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Discworld: Ankh Morpork

Ankh-Morporks patrician, Lord Vetinari, has disappeared, and the citizens are calling out for firm leadership.
Each player takes on the role of a noble family, the Dragon King of Arms, Vetinari, Vimes, or Chrysoprase in a bid
to control the city.

Goal and Game End

The game can end in three ways:
1. When a player declares they have won according to the win condition of their personality. This condition
must be met at the START of a players turn for them to win.
o Vetinari: - Win if, at the beginning of your turn, you have spread your minions widely enough
2P Minions in 11+ different areas
3P Minions in 10+ different areas
4P Minions in 9+ different areas
All included areas must be free from Demons.
o Lord Selachii, Rust, or de Worde: - Win if, at the beginning of your turn, you have control of a
certain number of areas.
2P Control 7+ areas
3P Control 5+ areas
4P Control 4+ areas
Control means having more playing pieces (minions + buildings) in an area than
any other player.
You must exceed the number of trolls in an area for control
You cannot control an area containing any number of demons.
Trouble markers do not affect your ability to control an area.
o Dragon King of Arms: - Win if, at the beginning of your turn, there are eight or more trouble
markers on the board.
o Chrysoprase: - Win if, at the start of your turn, your net worth (value of buildings and cash),
minus your loans ($12 each) is $50 or more.
o Vimes: - If no-one else wins by the time the draw deck runs out, you win.
2. When the draw deck is exhausted, if Vimes is not in the game, the player with the most points wins.
o Minions = 5 pts
o Buildings = Worth cost in pts
o Money in hand = 1 pt per $, after you have repaid the Dent and Bank cards. If you cannot repay
them, you lose $15 per card.
o Ties are broken by the highest value city card.
3. If the Riot Event card is drawn, AND there are 8 or more trouble markers on the board, the game ends.
Perform final scoring as above.

1. Place the Game Board in the middle of the table.
2. Each player should take 12 Minion Pieces, and 6 Building Pieces in their player colour.
3. Each player should place 1 of their Minion Pieces in each of The Scours, Dolly Sisters, and The Shades.
4. 1 of the 12 Trouble Markers should be placed in each of The Scours, Dolly Sisters and The Shades.
5. Place all remaining Trouble Markers next to the Game Board.
6. Give each player 10 Dollars, and place the remaining money next to the board. The Money held by each
player is open knowledge.
7. Place the Demon and Troll pieces next to the board
8. Shuffle the Personality Cards face down, and deal one to each player. Each player secretly examines
their Personality Card, and keeps it face down. All spare Personalities are put to one side, and not
a. If playing with two players, remove Chrysoprase from the Personality Cards.
9. Shuffle the Random Events Cards and place them next to the board.
10. Separate the Player Cards into 48 green cards, and 53 brown cards. Shuffle each pile separately. Place
the green deck on top of the brown deck to form the draw pile. Deal 5 cards from the draw deck face
down to each player.
a. If playing with two players, remove Hubert and Cosmo Lavish from the brown cards.
11. Place the City Area Cards in a display next to the board in alphabetical order.
12. Give each player a Player Aid Card.
13. Use the die to determine a start player.

Course of a Turn
The game begins with the start player taking their turn. A turn will consist of:
1. Playing one card from hand,
2. Performing tasks in the order of, and according to the icons on the card (which may involve playing more
3. Once their turn is over, a player draws cards from the Player Card deck to fill their hand size up to a
minimum of 5 cards (if you already have 5 or more cards in hand, you do not need to discard just ignore
this step).
4. Play then proceeds to the next player clockwise.

Taking Actions
When the card is played, some or all of the actions will be performed by a player. Actions are played in the order
of the icons from left to right. A player does not have to perform any individual action, except that they MUST
perform a Random Event if on the card. Once the actions are complete, the card(s) played are placed into discard
next to the Player Card draw pile. The icons are:
1. Place a Minion Take one of your Minions from supply and place it on the game board. The Minion must
be placed in or adjacent to an area that already contains one of your Minions. There are no limits on the
number of Minions that can be placed in an area. If all your Minions are already on the board when you
take a Place Minion action, you may move an already placed Minion to a new area, following the above
rules. If you have no Minions at all on the board, you can place a Minion in any area.
a. Trouble Whenever a Minion is placed in, or moved to an area containing one or more Minions
(including your own Minions), a Trouble Marker is added to that area. Each area can only contain
at most one Trouble Marker. As soon as a Minion is moved or removed from that area, the
Trouble Marker is removed as well (even if more than one minion of any type still remains).
Placing a building in an area does not cause a trouble marker to be placed. Trouble markers have
two effects:
i. A Minion can only be assassinated in an area if there is a Trouble Marker there.
ii. You cannot build a building in an area containing a Trouble Marker.
b. Trolls and Demons are regarded as Minions, and affect trouble in the same way as minions.
2. Place a Building Place a building in an area where you already have at least one minion, paying the
building cost (shown on the city area card) to the bank. Take the city area card for the area you just built.
You cannot use the new ability you gained until the start of your next turn. You cannot place a Building in
an area:
a. That contains a Trouble Marker
b. That contains another building.
c. If you have already placed all six of your buildings (unless you move one of your existing
buildings to the new location, and lose your previously held city area card).
3. Assassination - Remove one Minion belonging to another player (NOT yours), or troll, or demon, from an
area containing a Trouble Marker.
4. Remove a Trouble Marker from an area of your choice
5. Take Money Take the displayed amount of money from the bank to your personal supply.
6. Scroll Perform written text on the bottom of the card.
7. Random Event MANDATORY Draw the top card from the Random Events deck, and resolve the effects
of that event. Once the event is completed, return it to the box (events only happen once per game).
8. Play another card Play another card from your hand. If this card also contains a play another card icon,
you may play a further card, and so on.
9. Interrupt Play AT ANY TIME (even when its not your turn). These card usually prevent bad outcomes
happening to you. Does not count as an action if played on your turn.

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