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FAQ LArt de la Guerre Version 10-08-2016

AdG 3rd Edition
This document compile clarifications about certain rules and answers some of the questions frequently
asked by the players. To facilitate the search, the questions and answers follow the order in which the
chapters have been written. New points from the previous FAQ are highlighted in yellow. You can find
more explanations and examples online in Rules section.

+1 Bonus against mounted
Q : Does a bowmen, if attacked from the flank by a mounted, keep its bonus against mounted ?
A : No. This specific bonus must be considered as the Support capability, with the same restrictions :
The bonus is valid only for the 1st turn if the unit is charged from the front.
The bonus not valid if the unit simply conforms.
The bonus is cancelled if the unit is contacted in the flank, even by a Li.

Medium spearmen
Q : When receiving a charge from a mounted, does a medium spearmen unit get the impact ability ?
A :If the mounted is not Impact, then yes. If the mounted is also impact, then the medium spearmen
Impact bonus is cancelled, as p 17.
Note : Only Heavy spearmen and pikemen keep their Impact against Impact mounted.

Examples :
A medium spearmen is charged by a Cv:
Medium spearmen = 1 + 1 Impact = +2
Cv = 1 + 1 bonus vs MI = +2
A medium spearmen is charged by an Impact Cv:
Medium spearmen = 1 + 0 (no Impact) =+1
Impact Cv = 1 + 0 (Impact cancelled by spearmen) =+1

Q : Does Longbows count as bows for the purposes of shooting at mounted ?

A : Yes, longbows have +1 for shooting versus mounted and reduce the target protection.

+1 bonus from mounted against MI and LMI

Q : If an impact Cv charges medium spearmen, it will lose the Impact. But does she then get the +1 bonus vs Mi
and LMi ?
A : No. This bonus doesnt apply if the Cv already has Impact.

Q : Is the +1 bonus in the 1st round of the non impact Cv vs Mi/LMi still valid if the unit is attacked in the flank ?
Or if the unit conforms after a melee ?
A : No. Like the Impact capability, it is valid only from the front, and during the charge. Therefore, the
bonus cant be used if the Cv is attacked from the flank, or if it conforms after a melee.

Q : Do we count this bonus in rough/difficult terrain ?

A : No. This bonus only counts if in open terrain.

FAQ LArt de la Guerre Version 10-08-2016

2HW ability
Q : If a unit with 2HW attacks a spearmen unit with the Support capability, in which order must we resolve the
effects of the capabilities ?
A : We apply first the effects of the 2HW, then Support (like the Armour effect).
Q : Does the 2HW ability just cancel the effect of Armour and Heavy Armour abilities ?
A : The factors practically will have that effect as cancelling the armour effet. Nevertheless, you need to
apply all the factors as listed p16.

Elephant mounted artillery

Q : How do Elephant mounted artillery troops work ?
A : Elephant mounted artillery move and melee as an elephant. If the unit doesn't move and is not in
melee it can shoot as a light artillery.

Commanders leak
Q : Does a general, either included or attached to a unit, counts towards demoralisation, should he flee with the
unit and then leave the table ?
A : No. The corps become leaderless but hes not counted as a lost general.

General engaged in melee and CP

Q: At what point should we consider that a commander is engaged in melee and have to spend +1 CP for the
movement of his units ?
A: This must be checked at the beginning of the movement phase. If the commander is not engaged in
melee at that point during the current phase, he doesnt have to spend +1 CP to command his units.

Q : Should a group have less units on the 1st line than on the other ones behind, can it wheel ?If so, then how do we
proceed ?
A : YES, such a group can wheel. The widest line is considered as the groups width. Wheeling is then
mesured using this width, and not the one from the 1st line. No unit can move further than its allowed
mouvement distance.

Q : A group with a 2UD mouvement makes a 2UD wheel from one of its corners, the other one not moving. In the
same mouvement, can the 2nd corner also wheel 2UD, each corner having moved 2UD ?
A : NO. If a group does a wheel, its limited by its maximum mouvement allowance. The move ends
after the 1st 2UD wheel.

Free half or quarter-turn

Q : Can we use the light units free or turn without spending a CP ?
A : NO. Its a free turn in terms of mouvement. You still need to spend 1 CP.

