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Belovodye: The Search for Shambhala

translated by Timofey Reshetov

Like the legends of the Grail Quest, the Secret Legend of Belovodye[1] is an allegory containing
symbolism that can be comprehended only through the hearer's own spiritual understanding by one
who has "eyes to see and ears to hear" its layered esoteric meanings.

According to "V.G.," who became the historical source for this legend, it was given to him in 1893 by a
celibate priest named Vladimir at a monastery in Vyshensky. The narration was vouchsafed to him
only after he had asked insistently three times to hear it, and it was told to him on three successive
evening. But there were conditions to hearing the story: "You may relate this saga for the first time
only to one who asks you insistently. After that, your vow of silence is relieved."

The legend, he learned, had been handed down by a succession of priests, who also had vowed not to
repeat it for the first time until asked persistently to do so.

According to V.G, a Russian Orthodox cathedral already existed in Kiev at the time of Duke Igor, and
Vladimir of the Secret Legend was Duke Igor's grandson. It was allegedly 986 CE when Duke Vladimir
was considering what religion to adopt, and 988 CE when the duke was baptized into the Russian
Orthodox Church. Accordingly, the Secret Legend of Belovodye places the death of its protagonist,
Father Sergiy, in 1043 CE, during the rule of Yaroslav the Wise.

The legend states that in a thousand years the "forces of hell" will rage "with blind fury." But the Faith
will endure: "The forces of pure Light, of unearthly fire, will overthrow the enemies. The Living Fires
will cure the wounds of the happy country. On the ruins of the old, a new Great People will arise, rich
in the beauty of Spirit. The best of the Chosen Ones will carry the Word of the Living God to all
countries of the Earth. They will give peace and goodwill to the world, and will open the Gates of Life
of the Future Age."

We are here publishing, with permission and the considerable effort and devotion of its translator,
Timofey Reshetov, the entire Secret Legend of Belovodye.

The Secret Legend of Belovodye

Grand Duke Vladimir, the Red Sun, willing to change the faith, sent six rich
embassies into foreign lands in order to find out what the faith was there. After
comparing these other faiths, his task was to choose the best one for himself and his

Shortly after the embassies had been sent, a pilgrim, Father Sergiy, came to the
Grand Duke. In his youth, Father Sergiy had gone from Kiev to Tsargrad[2] and been
converted to Christianity on the Sacred Mountain of Aphon, where he also was

Now, he wandered the whole year 'round, across the lands of the Grand Duke and
neighboring ones, watching the way people lived, helping everyone as best he could,
and confiding the light of truth to the worthy ones.

And once in every three years, Father Sergiy would come to Kiev to see the Grand

Great was the joy of Father Sergiy when he learned about the sending out of the
embassies and, specifically, that one of them had been sent to Tsargrad. For
according to him there was no faith superior to the Russian Orthodox Christianity that
was the religion there.

The Grand Duke was equally pleased to see Father Sergiy, but felt sorrow that he
hadn't come earlier, for the Duke had wanted to send Father Sergiy himself as the
head of the embassy to Tsargrad.

The Grand Duke confided to Father Sergiy of an old man who had often appeared in
his dreams, pointing out that one more, a seventh, embassy should go out but he
didn't know where they were supposed to go.

After thinking about this, Father Sergiy replied that since the embassy to Tsargrad
had already been sent, he had no answer. But the Grand Duke persisted. He ordered
Father Sergiy to divine within seven days where the seventh embassy should be sent.

More than willing to help, Father Sergiy kept an austere fast, prayerfully begging the
Most High to vouchsafe him a revelation that he could deliver to the Grand Duke.

On the seventh night, in a dream, the superior of the Aphon monastery where Sergiy
had been tonsured appeared to him and reminded him of an old saga in which
another King had sent out Wise Men to the East. In this story, the Wise Men had
discovered the mystical country of Belovodye. One of the peculiarities of that country,
according to the legend, was that not everyone could find it only a chosen one,
one who had been called.

When Father Sergiy communicated this story to Grand Duke Vladimir, the latter was
so inspired by what he had heard that he decided to send an embassy toward the
East, to the unknown country and Father Sergiy was appointed to lead it.
After much effort the embassy was set up.

Father Sergiy was given six nobles as helpers, many great warriors, and a large
number of servants. Altogether there were 333 people in the embassy.

Once the high water went down, the embassy started off toward the East, due to
return in about three years.

During the first year, news came from the neighboring countries that the embassy
had been seen on its way East. Then, all went silent.

Three, seven, twelve years passed... but no news came from the embassy.

First it was expected, then its destiny was worried about, then the lost were grieved
for. After some 28 years with no news, the embassy started to be forgotten. And,
finally, time wiped it all away.

