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The document is based on the Integration of youths priorities in the
Public Policy (Youth Mainstreaming)

Igor Ciurea, general secretary of CNTM, Daniel Cojocari,

Coordinator of Youth Rights and Social Inclusion


Presentation of the
Strategic analysis of youth labor
Establishment of the relevance for
Defining structural
Conclusions and

Young people are a very important social group in Moldova in terms of social
development, especially economic development of the country. Today's youth is the
base of active population. The level and how to integrate young people in society is
essential for their future in Moldova.
Entry into employment is the key to social integration. Having a qualitative job,
young people are encouraged to increase their economic potential, learn
continuously and contribute to socio-economic development of the country. The
purpose of this report is to assess the relevance and degree of integration of
priorities of young people in " Employment strategy for 2016-2020" and to provide
recommendations on improving the strategy in accordance with the needs of youth.
Structure of the report contains four sections, followed by a set of
recommendations for the new "employment strategy for the period 2017-2021 ".
The first section describes the methodology on which the report is based. The
Integration of youths priorities in the Public Policy (Youth Mainstreaming
Methodology) was conducted by the National Youth Council of Moldova with the
support of the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).
The second section includes analysis of labor market from the perspective of young
people, brief description of the current situation, especially in areas where young
people are disadvantaged or at risk in the area of employment policies. Chapter III
describes the relevance of integration of young people's priorities in " employment
strategy 2017-2021" through identified gap analysis. The last section is intended to
identify structural causes of disappearances. The report concludes with a set of
recommendations and conclusions.

Presentation of the methodology
The youth sector is a cross-sectoral field, which determinates the need of a
comprehensive approach, that is based on the evidence of public policies in order
to ensure a more efficient coverage of young people's priorities in the sectoral
policies that have an impact and influence the young. The existence of a document
concerning the strategical pacification that would approach the issues of the youth
sector is remarkable and necessary. On this line, the National Development
Strategy of the Youth Sector 2020 is a very important document. However, solving
youth problems and improving their quality of life requires a more thoroughly
sectoral approach, and the capacity of evaluating and integrating the youth's
perspective in public policy documents sector can increase powerfully the impact
on youth in Moldova, providing a strong and effective development of the earlier
mentioned domain.
Thus, the National Youth Council of Moldova together with the Ministry of Youth and
Sports, with the financial support of the United Nations Population Fund developed
The Integration of youths priorities in the Public Policy (Youth Mainstreaming
It is important to note that the integration priorities and needs of youth is a
process that must be done from one end to the other, in other words, the needs of
integration of young people cannot be addressed using half measures. Integration
implies the step by step follow of the whole process of policy development.
Integration of the age aspect in the process of developing public policy refers
mainly to four crucial stages shown in the figure below.

Stages of integration of youth priorities are:
(I) It is necessary to establish if the targeted public policy is relevant from the young
people's point of view, in other words if the area of the proposal of policy is conflicting
with the interests and needs of those. Definition of the importance of one proposal of
policy from the point of view of young people shows how necessary is the integration of
young's perspective in this policy. Our suggestion is that one of the most efficient ways to
define the relevance of the policy for young people is the determination of the difference
bound up with the young people. The bigger is the gap the more relevant is the policy
form their point of view. We have to mention that every conclusion referring to the
relevance for the young people has to be necessary sustained by proofs based on statistics
disaggregated by the young people.
(II) One of the most important hypothesis of the methodology of integrating priorities and
necessities of the young people is the fact that gaps related to age are the results of
some structural causes. As to define these causes the methodology of integration proposes
a large frame based on the human rights. In this perspective you have to analyses:
A. Responsible authorities and their capacity of promoting young people's interests
B. Young people and their grade of ability to benefit as much as possible from the offer of
public policy.
C. Market relations and the way they function reported to interests and benefits of young

(III) the purpose of identification of structural causes is meant to take into sight in a more
coordinate way, through pacification of public policy. This is why the frame of the results
of the document has to be modified in a way it specifies clearly the objectives and the
activities which will be held as to fight against the causes which led to inequality
between young people
(IV)The fourth stage in the process of integration assumes the anticipation of risks and
implementation gaps as well as the assurance of existence of an efficient implementing
frame which can guarantee the fact that the contributions of integration young people's
necessities in proposal of policy will be implemented according to stipulations.

