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Drug Use and Workplace Performance

Stephanie Jones

Arkansas Tech University


I. Student Information
Stephanie Jones
Student T#01195806
Self Employed

II. Project Site Information

Arlington Hotel Resort and Spa
Hot Springs, Ar. 71909

III. Stakeholders Information

Nadia Glisson
Manager/ Beauty Salon
Face to Face meetings and by email. Minimum of three times but as many times
as needed.


OSHA- Occupational Safety and Health Administration

NCADD- National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence




Purpose of Project............................................................................................................................4

Problem Identified...........................................................................................................................5

Research Methods and Materials.....................................................................................................7

Analysis and Findings..................................................................................................................... 8

Recommended Action Plan ...........................................................................................................14


Appendix A...20


The Arlington Resort Hotel & Spa was founded in 1875 and is a historical piece of art. It

is located in the center of Hot Springs, Ar. The hotel accommodates 500 rooms including a grand

crystal ballroom. It is most notoriously known for Al Capone staying there and also former

President Bill Clinton. The current hotel has been there since 1924 after rebuilding from a fire.

The hotel employs many departments and it requires a tremendous amount of workers to

operate the biggest hotel in Arkansas. The challenges of running a hotel can be insurmountable

and the added fact of it being historical creates even bigger challenges. The Arlington in its prime

has been sold out weekly, filled with a charming walk into the past. Unfortunately today the hotel

is no longer in its prime. Sold out weekends are limited to holidays and local events such as the

live horse races. The lack of revenue increased the stress upon the top of management and

trickled down to the workers. A hotel that used to employ only Arlington employees had to start

using temporary staff to offset the cost of the slow seasons. The limited amount of full time staff,

added stress, and the outside staffing has led to an increase in substance and drug abuse while on

the job.

Substance use is defined as any time someone uses drugs or alcohol. Substance use can

lead to dependency and this can impair individuals mentally and physically while on and off the

work site. According to National Institute on Drug Abuse 23.5 million people needed treatment

in 2009 and only 2% of those received treatment. While there are drug policies in place to

provide a safe and drug free work environment, one could only surmise that most of the ones

who did not seek treatment are employed somewhere.


The hotel handbook requires that all employees follow the Drug- Free Workplace Policy

and those who do not abide to this policy will be subjected to discipline including possible

termination. Employees sign and agree to testing, searches, and inspections. The policy is pretty

lengthy and detailed, spanning over nine pages. Even with the extensive coverage of expectation

concerning drugs and alcohol the rate of use while at work is still high.

Approximately 71% of people that have drug and alcohol problems are employed,

(Rhodes, D. 1998.). Having an effective drug policy in order is of immense priority. In Rhodes

article, Drug Abuse in the Workplace he cites several examples of how companies saved when

implementing Employee Prevention Programs. One company had a 29% decline in absenteeism

while another had an 82% reduction in workplace accidents. If the hotel had an effective

program the advantages to the business could increase the revenue, work morale, and potentially

better wages. The cost of implementing a zero drug policy is outweighed by the benefits that the

company gets in return (Coolidge, 1996.).

Purpose of Project

The purpose of this project is to examine how recreational drug abuse affects job

performance at the Arlington Hotel. This business employs around 120 employees and all within

different departments but without cohesive communication and work the business overall would

fail to operate effectively and efficiently while meeting consumer demands. The Arlington

employs both full and part time staff while supplementing with outside temporary staffing. The

prevalence of drug use has increased with staff while on the job, even resulting in terminations.

The affects seem to have a domino effect with work performance.


