Sei sulla pagina 1di 48

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rcll.urJe Nuubcr Th:-co Jn_11UDlY 15, 1955

We grrtafully dadiccte this issue of tho An r i ul Phcnomon2
------------------ --------- ao s c rr~ h
~- - -- -
Or,:r:niz::tio!1' s bi-monthly ne1rs bulletin to JOE ROLA.S c.nc1 EOF:.:'~c:IJ
our tlro h~rdworldi1g menbors of Ccrncns, Vonezuol s . Doc ::.~ us c o::: ~lL 1 1 .
f2ithful reporting vc ore nblo to bring you tho most si cnifi~ ~nt s t e ht~
ings of LU1':idontifiod flying objects end their ru1ustl0l occt~Drn~c s i c:.:- the
~roa.r cf 1954. \:e hcvc rocofvoc". mo...ll.y hunclrecls of other rcl:,c :; tJ :;:.:t li1
the light of tho spec tr:cnlcr r:nc1 nu then tic n<' tL:tro of tho follo~.;L:.:;
siGhtings, '\'!a offer them in t~1is special issue dc oling prir..c :,:ily Hi th

sightinss . on tho continent South Ar:tcrico. . . Our hacrty thc:nl<.::s c;o to li:;:oo
Rol~s r:nd Lr. Gonzc~ l o s.
** * *~********************************************************
VVORL DVV!DE INc~} !2/-kS_)E IN L/,cC) RflJ()!~TS
While tho Pontogon super-secret contingcr..t of tho Air :Force is on~
: g~gcd in c s tucliod effort to bl.::r-10 flyin~ saucers on. Mytbin::; but r: loe-
ic ~ l soL1rcc
1 tho d.c d di~~cs t~_rc r.1rldnt; their 1l;'.,lO['l"'l1ces through-
out the uorld, ,;j_ tllout c.: thoucLt ahon t o f fJd.~1 l opinions. In Apple
. -:Volley, Cr.lifornin, durin;~; tho \Tee:: of Docm.1ber 21, nn. oblon~ object .
:: . : htmg over th ~~ t tmm for ct lc8 s t 211 bourr.1. Tho intro31:~cl. reporter of the
,;~.- .' ' ..~ Los . Al1~clc:s NJ rror tri oc1 to chcc}c the ~tory, r'ncl dosp 5. to tho uord of hon-
~'. . est ci tizcns t h r~t . t ;lc t h in g hnq boon there, thnt . tho Air Force hr..q boon . '
:.;, . ;, notified, ,i c ts J1r.d been sent up, tho Air Force trioc1 the ol\.1 br-lloon
run"="c.round,. It didn't uorl~, Cor1tcs \'!rote n hanutifully s~rcr: stic n0tc
on. tho :l.ncident i .:1 his column,---but it didn't press-\rirc coverage~
. In ,KQ.s_::;__c l, .QQ1.1J.q[lY, Proi'. Eornc.nn Obcrtl:J. ro i tor~-. toc1 ~1is belief thnt
the discs. oro intcr!)lcnotr'rJ vch:tclos, r!ddinc thct tho occuprnts 4;lrc pro-
b c bly . :}froid of C[' rdmcn. . .
. A ~rc~r-c c lourod disc hovor~.i1;::; c:t obont 500 feet r:ncl.. ~n.l:ing c: sotmd
lil;:c t.l1 outonoiJilc cDc:: i n o descended over c. Hicn nino c:t li-:-l1,b)1...n? Eihcr,
Indit~. . Seen by c. bout Boo peop le,: the hov orccl for [' f o\T :::unute s
: the ~itlcs- . r>T).~lC .:-' re cl to :l. nfl c: tc, . Mid snolw hillouod fro:~1 tile tuo ends. ~he
objcbt then sor-rod Upl!:::rcl .':'.t h:i.r.;b speed. The is yet to cone. 6 . . . . .

, .... .... ""' "" "' ' ' ' '" " " . " - """ .......... ,., ........... ':'-- ..... . ~,. ,- ...~ ~- ' ,, . ...... -# ,. , ~ '


On Dcccr.1ber 16, 1954, President of tho United Sto.tcs Duight D. Ei~

sonhmm r told n pr e ss confe r ence t~1rt :flyiac so ucors nrc l~ot frora outer
spt~cc n.nd c:-:i s t only in the ir~1c, ginc:tion of tho Vi<.Mcrs.. On the night of
th<' t oo~:1cn to us 011nounccu r::n t, ::" young nwn of Srn Corlo.s, Vcl1czucln \lO.S
set upon by r-. snoll ho iry r11 m-l i l;:e cro o turo ond SiJOl1 t the nieht in o. 'hos-
ri Ull Ui.1der the c c: rc of :) h;)r ::;ic:t.c~1S for tren tncnt of shocl:e

___January 15,

The most believable part of the Scm CDrlos incident is the reason
for young Jesus Paz being where he \IUS when he was when the whole thing
happenod. Here nrc the details:

. P~z and two friends hnd dined at a rcstaurru1t at San Carlos, then
proceeded horne. \llhen the po.rty neared the Exposition Pad:: of the Hin-.
i~try of Lsriculturc, Paz asked the driver of tho cnr to stop while he

J '\o:cnt behind s orne bushes, nppo.rcn tly to relieve himself. His friends,
still in the cnr, heard a piercing scron~ which literally raised the
hair on their hc~ds. They rushed towo.rd the spot ,.,here Pnz hnd entered
the brush, cane upon their friend unconscious on the ground, und \'lore
just in tine to soc o. ho.i17 d1:rc.rf running tmvnrd o. flo.t, shiny craft
wtich hovered c. few foot from the ground. One of the men, Luis Nojir.:,
~ n~ttcnal guo.rdsmnn, reached for his gun, but rcmcnbcred it \1o.s ?>~ck
1!: his .b[lrro.cks at Guard hendqunrtors . llc,jia then picked up a stone
nnd futilely threw it at the craft vlhich had t~ken the dvmrf in and
wr. s rising into the ,.,i th a. deo.fcning buzzing sound. At last report,
Po.z was under the cnrc of doctors and nll throe men vwre telling a
convincing1y hcdr-rrJ..sing story to tho c.uthori tics. Pt:'.Z j_s not only
suffering from shocl~, but hns sovc~nl lnrgc, long, deep scrntches on . .
his right ~ide and c.1ong the spine, a.s if clm1cd by .r. vlild ['J'lima.l. ~

- - - - - - - - - -- - ---- - -

Just 6 dey::> prior to Eisonl1owor 1 s r:nnounccncnt thnt sr.uccrs do not

cxis t, Lorenzo Flores and Jesus Gor:lcz of Cr.rorr.:., Vonozuolo. rola.tcd ___
their experience \Ji th four li ttlc hairy crcc.tures nc2-r the Tralls-l.ndic.n
Highwc.y between Chico and Cerro do . ln.s T res Torres:. The beys ha.d boon
hunting, n.nd when they sighted o.. brie;ht ob.icct off tho high\/o.y, they .
thought it wo.s a. co.r. Upon o.ppro.::ching, they so.w e11 object \oThich np-
peo.rcd like tHo wnsh bov1ls ple.cod one on top of the other, nnd hovered
nbcut b10 n...'1d a half foot from the ground. They estimated tho size n.s
nbout 9 feet in di~o tcr, n.nd snid it out f j. :rc frcm the botton.
. In the boys' ovm words: "Then \vo sc.H 4 li tt~c men conir~6 out of
.1 t; they were apprcxtr.w.tcly 3 feet tali. v.Jhcn th,;y reo.lizod ;~c ,. :ere;
$hero" the four of them got Jesus o.nd to dr1e hit1 tO\mrd the ob-
J ject. 1 "I could do nothing . but tnlw my shotgun, which 1va.s unloo.dcd, 11
sr::..ys Floros, o_nd thrust ho..rd blovrs ,_.,ith the butt Jf tho gun c.t one of_
thor::. Tho Gun sccncd to stru9k rock or sor..1cthine hnldcr, us the
g.un brolw into tvro pieces."
Could they notice o.ny foc..turos of the little mon, they wore nskcd
.by ~cpcrtors . "Iro, 11 snid Flores, 11 \vO could sec no dota.ils but Hhnt \To
did notice vlc>s tho o.bundc\nt \lhich covered their bodies, nnd their
greo..t strength. 11 Gomez could rcracBbcr li ttlo of the inc idcnt for he
had feinted fron fright when tho creatures grn.bbed him. When c.skcd if
they s2.w tho sc.ucor lc.::tvo, tho boys no, tho. t 'tlhon they brolrc c.-wo.Y..
they rcn c.s fest c.s tboy cou1d for the hi[h"\.rc..y about 150 feet rr;wo.y. Ex..:
hibiting scratches n.ncl bruisbs, their shirts torE to shreds, tho boys
rushed to tho police precinct [:nd told their story.
Invostiga.tion by authorities showed signs of the fight nnd whore
the snucor hctd res ted. They were cxc.mtnod by psychio. tris ts 1. found to
1JC sn.110, responsible young men. But tho Uni tod Stn tcs Air ,t;'orce and
tho President sa.y that saucers do. not exist
~------------.- ~ _
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' ~ I

Ja.nun.ry 152 195...:..5-----"--_.....___ _!~~R~T?!~~~:~~!i_J__________


' ' n
J.. -:t.timnrned (by request) t ...J~ -~j0r nnd d :Lr_;-: t ~ :- :Jf rm inpo;rtn.nt odu-
, cnt1cnal institutior: of Barq~isJ.TI.:eco, V.cnc ~, j l.. r .; lntcs how ho wn.s
. pursued 9Y n glq\v-inc, disc-sl:l~r. c d ohjoct vTi:"lL"Ln driving n.long ...;ho hieh-
w cy to Gucnr>rc. .
Respected rmd v:oll-likocl, tho individ'1rll inJolved in this inci- ~
dent stntcs thnt while dr~vinc one . avenine, he noticed n brish ..: <: :~r:-::t
. whi_ch, nt c, cur-sory e;lnnco, he thouc;ht wa.s tho noon.. Hol'vovc:..") "1 -'f~') l~.
pppron. ch~n ~. tho towr, o~: qucnc..ror'- he noticed tl1nt_the cbjoct w;s ~ :y,:j:lrr
tmm,rd h1n, i':lUd hur:c in size.. l'hc Professor, se1zcd vrith pc~~:t.r~~ ,. ,r..o:~ .
out .his gun ;md firccl. twclil'C times .n.t tho otject while it n ::'.~r.:u. r ~.:;:;,!
r-round his co.r. ,_
Thorcuehly frichtonod, tho nnn then pus hod his nccoler ~ t s= to -~~
no or, hop ins to. meet onothcr cr~r. :He soon m:; t-. D.nothcr c::-.::t ::.. 5.: :, r.'J
n~nne;cd to stop, end ln which Hero yer, c> t.c sheriff o:f: ,'\ J.:- ~J.~ :-; r
. town, . tmcl n police~on. . The po..rty of non tho.i.1 tu!'ned o.rounr.. fl: ~...-~ ', od:i cd
. to tho spot whore the disc wns se er.. ., dhon they ;)_ r :r~.. ,-,_:- u ~

they were in tine to soc the disc diso.ppocrir:.G co the sontr. lC'C "'i ~ :J r.: -
c. bluish tr~il bo.h ind. The professor hns r e cently consul ted :..~ y.s }';;;-11n.;
trist Io~nrdinr; his ncntnl condition since the incident .~
But tho Uni tccl Stntes idr Force n..11d tho President sny tr..c s:::.ucors
do not exizt~
-...-------~ __ ..... .--- -- -~ -

. _:-ni I I /12 /11 e~n ~., 76 i / i 11. Ki ,/ ~.~ u f ' , -A t I f! rr: /) f / /

Yelling, without his shirt . end -. ~1 th~ ~- n torrified look en his, Jose Pc.rrr., 18 yor:.r olcl ~oolwy of Vnloncin, Venezuela., c..r:rivcd .
. nt tnc offices of N~tionnl Security in tho onrly ocrninz of Doconbcr
19. ::'.lld role. ted his in~ tnle of how a ho.iry li ttlc nan tried.
to kidnr.p hiL1. . . . _
,.__ _ . Inno.dintoly upon his nrrivc.1, Pc>.:rrn .\..rn.s dctninoc1 by Mr. Lcpozi.y~
ern, Connissioncr cf Crininolot:y until his nerves: crould 'anln down. De.;.
tccti vos dctnilod to cxCli.'lino the plnco where tho inc:!.dcnt hnppcnod,
fcnnd trucks whichthoy were not nblo tc identify c.s either these of
a n:m o.r hn r.ninnl. Pnrrn, . out doinc .roL'..d worJ: to lose none extrn
_poundrtgo, stopped noar n. Cencn t Fnctory en the hichuc.y, whore he wn~
surpri_scd to sec six . li ttlo non, nll very hnir1, v1ho were enzc.ecd in
pulling boulders . fran the si{_~o of tho hit:h'v:ly, ~ncl lo~.dine then n.bQnrd
their disc-shrtpecl crr'.ft ivhich iTo.s h(,vorint: lc~~s tho.n 9 feet fron tho
grotmd. Po.rrn, stnrtlccl etnc.1 frichtcncd, stnrtcd to rtm mro.y tc cnll else to vmtch the sicht. .
. ~t thi~ point, one of .tho little non spotted Pnrr~, pointed ri de;
v1cc- nt.: hi~, \vhich g~vc off c. violet lieht. Pnrrn wo.s uno.blo to novo,
end stc.od by ho1ploss1y while .tho little crcnturos rrm tc their ship,cnd
lcnpod nbotJ.rd. Tho ~rnft .then di so.pponrcd in to tho sky.. .
One hc;ur nftcr hr. Perra's oxpcrienco, n briehtly lichtcd d1Se . .
\'res scori: hoverine n few feet frcu tho cruund ncrtr tho Barbuln Sani tori.;
un 'for - TubQrculnrs . nt Vnlcnci~ . Two hospit~l onployoos s 2w the objuct :
r_t different tines, one o.t n.bc:ut 12 nidnicht, ::-.ncl the other ~t r.bcut .
3:15 . c.. n. Tho fcllovr \'rho wi tnos ssd tho eL>rlicr incident, notified no.:. .
cnc: fer feor ef: dis turbine tho hosp1 tr.l pntionts. Tho nr'.Il involvocl in
tho lc.ttor incident nttcnptoc1 to npprcnch the crnft for n better look
but it novod mmy nncl nsconclod into tho n1r.
' . ~ . .
... .

J' anunry 1 5,_ .:L 9 55 .. . J:.P '110 BTJLLE'TIN

- ---- --,-~ _
. .
__,._ , - -- ------


At 6:30 p. n., Dcccn ber 10, ~ wcll-l'U'1c:wn(rmd, by request, unncr-ec1)
) physician r f Cr..rncc.s, Vcnezucln witnessed o.. strnne;c si;:;ht vrhilo out
drivinc with his . f .o..thcr in the. vi.cini ty cf La _Flcrostn.
Tho Docter in question hr-.:s -boon intorviovTod by ncnbcrs cf tho press
. so his fdontity is knc-vm. His stcry rj.ncs true, nnd ho h:;.d r. Hitnoss.
While drivinc -between Ln; '..irdrcno r.:hd Frnncisco do Nirmdn
nue, his fnthcr- .suc1clonly p c intcd cmd cxclntnqcl, "Loold 11
Upcn lcoldnc in the direction his f[.i.thor Has poia.tit.Ct tho Deeter
stopped the co.r in order t o observe batter. Ho wntchcc1 who little ncn
whc were runninc into tho brush Shprtly r.ftor they c.Usnppoc.rcu into
tho thickets, n. .lunincus clisc-shnpod object, onorccd fr.on in c.nr1 \Ti th r.
shnrp 'sizzlin[:' sounu, c1nrtocl flff 1nto t;hc slcy_ nt n. rhpid rr;.tc cf p,pced.
The Docter, n fcrner skeptic, isn't lcuchinc Dnyricro. -
. . . . . . . . : . .. . ,. , . .' ' ' ' J . . ' ' .

Durin: the p'ericcl iri f-!ovc.n'Qcr ~nd Doc.qtibcr -in 1954 \rheri nr.n:y
strcnce sie~.Lts w0re seen in Sout;h . i<.ndr1c. ~, inc~udin:: the fore coin[: in-
cidents, tho nost r9l~nblo cf ppoplc _ includil:lc n. Bishop of the . C~.tl1clic
church, ProfossGrs, C'..strohcnors, phy~ici_st~ :, _lc.w cilfcr~oner:t off~cors.
nnd ncnbcrs cf tho nili tr.ry, bonclcl tho ::ltrnnco coincs on 1n tho hcr.;.vcns-
nnd on the crcu!l(l. . .. 4' .' . :

. Str['..."'l~or thr'li the s tr~nco .. s ich tines thc :-.1 scl vcs, pcrh~~ps, is the .
'. absolute .o.bscncc of r.ny nontion of then on tho viircs of -thu intcrnc.tio-
ncl news nccnc ics ~c.nrl in p;.-,_rti culr.~r, tho Froo Press of. tho Uni tcc1 Stnto~
Horctc fe-ro, the Diroct cr .~nc1 cluso nssoci~tos lwc:. b.ocun tc fcpl t:hn.t press. silonco, ch : s~uc.e~rs .wps C.uc tc their ccnvicticn the:t the
. sr:uccrs ' re~~lly clCn l:t txis to' Howcveyof. if: c~nu _:it is n .COl"tninty t 1w.t
n11- nmTs n.c9fl.cics thr.currhout the ,.;e;ri~~ :;.ro . o:( whicl;l
ru:cle frcnt pn.ce:s in Cn.:P~ca.s for . WCC1{5 on . end) _th,o ncvTS . wire scrvi~cs
. ~ den'. t . tb: lnk the forc e:~ inc i toPs nowsvrcrthy; -tboy need ' $C:-Jo now blc~cl en
" ~ir editsr.:ic..l $tn:fs. If tho . r9:ns.on for cln.nnin: up rccnrdinc 'tl;lose
poxticula.r _s_ ich~1nc-s 'is:::boct.usc .they. clon' t w<:nt to ca.usc hys toric., then
this is, _to us, cvir1.once cf. c:cnscrship ru-1d the o.nthcntici ty of the .. .
sichtir~s . thenso1yos~' Lc:t's,- n.ll; hC.:rk hr:ck . to tho Europoon sicl1tines~-~
so::lC cf t~or:: C:bvt ous hot:...xcs;- nc tuc..+ . sishtin-c3 cDbcllishod by ..
1nag1n~tion~ I3ut----~hoy. rc:c.ei-vocl pretty c~'cd Govcrnc;e in nr'.ticn:ll pulJ.,:
.lic:ltions in . tho Unitoc1_. :Sta.tcs' : nl thollEb. 'in. Q. hlmoruus vein. Sc;::ohD\v,_
we fool th::-.t thQ powers -'tllnt P:J ~ ho:vc decided thn.t the Scuth .:.noricc.n
.sichtings cculdn.' t bo pubJdcizorl ~t nll, .fer tho cvh:cncc ts d l a.::c.inst
ony ccnven ticnn.l> cxplnnn:tipn, ; considorcblcY bncl foolinG oicht rostlJ_ t
if the President insinU[~tod thnt t,hof:l.c .. hunclrcus cf observers \Tore sur-
. ferinr frcn overnctivo iuagin_n tions . ._. . :
. ...... . . . . 0 0 -~ ~:.: ~
_ ..: . .. - -~ ~-~:
.. ~-~---- ........... ~ .............. .. . . '~- .: . : _, . , , ":".111. '-'''''"t. \.""' " ' 0

EfiGU:EER ~N~~rs PiiQTLOF_CQY::Y_QF I~LYING S~~UCEBS_ Bnrcc1onr., Vcnezueln.

i.n encinocr cnpl oycd by c.. pctroloUD ccnpo..ny in El Titre turned over to
the Prefect cf tho. district, snr:pshots which he tcck of c:!. fli~ht ef
5 flyinc so.uccrs while clrivinc tc n punpiric stntic.:n n-t Bl . Ticro in tho
leta c..ftcrnc cn of Doc 10. The cncinccr, n.n J.nericcu-1~ snid thc.t tho
objects wore flylnc 'in perfect forrmticn to the north. Tho snc.pshot
shcwoc". the. fi vo objects whict';t rob'onblod f turtles', wit~ t,~c. bo~ns cf
11:ht shc-w1nc n t the frcnt, nnll Dl!.othor n t the noc.r. 4 ..1 thouc:h published,
tho photcs \>rare sh:-wn .tc lL>.w cnfcrcencnt non n..r1d to the :press-..
J~nuo.ry 15, 1955 .~~rno Bnllc tin P~c:o Five

I] /]us i)
llD JL a~ I
..It woulc~ be physic~lly inpossib1o to list in c~ctc.~ i:L c.J.l sichtin~s
rccei vo:1. the c~.cht-,:rook period be tvTcon l.1 c voube:r 15 a.nc1 tho ?ro-
sc!l t ti:1e , .so we: h[,Vonttcuptcu to hit tho hi:::h ;_;p ot~, _. ,~_ ev e tin~ tho bulk
cf tl1is is sue t o outston:1..ine sj. t: htine:; s in Scuth l.:Jol.. ic~ o.nc1 .if.: ::mezucln ,
in D~rticul2.;r. Ecuovcr, . tho f'olloi>rinS nrc sichtinss a little lcs!? sen-
s=-~ tion~l - in nn turc, . .'hut , i:.1port~1~'t, ncverthl:!les :j, in the o~.7 crn11 pictu::-c.
~-.. ES2.;'1311.., VEf'.."'SZTJEL~!, Dec 6, 1 :>11-. Rn.dio Opcro..tor fer :ton!1"\v~s i:;.-cc.rcorts r.1e;s sc :os tho..'t have been proven to bo f:::-c:-.: s c:-J.o otrwr
scurce th~'.D eorth . 1'ho Opero.tor' s supcricr, Co.r1os 1.1 v~rcz, infcr:-.1c~
rc;crtcrs. tho.t the ncssa: c had been sent tc Forth Worth, Tcxns, u.s.~.,
to h.:; c1cciphoro :1, if possible. Nr. Gonznlcs inf'e:r:Jed tho press th::.t
othc1.. ['_irlinos crows h~c~ l')~c}~osl,Yl?- --~'~n~.J:9-r ucsso.L;cs, nt first trdn:::in,G
the;_: to be ccr.1c cc:-J Lnnncn t1 ens of nna.tcur r2di o opcr['~ tcrs. - : _
,,.'.BRUZZl.".lJ ltiJ:'S ..1,._):T.i.LY_j_ Doc, 6, 1954. On Christ!:.:c.s ni:ht, t1~:.1::i in~
he1hi t c. nt.s c.f SibJJ.inirn Jvlts. snw six clo~rinc disc-like o~1jccts r>.c.vinc
'- - ,-,n-
.._ .1 :_; ,.. _,r
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.... ".. . - r~. . ,'
;~ ) , \.- ~o
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~ c.. .. - ...., frun<
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nick1lc-si z c , r'..:J~l :--ron tly s hoc loss foot. J.. l:.o, other 1' CQ t~;rint:o fc U...'1<l
in snov:, a.r>:;;;cc.rcc.~ t o be th e se of. .r;_.. person cr crec. turc .su.3pcntlcc~ fr .: u
~ccc~tl:in2' _;_ ['.S t ho-y- did hC't c. very dis tine t cr c.1 ccp i: ~i.;ross icn .,
.Q;_.?...:.c_;.s, v.~jm~l..J'I:Lb, Dec. 9, . 19 54, Hr. Clc)ris Ho.r:cl observes n> -~.
crcu~' C'f lJJlj dcntificc1 objects cross inc c.lisc of tho Doon, Hhilo ob5cry~
. in: the ' lunr-r r~isc . tbrou ~~ll 125 .pcvrcr tclcsccpc. '\'lifo .:~lso \rntchcc1 ?hcn-
c::-;on:'.., Ao!hich povoc1 ;frcn sic.:o to side on the ::won' s fc,cc-. -.,
~'.R.-..c;. s, \TL~~Z TL; u-.., Novcubor;, 19 54, . Rc sitcx;ts cf c~-_rc_cc.s . c.ncl sur~ i:'

rcunc1ln.-:: r.rc 2s vntncs s cd o. str~:mc;o . nhcnoncno. c1urll1C the :1::-n th -:-:-f Dover:- -~
ocr,. ,:,hie h !'!C::.:J.LL'cs ted :i, tsclf in the 11 of ( ~- nou...'1.t.::. in) : which
A l
cv3rlccks the city . )1nthenntid.M Prcfcssc:r B~ris l:.cssic \>T:-.s c f _tho -~
hunr.~rcc:.s \1h::- C1'JS(~:rvad this ph~n (jncn::'. :nt Vt.:.ric;US tLlCS .~u:c:L:r. :_:; t ;lC _r:::;.pth; --~
r1nJ r_:csc-r:l_bc cl it ' c:s. bri .c ht, ~ :.:rwns(; in r.-i zc, r'n c1, tb::.~c: i: in: c.ff bo:i. ::~ s of _
1i: ht ~~t :L.,tcrvi'J.s . He intcnc10c:t to ccn,1uct an :tr..vo.s:tj_r~: t~c;n, but ric
cr.' r1'"1(! to t h e "'ltc-~c is -?,-...r1lJ-hcr-\,.._,...--,ln ~ '-- ..,-c,0 : - yot . ' . ' :1: . .: . ~
Y ,.._ \. . . ~ - -' ' . I.. '- .J o. ~ .. ~ '-

~ . .. ~,TS:LP~~D E~'.HK FOtHJDt ON .MiJlS-- Tho C:_rn8C:io In3ti tute; f:-f H~sh'1J:lcton
1...-' <-~ . .


h~s rJ1J.,.t -:- unc cc:. tllrt .~. VJ-sh:~:) cr} u.~rlt:, : not hithorto n0t.ico :~ :;r rcc cr:;_:o,1', <Jj

br.s ''bocn :f'ct..ri<1 _en i', but is l1c 2.icvcc1 to bo .r.-; .ncro:..c.;r ...Jcss :->::::":.2~!1ont ii
clc.m~ f f'.r : 1:--tic!1 j n tho u:1~ )c r ,.,_t;-;os:,herc. '<.'fc rc:::c~. bcr _t:1:-.t :;s .sh crt 2 ;~
t:L1c [".:__c- :--s l :J53, l~i ~'.rO \n~~ l1cLLcvo'J. .tc be - .~.1:".1ost ;J cvoic1 Yi :::.t:.i c:::~~~horc. . . . ";'~
Hc...,;~~-i t h::s 2.1~ cctncs_p hcl'P It's_ ;lntcrcstin::; tc s~x;cul'c:. tc vrh::m the 1-rorlcl i
cf Sc:tenco i,Til1 rcvc<:l it's l<:J1 8Wlc f~L;o _c.f C'.. thcrr:c-nuc1cc_:_' cx:)lc.siolt on J,

