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Learning Opportunity Planning Form

(Avoid opportunities associated with holidays)

Student Name: Hannah Schueder

Resource Used: health and safety magazine for families and friends
Date to be presented: March 22, 2017

Site Supervisors Signature _________________________________________ Date __________________

It is required to discuss your final written plans with your site supervisor and obtain a sign-off signature one week before presenting this learning opportunity.

Primary Curriculum (content) Area: Healthy & Safety

Learning Opportunity Name: A Glittery/Germy Greeting
Brief description/type: Children will be able to understand the abstract concept of how germs are spread
WHO Its For: 4 to 5, four and five year olds
List specific accommodations/adaptions:
For children who do not want to shake your hand or give a high five, sprinkle germy glitter on them as they walk by.
WHY-Rationale: Children will establish life-long skills on how to stay healthy when dealing with germs.
Objective(s): By participating in this opportunity, the children will
To understand the abstract concept of how germs spread
To practice the skill of listening to another and contributing to a group discussion
To explain why we wash our hands and what we are washing off
Objective 12: Remembers and connects experiences (recognizes and recalls)
o Remembers the sequence of personal routines and experiences with teacher supports (handwashing steps)
Objective 8: Listens to and understands increasingly complex language
o A. Responds appropriately to specific vocabulary and simple statements, questions and stories
o B. follows directions of two or more steps that relate to familiar objects and experiences
HOW to Prepare: What you need:
Glitter (any color)
Pocket or small plastic bag
Magnifying glass
3 steps of handwashing
10-15 minutes
SETTING: small group
SET UP/SPACE: table with chairs, walking in door to shake hand

HOW to Teach:
Teaching steps:
1. Fill plastic bag with glitter, as students enterd classroom, shake their hands while keeping the glitter a secret.
2. Friends, today Germy Glitter is all around us! Look around the room for evidence of germy glitter and where you have
found it.
3. Germy Glitter is all over the place, just like germs!
4. We wash our hands to remove dirt that we can see, and dirt we cant see. It is the same way with germs, if we sneeze
we wash our hands to get rid of the germs that we got on them.
5. Next we are going to practice washing our hands and remembering the three step process.
Closure & Transition:
Friends, the next time we sneeze or cough we need to remember to wash our hands so germy glitter doesnt show up!
We also need to wash our hands after we use the bathroom.
Call student by name and have them act like an animal to the sink and the restroom.
HOW to Assess and Document
Objectives Evidence of Learning How to Document This Evidence
Children might
To understand the abstract concept of Say by sneezing, coughing, dirty hands Anecdotal record, observation
how germs are spread
To practice the skills of listening to Talk about how germs are spread, how Anecdotal record, observation
another and contributing to a group the glitter got from their hands onto a
discussion place
To explain why we wash our hands and Explain that we wash our hands to get Anecdotal record, observation
what we are washing off rid of the germs and how it keeps us

Assessment Documentation:

What evidence of childrens engagement and learning did you see during this learning opportunity? How were the
objectives met?
I saw children engagement when the children first saw germy glitter on their hands and they wondered where it came from.

What did you learn from planning and presenting this learning opportunity?
a) About the learning opportunity itself:
a. Children enjoyed this learning opportunity and it was fairly easy to present to the children. It was interesting
to see how fast and where the glitter had spread to in a short amount of time and the childrens reaction to
their peers having it on their face or in their hair.

b) About children:
a. Children are full of questions! They knew how germs were spread and how to prevent them from spreading.
They also were able to tell me how to wash their hands and in what steps.
c) About your own abilities:
a. After presenting this learning opportunity, I learned that children know how to wash their hands and in the
correct steps after being taught how to. I also learned that getting children involved in a learning opportunity
right after rest time was a little difficult due to the fact that some of them were still trying to wake up. Since
they werent interested, I went along with the learning opportunity with the other students. The ones that
didnt want to participate, I just sprinkled germy glitter on top of them as I walked by them to include them in
the learning opportunity.

Evaluate this learning opportunity as a whole. Share suggestions, as discussed with your site supervisor, for improvement.
a) As I reflect on this learning opportunity, I feel my strengths were:
a. As I said above, I had a hard time getting a few children to participate in the learning opportunity because
they werent fully awake from their rest, I felt that one of my strengths was continuing on with my learning
opportunity even though they didnt want to participate at first and finding a way to involve them even though
they didnt know it at first. I also felt that I grabbed their attention when I asked them to look at their hands
and around themselves to see what was all over.

b) As I reflect on this learning opportunity, I realize that I could improve by:

a. I feel that I could have asked the children more questions about how germs are spread and how we can prevent
spreading germs besides washing our hands, covering our sneezes and our coughs.

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