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Understanding Approaches for Web Service Composition

and Execution

Vikas Agarwal, Girish Chafle, Sumit Mittal, Biplav Srivastava

IBM India Research Laboratory
4, Block - C, Institutional Area, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi 110070, India

Web services have received much interest due to their po- Web services allow interoperability between software com-
tential in facilitating seamless businesstobusiness or en- ponents by providing standardsbased mechanisms for de-
terprise application integration. Of particular interest is the scription, discovery and messaging/integration. This has led
Web Service Composition and Execution (WSCE) process - to the emergence of web services as a standard mechanism
the creation of a workflow that realizes the functionality of for accessing information and software components progra-
a new service and its subsequent deployment and execution matically. Composition of web services enables businesses to
on a runtime environment. A significant number of solu- interact with each other and facilitates seamless business
tions have been proposed in the literature for composition tobusiness or enterprise application integration [18].
and execution of web services. However, in order to choose The process of web service composition and execution
a suitable technique for an application scenario, one needs (WSCE) consists of creation of a workflow that realizes the
to systematically analyze the strengths and weaknesses of functionality of a new service followed by its deployment
each of these solutions. To this end, we present an analysis and execution on a runtime infrastructure. A number of
that includes formalization of the WSCE process, a classifi- approaches have been proposed in literature for WSCE. In
cation of existing solutions into four distinct categories (ap- AI, the planning discipline looks at how plans can be auto-
proaches), and an indepth evaluation of these approaches. matically generated given a set of actions, the initial state
Our evaluation is based on multiple metrics that we deem and the desired goal state. Web service composition, in this
critical for a WSCE system, e.g. composition effort, compo- respect, can be seen as a planning problem where each ser-
sition control, and ability to handle failures. We also present vice corresponds to actions, and the initial and goal states
an application of this analysis to three different scenarios. are suitably defined to correspond to the requirements of
the new service. Unsurprisingly, a large portion of Planning
Categories and Subject Descriptors has been explored for automatic web service composition
[13, 3, 17] and many areas apart from classical planning are
H.3.5 [Information Systems]: Information Storage and relevant, like distributed planning [6], planning as model
RetrievalWeb-based services; I.2.8 [Artificial Intelligence]: checking [10], planning with extended goals and actions [5],
Problem Solving, Control Methods, and SearchPlan exe- and HTN planning [8], metric temporal planning[7], plan-
cution, formation, and generation; D.2.m [Software Engi- ning based on integer optimization[12], mixed planning and
neering]: Miscellaneous execution[11], etc.
Two aspect of the WSCE domain set it apart from typi-
General Terms cal planning domains. One is the open-world setting. Most
Design, Languages planning formalisms assume the closed-world assumption
wherein the environment is assumed to be unchanged from
the time a plan is generated to the time the plan is executed,
thereby disallowing any unknown events. When such plan-
Keywords ners are applied to the open-world WSCE, plans may fail to
Web Services Composition and Execution, QoS, Planning execute. Therefore, planning techniques which work under
uncertainty but can provide some execution guarantee are
very useful. Second, messages and operations in the WSCE
problem refer to real world entities that are expressed us-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for ing rich data models (e.g., in ontologies). The models are
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are background theories which should be consistent and inte-
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to grated into WSCE reasoning. In a typical planning setting
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific like PDDL, the background theory is minimally expressed
permission and/or a fee. (e.g., as a type hierarchy).
COMPUTE 2008, Jan 18-20, Bangalore, Karnataka, India Apart from planning-based approaches, templatebased
Copyright 2008 ACM 978-1-59593-950-0/08/01 ...$5.00.
web service composition has been explored in [16, 21] for in a manner that would make the subsequent composition
customizing an abstract workflow for specific requirements. feasible.
In general, a large number of WSCE solutions have been Web services can be further differentiated into web service
reported in literature, for example in [14, 17, 15, 4]. Re- types, which are groupings of similar (in terms of functional-
cently, we have proposed a staged composition approach [1] ity) web services, and the actual web service instances that