Second and third movement

Q: A unit X ends its move more than 4 UD from any enemy, but it belongs to a group with at least one other unit
Y that is now less than 4 UD from the enemy. Is it possible for unit X to perform another move?
A: No, this unit is part of a group that has already made a group move which ended less than 4 UD from
an enemy unit.

FAQ LArt de la Guerre Version 10-08-2016

Extension and available space

Q : When expanding a group, do we need to have enough room to make the move ? Are the knights in the second
line able to expand, even if there is a heavy spearmen unit on their way ?

A : For an expansion to be allowed, a unit must have

real physical room to do it. In that case, the knights
cant interpenetrate the spearmen, so no.

Impetuous units movement

Q : If an impetuous unit, already supporting another one in melee, moves less than 1UD but still support
the same unit. What is the CP cost ? 1,2 or 3 CPs ?
A : About the impetuous units : if their move ends in contact with the enemy (in support too), a partial
advance is not considered as a difficult manuvre, so 1CP.

Impetuous units group

Q : If a group of impetuous HI wheel and the one at the furthest end move 2UD, but not the one at the wheeling
corner, do we have to pay 1 or 2 CPs ?
A : Only 1 CP.

Q : Considering a group of impetuous cavalry and impetuous knights. If the group make a 3UD move, do we have
to pay 1 or 2 CPs ?
A : 2 CPs because the cavalry hasnt moved his full mouvement allowance.

Leaving a Zone of Control

Q : A light horse want to exit the ZOC of an enemy facing it. After the initial half-turn, does it have to make a full
move or can it stop before ?
A : The unit must do a complete move (same as a breaking-off or an evade), unless it is stopped by an
impassable obstacle.

Q : A knight is in the ZOC of an elephant on its rear. How can he get away ?
A : The only way is to fall back on its rear, which is impossible, because it would bring it closer to the
enemy. Therefore, it must first make a turn to face the elephant. In the following turn, if it wasnt
charged, it will be able to leave the ZOC.

Q : Can we make a or turn, then a wheel, just before charging ?
A : Yes we can, but only at the beginning of the charge.

Charge and turn

Q : A non-impetuous HI unit does a turn and charge a LI, which has to evade. Can the HI stay there,
since it already moved 1 UD for the turn ?
A : The Hi must move at least 1 UD towards the LI unless the variable move dice result is 1 or 2. In that,
all the mouvement allowance ahs already been spent.

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Charge and sliding

Q : How to check if a target is in charge range ?
R : You must satisfy both of the following conditions :
The distance between the two nearest points of the two units is less than or equal to the movement
capacity of the charging unit.
The charging unit is able to perform a legal move to contact the target unit. If the move includes a
wheel, a quarter-turn or a half-turn the movement capacity is reduced accordingly. If the move
includes a slide, the movement capacity is not reduced.

Impetuous units charge distance

Q : If an impetuous foot unit charge a unit less than 1UD, but in a difficult terrain, can it then stop before entering
the terrain, even though it moved less than 1 UD ?
A : NO. All charging units must move at least 1UD for foot and 2Uds for mounted. Impetuous units
must also pursue their charge until their full move is completed, unless they leave the table or enter a
difficult terrain.

Uncontrolled charge
Q : D is an impetuous knight making an uncontrolled
charge. How to resolve this particular case ?

A : The knight should charge at the elephant, but the

latter is not a valid target for an uncontrolled charge.
Unit B is at charge range, but cant be reached because
already in melee. Knight D dont have enough move
to support the unit attacking A. Since there is no
valid target, there is no uncontrolled charge.

Q : A heavy Impetuous chariot has a target 2UDs from its flank, but, since it must do a turn (costing 2UDs), it
wont be able to contact the target. What must we consider ? The distance in a straight line, or the distance the unit
can make in one move ?
A : For a unit to make an uncontrolled charge, it must be able to reach the target with a normal charge
move. In that case, there is no uncontrolled charge.

Q : Page 42, in the example, the sentence for unit F seems not correct.
A : Yes, there is an error here : unit F doesnt move as it cannot reach an enemy.

