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10 Journals

HLTH 1050-003
Alyssa Carn
25 February 2017
Meth, or methamphetamine, is a strong central nervous stimulant and is a modified d-

amphetamine. This drug confuses the brain because of the increased levels of dopamine. The

dopamine gives a sense of euphoria. Meth releases all the dopamine at once during

neurotransmission. The two neurotransmitters that deal with meth is dopamine and

norepinephrine. Methods for using meth are orally, smoked, or injected. When meth is smoked,

or injected it is highly addictive. The rush for this drug lasts for 20 to 40 minutes. The high lasts

for about 3 days. Meth stays in the system for about 5 days. This drug is considered a female

drug because this drug helps you lose weight. Meth isnt a narcotic.
Meth has many side effects from using this drug. The short-term side effects are that it

increases the heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. Other short-term side effects are

that it creates alertness, insomnia, euphoria, clouded mental functioning, tremors, convulsions,

and a decreased appetite. Meth dries out the mouth and causes the user to lose their teeth. Long-

term side effects of meth cause a profound sadness called anadonia. Meth also causes damage to

the brain and the heart. Another long-term side effect is psychosis. Psychosis is effects the brain,

which causes paranoia, confusion, hallucinations, rages, and delusions. Signs and symptoms of

meth are dilated pupils, acute lead poisoning, omnipotence, and temporary hyperactivity.

10 Journals
Alyssa Carn
25 February 2017
Cocaine is considered the strongest and most dangerous stimulant drug. It is derived from

the coca plant. It is highly addictive, white powder or clear crystal. Instead of mimicking
dopamine, like meth, cocaine blocks the reuptake in the synapse during the neurotransmission of

neurons. Cocaine enhances the activity of dopamine during neurotransmission. The

neurotransmitters that are involved with cocaine is dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.

Sigmund Freud, a psychoanalyst, was a supporter of cocaine and prescribed it to his patients.

Method of using cocaine is snorting, injecting, and orally. A form of cocaine is called crack.

Crack is cocaine that is treated with baking soda and is crystalized. When crack is used, it makes

a cracking sound, which is where it gets its name.

People that use cocaine gain a tolerance, which is why people doing the drug increase the

doses. Short-term side effects include constricted blood vessels, dilated pupils, severe headaches,

gastrointestinal complications, and decreased appetite. Other short-term side effects are increased

blood pressure, body temperature, and heart rate. Also, cocaine is very corrosive to the teeth.

Long-term side effects are loss of smell, heart problems, AIDS or HIV, and bowl gangrene.
Pablo Escobar and El Chapo Guzman are well known drug lords in Mexico. Both ran the

drug distribution. They were very wealthy people from Mexico, who earned their money by

selling drugs, particularly cocaine. Both are very dangerous and violent men.

10 Journals
HLTH 1050-003
Alyssa Carn
25 February 2017
Heroin is a chemical derivative of morphine. It is a highly addictive analgesia drug and is

a narcotic. When it enters the brain, heroin turns into morphine. During neurotransmission, the

chemical releases endorphins. Then the chemical binds to the opioid receptors. After the binding,

the reuptake takes place. Endorphins is a chemical substance that are produced in the brain. The

endorphins mimic the effects of morphine and other opioid substances. Heroin belongs to the

opioid family. This drug is a downer. Ways to use this drug is by smoking, snorting, and

There are a lot of effects of heroin. Acute effects are dryness, extreme constipation,

pinpoint pupils, alternating alert and drowsy state of minds, slowed breathing, lowered blood

pressure, decreased body temperature, and muscular weakness. Heroin causes euphoria and

temporary analgesia. Long term effects include: changes in the brain, HIV or AIDS, tolerance,

addiction, heart problems, and decreased liver function. Changes to the brain from the heroin are

hard to reverse. The potential for HIV or AIDS are caused by the injection of the needles when

people use heroin. Withdrawal symptoms of heroin are pupil dilation, diarrhea, insomnia,

increased blood pressure, and increased body temperature. Another withdrawal symptom is

uncontrollable twitching and kicking movements. Naloxone is an antagonist to opioid receptors.

It blocks the heroin from opioid receptors. Naloxone is a drug that can be administered to

someone who has overdosed on opioid substances.