According to the National Drug-Free Workplace Alliance, the loss that businesses and

employees suffer from drug and alcohol abuse range from lost productivity, increased health

problems, increased level of workplace accidents, employee absenteeism, and theft. These are

just several of the problems that drug use can create within the workplace environment. The

NCADD reports that there is a 2.7% increase in work related problems with employees who have

alcohol problems and 24% of workers admitted to having drank on the job once within the last

year. In a study in 1992 the National Institute on Health drug and alcohol abuse cost the

economy 246 billion dollars. The psychical and mental impairment caused by substance and drug

abuse cost businesses almost 81 billion in productivity (U.S Department of Health and Human

Services). Alcoholism alone, cost 500 million works days each year (Rhodes, D.1998). The

statistics show a high correlation of negative effects from drugs and alcohol and the workplace


This impact can be seen within this specific business in higher turnover rates which

increase employee training time. A major department within the hotel is housekeeping and you

can see the biggest impact of drug use and performance. Having higher turnover, leads to higher

rates of employees in training, resulting in longer job completion time and lower customer

satisfaction. The compilation of actions leads to a loss in overall revenue for The Arlington. The

hotel has an advantage in the community because it offers full accommodations. It has a

restaurant, ballroom, and spa while having the appeal of its historical value. These factors could

give them an advantage from surrounding hotels but not if job performance suffers due to

substance and drug abuse.


Problem Identified

The problem is substance and drug abuse within the workplace and how it directly

impacts work performance of Arlington employees. How can the current drug policy that is in

place be improved upon so that implementation and enforcement are more attainable? Also what

programs could be offered to decrease and alleviate any dependency that already exists?

This issue is considered a problem within this business because work performance

declines, for not only the person using alcohol or drugs but also the coworkers that are within

this environment. It is specific to this organization because it hinders the potential of the hotel

and what it could offer to guest. The workers are the face of the hotel coming into contact with

guest 24 hours throughout the day. The consequences of not implementing a drug policy that

works is a loss of potential revenue. According to the Department of Health, 81.6% loss of

productivity is due to alcohol and drug use. Whether the business makes up for the cost with

lower pay scales, decreased hours, or with quality of service, it does directly impact the

Arlington. The problem with not addressing this situation is a continued decline in ratings from

web sites, word of mouth about guest experience, and the overall loss of reputation for the face

of the hotel.

Research Method and Procedures

The primary methods in which will be used to collect data will be through Surveys and

Interviews. The survey will consist of questions that employees of the hotel will answer

regarding drugs/alcohol and work performance. Former employees will also be sampled

regarding their experience while employed there.


Surveys will primarily be sent via online questions. Given the sensitivity of the topic at

hand, the discretion of the person being surveyed will be emphasized. Also, interviews with two

employees with current drug or alcohol related issues have agreed to do a face to face interview.

An additionally interview over the phone with a current employee without alcohol or drug issues

will be interviewed to find out the impacts that it makes on his/her job performance.

The survey, in Appendix A is to include such questions pertaining to the use of substances

while at work, the implications they have personally had or have witnessed due to being under

the influence. Also insight into if rehabilitation treatments have been offered in the past and if

they participated or if they would be willing to attend any counseling for their addictions.

The face to face interview will have two perspectives to pull from: the face of the user

and also the face of the coworker who deals with ramifications, if any of working alongside the

user. Information on history of drug use while on and off the job. Any potential consequences of

use while at the workplace. If intervention was offered without negative drawbacks to

employment would the employee be interested?

Given the nature of the problem, 64% of drug users admitted it affected their work

performance negatively and 18% admitting to stealing from coworkers to support their habits,

(Twig. 1995.), the whole unit suffers: drug user and sober coworker. That is the importance in

conducting a face to face interview with both a user and a sober employee.

Analysis and Findings

The original question was how drug use affects workplace performance at the Arlington

Hotel and Spa. The problem with employees using drugs at the workplace is a domino effect of

lowering work morale, job performance decreasing, enabling poor work environment, and a

meltdown of the infrastructure thus costing the hotel money. Through analysing surveys of

current employees and interviews, research sought to find out the affect that substance and drug

usage while at work. The impact that the environment placed on the employees for drug users

and non-drug users alike. The answers to the survey in Appendix A included various employees

within different departments: housekeeping, security, bar, and beauty salon staff.