which combines the strengths of business web services (using can be invoked. The different web service types and in-
WSDL, BPEL, SOAP etc.) and semantic web services(using stances can be advertised in a single registry, or in different
ontologies, goal directed reasoning etc). registries.
While applying the WSCE process to various application Formally, we denote,
domains, one finds that different applications have differ-
ent characteristics (e.g. type of inputs, need for the user to 1. C = {c1 , ..., c }: Set of web service types.
intervene, optimization criteria) and different requirements 2. I = {i1 , ..,i }: Set of service instances advertised in
(e.g. scalability, adaptability, failure resilience). Given the a registry like UDDI. Assuming each service type ci
plethora of solutions to realize the WSCE process, one needs has M instantiations, = M .
a systematic way to analyze the strengths and weaknesses
of each solution to select a suitable technique for a par- 3. X = {x1 , ..., x }: Set of services deployed and run-
ticular application. Not much work has been done in this ning at any time. The deployed services are a subset
direction and we feel that a fresh perspective of the entire of the advertised services, i.e. X I, and .
WSCE process needs to be taken. To this end, we present
an understanding of the different solutions for WSCE. This The output is a sequential execution trace T = t1 , ...,t 
includes: of length , where ti refers to an invocation of a deployed
web service instance.
A formalization of the WSCE process In the rest of this section, we present our classification of
existing solutions into four different approaches. We start
Classification of existing solutions into four different
with the basis for this classification.
An indepth evaluation of these approaches
2.1 Basis for Web Services Composition and
We first present a formalization of the WSCE process. The Following are some basis to compare WSCE approaches;
formalization is required to bring out the essential character- these correspond to different characteristics of the WSCE
istics of the problem so as to allow the user to compare the process in terms of how much a user can intervene in the
decision choices implied in each approach. Next, we classify WSCE process, the type of inputs required, etc.
the existing solutions into four categories (approaches) based
on the kind of inputs they take and the amount of freedom 1. Are composition and execution phases separable? The
given to the developer to intervene in the WSCE process. choices are No or Yes.
Thereafter, we evaluate the approaches based on multiple
metrics which we deem are critical in selecting a suitable 2. When does composition happen? The choices are Of-
WSCE approach, e.g. composition effort, ability to handle fline at design time or Online during runtime.
failures. Finally, we study the suitability of the different
3. How does composition happen? The choices are Search-
WSCE approaches to three different application scenarios,
based like what happens in planning or Template-
viz, an application integration case study from telecom do-
based where the search-space is constrained by the
main, a travel reservation scenario using online services and
a data integration application in the case of real estate.
4. What information is used for composition? The choices
2. FORMALIZING END TO END SERVICE can be information about a subset from Service types,
COMPOSITION AND EXECUTION Service instances published, Services deployed,
Templates/ Policies.
Web service composition and execution is the process of
realizing the requirements of a new web service using the 5. How are external events handled at runtime (adapta-
capability specifications of the existing component web ser- tion)? The choices are On-the-fly where events are
vices (Figure 1). The requirements for web service compo- handled as they occur or Gradual where events are
sition from an enduser can be decomposed into two parts. handled after a time lag.
The first part deals with the desired functionality of the com-
posite service, called the functional requirements. The sec- We are now ready to present existing web service com-
ond part involves description of the non-functional require- position and execution approaches as four alternatives and
ments that relate to issues like performance and availability. characterize them on the above basis.
These inputs can be in different languages, e.g., OWL ex-
pression for functional specification and Quality-of-service 2.2 Interleaved Composition and Execution
(QoS) expression for specifying non-functional parameters. Recall that during composition of web services, a com-
Web service capabilities also can be represented in many plete workflow (plan) is generated describing how to call the
ways: OWL-S, WSDL descriptions (with possibly additional primitive web services to get the overall behavior. During
semantic annotations), etc. These capabilities can be ad- execution, these web services are actually invoked to get the
vertised using registries like UDDI. We do not restrict the desired results. In the interleaved approach, the composition
input to any one representation but assume that it is done and execution processes cannot be practically separated as
of Requirement