. "/ -~J..f' "'U'"'

.. . th C.l.i i -'-(,;..' -~...:t.:.._ t... , _.J. _L;w
_c . l. .., J...;.:l _ c:. ~ '--" . ... . . . .
-""-,,.T ' Y""""'"' "",..,.., .!-.
t:1e,.L ""f~cts new c.voilcblo .to -c.ktorr;!incd snL.,cor ;rcs,:n~ch:i.. S coUld
\-.1~ n_ "-;..,"
, ./.".e .""".
1 "'
. . . ,.11 a ',.. 1 c1 t rY .t !_1 ,"'.-., ,,,.,
,~\.:nero.1 _.,,U:J._ 'h11c .. v :i..,
.c. rt l"T' . ,- M . "'t ~ :... . .
1Jopu '- ccJ ..,U...'llc, . l-n., :10-
ei~ (i. c., ncwsp~pors or ~~ ~ ~~incs) tho fcnt~ :c n c cntinccnt ~ f the u.s. ~
..i.= _?.c--rco '.:c: ulcl sl8 S.f,'!-:10 SU!~ ~-~cn t~lkirir~ . lf' thv 1vinl~ . is bL.:vinc the \JtS i;
it ~~:;c~rs tv be, the --ir Fcrcc.; r.:ichtovon stcLtc. _t~v.'lt tho s.0uccr~ nro .f
cL~r . mm, in crclcr to 1:ccl') the b:l.c stcry U.'1 (.1cr vrr:::.~~ s fer \1h~t they thlnk :4
1-1c uld he tho r.~utnc-, 1 bcncfi t cf [1.1 1' t~1c poe plc of t(l<) 1.':Jr1.(~. It is 'be- J
ccr' inc increc.s in::;ly evirl ~m t th~ t there ~ is s c:x tl:ir~. :~ lJiC brc1:inc, o.n~~ it i
is v.:.:r::r litcly t.bc.t tho }'crco h:"'.s fincclly rc'~~l -:. z .:;cl thc;t the s:-:~ccrs li
r-rc horc bcc ~ usc c ul' ~ c lovcc~ cf'.rth is boccninc increc~si!'l ;.: ly unste:tlc 1uc .: J
tc m,cvcr-~ncr<;osinc_r: :;: c;unt cf ro.c1io.ticn in cur ntncsl~horo, tl1r.t the . <~
c:::rth s v.r~ . b ole 1s boc cr:anc :-Jere , ~~ ~v~ nero }'rcncunccd. Thn t woulc1 be ['. _;,
., . nc&.s, =c 1
we fr ankly cc.n' t sec tl1ct cny nili ttcry accncy r.houlcC ~l<e ~.t .,. -:. .. :i
_-J~n...::.::n:.:;u:;.:;;a.=r~y~l=-5~,-=l..:..9""'5""'5~------- /.]}.0 . ~} ull e tin

0 D D S ;. N D ~

~ l J DS (c r n+v ~.l .
..._ ,~ _ ~... ucrl)

.upon thCl:lsclvo s tc :;Jl:::..y Goc1. t:::: If c. fc-~ tc. l c:::>.tc.strq;ho is. :::.bout
tc destroy :::::..rth, H e; fool tho..t the pccple shculc1 o..t c. ch.:::l;.cc
to nr-..l{o tf:cir with .their respecti vc dci tics in t he ir ovm H:::.y.
It h:--~ s been obvi ;:;us tc ;::.est nor:bors f er sene tir:.o nc\l thc.t .".:':20 is
c1cf~ni tcly c11 tho siclc of', indorses tho wri tines of D ~,:cyhoo
. For thof~_rst tiDe 'YTO wculc~ lH::o to stntc thnt of a.ll the \lritors on tho
U?Os, Keyh::.o is tho !:1tst rcstro..j_ncc1, dec1ica.tocl to fr:.cts, t..'1J.1 ITcrthy of
. tho ccnfi r~er:co liUt in hir: by so D::t.l1Y people . Lone c.sscc:Lnti oL t::r ~' L-:.,:h
' ccrrospcn:\ ::r:ce. 1:i th hiu hc.s. lo<.~ us :tc believe tbc. t when on:,. if t~!C fc.cts
. r:.b::ut the UFOsfnl!e finally D.scortiiriod by nn;rone outs h~o of t:.o :_:ili tQ.!'y,
~ Kcyhcc will be the firs test Hi th thc nos test.- Devoicl.. of c;L~nic:-cs, t2..ll
tr-..les~ :ln '~ 'psychic to.lorits', Nr. Ko~hoc j_s woll-cnr~c'vloc1 v!i th honesty,
ct~ics [',Del just :uts. Our best to hh1 ;i n tho cc ;:1~. n:.; yoe..r ::i:.c: H:.;;
hope th~ t ~'lY ti cn th:t t \'lo cnn ci vo hiu Hill be of sene hcl1:.. t::-:
hi:2 in hi:: worl~ . Jviany pce:pic tc~k cf" UFOs-, ~1c.ny. !}Coplo lo c t1;1rc on G_?Os,
but \-Then hey hoc tnlks, the for.-:~or :.:. slwptics~.lis ton, :~nc.l bcc;1n tc: be-
lieve. . .
.an t~!. c u :h )l2~J.s bn,1 boon lnid 'to turn tbo ~.:.-~ RO Bullet in ever tc, t11c
Los .i..n.:::elc,s Lio:~bor::; , th os e J.l lruls h~vc l.J cen G.l tor0d fc 1.. vc.ri ens ron,t\PDS.
First, . r:. r..::.ism1c~crstc:.nc1in[ roc:-.i.. U.L1C tno l onc; th cf ti:-_10 VT)-~. ich we. ulc~ be
rcqu:ror2, th ::m tbc 1mcul c:c:.-::::o tr:.~t it Hct:ll<2 be- noc. rly i!.:j).C;ssi:Jlc for o.. .
. ~c~~ c.l-~izod creu. t ;=> _;.:ct t ccc thcr :JC;CQUSC cf the ':li~;' tr_c _ffic, C Cll~
fl- ,ct,
- ~~ h. r
-~.l.c..J v 1ll~~
.;.. .... lh~/cv~~
.. ... :-- \....iL. e ~o---t,,
. ......, l- 1...,; Direct~
~- - ~c
._.. cl cl'c
~ t h~t
... ~....... L.L
~ c~" ~N
1J.~.o..J. ,
i_.)'-' v~ r r;ol.;:c-UiJ'U_c_ulc.l ctllcviato tl":.o tin.cprcss tc scuo extent, ~<:1 with tf1c
rccru1 tl.T'E cl b.r. Lorenzen ft.>r o. stco..d~~ hc1J.JOT in tno ~o.rri tine c:nJ ston..;
cil cut tine 'lOllr-..rtuon ts, the J.PRO Bulle tin ccul(l s tlll be put tcc;e tho_r
unc,_cr her;,; ico.:; C'..ncl.. n (j t su:Cfo:r too noticcc:.bly. v!o. hoj)C tho :Jcr:~bqr..:
ship r.p;; r c vcs cf this nrronccr.tcnt r.>n:.l the no'i'l style. ~)roscnt conC.i-
ti cns t'K.t V1cr0 'l:lill ll.c t be n. lct-Ul') i:'.1 sc-.ucor si: h ti nc s in
the yc'C..r 1955 C'S CX])OCtCL1 (pr::.:bL'l.bly rJ.uo tc conp loti cn cf r:ccn 'bo..scs)
:::.nc1 thorof ::-:>Q cr...'1.lwt 1;rcr.:iso tc print in ::~_11 sishtincs _rec eived.
Uc hr.vo h2.c1 n rcc c r c~ coilcction cf rep c rts in the ~-:: 8 wcc]\:S..;--o._ fc~
ever 600 s ich tin e s, c.nd ::-~ ::.;coc1. share cf thc:J h;:'- vo uocl1 fa.irly '\'loll c~o
fr.ilcd. It is cc>sy to soc vrc c ~~ ul < l n o t possibly p rint even 1/6 c:f this
nunbcr, so Ho (:e ci clod th::~ t :~.s lcnc o..s si[J: tin [~s rcll in 0.t this, we will dc:::.l with cnly the nest intcrostin3.
i..nothcr fino issue of CRI:?O is on our desk, ei.lsctho officicJ. cr..:.
ecn of t~10 J'Jo'vr Zoo..l['.lld Civil ic:l1 s ~-~ ucer In vc s tico. ti cns, is roc en tly cut.
~ Beth fine s .~:uccr nu-vrs ':Ti th o. vmo.lth c:f j_ntorcs tinc inforl'So.ti c~.
~- lv.i.r. Lcrenzon jcins us f or the first. tiuc this ::10ntl1, Hi th his "Co:-.-:-
t. ncntcry", bc::.;inni!1C on ~.::tee ,Seven. ,.1o hq!c ycu will enjoy roo.rl in::.; his
J, 1do~s ~~t cc:nclus~cns rocarJinc tho recent incidents in Vcnczuoln. We
; hcpcc~ t c 'be ~1)lu t c usc o..n L'.ll.C'J.ysi;; cf tho Venczuc.lcu1 ?iCtltiiJ.:::;s sub-
-~, ";. ni ttcc by Hr. Gcnz::-.lo s cf Cc.r.:;.co..s, vJhc is fovorisb }.y vJ'L.rkinc en th:.t
ru-~:lc. Ecivcvcr, it ho..s n e t <.'.I'rived to t~ <...", but if it shculc~ turn Ul)
befor e tbc . S tCECils c..rc r: ut Cl1 the r:lincccrc.:~'h UC 1 11 finJ ro:.-:::1
f for the bull~ c f the is, s 8::10'\Thorc, s cue hc1v.
t 3hortly be:fcro the clc-so of tho Trunnn .:.c!.ninistro.tic.:n, Hnrry s. Tru-
j; nnn tel l~ cl oso 8ssccio..tos thc.t he 'ivculc1 cc c1nm in hi .s tGry ~s one cf tho
I grcD.tcst ~coric2n ~residents. To..kinc into c onsidoru ti cn his cxtrono
~ u..n~cpulo..ri ty ['_t tho clos e of h_i_s o.clr.linistro..ticn, he nust hc-. vc soocthinc _
BIG un:lor his ,_,,ic. \!c unndor-..:.:.~,.,~'- S ho fo..r-sichtcc.l on cnGh tc h2vc c.utho-

l .......
rizcd the noc-csso.ry cxpcnc1i turcs fc.:r the S:;_) Sc: tolli to~ (Con' .t Pc.ce 8)

~-.....-- ...............
-~~ ~-- ~~ --"11 ~ - .. -~, -.- - ----- - .-
.~----w----- - - --- --

i-'.1\E T~IE SALJC.EC-\S LJ. S~ \V FA PO_N. S ?

Prcbr-.bly bc_co.lisc tho old, vmll-hc.shcrJ u,:oc rios tho ..cri:;in .
cf tho snt1ccrs ttrc new pretty woll v10rn ou t 7 t::.ho the Gry - Hhich ht l'ls the
le~st wc:ter by rctLcl nc8.suro is nov! -beinG rcvi~;.:;d. This thocry h2.s .
rlWf'.YS l'"'.ic.:. dcrrmnt i.n tho ni.nr1 cf tho concrnl p u'Jlic l)o..rtly r'S t. res-ult g
i rf prC'pc.c,o.ncln nn~1/or tho cl-vr.::.ys existent fe[:r of tho nucler.~r i'Te~.p::ms
I rnce co inc:- on between tho tvre post 11oworful nnticns :tn the world. ~~k
will nnmror the llhich hcncls thfs pr:ce in t:w.o short -v:or ~~,s~'l.c~
then _:c on to iist the ev~c1encc to fiUpport cur prenise. The nnswer?
li YEs--.;.rm 1 . . .. ~~ . ... . : . . r.
j If ::tny'cn~ thi.rucs' we 'rc indul;:inc in loc-p.ullinc, them hco..r this a .!;.
~'.. t this tir::o, nncl 'for sono tine pnst, Fer co Rc.sco.rch Mel Dovclcp.:.. ,~
i r.:ont h ; 2.:-1s n t vJricht-:P~- ttcrscn For co B~so, Ohio hnvc boon e::x.--peri-
ucnt:tng '.vi th' nh . .n ircr~ft utilizJnG tho c ircul:1r r:irf cil. .{~ncl---h::w c.I'Q_-
thoy ccn-int:; in this~ \Jork'? . Fi11c~..;just fiJ.i6~ Hcr.lly fino, sincc corrcl~ ~
tecl facts rt:cardinc. the flyinc.;.s:n.uccr typo craft which hr-.vo abcundccl _
in the skies thrcuchcut the WDrld vJCrc r:mr1c available for the :rcsc~ch 1
teo.ns. \1 fr-.c ts nnd physi co.l evidence c;athcrocl fror.~ c very few, j
specinens rocoycrc1 nf~cr r~shcs. . . , f '
But-- tho na te inc question is thi~J: l~ro they ~.11 Fcr(!C ro~carch i
projects'? The CJlswcr t'o thnt is Nol, 'Russin, withcut n c.kubt is cnrry~ ~
inc cut st:.::ilrr rcserrch-- ... c:.s nro Eldc:;lcnd,. . Ccmro;da n.nc1 .l.. ustrn.lh:.. BJ.l.~ ~
nro the s:-uccrs soon since 191.1-7 Tlo.(1c in eric c:::l'. these; countries? NO~ ~
thnt is ..tho rcnl rms\?(:r tu tho -v:hclC; . invc: lvccl qucsticne' Saucor-.shnred .~
cb jccts nevi.. bcinc rt()Vol o ~)cd by vnri c us ccuntricw nrc .sclclo:-~ seer., for -
they nrc net ,J:.:x~ctly 'Lhc' nc s t <1cronc1n.blc crn.ft----in other worcls, the . ~
::;cionti s ts clr.:.n ' t h::wo r'..ll the "bugs" cut cf .then yet. . . .;,
. : Thoro sor.:c very sj_Qp1c pcii1ts cf loc;ic . vrhich sb.:e thc cri.sts ~
jUSt den It S00r.l to b0 nbl0 tC utilize in .t heir thin};:inc i-.bc-Ut the Cri- . _, ".;
rin cf the s c.ucors o..n c: they nrc this: De spi to the _inccnttity of OL~ sci~ .:
cr.l.tists, they h~,vc ~n o t yot perfected n.utouG.tic . ccnt1ol s:rstc~~~s which _,
lrculd be in< in crc.ft ~J i' th-:is sort. It; .is . D.--wcll mc....,n fr.ct i
thC'..t in :-1i:::silo ro.sonrch Ghd clc:yolOl)DCnt ~.s' weif ns fut. .urc plo.ns .fer '
spncc trnvi.)1, it is tho electr onic contrcl systons Which - tho 'jjii:
clrnwbncl{e Tho pr cblcn1s of sui tnblc _prcpcllnnts rmu hctnl utilized for.
. hi,C";h-spcccl trt".'Jf.Jl h:Jvc lone .been solvec1 . Ho-...Jcvcr, the~ hunt.n is f
net c~.:.l;r'blc of thouch_t prcccstios nnd reflex ncticns fnst cnou.-:h .t c cepe ~'
Hi th the v~1L::us h~z/l. r(,S invo1vod in hich $pcoll nir-tinvclo . Tho rcbot i
r.:.ust t~kc ever, jn this case, ~c1 tho rolic.bili ti. cf clcctrcnic ccntrcl ~
. ' cqUi}l~.lOn t i;:; iJr)ry c1cubtful. . . . . . . . . J"
Onr L c::: t '111.1. pre h:1bly l.Jc;, t 16 c; ns far r s tnnd in: up for cur con.;.
victicns, i~ . tb~t if. the -A~ir F'orco oft the Ul)itcl1 St['..tos c :" . ~:1'.Y c thor
.. ccuntry in tho we:rld vms tho owner .c f the fly inc s::.uccrs ~ they i:culdn' t .
l:Je ::1cnkcyinc c.rcunc1 1.':':J..tb tho CCLlpt:.rn.tiVC first-t; st;ylQ nissilc clc :
volopr::cnt. -If' it tcl~o::; ycQrs cf svJCn t ~J strain . tc per .teet the NIKE, ..
L .
hew lone Hculd it tc:l\:6 to _perfect tho in Cn1liblc sd.uccrs? If '.'IC harl ~par~ i
fectcc1 the inf~lliblo snuccrs, HcUhl we ~ti1l PQ buil(linG NIKES? . ;It 1.s ~
r .
. ns sir1nlc f!.!J --tt1o t. , .' , . ,
vic Ch 2llC!l!~l; Cl!1Y (' l1 to shoH U3 CVicloncc tt1~:-.t woulel stcriu Up lmucr
.... ~
..~ ...
scrut:l.ny, tm1iof.1.tins th.< ~ t the s~~ucors cf tho p~:~t seven belen '~ to
_,r_ \:crld cc vcrnncn t . I f this evidence is n.vr.ilnblc, nnd is ln. . tho i1X'l~5
. of cnyDnc oxccpt - C.I.~~. or the Pontn.r,on beys, we .succ.:cst thc.t
. h:-:n::l..s cc die. c.. .hole . sor:cwhoro uncl puilil tho hclo in nftor then, fer the
fnt"s in th .-) fire .YC)u just don't co nrouncl, cr.thorinc TOP SECRET dp-au-
l non tec1 evidence en -nn~'" .t~ir l<'crcc devol ~pnont~-.;.1 t' s D1POSS!B~!! 1'
' .. ' . :' : ~.
...~ .: . . . . .

..Jc.nucry 15, I255._______ /~3Q __B_1J1lu:UJ-*---------~Pc.r;o Bi;:h t __

0 DDS J.~ rr .n ::; N D S (c "'1~-;
\_'.. v..... nt,c .-.1)
~ .. .

If so Mr. Trun~ ':rill surely rr._nk with vlo..shincton Me~ Linccln,

tor the n~.licn vJhich succooc~s in buildin: mel n~nninc tho first s~tel-
11 tc will force po~ce Uj:>Cn the w:: r1c1---o..nd th0 Hussio.ns N'l c1 c.ll their
11 ttlc p1!1k frioncls vrill hc.vo to like it or lur:!p i t
NmJs~ 'EEK f e r Jcnuc.ry 2.Y. stC'tcs in it's "i;e risc 2pc" Scdti e;n, th~t
l1ic1~1cn in ~~ir Fcrco buc.1 cet is n sizc..blo h-unk . f e r the sole j_) ur~J:Jso cf
buil~in~ n sctcllito. ..
\le (.1~.slUco hc.vinc: to l_)uncturo ['. pretty scoop like thc-~ t, but it so
happens thc.t in tho sur.-:ner cf 1952 w infcrncnt toll1 the Director ::~d
l ..rRo ncnbcrs r.bcut hnvin: seen r.. c~lsc-shL:.ped opjoct on blueprint o..t
vlricht-I'c.tters:;n in 1949. Flr"US fer tho Sc.tolli to? We think sc~
. .... . . .. .. . ... . .. ... ......... ... ... .... ..... . . : .. : . :: .. .: ... . .. ...... .... .
. .~

LD1.i"-, r:RU, J:c.nw:ry 9, 1955. "Ln : Crcnic~", Line. c1o..ily :)~per, c~c
r-.tcd r scns2.ticn by -cnnc uncinc tho.t rui f er the flyinc s~u-
ccrs ~sh :'rc".Jt?bl1 :" b~ sc+"'d in+ the zc:nt-? ctffi~~hct)h}-1~rnn~n Ri v(or,bin
J. C nr 1C ... C \ !On v -en uO say D~ :or
b Br~zil.
1 COJ1 IJrC ~ . Y .;.nor CDil
4 .. Dor_ 1 1 J
onc~/or"l) invcstico.tors trr:vci to trio o.rco. .i n soo.rch of such n &.lsc, the IJc.pcr, c cos c11, tho "Lc. Crcnicn" cc:rros pc n c.,_cnt fer thnt
t:~.rcn hc.s rcr; crte c~ the s e trr.vclors . td:inc' trip s into tho junc lo towo.rc1
Brc.zi~. , r.ll(~ the fr e qu-e nt 8bsorvc.tiur~ cf sr.uccr::; ever the 1'rujillc =:reu
me. l'cru. 1.'h-J l'c-~:~ cr then eros on tCJ roccurit tho sit:;htinG of c. sc"uccr
ct cl c. .sc r:ncc l[!S t Juno 'hy the crov-r cf . ['.. B..,29 Flyinc Fortress
. l

------------------------~--.--- .-- .-
. . ..

... .
The most cor,lprchonsivc nnd detailed report on tho rer:l f::.cts of
George J.. dm:1ski 's book, "Flying Sq.uccrs Hnvc 1<'21ded" wns publi shod in
the Jnnu:::ry issue of NEXUS, c..nd authored by Jones \1. Hosclcy. Soetls-
tho..t Hr. Noselcy h[ls ht:.d his doubts .CJ.bout tho .:cuthcntici ty of tho J\.dnm-
ski rovcl2tic::ns portc..ining to lo:lg-hairod- spr:co mcri c:md meetin gs with
one o~ thc::1 on the des e rt in 1953. One. of tho :t>oints brought up v:~s
one cf our he s t r:.rct.O.lC:nts nci;Jns t .the fc.ctunl nc. t'urc. of the story, c.nd
thc..t ,;::.s tho pos.:oibili ty thi'.t such clcrr footprints C.s .. ivorc clc:.~_Dcd to
be fom1d, could be produced iri dry desert. srnd. .. . .
1~ few things of '1.-lhich \VC were not nwo.rc (boQnusc we h:td n ut consi-
dered the whC'-1:-; thine; -vrorth '1.-;c.sting tir.lo on) wcro .t:lOntioncd: (1) Th~t
Miss ~ucy McGin.!'lis, Acl~Jnski' s secretary, h2..d. pcrsorinlly purchc.scd tho_
plc.s tor cf P[.ris v.rhich Georg(; Hillirnson hrtd 'just hc.ppcnod to r...;.
long with hiw' ~t tho tir.lo of thc..t fr..tcful meeting. (2) Thnt one of
tho sr.uccrs iP.. one of s1:i 's purported photos to bo ,llls idr:
the .!.1.9scone . lir. ~._:::-thur C.-Cl[lrko, in the JournG.l . of the British
Intcij'Jl~n c t~ ~ ry Society, N::.rch, 1954, b1ought out this point, :-nd
str ted thc.t tho pcrspccti vo in t~1 c pictures of the "scout ships'' is nll
wrcng 9 ['.__YJ.d th::'..t tllc picture s c:;,pp :::::' r to be p~9t.os of smc.ll thins.s seen c-.t
close rnnr:o, ro. thor th~~n Jnrec tlltnGs photoc:r:Jphcd with the ().il cf the
tclcscr-pc. . .
If Nr. Hcselcy or Mr. Clnrko would like 11 r,ood project, they r.dcht
. try locn ting r-..n old no dol of n sm' gic r'l roor:1 lnnp nnd note tho s tc.rt-
' ling rcscnblrnco bctwocn the 'scout ship' rnd the lnnp. \'lith a couple
of split bc.lls to add; it \lould mn1m n boL>.utiful saucer
.. .

l .. PHO Bulletin z

~=~ y \

l~Ithcuch it is n o t tho policy, WO feel cblir~cd, ~- ri V1c'W cf tho

unusu::l ccrrolc..ti ons i> a.ppc:-:.r a.ncnc utmy cf the rC'ccnt Scuth i~cri
.., l
c~ rc~;crts, t0 sot f~: rth n few ccrmonts hnc1 nn hYPot ~lCsis cr v.!c.
C c r:cc~ninc tho ::uthcmticity c.f tho nost in~crtcnt rc:1 c rts (i.o.,
ccntncts ;,.,rith o..."'lirlnl cccu:)o.nts of so..ucor-liko'tol1J.G vehicles) we
would Jib:: to point out ti1a.t (1) the r.mjority cf these si.::htin : s "Wore
r.n'.~O b~r .LI..~D.~ of roq: lc, m e~ tbat thu cyc-\olitnoss rq)urta 2.:rcc in
o.ll :1cj cr n.o r octs. (2') 'I1ho norv:-)us u:)set :1n::l /or p r c st~ati on cxh ~.1 itccr
by t::t':l/ c f these ro;:Jcltcrs cc uld h<:1.r.Jly be .fnJccd~ (3) 1~.1 th c uch crc s-s-
cxr-,nincc1 by coct;.;rs, c]_or;.:y, police n..n<.1 Naticnal Socuri ty (Vcnozuclon
version of H.V.DQ), no oyo-,.:it:':loss ha.s 'brckcn' t c a~lr.~it - hcr:x cr fr::tud
of cny l:in~~. (lt) Our Vonczuclnn ropros-..,ntntives vlhc scroonc c~, trms~
lntod r'm1 fcrvi2.l"cloc1 these rcpcrts non cf sinccri ty nnJ into::ri ty
bcycnd rcprrnch.
~'.]'h~t '.l o thc :: o vis5. tors locl~ liko? They uro un<lniDcusly 1cscribcd
ns hairy dw~ rvos nbcut 3 foot in hci c ht. They were r c ~ c rt~2 in ut one cr.~ ~c to vlon.r a s ~Jnll cnrnont like n loincloth cr r2.ia.:_) or. They tl.,r~ eyes Closcrihoc1 ns clawing in [";. t loc:.s t cr.o cusc), L'.. brc~~thin:::
n.pcrturc, bnt n c ncsc o.s -such(\ Vc don't lmcw ,.,bothe r they hnvc r..: outh.~
or n et. The ir fin cors nrc n~o rnod with shc:.rp cl~ w s. Since nc cno re-
P~' rto c.~ whether cr not t hey hr,vc th1X}Js vro t l".:J Y , since tho __ _
lr,ck of thtu'b s i>loulc1 be lH: cly tc . nttrnct rJ.C.l'O tttonti cn tho.r1 tno ::'ro-
!) Oncc cf tbu;.11JS. Tho se chn}'Lctc~.;.~_ s t:i.cs cr::Jbln:;ll \vi t!l 2. shcrt, squr.t,
hd.ry bcdy c :n:; loto5 tho :licturCJ ns wo hc.vv 1.t n oH. It's a. little
h2.rd t o rccc rt this, isn't it?
Thu fir s t o.:n(J n os t pr c vr.lont c...bjoction we' vo ho ~. r ~-~ runs s c:-1c thing
like this: "I c::m' t bc ~~icvo . tha. t such rmint. l-1 il:c bcinc s c ct:Ll hc-vc
r;.ttain~.;d tho sciontifi.c l:nJ':J-hcu ncccssnry to build" --.;.J.
li tt10 c-r'. r J .f1.:l c onsi c.l ur.:<. tio::-1 \Till she''' that this is F..noticn spc2.1-~1nc~
n o t R.:;~son. \ic o..rc, nftcr ~ 11, :'lHi:Jnls_. (n vory hich t:.T;o cf n.."linal,
of ccurs c ---~ ri: .1 2.tos, yes---yes, inc.1cod~--but n..'1i n~ls ncncthclcss) ~cl
whn t c~ul c.~ ~ 2 n :.j rc tb~ ru1 r..niur:.l?
Well, lot's c~ll tho= bc~st-likc, then (icnorinc tho fn.ct thnt
ssno n c n h::.vo pr oven thc l~ lsclvc s ~o be =~e re boa.stly thc.n cny ronl ..
thn.t eve r li ve d ) but n o u c:.ttcr_,vrhc..t. we c~llthc.:1, \rhnt wu ror:.lly n c~ is
si!::ply thr..t they !Y' 't h1flf!'!-..:-l~J:o. This, then, rovc ~ls tho rc~~ s.our~
of cur cb j oc ti c n-.;.- htJJ , ~m V1llli ty. Via hru:1 ~ns :::,rc s0 intclli :-~on t tlln t we
just nnturnJly o.Sst.1Llc t hnt ~ ny c thcr int o llj. c ~nt bcinc n ust lo::k like
us. v:c'rc o..:t'rni;1 v!0 1 11 hclVc t o it---little rmiry <~wnrvos c . .: u}s;!.
be n. li t.tlc s n o.rtor t :lr'J l w-:.; .
Nc\. r lot"' s n.~;riTy 1lnln to the ego Hi th tho follcwin c ccnsidorc.tionl
The hc'..iry foJlovJs ncy be only tho servants or slaves ar tho bruins be.;, ~
hin'1 the ~:! c;x:; n t~ct.n prcj nll, 2.rcn' t the y oncr:otic, _ Q
~thlo tic :Joys--- .1n~l <.len we t..ll lmow hat nn ~~~ - bro..wn don't co to- 1
cothcr? C1hntovc)r th ;.. t noru1s~) ~ - ~~
i~ll cf ;,..rhich lcc.::.l s ri: ht - intc nnothor of the nystory----ncr.1~
'ly tbo rcn:;.rknblo ~-: rc1ross cf the li ttlc ;.:uys. They rc~)c rtccuy " their sc:.uccrs hove r in~; cnyHhoro fr on 2'~- to 6. foe t frc :.1 th ~ c rcundt '