1. Belovodye literally means the (area of) White Waters [this and subsequent footnotes were
provided by the translator, Timofey Reshetoved.].

2. Tsargrad, literally "Tsar City," the ancient Russian name for the capitol of Byzantium, later
Constantinople, and now known in the West as Istanbul.

3. Literally, "cut his hair" that is, became a monk.

The Secret Legend of Belovodye - Part II

translated by Timofey Reshetov

Forty-nine years after the seventh embassy had gone out, an old monk came from
Tsargrad to Kiev and lived there for seven years as a hermit. At that point, anticipating
his near decease, he revealed at a confession the following secret story, to be
transmitted by word of mouth as a hidden revelation. This saga was to become the
property of all the peoples of the Earth only after the right time had come for it.

And that time was now approaching.

"I am that same Father Sergiy," the old monk said, "who, 56 years ago, was sent by
the Grand Duke Vladimir the Red Sun to search for Belovodye.

The first year, we traveled well. A few of the people and cattle died in skirmishes or
on passages.

In the second year, having passed many foreign lands and two seas, on our advance
became more complicated: People and cattle were dying, roads became impassible,
and none of our inquiries yielded information. The people in our embassey were
becoming discontent, grumbling because they could not see the goal of our journey

By the end of the second year, the path led through a desert. The further we went,
the more bones of people, horses, camels, donkeys, and other animals we
encountered. Then we reached a place that was completely covered with bones
throughout a wide area, and people refused to go any further.

In a common council, it was decided that those who wished to go back could do so,
and the rest would continue on with me. Only two persons agreed to keep going.

By the end of the third year, first one and then the other of my two companions
became sick and needed to be left at settlements.

While caring for the last sick one, I happened to learn that, approximately thirty years
ago, one other seeker of the Wonder Land had passed this way. He had a caravan of
camels with him, and the guide of this caravan was still alive and only lived only three
days' journey from where I was.

I sent for him, and he agreed to lead me until I should find another guide.

Continually changing guides in this way, I proceeded slowly. One of the next guides
confided that, according to stories, other seekers of the Secret Country in the East
used to pass that way. I rejoiced at this information and passionately prayed, begging
the Lord to lead me further.

My guides changed several more times, until I found one who told me that he knew,
from the words of those who had come from the East, that somewhere out there, in
the highest mountains and within about seventy days of travel, there was a wondrous
country that many had aspired to visit. But only rarely, he said, did someone pass
through to it and only a very few of those returned.
The further, I went the more information I received. There could be no doubt that the
country I was headed for indeed existed. Some called it the Forbidden Country, or the
Country of White Waters and High Mountains. Others called it the Country of Light
Spirits, the Country of Living Fire, the Country of Living Gods, Wonder Land... there
were many other different names relating to this same country.

Finally, we reached a settlement where I was told that I was now only three days
journey away from the borders of the Forbidden Country. I would be taken to these
borders, I was but no farther. For any guide would die. The traveler had to proceed

After a prayer, with the last guide, I started off.

The road climbed and became narrower. Sometimes, only one person could pass,
and that with difficulty.

High mountains with snowy peaks were all around us.

On the third morning, after waking up at dawn and going a bit further along, the guide
said that he could no longer accompany me.

According to different legends, he said, there was a settlement within three to seven
days of journey toward the peak of the highest mountain. But only few had ever
reached it.

And the guide left me. His steps faded away...

The Secret Legend of Belovodye - Part III

translated by Timofey Reshetov

The rising sun illumined the snowy peaks, and the gleam of its rays created the
impression that they were lit with a fiery flame.

There was not a soul anywhere. I was alone with my Lord who had led me here after
such a long path.
I was possessed by a feeling of ultimate happiness, excitement, and unearthly joy,
combined with deep spiritual repose. I lay down on the trail with my head toward the
highest mountain and kissed the stony soil, shedding tears of deep emotion, thanking
my Lord without words, in the only way I could, for His mercy.

I went further. Soon there was a crossroad; both trails seemed to be equally leading
to the highest mountain. I took the one on the right, for it led along the path that was
in the Sun.

With a prayer and a song, I was going ahead.

There were two more crossroads on the first day. At the first, a snake was creeping
across one of the trails, as though blocking my way, so I chose the other trail. At the
next crossroad, three stones blocked one of the trails, so I took the one that was free.

On the second day there was only one crossroad, the fourth one, and there the trail
divided into three. But a butterfly was flittering over one of the trails, so I chose that

After midday, my way took me past a mountain lake of astonishing beauty, where
slight ripples in the sunlight gave the water a surprising and strange whiteness.