There were 45 surveys originally sent out within the hotel employees that questioned

them about their experience while being employed at the hotel and any impacts that they have

encountered. The return rate was 30 participants, 67% of the originally intended group. Also

included is the findings of the interviews with two employees, one that uses drugs and the other

that does not.

The limitations of the surveys is that of honest disclosure of drugs and affect that it has on

job performance. The other limitation would be that not enough non drug users participated so

that the research could get an accurate representation of the effects on those that do not use drugs

while at work. The small sample size could in no way accurately represent the true actual


The data collected from 30 participants showed that 50% admitted to having been under

the influence of drugs while at work and 30% under the influence of alcohol with 20% using

drugs and/or alcohol outside of the workplace.


Employees who admitted to being under the influence


Illegal drugs
Users who do not use while in the workplace


A total of 45 surveys were sent out through various methods: email, social media, and

paper method. The return total was 30 surveys being completed and two phone interviews. All 30

participants in the data collected were used to conclude the percentage of the perceived problems

and effects of drugs and work performance while also inquiring into current policies and

implementations of new policies. Phone to phone interviews revealed directly related struggles

from both perspectives within the workplace adding insight into both angles.


Throughout the research the following was found: over 50% of those surveyed were

using illegal drugs while at the workplace which impaired the ability to efficiently complete their

duties at full capacity. Also, 30% admitted to being under the influence of alcohol while they

were at work. Questions pertaining to the abuse of personally prescribed drugs were asked and

found that 10% admitted to taking more medication while at work than what was prescribed by

their doctor. When inquiring into if they felt that being under the influence hindered their work

performance 67% agreed that yes, it does impact them negatively. There seems to be a direct

correlation between absenteeism, late arrivals and leaving early from their assigned work shift

with the use of drugs or alcohol.

Attendance Efficiency Affected By Drugs and Alcohol Monthy

Late Arrival/Early Departure Due to Drugs or Alcohol

Late Arrival/Early Departure

Absent Days due to Drugs/Alcohol

Absent Days

0 5 10 15 20
Days Affected Days Scheduled

The rate of work place accidents were low with 17% of employees stating yes, they had

been involved in an accident while at work. Further inquiries into that 17% of employees that

had an accident 40% stated it was due to being under the influence. So the overall rate of

workplace accidents due to impairment was relatively low at 7% although within the context of

whether the total amount it was actually higher.

The survey then switched focus from those that participated in drug and/or alcohol use

and workplace performance to the effect of drugs or alcohol use while at work. When asked if

they felt that the drugs and alcohol use by themselves or other co-workers affected them

negatively, 67% said yes that it does impact them in a negative way throughout their day. Upon

inquiring what negative effects that they suffer the range of answers were mixed with many

factors. The biggest complaint was increased demand upon those that are not using to

compensate for the co-worker that is under the influence and not performing their job accurately

thus increasing their workload. In second place was the increased stress due to trying to hide the

fact that they are under the influence or co-worker trying to hide for their other co-worker from

upper management. Lastly work morale was lower because of the lack of pride in ones work

environment and a feeling of helplessness. Specifically for those that are not under the influence

at work it seems to create an added stress on a personal level and a more unsafe work


When asked if employees are aware of The Arlingtons current drug policy, all subjects

answered yes they are aware. The next question was how they felt about the current drug policy

in the hotel 67% said that it is a standard policy and they understood it although 33% felt the

policy was hypocritical because management itself consumes alcohol within business hours. The

policy is hourly exempt salary based management is always on the clock yet exempt from the

drug policy while after regular business hours. Subordinates witness managers who consume

alcohol yet still exercise the option of authority over their subordinates while technically on the

clock yet they are off the clock. This seems to create a level of confusion for standards of policy

and skews rules and regulations.