.f. : .
Jonunry I5, 1955 l.i'RO Bull c tin race Ten
- i

C 0 M M E N T i.. R Y (Con tinuccl)

and onke their entry nnc1 ux:!t ~~Y lcnpinc. Now, n six-foot lcnp for a.
3-foct oninrl is n pretty [~ c: ~- 1 :--vcr~l!~e nl thcuch scvcrnl of cu:r cnrth could nntch it. Durinc tho rctn.;rc j_ncidcnt, cno of then threw
o. nnn 15 foot. This wcul(l be l;rotty coc(1 'r;:::> r:-. TV 1-:rcstler \.rith rc.;;.
hcnrsnls, ~rc t., They nc t only cc~n cl isi'- 5. ':; CHt, ;~ho7 co..:~ t.::.1w it, too.
Gcnznlcs~ c:~tcni'tj_nc tc: n }'o tct :ct::.!'c, i'cl-t j_t slirl-.:J off c. hn.rd
suri' \Jjtrcnt pcnct:i.--ntinc~ F~l_crc.s~ o;-n vlith tis st:c-~ cun
succccc1i~l: c::~ly in bro:-J.dnc it ( t~:c GUllJ-~ 1l:.'1<.1. .so.ic1 it folt lih:c b(' was
hit J-.;l'
l_, ,L. .. ' -' .... ror- 1 - (''!" so--1n-lh
-t-~I A inr '
L_. ,J.-....._.f')
._.,("...,. . .
Hn I!G'lL~ l;U~o to su::ccst r:t :Joint the. t when cc;nfrcntcc~. w! th
objcc-'.:s o!' ~::..t:.inticris c!l'tircly nov; or stic.r.:_:c tons, ,.,o_ t-::;r1.r.1 t.c) ::.n;~_;r-
p rct '~- :,.,,_.... or. +-1c ;~
:J.l b~~1.,.
~.. r-.-"'
v.J... or 1'n .r>l"t~r~
~~). 1J
,~r>ovlt . "' cx,cr...,
J. . ,.,s
' -"-1J-..
""-"'-{...1. _. .: ... '..t,~lUS
., . J ; . , 'l~.~ ~ L! ~

n. st:i'::.:::_::.;. 3 f:Jo~ t.oJ.l ";:.(LIJN.1 is 1ncnpt: y C'~t1.lcd ::. fl_:.;,:nl\, J:. :1c.~ vJ ~- --:n he
roveD. ,. hi.r::s :lf ~o :Jc s t::-cncor x~d - nero o.cilc;. th::.n \-TC c:~o~ ~ c.-!.::-f to :t
be C'lr i r--,..,,t- rn ,., ... ...,r.,.,.,,r~tcs
' .J\ __ -~ .. ~ _, .t.. 4 _._ ... _ '-.. '
'-.J, f..,ct 11,.-+11 ~.-; ... t.,., ..n,.tr.
v.h..t- I. L.~w"'"' t.;:.J. -w-~
. , ...,_::.1:-c-..k-
-; __
,~,..:... J. , - ~.!. .. ~ ~ ~ .- ,., .l ._ .........

1 J. r'
_, , r,r1
! \,_,' , '
. 0 , , ,

f3upl)csc, fo:r the so.ka of r.. rcuno!1t~ th.t these cror.turcs C!)QC :'roo
a- plnnot v~;ore tho fcrce cf ty is c <:; nsi (lor;.~bly stronccrc T~cir
ere~ tor s '.;:roi1Cth r'.nr.1 junp:i.n;: a.;JiJi ty _vmulc1 1..Jc ~ lccic~l rcsv.l tc.. G'1n'"!' - -1
znlcs, who .:;.ttcn;_tod t.:-, c~pturc one, rerJorts that ho vr:::.s surpris~_r:::;lY ..
liGht L"1 Hoj_c_:ht~.:.~this fits ~he pnttcrn., t;r:o. i .rd ccnsic~e:L" thi~ ~ Ll..;.
thcugh tho :~~orc.:>f ..nan 't.'T.S m!C'.I'C' cf l}cmznJes ~ prC'scr:cu., Gonzc.Jes ,,.r :.; s u.blc
to app_ T'o~cL-.- a .:.1 ::-''ld cu. .t:J. . ~.._) . ..._ e -r-itt~
r..,anr 1
v - 1-,i':T" ,1;-l(',
.. 1.--'- ~ 1:-J, o ,.,..,(~'"'T'
J ...... t...... c'"'n::!~~~lj1C'
l-'~~ .~ ...... v ,.)-,or;:-: ~.. .-. "'''
--- ... -.i n
La.i.! 'J ..

(or 2.ny ph:r;-;ica:.;.. cr8C:ltU:::-~?) w0~ e::'f.~:::;~;i~.;Ed:r c:-:.r-r.-yj_ ~c:; .l~:J.: t~ ~ ;,:-~ il:.:. t~.::'
amount of :i("i,:::ht, h0 '.'OLtld .lt.i~c-)J;( t:~-:~d ~.~o ge l.: o ::f ~l-J::_ ;::/1':!8 qd.t.) ,:;::-,.c:;iJ.y_
and find e~\~ns:v8 mn:~ 3- ~~Jers 2.. li~.:::l.J cUfi'.!.~ni:~ ... I;-.f~l~~ eyJ 1by.;.
be ,,re s~1ot:_ _rJ. q,li t w~1~. le 've .! r 0 w.::::~~"j.~:-:g <)

\:r:;j, t 2.~-, o.l t tha hc:-crd sJ.:j ::5 ~".J. , ~~~xt~:rr~a= s:~r! 2 ron ma~--~e '? Th0 hairy
surfacs a.p:!J:::-.:(~_(1tly hie! <m:r :::usc~'-8 G'J.'!:-.l:.:r; j:: "> lt.:; L'e JJas a"ly.., G!1o gue;:::$
is as go ~d as a!':othcr m1 tt:Ls ::_;oL:+;f)
Cne rr~2ss~~rJ:::~S ;:1_s:;:;.:::r:t to -~;-lG .-: 1c-lo aff~:.:::.':' s-cD:ns . to be th&t here, at
last, wr: hc;.'Je r0.po:ci~:.; of 2p::1.c1J OZ! ~_,;rcrs ac: :~.i"'-'3 ~ilJ't~)st C;(actl:r ~ .s ':l-C.
would &ct if position3 wore rcvers~d~ In thG first place~ thby seem to
be chiefly con.corncd '>vii~h colloc:t-ing bot- -?.i1ic ,l~ m:d spc:cimons
while attracting as lit~tle attent:Lon a'3 po::;sible?- Hotc tll8.'S -t~:: ei!' only
attemots at hc;;.iry-ca:>ry (pun.) oc~U'!:'re:i vho.n their scuv2nir-::ratr.cning
was . in; l<i.,Tt::;:rt~.i'1 ::J.y _:tJ.itor:i"upteQ.o- '-~l"l/3::>~.; kic'r c:.:::;_Jing at_t_cmpt.s b;c!ll :.r:1 be
half~~2:ct~..-t:~ti a:1Ci 'pocrl~r org8.:1ized C;) so.y . i .~1J:: :..:;ast..:._..;,~:r00:::oly. prc:Jl;_Jted
mo -re ,_,., hr"" tn.,.. :._c_ . ., i- t;,<' ., ru1-:ri v ..h... l "';:;- C- ~ ., . ', 1'' -: n -:-~1~ t 1. .. O',r '-' .~.. ., : .. "" ,..,.., r

. t..-p ,..- , ~ ........ J , -"~\..olo..... 1- ..
.1., -.--.- ... ,v vJ.
~J.J..u .J.~-,>o.J'(t
' ~ ~.-!v
~ ,.~... l... ...; .,.J.. JL._. , ;

grc.vity ~remise (a~~cc-r._:Jo.:rded 'Jy thi~~:r;r ci+;m.-,.spi1orc 11s it p~"conr.:l~r uould

be) is cn:1ce:!:;J the h::ir'y follO'v-iS sr .!o~1 ran cu.t of stoam in 01_i.J' thirmcr
a tmosphQ;:o::} and. Hero Cl~icfly cor_cc:i"nc_ wi t.h -.~J1Capaci ta ti.:1g o:> rou :::::.e
thoi::. i.::~trtld.o.cs 2r~d ;,l?.1 <: :~; . g thc:Lc p:~~~;.,;,:lltFtY

He/co c::.l-'30 that ):l:r one ,;c;npo:._ (ci..;:;!.dc fro!:l those crazy fin.gC}~~nai_ls)
d oc.- no.;.. ...:,) ..4 \..
C'"'(' ' '1
..1\.... -H-
+o .;
[; r
--n-,r-.'' ,,+-01"
.. \. ~ i ..:.-' - ~ V.I
\.. .J..-
1, ,
, ,(')
VJ. ..
... ..
U,...l '-.1"

:' :-
.,..~ _ ..,,; , \. )
G0"'"'" 1 ,..._ .,..
.L-/. ~\,...n J
rn .
\..,;io- .. .

ported t!::,t -tho rnJ..,f:I.:C. 0EiU:JCd h:Lm lusc I'!O.~_,scJot~STC;~S but d.iri 1lJt im~ cc
mobiltzc L'tm 2.:r.d th<.~.t z-~J '" r s J. .:: to:r- eJJlc to recaLL HhC'.. t oc~urrcC. durtng
t his por lod o:f -..:r.~o.nsc 5 O' s... This so'J.nds a lit tJc orld at first; but
ossentia.lly the sarne phenomr;non co.n be p::-or5.ucod t~1.rough hypnotisnc Joe
Pnrra reports thn t it immo.<Jilizoc~ him but dij not cause him to lose con..;.
Littlo hns boon ~ddcd to previous disc and sphcrc:.;.crn.ft reports ex-
ccpt pos~iblc tho burnud mnrk left by tho s~ :.ucor encour.t t::::r>cd by the l:',.,ro
I l
f young hun tors. (Con't on Pugc ll)

l _- 1
~ ...........------ - ---

' "' II"'

Janunry 15, 1955 API:O D':llotin Pnge Eleven

C 0 H N E N T A rt Y (Cont:Lnllc(t)
We still don't feel just.:_: ,:_uc1 in assn:.:ing that nll UFOs sighted in
recent yc['.rs \rorr>pilotod by :u ~ .-';:'..e".::i. ted r..lmost-mon. The
reC'..son bein~: that those li ttlc E:;~)ys shovr nu.ny 1 ~1C.i:::!L'..tions of being ru~
thor now c..t the Sor.tehmv, j.t's hc~ rc. to ns them with mGny
of the l::.r1:er cr2.ft of muny sho..pes. thot bc..vo boon. around for n<?W;
tho disc..ppcoring t:;rpe thnt crnised over ~!o. shington, D. c.,
tho mc.neu- ,.
vering li3hts, green fireh~lls, etc~, otc~
r'urt!1:)r doto.ils on tho iucidc!'lt: Gustnvo Gonzr-..los reports
that tho dHo.rve s he cncoa!1tcr6d -vroro at-cirud in a. sort of loincloth t
(he comp~ rod the1~1 to dio..pc~.'s)" Such o. ski.1:1 _py gr.rmcnt ndorning c, h::Lrd, j
hni:!:'Y body vms oov'lously r,ot lvorn for ,,mrmt:1 or pro":ection, \!hy, then? .~
For ret's on.s of JT1o~lcs ty ~ of co<;.rsc ~~ &'1otber charactcris tic in co1.F:on ~
v:i t:1 u:.:; bt.ublo b:.1m.::1IJ s, Scrir:,"J.l sou.Jco s at tri buto tho cc..uso of humnn ~

mod 2s ty t o th e orig1n~l sin~ 1'

Do Jc,;w h~i ._7 one: s ha vo c:.n ortginal sin cf thoj.r mr_;.? Or c~Ll their 1
anc c s ::ors drop o~ in days go:'l.'J by nnd sn a tch C1.{ frc ril th~t SJ l:f-.
s Cl.D:o tree?
1.Jc "1-:onld l :Uce to tho.nlc the members for the mo.ny got.:.woll co..rds
ond letter s of encourngamcnt which ~rrivod here shortly nfter the ~o~ 11
, ve:mber Bul:!.etin Hns PH.dled. It night o..lso :;..r..tcrcst sor:!e r:enbc:rs :,:, f
i lmc'l'i th::tt Hrs <' Lorenzen is imp::.'o-.;j_:1g in hc .:U th c.nn. feeling b:::tter c..nd t_

-~ better ench dc1y. Aftor the 2.ttcmr,t to trn.nsfcr Bulletin uor~ t'.) Los l
' An gc}_es r: d, she H::ts faced ,.,:~. th tHo ol tornD.tivcs---ci thor c;ivc: up .f
; the "HCl"k ent.i -rely or strueclc nJ.on;rc The 1.-:~ tte:r, of course, ITCJ.:J the .,
fin:J.l de c i s i o:n, lilld \1/0 s incere:Ly Z101)c th::t t the Y'I.C:\.r Dnllo tin formnt moots .J
..,. ~ , .
\vj. th tlJ. c ::-.;y p .i. 'OV ~ l of cr-ch ill.d CVCT':{ ..i\PHO mcn1.b cr., '-~~
Lette rs hove st.C'..c1-;ed up on the Director 1 ;:; do:> k .s:l.ncc the 'hig move r1
to Alc-. mo c.; o~do, but she hopes to C:"'lc.mtunll:r got time to o.nsvrcr c c~ ch ~d .1_~
every one . In tho mermtimo, 110 bope no onu will feel neglected, for "

c~ch t;:;~~:;,;~:J~~:~ ::~::: :~~~::~~~:~::~ :~~::-~ ~li ti~-n

Aerial Phcne;ncnc.. Rcse;o.rch Org~:nizc:.:. tion, 5}9 Ne:H YorJ~, Almnogordo, NcM
u c: of the ~~-"
Nexico. ':L'hc Enllotin :is issued C-'CJ7 othc::: m:mth to me!nbcrs in good .t
ste'..nding of so.tG. orc; oY1.izC'..tion, 2nc! is only to mombcrs. Tho f
.bcri:--.1 Phcnnncnct Rcsu~: rch Ore;;[;tion is D. non-profit g:rcup clodicntcd i.s
to the evc;ntJ..:<r:.l soluticn of the mystery of tho unidentified fl;rins ob-. . ?!
jcct.s vlhich boon r-r,)scnt in tho skies nbove tho onrth in ever -in.; _ J
cre:-.s ins number!:~ sin co- 1 CJlt6 e In.eli vid u.11 s who ::re sincerely int :rc~s ted I;~
in th,_:; cnlpi!cl ~nd anvo c <~ tc c. lO"JC;l-lwndcd nnd sc:iontific course <Jf in- ~
vostigct5on of s~ma nrc cordi~lly invited to join the rm1ks of the nem-
. t
bc~s. Ivic:1bcrship duo ~: !lro ~13 . . 00 por ye~u, pG.yC'..blc semi-cmnuC'..l1y or
. "
DTL."'1UC' to the ii.erio.l Phcnc1n.enu Rosenrch Org:m i zu ti on n t nbove c.ddrcss:.e ,

Permission to reprint mo.torinl contQincd in this paper m~y be ob-

tnine:d by -vrri ttcn req_;.:est, This Orgrxliz.ution C'..nd its Di:::-ector reserve
thcl right to refuse th::.s service to r.nyone when It (she) docs not be-
lieve .,.,j_}:;_ ns ::; in'ormQtion to tho best advcntr't.;c ~d in the best
interests of tho Orgc-:.n izntion :::nd. Its mcr.J.bcr.s, j
. - --------- --
~ 'I
t LU_ __
e .,:
--- ~- ~'77''nll
:. <. . ) L
fhe-..''_ ll .. ) \._


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...... . ... . . . ... . . . . . ..... . .. ... . .. . - " - . . - . . . .. . - . . .. . . . .. . . .: . ... . .. . . ... ....' -- . . . .

. '

-VoJ~.m0. , ?::n=
:oQ.,_ .... .. :~ - ... .. :: ~.. :.->~-P-:~).J .. :1: ;~5. J/:.:J... .,....... ... :. -~ ~:~-::~ . _ lTu;~~9.~=: ..?Aye

.nttil VfHIFIL~llOn OF PUHRf IDLIOtnl

- .' ' ~
- . . . . . . . . .. J : . . ... . ~ . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .

. . A :s.tartiib.g climci.."'\: to the Gonzales incident; in which two en-.;;

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . .- ':.. . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . ~
... . '
. . . . . ... . .. . ... . . . . . . . . : . . . . .. . . . ..... .,

giiiged :tn ' ~ sci.tftle witli hairy qwarves (APRCJBtU~etin, . 15'Janu~ry, 1955)
near caracas last November,- is the fact that a '"~11 knO\ffi Venezuelan.
tioctor . sai_.r ' 'the scuffle and was in vi ted j:~o .the Uni t~d States to mQke
his statement to authorities .therG lthough APRO has the name of the
.. man,, .. i-t ,.,1~1 not , ~G revealGcl. as he has aslwd that his identity be kept
cohfid(?p. t" _, . . :, . , . .. . . . . . .. . , . .
At the -time the doctor \1&~ interv:ievJOd by AFRO repr.csehtatives,
he hnd just got ten his trrwel pc.>pcrs in order and \vas .about to make
tpc .,trip north to . tho Uni~od St2tcs. Eis story is as follows a
..He hc:<<l . turned into tho ' stro~t in \vhich. Gonzales and . hip helper
were scttfflir:.g. \':i th tho 'littlp. crc.aturos, and . upon scciag ;the men
and j[ha,t was taking place, ma.dc haste to gel; out of the vicinity as
fast as .h8 dould. He did not mP.k c a statomcn t as to \vha t ho smv un~
't il' he W"as called bn to t!"oat :tim . otho r ,individuals HhO \vcrc involved
with tho mysteriJOus hairy little b-ipeds. ,Ho thon (:!Ontactcd .thc au~
. :tnor'l.tics.. and told his story. The fact t h.e:t 't:l:i..:> nic:...;1 p}":.n ncd a t rip
to ' the' Urii ted Ste)tes indict'..tos' that the 1Jnitc d Stat\; s Ai l~ ?.') :~~.; vln.s-
q'l ii to G.Pepizw:t of the hrippcn1ngs 'in South Am.(:rica during t ho

. .,~on~h.~..~~lij~~:.~~:~~o~;~~o~i~ltati~~tc~'' ~,.~~
, , It is indee d sur'p l"i.sing t hc:t no mention hc s boon rno.. :~o in. the u.s.
no\J~papcrs 6r. th_cP.otal~c; Ct"::torr, ValcYlcic _nnd Zulia en6oi.mtcrs. A_ .
. reporter told OUl:.. C.::.T8.C2.S rcpl.. csontc ti vo . p 6rson c' l1y thr.t ' a~l Associa..:
.t od .Press und Unite d Press wires roceiv od the stories ~:rhich \lore nub
l:ishod in
:Fr.Qnc.c , Itnl n.nd some .o the.r Eu~op o nn countri e s .. .Str:mzor,
it soe,iri's , ' is tho fQct that Hr, i:-.iillor of. Btisinoss He el:, 1-Ir. A rnold
Dible of Un:ftod Pross ttn.d Hr. j~oh.'l.. Scholl of tho North An eric.:u1 N o\>TS~
. pnpcr. ' vlo.rc_~ nl.l :coincidcn t nlly.t in C rLr n c~s 1'10 DA'f'S AFTER TBE
PETI$E INCIDElTTl --o.::-Lnd mncl,c guu::ded comments in. gene r:tl r.bout th..:;
UFO.' prob19m. ~ . . :- . . : : . . . . . . . . . .
~,l'lEZuEU~; s9IENTIST~L.STllOiTOHEi P~O~SSES: .D::;LIEF.~~{ ~H~RPtJJ~~T/.RY UF()
Dr. /.niccto Lugo, u Vcnczuclc.n r:stronomor r:.nd sc1cnt1st who 1s very . D
wqll O.ocumqntod on th9 UFO problem nlso believe s thnt tho1 of ox~
- , ~~citcr :rc~t-rini drigih ' nnd ht~s. c?npilod nll - tt.H~ . r_uthcm.tic V9nczucl nn (//
1ncidqnts . into book :to~n wh:tcn 1s to bo publ1shod. shortly. J.s "soon n'&/
informo. tion ns to the t'l.vnil o. b:l.lj_ ty of this bool\.' rc~~c bc ~r :us; it \till
be duly iinnoimcod; , , vin- .tiil.i:s pr' so t):w..t :.memb e rs mny ptir.c hnsc. seine.
.- 1
. r
April 15', 1925 AFRO EuJJot:Jn Pogo '1\ra
much to expect to cover, nnd ino..smuch ns we did devote tho Jcnuary is::;,
suo to Sauth i'Jnnrica nlmos t exc1usi voly t we will hit tho high spots.
this issue nnd give mora space to tho s1ghtings which hnvo warranted
nttontion in other parts of tho world~
. THE PETJ\RE ~SE took Vonozuoln by storm--:::a group of intollectu.::
als nrc now intorostod, on~ [ arq following up the matter seriously by
moans of nrticlo~ in ;tho 1.oc01. p~o~s~; .r adio. and -tolovisioi;L programs.
What caused quite a stiT also was the declaration .of the; f'tf.nd ~tak~ri {
by :the BRAZILIAN AIR FORCE, '\llherein they are requesting the lini ted and
cooperative efforts of ALL GOVERNMENTS toward the solution of ; the UFO
problem which, in their opinion; based oh factual observations and
photographs, merits serious attention and study. The local (Caracas)
press devoted whole pages to a briefing of Brazilian Air Force effie~
ials in Brazil by Colonel Jao Adil Oliveiera who gave good. . coverag~ . to
the cases mentioned by MAJOR DONALD KEYHOE in his book, . . . . . . .
,. !lecembe:r 1, 1954 :/ A,. s trange glowing apparatus was seen hoveri~g
a few yards off the ground in BQrburata, Venezuela. It was seen in the
streets of the village.
Father Jesu,s Hern9J1dez Chapellin, a Catholic priest, saw a lum.i ...
nous disc flying over Cora, Falcon State, on December 1, 1954.
~p.e passage o~ a UFO in front of a plane p{loted by' Saul Paex
Paredes, spook the plane and conkols and frightened the pilot so that
he returned to . Maracaibo. The date: 2 December 1954 .
. . . .'

Dr. Hilson Heri.ry of the Pennsylvania Observatory, who was in Car~

acas on Decentbe-.r 1, 195'1-~ decla-red that the UFO are n.Qt the result of
imagination or of collective psychosis, but are space.;;ship's manned by
visitors from the Planet Ma:rs, . .
Astronomer Lugo reported in September, 1954, that as he was obser:
ving'the moon at that time, he observ~d flashea of light inside the
era ter Kepler. Tvro nights after this, Nr. Venega~, secretary to the
Minister of Communications, reported seeing TWO FLASHES OF LIGHT (of
one and two minutes duration) on the borders of the Crater Copernicus.
. THOSE_ W(S TE_R_I_OUS EXPLOSIONS At I: 07 a m. on the morning of Thurs~
day, January 11, 1955, people smv ap intens.ely blue light in the skies
over the urban section of Los Palos Grandes east of Caracas and heard
simultaneously the report of a great explosion, A complete door~to~
door search of the area disclosed nothing, Some thought the noise was
an earthquake, and one woman said that when she heard the explosion she
rushed outside and saw a blinding, intensely blue .light disappearing
in space over the Avila mountain, Others also witnessed the blue light
phenomenon. .
"~ . .