Charge and corner-to-corner contact

Q : If a charge ends with only a corner-to-corner contact, is it legal ?
R : Yes. The unit must conform and there will be a melee. However, it is impossible to charge a unit on
its front corner if this unit is part of a column and is aligned with another friendly unit that is in front of
Q : Can unit A charge C, even though it is already in
contact corner-to-corner with B ?
A : Yes, as per p36, defining the charge. If A decide to
charge C, then he can slide alongside B, to reach C.
Or he could decide to conform to B.

FAQ LArt de la Guerre Version 10-08-2016

Spontaneous charge (without order)

Q : A unit does a spontaneous charge to contact an enemy. Can a unit, in the same group as the one charging,
benefit from this spontaneous charge to bring a support ?
A : Yes. The spontaneous charge follows the same rules as the classic charge. If there is a unit, in a group,
able to do such a spontaneous charge, then the whole group can do so.

Charging and ZoC (see online notes)

Q : During a charge, the enemy evades. If some units of the charging group entered in the ZoC of enemy units that
they can not contact, how is the movement performed ?
A : The charging units must always respect the ZoC rules (see page 34). They can not deviate from their
original path. If a unit is blocked by an enemy ZoC it must stop even if it has not moved the minimum
distance. The other units of the group which are not affected by the ZOC continue their move normally.

Q : If a group of units interpenetrate partially friendly units, is adjusting applicable to every unit in the group or
only those which interpenetrate ?
A : Only the units passing through friends, even partially, can be adjusted. So, a group could end up
fractionned after an interpenetration.

Evade adjusted movement distance

Q : Page 40, what constitutes all targets of a charge for purposes of charging unit needing to roll an adjusted
move distance ?
A : When you declare a charge, you must specify your target and this target must be in charge range. If
all targets in charge range (i.e distance of movement) evade, then you must adjust your movement
distance by rolling a dice. If your initial targets cannot evade, you dont need to adjust your movement
distance. Example : you have a group of HI at 2 UD distance from HI enemy units. LI enemy units are
between the two groups. If you charge the HI enemy units you dont need to adjust your move distance
even if all LI evade.

Evade and reorientation

Q : A group is charged diagonnally and choose to evade according to the direction of the charge. Is the wheel
deducted from the evade mouvement distance ?
A : Yes. Reorienting cant be used to gain a bit of distance when evading, as can be the case of a single

Evade and terrain

Q : If an evading unit enter a terrain that slows down the mouvement, ca nit continue the evade in a straight line,
or ca nit manoeuvre to avoid that terrain ?
A : The player decides. However, if the unit start at less than 1 UD from the terrain, it must go in, unless
if a slide can prevent going in.

Q : Can an included general use his bonus to help rally an adjacent unit ?
A : No.

Q : If a unit is contacted in the flank by a pursuing enemy unit, and then must conform, ca nit rally ?
A : Yes, the unit will conform at the end of the melee phase, and can rally.

FAQ LArt de la Guerre Version 10-08-2016

Bowmen in column
Q : When shooting, can a bowmen unit (LMI) in column support another one if front of it ?
A : No, because the second unit has no clear line of sight.

Shooting modificators
Q : If a bowmen shoot at a foot knight, with a crossbow Li in support, is the armour value of the target reduced to 1
because of the crossbow ? Does the -1 for Li shooting apply ?
A : No, and no. You only use the modifiers relating to the main shooting unit.

LH Shooting and support

Q : A group of 4 LH in two ranks, aligned corner to corner shoots at the same target. What is their final factor ?
A : The first LH shoots at -1 and there are 3 LH in support (factor +2) so the final factor is +1. Second
rank LH count as support if in contact and aligned corner-to-corner just behind a LH on the first rank.

Shooting at a supporting unit

Q : According to p46, we cant shoot at a supporting unit in melee. Can we shoot at an enemy in contact of a unit
in melee, but which doesnt give any support ? Such as a unit beside a Scythed chariot, or a unit not facing the
same way.
A : Yes. A unit which doesnt supports another one in melee can be shot at.

Shooting from an unreliable unit

Q : If an unreliable allied corps has an artilley unit, and there is a target in range, but at more than 4Uds, can the
artillery still shoot, even if we dont know wheter the corps will be reliable or not ?
A : No, we must first know if the corps is reliable.