Strategic analysis of labor market for youth
Statistical data on the relationship of young people to the labor market indicates
that only 29 young people out of 100 are employed, while around 67 are inactive
(563 000) of which more than half only are enrolled in the vocational education and
training (233 400); the others are abroad (23.8%) or are households (16%), retired
people (2.6%) or in another situation. 2 out of 5 registered unemployed are young
people (16-29 years old). 3 out of 5 young unemployed are men. 2 out of 5 are from
rural areas. 26% of young people are unemployed for a period of 12 months or
more. 4 young people out of 25 are in search of a better life abroad, and they
represent 41.11% of all migrants in search of a job.
Because of the difficult transition from school to work, about 31% of young people
are employed in informal work, which explains the number of young people
integrated in seasonal agriculture work in is so high. This also explains the flow of
youth in the hotels and restaurants sector, where experience/internship are not
required. These two areas justify the large number of young people only with
secondary education employed in the labor market, this number is 60 000,
approximately of the number of employed young people. However, the high lavel
of education is a priority, which records 30.4% of young people employed in the
labor market.
Young women seem to be more disadvantaged in the labor market. Only about 42%
are employed in the labor market, or about of the total number of young
The youth unemployment rate, which in 2014 registered a relative stability, in 2015
increased to 9.8%.

Youth (16-29)
831 799

Establishing the relevance of youth

Unemployment among people is increasing and According to International Labour
Active young people Inactive People
is almost double the general unemployment rate Office, unemployed people are
in Moldova. The effect of an economic crisis is persons aged 15 years
268.200 563.000
and older who,
longer for the young people. Even if the overall during the reference period meet the
following conditions:
economy is recovering in recent years and new job - they don't have a job and are not
places are created,the youth is disadvantaged. engaged in any activities in order to
The supply
Occupied youth larger for adults obtain revenue;
of the labor market isUnemployed Gone abroad
-are seeking for a job, using, in the
who are experienced and therefore they're more last 133.800
4 weeks, different methods to find
241.000 26.200
likely to get a job.According to BNS, during 2014 a job:
the number of unemployed young people or adults registration at employment offices or
has been in a steady decrease, while in 2015 the private agencies placement, steps to
start a business on theirStudents own,
number of young unemployed people has publishing and answers233.400to
Formal job Unemployed for Unemployed
83.700 considerably, to 26 200
12 months 6,8 , the previous advertisements,
aged 16-20 2.500 calling friends,
year were only 19 thousands 000, respectively, the relatives, colleagues, unions etc;
- Are available to start work within the
unemployment rate is 9.76%. next 15 days, if they will find aResidents
91,1 thousands
Unemployed 20-
Unemployed 24-

Fig 1. Unemployment Ratio for 2011-2015. Source : BNS

It also grows the gap

between the unemployment rate of young people and the general rate in the
country. It would be somehow explainable that together with the general rate of
unemployment should rise also the rate among young people, but in a proportional
way. Last year, however, the unemployment rate among young people has grown
even more than the general country rate, thus the gap has grown with almost 1.5%
fact that indicates that despite of the decreasing number of young people, the
number of migrations is quiet high, still, the gap Is rising, fact indicating only the
fact that the young and capable of work people leave hoping to get a job abroad,
or disappointed, doesnt look for a job here dedicating oneself to house duties.
The rate of unemployment is rising significantly for a period of 12 and more
months. Even though the number of jobless among the young people on a period
of 12 or more months is only 6.8 thousands, however, in the past 2 years was rising
in a constant and alarming way . Thus the unemployment rate on a period of 12 or
more months has doubled comparing to 2013 and is approximately double as the
general country rate, constituting 12.

The reason for leaving first job among youth is not being satisfied by it, one of
five young people quits his job because wages are to small , or because of the low
positions in the company hierarchy, or because it does not match with the studies
field and therefore a lack of motivation . It's very high the degree of departure
from the young women after childbirth, and here it should be mentioned that
certain, did not exit in maternity leave, which makes us understand that
employers are not liable to pay for the maternity leave among young people who
haven't had a great contribution in the company , or aren't sufficiently qualified,
or positions they occupy are easily replaced by others. Below we see others
reasons, and their incidence:

The reason of leaving the fist job among young people 16 - 29 2015,
Left the job because he wasnt satisfied by it 22,9
Childbirth 17,3
Left for a better job 16,0
Went searching for a job abroad 14,6
End of a temporary activity 10,2
Others 9,7
The beginning of professional training courses 3,2
Family duties 2,4
Fired / Downsizing 2,1
Change of residence (another city) 1,1
Figura 5. Based on Tranziia de la coal la munc , ILO-Master Card Work4Youth,
Mart 2015

Young people are seeking for well paid jobs abroad. In Moldova, the main causes of
youth migration are based on economic factors, such as lack of jobs, low wages
and poverty. In 2015, 41% of the total of 325 400 migrants from Moldova were
young people aged 16-29 years. Although compared to 2014 the number of young
migrants decreased, however this number is still significant: 133 800 or 16.7% of all
young people.