When asked if the participants would like to see a better drug policy implemented at the

hotel less than half showed an interest in a change in policy although they would like to see a

change in management policy. A very small percent showed interest in implementing drug based

programs that would help obtain sobriety.


Workplace Satisfaction

No opinion


Two interviews were conducted from both perspectives of an employee who does use

drugs and an employee who does not. What was found was both had a dissatisfaction with their

work environments. The employee, who struggles with prescription pill addiction, stated that the

environment seemed to enable her addiction since the drugs were not only readily available to

purchase while at work and although there is a no drug policy, it seemed to not be enforced it the

pot is not stirred. This employee had taken a leave of absence to go to rehab earlier last year and

feared if she attempted again with Human Resources knowledge that she would lose her job. The

employee that did not struggle with any alcohol or drug use, stated that although it does not

affect her personal life, it does increase the stress while at work. That everyone knows that there

is an elephant in the room but that everyone tiptoes around it unless it is just blatantly thrown in

upper managements face.

Recommended Action Plan

After assessing all needs, strengths and weaknesses within the company development of

an effective drug policy is needed. The Arlington Hotel already has a very detailed nine page

drug policy within their handbook but what lacks is the training on how to make it work

effectively so that everyone can benefit from a safer and sober work environment. Based on the

surveys and interviews, although limited in sample size, the knowledge of what is allowable is

already set into place but there is a breakdown from within management and supervisors. A

special training day for managers and supervisors that will cover areas of importance for

implementing the policy. Subjects that will be covered will be as follows: What is substance use?

How to spot substance use while at work and what steps to take if you know an employee is

under the influence.

Upon completion of training managers and supervisors, each manager will set out a

schedule to meet with all shifts and go over the drug policy and the changes. The first shift which

begins at 8 will meet in the cafeteria with their leader. The meeting should last no longer than 30

minutes. Each employee will receive a copy to sign and date acknowledging the updated policy.

Employees will be informed of ways to handle co-workers under the influence and whom to

report to in such a case. The manager/supervisor will explain what programs are available to

assist them with any problems related to drug/alcohol use and abuse. The meeting will finish

with a question and answer section. The second shift will report to the cafeteria at 2pm with their

manager/supervisor and it will contain the same content.

One weakness that is in the policy is that of salary paid managers coming to the hotel in

after work hours and consuming drinks from the bar. My recommendation is to eliminate

confusion and have a no employee at the bar policy, whether management or layperson. The

conflicting message of management is on salary and therefore always on the clock and is subject

to being at work after normal work hours in which they can reprimand an employee combined

with the option for that manager to be at the bar drinking, sets a conflicting message. In order to

strengthen the policy eliminating such options would be one resolution to make it fair.

Another weakness in the existing policy is the breakdown of communication that gives

employees avenues in which they can find help for recovery. Guidelines that would specifically

outline consequences of substance use while at work will be concrete and include programs that

promote healthy choices. Implementing an Employee Assistance Program to help with referrals

for counselling, drug rehab facilities, and educating all employees on the risk of using drugs and

alcohol while at work.

Although the above strategies will not completely eliminate the drug and alcohol problem

at the hotel, it can drastically reduce the amount that is actively occurring. Through direct

education with a plan of action on how to approach this behaviour while at work it will give an

outline for management to know how to approach the issues. No longer allowing management

that is on salary to drink at the bar will eliminate the skewed lines of what is acceptable. It will

create an atmosphere of being fair and zero tolerance from anyone. EAP programs will allow for

second chances for those employees who are struggling with addiction. It will open up a positive

line of communication and offer an opportunity to strengthen the employee, therefore

strengthening the company.

Manager and supervisors will be the direct line of implementation. Everyone will be

affected from higher management to lower personnel. After training managers and supervisors,

each will go to their department and schedule a meeting for their subordinates. They will outline

the existing policy and also the new EAPs, what can be offered and the consequences of use

while at work. It will be a mixed of positive and negative at first until everyone realizes there is

no policy for use while at work and that it will not be allowed. The negative is that some

employees could lose their jobs but the positive is building a more cohesive workplace that can

operate efficiently and safe for all employees.