Contact restrictions for bowmen
Q : We have a group of 2 bowmen, and an elephant in between. Facing them, 2 enemy HI. How do we charge them
with the elephant and the bowmen ?
A : You have to declare 2 charges :
1- The elephant charge a HI, with a bowmen in support.
2- Next, the 2nd bowmen on the 2nd Hi
Nota : If the units are 1UD or less from the enemy, the charges can be spontaneous and therefore free.

LI charging in the open

Q : Can a Li in the open charge a heavier unit in the flank ?
A : No. In the open, it can only charge other Li, SCh, Art, El or the camp.

Furious charge
Q : A Cv, Lh or Kn with Impact has the furious charge against all foot. But a spearmen (either Mi or Hi)
cancels the impact if receiving the charge. In that case, is the Furious charge also cancelled ?
A : No. The Furious charge is still valid, even if the Impact is cancelled.

Q : The Armour/Heay Armour capability doesnt count during the first round if the opponent has the Furious
charge. What happens if the opponent with the Furious charge also has Armour and loses the melee ?
A : Then, the opponents Armour counts towards the final result, because its only the target of the
charge that doesnt get it for the first round.

FAQ LArt de la Guerre Version 10-08-2016

Conforming and flank charge

Q : A group of 3 Kn charge from the flank a group of 4 Cv which cant evade. How is the melee resolved ?
A : Its a particular case from Conforming and displacing units p53. We can displace the Cv so that
each Kn can attack one Cv from the flank ; The 4th Cv is then moved out of the ZOCs. Ideally, if every
base was 4x4cm, alignment problems would disappear. If the 3 Kn were charging 4 Heavy chariots the
same way, there would be no problem.

Q : A Cv attacks a group of Lh from the flank and they dont evade. If the 1st Lh is destroyed, how does the 2 nd one
conform ?
A : If the Cv attacks Lh n1 from the flank, Lh n2 is also touched. If Lh n1 is destroyed, then it
conforms to the Cv before routing. Therefore, it pushes Lh n2 out of the Cvs ZOC. That way, we avoid
the problems linked to variable bases depths (3 or 4cm). Cv and Lh n2 are now in contact corner-to-

Q: We have a group of 3 Cv in column. Is it possible to charge only the front corner of the 2nd Cv? How to
conform units ?
A: No, you cannot charge a unit in this way. The only permitted charge against a unit in a column
(except the head unit) is a flank charge on the column.

Conforming examples
It is the turn of A,B and C, belongong to the same
army.Cest le tour de A, B et C qui sont du mme

In its turn, C cant conform for free to attack D from

the flank, because its considered as already being in
melee : it brings support to B.
However, the player can spend 1 CP so that C can
wheel and hit Ds flank, inflicting a cohesion hit.

Previous example follow-up

B has been detroyed in melee.
D and C are in contact without being able to fight. C
can then move freely, and, should the player want it,
conform for free to attack D in the flank. We consider
this is the follow-up of the previous melee.

FAQ LArt de la Guerre Version 10-08-2016

A and C are from the same army. The mouvements

order is important in that case.
If C moves first, it can conform for free on Ds flank.A
can then charge D from the front. As D is in melee
from the front and the flank, it loses one cohesion
point. If A charges first, C is then in a support
position (it is then in melee). We must pay 1CP if we
want C to turn and attack D in the flank, resulting in 1
cohesion loss.

Impossible to conform on the flank

Q : If a unit is on the flank of an enemy unit but cannot conform properly, is it possible for the unit to conform on
the front of the enemy ?
A : Yes, in this perticular case the unit can conform to attack the enemy on its front edge.

Example :
A and B1 are flank against flank as indicated. It is the
turn for unit A. Unit A cannot conform on the flank of
B1 or B2 as there is not enough space. Therefore unit
A can make quarter-turn on the right and then
conform to align on the front edge of B1 if it is
impossible to conform on the flank.

Time of conformation
Q : When can the units conform ?
A : Conformation can happen in 3 cases :
Just after a charge, to align with the enemy.
Just after a melee if a unit routs an opponent on its front and there is another opponent whose front
is in contact with the units flank or rear (as per p54). The conformation then replaces the pursuit.
In the players turn mouvement phase, to align with an opponent already in contact (flank against
flank, or corner against corner for instance). This is detailed on p55 (Conforming after a melee). The
conformation then replaces the charge, which cant take place because the units are already in

Flank attack
Q : If a unit is attacked in the flank/rear by a light unit, does it still lose its capabilities, as per page 57 ?
A : Yes.