Young people working or seeking for a job abroad

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Young people (16-
29 years) 131,1 136,5 135,4 141,4 133,8

Fig. 7. The share of persons working or seeking work abroad in the overall average
per country for the duration 2011-2015. source NBS
Only half of young people are prepared after the formal training. According to
statistics provided by BNS, correspondence rate between occupation and the
training of young people (16-29) is only 52.7%. This is because the preparation of
the formal education doesn't meet the requirements of employers and as a result
young people are obliged to work more in services to ensure their existence.The
employment rate among young women is lower. According to the data presented by
BNS, from the figure below that among the young people, women occupancy rate
is lower than that of men. Discrepancies are found in the comparison between
young women and the national average, while the share of the total employed
young women employed in the labor market is only 16.8%.

Employment rate by gender. source BNS

34 out of 100 young people were working informally. High incidence of informal
employment among young people is a feature of the economic system of our
country. This reflects both the structure of Moldovan economy with high share of
agriculture and seasonal activities and the operation of the economy, with business
conditions unattractive, respectively economic opportunities limited and low
incomes, making them to accept this situation.Informal work among young people
has increased considerably compared to the overall average per country. The
increase was almost double compared to the general of the country.

In rural environment , youth
employment rate is even lower than the country overall. If the employment rate
Figura 9. Rata persoanelor cu loc informal de
of young people in the country overall average is low, then the discrepancy
lucru pentru perioada 2013 - 2015. Sursa BNS
between young people and the general media, only in rural areas is even lower. In
the rural you the employment rate is even lower than the country` overall. If the
employment rate of young people compared to the country`a overall average is
lower, then the discrepancy between young people and the general average only in
rural areas is even higher.

Figure 11. Employment rate by rural / urban. source BNS

We record an youth inactivity rate almost double than activity on the
background of discouragement, emigration or unwillingness to work of young
people. From the definition of the International Labour Office unemployed people
are considered those who have no a job, are looking for a job in the last four weeks
and are available to start work within the next 15 days. Therefore young people
who no longer find a favorable job and as a result are no longer in an active
search, migrating or performing informal and periodical work to make a living, all
of them are considered inactive, which can not receive support and advice from
law enforcement as unemployed.

Young people from NEET category continue to form around 2/5 of the whole
number of youth. Young people from NEET category (Not in Education,
Employment or Training) are permanently omitted from the policy and disregarded
as an important factor affecting the economy. In NEET category are also included
young people who find their solution abroad, being disappointed or because of
stereotypes are dedicated to domestic work (mostly women) with other people as
sources of funding, usually parents / relatives abroad. Thus, 37.88% of youth
become "a black hole" that everyone knows and acknowledges, but concrete steps
in realizing this category do not appear

people are concentrated in two economic sectors where wages are lower. Young people are
concentrated in areas with low pay and a high degree of informality - agriculture, sale and
retail trade, hotels and restaurants. Because of inadequate studies and the difficulty of
finding a job by field of study, a large proportion of young people are going abroad, while
others select to earn for living from farming,where the're largely working on their own,
and then move to trade, hotels and restaurants, where usually occupy the lower in posts
flowchart companies.

Economic sectors Overall average (15 and older)
Age categories 6,3 %
Agriculture, hunting and fishing Youth (16-29) 24,2
Overall average (15 and 31,7
Industry Youth (16-29) 12,4
Overall average (15 and 12,3
Construction Youth (16-29) 7,6
Overall average (15 and 5,4
Sale and retail trade, hotels and restaurant Youth (16-29) 21,4
Overall average (15 and 15,8
Transport and communications Youth (16-29) 7,3

Public administration, Youth (16-29) 17,1

education, health and social
Overall average (15 and 19,6
Other activities Youth (16-29) 10
Overall average (15 and 8,9
Figure 14. Employed population by economic activity. source BNS

There are discrepancies in the preparation of the employed labor market.