And then there is the case of the radio telegraph operator oJ

Panamerican Airways at Haiquetia International Airport, who had a ner.;
vousbreakdown after his experience with a badly misbehaving machine
.Authorities blamed the disturbances on atmospheric disturbances-, but.
others point out that it is exceedingly strange that the worst atmos..;
pheric conditions ever experienced _in Maiquetia developed during the
A::.p~r:::..i;:;.;l::.....:::l::...5~,.....:::1J9."""5"'"5_______ APRO_j3ulJ_e tiq__ ----d------=-P...:;::a=g=e......;T=h=r:_;:e;..::.e
passage of the hurricane along the coast in S~ptem~er . 9[lc3, , 0cto'b-~r,: 1.9:$4., ._ .
and nothing unusual happened to the tolegrl'af machine e The telegraph
operator, .Palac;L.os, has boon at his . job fer six yoar:s, and it: is th_e '
first time ho had seen acyt~1 ing of tho ldnd.. \'lha t .happened -to ,tho ' :
., machine'? This is not exactly clo.:u, but it is known that WHAT CANE IN .
OVER THE :tvLACHINE is '"hat caused Palacio great concern, and it is alsp
known that a detailed . report was sent toNiami to be relayed to an a-
. gency in.. tho United States, This on December 2, 1954. '
Despite these and 111any, many other authentic a ted reports of
strange explosions~ li t tle _eyoloss and earless hairy creatures, manc1,1..:.
voring fireballs~ gl0\vir1g discs cmd globes, the news wires of the free
press of tho United S~atcs have been silentg
A direct denial that f)UCh censorship 'Was in affect was made to a
Hr. Sal]). Stickney of the Tampa Florida News~ A columnist, .Stickney had
written a very nonsensical . column about a trumor of little men in South .
Amercia 1 which \vas ove:!:'beard by a Control -Tower opera tor in Tampa while ;
two airlines pilots '"ere discussing the South American si tuq._tion by ra..:.
dio phoneo The Director, rel.tbE;r peeved at the attitude, wrote to H:r. .
Stickney in order to clarify a feu points, Hr. Stickney had insulting..:
ly mentioned AFRO in a former column. This caused Mr. Sticlmey to aslt
press wire representatives . if such censorship \vas indeed in eff"ect, and
had any of the incidents the Director had mep.tioned, really hitpperied'?
No, they said, laughingly-----of course not-.:...:.and they artd the laughab;Le
Mr. Stinkey had a great time chuckling over the "High Nogul" bf saucer..;.
dom they had 1 flushed 1 , Mr. S itinkey is a sickening example, of the
popularpreseBt trend-to lazily blieve everything in the newspapers
that has first been duly digested by the 1 authorities 1 , ru1d thereafter
sit in judgement on a subject about which~nothing is actually kno-vm.
Someday perhaps Hr. Stinl~ey will find himself 1 flushed 1 , Red in the _
face, ~hat is. We are going to keep track of Mr. Stinkey~-and his col_..;
umns on this subject are on fil~.

AJXtl _s~: lf70 c :: e _U. S. Vv<etZf1 cn j .

We sincerely challenge the authenticity of any info~uation offer8d
by NEXUS to the effect that th~ UFOs are the property of the u. s. mili..;,
tary or that of any country, as a matter of record. We -v1ould like to
caution anyone'who has been given 'reliable information' regarding the
real ownership of the UFOs----the Air Force isn't telliRg anyone the
truth and any little '.on the sides 1 a:r;:e as false as the explanations
they have been feeding the public :t;or so long.
We w.oul-d like to kno\-r: If the UFOs are u. s. weapons, vlhy do we
endanger the lives and property o~ people Pll over the earth by flying
the things along airlines routes, often buzzing planes in flight'? If
they are earth-made, .what kind of scre-vrball oUtfit is allowing the u.s,
to plunge into debt to the tune of a few hundred billion in order to
research and _p roduce the Nike, the Falcon, the Aerobee and other highly
fallible guided missiles vlhich cannot begin to approach the performance
of the UFO? It is a well .known fact that the guidance systems which taJ'e
the life blood of guided missiles, will never be dep8hdabJ.e until are..;
liable vacuum tube has been produced----and it hasn't to :this date. The
electronic guidance systems vThich are the eyes and ears of a guided
missile apd which would be the means . by which a UFO type object would
be controlled, are not .even nearly perfected. -One little vacuum tube
APRO .Bulletin
could louse up a whole missilc.;.--and thG saucers haven't .crashed_;,-~~ .
thC;l t is' to our knowledge 0 . '

We . would also like . to knml why Air Force personnel get so shoo~ .'
wtt~n - a
UFO is spo~tted near a basG. It's happened,}:} 1mow, .and' each
time excitement mpunts,. careful observations are made, . and all avail~
able tracking instruments arc utilized in or.der to get as much .data
as possible . As for the Air Force statements that there have been no
results Mith the special spectrographic cameras, we 1 11 challenge , that
one, toot We happen to know the~t such a film was taken at a research '
center aRd after being classified, was routed to higher headquarters.
Jim Noseloy's (Editor of NEXUS) claim that the special, much-
lauded ca~era~ w~ich would, supposedly, disclose the nature of the sau~
CE?rS' 6nly cos:t a pi ttanc'e apiece is decidedly Cff~base to say tfi'e .
loastl The .. things were made j_n Hihmukco, . Wisconsin, ond at the time
.... the .order was p1gcro<;l qui to a f;mv people in the employ of that company _,
W~'J'o rejoicing. at; thi_ s nqgo, juicy contract1 A pittance' YOtl. say? Hard..:
ly : thatl The total ' o~ponditures on flyin~ saucer investigat~ons would
make many a: taxp~yer wri tho. h ). rig~teous anecr if they wore to know the
~xa~ t amount~--apd. ~h.o . fact : that 1~ves t1gatioris arc stopped up
wd.:th regular ;repros~ntati yes in countries of tho free world really makes:
the blood boilwheh we . sJ?.V .d think of how little of the results have
-been made public . :. : :~ . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . .
. ' . '

:. ' . . . ' . ., . . , , .

.. '

' ~

. One statement made QY Nr. Hoscly which ' th~ Direo'tor W01Jld like to
personally chel,J:enge is his ,s~atemont o,n pa.gc 7 df tho Harqh issue to.
the effect that he doubts tha.'t America 1 s higho.s t skilled sc_ientists
have been undqP contract . to . oVal uti t~ sai.wer 'reports. . The D~rector . .,
talked .' personally tO pr. J'. Allen Hynek, professor .of astronomy P.n<i phyOO:
sics at Ohio University at Columbus, and Lt. o1sscn o.f 4ir Tochnioal ..
Intelligence in June 1953, for a porod of .a bout 4 hours. Both of the
men were deta~lod to invostiga~o . a report at Darlington, Wisconsin, and
made many other similar trips. ~r,wr that. Although tho taHt :was .,invalu..;,
able insofar as a di-scussic;m ..of authontici ty of ropor:ts and geno:r:ai.
sch:mtific knowledge o~' astrononiy was concerne~, she did not learn much
ih regord to tho UfO-"'!~those intelligence boys arc pretty sharp. We.
would also like to challenge this statement in the light of the s igned
statement in the hands of Frahlt Edwards which ' was wri tton by qualified
:rcientists in the employ of the UnJ ted S"tates government. Just because
Nr. Hoscly is'not aware that a situation exist.s 1 docs not necessarily
moan that it QOOS not exist. Since Hr. -Edwards is a pioneer in saucer
research, p.lso a no~~.od.. and dependable news analyst and announcer, wo arc
more inclined to b!21 ieve him than Mr. Noscly.
Hero is sor:te added information which may interest Nr. Nos ely: . Most
of the officers doing rosoar'c h work at \tlright-Paytorson are aware of .
the saucer building projec~s. Also--..;,wo defini toly know that saucer.., in-
for mation which gives any .kind of detailed dnta :is. classified . top se.-
cret. Our :source..:.--it 1 s as good as Mr. Mosely' .s..:-..;and we can honestly,
hnnd-on-thc.;.Eible say t hat vie fear the conscquGnces if we revealed it ..
Have to cat, you know!
,.. ' '

On the subject . of the yearly cost of P-roject Grudge, 1 a few thou.:.

sand a year' -is the und.erstatement of the year. One hundred and twenty
April 15', 195"5 . APRO _Bulletin .' Page Fi vc
military investigators at $5,000 each- per year (assuming they arc all
second looies, w[\ich they arc not) gives us about $6o,ooo, and .-that
doosn 1 t begin to scrape tho surface on UFO exp:~nse problems The
grid eameras---tho salaries of tho scientists "{hom Nosoly doubts, the
'. paper and tho people to process the paperwork, the IBM machines for
proce_s?ing ~data, cards-, operators for those machines, tho hea'(y c.ost .C?f_ .
.. travoll~ng for military and civilian investigators on tcmporEtry duty--..;,
it all adds up, and it adds. up to more than 1a few thousand a your.'
Lastly, but certainly not loastly, w_o wou.ld like to know v!hothor
Hr~ Mosely considers tho Farmington saucers (hundreds of them, :accor.;.
ding to observers) jqst a ,b.unch of u.s, secret weapons on pnrado? We
doubt that tho u.s. had gathered enough dope to oven build a jot~prb~
polled manned discoid nt that time. However, there they were, _cithor
with pilots immune to G.. pulls or with perfected guidance systurns, doing
sensationa~ acrobatics in tho alr. Defying tho forces of gravity and
tho laws of physics as well.
And then thoro was tho young student who accompanied a team of
sciontisJs to a desert area iil tho . southwest to examine and dismantle
a saucor.;.shaped object. No bodies, he said,iand all they could find
that might hnve had ~ything to do .with : propulsion was the series . of
:magnets fixcd . in a ring.
A. few years ago, shortly aftqr tho epidemic of strange lights and
,.aeriol objects - in Northwest Now Hoxico, a young tech sargeant wandered
' away from the rest of his crew vrho had been detailed to investigate.
He was found huddled like a baby and babbling and crying intermtttent-
ly, He is now in a mental institution and any mention of what he saw
on that night throws him into. a fit of de-p ression, babblirig and cry.:._ ,
1ng. Sqme ,people might have us believe that this unfortunate :rndfvi..;
dl.jlal merely sa\".,r a u.s. s~cret weapon. .We have the names and addresses
of the people who can., verify the above informati'on~-.;,we do not .m erely
say _'reliable source 1 ( i !t :1s much :over-used anYiTay)_.;._.;,ra ther, wEf sa.y
that. these, sources . al;'e unimpeachable.
. It . is much more expedien t at this . time of international crisis .
. and . economi'C instability for the u.s. government to insinuat~ 'that tj:le
saucers are mer,13ly hallucinations ahd/or our own military secret wea...:;
pons, for if the . truth \vere suddenly disclosed, a wave of hysteria in_~
eluding suicides, economic disaster and disorderly flight from the un..:;
known to the unknown would be in the offing. They're actually _pretty
slick, aren't they? It isn't hard to plant inforniation :\vhen there
so many Jotmnu-come-Latelies in the saucer business who swallow ' any.;;
thing _and everything in order to 1 scoop 1 everyon.e. else _We .o~d hands _
(8, years for the Director) :just sit back and p:).ug a1ong~.;...:;gathe:r; __re..:
ports, authenticating report_s ' examining -reports and .. pJctures' . .;._.:we ..
don't knov! anything for sure..:;--no documents, that is..:;_.;;but we _have the.:
aries based on facts -and they are ,worth far more in the long run than
the . torr the cuff I revelati-ons of the Air .Force or . any of . its .cohorts.
. . :, . : . . ' . . t. ~ '

. . It 1s always easy to .kick: a -man . when he is already <:town and who

is ourrontly the target f or all the would-be 1 exposers..:; ..:;bul we think
a great injustice has been done in insinuating that Frank Scully let
April 15, 19 55
---'"_....._._ -~_..AP=..;R~O Bullet in Page Six
. ' " ' .

himself be ske\>tered. There arc . ~ great many fac:t.s which would appear
to indicate that Skully . wasn't _t.Blking through his hat, and. time vlill -
tell. Remember the old ' sayiRg..:..:.~"The truth will out",
. ...
_ A/LUIS' _ _ , .
Our friend Horacia Gonzales sends us a very interesting hand~ .
sketched reproduction of the Piccolomini area of the Moon. This re.:.
productiqn is copied directly from Plate No, 1 of Lick Observatory
Noon se.t_ Photos. His study of the photos revealed that very nearly the
whole surface :of the Moon is cov0rad by strange markings with sharp
corners, ;i.nterlodking lines; all of which seem to be connecting small
cratarlets. rt would be an understatement at the least to say that
these strange markings are interesting.; also, they do not appear to
be the work of Old Hother Nature. ..
Dr. Aniceto Lugo (page 1) of venezuela last se:p tembcr reported
that he observed flashes of light inside""the crater Kepler. So no ac-
credited . astronomers have observed these phenomena, eh? What does it
talce to be ac ere d i ted nowadays? _ . -~--
Mr. D.a vid V. Lansdon of Ca:tro, Illinois, sends us a very nice cut-
. ting from the PRINCETON ALUMNI WEEKLY which deals vli th "Travel Through
Space.'' The author, Lyman Spitzer, Jr., j_s chairman of. the Depa:rtmmt
of Astronomy at Princeton, and one sentence parti9ularly intrigued us:
11 \tle ~uspect that plant life may exist on Mars, since the surface turns
green in summar and brovm in winter. Perhaps there is animal life, too,
possibly even intelligent life," Nr. Spitzer is one of the few scien- 1
tist \ve have ' run across who .isn't afraid of conjecturing along tho se
lins. Incidentally, member Lansden is a graduate of Princeton.
The LIBHARY RESEARCH GROUP at 408 International Building; \flashing..;; .
ton, D. c. sent us a .flyer on ti:J.eir "Case for . the _UF0 11 by H. K. Jess:up.
The advance publici.t bills l'ir. J:Jssq.p as a 1 form~r professional . as.:.
tronomor of the University of Hicb.igan \vho sgt up an observatory in .
South Africa." We have no verification of this, but are chocking. Inas~
much as this Bulletin is late, anc1 the next . ohe is not due out until
May, we can only say that mombers should use their ov.rn discretion and
-judgeme,nt in buying this book---at least it is another book for the col..
lection. I,n fact, our Hichigan mom'6ers might do a little independent
checking and let us kno\v tllo results_ of their findings.
Members may be intorGsted to .know .that the Director and her family
are planning to build their home this summer, and as sooh as thcy _are
nicely . settled, woul~ like to extend an . invitation to all \vho may vTi_sh
to .llisit. 'Ea.-eked up against the S~ Andreas mountains, thO. .homesito is
' a full acre with :beautiful mountain view :to the North, East and .South.
It will afford: a: perfect observatory site vrhere the Director vlill keep
her four"":"inch Skyscopo in -vro:rl<.:ing condi-tion
. ., at all times.
. ~

. .

.. We have lost two AFRO members to the grill1. roap~r in the last two .
months,: . First to go was Mrs. Alice Gallaudet, , age - 70, of Esse~, C~nnec.:.
ticut, yh6 ha:d been with us for two year.s, On February 12 Walter Ragon,
former Treasurer of AFRO, "succumbed to. a .heart attach at Green Bay, Wis-
consin. We vTish them peace and happiness on the other side.
April 15, 19 55 APRO Bulletin Page SeveQ .
. . ' .. ' t" - .-l .

CR liCCCE~1T DCGDI TI 0 k1 CG ' .... .

Ap:r1l 5, 1955, TWO ~RILLIANT FIBEBALLS, one a bright kel!Ly green
and the' other brilliant whi toT were observed over New Hexico at 0955 .
a. m. These objects., seen by Airlines pilots, military observers and
laymen, were not meteors said Dr. Lincoln La Paz, dir~ctor of the De-
partment of Heteori tics, Allmquerque. In fact, Dr. La Paz said he did-
n't know what they a~e.
One night in February at Dexter, Maine, a man was awakened by a
very brilliant light outside his house. It s.cemed in the direction of
the barn, and thinking that his barn was on; the fellow rqshed
downstairs to look. Instead of the fire he expected, he observed a big
silver object hovering over his barn. The object threw off very power-
fUl beams of light . ~hat lit the place as bright as day. It took off at,,,,
high speed when the man turned on his .porch light. The incident was re-
peated the following night,~ whereupon the frightenaq man notified the
police who in turn notified tho Ai.r Force, Air Force investigators ar-
rived, made their investigations; cautioned the man to be quiet and not ._
to toll the newspapers. However; people stil;JJiralk_ about odd and inter-
esting things, bless thorn, p.nd_ so although e.v on the local newspapers _arG
being cheated out of news, we ar.o not! Many thanks, Nrs. Nary c. Kim..:
On November 9, 1~54, 1230 A. M, t a young . coupld 8t namaacus, Ohio,
the wife of a young ham radio operator turned on her.husband's radio set
preparatory to calling him on his mobile.unit. She had the set tuned
in and waiting for his .call '1.vhen she heard a rumble outside, The noise
was deafening and rattled the vlindows and dishes.. She looked out the
front window and saw a huge oblong object hovering overthe high school
just across the road, It appeared metallic and gave off ' a pale .glO\vf
but no other details were evident, The thing appeared to be about 100
feet long; as compared with the section of the school over which it was
hovering, She soon heard the sound of a low-flying jet, and the obje_c; t
seemed to vanish, After the j-et d-ircled a few times .and left, the ob..:. .
ject appeared again in the same place, Soon it va..11ished again; just af-
ter dropping a small sparkly object on or back of the school, The wife
was extremely frightened and in a bad state of nerves \'lhen her husband .
returned home, Both had observed .pFO on previous bccHsions, but had ne..:.
ver reported for obvious reasons, We can thank member Walter N vJEfbb
for this interesting report.
TIFFIN, OHIO, . 1:20 A, M~ .Apr. il,8, A mysterious, green pear-shaped
light floating gently e2.rthward in the 1~ at 1:20 a. m., was reported by
meteorologist Stanley Day, Day said the object was green except at the
upper tip, which vias white, w:Lth a dot of red at the extreme end. He
. also stated that it was app.are.ntly a long ways avJay, probably over L_a ke
Erie, and tremendous in size. Day said he was a complete loss to ex..:.
plain the object for it was no astronomical or atmospheric phenomena,
the sky was cle9r and there were no planes in the area, Here's another
'accredited' observer ror our -frienc;ls.. in the. Air : Force
Apr:Ll 15, .:.1955 ----. ----
APRO Bulle tin


Cobalt, Ont~ CANADA, A lir;ht described by one vli tJ.1.ess as brighter

_ _ _ _ __...;P:...:a::::::.~f:.i.e::... ]:j.JID_t_

than daylight and said by others to hnve c.1.::tnced, moved in a straight '
1 ine und hov_ered, wax seeri in the north ;_,:~ce in the evening of Dec 26 t
1954 . Willis st. Jean, employed Bt .n mine three ndles north of Cobalt.;
said he was in the mine Yf.lrd "VThen the area was illuminated by a -cone
.. of light brighter .than daylight, VIhi'ch ccune from n gio.nt lighted disc.__
Stronge lights which moved c:.t greet speed nnd in circular direc-
tions~ were reported recently over Milford, _ Mossachusetts~ No dnte
this clipping---~>re ns sume j_ t to 'hnve he en in February or Nnrch,
. Cincinnati, Ohio," Jan. 20. A big blnck 'blob 1 was observed in the
Southcnstcrn sky at 5~25 a 9 m.. A Hr~ D2.Vid Owen . ~aw the thing ond
watched it n:S it de sceri'ded -so tlio.t it appeared to be at about the height
' of a tovm tower. r:rhen 1 sri.fd Hr c. Owen, . it s t2.rted to. rise again toward
the Southe~st. It went out of s1ght .w1thin 3 or 4 m1nutes. Not smoke,
black as in}:, Owen ,. said. The ITcc:therman, A. W.. Walstron _of .the u. s.
Weather Bureau, said. he coUldn.' t explain the t-tring 1 ---it was not snow
clouds nor smoke' a..'1d l10 bcllo0ns were aloft.- ..
' ' , '

__ . t On his _noon nm.,rs~as t ,on

KFGO, Fo.rgo, North Dal(ota, Paul Harvey
men-cioned an unidentified' disc '~>rhich has been found, The date of the
newscast wc:s April 14, 1955 and the fev7 feats contained herein were
gle9-ned by a ch[mce tuning-in ~JY one of our members. There must be one
APRO member \vho knm-rs Hnrvey or' t.t 1 ens t could get to him. This one
sounds good, so how nb?ut it, someone?
; ; . .. . . . . . .
DurlnG the lnt~cr pnrt of J411.Ur,ry, a strrmge blue light was repo_r -
ted to be bobbing in tl1e c ir over tbe Blue 1-.iountains c:..long the Weston.;.
,Elgin .highway near Ln GrMde, Oregon, First seen by n snowplow tenm,
the object would stop when the driver stopped, bob up and down nndthen .
. sideways.. When first seem it seemed to be comingo.t the men nt high -.
speed. Af:ter doing : ncrqbettics~ the thing moved upward o..ndvnnished o.;.
_ ver trees to the left .of the meP..;i emitting n hum. The driver star ted up
his vohiclo, .n nd the blue light' r'oappearcd in the sky to the right .9f
the high-vmy., cmi tting a bluish~ g1C?"' vli th on occasional blue flash-....:nnd
then vanished. A week after. this incident, [mother snowplovr driver
stopped to check bne of hts chrins ond .whs surprised to see that he was
cnst~nB a shadow. De lo6ked up to see D. bobbing blue light from which ,~
came a humming sound. The driver started up the plovr, and the light fol-
lowed, Then it moved leisurely dmvn the' cnnyon. No sntisfe,ctory cx-
pl[mc.tion has y~t pc-9n offered~
' .
. Aucklnnd~ New Zealond, Fcbruory 6, 1955. A mysterious explosion
of. terrific force shook the -vrcst coast .of N.ew Zonlrnd 1 s Soutn Islnnd,
People reported seeing o. ' strqnge silver shnpe flash overhend at the
some time. Observers at widely scporoted points dos:cribed the object as
cigar-shaped and emitting _n dnzzling light andtraveling nt high speed.
They said it !ost altitude ns it moved inland toward the Southern Alps.
The explosion was hear.d and fcl t over s.e voral hundred square miles ,
February 9, 1955, Tokyo, Japnn. Army, Air Force nnd Japanese mo~i
time officials were at a loss to explain the 'awesome' blasts heard a-
long the eas t-centrnl cons t of Japan. Japo.n' s Central f:Ieteorological
Observntory said thc:'L t the blnsts were not cau.sod by rm earthquake or
undersea volcnnic eruption. They. also said there was no evidence thnt

--- - - - - - -- - -
April 15, 19 55 _____.__4EiiO..li_ql_lJil}. ____ Page N~ne
}_. . ... / .. .. . . i ''. .

THE BLASTS vJERE HANM.A.DEl Tho U, S. Air Force snid they couldn it. h; vo .
been to blnme ohd thonrmy likeuiso denied credit for the phen~nneria . :
J.n r:.tomic . explosion wns ruled out because there were no ntmospheric.:
ra.din tion: chnriges.. .
. ; . . '
.Dunedin; Flo:ridn USA. ---Fi v~ a.du~ t wi tnesses . observed ~l brJght .
reddish-yellow ball ntout tho size of E\ b8sketba.ll which brightened? .
then dimmed, bu); romoined motionless ih the S}{y: for about five minutes
nt 10 p .Ill, Janu6.ry 2?. The observers silid that after wntching it for
fi vo minutes, ;t_h.eY sa w it tt;tke of~ . r~pid~y :t o the south. The light
;went off_, tb.en npponred ngrun, F1nally 1 t disnppenred,
;, out of South J~.mericn, comes nnothor sighting mnde by quttli-
fiod obs e.;rvers .rmd \vhichw;i.ll . go. p. long wny townrd . convincing theskep tics,
On F obru_pry 2 1955, Cnptain Dar;i.o G~li$. ,nnd his co-pilot P, J. Cortes . .
of tho Linea Leropostnl Venozolru1, (:a~irp.bst J.irlinos of Venezuela) said
that they came ne~r to . a: top~shdped, tri~colorod obj~ct while en roy.te
to Barquisimeto, The men C'.hd thoii two described tho ob-
ject as having n series of port holes nnd 'shovling three colors The
top was green, tho center rod and emitted brilliant fl nshes of light;
nnd the bottom, which vms v:hi te carried. a series of port holes. Celis
des_p ri oed fl:is CXperionco as boj_ng 1 t.he most S~Sa tioncl experience in
his career as a pilot', Thri oHjoct ~lew wing with the airplan~~ and
rotntod coun torcloclnriso on its 2.xis . Both pilots spotted tho obj ect
ot tho some time, Colis put the plane .into a 40 _d egree bank whilo Cortow
wont into tho passenger compnrtmont' to alert tho passengers, mMy .of
whom got a good look at the thing, .. . .
The nirlincr, upon hnving' 'nta do ' .cont~ct w.i th tho ob,joct, called the
tower nt B,..nrquis'i~oto : =nnd durine; description .of the obj oct, com~
municntion wa~ su<idenly suspended, This fact .i s corroborntod by tho
radio opcrntor nt Bnrquini'moto nnd also nt Valera. This sighti'ng t;ook . during n routine opornti ori n. t 11:15 a, m. betwoe n Bnrquis imeto
ond Valera., tho plnne's speed wos . 125 m.p.h., the nl ti tude .7, 500 feet,
nnd Tisibili ty UNLINITED.~
On Februa ry 10 n:t 9:30 p. m, residents of Cnr .o cn.s \vero stunned to
see n huge disc-shaped obj0ct \Ati tb two brilliant lights on tho underside
cruise over tho city. Tho lights wore compared in size and brilliancy
to those use.d nt stadiums for night g_a mes, One observer called n member
of APRO who is well-known in Ccrtlc a s for his work in UFO research. Ho
thon gn.vo tho member a sketch of the 'object and the details. This mnn
hnd boon unawnro that o'thors had soon tho phenomena and did not ro n.lize
that there had be on other witnesses until the article appeared in tho
papers tho naxt day,
On Fcbrucry 11, n Pnnamerican pilot told reporters in Maiquetio.,
Vonez.uola thnt on one of his runs between , Miruni, Florida, and New York,
two s'trc:mge reddish-green objects hnd passed beneath his plene. He
snid that the co-pilot and the pnsschgers also saw the objects, nnd that:
he hnd been silent about the s~ g hting until after he made his report to
the u. s. ~ir Force.
~A~p~r~i~l~1~5~~~I~9~5~2___________ ___J\?O Bull~c~t~i~n~-------------------P~n~g.e__T_c~rt

. . Quito, Ec:uado:r Februory 16, 1955~ A:.:J:> Force Captain FranciscO

Soloranzatio while a roL~tL1e fl ig :':! ': \vi th his . r:. a.uad~ observed :a.
'rilliant o~ject . which lc1ol:ed lj_Le j_t vms Emde of alwninmn, shaped like
a half orange , with a sol"'t of dmtie in the center of' the supper section
and with a circle in the lo-v1er section The object remained statiopary
over the volcano Pichincha (in the Andes) then began to descend from
an,aiti.tude.of. approx:ima~ely lB,ooo feet The object r~mained visible
fo:r. ab.qut two , hours, mov1ng slowly about the sky, then JUst before ..
.spee-d ing out of; sight, i"t; emitted a small lighted object \vh.ich disap.;.
peared at a great rate of speed in the opposite. direction (west) .
Nore th<m 100 ~ersonnel of the Air Base J..There Captain Solor-zano l8.nqed,
watched the mant:;uvering objects for some60 minutes, Photos taken. .
. A disc.:;,shape.d. object with a lighted cockpit was observed ov_c:;r Ta.:.:
lara, ~.
Peru, on J@uar'y 16, nnd vms pursuad by a plane from a . local air-
drome . ThJ; disc , iiw..neuvering at some 20,000 feet,_ soared higher and
h~gher until. ' it \vas ont Of" sight, eluding the plane. ' Peruvian Engine~r
VictorPool ' ~tated his belief'tha~ the base of operations for the mys-
terious craft was undoubtedly located in the Huanuco region.
' , ' L

. f . . . ~ .