Impetuous conforming
Q : A unit of Impetuous swordsmen is in flank to flank contact with an enemy spearmen unit. In their turn , what
can the swordsmen do ?
A : The swordsmen being impetuous, they must conform for free to enter the melee with the spearmen
on their flank, or charge another unit in range. Any different action will cost 3 CPs. Should they
conform, they wont get get their impact nor the Furious charge.

Conforming and leaving the terrain

Q : Aunit is partially in the terrain, and is contacted by an enemy. Does it have to conform if this would result in
leaving entirely from the terrain ?
A : Yes, Conforming is mandatory, unless open terrain will penalize the unit (such as the Li for instance).

FAQ LArt de la Guerre Version 10-08-2016

Group conforming
Q : If a group is in contact corner-to-corner with an enemy, with just the rightmost unit in contact corner-to-
corner. This unit can conform with a slide to enter the melee. Can the whole group conform too, or only the unit
which contacts the enemy ?
A : The whole group can conform (cf p53, 2nd paragraph)

Movement and conformation (see online notes)

Q : Units A and B are in melee. Unit C (which is allied with A) would like to wheel and then advance straight
ahead in order to contact B in the flank to support A in the melee. Is it a legal move ?
A : Yes, this kind of move is perfectly correct. Unit C can move and conform in order to support a
friendly unit in melee. It is not considered as a flank charge.

Conforming and evade

Q : 2 units are in contact corner-to-corner or flank to flank, and theyre not in melee. One of them conforms. Can
the other one evade if it can ?
A : Yes, cf p55

Falling on the flank

Q : If an unmanoeuverable unit, in contact flank against flank with an enemy, wants to fall on the enemys flank,
can he make a wheel so that he can pay only 1CP ?
A : Yes, if its front is not behind the enemys rear. Otherwise, we have to pay 2CPs to make a turn.

Multiples opponents
Q : if a unit is in melee on its front with an enemy, and is then charged from the flank, i twill lose 1 cohesion point.
What happens if during the same pahse, the enemy breaks contact ? Does the unit still lose 1 CP ?
A : Yes, the cohesion loss is instantaneous (cf p59).

Q : Is turning from side-to-side edge contact to front edge against side edge in multiple opponents (p 59),
qualifies as new enemy and therefore inflicts a cohesion loss if someone else is in contact with front ?
A : Yes

Q : If a unit which is in contact with its front against the flank of an enemy is contacted on the flank by
another enemy, does it suffer a cohesion loss ?
A : Yes. As indicated page 50, 2nd bullet, the unit is considered in melee and so suffers a cohesion loss as
stated page 59. The unit will conform to the new enemy as it is not in frontal mlee against the first
enemy unit.

Attack of the camp

Q : if a unit with a general included attacks the camps, does the general gets a minus to give orders ?
A : Yes because the unit is considered as being in melee (cf p59, 5th paragraph).

FAQ LArt de la Guerre Version 10-08-2016

Q : When the camp has been sacked and the unit is still busy pillaging it, is it still considered as being in melee ?
A : Yes, with all the implied consequences. If it is attacked, it will be taken from the rear/flank it cant
evade. Should it survive the charge, it would stop pillaging the camp, and conform.

Flanked by a WWg
Q : If a unit is in melee with an enemy, and at the same time in contact on its flank/rear by a WWg, does it lose a
cohesion point ? Will it fight being considered as attacked from the flank/rear ?
A : It wont lose any cohesion because the WWg cant charge. However, it will fight as if attacked from
the flank (see effects on p56 and 57), because every side of a WWg is to be treated as a front face.

Q : How unit can attack from a river if the enemy is not parallel to the river border ?
A : The unit in the river charge and conform as normal.


Impetuous unit pursuing
Q : on p62 : if several units are in melee with the same enemy, only one of the units can pursue. The unit that
pursues is chosen by the controlling player. What happens if one the units is impetuous ? Does it have to
pursue ?
A : The player has the choice. If one of the units is impetuous, it will have to pursue, unless another unit
does the pursuit. If another unit does the pursuit, the impetuous unit wont pursue because only one
unit can do it.