Capabilities Web Service
Events Composition and Execution
Execution Trace

[ Templates,
Policies ]

Figure 1: Web Service Composition and Execution (WSCE)

X={x1,x2,x } Events

Composition Execution
{t1,t2,t }


Figure 2: Interleaved Composition and Execution

distinct phases. The reason is that the domain and problem 2.3 Monolithic Composition and Execution
has sizable uncertainties which can be easily resolved for a In the monolithic approach (Fig. 3), the user cannot inter-
problem by dynamically querying the environment rather vene in the composition phase but can inspect and (possi-
that accounting for all possibilities in a single robust plan bly) modify the workflow before it is passed to the execution
which can handle any runtime eventuality. environment. The composition process ignores the deploy-
As an example, in order to complete the trip reservation ment and runtime aspect of web services and only focuses on
of a frequent traveler from Place X to Place Y, one has to their advertised descriptions. It assumes that all generated
book flight, train or bus (from X to Y and back), book ho- plans can be executed without any problem. If this assump-
tel or friends place (at Y knowing when one arrives) and tion gets violated, feedback functions would be needed to
taxi bookings (at both X and Y depending on the persons inform the composer so that it can generate plans with bet-
location and time in X and Y). One may decide that it is ter chances of getting successfully executed.
difficult to produce a robust workflow that meets all prospec- Based on the service specification, all or a subset of ser-
tive travel needs (which is what a separable approach would vices are selected and a planning routine finds a composite
require). An interleaved approach, on the other hand, will executable workflow. The search space would be at most
dynamically query for the locations(X,Y), time of the year, O( ) since potentially all advertised instances can be used
friends convenience, etc. to arrive at a suitable reservation. in a composition. Further, multiple workflows can be passed
In interleaved approach the composition and execution to the execution engine. This gives the WSCE system the
phases are internalized in a WSCE blackbox, and there are no ability to pick and choose among them (based on some opti-
provisions for the service developer to intervene. The inter- mization criteria) and also provide better failure resiliency,
nal process realizes the functional as well as nonfunctional in case a particular workflow fails. This implies that we need
requirements of the composite service. The approach is il- to rank the workflows based on some criteria.
lustrated in Fig. 2. The search space for interleaved is at Functions RIW and REW are used to rank a set of exe-
most O( ), since only the deployed web services can be in- cutable workflows with the only difference that RIW is used
cluded in any executable composition. This approach can to decide workflows that are passed from the composition
give an optimal composition based on real-time information to runtime stage while REW is used over alternative work-
from the execution environment (e.g. QoS, deployed ser- flows at the runtime stage. Quality of Service (QoS) is the
vices) and would be ideal if the search space is small. How- most common basis to differentiate among workflows. Note
ever, the domain should have the characteristic that there that there are different QoS metrics that could be of possible
are no pathological states which the WSCE agent has landed interest for end to end composition (e.g. cost, availability,
but can now not recover. If that happens, the interleaved response time). In this context, the execution environment
approach in such a domain would become incomplete as a should have a monitoring infrastructure in place that records
solution (i.e. solution exists, but cannot be reached). For the metrics of interest and periodically sends these values to
example, after a flight has been booked, one should not find the composition phase in the form of feedback FE (W ).
that there are no hotels available for the arrival time of this The monolithic approach is the most common web service
flight. composition approach in literature [14, 15, 17]. The sys-
In the literature, ConGolog and Heracles+Theseus[9] are tem of [20] can be also seen as an implementation of this
based on the interleaved approach. approach where the input specifications consists of message