. L An orange-tin ted light closed in an a commercial a irliner in the-

Y:i.:cini tY of Punta San Juan, Venezuela:: at 6:4-5 P m. January 2, 1955.
Thl pilot, co.-pilot and b1o other c!rew. members watched the thing tmtil,
at close range, it focused some kind of bright .l'ight into the cockpit
of the plane, at intervals of a f\v seconds.
Residents of Ha11izales, Colombia were privileged to observe a very
bright C?bject over that tovm in the .evening of January 6' 1955, The.. ,
object off strenrners of brj_ght light like flare-rockets at .five;;.
~sec ond intei'vals ~ This pbenonena las ted from 7:30 p. m until 9aJO
P .m. wheri it v'rulished townrd the Andean range.
A new type of 'scucell conto.ct' has come to li~ht, this one .
Mexico City where, in Auzast Gf 1953; n taxi-driver encountered n sm.a ll
man in the country while repairing his eutomobile- Other detail~: . The
little m,an had n 'pretty' fo,ce Hhich was almost shO\v-whi te behind his
helmet. The helmet looked like 1 an Amer-ican footba.ll player's . helmet, .
with coils where the e.ors are, ond on his back the 1i ttl<? man had _
squ<:!re protubercnces. The helmet buzzed, he hc:d lone hair, a blue.:..Col-
ored belt 1.ifhich appe8red to ~be perforated. The Ii ttle man said .the belt
enclHed him to pnralJrze any ru1imal 'or mechanism, The craft itself, .is
describedcs nn nlmost duplicate of Adamski's famed tri-lnnding-geared
outfit, and tho.t, coupled \ri t0 the long hai:r, nnd claims that thl lit-
Ie man could spenk oily lnnguat;e; made the \vhole rumor sound . lil\e too
much tequila or n lot of dreo.ming at least. The Qlaim that goes c;,long
with the story is that invcstie;ation showed a spot almost completely
bar~ of vegetntion, end thnt PHILLIPS Laboratories . hod come to t~ce
samples of vegetation fuld the soil~ . :_~ v
If anything solid comes of the latter, it could -be thata chance
meeting was stretched a bit, o:nd later reading of Adomski 1 s book helped
the mnn to fill in some of the bare spots in his story, ~ .

....:A~p:::.o:r:..=i-:l_l=-5~,J,.....:::l:L;9."""'5'"'-5'--------_.;:.;A;;:..P=RO=- Bulle tin Page Eleven

A letter from one of our members brinGs up the following: Out
of the many commentaries ort the Jnnua~y issue, only one member felt
the "Commentary" column to be superfluous. This fellow felt that only
10 sightings and three pages of commentary a little out of balance,
Our answer to this charge is this: We issue this Bulletin six tirne~
each year, and perhaps once or twice will theories be exploited--~the
rest of the Bulletin is confined to important news and sightings, ~e
feel that after reading most of the other periodicals dealing vri th J,JFO,
especially those which usc most of their space for the airing of va.~
rious and sundry theories, the APRO Bulletin is doing a pretty good
job of reporting the FACTS,
Another member~-~nnd a fairly new one at that, upbraided the Di-
rector in a recent letter because of a doubting_, rQmark regarding Adam-
ski and his friends. Tho plain . facts are these..:;..;,..:;APRO is a research
organization dealing with fa.cts..:;--not a religious organization dealing
with dogna. As for the accusation (indirectly put) that the Director
or AFRO are in longue with the Air Force or any 'pressure groups' we
will so._y this: The Director vras investigating saucers before a lot
of the new 'enthusiasts' had gotten their feet Cor their ears) wet in
the s:ea of caonfusion that is snucer research. During all this time,
starting with 1947 (\!hen the Director saw her first UFO) she has never
been in league with the Air Force, and has consistently fought for
the reyelation about the facts on UFO to the people of the world- ~ow
ever-~sho has never insisted that the occupants are human or other~ ..
wise, as many are wont to do. Anyone who is in doubt about the Direc~
tor's intentions need only contact Major Donald E, Keyhoe or Frank Ed.;
wards. Written votes of confidence by both of these men are on file
with the Director.
The Director vlill forthrightly say that she will personally vouc}:l
~-. for tho sJg_~tings made in South America nnd for the persons investig_a~
ting them~~ono of whom is a !Linguist, amateur astronomer of yoarsl
standing (cmd respected by professional astronomers) whose profession_.
is technical translation, This man deals with facts and each and ev.;
ery sighting forwarded by him and authenticated by h{m has undergone
exhaustive investigation. Most of these contacts with 'hairy' little
men have been authenticated by physical evidence found gy the-police,
cast with Adamski, Botherum, Angelucci and others, who have never b~en
able to get tho consent of their ~space brothers' for a clear photo~ .
graph. Any space explorer who wrua ted to get an idea across to the in..:;
habitants of another world, would at least furnish his go..;,be~veen with
tangible, bGliovablo evidence. That has not been done.

ThG AFRO Bulletin is the official; copyrighted publication of the

Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, 519 Now York? Alamogordo, N,H.
Tho Bulletin is issued every other month to members 1n good standing of
said organization, and is obtainnbl~ only to members. The Aerial Phpno~
mena Research Organization is a non..;,.profit group dedicated to the e~_
vontual solution of the mystery of the UFO. Individuals sincerely in.;.
torosted in n level-headed and scientific course of investigation of
same are cordially invited to join the ranks of the membars,
. . .. .
' ~

G3 OJ 'ILlt [f TI 0 ~
_, .
~ ~~~~
:!!! ,_, . /-Juqu .j't l95~
~ '!..'
II The Caracas; Veneztlela Daily Newsp~per, "El Uni v~-rsil" carried .
e.!! almost 'Ylcird sequel to the events of last fall \Then on Hay 7 1955,
1 1
1 t:1e story of an cnc;i.nGer s lencoLmter ,..ti th a sau cer <::i.d it's uefu.!lct
'occu.p8~1ts in 1950, i-Ja.:; aired for the first time i-Iitbin it!s pt>.ecs.
Ou!' Carne as infor!'1on t, l1ora~i o Gonzales, fOMT arded to APTIO ale:n::
one p~.c ture taJ.:on at the spot, the follmrinc story: -
th ,.,i

Doctor 13 lres clriJ:ing 8lone tho hi2b\Iay about 75 miles from hts ...
. h~tcl in e11 isolo ted rcc:~. o :1 celled D3 hi a Blanca in Arr::en tin[', '. !hen
. he saw tr.e metnllic d:i.Jcoido oo .jcct re:Jtin3 on ~llo cronnd to his J.cft
off' the hj.~: :n.'i.tJ' Fie st.or~er'l. ;~ 1C Cf1r t o ir~ve~tic;ate anc~ j_n mocij_E' ccJ.y

decid3d it Ll ~.'~-~ t ho one of t he much-ell :;~uss<::d 1 fly:ing sc:ucers'. ~:e

W?...tch0d it :i.' or o few nonen~s to sec \thf!t it \1Guld do, 1m~ o~ -not l" ~.~-H~
tool': place, be approa c hed ~t end sav.r c:m opcnin[!; 01 door 1n 1 t ~ s ?H.. e.
H'J loc!-:ec1 i n sHJ.e and it appc8red to be empty. There iT::;s a rcC:L l:.:ht
p:D.s8 t1.n c L1 the dor.1c at j.J:! of ono second. Cu.ric us, r~e ~Vent
ii1Si c1 o m1c1 1-r;;s sur,)rj_scd to ~~ oa 8 sort of curved divc:n u:i t i1 t~ncc
:: or ts ~ hro 0.l' 'Hl1tch \mro occt~pi,; O. by small boin t: s cove ::.' cd frc :-, ho~d
i . . to foot ( cxc :.;n t f or an ononir~r: for t i1o fc:~co) in n ki 1d of t i: -;h t- .-1:'5. t-
I. ti.n e OVCrC~ll Of 8 1JrO\In color. ;J_q___~;_ :t:!J, l['tC ~l,__ _tt~ c__ h_c :L,:ht --- Gf i .hQ__jJcines
I . to _be ~bOL1_t . four f c ~~!-.-_JnoTr- -rnccs so911o-a -:>::hariQd o~ on~nt, --'~L~l:0
'' ort..s 1_.r11cr c tho -eye-s snculd hove _.b. _. _\Another of t .lc ll tt.Lc crea-
tures \!r:s sp:-a'YTlod in a so8"f'-s~ ua.tcd ip apyrox:tmately_ ~he ccnt;r . ~r
' - ,t l10 cnc}.os uro. . _1._ 'i{ .- t!~'1..kA" -!-':}-eo .- ,tZ:-d-~~ q-
te-P(..c-cD '- C'-t---~/V.-1, _ fl-Q
In :rro11t cf them uas a screen with rays playing on it, _don
top of tba ~crccn was a glob ~ of ~lass or other transparent matcri~l
w!' Jas r o t ~ ti~1e. An unzovcrnablc impulse urecd Dr. D to tcuch or~c
tJf the ere a tu:r'os, snd j_t fol t stiff and rigid. It \'las then, he st. id,
i. th~t ::;ov.w :i. nn cr voice told hir11. to ,cot out ns soon as possib:tc as he
' was in the pr 8 scnccof 'stroneo lifo' ond he rushed to his cor and ~po
' o,~,r ct !:ich speed, not-sto,p :i nG until ho reached bts hotel. He rc..=
l~tcd hi s s torr to v. few int'l::;D to fr1.onds ~nd orrt1<Jd Hi th o. como:ra,
they dccidocl to return. But L:J nirht hud already f['llcn, r.n(~ dU;:) to
ttlO is ol e t.:t :m of tho rcelon, they rcfrrd.ned fror.1 c;oiric thP t very nigh
'Jut rottn"lV)J to tho pl<:cco the next day. On roccl'dne tho spot, all
th~ t ".las found uhcre tho ~isc had rested wns a harp of nsl'les.

I, D:r. B. tool-r 2 pictures of t~10 ash honp end each of tho three men
I o:_ the group nctunlly f c l t it vii th his hands "'hich turned n purplish
I , .

Doctor B. cnc~ his friends vrcrc wnnc1orine ermmd the si to lookin-~...;

j l . ..

t ~ ~ : ,: t
_. ' /-:. ~ .

,": . - :.:: ..... ~ .../~-

f ...
~ PH 0/,u IIefi n_t----:------.P,__ri..._,~gi.-,.;;e~t "'l

for nddi tionn.l clues, ''!10n upon looldnc upHa rJ.s, they SL'.iV throe ob-
jE~cts. One of thu objects Ho..s ci r:: 6r-sl1;:pcd ~:nd sitLwtud e1t o very nl ti tude, end the other ti-ro olJjccts \Tc:r o 0n.d smaller.
0'1e of the disc8 was hoverli1g L'hove ttwm ot an e s ttnwtod hej.;;bt of
nbout 600 meters, and Dr. D. e~tinated it's diameter to be about 10
muters. He beGaL1 to tal:e pictures hurriedly. In all, he snC'tpped 5
or 6 pictures, only t-wo of Hllich show the objects \Ii t:1 any deGree o~
The eroup :Celt that tbey vrere observed dur_ing their sesrch arJ.d .
picture taking for the two discs shot up, lJERGED \vi th the ci;3ar-
shaped object which, after borizontalJ.y for ::1 sho:c t eli s-
tance, turned blood red, made a 90 der;ree turn and disappeared into
space in e1 few seconds 1 Bsccnrling vertically. The Dr. estiDated the
speed to be n.bout 12,000 kiloneters_ per hour.

Dr. B. told Mr. Gonzales during a persona1 interview, that u l ~

thollgh the object \'lhich he hr.\d enteracl had a metallic nppe:;.ranco, it
fe]. t so:rt of res il.ient. like rubber, enc.l t ;p::~ t uJcro \Wrn oo111C bolo:J cr
vents in the floor. lor wool;:s aftorv1ard he sn id, he suffered fl' om a
f(~vcr or hi~h body tempera t.uro and hi~ skin vras covered v:i th bl 5.::; tors. ~o~t
A.l thou2h he consul ted several doc tor.s, nono were able to din.r;nosc his
illness ncr relieve it 2nd it \'Tent av1ay after a time. Dr. L. had
b-.;on \'roar in~ green- tin ted sunelnssos ivhon he cnt.:::rccl the disc, ru1d
tho outline of tho e;lqssos H.:::s impinr;cd ~n reel aroWld both eyes. One
Doctor tested him with a euieor countor but coul1 find no trace or
rac!io~ct:!. v1 ty. Howe.vo:r, eroenish s;;ots were vi siblc on his skin 1 and
'Which diappcurcd "tlth tho application of Listcrine.
H:-. Gonzr.lcs, when he . i'or\vnrdod one ne.:::;ativo ancl tuo prints of
ono of the exposures made, also f1aclc a few comnorits nbout the social
stondin~ and chBractcr of Dr. B. Incidentally, D:ro. B. is ru1 acron2u-
ticel e!1ginocr ui th a Doc tor 1 s _clortroo. He is about 40 years of 2 E.::c ,
Itvlion n~tionali ty, and speaks Spanish nnd English. He: is an ox-v.rqr
pilot. Tho whole incident too~: plt":co 1J?. 195'0 in Argentina. In 1~153
Dl' B, moved to Vonozuele and did not eVo!1 contompluto tclltng or his
oxpcricnco until. after tho events in end around Caracas in tho fall
Of 195'4. . .. . . . .
Doctor B. cont~ctcd a reporter with the El Univcrsul fu1d told his
story, stip\l].ating thot his n.::.rao bo kopt clcnr of tho i.!'hole thi.11g.
This h:Js boon do:1e rmd is the rc~son tlu::t ho hns bo on roforrecl to us
Dr. B. in t~1is po.pcr. We hove cr:rofully excmined tbo ncgnt;i vo
prints furnis~1od us by Mr. Gonzn.les, ond h<-'VO dec iclod th8 t if p11v
picture~ purportcd to bv of LFO oro genuine, these certainly .Q..t~! We mmit1ng further dctriloc1 inform.::, tion rogc::.rding tho interior of
th~ disc, which will bo publisbe;cl in t:1c next issue or the Bulletin,

At this '\oTri ting, offorts rrc buing ncdo to ro,roduce t,.,ro slwtch-
cs of tho inte;rior end exterior of tho disc plus the picture of tbe
disc hoverinG nbovc Dr. B rnc1 his f'riondsl \titb ozolid focilitic~. If
th1.s is nccomplishod, ono co9y of occh \ii 1 bu a.ttc~ cbcd to t :::j .s bUlle-
tin r,nd ell members who -vrish r.;lossy photo prints of sL:r;1e mn.y obtr in
1 sumc by writing to the Director. V:o hope to hcve the cost of srmc)
.-.f' R0u,,.II_et .
WI I.- . .;l, I
tho nir rnd sp~cc V.chiclos tu t he~ Air I"orcc. Ther e ir. ;:,~ co :ct2.:in c,..:.
mount of supe1fid.r.l sense to tl1is, ancl. t:1e c.r,. d oi' t ' ~ :;.s iJ';'olc: busi-
ness will probrbly sec the. Air FrJL'CC builcJ.Ll,':': <'DL1 1 t:Ui!.c:LL1c; t!t(; s;:.t-
olli te rrcm the. 111_11 tu Stnds-Jio}lomrm Alt"'B o:r Dt:tnC:.i12.. RLUl l';ns{: ' VIi th
Dr. Obcrth prcsHllne over t:1c whJlc procccdinc.
\1c ::\ro inclined to f;:.vor Oberth ~bovc mon.y of the ctl-::::r .scien-
tists froin hi~ country for morr:l rccsons. :1o 1-Jr:.s cnc oJ.' t~1c fc1.r Gcr-
m~ns WhO StUC}~ to hts O'v/n country to help in tho rcbU:i.J.C~5..n:_;; ]Jl'Ccess
While his CXCl ted COlleDt;UC!:1 chosu r:nothcr COLJnt:cy, ~no~bc:.c
end the gl2mour t'nd sccuri ty of the Ar.1ortc 011 dollnr

.. . . . .. . .
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,{! ) , .:.od ::'. ~ he pt:ot"l[;I':phcc!. i'l~ , ).t ~; ::::b~ l' }" LF : t r l:L :t.C [;l :L~t c:r :L' .<~:d ? it 1

b :;r~ :..: E'O C': hlur <'ncl Vrr:.i.s:lud. J-.n J..:Ir r ' O'~CC: Cl.:.'.i.':i. CD1", ur<m lJc. inr~ < D..'l'l
t_ '->l c,:"t.'FCS
.J r '- S~id
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rc:: 'Jr.ction I!lC'.Y hovu been gc t!1r',;( f J ~ th...; pL~bli_c t!1r.cA:c;l1 r c.:-:r.Hnr..: c-::..:.
c:>d a~s c:;:" th8 cpiso(e :w rc p1"Qilp tly los t to hcpo ~, ~~ <.: !1 the pictures
-w::Tc shmrn c 1'YC :-.s:.1uccr club n:::osi<'l on t u;1 o 1s c in volved. i:1
i ..,.; t 1"'1 ""'"'
: .~--
..... ... J._.,u, etc e
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t:l0U.--p~ovin;: vtl Vtou t r, dcu Jt to the .t: .c\.'Sp ." 'pc;r mun t>_; t ~ 11 r c s:.:;c,r-

ck:.cs j'uup the t:un rnc.l nrc ovor-hnsty in tt..::;jr judc;

1 u. ,~,...
..)..:.. , t'1'
.. ._,_;""e
..:., ,.,.;cil
. :.: - v\...'l"C~
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S "-" o..J he ;!J. "'CnUl'ne ? SO 'Tiel ~ J.1 ' f 'l.o.L.
-.~, t I,c,r , ,,' l"}':f (1 l.'1C 0"'
.... .J_J...l .,;;.1v . :. ~ i.;., ~

thi.J ..lirst scucpr ~.1hctos over tc.ken---ov 0 r Fl1 ocn:L: , L i izo ~1~:: ~- n 191+'7.

k'1othcr one of those . mysterious 1 fj.rcbn.l1 s 1 vr~. s so un nccr c:_Hcm: 1

IG~3~.s:~-:.. on tho 7th cf l;o~r, Three mUsic5.<:'.ns rcturni .::- :; :rr~r,1 r. cl.C...L!.cc
d~ su w<:tchcd n 'grc1:'t bit~ fireball vrhicb lookod l:Ll:o ::; firccrc.c:~o~~ .
lho object appeared to the men to be about a half o mile 2way end .
~1ot very high. Jo..c}~ Sch<.'.ff, one of the trio, said it dis~cpp ecred Jn.:..
,t o the ~1~-lls afte:~. obout 30 seconds. I
. Hem~er Stephen Seach relayed the follmJinc; report fro m RocJ::?oro_, 1
Illinois. Un:Lortun1:1tely no dC"te was rrivcn but v!C csstl!Je it ".TP1S L1
Hay. Stephen's duty \TP tch 1::.; 8 to 10 p. m. <:>nd on this p[;rticular
nicl1t tHo bo:rs called to report a vlhi te ob ,j ec t go inc from nor-th to
south. While talkine to Stephen on the phona, they told him it had
started to ascend vertically. Stephen t .en c8lloc1 the Supervisor of
the GCC, nlso the Chica~o Filter Center. The Filter Center told hin
to keep a sha:::-p \'latch, anc~ Gregory, the Roc~-::ford Supervisor, told
hin to renort to him Dersonally no matter . what tirnc it ~as if ~to ob-
ject reappeared. Grerory then told Seach tb2t 't~1ey ar~ out e ~: ein

. -----------
1 r~nd 'rc 've ho.d more t~:.nn one re~')ort on thern.' (Aha---so rc~brts.arc

A flarnj_ng o'bicct vrns soon ncar Jonesport Hain, on l:rcy 9 snd is

still U.!'lidentificd. The le.tcst Air Force statement is thf!t they have
not dctcrn~. Dcd uhether it iT<:.s r. cuided m1.ssilo or i"Jctcori tc. The ob-
joct1 ro~ortod to have 'exploded' etrly in tho rftarnoo~, was called
:..: 'flr,mi:.lf.: ob .j ec t' by observers. fTc ropor ts of missing ~Jlrncs, E~nd a
careful ground 3carch in tho ~rca where the object is believed to
.hrvc fallon after it exploded, yielded nothing,
! On !IBrch 29 Hr. ond l~r~.
'..Tal tor ?.osiJl icka of lricnd, Febr::ska,
1 obs~rvou a !."cd ligjt j,n tho sty vlhich lool~cd lil:o a iaoo~ on
f ~_ro, 11e~1t throueh several m~1onvers, then disappeared fran vic\r.

Si:~tjr yoa:r.s ago on r. n:tco '\'mrm summer cvcninc r,t <:"~.bcmt r; P m., a
li ttle :;5.rl 2nt~ her cousin uitnosscd n stl'O!lGO siGht "in the s1-:y. Just
l a im1 '\o!cc1:s 3So, tbat e:irl noH 70 yc~rs old, ,.,roto to the Dircctc:L nnd
d::).scri bor1 the obj cc ts she hnd seen. c~-m dofini tcly sc:y it is ono
1ol' t11o be:~t 'old sic;:1tine:s 1 uhicll has come to our ~tte.i.1tion. lirs.
iJ. c. l:.ll c n, t'1c \!::_ tr.css, snid tbv tl'~. :i. ~v~~; lonl:cd 111~o c1~rstul or p cl-
;Lshcd mct~l 11n~ls s ~rL'nc out L-1 ;,.) zir-zt't: lino \litil ::wno sort of ccn-
I 'J:J ctin F~ links r.lso rcsr; crys-~Dl or polished r::ctnl.
socmcd to [l r:l:s over_ i:10r :"?rents' fc.~tn, li~ ~ ::.; v. po~1du-
T!1r.; objects

l ltw, rnQ c ~ t~inE hlGhor nnd less Vlsiblc-all the ~1rno, Tho whole
.:-l ti. ..:,(
.:;, . ~ l...,.,. :- .,1 ?0
,_,..o vf..( __ rl inut
J. ~ ,,: ,.,.
0'11.h v . U, 0 b'J0.CL.
.. l1 -~h '; "'r,...d f ror.J. .~~.
J-s d;-St:'t.))Oc"" v.J..~ ~. .,

H~y J.S, 195'5, 1-iontrose, CoJ.ifornj_n: Three silvor:r c11sc-shc,od
o":J,jcct.s seen cruls:i.n13 hi~h ov;_,r tho !;ontrosc-LD cr.-:;!;cC!ltt: D.l'e:u a.t su.n..;,
;:;ct. O~mc..rv:Jd by the Shcrif:L c:1d dC!JUtics, also Pcsrdcn;_>, police itho
t~ont out r nd ~ot n good look l'or thcmscl vos after scores cf ;>Uzzlcd
rcstClonts bc(~<'-n cnllinr.; tho stotion. ,t;.uthoritics at ITortOil Force
B :-::~c . i .~ Stn : ; c rncrc.~ino, [1fto:c boine; informed of tho si.c::l1tine t~1oy
rlin. rl 1 t }1lcn to m~!,:: rJ on inVo!:; t~. c:c ti on, ITo ,.,co thor balloons ucro,
~~iH1 tho :1-'::: r :.; ."'ci:m lrr:s ch:--nginc: form~tion t:rs 1f plr-yi!.l!:': "t2e. Those
lcbjc,cts ,.ro :rc ovo:r: ~~t. ~.alson, r.n<l "'c 'ro wondorinc if the bo:rs r.t the
10h::crv r tory r.dr;:1t hove cotton c. good look or photos \<Tith tolcscopr:s
::::lH.l c~-1~r.:' ccit~j.p:ncnt. 'l'ho objects .vtcro dofini tcly di:Jc-shc}'cd .:-.n.<l
s ~_J v or~~? bm:.chor:~. toe:othor, cli r bed one ntop the other or hun.c motion-
Loss tn the sl:y. Tb:J.s, members, is the s1(3hting \Thich Frs tncscd r'.S

lju['. 'l 2 of 'pcl1c~nns 017throrhynochos'. ' Thc~t_, fr5.c .' 1ds, to sru-
cc:r-1 u"':l1.1cr s\:o -our sol vas 1. is nothj.n[;; but~ in simple lcngueec it
:v-:ci'ls---pol1_.c:->:ls, Nuts. Tho iclloH who celled this tunc uos n. fish
j<-mCl c;cr.w 'd:.' !:"c1cn. 1rho d.idn,: t oven soc tho obj-ects. ..
Scvorrl incic1cnts "ttich tool~ plcco r.t about the sc-mo time c.s tho
I'nclicc:l incident nrc most \J!lUsuo.l, to sny tho The~r go somc-
t:1:~_r:g lil;:o this: The P ~ s1:1.c1cmc: Fil tor Cc:"l tcr th~.' t tho UFOs "ere

l~ 7.brco bclloons linl:od top;cth~r' ---but tho '.!c.,othor Buror.u scid thr.t
o bnlloons uoro aloft~ .