Q : When an impetuous unit must do a compulsory pursuit, what is the minimal pursuit distance ?
A : impetuous units must pursue as far as possible, ie 1UD, or until they contact a new enemy.
Restrictions on pursuit on p62 still apply.

Pursuing through fortifications

Q : Is it possible to pursue through fortifications ?
A : Yes, for both foot and mounted.

Rout after shooting

Q : When a unit is detroyed because of enemy shooting, does it inflict a cohesion hit on friedly units 1UD behind
it ? Is it reorientated if the shot came from the flak/rear ?
A : The rules on rout p61 apply. In the case of shooting, no need to reorientate the unit before the rout.

Destruction of LI
The rule page 52 is not very clear. Add the following points :
A heavy unit already in melee cannot destroy LI by simple contact.
If an LI unit is contacted in clear terrain by a heavy unit, the attacker must conform. The LI is then
automatically destroyed during the melee phase.
A heavy unit that contacts several LI can destroy only one LI during the melee phase and possibly
another one in the pursuit phase. Other LI contacted are moved away by a UD to break contact.

Q : Can a LI unit support in the open by contacting the corner or the flank of a heavy unit ?
A : Yes, the LI is not destroyed in this case as the ennemy unit is already in melee.

Q : A LI unit is in melee against an elephant. If a MI unit comes to support the elephant by contacting LI
corner-to-corner, is the LI destroyed ? Same question if the MI charge the LI on the flank.
A : No, the LI is not destroyed as it is in melee with the elephant, not with the MI unit.Nevertheless, if MI
charge LI on the flank, MI enters in melee with LI. LI cannot evade in this case and it is destroyed.

FAQ LArt de la Guerre Version 10-08-2016

Q : On p62 : If a pursuing unit of LMI, MI, HI, Cv or Kn contacts a light infantry unit, the light infantry unit is
immediately eliminated as an evade move is not permitted. Is this true if the light infantry is in a terrain ?
A : No, LI is destroyed only in open terrain (cf. page 52).

Placing terrain.
Misprint. You must replace the third bullet with : Defender places the compulsary element.

Terrain control and Strategist

Q : Can the Strategist try to move a terrain piece even if the player has chosen the maximum allowed number of
terrain pieces (ie 4) ?
A : Yes. The Strategist can try to control one more element than usual (or twice the same). If the first
attempt is a success, then he cant move the same element twice.

Gully (see online notes)

Q : How about visibility and lines and sight in a gully ?
A : A gully is depression under ground level. Units entirely in a gully are therefore invisible from
outside of the gully, except if the units are 1UD or less from the edge of the gully. Units in a gully cant
shoots or be shot at by an enemy at more than 1UD from the edge of the gully. Units in the gully can
shoot at each other.

Q : Is it possible to shoot over units in a gully ?

A : Yes. A gully doesn t blocks the line of sight, and therefore we can shoot overhead.

River and Coast line

Q : If we want to place a coast line/river, but we get a 1, 2 or 3 on the die, do we have to take another terrain piece ?
A : The rules state we can , but the player must place at least two terrain pieces. If the test fails, then
the river cant be chosen. But the player must take at least two elements. Le number of tries to control
terrain pieces is not modified by the test to place the river/coast line.

Q : When do we throw the die when we choose a river/coast line ?

A : When you choose the terrain. If the test fails, then you can take another element.

Q : When we get a dry riverbed, what are the effects on shooting, melee and mouvmeent ?
A : A dry riverbed can be crossed as open terrain in any direction. It is possible to shoot from a dried up
river without minuses. Units defending the bank still retain their +1 bonus if the opponenet is partially
in the riverbed.

Village placing
Q : What is the use of the placing die for the village ? What happens if we also have a river/coast line ?
A : The player chooses a flank sector to place the village, the die is used only to know the position of the
village from the plyaers long edge :
1 to 4 : the player must place the village on the long edge in the chosen sector.
5 and 6, it will be placed more than 2 UD from any edge.
Nota : For a river/coast line, we roll the die, but the village will be placed next to the river/coast line.