I={i1, i2, i }

X={x1,x2,x } Events


Monolithic Runtime
RIW {t1,t2,t }

Off-line On-line

Figure 3: Monolithic Composition and Execution

exchanges between the component services and the output is flows/ traces of any of the previous three approaches. By
an executable (BPEL) workflow that implements the speci- generalization, we mean removal of any commitment from
fications. a previously successful workflow/ trace so that it can be
re-applied to a new situation. For example, in the case of
2.4 Staged Composition and Execution interleaved approach, we can take one successful trace of ex-
In the staged approach (Fig. 4), the service descriptions ecution and substitute the actual service instances that were
are distinguished between service types and instances. Con- invoked with their service types. Similarly, for monolithic or
sequently, the composition first proceeds to generate an ab- staged approaches, we can take successfully executed work-
stract workflow based on web service types (which we call flows and substitute actual service instances by their types
logical composition). This is subsequently concertized into in the workflow.
an executable workflow by selecting the appropriate web ser- In a new composition problem, based on the available tem-
vice instances (which we call physical composition). The two plates and the prevalent situations, a set of policies would
key elements of the approach are: guide which template gets selected and instantiated to ar-
rive at the executable workflow. The policies can also guide
1. S = {S1 , ..., SK }: A set of K abstract workflows se- plan adaptation if the external events (e.g., runtime failures,
lected after the logical composition stage. changes in advertised instances) occur while a composition
2. W = {W1 , ..., WL }: A set of L executable workflows is being executed. The adaptation policy may take the ad-
selected after the physical composition stage. vertised web service instances into account or only use the
monitored data. The template-based approach works best
Given that each service type has at most O(M ) instan- for applications where compositions follow regular patterns
tiations, the worst case complexity for the staged approach and its adaptation is required to be along anticipated con-
is O( ) + O(M ). Once again, multiple workflows can be texts (business or operational events)[4].
passed between the stages, thereby implying the need for The complexity of template-based approach depends on
ability to rank the workflows at each stage. With this in its generalization. Given a template of length where each
mind, we introduce a third ranking function RAW (in addi- service type has at most O(M ) service instances, the worst
tion to REW and RIW defined earlier) to define a ranking case complexity for a template-based approach which selects
over the set of abstract workflows. instances to produce executable workflows is O(M ).
RAW is used to rank a set of abstract plans. The ranking
function incorporates metrics that are characteristics of the 2.6 Summarizing Web Service Composition Ap-
plan that is generated. For example, | Si | - the number proaches
of steps in the workflow, could serve as a ranking function.
We now summarize the alternative approaches along the
One could also extend the ranking function RAW to account
different basis for comparison on Table 1. The Interleaved
for the developers effort required to match the input-output
approach does not separate the composition and execution
parameters between each step of the workflow, before it is
phases, while the others do; hence its compose phase is on-
handed off to the physical composition stage.
line, while the other approaches can compose offline. The
2.5 Templatebased Composition and Execu- Interleaved approach works with information of deployed in-
tion stances while the monolithic approach works with informa-
tion of advertised instances. Staged needs advertised type
The templatebased approach does not plan from scratch and instance information while template approach addition-
like other approaches. Instead, it takes outlines of permis- ally needs templates and the policies to use these templates.
sible workflows (or templates) and instantiates one of them The rate at which a change can be incorporated in each
to obtain an executable workflow. The selection and in- approach reflects the inter-relationship between the compo-
stantiation of the template can be based on a set of poli- sition and execution phases.
cies covering goals, events and runtime situations. Policies
are specifications of behavior; the most popular method of
describing these policies is through Event-Condition-Action 3. COMPARING ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES
(ECA) formulations.
Consider Figure 5. The initial template can either be
hand-coded or can be extracted by generalizing the work- EXECUTION
C={c1,c2,c } I={i1, i2, i } X={x1,x2,x } Events
Logical Physical Runtime
Composition Composition
RIW {t1,t2,t }
S={S1,S2,SK} W={W1,W2,WL}

Off-line Off-line On-line

Figure 4: Staged Composition and Execution


T= {t1,t2,t }

Executable Workflow

Abstract Workflow

Figure 5: Templatebased Composition and Execution

Criteria Interleaved Monolithic Staged Templatebased

Separable? No Yes Yes Yes
When Online Offline Offline Online/ Offline
How Search Search Search Template
What Information Deployed Instances Advertised Instances Advertised Type Templates/ policies
& Instances Advertised Types & Instances
Change Rate On-the-fly Gradual Gradual On-the-fly/ Gradual