Employers are paying more attention to those with higher education, which is not
so crucial for adults who have the experience and the length of them. Those with
secondary education and vocational secondary also have a relatively high
employability, and explains why the agriculture and trade, hotels and restaurants
recorded a higher number of young employees.

The number of people employed by educational level
Studies degree Age category %
Superior Youth (16-29) 30,4
Total (15 and older) 24,4
Secondary vocational Youth (16-29) 10,1
Total (15 and older) 14,2
Secondary professional Youth (16-29) 18,3
Total (15 and older) 22,3
Lyceum, vocational Youth (16-29) 15,8
Total (15 and older) 19,8
Gymnasium Youth (16-29) 24,8
Total (15 and older) 18,7
Primary Youth (16-29) 0,6
Total (15 and older) 0,6
Figure 15. Employed population by educational level. source BNS

Defining structural causes

Comparative analysis of data gives us information about areas of vulnerability of
young people and areas where interventions are needed, but gives us no structural
causes of these disparities.
Youth inequalities arise due to reduced capacity for officials, young people who are
least empowered.
Identifying the causes requires a qualitative analysis as well as interviews, focus
groups other activities that would allow us to establish the sources of these
One of the ways of defining and identifying root cause using analysis called the
problem tree. Tree problems that could be used to establish the root cause is an
extended version of the human rights based approach. This approach is based on
the idea that inequalities arise as a result of a rupture between responsible
products (makers) and rights holders (young people). We will extend this
framework within another dimension, namely the market - market forces that
shape specific outcomes for young people.

Inequality in youth
employment chapter

I. The causes related to charge makers:
ANOFM is little known among young people. National Agency for Employment
enjoys a modest popularity among young people. The knowledge of youth on the
activity areas of the agency or how could ANOFM help them to find a job is also
little known. Market force
The lack of contact of NEETS youth with policies. Public policies even if they
include actions for young people, often these actions do not include young NEETs
(Not in Education, Employment or Training), a group that makes up about 2/5 of
the-poor capacity to -decreasing the -low attractiveness
number of young people.
support young people activity rate of young of places and
people on the insufficient
The lack of provisions and rules that would protect youth on a level of collective payment
-ANOFM Is little
work contracts background
and collective agreements. of
Syndicates to youth
are focusing their efforts to
known among young
negotiate deterrence,
working conditions and remuneration for employees, -viewed as a whole,
people-youngsters Stereotypes about
without considering emigration or
NEETs are not the existing disparities by age, gender and other criteria.
the lack of In
unwillingness to
this way, disparities
included in policy are amplified, generating discrepancies experience between certainand
categories of employees including young people. In elaboration of
professionalism these
- Lack of provisions
documents syndicates should take the intolevel of low
account youngdisparities,
the existing structural people
and rules that would
focusing participation
on disadvantaged groups, including the young. and
protect young wide - Young people are
representation of
collective bargaining
Lack of an effective system of quality less competitive in
young internships.
people Both youth and employers
and collective
mention a strong lack of practical skills and competencies the labor market
graduating from
agreements - Low information
educational institutions. This is due to the lack of an effective system of
- The mismatch
about market
- Lack of anwhich would allow the acquisition of practical skills
effective between required.
supply The and
introduction of mandatory quotas of practice sites in authorities
system of quality demand and public
of labor
institutions - Surplus
for students in the absence ofofa graduates
monitoring system of this provision and
- Failure of part-time
the quality of higher education in
of internships had no effect on youth employability . employment
some specialties
Inefficient *Vocational Guidance*economic
component opportunities
in providing guidance during
and support
or legal
to orientation"
young people. has
We see theinstitutions
inefficiencyandof studies
professional orientation
their in the
minimal impact on
context of the large flow of lack of a technical
students / pupils in some specialties
-Migrationand their
of young
the situation of young
absencepeople nature or of
in others, even if the market would have other needs.The people from problem
rural ofto
Professional orientation also causes performance
the follow of studies based urbanon the
Lack of financial and
recommendations of friends, parents or because the profession seems to be
- Insufficient
fiscal instruments
prestigious.This causes a reduced efficiencytools
of young
enrollment and people during their studies
that would encourage
and work respectively. inclusion of young
employers to hire
people returning from
of financial
peopleand fiscal instruments that would encourage employers to hire
young people. Hiring a young determines the necessity of investment from the
employer by allocation of resources, of sufficient
additional materials. Employers in the
absence of legal rules to support employment to of
young people are not motivated
and institutionally ready to work with young specialists. Small and medium
enterprises often do not have programs or processes of induction of young people
in the work process, often resulting in low productivity, team cohesion and team
integration of the employer.