r The d~y cfter the Pe~ie<'-11 incident, FridCIY, l:ny 20th, n pO\torful 4

_{}_ui-J2__55__ ~PH[] bulletin puye j{J
blr"~st rod:cd 8 squ.::rc miles of s~'.n Grbr :i.c1-,-~"-"<-lJ__.c-y-~-..,n-d-b_r_o_l-J.w:__ plato -l '.linC.o'.T!.J r nrl .-:- c~:r HL1dsbiold. It ::cc n c cl to 'be.: \Furse L~ t:w
TGt:plc -C:L ty-El Lont.c f'IT c;v. T~1c pr:m cr s c.:- 11cu. it the 'most ~Jcn.r ,._. :::-ful
sonic blest ever felt here.' Tlw sbo.riff'::; offic,; sc:Ul tb:t 'sene
C<.'.Jlc:'::'3 told of socL'lg n 'flt.:sh in tho sl'~Y'---ondhcc:: .i.n-L r. :)1~:-;.o.
But C-'1T> G:ci~r;ors o? tho Aero Squo.drcn ::xDlnincd thct t~1i s <:.:'s
doubtftli. he s:-- irl tho y>ilot r.w~r h:: ve b ~ on c hi~h r.s 3 5, 000 f occ '.:hen
he 'brob:; tbo 8Gtl:ld b<.".rrtor cmc1 he uou]_c~. hrvc bcon mil e s cUc'c Y b y ~he
t:L;ac the shoe:: vr.VC;S ro.:-.chec.l tho o:.:rth. AFRO ncr1bers Hill l"cc ::- J_l the
m7stcrious CYplosiGn tbrt rocked the w ~s t cost or
Pew Zc~l~nd' s South
I::;l.::nr.l on ?e:brL:::~::.y 6 utw:1 l)COpl u l'c por t .:::d ::::ccinr; c stranee ~3i.lvc~r
~~~pc fl~sh ovcrhc~d ct thu time.
!!cu'tlor Jr:_cldu S.:-:n<.lcr.s (uh:;,, i.ncidcntclly, rur.::lisl1cd u;~ ,,.,1th V10
bulk of t t-.. is i'1i.'ormotion) rm:1c!bers ubl;n .shu sto od L1 tho cro,Jd c:.t
:.::ch1~rus i.i:c ?orco ::k so l:>.st ..TL1.;.10 vrhon the .A~1 iT!cc1 }orcas Dr.y s:"lovr fc'.-
turcd ~ sonic bool'l. Sho u~- . s C:Us ." :;,:>polntod, to JC "J t ) -:; le.:--sc, r-nc'L re-
C2ll:.:; a ncN lr.-1-i . ,.,:, ich forbids 1 sonjc bvor!Jing' ov0r populc. ted :.:ro.:-:.s.
tfo rcm0Llb~:t' th: t one rlso---in i'L'ct, . :i_t is forb:Ll-~ cl.cD to do it over
!!10!:: t J~.scs.

Cn, 2tf. l'l~y, sever\"}_ '::;o~. J.c b oor1::;' v!cro felt in th,> Lo:3
A.n~~l<.:!;r---u1.::.t tho p -:1pors u c r ::; sil :.:; nt. A .'rjc.:i.1d of :lirs. 3<' s
SC.i.1t rt cl:'..)pin :: ~roi!l n S,:.n G::.:JricJl V{:l l c y lucr~ l shout vlich do;;cribed
tbc bourns ["IJ:d blc rncd tho1n on " con:-: t11~c t:i on c or,l,')L.:.n.y bl~s tJnc 1 illos :-:1-
ly 1 UlJ 1!1 Si ~vrp1 t Cr'nyon, -
I, Nrs. Srr..dcrs (vrho rc~.lly kl1o1.Js hc:r.- Southc}'i1 Cclifor..1ic~ crcr)
points out. th2-t she or:.d her i:Iot' ,cr f0l t o.nCL hor-rcl t:1:.J bJ.:-.s ts but they
'"crJ fr. int---vhilc her fricr~d, vTho lives further D'\'12.~.' fro!'1 the S~Hpit
Cr:nyon ='rcr: th['n she <lovs, descri bod .then r:s hoving sh::-~>:en end l'C" ttlod
houses' \:Jinclcus end de; or s. Tt"Je .shcr_iff I;,; office c.t s~.~1 Dinms said it
' wcs net felt there, but it u~s her'rd end felt ct i~rch ?iuld. The

llc tos t r: tte;mrJt r, t oxplt:-'1<'.tion i-1.:-:s t:'. hczy thtns cbou t r-. tl!l.osphoric con-
eli tir:'ns uisto_rtL!g tbc sou..'1.( ;::nd i.t' s roo.l oric;in.

Tho ORD 8UIZ for Hey 5,195'5 doscrib~s . tho hr:l'rc\'TL1c; 10 milo
driv~ nc~do 1;y one Don 'J ibcrg, o. l? yc;o.r old high sc)10ol student uhc!1
he wrs rltcrnt:'.toly pursuod end prc~odod from 6 miles north of Loup
City, Fcbr~sk.:t to Ord, lTobrr:st:L, by r: cit.;l'..r-shrpcd ("vri tb s~'!c:cp cncls
str..ndL:.g _ elow, . T~1c object, L'-S closcribc.;d by Hiborc, v!c.5
dC:lse 1:1 tl1c center, but the r:urn or hr:lo r.rounc1 it \Tr.s norc or lc:::;s _
tonuous C...'1d the lic;ht of tho could be seen. thl'ough it. The o'.J..;.
ject was esi..LJatecl. to be 15 to 20 feet lon e ancl about 3 to 5 feet uide
at the middle. Don encountered the glow at 1 a. m. 6 miles north of
oup City whe~:. he curned a si;.8rp turn an( sou tho thing di::cectly ahead
of him about half .a.mile <1?"'!1 the ro~. d. _The o_b ject; ~:ta..yecl ~he ~apen

istance aboa.u of b1m, seemed -to brighton \llhon he pn.t.out h::_s ll~1t.-
t a dan1:cro'J.S curve crossin~ to see if a car \.ras cor.Iine. he \Jent on,
the object was lCJst from view uhen he ct<.Ll? .. to a t:cavll;r \To~de~ a;e~.
Three miles la.tor, 'l'li berg s tc~Tped to s ce ~i he h8 1~, l'GC'll?: ~os c t.1e
!thing, savl it about 300 feet baclc of him Ul the mlc,Jle or tho reed,
. ~--~------------~--------~----------~----------------------------~
-~uq. 1955 RPHO &u/ I efin pc ge ~e11~11
"nd mcv1'nrru tow .-.,,_,r:-.- l"1'1.n.
c... . . 1. c ..,~cl0 ,n"o
. 1 t, '1'J.s cr J.', urovo
1 , co
' '.1.1.r; ,,CJ:'1C
111 0r d
Eis fmily later rc ll._'r.t::od on l10 11 c~: ,~itcc1 he vc:.s ubc~l ho Cll' rivccl hcr:1Ce
!Don ~nd Bdito~ Jill Lee Dtto~Jtud to sec the B)p~rit~cn cg~in Fridoy
morn:nr, but nod no luck. Throe dnys later cattlo on o ncurb:,r :t:rrw
luure s t s !i1 1 )Cc~od throueh tl1rco .lances---no one hc.:d an cx.)lPn~. ti on of
~that inc~~c~t~ either. -

! Fresno, C?15.iornia, AL~:_:uzt 3, 1955: 1\ro rc,orts of uniclonti.l::cc~

El~~~1: g ~!,,i o: ts ,_~vsr ., Fr~ s~o:. ~.!2 rro;1 L:- n~c~ J. :!e~t~or obso:ve~ br~::(;:o
1.,t..:. :,,!_en~.,d C'.. v t ,."' .i8lcO .~.o_,_ ,, ct.'.:..hor bur2au ~ L. 1.J1 0 .rrosn.o 1~1r .~. .Jrtn.L... c:<l,
observed a row1d 7 silvor colorc.:d object noving t~rouch the skio s 8t a

~ rc[;ulcr rrtc of spue;d'. Lz:v::.) r \'.re- s r!lo .l:tns obs c rvt' tio~1.3 of ;: \i(.: 8thcr
c;lJ.c:cn o.t nhout 1:30 p. n. -~,b ~~ n th(.; o~Jjcct p::-ssed tL ::." on :~h his f5.-:.; lc'i.
jc.r v:i eM, tr~w<..::llLlg a t:r i!.1 s t i:;! l c vrinrl. "I \!o ~; s ir;ll ti c1C: throuGh r t :!uo.:.
cl o li tc at fi piJ.ot hol1oon 711 b ,~ snic.1, 11 \r:-w n t!1o object )~. ss c~ d clG .s ;; by
lth.:; bclloon 11 : o s<:~ id t :_ .c -:J :.:'l:Loon ur.s ~.: t <:bout 30,000 f\,;ot. 11 I :.:'01-
p .:::J\JC'cl rm.' 20 to 30 s ;.; co;1(i. :~ =' '"_., u~ LH.. vod r,\:r;.y rt r.1. rcculcr :;f
l<": " " ('> "rlll he "'r~clec~
.... J,...l ..., \...- I...A. ' "I ''." cl "' (' i"'"r Ol'" c"'-!ir
' - _l,. .. ~ . ~"' _ I u 1~tin"1'
- - ....) . l LlL it(!;,) cl'..... ._,;c t;~nc "' bll~- i.l.ll
'.J . - ~ - ........ J. ~ L ..... \J

h;1 :.~s t h.:wc been up sor.KJ'J lore: .::1c.:- r t ho hcJ.loon. It ['!>p e n r e d nlJ out ::me .
l:fc 1J-,'th Ol" on ;; t !:ir d tl1 o sl.7,o c f tho br.J .loon, 1:1i1icrl :i.s six feet in ciic.-
u~i.. ;_, . r' - 1' !1~
. J n. voc'. :
;.w,.;o,.; .. . ,.,l[>r.
-'-' o -..n.1,.(r
J c !l+
L . v i"' .l. .<. w

s:0occl:i.n3 11 s l1t ovu;; t~~c c~ ~ y, by nn Intc:rnrtiNl.Dl i.; cHs Service Photo-

vj-,Jn '""J'. ;'"'l1
-.-0 "
: _ ... ., ()-''
~ .\. " ,myr:-crl'
1..: ..:'- -- us

gro.:;'hcr. Nc fur ti1cr (~ct<.d1 s .

l1 9 Ancust, 1955; 'l'l1i.) i~ol h 0st.ars, :.:.;::rl .
.Ain~nrorth, Nc 1Jrnsl;::~-,
!S:nith 1C Lnurcnco Cl~:~Jpcr r~ -m:lJ.5.2S GbS()!'VCd [1_ bris>t object rbcut t~1e
<' 1

: '. ] ,,. ~~:i~u of the full moon or lc.r go:.. \1~.i ; c h hunc in the s rrJ.c pes 1 t1 on in tho
js1~y fc!' n~proxtnr-. tcly t\!C' hm~rs batucc.:n 9 11 P m. 'l'i1c -.ri tnesscs
i.::;~id thnt aurine short intc.:rv:-~ ls tho ob;joct clir'pponl'od ~nd when it
did, sp::1r l~-ltkc o:)j oct3 or roc .1.:cts .~culd be scun shoo tine north\vt'..rd
!f~on it. The obsorve;rs nll livo ~bout 20 miles southwc3t of Ains-

~ orth. In order tc keep tree~ of tho object it wns nccossory to
cliub c ncrtrhy hill. . .

LIHA, PEHU, Hny 29 Eicht persons, omonc \'lhOl:l t.rc c pilot, 1955':
lr~ l!io 0l10r~tor ~nd c mctaoroJ.o[3iS t, SiJ\1 rl squrclrcn or fi vc UFO fC1_' ~ -
'nc:cicd of two hours mcncuvorinc Dbovu tho Pisco .Airp('lrt si tuntcG. n.bout ~;
t270 kilo :~wtors south of Lii'.ln, Peru. Tho airport observers W:1tchcd the j
ic~.jcct tllroush n theodoli tc. Accorcline to thu mctcorclog:' !t:. 1u- -~
'8i:::~10 Cr.rdonr.s, he !:m"J the srucors \!hen he W:Js tr::.c! tho flirht of !
'~ trial br-llcon; tht.;y npponrcd to be rt~nboid in shr>.:,JO tori th brilliant
foorclcrs r.nd in thc:l.r cantors tc.r~~rd tho ro~r pnrt Here rcctrJ1[nlr:r ~

hi tu li::;ht. The objcc~cs ucr o mo.:1ouvcrtna in circles r.bovc tho n~.r ~j:
ield nt r::n hoigbt ~ ' i' n 1.wut 3,200 notors. The objects \lora
I . l3o obse:rvcd hy othur cnplcyoos of tho 01rport 1 ~n<l olso r Pcruvi:::n
II i:;: 7orcc ptlot i<Tho urs c in nt the . sv.x,;o tE10 to refuel !1is J_
jpl::nc. 'l"::1c pilot t:u-t b~; cculc:t not i"ci.1tify them r.s ony pr8duct j
.lcf the r.virtj_~;n industry l::nc.rn en earth. -1.

j LA GUAL1A, V.Sl~EZtr.JL.A, Ju:.w 2, 1955: A strcn::,c gi~nt fircbcJ.l

,_ ~.;ns ;con by t~1o inbobit~:: :1'l:.s ~xf G2ti~~ Lc: 1-Ir.r ::-s it descended to situ.'1to 1

:_~ .
,._ -~~_:_
.. . -- . ,_.
i-tself at 2 heicht of so: 10 10 meters from the c;round. Sone of the
peT sons who s~w tho ob ,i ec t sa:i.c1 t~1u t 1 t b~d SlM:1J.l Hindo"rs in its up-
per section. Afte::- remcinin:; stea.cly in the a:lr foT ;: ;:mi minutes,
the stro!1ge nachine fle\1 ovc~, the vthole length c'.r the bench w1til it
P:W':J~nE, V~FEZUGLA, Jnne 10: At about IJ P m. the news s;;reacl
liko that ~r.;ain various lJ.i:.'C had oppeared over the tovm. (3ee
APrtO Bulletin for Jvnuory 195~1). ~-teporters inmediatcly tushc~l to the
scene an<.l Gonznlo Lf::cL'.na Reyc.~s) se\Ting me: chine mcrc~r.'1t 1 sDid 'he
heard a loud strange noise and went out into ~is yard to see whnt it
was. un looking un ~.nto the s1ry he wos astonished to soc a :..;quadran
of Uyine souccrs i2nding on tbe htll ancUeaving <.1 trail of sr1olw ac-
companied by n rcl] oi' licl1t a:f)prm,imatcly 4 meters J.on,:. Ttcyus c1cs-
cribed the objects as looldne lilcc 'flattened balls'. He ca1lcc.:. :J.i~ .
family to see ard thuy could cJ.l nake out signs of movencnt of tho
occupa..11ts They c:>lJ. docj.doC'. tc c:o up to the hill to invos ti ~ ~ t .o but
at this very moment the scucers took off in a direction from ~ o st to
1'/cst end Govo thLt. gcncrL'..l impression tt12t thoy \'!ere goL1g to Jond Dt
tho Carlotta Air~ort. The st2tsment of Rcyo~ conccrninc the obj~cts
nnd their rnanouvc:cs ucs corroboro ted by Nrs. Ccrmc.;n de Rodri;:uos ~41lo
says thl!- t she olso hco.rd tho soun<.l, smr tho trd lle:.nd tt1c llminous
roy of lir;ht. Sho snicl t:~ cro i'luro r:t lo Gst f~_ve of the objects,
which flm.; r::s fLst ~-s j o t pl:Jn os ~. :1d ~.::ssod <:'llovo Lor
Ptn~TO FIJO, VE!8Zl:f13LA,
Aucust 6, 1955: A luminous object ,.,r.s
seen flying at ~ .fnnto.stic S)ecd over Puerto Cumnrcbo by throe gen-
tlazncn . Hr. Clcmeat Rodriguez, Ro.ft:cl l.iurtinoz o.ncl Francisco Cruz
Lemos they smr r!n object ns brir:;ht cs a socrchligl1t 1 <:L.l"ll~ bright
enough to be seen through tl1c clouds. It crossed t:w slacs frwn north
to South ~nd returned to its po:Lnt of or} gin tnd disn,porr in spncc.
'f!OODSTOCX, OHTJ.."C?.IO, Cl-IJTAD/-.. ~ July 13: Hnrold Pres t~Ee, vJho li vcs
2t miles fron Lmerl~j_p rcportocl that on July 12 ho soH !J fly1nc so..u-
ccrs bot\wcn 8 end 9 P m. I=is housekooper o.lso sm-1 them.
srid tlu~t; the ovo.l, cbrome-~olored objects wore clo7;n-r.:ut nt tho edges
shnpcd like dinner plr1tcs rmd were. in s:Lght for 15' Llinutos.
to:rDCN, ENGLA.rTD, H:; y 26z The crcu of c. Por tueo:.:o r:.i r 1 tac s Sty-
master clc.i .1od When tbey lrntlcd in London i,by 25 frcrJ. Li.sbon L!wt they
ho.d seen ~. 'lone;, cic;cr-sh~:pcd object ui tbout vrin~s trcvolinr:; c.t ter-
~ific specd~r.1s ti1ey npl}rorched London. Hodio Officer J\loc.. Alme:ido. th~t in nine yccrs of fJ.:'ine he had 'never seen o:1ytt1~ng lil~o i tl
"It w~s long and sli::l r1nd scc'J,ccl to b0 rc.volvi.~1g r.s it flc.shed un- . ,
der the nose of the circr..:f't " J..lmcicln . "It lool~cd like i ~ \!::s
mode of oluminum l:'nd socmod io
be only about 100 ynrds r.vrr..y, bm~ I
could be wrone." Flight Enc:tnoor Jose Silvr s~id: "Tho objoct .
seemed to cpprocch from tilC pOl't side r.nd pass right under tho r:-ose.
To me it looked liko ::t silver cigrr, ond there vcs no smol:e trLJ.l
coming from 1 t". The Portue;osc plPnc 'I;TCts flying nt between 5,000 ~d
6,000 rcet ot the time. A British Ninistry spokcsmt~n s~id the
rc ort will be invostigctcd.

FRLFC3, July 5, 1')55: J.P 'dire Sorvtcc carrtcd c }:lhoto r-nd cmQJ.l
ctcscription of ullr't L> cr-llcd ti1c "French Version of n Fl~~:I.!'l!E: S::nccr
11'-~ ch i..'1c". Looks like hTo scL1ccrs sl::'.p!Jcd wi JGh r.:1 bnbblc
tt ~1c top. Typicril ncwsp~por filler stuff.
El~GL:.!JD, July 5, 1955: Soutl1ern Enelcnd b~dly shrkcn hy 0110 of
tho::o ttys torious cxplosi ens. Tl!O usunl 1 meteoric explosion "'ho:1 r:
iJc t.cori to cor.1e.s in to con toe t \r5. th tho c. tmosphoro 1 nnd 'jet plene
'h1 c:J.~inr sound bL'rrior' tho or los were oxhuncd, but hours rftor tho
:-:uce explosion shoo1c L'n c..roL' 40 miles in diomotcr, Scotlond Yc..rcl
~: :- id: "It 1 s still u mys tory. n Thon---e. . jot pilot c:::tr]G forHr!'u (so
t.l ~ c y-Jc:pors S[: id) ~: nd f1dmictoc. that HhiJ.o his o:xy(:en tube sot;J.-:;d
1 i~ his prrnch~to h~rncss tho pl~no swerved, ectherod ~peed c..nd ~ock
j ~7.:-:- 1 L;hrcL1~h t:1c sound bQrrior. This is one of e1c limpest c::;:::_Jl~n~-
Zxcc~;t for tbo most clossifiod.; test l)lc.ncs
1 t.i.:n. 3 \-JG VO hoc.rcl yet.
1 :-}~}1 w;?\'0'::-n; m~st.., jets , to be l:ickod tl1rous~1 tho sound b['I'ricr-
' v,l_._< COL 1 t ,l t.lS t W..... nder thl ough.
', CINCINNL.TI, O!:IO 9 J.UGW) t 3, 1955& Glouing round objoc t
1'-!.::cn over Cincinn~ti end CoJunbus, Obio. H.::ny obs e rvers, little mot t-
1~lon by ~ross or rrdj_o.

: X":Eii., OHIO, Augns t 13, 1955: School tenchcr obsorvcs bri:'~li t ::..'oti.
1:-;J ~:G T:: :::p!)::~r e::1t size: of ~ te:nrds b2.~lJ.
i-+ ;-o,;l n'l' l't.:~ C0 1 0rod ~ 'lJ'"t11lJ..;
c-r ._S 1i 1'd
th, T~il :rcs. cmbl~d v:-.por
t 1.1nn t'1 -. ObJ"C.-.t it -- elf
.. ~. ~ , '-'' .. .J . 1,.., ', _. ,\.. ,._
, _, t...UJ. .rL '-" \,. ;,)

t:L't..:!_ J_ C.l:l':')~":t c d to be 10-15 foo c Jon:, if . COffip~TCd ,T:i.. t!1 sj_zc O'i:' i' tenniS
;~:::..--::::... C'b,]cct tr~. vc1ine l'L'IJj.dJ.y to tho southoC'.st, dir.~. p:1o['rcd b0~1ind
.t ~r:; .:s, :1L1der further obsorv~' tion. Seen only fol' <'- f\.n-: soc ends

I.FB, N~rcb 30, 1955. Tri.:;nc~o-shr'pod object

c:f color hovered over ti1is o~ar B.:-!SC for r:.bout 15 m5.nutos ocrly
'i Y1C n-: r!'L1f.: Reported on the t) w.. m. but never montto11cd n-
!: ;:.:. jn3 iT c'. <~s prporG cnrrj_od no occow1t of this ono either. Object ob-
; ;: c:r Je d by fr j c~~c1. of ./.PRO mot1bcr liiri nm Yonlcloy of XlJnin. Obso:::-vcr ltn:::
1: 1. -~ bus pr1s t tlv.; r:~ir b:'.so ~nc1 GVvryonc riding t~w llus L'..l so o'b~crvod
': t.
I c:3RO, ILLINOIS, L.UGUst 11, 1955's Unnrmod lndy (by request)
lr:1::-: :vcd ~ objec.t nt nbout 9s30 p. t".. Tho front ct:O. ,
i '.. :.::o o"o.jcct. w:-:.!3 d:~rk, l!lj_ddlo pert wos bluish groo:1, nncl tho rc<:'r of' :
;,.\,r. c~~.)j..:ct 11 rs very ?rir;bt. Seen 1,ow on the horizon c.bcvo th: J~r~~s,.
1~ _c;;.J.o_:'~g no:.:th sl~.rht1y \vest. T.1uro tas no s?1md,, ~.-;.1?
:::.~~- g~1 t of tho objoct \..rns not hnzy, but rnthor 'brlghtcr ~hr:.n the su..1_, .
ksthc cbs c; rvor uoscrlbcd it. Tho lady t~1.r. t ti10 obJect r..ppc~rcu .
l ~c iJc cbout 10 times r:s long r.s tho vidth. of ~ho crossbcr of n T~ ~. n
i~~~1C in tho naighborhood. By WGY of cst1mnt1ng tho loncth of t1mo
'1 ~ ~t-~ t tho sir,hting 1e s ted, she thnt she walked c.bou t 60 foot t.:>
\1,'rd tl-ic ncrt.h vlhilu lmcping tho objoct in view. T~1is '"cmld be from
1::L ~~ to 20 seconds, dopond.Ult; ll~)On tho ~pood o t \thich tbo lt'dY w~ll<cd,
l;.t. n:'l.Y, tcl<ine into consiclola:tion tho limit of ttmo th:::.t n mct-Jor
'm~y be observed, t:1is sightinG cnnnot possibly be c::-cllcd n meteor.
I- - - - - - - - - - - : .,
..---------------. ~-- - - - -

.. , .

~{l_u~.___..19_5_5_.._._;,_._~R_;__PH06u lie tIn

odds ends
On H~- Y 23, sr.uccr fr-ns the 1-vorld over .,l'fcro cxc i ted by t:1e s tC~tc
mcnt by Dcrotily Kilc~llen rclJort:tnc th:lt c 'British offjcicl of c~.b ..
inet rr'.Ilk' hcd told her tbr.t Dritis ll scicntLsts ~d nirr.1cn~ ~.ft c r cx-
mnin1ne the wreclmcc of one nystcricus :!:'lying ship, o..rc co!lvinccd
th0. t the st'!ucors r.rc not o~)t:tc~ll ill us ioEs or Soviat inventi ons, t1u t ~cturlly ships fror,1 r;nothcr pltnct. VIc [~ :Jprccj r:tc the rr-.ct
thnt Niss Kulgrllon gut r li ttlo ::;~ucor nmrs into prJ.nt, but lr.nK:nt
the feet thnt 1 t is :1l\v<:>j'S the nnntaurs in this busj.o'lv!:s wh o ect tho
spr.ce srns ridicule. If o bone fic~.c c.ntho:ci ty (not the J.F) couJ.d ect
~TO columns r. de~' in cvr:ry p::-pol' in the U. s.,
ui thout smrrt-
rloc editor's notos, tc1e:publ ic '.muJ.d s con be e in to r:..:.:.: o f ew quos ti ons
With blood in thd.r eyes. j3ut ol <. s, the press tn tt10 Uni t..;;d St ~-. tcs is
n.s silcn.t r:bout fJ_yj_ng srucors ~ftcr ~ s1::;:1tine <'.S r: thief is nftc..:r c.
:Hr~. Hrrold T~ylor cf J.lblon, Na'br.:-.sJc:.'"' supcrvLjor o.f the GOC
post there, mcntion~d L'. lon~ vri t~1 r:. n~us roluL:sc :rcc:;rcEnc her r '.~ Pl~_ ce
mcnt, th~t she hod just roca i vod some new instru~tions for op0r~tion
of t:1c post, including g.l_Q..::;_9_r_ .is.1.o_;._!_t_if_\~..ti_o_n. _oJ. ..LW.1.cis?_tjj'_i_~d.J)1l..iJlS
objcc~. . .
On Lugust 7, the Lir Force ~nnouncod ~t Denver, ColorGdc thnt
Cnlifornians h0vo noth"5.nG to f0~ r frnm tbc plc s tic strips Hhich b['Vc
been f~lline; in the. Sncr~mcn to ~ren~--if the strips t1ro from ginn t
weather bo.lloons rclunscd r:t Do:1vcr t\vo o1 throe times c. weel\:. This
is nice to kncw---innsmuch c.s the nmr1s of tho plastic strips hcdn' t
cotton out os yct---ond the 1 if 1 in this report sounds sicnificnnt to
OTTi.w,., C~'.:iU.D.L., l1a.y 10, 1955 ~.Jilbur D. Smith, director of the
Broc.dcn.s t r:r~d Meqs ur01:10nt Soc tion, and thu m~n \'rho made such a. splash
with his t 5~UCOr dctcctinr; station.' a year o.go, hr>.S dwclnrcd his bo~
lief thL!t thu dcpr.rtment-vws vrcacttaro: in closing down operc:.tions in
.that field. Sni"tb snicl -p:1nt" only ti1o d:y after the first positive
results were cbtn:i.ned on thu :L1s trumcnts ,- tho whole opere. t~_on was
closed down. (On:c theory, Hr. S~: ti th 1 is thr.t tl1c s~mccr hLmtin~ st::!.-
tion probnbly ,still operates~ but vTithrmt your kno\'rlcdee. It is not
likely th8t the Ccnodi~n covcrnr:1cnt hns completely abC~ndonod the
sor.rch, but merely fol t tho t in vciw of your un;)rccodcntcd r.nd fronk
str.tenonts rceo.rding. intcrplru1et~ .ry s:~ucors, 'it would be expedient to
cstDblish cnothor . station Hith souoono oleo in chnrgc---Editor).
~ . .

STU.i~iT, N.2.:~.SKJ:., io.pril _

7, 19.55: .Residents of tt11s town were ex-
pcrienc ing unexplainable _s tn ticf on ho~.o rr"dio sets Tho so.Iilc thing
w~s hnppenine in noi~hhorine conn1unit1os, WGS described in the press