Table 1: Summarizing WSCE approaches along different basis

In this section, we analyze and compare the different ap- to the composition process.
proaches for Web service composition and execution. For Composition Control: This is the amount of flexibility
this purpose, we choose a set of metrics that we feel are ap- that a developer has to intervene and fine-tune the work-
propriate in this context. Table 1 summarizes our analysis flows that are being generated. For example, the developer
for each approach. can affect a workflow by changing one of the ranking func-
Composition Effort: We believe that search space is a tions. In this respect, the black-box approach for inter-
good estimate of the composition effort involved in finding leaved gives no room for the user to control (or intervene in)
an executable workflow. Table 1 gives the effort involved the composition and execution of a service. The control is
with each of the approaches. Note that the figures pro- low for monolithic and high for template-based approaches.
vided in this table are worstcase estimates. The interleaved In each of these two solutions, the user has the flexibility to
approach considers only the deployed instances during the intervene before the workflow is deployed on an execution
process of composition and execution. While a monolithic infrastructure. However, for the latter, the developer has
architecture has to work with all web services advertised, a the additional flexibility of choosing a template. Finally, for
templatebased solution only needs to find service instances a staged architecture, the control given is the highest. The
matching the tasks in the template. A staged approach, on user in this case can inspect and modify the output of both
the other hand, proceeds in two stages. It first looks at the the logical and physical stages.
available service types for realizing the functionality of the Handling Composition Failure: Another important
required composite service before selecting instances for each criterion that we consider is the ability of a particular ap-
of the chosen types. A clean separation of services into types proach to resolve failures. Note that failures might occur
and instances reduces the search space, providing scalability during composition (e.g. no abstract plan found, no instance
Criteria Interleaved Monolithic Staged Template
Composition Effort O( ) O( ) Min:O( ) O( ) + O(M ) O(M )
Composition None Low: High: High:
Control < RIW , FE > < RAW , RIW , FC , FE > <template,
Underlying CompositionM ethod >
Handling Composition Failure None Medium High Low
Adaptation during Execution High Medium Medium Low to Medium
Information Simple Simple Elaborate Elaborate
Modeling (Instances) (Instances) (Types and Instances) (Templates and Instances)