II. Factors which cause discrepancies between youth and adults in regard to the
rights holders, in other words, young people:
The activity rate of young people falls on the background of deterrence, emigration
or unwillingness to work. Young people do not have a mechanism for enrollment
after graduation, which often leads to months of searching for a job or even
accepting one that does not correspond to the level or field of study. This often
leads to discouragement of young people in favor of the solution of emigration
where work is better paid, starting of domestic or agricultural or causes lack of
desire to work according to the field or the possessed level of studies.
Low level of participation and representation of young people. There are few
young people who run activities and extra curricular training as volunteering or
part-time jobs. Which leads to lack of experience or the practical skills required by
their first job employer.
Information about low market opportunities. There are no channels of
communication and sharing of ANOFM opportunities or of other institutions that
could help young people with employment. Most often, on the one hand, employers
complain that young people do not apply to vacancies offered, on the other hand
young people do not find employment opportunities, which damages this social
dialogue. This is due to the absence or inefficiency of channels of communication
between employers and potential employees.
The surplus of graduates of higher education in some specialties from the
economic or legal field and the lack of them in institutions with technical or
service delivery specialisation. According to the NBS for 2014, the areas that
young people are choosing mostly are economics, engineering and engineering
activities and science education, which in the second cycle loose the flow of
interested young people. At the same time in other areas, technical or specific, the
record of young graduates is very small, although demand for specialists in these
areas in the labor market is quite high.
Insufficient instruments of enrollment and inclusion of young people returning
from abroad. There is a clear vision and no tools or programs to support young
people returned from abroad. These factors determine repeated departure or
passing to the NEET category of these people.
Insufficient training of young people to meet labor market needs. Young people
often do not have the skills and practical abilities required by the labor market due
to factors such as inadequacies of the curriculum to the labor market needs,
insufficient practical training in vocational schools, lack of culture and knowledge
of the right to work, etc

III.Market forces that shape the specific outcomes for young people:
Low payment and unattractive jobs for young people. 76.5% of unemployed youth
who refused a job once said that reason was low salary. Often unattractive salaries
and lack of prospect discourages young people to enter the labor market or
postpone the moment. Legislative changes regarding the salary system in the public
sector reduced the disparities between adults and young people. However, the
amount of the minimum wage does not meet the basic needs of a young, which
causes loss of motivation to enter the labor market. Thus, high labor productivity
given that wages and employment do not meet minimum expectations for
employees - is without prospects of success for an unprofessional and unattractive
labor market.

Stereotypes about the lack of experience and professionalism of young people.

Poor quality of the formal education system in relation to the presence of a
stereotype of lack of capacity and practical skills from employers, reduces the rate
of youth employment. Employment needs about a minimum of 3 years that young
people often don't have. Employers are not motivated financially, professionally
or any other form to hire a young specialist to work.

Young people are uncompetitive in the labor market. Vocational schools that
train specialists in a bad way enjoys a low popularity thanks to high rates of
unemployment among young graduates. However, even universities fail in preparing
employees to meet the requirements of not only the market but also to be able to
apply specific knowledge accumulated over the years of study at the post of work.

Non conformance labor supply and demand. Determined by orientation problem

with young people to certain areas, leading to very high competition for some jobs
and lack of employees for others, and the lack of a viable economy providing
sufficient employment opportunities.

Lack of part-time employment opportunities while studying It is known that

employers require a minimum experience of 3 years, and the only solution here
would be to engage in part time studies. Legal regulations do not support the
development of part-time work, and there is a strong reluctance from employers
on this issue.

Migration from rural to urban. The phenomenon, prospects and the effects of
internal migration are not integrated effectively within the occupational outcomes
of public policies. This causes the creation of significant gaps between rural and
urban areas both in unemployment rate and quality specialists.