~s 'torrific stntic 1 Nobrc.s.k~ hn.s been o:xporiencing qui to a. few
repo;-ts _~f _-yro---we 'litondor if 'there might be sono connection.
411/j. 11)55 RPR 0tulltdin
TV is now featuring n good number of sho\-IS '"i th snuccrs the fo-
cnl point of interest. We nrc thinking spocificr..lly of "6'. Hi8ht of 3
Terror in Now Uexico" on the Sundo.y "Science Fiction Thentcr" nnd tho I
"Sundoy N~tinoc" show of J.ueust 2.
The Futility of Fen~ nnd Fcnr of tho Unknown were reper..ted
phrQ.sos in a Civil Defense film recently. This, coupled with the wnr
n" of tho "World Intorplnnctary J.ssocintion" thnt tho Gcnevn. confer
once is merely to decide whnt to do about our.intcrplnnetnry visitors,
tmy be tho bcginni:1g of n no"' trend. Could tho. t blurb cbout the J.sso
cic.ticn be merely c. feeler to mcmruro public roo.ction? It wns one of
the few saucer nrticles c~rriod by tho news wires in over n yerYr.
Our hands nrc extended to Dr. Charles Hnnoy, hond of thQ dc-
pnrtmcnt of Physicz nt Defiance College, Def1Dncc, Ohio. kn nrticlo
by him and published in the Toledo Blodo is another link in tho evi-
dence for the UFO. He iw nnothor of many scientists 'Who nrc forsnkin
fear of adverse public opinion for the of truth. Tho lnst p~ra
grnph is enough to spell out Dr. Mnney 1 s stond on the whole subjects
"Tho true scientific nttitudo o:r npproach to nny subject for 1nvosti~
g~tion is th~t of nn open nind-~-to lot the fncts ns they ern be best
nppr:1iscd spell out tho conclusions. n We nrc hnppy end proud to sc.y
thnt Dr. M~ney is one of our members. Other scientists who hold LPRO
mcnbership cc.rds might tnlcc n clue froo the Doctor nnd his cxc.mplo.
Lc Pnx: of u. of N. H. Motoori tics depr.rtoont is still chn.sing
firebo.lls {)fld still sr.ys he doosn 1 t lmow whet they nro. Force
spokest'len n t Biggs J.FB nt El Paso. s th~t tho 'mutter is by no
nccns closed'
. ~To' rc vTOndcringvrhy nll the pitch to proootc GOC in the Now Mcx
ico~Wcst Texns Tho crcn. is litcrnlly lousy with rndnr r~d ronny
other trnckine devices. Could it be thnt the nilitnry is concerned
nbcut tho 'hoztD.o ~:i_rcrnft' Hhich con be seen but not trccked by
Bcchnniccl r.1oo.ns?
J. badly needed rest hn.s lwpt the Director inc..ctivo since the
:~pril bulletin '\oms issued. Beck to norool now, she is hoping to be
r.ble to nttnch oxnlid rcprcd.uctions (expcrimentnl, ns this process is
new to her t"'nd lir. Lorenzen) of tho J.reontino sc.ucor or Dr. B 1 s cxper.;
ionce, end the slmtches subni tted by him. If cnoueh requests -cone 1n,
glossy prints of tho photos vrill be 1ssuod to l'!lombcrs c.t cost. Per.;
nissiC'n for reproducticn in the United Str1tcw hns been given to J~PRO
The J..PRO Bulletin is~*
tho offici[11 copyrighted publicr:tion of
the J.criol Phoncnonc Rcsonrch Orgnnizntion, 51.9 Now York, J.lcrlOgordo,
New Hcxico 1 nnd is issued every other nontn to ocnbers oilly. The J.or:.
1n.l Phcnononn. ~esocrch Orgnniz~tion is n non-profit gr~.up dcdicntcd to
tho eventunl solution cf tho r:1ystory of the unidentified flying ob-
l jects which hove been present in tho skies nbcvc cr.rth for hundreds- o
{ ycnrs. Inquiries regarding nombcrship m~y be code to nbovc addrosa.~
' - F'
~ \-\e
. 0
I .[]OJ n_Q_ [[ lJ.O ..~
A/_01(_ 1955 /-J-4,.( / OAI.
lF AT Fh?sr vou ooNT succiED-~- . ---~-. 1
Try, Try, e.sain1 This, apparently, is the slogan iThich has gu1d-~
ed the United Stetes-Air Force in it's bu..rlgling search of an accept-
!iQJ:e explanation of the flyinG saucers.
The collective he.nd of t:1e Aerial Phenomena Research OrgaDization.
is aga~n extended in a clnsn of c 0nGratulotion to MDjor Donald z. Key-
hoe for the tcr.t of brinetne Go heel (actuB~ly, if not publicly) the
'S1lucer Sj.lence S0._uo.dro:1' of tl:.c United States Air Force. Al tboue;h _
they hc;ve not ndmi tte6. tl;:u"' t ll:; j or j_Ceyhoe is right ree2rcTins the extr e,-
terrestri2l n~ture of the UFOs, they hove cdmitted indirectly their
fear of him c,nd his . focts, by very sloppily 2nd frc:n-Gicnlly issL:j_ng
sto.tei!lent after stL'.tene:1t ~<: ie;h are ver~r obviously aimed nt shooting
doun Keyhoe' s theories and co.:1tEmti ons
By the latter, -vre s,ecific :,_lly refer to the divcrsion:::ry
ments of recent Air Force relocse in the effect th2t the s2ucers are
balloons,hcl~ucin~tions, misco~ce~tions of ordinary airborne objects,
end/or so, _:e ronl or 1m2sinec1 A5.r Force project, But before getting
t oo involved in this diatributc ugc:!inst Air lorce policies nnd stctEJ-
nc~nts, lot's look at tho fcctsz
A jet-propollc~ Air Force sc.ucor will in no wc.y mctch tho spee ds I
(up co 25,000 mph in our c.tmospboro), maneuvers ::md l c cl: of evident !.
;~~c ons of propulsion, of the reel scuccrs: those figr:10n ts of tho i mo_-
c L1.c tions of hunclreo.s of thor:scnds of people which insptrud the
Force: s present cxpcrimontc.tion ivith tho circular r:i:rfoil.
Erving nothinG scns::tioncl '1-Ti th which to nttrnct ,ublic nttcn-
tion to the ir p5.ddli!1E, ni tpicking research ncti vi tj_es, t ;wsc hi c; :-1-
c: l tli tude rcscorchcrs end rock8t men hcbi tually incorpora te tho d::_r ty
\!or(-., 1 flyinc s~uccrs' into thoj.r hcndlines in ardor to attrcct rmbl ic
c~ ttC.Llcion to their mm snoll <:tctivi tics. A typict:>.l oxc.nlJlc is tho
recent (October 16, 1955) r.rticle in tho 'EVZRY DAY Ll.AGi.Z ll'::3' s oct j.on
o:f the St. Louis Pos t-Dispotch, titled 1 3alloons, I:oc FJ.y:Lnc -&c.uc oT s',
but r,ctuclly donllng "ri th th;; ;;i cmt plc.s tic br,lloons us oc1 for up:) er -
r: ir resonrch. Tho Dj_roctor hrs Ur'tcbod m[.~_ny c_ lr;unchj_nc-; of such bal-
loons n t Eollomcn Dovclo1Jme:;. t Con tor from her uorch in I.le'Jno-
gordo. Ev0n vrhon r.t hi :; h olti tude, they nrc ocs il~' 1" C cogniz~' blo to
tho n~kod eye by th e ir vibrction, exhibition of li t tle or no movement,
end of course nrc rccdily identifi e d with tho aid of c p2ir of low-
poivcrod bino-culnrs
.l..r1othor press using r sr.ucor s' ns o cc. tch hor'..dl inc cn:mc
out of Denver in J.ugust, Tl1is one followed tho S[.~ iJO 1ino r.'.S tho st.
Louis Post-Dispntch blurb c!ld f(')d tho public the old, t:'. rcd stories
lltNd55 ..... - ~PRO 6tillelin , . '4;t;e /we;
~,~ of ~he .gie~~t pl;s tic' ;;llb'b;;;~ . th~;i; ;urposes >s, :;eds \~ncl co~fic;u;:-
tiQns. In-- Se:pt~mp&:r; ~&n10 vris or:ere 16 .rth no rcr;n rd Jo~ . tl1,e bus.hhl'lsl'\
attitude of tho 'Pentagon idr .?ol'co regarding scucers ;~ stib r1it tot1 c.nd -. ,
hn.d.p:into'd . tpe ".:.RDC Ncvr_s 11 f'h~s _po.por is tt:1e j.
off:L~J,.nl nQ':{.S' bullet1n of. tlic J.. l ,r :' Roser.r ch o.ncL"Dove;topment CoEunc:Jld.. l
The picture showed nn J.. irm~n F.irst cltss ~u~1.nt <..' fic;ld phone. to ro-' . ,.
port to his .comm::uJ.der.. tl'io, l:Y.rc, sch'cc of .:-ln :odd lookinG ;Li ttJo r.lo.n r c- 1
plato uitl1 r::y gun, lvho ' ho.d ' omergc:d from ~ncrg:Ld fro1:: c suspicious 1
lool~ing O~Jjcct \Tl ~j_ch rc.:som'bluc~_ the populnr idocl of c: fl;.-ing sauc e r.
IIis -vrorcls: -- ''I don't believe in flying scucors either, S(::.!s;c, 1mt I'r!li1
st1.rc he's not o member of ti1e gun clup. 11 . - 1
\Jhi:J_o this nonsonsJccJ. clo.ptrop v1cs bo:Lng .uttc r Dd by ttw . 11 ou-
thor itios 'l~ t _h o scrovrb f lls, of course, got in o f~. J licks for t:w111..;; !
solve~: : i
In Los i~1.eolcs, one. of the most fnbu.lous "I Roc1o ::: Flying Sc u- ,.
cor" c:tuthors "'~s b,;inr: sued for eli vorco by . his v.Iifo, ::nd guess vTho :
wc.s. nom c.. d o.s corrosponclont? . J3t1.t of course---the beoutoous rod-hl'.ired i ;
C ~p+"'ln of .., ~"'UC 'r \Tit'"' 'fh ol
l. ~ ..., .._ ~ 4.- l L l1.C' Cl"l
\.. . '.1 S to
..:,) <.,.... '-"\. h~V C' b--.,,.,
- '-'Yi-
i. l. \"
1 ~" "' ""'ll'1g C0 ''1D"DY
... ... ~ .~-- 1:
;t-C .11......... '....; ~-J .1.~ J. L ~

since their eo..rtll-shr:.J~ing mee"Gj_ng c cquple of c.c;o. '.lhc-.t we'd l

lilco to knou j_s this: \hw \-.r ill serv e tho po:9ers on t l:w so.ucer gi:rl, j
rnd how will he do it? Will .he ride o weather b~lloon or c ligh t
inversion reflection?
J.nd in Nmr Ycrk o groE-p "celle d o. "Flyine; 8.:-::uc.or Cult" by lo _c:::.l
reporters, .ht'.s vo.llli"'lteor (.:.c.~ :.cbe infor~~l~ tion thnt one of the in;nr tos of 1
their club h~s offe red free prrkinz for the s~ucers on her lorc ~. up- j
s t2,tc fnrm.
Incidon~:. o.lly,
\!e \:Onlc1 li:::e to cloc.r . up ,,,h::t ;:lit:;ht be 0..."1 oc.sily r
misinterpreted stctomont j_n our l est Bulletin v!l'ltc.h lig~1tly jibod c
Nc;'l;l Yorl~ ,group 11t:.ich deaJ.s in o.ll phases of souccrs---physicc.l, 1
spiri tuo.l, intordimensj.onc:l, psychologict:'..l(mostly) :~nd just ~bout ony .
1~1,..,d vou ''"'n+
.:. -.L w~ . to n"rl"
.;L ~ "~ . .I :"
- t 1-.1ey
v . "lnt
<.. . ~ot the1.. , -"-'
_ "' v'll 0('l'~t
V n '--'.; 1.... t'"~J.'-'"l'"'
i.,:) I~ ... , ,

'.!c sib to ncl::; )_t pl2in tbc-t VJo r::ro-not referring to~tllc Civili[~n 1
Sr.ucor lntolliguncc of Neu Yorl~. We hc.vo L'n intorchr:nge of wo nbors '
o.nd find . the: t those vli th vrh,onl He h~. vo cont<:.:ct r::ro cs love1-hoo.dcc1 end 1.
sincere ns ~:nyono could possibJ.y be, end they' ro; c. c;ood job of 1.
rcsoc.rcht ~ 1
In ~ep to:1bcr, our olcl fr :Lend Lin~coln 1::- Pox of tho H~v: 1i:o::::i co I
Insti tutc of liotcoritics to oxpl8in r::\To.y the object of '
his -fo.voritc subject---tho ereon fireballs .This tiue Dr. Lo. llt'.Z \
blames th.J.. dernod thinr.s on the Russir.:1s, so.ysthoy'ro guidccl tli.s sile s 1
v!i th dur1rny vmrh:)r.ds made of icc \lhich hoNe boon soRt over tho united j
I -vrould hcve to do, the oxp0rts sny, is to shoot one our \'lo,.y, then .. 1I
Stotes c:s ,o. sort of expor1. Jtc;nt' for rc.nging missile~. : ..11 the Rus~ion
vm tch for nmrspcper reports to lco.rn the effccti veness of t l1_oir ex- .
There c~ro sovornl objections to this cttcnptod c::pl:::n:::tion but
tho nos t oo..s iJy unders to_od :"nd logicnl one, even to tho skeptics; is
the leek of sound. Vlhothor nwde of v;ood,-mctnl, icc or plo..stic, the J
AP_HO 6ul/etin
objE-cts ;;P-en over the Soutb:-r"~: -,__~.ri r:c~~ -:: :i'l)ed ns green firebolJs,
WC t1.Jd r.2 YI':. to 1:1~l:e n noL~ G ::f ;; (~c;:_:"' 1< . i ... ... ~~ ther tl..,::-t OT' 'J c t'!",'.Y3}....
i1i.g ::cile!:i above the eort::. \-r~"'.o::.'r.' snun" .H~,-~o. not be ~w oc: s~_ly r:v; :~cC!~ I
ed belCvl. HmTovcr---if. this :.s' true' tlle icob2lls \!Ortl(~ thor r. ".;\'C.'
to be so trc:!llc ndqus (thousDnds of tons) th~t it ,.rould bo Dln) .st iu~ I
possible, vLi_tt o'-;o.i.lo.ble mct~"' o.n.j propcll~nts, to project :~ht:::n o-
ver $UCl1 a v!idc ur 'JD. vri t~1out them bc}.r:g oventu2lly foLmd. To this h~s not boon one bit o:!:' cvic:ence found ct t:1c s:..tcs of l
sni-':roscc,_ f ~:lls~ not ovon ct Eo'bl1s, Now Hcxico -v;hcro sumaor ::. l
fL :'!_,_1}. v-'2S SC':->n to hit and ~ ~r :c:-~_ :. ,<~.; j_nire;r-,;t~gc: ':;ion ro~ :; ~L - i.: nr;t one iI
d::.:-o~:: Yi: 1:-\~ Lr;r :.'nd , o:f' coarse, no ::..~ (. ., oit:v 1" I


C~, :;kp t c-obcr 10, ht.:mdrcr"s of residents of Thor.rito:,, Ci;lor-:do,

s ubur 1~ -: f ~<: ~-:- Jel', wore r octod by c. hc~vy oxplos ion ~ !irny bel: .:;cd ~
jot r-:... :'.~' ~r.! 2'. crr.shcd, bL1t scorch proved th~: t none hc;ct .-; '~' en in
the <'.I..;,~~ l':.Al.:.1:.g out the possibility of ~ sonic boon"
0r.. S c;yce:n:J\; r 29, n lc rr;c 2rcc of Sc.n Fr en cis co u~s b2.cUy shr l:cn
by c.rot.::: c :. ;:)_~, those inoxpliccblo 'booms' vrhich incurrocl sor:w cl~!'Jc ,:c .
'l'hj.s ':-: ':' i s c <'.ld the e:1suint: concussion, ~reeked YJl.::s tor in T1C hc,:o J
node <:'~_ cxtc:.'5.o:r err ck in c-..t1ot!.'Jcr, end dcys J.o. tor -vrc.s still L,_nc~-:
plc:iltc \.::., .~~-:. 2ttc:-:}l1tod cxplcncticm thc:t it viC'S c sonic boo1:1 ir:-:-s of-
~ f~rrci 'Cv!o ~:.:. )s 1c-. tor, end t::c o.rticlc~ puttj_ng this th~o:ry fon: ~_ rd .,
cl. ~.d n)t b ' r to ncn10 it 1 s ~u thor. ai\D THEN---tho 110:~ c e.~cy noHs
:':':)por-t::: c-d;':! i ttcd thf't tho~ bo01:1 uq.s still not o:-\:plc-incd sc.tisfcctorily .1
. '
i . . ~ .. '

' \ '. .
~ ~~
: . ..
.:." :.
~ ~ ..
. : -~~

_A/w IQ55_ __ _____HQillJ_bJ.--'-'/e;;;__"t_in._ _ _/!ti(je 7~u'l

. -r~ BR:~.KHJG 0? TF~ SCU~~~ 3.:.1Cl7~a :S'Y :. PLLF:.. E.:.D ID"i:V::~l :J::;:;i: 7~~ C~R
J. WIDE .:m:. n

1 . Tho D5.rcctor l1::s ::-t difi'crcnt ttuos stood diroctl~~ Lmdor c:.
plc-nncd sonic boom, r.nd ::-.1 thout:;h sho hcc-.rd tho <'nd fol t tho
1concussion, founci lctcr thc:-G only t\ro miles r\:c-y, tho boom c-nd con-
1cussion wore so slight th~t they wore bc:roly perceptible.
:::. lrr
During tho SLUJrJCl' <T'.d fell, Los l..ngclcs hrs fcl t c:n~. hor.rd
go numbor of sonic boom$, vrllich j_s vory unusurl, in the of
! t' c f:..~ c t th<' t th-:; i .. ir Yorcc ou tlr:uod s ord.c booms j_.n th :: vicinity of
ipopul2.tcd orc2s lost l'I t.3r 7. J..s r,lct:lbcr hrs. Deily ol' ~os .:.l1 t::~ clcs
l pcin.ts out, thor o s ac~ to ~a core sonic boos s s~. nc e t~c order the:~
before . it v::-:s isst"ccd. Fl'C'.nl:.:ly, He \!cTe co.::~vinccd in 19~0 \JhC.!."'. v!c
j cxpcricnccd r boon in Los ~nsolas, th~t those trcBondous bl2.sts fol-
1~~,-~c~?~~~ ;~~~us~~ ,~~:,.. of_::'~Sr;~:: c~,~t~c~-;_~o~ -~~ocl_;:s~?,c~ o~-f~~m~rcr:~ors, ~re
l1l.J.L ...:.~ ... L uL -.lC B~..h... Lu .tr.-~v.c . . .dJ - '-- . . I-..r ___ .._p __ J..:JD U.u, IR..~~~..> .... l .

j ~lthough tj~ r~ova ho~dli~c B<'Y sc2~ t~rt wo c-.rc being ::: bit
!fccctious :-!bout c ~1C; r c cont ru-~lOl'ts o:Z' 2-it-GJ_ ,~ UG].y ue~1 1:.rho bccorn.-
- -b lncr""Sln,.,.
!in"' ' ' 'uolcl '.,~t,~ l~ .v ~1~V" r;u-i'-(' ~ .L ~- ~-.. +-in,r.t
Pc\' ~'l('; -"'...,ct,...,::,
I \..,:c.- ~ E,.L, - . , '!'"
> '-' - ~ <---v---~ L' v_. '-'-
L - .Lc..\..,: -, oL t 'V

Ito ~dd to tho nlrol".dy tremendous wc~lth of inforn rticn rcgrrdin~ the
ili ttlc fello,Js c.ncJ. their vis:tr.tions. ?.lccrusc of tbc lrrgc cncL"cnt of :Lnform.:- tjo~l 1JC hope to j_ncorrlor-
into t:11s issL,_c.:, i-TO vJOu:td }_ike to t >j_s cli.sconrsc to ti10
!follOI.ring fc.cts ,.rl:.ich C'.rc eithe r imknO\vn or ignorl".ntly left oL:t of'
ltho ,;,~1clo picture l:~y otbor st"ucor publjcc.tions 811d rcsc:-'rcllcrs:
.n ~ '- -'-!. --- 1. . ll -~ t ,
~.-ac Lop:1nsv1 _c, hanuc~y 1nc1aanc wa1cn 1nv~~v o
. .~ 4 ' 1 . l d
! I rc~c.ra ~o
,SCVOrn.l li ttJ.e DC!~ '.!h.O l.::h1 scig ;_; to r.' rurr>l f<::mily fer ti""lO grc~tcr
jp~rt of on evening~ our first ~tou of infor~c:tinn is thrt tho p rpa rs
1-;.'- ..nd -'-l,c r i_.....,, .-~<'or,..
l.d ... ,; r
-\,....- Qt....
i.J.' yo'"',:) ' + h ..-,v '11"~ th"i
V~- -'v \...J ... r
L .._;, s t1 c1y 11 t+l e f'1' nr-crs 1 n . ~- V-- ..._ --~ ... _

jthc..: mess ~lso) very b2.dly misroprl;s~..mtoc~ the focts [Lld thereby g::--vo
c.1..rc..y th-:; fc.ct t::. ~t they r.:cc; of tho 'little rc:onstcr' stories of
South ..~mcri c:-' c-nc:_ elso,:Jhcr c.: . ..."rom infor:T:' tion gr.thoicc.1 by ~,pno r,lom-
bcrs tncJ. in pcrticulc::.', Jccl:ie s~: undors of Los :.ngclos the li ttlc.:
fcllmrs "V/Cj~O not freon cw.1d there uas no evidence of .i'.. tc-_d odcr. 0 thor
fccts, however, thrt cquclly interesting ~rc:
1. Police cr.llcd out to invcstigrto, wi tncssod ~n odd light in
Ithe woods not too fc.r from the Sutton ho~e.

li 2. There Hcs no of <:nyonc or r:.nythin.g hcving b(;cn on

top of the Sutton house or in tho surroLmding crcr.. No trr.cks, etc.
3. One of the inclividuc:ls in tho house nt the timo of tho visi-
t2.tion of the little ~an, is the men who first reported '~ spc-coship'
o.rkcd in r: nccrby field. By strrn.gc coincidence, he ,ilQ.S visi. tine
n nD
i_M_u.;.._v_l9__5_..;;.5______,.~----t1_r ll
0' .
from Pennsy1venia where there h~KT been quite a little saucer 'activity
~nd publicity just prior to hii visit in Kentucky,
These f8cts db not necessarily all tic tocet~er to give a cer-
tain picture, but ero outst~nding ones which we felt we should pre~
l sent to our mcl'!lborshi:p for uh~ t they worth and in hcllJj_ng : each ixJ.-
l dj_vj_dunl drmv his or her Ov!n conclusions, ,
l Hov!Cver---theso lDs t tHo bits of information should !Jc tntcn in-
l to consideration before dr2wina any conclusions whatsoever:
j 1. It's obvious that the pr.ess, in their prcsentction of tho
I Zoe ts regc-,rcl.inr; tho 'li ttlo green men' of' Eopldnsvillc, 1:~ontucl-cy, vroro
l iEfluonccd by soncone 11l:o J:nm.r tho facts of tho South ADc~ri.c2n zreon
; d\.'2. r~s and ttingly incJ.uc.~ed pert of t:-lOse descr:lpticns, thus L1-
lclicating that ti1e Vo.IJ.oznolc;n green dvl?.rf incident is lmcun in hiGher
1c irclos but . has, for some ro<~ son, been Hi tbheld from the: A-
lmeric:m pu'l:Jlic. Tho similcl'i ty of th:; Vonczuolan 'lj.ttle men.' ;:nd
I thu odd Ji ttle croc:-tures of tl1 'J I:entncl-:y rupert is stril:ing, espec-
1 ic;lly vrl:10n tho VonczuelL'n f~cts could n~t br:vo .~ccn l:novm _to t;w Sut-
l ten fcm1ly, Thus, ~11 port1os, tbousL'!CLs of mlJ.cs apo:c t, obse.:...~vcd
v,r. tl,.1'lfig V '''--' T y S ..i i!ll.LL . ..., , th, ols.Lr.r-:,'"'
- "'-' ~:J.;;.o 1-o'-t
L>,. . S t-o ""
SOd~,.; . .,...,._ .LS 1. J J OJ.J.e..,.

I 2. The Suttons hcve fo:r.s~Lcn t~;c ir bon; J nc.:::.- r :iopkinsvillo ~nd c,t-
! teL;pts to retch t:1em for coLTlOl:1"G or r>ddi tionrl inf or ; ,l[~ ti on hove
I fnilcd. Ic is un.dcrstc:;nd<::bl..:: th~ t thc.:y mcy bcva lc:ft for rc2sons of
l dcsiri~g quietude end priv0cy, but to rannin nwc.y for months, l c cving
jtbe horae conplotcly, l1jnts ot o. more involved and ur(i: cnt

! H<.mil ton County, Ohio nuthori tics reported in August th2t hro
j tccn-oge couples ;.Jc:rkGd onL::-kesic1c Drive (Cincinnati) s~'.id their
1cor wr:. s ~~):pl' oo..cl1~c1 oy ~ ~our f?:.)t ~r .:;on non ~i th o very bc.d odor,
Th.ey fled to pol1ce nnd lnv,:;s tJ.::;[' tl on only d1s closed c: dend slcunJ:~.
Eo.rlier, tlvo cctmty offico:._' s ia different cruisers both smv ~ big
round objoct, yollmlish r."l1d bluj_sh in cast---romr.j_ni'1C: stctione.ry
_ ~bout one hour Inste2d of fl?in3 off, it just blinked out. (Wont
i our explan2 tion? He think the odor didn't como fron the g1een mo.n.,
' but rcthcr the sl:unk who re:sortcd to his only defense before fin2lly
dying from fricht.)
! In Cincinncti, C1io, on Au:~ust 27, police crpturccl c::. 15-yorr
lold youth dressed in full l023th close-fittinG ovor~lls end 2 green
lrubborized mr.!sk. Yo .res crpturod e:i:'tor residents of on orc2. reported
seeing n 'green mon 1 fo chcrges prafarred~--thc cops just confis-