On the third day, the rays of the rising Sun, as on previous days, illuminated the
white, snow-covered peaks of the highest mountain and surrounded it with a fiery

But this time, I felt my soul rushing upwards. I stared, and my heart could not get
enough of the beauty I saw.

Saying my prayers, and without taking my eyes off of the mountain peaks, I merged
my Soul with the fire surrounding the mountain, and saw it become alive. In its
currents, there appeared snow-white, gleaming figures the figures of angels
constantly flying toward the mountain in a beautiful, circular dance. Gliding along the
mountain's surface, they rose to its peak, then ascended beyond, disappearing in the
boundless sky.

The Sun rose up from behind the mountain and the vision was gone.

On the third day there were three more crossroads.

At the first of these, the fifth crossroad, an emerald colored, white-foamed brook
babbled its way along one of the trails, so I chose that one.

By noon I reached the sixth crossroad. One trail went past a mountain that looked like
a huge idol, guarding it. Without hesitation, I chose that one.

The seventh crossroad also had three trails. I followed the one that was more
illumined by the rays of the Sun.

I was not alone. For I felt and realized that everything surrounding me was alive, and
offering up praise to the Pre-Eternal Creator, each in its own special way.

By evening, I caught a sound coming toward me. Soon, on a hilly slope off to the
right, I saw a dwelling, alight in the last rays of the setting Sun.

I approached this dwelling, which was made of stone. After tendering thanks to the
Creator for giving me shelter, I fell peacefully asleep.

At dawn, I was awakened by voices. Two people were standing in front of me. And
although they were speaking in an unknown tongue, strangely, through some inner
sensing, I could understand them and they understood me.

They asked if I needed food. I replied: "I do, but only the spiritual kind."

So I went with them, and they took me to a settlement where I spent some time.
People spoke to me a lot, and I was entrusted with various tasks and occupations,
the fulfillment of which brought me great satisfaction.

Then I was taken further, having been told that the time had come for that.

I lost all count of time, for I never thought about it. Every day brought something new,
surprisingly wise, and wonderful. It seemed at times that everything I was
experiencing, everything that was occurring to me, was a some remarkable waking
dream, for which I could find no explanation.

Thus, years passed until finally I was told that the time had come for me to return
home and that my path would lie through Tsargrad.
It will be some time before the human mind will be able to contain what I saw and
learned. But there will be a time for this knowledge and when that time is right, the
Lord will reveal to the most deserving ones things incomparably greater than were
revealed to me.

Leaving this world, I relate what I can.

The Country of Belovodye is not a fable, but reality.

In the legends of the peoples, it is always called differently. In marvelous adobe-like

structures there abide gentle, humble, long-suffering, compassionate, merciful and
sagacious Great Wise Men, shining ones collaborators of the Higher World, where
the Holy Spirit lives as in His Temple.

These Great Saint Heroes, uniting with the Lord, comprise with Him a single spirit.
They work diligently, by the sweat of their brow, together with all the celestial Light
Forces, for the welfare and good of all the peoples of the Earth.

There is the Kingdom of Pure Spirit, beauty, wondrous fire, elevated and fascinating
mysteries, joy, light, love, repose of its own kind, and inconceivable majesties...

Many people from everywhere aspire to the Forbidden Country. But only seven are
invited there every hundred years, and of them, only six return, taking with them the
innermost knowledge, development of new senses, and radiance of heart and soul,
just as I did.

Only one remains there.

Those who are there live as long as they wish or need. For them, time stops.

Whatever happens in the world is known to them. Everything is seen. Everything is


Once my spirit had grown stronger, I was given the possibility to be out of body on the
highest mountain, in Tsargrad, Kiev, and also to know, see, or hear whatever I

There, it is known for sure that the Orthodox faith, for the Grand Duke and for all the
people of our country, is the best. There is no faith more spiritual, grand, clear, light,
or beautiful then this one. Only this faith is ordained to unite all peoples of our country
and be one with them.

In 1000 more years, the forces of hell will rage with blind fury, restlessly encroaching
and shaking our Russia to the foundation. The more frightful the offense, the more
will all the people be welded together by the Faith and nothing will impede its way
to the Most High.

The forces of pure Light, of unearthly fire, will overthrow the enemies. The Living
Fires will cure the wounds of the happy country. On the ruins of the old, a new Great
People will arise, rich in the beauty of Spirit. The best of the Chosen Ones will carry
the Word of the Living God to all countries of the Earth. They will give peace and
goodwill to the world, and will open the Gates of Life of the Future Age.

Written down on the 15/27th of July, 1893,

after the words of Father Vladimir,
celibate priest of the Vyshensky Monastery of
the Assumption, Tambov region, Shatsk district

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