released.

Topics could be solving a math problem that had been previously

reviewed in order to check for comprehension or reflecting on

what was learned that day and what the student may want and/or

need to learn more about the given topic.

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