10 Journals
HLTH 1050- 003
Alyssa Carn
19 April 2017
LSD and Other Hallucinogens
LSD is a synthetic derivative of lysergic acid, which is a component of ergot. Albert

Hoffman discovered LSD in 1938. Albert is a chemist is Switzerland. He brushed his hand

against the chemical when he was working with it and then he discovered its use. LSD

resembles the structure of serotonin. The resemblance amplifies the capacity of receptors for

serotonin. The reason why people use this drug is because it is fun, religious reasons, for

schizophrenia, and helps with dementia. Risks of this drug is anxiety, fear, and paranoia.
Short term effects on the body start about 20-90 minutes of use. Acute effects include:

dilated pupils, increased temperature, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, loss of

appetite, sleeplessness, dry mouth, tremors, and profuse sweating. Long term effects include:

persistent psychosis, paranoia, mood disturbances, hallucinations. Some of the symptoms can be

mistaken for a stroke or tremor. The trip can be hard to describe, but the trip includes: Images
seen with the eyes closed. Synesthesia- sounds being perceived as hallucinatory visions.

Multilevel reality perception. 4. Feeling of strange and exaggerated configuration of common

objects. Lose touch with reality.

A myth about LSD is that it is physically addictive. It isnt physically addictive, but

psychologically addictive. Another myth LSD will make you a better person. Some people think

that LSD will lead them to their higher self, but other people seem to have the opposite reaction.

Another myth is that a friend or guide will keep the person from having a bad trip. Everyone

reacts differently to LSD. Another myth is that orange juice will stop a trip, but in fact it acts

more as a placebo. Another myth is that LSD never leaves the body, but some people believe that

LSD can leave the body at some point.

10 Journals
HLTH 1050- 003
Alyssa Carn
19 April 2017
Marijuana is the most commonly available psychoactive drug that originates from the

cannabis plant. THC is the active psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. THC causes the high

when a person consumes marijuana. In the brain, THC mimics other neurotransmitters. THC

attaches to cannabinoid receptors throughout the body. Marijuana is said to help with weight,

insomnia, pain, nausea, and glaucoma. Medical marijuana is legal in California, Colorado,

Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Arizona, and many other states.

The short-term effects of marijuana are poor concentration, poor memory, tough time

focusing on the tasks at hand, bad reaction time, bad coordination. The physical acute effects

include: red eyes, dry mouth, impaired motor skills, increased appetite, and muscle relaxer. The

long-term effects are mental illnesses, temporary hallucination, temporary paranoia, worsens

symptoms of schizophrenia. Heavy marijuana smokers have reduced grey matter, which controls
emotion, motivation, and emotional learning. About 22% of users that are aged 18- 25 years have

reported panic attacks or anxiety.

Chronically using marijuana causes certain problems to happen. Marijuana causes a

reversed tolerance, which is a sensitivity to the drug. Another problem that chronic use of

marijuana causes is a suppressed immune system. The immune system doesnt work properly

with marijuana. Amotivational syndrome is another problem. The syndrome causes the person to

just want to have fun. They lack motivation to do anything, but have an enjoyable time.

10 Journals
HLTH 1050- 003
Alyssa Carn
23 April 2017
Alcohol is a drink resulting from an anaerobic fermentation of sugar. Alcohol attacks the

brain by first affecting the forebrain, which assaults motor coordination. Then alcohol knocks out

the midbrain. Knocking out the midbrain makes the person lose control over their emotions and

increases their chances of a blackout. Another way alcohol attacks the brain is when it batters the

brainstem. When the brainstem is battered, the effects causes the changes to the heart rate, body

temperature, appetite, and consciousness. These conditions are dangerous and potentially fatal to

the person consuming alcohol. GABA is the neurotransmitter in the brain that is inhibited by

alcohol. GABA regulates and controls other neurotransmitters in the brain.

The acute effects of alcohol include: toxic reaction, hangovers, impaired motor skills,

impaired judgment, and violent behavior. Tolerance of alcohol is a chronic effect. The body will

need to consume more alcohol every time a user drinks to get a strong effect of the drink.

Cardiovascular disorders are potentially a chronic side effect of drinking alcohol. Those

disorders include heart enlargement, poor contractions, poor circulation, and clogged arteries.

Another chronic side effect is alcoholic dementia. Alcohol is bad for the health of anyones brain.

People who drink a lot of alcohol can develop liver cirrhosis.

THIQ is an opioid substance that is in alcohol. This substance causes the drinker to feel

good. Also, this substance never goes away and it creates the very powerful craving or addiction

for someone who drinks alcohol.

10 Journals
HLTH 1050- 003
Alyssa Carn
23 April 2017
Alcoholism is a chronic disease characterized by the use preoccupation of alcohol with

regardless of family, professional, and social consequences. Alcohol attacks the brain by first

affecting the forebrain, which assaults motor coordination. Then alcohol knocks out the

midbrain. Knocking out the midbrain makes the person lose control over their emotions and

increases their chances of a blackout. Another way alcohol attacks the brain is when it batters the

brainstem. When the brainstem is battered, the effects causes the changes to the heart rate, body

temperature, appetite, and consciousness. These conditions are dangerous and potentially fatal to

the person consuming alcohol. GABA is the neurotransmitter in the brain that is inhibited by

alcohol. GABA regulates and controls other neurotransmitters in the brain.