Modifying the results
General political objectives.Young people are a very important social group in
Moldova in terms of social development, but especially economic development of
the country. considering that 21% of the country`s working population is
represented by this category, we consider it necessary to include in the indicators
of performance of the strategy indicators that would solve youth problems and
improve the general economic situation .
Impact on youth Indicator Reference, Purpose,
2015 2020
Improving the The number of young 133,8 100
mechanisms of people working or looking thousands thousands
enrollment and inclusion for work abroad
of young people returned
from abroad
Guiding young people Rate of young people with 34,6 % 25 %
from informal to formal an informal job. Considering
work that in 2013
the reference
was 28,6%
growth of jobs relevant Youth employment rate 29 34
for youth
Rate of youth 9,76 7
Supporting unemployed Rate of unemployment for a 2,5 % 1,15%
young people for long period of 12 months and
periods (around 12 more
months and more)
Increasing employment NEET rate 37,88% 32 %
of youth gone abroad,
young women or those
disappointed by the
labor market offer
Increasing of rural Rate of employment of 26,8 % 29 %
employment for young young people from rural
people and coherent areas
preparing of young
people for the labor

Proposed actions for the action plan of the strategy.
For achievement of the indicators named above and to ensure a proper
representation of youth sector in the National Employment Employment Strategy
for the 2017 - 2021 period, is necessary to develop specific actions that address
both policy makers and rightholders namely youth or labor market forces.
Submitted actions would ensure achievement of the performance of the strategy
for the youth sector.Since the strategy proposes four objectives for the period
2017-2021, the proposed actions are classified and assigned for each objective,
depending on the needs of young people.

Changes to the objective Development of financial and fiscal tools to

1:Stimulation of job creation support employers who hire young
through sustainable enterprises professionals
Monitoring of youth after graduation for a
period of two years
Development and promotion of mechanisms
of encouraging self-employment to
unemployed youth, young women, young
people from rural areas by encouraging
small and medium enterprises and access to
credit and credit guarantee
Development and implementation of
attractive employment programs for youth

Changes to the objective Development and reformation of the Centre

2:Development of human for Career Guidance and tools to guide
capital for increased young people after graduation system
employment opportunities
Reformation and development of "career
guidance" component in educational
Creation of special support and reorientation
programs for unemployed youth for a period
of 12 months and more
Development of national programs to
increase employment culture and the right
to work
Campaigns to inform young people about the
risks of informal employment

Changes to the objective 3: A Private sector involvement in the
better governance of the labor elaboration of curriculum
Creation of tools for certifying skills and
preparedness of young people for a job
Adjusting areas of education of young people
according to the market offer
Distribution of study places between
educational institutions according to the
market demand
Information campaigns about the capacity of
schools for young people and about the
potential of vocational schools for
Creation and promotion of new tools of
Changes to the Objective supporting young people returned from
4:Harnessing the potential of the abroad to start a business
phenomenon of migration for Creating inclusion programs on the labor
sustainable development market for young returnees
Diaspora support for youth returned from
abroad for getting a legal and professed job
Information campaigns for young people
from abroad about the risks of exploitation
and violation of labor rights, for reducing

Conclusions and recommendations

-Establishing a macroeconomic priority of reducing the overall unemployment
rate, with an increased focus on the more pronounced exposed categories,
including young people, particularly through the creation of high productivity jobs
and qualifications.
- Increasing the entry process of young people into the labor market by offering
support and advice after graduating educational institutions, with active
monitoring and supporting them for employment and retention in this position for
at least 2 years.
- Improving the quality interships through the involvement and support of
employers, including private sector, to provide quality internships.

- Developing tools for financial and fiscal support for employers that employ young
specialists, in order to offset the costs of their training.
- Capacity of building employee representative structures, especially for defending
the interests of specific groups of employees, especially young people.

- Developing national programs to increase employment culture and the right to

work, particularly in formal education to increase skills and abilities for the
identification and exploitation of Moldova labor market potential.

- The development and reform of the Career Guidance Centre, based on principles
and performance indicators

.- Increasing the level and intensity of involvement of the private sector in the
development of employment policy, the development of professional training

- Supporting and promoting new methods of work, highly skilled labor and high
productivity for young people.

- Promote youth employment by eliminating stereotypes and negative perceptions

of young specialists.

- Supporting initiatives for self-employment and business development intended

primarily for the unemployed by encouraging small and medium enterprises, youth
access to credit services and credit guarantee, especially young women, young
people in rural and other risk groups .

- Increasing awareness among young people about the risks of informal employment
and the development of supportive measures to reduce the number of young
people with informal work place.

- Supporting young people abroad for work or looking for a job in order to reduce
risks of exploitation and violation of labor rights.

- Development of fast measures to increase youth participation in the labor market

and reducing the risk of long-term inactivity and the financial dependence of

These measures may take the form of policies to promote employment of young
women, rural youth, some prophylactic measures, supportive services to prevent
diseases that cause inability to work, access to technology, training of
professionalization and retraining measures for young people with disabilities etc.


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