The cost for implementing the policy with the few addictions such as the EAP is minimal

but it will require human resource personnel to have a few added responsibilities. The HR

Manager must research what programs are available in the area for substance abuse, what

programs insurance will cover, and local counselling centers. Add the few revisions to the

handbook will pamphlets outlining local resources that can help for free or low cost. By April 1st

all information should be gathered and printed so that manager and supervisors can have a

meeting and discuss the step of action that will be taken next. The results will be seen instantly.

The negative impacts might be a loss of some workers but a decrease in absenteeism, the

increase in productivity will boost the work morale in a positive direction. The much needed

structure will be fair and across the board, allowing a more open line of communication and

access to resources for redirection. Blum and Roman (1995) studied the effectiveness and cost of

EAP programs and found that the cost is low and the benefits are high. With very little change to

the existing policy and a little effort to work together can instantly provide a low cost and high

benefit atmosphere.

Further Studies

The plan should be re-evaluated in three months to see if the rate for drug and/or alcohol

use rate is lower. Comparison of absenteeism rates, late arrival and early departure rates, and

workplace accidents should be studied to see if there is a decline. Also the suggestion to make

use of the survey at the six month mark to assess that changes are being made and complied with

among the employees and to assess work environment morale.



BLUM, T.C., and ROMAN, P.M. Cost-Effectiveness and Preventive Implications of Employee

Assistance Programs. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

Administration; Publication RP0907, 1995.

Harwood, H. J., Reuter, P., Kleiman, M. A. R., Kopp, P., & Cohen, M. A. (1999). Cost estimates

for alcohol and drug abuse. Addiction, 94(5), 631-647.

Rhodes, D. (1998). Drugs in the workplace. Occupational Health & Safety, 67(10), 136-138.

SAMHSA, Results from the 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National Findings,

Series H25, DHHS Pub. No. SMA 043964, Rockville, MD: Office of Applied

Studies, NSDUH, 2007.


Shelley Donald Coolidge, Staff writer of The Christian,Science Monitor. (1996, Oct 30). In

workplace, efforts to nip drug abuse pay dividends. The Christian Science

Monitor (Pre-1997 Fulltext)

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Statistics Sourcebook, 5/95, p.3. Substance Abuse and

Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human

Services. Rockville, MD.

The Economic Costs of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the United States." 1992. National Institute

on Drug Abuse. National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse.

Rockville, MD.

Twing, G. K. (1995). Working high: When employees take hits, so do profits. Journal of

Property Management, 60(6), 20.

Appendix A

1. Do you have a history of illegal drug use?

If yes, have you ever used while at work?
Have you come into work under the influence?

2. Do you have a history of alcohol use?

Have you ever drank while on the job?
Have you come into work intoxicated before?

3. Do you have a history of taking more than the amount prescribed of your
Do you take more than prescribed while at work?

4. Have you had any work related accidents?

Were you under the influence of any substance legal or illegal when the
accident occurred?

5. Do you feel your work performance suffers if you are under the influence?

6. How many days are you absent monthly?


7. How many days do you feel you are absent due to drug use, legal or illegal?

8. How many days are you late for work or leave early in a month?

9. The days that you are late or leave early, how many are related to your drug

10. Do you feel that your work environment is affected negatively due to drug use
in the workplace? If so, how?

11. How do you think that drug use in the workplace has affected you personally?

12. Are you aware of the current Arlingtons drug policy?

13. What do you think about the current drug policy in the hotel?

14. Would you like to have a better drug policy at your place of employment?

15. How would you feel about random drug testing being implemented?

16. Have you ever been convicted of a felony due to drug related crimes?

17. Would you be interested in engaging in programs to help you with your drug

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