THIQ is an opioid substance that is in alcohol. This substance causes the drinker to feel

good. Also, this substance never goes away and it creates the very powerful craving or addiction

for someone who drinks alcohol. The acute effects of alcohol include: toxic reaction, hangovers,

impaired motor skills, impaired judgment, and violent behavior. Tolerance of alcohol is a chronic

effect. The body will need to consume more alcohol every time a user drinks to get a strong

effect of the drink. Cardiovascular disorders are potentially a chronic side effect of drinking

alcohol. Those disorders include heart enlargement, poor contractions, poor circulation, and

clogged arteries. Another chronic side effect is alcoholic dementia. Alcohol is bad for the health

of anyones brain. People who drink a lot of alcohol can develop liver cirrhosis.

10 Journals
HLTH 1050- 003
Alyssa Carn
23 April 2017
Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic steroids are a synthetic derivative of testosterone that promote masculine

changes in the body and increased muscle development. How these drugs work in the brain is

when testosterone is in the brain it interacts with the androgenic center. Androgen is DNA based

and controls testosterone levels. When attached to the receptors, it rapidly increases the

testosterone and protein synthesis levels. Anabolic steroids are prohibited in several sports, but

the sports that are particularly prohibited is baseball, hockey, football, and basketball. For most

sports, if the athlete is caught with steroids then they are disqualified or are unable to come back

to play in their sport.

There are different side effects for females and males that are produced by the steroids.

Some of the effects that the drug has on females are deeper voice, offset menstrual period, facial

hair Growth, masculine features, other unwanted hair growth. The side effects that males have

are testicular atrophy, infertility, trouble urinating, long lasting erections, gynecomastia. Some of

the physiological effects that these drugs produce are mental problems like paranoia, extreme

irritability, delusions, impaired judgement, extreme mood swing roid rage. Roid rage is an

aggressive behavior.
10 Journals
HLTH 1050- 003
Alyssa Carn
23 April 2017
Tobacco is a green, leafy plant that is grown in warm climates. When it is ready, the plant

can be smoked, chewed, or sniffed. Tobacco contains nicotine, which is a toxic, psychoactive

drug. Nicotine stimulate the central nervous system. Acute effects of tobacco are bad breath,

smelly hair and clothes, elevated heart rate, decreased air capacity, damages brain cells. A

chronic effect is lung cancer, which is caused by all the horrible products of tobacco entering the
lungs. Another chronic effect is cardiovascular disease, which is caused by the heart being

restricted of blood flow or other things that cause the heart to not pump properly. COPD is a

chronic effect. COPD is when the lungs cant get enough oxygen. The tobacco causes the person

to not be able to breath correctly.

They say that smoking causes a lower life expectancy because of all the health risks that

it causes for the smoker. They say it is about ten years less of their life expectancy. About

480,000 in the US die, annually, from smoking. About 5 million in the world die from smoking

annually. Many people get cancer from the use of tobacco. Lung, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder,

liver, pancreas, stomach, cervix, colon are locations of where cancer has been found in tobacco

users, but cancer from tobacco can be found in almost every part of the body. Second hand

smokers can develop lung cancer. Pregnant women should be careful with using tobacco during

their pregnancies because their children can develop birth defects.

10 Journals
HLTH 1050- 003
Alyssa Carn
24 April 2017
Prescription Drugs
There are many prescription drugs in the world and many people use them. A lot of

people abuse prescription drugs for many reasons. Those reasons include: addiction, withdrawal

symptoms are strong, people gain a tolerance, peer pressure, the doctors over prescribe. There

are several other reasons, but those are the reasons that I thought of.
Since there are many prescription drugs, the one that I want to focus on are opioids.

Opioids works in the brain by attaching to receptors in the brain, once attached they send signals

to the brain to block pain, slows breathing and has a general calming effect. About 24 people a

month in Utah die from opioid abuse.

The drug that I would recommend being a prescript drug is marijuana. There seems to be

some benefits for medical purposes for marijuana. This drug would help people without causing
major harm. It isnt as strong as an opioid so it wont be as harmful and damaging. Medical

marijuana should be highly researched, but I think that it could possibly have potential if there

are restrictions by a doctor. If I were talking to the senate about medical marijuana I would be

arguing what is the research behind medical marijuana. Also, it would be concerning to me to

know how the senate plans on controlling the distributions of marijuana for only medical


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