FAQ LArt de la Guerre Version 10-08-2016

Ambush (see online notes)

Q : When placing an ambush, we discover that some of the units cant completely be deployed into cover or some of
them are not allowed (Hi in a field for instance). What to do then ?
A : Units that cant be deployed from the ambush are placed alongside the players long edge, by the
opponent. When in a tournament, the umpire will decide. He could also decide the units left the table
and thus will be counted out for demoralization, if the mistake had been deliberately done.

Q : In the 100 points game, can the defending player deploy a second ambush markers if the general is a
Strategist ?
A : No. In that game, there is only one marker for the defending player.

Interpenetrating an ambush marker (see online notes)

Q: How do I manage the interpenetration of an ambush marker by friendly troops?
A: If a unit interpenetrates an ambush marker, units in the ambush are immediately revealed or the
marker removed if it is a fake. The interpenetration movement is then carried out as described on page

Deploying the corps

Q: Can you clarify the rules on the deployment areas P 71 ?
A: The planning and placement is very simple and must comply with the following:
The corps are placed so as to have a left wing, a center and right wing side-by-side in separate
deployment areas. No corps can be deployed behind another one.
Only relative position of deployment zones is important. The exact position of deployment zones
doesnt have to be situated relative to a terrain element.
Deployment areas are rectangular and cannot overlap.
The depth of deployment areas is 5 UD for normal units or 7 UD for light troops.
The units are placed freely in their deployment area.

Q : Is a corps completely in ambush is considered as being on table ? Can we deploy it before the other two corps ?
A : No. We must first deploy the corps whose units are in part or completely visible on the table. Once
all the units are deployed on the table, we can say that our deployment is over. The player can say that
some of his units are not visible, without telling the opponenet whether they are in ambush or in a flank

Big battles
Q : Can you clarify the command point ratings of armies do not change for 300 or 400 point games ?
A : Command points are the same in 200, 300 or 400 pts.

Dmoralisation rules
Q : When a unit is routed, how the loss is calculated ?
A : There is a mistake in the rule. The value of the unit is doubled when it is routed. For example a
routed elite knight unit counts as 4 losses.

FAQ LArt de la Guerre Version 10-08-2016

Allies included in the lists
Q : What does an ally included in the list mean ?
A : Most of the time, an ally comes from another list. However, sometimes the ally doesnt a propoer list.
The list of available unit sis then mentionned in the army list under the main list. To see some examples :
lists number 36, 37, 49, 62, 64, 67, 72, 78.

41 - Early Successors
Alliance between Lysimachos and Seleucos.
Misprint : You can have 2-10 pikemen but only two Elite.

53 Republican Romans
Q : Must the raw legions have the armour if the Hastati have them ?
A : Yes. The choice for the armour must be applied to the whole army.

75 Early Arab
Q : What are the conditions for an allied command to be considered as Bedouin Tribe ?
A : All allied corps from this list can be considered as Bedouin Tribe.

86 - Late Imperial romans

Misprint : you can only have up to 2 cataphracts.

101 Romano-British
Misprint : Welsh allies is after 580.

117 Han Chineese

From 53 BC, Southern Hsiung Nu allies (list # 116 Hsiung Nu) but with no options for the period 304-
439 AC.

142 - Lombard
Misprint about the followers : Fantassins moyens impetueux means Impetuous medium swordsmen.

151 Feudal Irish

Norman allies (list #172) are authorized even if the list ends in 1071.

175 Feudal French

Misprint. 3rd choice : you must read Foot with swords and axes .

178 Anglo-Irish
Irish allies : before 1300 (list #151 Feudal Irish) ; after 1300 (list #223 Medieval Irish)

187 Late Crusader

Mongol allies (List #255 Ilkhanid Mongols) after 1299 in place of list #218 Mongol Empire.

189 Eastern Latin Empire

It is possible to include a commander into a Frankish knights unit.

FAQ LArt de la Guerre Version 10-08-2016

220 - Swiss
Misprint. Seulement jusquen 1400 means Only up to 1400 .

226 Hundred Years War French

Q : Must the Scottish ally only have the option In France between 1419 and 1429 ?
A : Yes. So, no nobles, schiltrons or highlanders.

234 French Ordonnance

Misprint : the Francs Archers from 1466 but before 1480 can be taken as Heavy Swordsmen 2HW for 7
points, and not 6 as written.

236 War of the Roses

In the Royal Bodyguards, add the (Y) option.


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