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a. Higher levels of education are linked to lower levels of depression in patients.

Run the
corresponding analysis and explain your results.
We want to find a correlation between this 2 variables and I am choosing t Kendal tau b test in
order to find out this. We can notice that P value= 0.000 < 0,05 and this means that we are
rejecting H0 ( There is no correlation between these variables) and we accept H1, the
alternative, that says that There is a correlation between them
Now, we want to see how strong is the correlation between the higher level of education and
lower level of depression in patiens. and we have to check the value of the coefficient to see
where is placed between [-1,1]. The value is -0.205 what means that we don`t have a perfect
negative correlation and is weak.

Symmetric Measures

Asymp. Std.
Value Error Approx. Tb Approx. Sig.

Ordinal by Ordinal Kendall's tau-b -.205 .036 -5.666 .000

Spearman Correlation -.261 .045 -5.558 .000c

Interval by Interval Pearson's R -.238 .047 -5.045 .000c

N of Valid Cases 426

b. Interactions between diabetes and other health problems cause increased costs related to treating
diabetes (Please use a confidence level of 95%).

In order to see the correlation between these 2 variables, I am using the linear regression.
Our dependent variable is the cost related to treating diabetes and our independent variable is
diabetes and other health problems.
ANOVA Test is showing is the P value= 0.768 > 0.05 that means that we have to accept H0. H0
meaning is that all coefficients are equal to 0, so we don`t have any correlation between these 2 variables.

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 1816.000 1 1816.000 .088 .768a

Residual 8861334.326 427 20752.539

Total 8863150.326 428

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