Table 2: Comparison of different Service Composition and Execution approaches

binding available) or during execution (e.g. a deployed ser- We now present three different scenarios that employ com-
vice instance fails). In both cases, the approach should be position and execution of web services. For each of these sce-
resilient enough to recover from the failure and provide alter- narios, we outline the desired properties of a WSCE scheme
nate workflows to the user. Further, the failure resolution followed by choice of an approach for the particular scenario.
and recovery steps might be possible only by interacting
with the developer. In the interleaved approach, composi- 4.1 Application Integration in Telecom
tion and execution go hand-in-hand, therefore resolving a Mobile telephony service providers have to continually
failure requires a roll-back of the services executed. The develop compelling applications to attract and retain end-
staged approach offers maximum failure resolution because users, with quick time-to-market. Often, if a competitor
of the decomposition of WSCE process into multiple stages, introduces a new service, the service provider must offer a
where the developer can provider her inputs for verification similar or better service within days/weeks, to avoid los-
and refinement. A monolithic approach offers a medium ing customers. Also, a service provider can attract enter-
level of failure resolution. In a templatebased solution, the prise customers by offering custom-developed value-added
ability to recover from failures is restricted to the choice of services that leverage its telecom and IT infrastructure.
services for tasks listed out in the template. The user applications in this domain often rely on sev-
Adaptation during Execution: Often, incorporation eral, relatively simple building blocks user profile look-
of environmental changes and domain knowledge of a de- ups, address books, location-tracking services, accounting
veloper is crucial for improving the quality and efficiency of and billing services, etc. An example of an application is a
the composition process. When a service does not meet its helpline service for a consumer electronics company which
advertised QoS values or in scenarios where new services be- would accept service requests (e.g., complaints) from users
come available or existing ones unavailable, a WSCE system and directs them to be satisfied by remote help-desk or a
can benefit from incorporating feedback. In templatebased field agent based on cost versus severity trade-off. Many of
and monolithic systems, feedback can come from the exe- the building blocks are already in place, the cost of building
cution infrastructure to the composition phase. Whereas in new applications can be alleviated by using web services as
the former, adaptation is restricted to picking new instances the underlying abstraction for these building blocks.
for the template (in extreme cases, even the template it- We now list several aspects that are desirable of a compo-
self), the latter can involve recomposing the workflow from sition approach for this scenario:
scratch. In a staged architecture, feedback can be provided
from one stage to another. Each stage benefits from the 1. Scalability - There are multiple services that provide
information obtained from the subsequent stage(s). In an similar functionality. Moreover, the number of services
interleaved approach, at each step of composition and ex- present in the environment might be quite large. The
ecution, the choice of service to be executed for the step system should be able to scale with a large range of
can incorporate not only the changes in the environment, functionalities and the number of service instances.
but also the results of service executions for previous steps. 2. Adaptability - Plans generated should be responsive to
This provides a high level of adaptivity to this approach. changes in the runtime environment. For example, it
Information Modeling: During development of a WSCE should be easy to incorporate new services as well as to
framework, one needs to capture the information that would account for departure of existing ones. Moreover, any
be used during composition and execution. In all the ap- significant changes in the QoS offerings of the compo-
proaches, the developer has to determine how to model the nent services should impact the creation and execution
functional and non-functional capabilities of available ser- of the composite service.
vices so that it becomes easy to discover, invoke and com-
pose them. For a staged architecture, service types need 3. Failure Resolution - We are dealing with a dynamic en-
to be differentiated from service instances. They can either vironment where faults can occur frequently. Hence,
be stored in a single registry or in separate ones. Modeling the service creation environment should have a mecha-
of templates becomes important in a templatebased sys- nism to detect, resolve and recover from faults at var-
tem, precise capture of different scenarios through templates ious stages of composition and execution.
leads to efficient domain handling. For the monolithic and
interleaved approaches, we just need to model the instances, 4. User Interaction - The user would want the flexibility
therefore, information modeling is simpler. to supervise the entire composition procedure, starting
from generation of an abstract plan, to the creation of
an executable workflow, and finally its deployment on
4. CASE STUDIES a run-time infrastructure.
In this scenario, we argue that a staged approach for ser- do not interfere with the applicability of one another. There-
vice composition and execution is appropriate. The ratio- fore, the monolithic and template-based approaches are also
nale behind our choice is that the decomposition of the of less relevance. We argue that an interleaved approach
WSCE process inherently improves the scalability of the is most appropriate in this scenario since it can effectively
solution as more service types and instances are added to address the functional and non-functional aspects of realiz-
the registry. Further, the ranking functions at different ing the user request in an integrated setting. For example,
stages along with feedback information provides the abil- depending on the county value, choice of the service to find
ity to adapt to changes in runtime conditions and better property values can be made.
failure resolution. Finally, the staged approach gives more
control to the user to intervene and finetune both the ab- 5. CONCLUSION
stract plan and the deployable workflow. A solution based
In this paper, we have attempted to classify and qualita-
on the staged WSCE approach for this scenario is discussed
tively evaluate various approaches for web service composi-
in [1].
tion and execution. We came up with a formalization of the
WSCE process, a classification of existing solutions into dif-
4.2 Travel Reservation Using an Online Ser- ferent approaches based on the kind of inputs they take and
vice the amount of flexibility given to the user to intervene in the
In [2], a scenario for online travel reservation is described process, and an in-depth evaluation of these approaches. We
which requires interactive building of travel itineraries and also demonstrated the usefulness of this understanding in se-
then their monitoring for successful execution. In this sce- lecting appropriate service composition approaches for three
nario, the number of service providers is known and limited different scenarios. Our work offers a unifying perspective
to those with which the travel site has partnership. There on WSCE systems and fills a crucial void.
can be unexpected disruptions to plans (e.g., flight delays, In the future, we wish to provide a more quantitative com-
price drops, weather) but the response allowed is low level - parison of the different approaches, including criteria such as
propagate constraints on the itinerary but not take new deci- complexity of coding and maintenance. We would also like
sions. Further the user is not closely involved after itinerary to identify popular products or implementations associated
creation unless new decisions are needed. The plans can with each of these approaches.
be broadly categorized across different travel requests (for
example, one category includes flights, hotel and car reser-
vations while another category includes only flight and hotel
reservations). The authors would like to acknowledge Koustuv Dasgupta
We argue that here, a template-based approach is most for his contribution towards refinement of ideas presented in
appropriate since itineraries follow a well-defined set of pat- this paper and also for helping us prepare an initial draft of
terns and this fact could be further leveraged for simpler this work.
user-interfaces and output verification. Interestingly, an in-
terleaved approach is also acceptable in this scenario if the 7. REFERENCES
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