c~. ted the suit. This one is veT.y smelly, indeed!
The "Rocketeer", o. lvuel:J_y news publicnt1on ct Eollomnn Air Force
Bose corriccl ~n Lir Force: Press Service ti tlod "Little Green
8lJ~ Glovling Doscl'ibest Vis j_tors Frou" ond 11hich rcolly let the
cr~t out cf the bo~: rcz~rdinc; hou li ttlo coordinr:tion there is in the:
. ,

A!u~ 1955 HPHO 6u!lelin /.Jfi$(! jix

,l mili to: y, uith ti1o f ollo,ine q ~otc~: to tomcnts: "In the pn s: t~r c :,__;
yonrs, he (tho current puppet scuccr spol:osmcn r't-Hr:!.gbt A"i_r De:volop-j
mont Center) has hJcrd all kinds .of descriptions, but tho most fro- 1
quent_ C>rc of littJ.c, green, J_umincus ~ smelly typos. Dospi to ~'11 tho 1
stories, Capt. ~!hitc is con.vL1ccd that no spree man h:-vo landed on 'j
the ocrth. "Still, peoplo keep i.rlsistinrr thrt tboy'vG seen little
erecn mon,rt he scid. 1,:

11 Also," ho srid vlith n smile, 11 Sc,r,1e

folks believe '.ro cctu:J_ly -

hcvo o li ttlc green rn~.:1 pic~:led in ~:lcohol out L\t 1.lright fL"ttc.!~scn i
J.::;'B ' 0 hi 0 II I
Let us point out this importnnt infcrmr:tion to Ccpt<::in \!hit.::: 1
Up . until this lr s t fell, there hcvc be; en no reports nwde pubJ. ic rc-
gording smrll, smelly, green, luminous-tYPe men in t:l1o.UnitC;d Strtes.
Did Copt~in White foul u::J ::'nd inadvort..:mtly insert sene of tho des.:.
crip ti en of the VcnozuolL'n durrfs? Just 2 s hc-.pponec1 in er.rlicr ro- j
leases rc~nrding tho Kcntuc~y ~ffoir? I
. . . .

vlc noticed th[' t Crpt.-:-in '}hi tc did not deny tbr't !ri.:;ht Field h2d
n little men. Besides--- formeldL'hydc would be tho most likely thG

, most sui tr-.blo prcsorvrtiva solution---net nlcoholl j

The much tclkcd-rbDut c:~crience ef tho aouth Amoriccn engineer I
v!ho entered r grcunc1cd disc r. i1.<l cx:::minod the derd occu~)L'.....'J.ts is by nm.; i
nlmcs t C.S \.'ell lG.10\'Tn L"S the DOS t logondr.ry of Sr'.UCCr rcpnrts since
1947. \'Jc \!Culd li~co to s;_;t ::'::::.'th i1orc mere minute c:etr-ils cf tho in- I
tor ior cf the cr. bin of the <..1isc oid o}} joct .Dr. B. explored. .1o \vc uld I
else like to inform the moubc:::-s t~1~t Dr. B. bc.s bocm10 r mcm~x;r of j
our grcup is rn onthusir_stic 1-:F'O rcscrrchc:r like the rest of us.
_ ~ Of course, tho nost interesting p~rt of the story is the rctuc.l II
phys~.c2l coscril,:)tion of t~w li ttlo crcr_tures. Tho lj_gi1t inside the ,
object \'JC'_S Very but it vl;":S Very plC'.il1 th~ t the r10.11 hr'c: d~:r~'- c-::n-
plexions, light, sp:-:rscly 0.istributoc1 h~ir, ~nd ligl1t.colorcd cye.s.
1'hc eyes \!C:l."O Open ~'Del tho feces, of 1~.~:-.l.,'_;;. ''.- C :L'.:::::~ >.1cnce, \'TOTO tv!:i_stc
in r loot cf' horror. Th::t thCl'C: ucro no eyes UL'.s ol~roncously re-
ported in tho J~nt;L,st issue cl' thi~ Bulletin, c-r:C:~ \vr-s c-_s r: result of
misW.1cL:)T3tc!ndinc.; r-ncl possibl:r ::f mistr~nslr.tion.
.ic v1ould ~-ilea to ~sl,~ -c:-le r.:Jccicncci o:L members \1:1o. ordcrqci glossy
prints of the sc:uccr sr~:--::;pod ~)~T Dr. 3. rmo. :;.is friends, for ~1 ti1ough
it m0.y not sce:m poss:i;blo, t;;1c 1-rcrk ~oL11g int::.; g::'.therin,1 :::nd s::rting

m~tcri~l for this Bulletin is cxh2usting end OXQcting ~nd oft~n hold-
ups nro unL'voidnblo. A 11 sp::-.1e ti!"J-:; 11 job of;.g snc~ps .cc.~: become
f2 'hrc-hec:dcd mcnster \'Then photo supplies e-nd tedhnicio.ns ere not. plon-
l tiful, ~s in J..l~r:1ogord.o.
j Mora r-nd mere ll.l.'1.usur:l h~ppcni:1r:;s
ere trking plrcc uith rq;ul['ri-
1 ty r.nd \t!O cx:;qct tbcct by the summer of 1956 there Hill be rlmost df2.i-
Lly occurcncos \Thich \'.r ill riv:-:'1 oven the spoct_r:c_ul:::r Dr. J. j
/Jc;.qe ---.---
2even. - -
SIG::Til~GS s.:..uc~R IT:8riS i
Vle r:rQ curious to lmovr end if tnythinz co:-1es :LrDIJ1 the snell 1 .-rh~t
blm.'b in Dorothy Eilr;~llen' s cclunn of September 20th L~ \::deb she 1
vrrotc, ~nc'l. we .quote: "A nmJ series of fl ~.'ine scuce:c hcL:c~line.s r:re in i
the mrlcinc; . Behind tbe11: o ~roup of sc ie.:.1tis ts Hho ht.'Ve been j_nvcs- j
tiz~tj_ng reports in the southuest. 11

.Aut;ust 12, 1955r A .rec~ll.G s t for .:--ssist2nce in re})Ol'ting o~J jects

,. rrhte~
S.-:.._:. .... stlins .-,-! se..,
L~ ,D" 1,) <- ~ 'J'S
o-:-J_ ..1 .~1...
1"" 1
- L.- 8
l: o V tod~y J-o V .
'{1,.. ,
..,,1 OT\er~J-orco
(..... L.,
l,.. J.,. o-F' 31 s'-8"'
_ . . V \... .. "
I- 1 ~1-- -
..J ....,. -

s:}j,p cor1p2nies by Vice Ldmj.rr}_ F. s. LO\r, comnc-.:10.01 '''estern sec~ fron- 4

tier. In his. recio.cst, :J.c~:'1iJ..' [:J. Lov! c, skec~ t:-w.t c.ll si::l:U.l1:::;s o:f tLDJ.-
dentified flying objects ~.n c11e or on the surf[~c;e of t:-:e sec: be
reported in1rri8dicte}_y_ to his hecclr~uc~ rtcrs on TrecsLHB Isl~nd, Sc:1 Frcn-
cisco. It \l~: s stc,ted t~1::-. t -c: -: c coope:rction of tbo 01:nors o:' fis:1in.g
. ..,~e;_ ~nd othr.lrr-i
I v ~":'::Jsc~ls L- l=' '...J c,:,.., .t.C
. . u; cr n--":
. '- '1-'l,- iC"'-r~
.'-' . -~ ~.C;:, ...J..",..,a.~ (~~J.c.
. . . ~l _ ,':''"'-rr"'JC
. ,> ! ; -~ }
-" -''""' 0 l~'"'VY
uJ. -<...
rr -t"'u
into tho cct, thcru s ~y be sp2o rcsults---~d.)
J:.n0. t):').on thoro is the inciclo;::t rcnortcd in The CLlc::_nncti ~n'..;.
CJ.Uirer, vlhich invoJ.ved one 3c~i: cl'rl Lootz cncl thee cloud t L ct l:ilJ.ud the,
uench tree. This is 6rto of the woirdics of this se~son. Seems lir.
Lcotz U~' s out on his 1:--.vm cnc~ trees v!hcn he ? c 1 t o. pocu1i~~ r
t 1 _ ",.,,,1
.!..~... . ~ ~.,.., c"). sub"'.t"l"'C'' 5 ,;~ ~..A.L r'~ ror".,. ~ i .., colo-' ~~c'
_:. .... _ o'il~--' po .1 '-" ...,,.. . r, "' 1,'/J>- ll
1 ')0 ..,
..~ J. h1' m 1
0 L .. :. .,.J .... _.!.J. __ l ' u .... ..:....:.w
.L tU - !

t::.i.lC~ t~2.c tree. dT l;o ~~l~ s tl'n co - ~~~ uzcd.'h ['. ~~- r~'L :~i~ s ;_ 3D.:t; c- ti ~~l
up o. ~1'..t s ~ w 211 o u 1'CL. __ o c 1 one :::0 c,JOLL. 1 1 1 00
,. u .~..c (; 1
c uq.s creon,
~-:o looJ:od

,, l"'-'
'c',' c"'1CJ ..' D1.'
. .!. "- \L -ish
-- . ' '"r~c"
. ~ c :~ ~:co+ ... s~id
v ._, .- ;'1
\.) co,lr
.u.- _, sc \,; '-'1~
ul' - - v :-~.,
v L_ r-
u .,.; oc,l d I
; :r~:m v ~ s ~)roc o ccllnG frum 1t. ~-e FCl'-t :...nsic:e t1c boL:sc -co \.'csb . o~.'f 1
\ tlw s~uff ul1ich hccc~ bcr:;un to burn ~nd irrit;'to. \Jhcu he Cr'LK.: br:cl: .
' outside, the cloud u~s drifti .i:lg l'.'l'!o..y out of sis:bt. Tt1c nc:;:t ckJ he
vTcri.t out to ocl:e routine cxc-.minl'tion of his trees t:~~1cl l:::1vn c-.::-~d foLmd
t1ti10 DC[ trco shriv:.:.:lecl ~c.~ dc~'d
I - Durin::; t:oc 1wc!: of ScptomJcr 6 nystorious lig:1ts ccross
1tho horizon nec-.r Snpcr1or, ~; e!Jrr:skc, hrvc co.usocl much puzzlement r.nd
jconsternction. The lie;~ -~ts hc-vc been described ~s; in thr....:e
1flos 11es c~ t evenly sx:cc<-1 iLtcrVC'ls of t:' fevr sccorlds end cb:;ut 10 to
~15 decrees cbovo tho southern horizon. Those lights plus severnl
~reports of ~-- boll of fire tovcrd erl'th hcvc boon reported~
' The \<Thole country is h:' Vil'lZ bello on trouble novr~dcys, it so ems,
8ncl in ct lccs t one ~-n. s tr:nco, t:1e.: b~lloon rcsor.rch terms ucrc hcsi..;.
tr.nt to identify one of tl1o so i'!C'Y\.-JL:rd bc,r;s of uind ' o.s the iri Dur:m-
go, Color~, do v1cs stcrtlud by c- roun.d object v1:1ich bobl)cd rbove the
tovm. for so:r1e tirae, but tho C\utl'lors of :: bc.lloon launcLed nocr liinnec.-
polis or.rlicr denied t~-.:.o t ~- t "1'12 s the5. rs.
Another of those errrmt sky-f2rors perplexed;o, Illinots
on :September 11. Eo one i'! clC",im t~-:is one oi thel'' end cvcntur.lly
it drifted out over 1oke l'IichiGc-.n end completely diso.ppe~red. So!Jo ..
thing is ode.~ cbout this uholo series of evan ts---bo.lloons c.liICSS

~ re::dy eXl)lrnc-tion if c U1?C is sighted, but He -v1onlcl lil:o to lm0\1
rhy evoryonc is so hesitc.nt to identify these bclloons, thus rs lc:;.st
s~tisfyin~ the curiosity of the public.
- "
A/ol/ li55 . ~PROtu/lettn_ /.)~~tl_jj_hl
Wcs t Alox~.mlli.~, Vir e;i~1ir.hc,cl o d. illy of c. nys tory in C' "' rt~r~bcr
1-lhcn, on the 23rd n bc:scb~~J.l sized rnctc--.1 object 1:r s found in the . l
c:shcs of a bc.rn fire. Gcore;c l.lillcr, o-vmcr of the f~rm on the :<>ish-~~
cr-T'v!in roe'.d south of '.lust J.. lc:r.c.nclrin, he l!c:s m1c.blc to identi-
fy tho thing. ConflictinG stories were told by Nillar 2nd Fire Chicr
Eorl 5icl.:cy vlhon Hho bo.d tlf,c metal object. Liller .sc:id he
still h2d it r-t hj_s fo..rm ~nd the fire chief he still hc.d it.
Doth agreed on one thine, hoHovor---~nd thnt wns thnt tho stQtc fire i
m~rshcll 1 s office might be cnllod in to invcstigctc. Tho b~rn ccuzht
fire o.round 5 1) .rn. Scptoutbor 23 Hhilc tonc.n t former Joe hc.rtin ITC.s
Horldng in tm. '8c1j c.cunl milj: bern. Hc:r ~in esccpod vli tllou t injury c.nd
mc.nngcd to seve tho livestock. Excminntion of n piece of mot C1l
roofing c:ftor tho f~rc indicctod en object hcd eonc throue;h it.
In Lewiston, ~cine, on Gctobcr 20, ~ reel mystery wns in the t mcnncr of c-rec.turc h2d c:tto.cJwd :::. locc.l boy? It o..ll
str,rtod this \r:-,y: The boy's f.::;)..;hcr, Cloyton P. !~odgkin, spotted en
edd-lookinz bcboon-liko cnim~~l ~Jorch<.Jd on o.. stone v1c~.ll, \.1 on t in to
cnll c.uthori tics end report it., i1is vli.fu ~1d 8-ycc:.r-old
son trailed it to ~;:cop tr:::1ck cf i t Lmtil lir. :-Iode;kin f:inishod his
cnll. Suddenly the lj. ttlo r..nimo..l ( ~:iJout t\lo l'uct tc:.ll) turned upon
the boy rti1.d struck hj_m, lo['Vi:12: Ct I!OLU1d vlhich re:qui:cod 0 s ti tchu s.
, /.ftcr biting t:w boy, th;..; c.nLl<.'.l tooj~ off j_ntu tho i:!oods rnd\lcsn't
seen o.gc in. J.. suc.rch ur::s: cc.;:lductcd, but the li ttlc cro.c. turc \J,':'.sn 1t
found. Ot~1cr tho..n tb.: doscri~Jt:.on th::::t tbu thin:::; lool;:cd like v. mon-
key, c.r<J s1.d.mpy. Em!c::Vcr, tbc~cc hrvu b~ : on no rc~Jorts of mj.s-
sing monkeys, be,boons or siDilc,r
T :~c 11 :?lyine; Sc.uccr ~ovicu", put out qu::rtcrly by tho Flyin g
Sc.uccr Service Limi tod, of Lonclon, England, cc.rriud on in teres tins
story of rlil cncoulYccr \:Ti th c. 070 by c. youhg 1 '.:Tcck~cnd pilot' ncc.r
the Tho..mcs Estur_ry. 1.1:-tchinc i...v!O other 'lictGor.s 1 (ei British jut
fighter c:.ircrf'ft), r.t lG,ooo feet uhilo ho clinbcd, Flt. Lt. J. R.
Sol.':'..Ildi~1 suddenly noticed t\.-10 ci:i'culcr objects strcrl:ing bch!c0n tho
tHO Hctcors. Ono of tbc obje;cts \Jc:s silvery, r:nd tLc other eolc1 in
.color, r-.ncl -:-,:.'lc..ndj.n \l:-' tchcc1 t:1cra until they rencbocl nine o' clocl;: hiE:h
---n position hish on his por~~eam----uhon they disc.ppocrcd beyond
t:d. s ronco cf vj_sion. ';Jhcn he turned to tool;: throuch his \Tindshicld,
he u~s hottificd to sec r-I1ottcr object comine strricht for him Qt his
0\1!1. loVOle Sc~ lt::ndin S~'. id, 11 '.L'b0 ,t~:in.g bed ~ blm-sh~:.pcd top, n fl~nt;C
lil:o tHo scL~ccl'S ~.n the mJdc~lc r'nd r:. bun W1dornccth, ,11 /.s it closed
I in," th~ ob ~?ct. ch.~ .~-~cd ~~-ircc~.i o.n ~nd pr:..s sed . Snl_~ndin on his P?r,t side.
SoL.nchn sL,J.d 1t d . s tr.vcll1..1g a~. trcl::londous speed and so frJ.gtlt-
cncd him thr-.t he hc:d to fly ~round qui::;tly ror sovorcl minutes to re-
cover. Sc>l:'.lldin is no\'! sorry t:1ct he didn 1t hcvo proschcc of mind to
press his gun-ccm.orc-. l.mtton---hc \.TOuld h8Vc hc~d tho best r~nd only
close-ups of c s:: uccr to dctc .

Tho ?lyin~ Scuccr ~cviaw, ~ncidcntolly, is printed on sli6k paper!

nnd hcs mr:...'1y contr:Lbutors---incluclil1g the om.minunt l)rotoe;c of -vrorJ.d
rcnovmed Sigmund Froud---Dr. Ccrl Jung. It gnvo us qui tc Q thrill to
rood Cr-.rl 1s vorb.:'.l hc11d..:.sln.n for the u. s. Force. Iic does-
ln1t go ::Ions Hith the 'bcl1ud.n:'tions 1 business, c-,nd, ::'ftcr ell, \Tho

AJc,v 1955 .< .HPRO&ulletin

is more qurlified to on the subject of montc..l disturb~ces 1
thc..n the world 1 s; expert on psychology? Jung very fr~cly lots it be
known thnt he bQlicvos thoro is ~ very good case for the interplC'nc-
tcry hyPothesis.
It w:->s through the ~ying Stmcor Review tho.t Ho lec..rnod of tho
nm. rcs t 1 I mot L1 sc..ucormc..n . chc..r::Jctor, one. Buck Holson, c f:'.rmer in
the 0 ZC'rlc l'fountc. ins in ~.Lis oouri. They di'nnk coffee IIi th him, he 8[\YS'
ru1d his hopped-up pictures c..rc submitted to prbve thc>t he r.t le::1st
s<:.\1 one. The pictures, hmrevcr, nrc pretty inventions, j_n
our opinion, ::nd vrouldn' t convince tho old hc..rd-hco.ded sl~cp tics Hho
melee up tho bull;: of tho .J..PRO membership.
In tho $Cmo is sue vrhich contnined the Buck 1-;elson ncrrnti vu nnd
th.:; ~: rticle by Dr. Jung, tho Flying Srucor Rovio\1 pros en tocl c dis.;.
course of snucers, their orie;in ru1c1 motives by Dr. IIermr.nn Oberth, thel
omminont Germc.n rocket scion tis t so well lmown for his views on UFO.
1.. short quote: 11 Bo..sed on \'lh~t I ...11011 toc1r.y, I believe tho intorplon-
ot::ry hyPothesis to be tho most probcblo r1nsvror to the W1c:x:pln.ined of UFO repor~s
. Tho TEL01~IC ~3TI:i.IlCH BULLETIN is o. nmTcomer in tho f5.eld, eivos
li ttlo nctm~. l snuccr, c.. lot of opinions on vnrious thines inclu-
ding hcnl th diets, ond is hoc..ded up by George J.dC'.msl~i' s erstwhile
compnnj_on in sc..uccr lore, George :suat \tlillj_:-mson. In tho vorn.::.culc..r
of the do.y, They Don't Shov Us Fothing.
f. strc.ngc ohj-.;ct described r.s ~ brillinnt sphcriccl globe of
cr' silver flmv over the tmm of Guc:rcn~s (about 4-0 kilouoters I;r'.st
of Cc.r~cc..s end C"tbout 25 1crns of Pct~rc) on tho morning of .'. uc;ust
26th. Soon l:):t hundreds of persons, the object v1c.s described o.s ~
silvery, flnttcnod bo.lll mnl~ing rc loud humming noise. It 1vcs observed
for cbout 4-0 seconds. .1 though it flcvr high, it's sho.po wr:s perfect.;.
ly visi blc, nncl the sound wc.s dcscri bed vn.riously :::.s like the 1 bumming
of bees- end the 1 buzzing of o. sew. 1 One mc.n the sound seemed to
cnjr__ll.i_s bod_l, he fol t goose pimples rc..isc on his body r1ncl fcl t :;_
ti9kling in his stomnch. The object stopped nt tioos, r:t other times
do.shocl C"tbout the sky ~. t high speed, o.nd loft no of o.ny kincl.
Cnpt<:.dn Ha:1uel Eucrt2..s of tho J.,v-;:.l'~SJ.. l.irlincs reported c:.n experi-
ence he hod nbo ut tvro ycc.r s r.go 1vhcn n lend-colored onll with no
mnrkings oppronched o.nd flmr c..longs ido his_ c: irlincr for nbout forty
minutes. Tho crov; of four observed the th(illg, lvhich mc..dc i t 1 s initirtl
.::.ppcnr.::.ncc C't 6:20 P m. It joined tho nirlincr over .i.nnco c:nd flc~r
vling vr.!. th it for n distc.nco of ncc.rly 400 . kilometers, but when noc..r~
ihg Noigu~tn, it Dsccndcd t"nd quicly lost to sight. The co-pilot
svri tched the lnndjnr.; lights on end off to sec if' tho object vrould re-
ne t in .:l.!lY wny. Tho crow Hc.s bc:dly shaken vrhon the thing ro sp ended
by sho\-ling nn ornngc light nt tho top nnd n blue light 1..rhich fliclwrod
on nnd off intcrnittontly. J.. t tho end of it's fli~ht IJ ith tho nir-
llinor, thclights romcinbd on "s it left.

r Since October 3, the Air Force has lost . two B-47s vlhich were a.p~
parent1y strucl>: in tnid-air by lZlidentified objects. lovinctcn , He\.v 1
Hexicol On the 3rd of October, a B-~-7 crashed, and one of the crevl' 1
the observer, survived. Authorities at first thought the giant jet
bomber nay have collided in mid-E!ir with a small liaison type aircraft~
Huuevor, investigation proved that none \vere missing, and other answer!>
hcve been sought. J.. fter the initial nevTs articles in vrhich one ui t- I
ness claimo(1 to have seen a ball of fire in the vi&ini ty of the plane
. br;foTo the crash, re:9orts on yHoc;r8ss of tho invostir:;ation ceased and
I tc date thol'o has ~con no more printed about it. The survivor stated 1
IonJ.y tlla t the hn.d been s trucl: in mid-c-\ir and the jolt Has so
!terrific t~at he thought thct they had struck the ground.
IIod inTm1rrd t~;o ln t tor nDr t of Oc t~bor, 1:mother B-47 cr1:1 shod and burn-:.
Texas, and n vri tncss of tl:.e crnsh said that she r. ball of
I1 fire 1vl. th. sparks o~.t o~ it, ~car the plr:mo ~ust bcfc~e i ~ l
fell. Tlus case 1s also bc~.r1g;otccl but publ1cly notlllns; 1s j
s;:5d nbout conclusions. Tll~_s rn~h cf cro.shing plcncs in t~1o ,:lest is 1
11?ccominc scr~ous, DS ~;;on tho ~:~r Force. vJ:Ll~- ndmi t. _ 'll:.~ ~\vO d~sr\s.~ors
1n Colorado <.-To soincto1nr:: to mu.l'-o cno s1t up o.nd toLe n .... t1cc 2n.d t .. cn 1
to begin to wonder. These things, whrtovor they, thnt nrc stri- I
jking plnncs in mid-oil" npp~rcntly co~'lc up - so fest t~w. t no Nn.ydny can I
bo gi von ru1d there is no hove for rescue. I
or not these t~:j_J:,::;s
ern be tro.ccd to Soncers or net, 1s j
net too inmor ten t~--but it ls im~)or to~1t thot the odds against s2fo I
trnvol by cir o..rc grmrinc by leo;:) s nnd bctmds. I
A recent lett or from l-Inj or Donn1d Koyboo, nut::or of "The Flying
Snuccrs Arc .0.ccJ 11 , and 11 Zly:L.i.1C:: Scmccrs from Outer 11 indict"..tos
thc.t hj_s rmch-CITC: i ted noH b oc1r, "Tho :::~::t_ying Saucer Ccnspirncy" \Jill
soon be cvrt:i.lcblc en tho bool-:: stands. For reasons of :1is oun, and
which, incidentally, ve feel are quito valid, tho exact date of the
roleose of his book is a closely guarded secret. We would like to
quote a few sentences from a recent letter which ~hould bo of inter-
est to all:
"It's obvious they (th8 A.F.--Ed.) arc \vorried about the stoody
increase . in UFO sig~ltj_ngs (\,Tl:.ich they also deny) nnd Drc tryine to
m~ke the public believe thot nm-r secret Air Force devices aro tho ex-
planation. Though they said they were just starting to test such a
nwchino, many papers will pr..rc::.phraso or cut Dnd cause tho impression __
thn t this is thG real rns-vrcr. Tho v!holo thing is a cover~
up, n conspiracy to keep the lJUblic in ignorance of t~1c imp or tan t a.::
vents 2nd developments of the past tHo years. I thinl:: my new book,
Tho Flyip.e Snucer Conspiracy, vlill mC!ko this plain. And even if it
is n 'benign' conspiracy -- to keep Amorj_cDns from ,. rorrying --- it's
'nngcrous, and, I bolicvc, nbsolutcly wrong. After nll, we cron't-
childron. If there is sooct~ing serious behind tho saucer oporntions,
d r2thor knmr it thr\n to bo dccc.:5_vcd by somo Pcntngon silence r:rou,p
. . ..

A!uv 1955 -------- R~HO 6ullefin

which is c.fraid to trust the Americon people."
Although lir. I\\;Jyhoe' s lette rs hcvc corriod n fLOOd c1enl uorc in-
forrnction in the lnst few months, because of his wish for keeping
this inforoc tion on r confidenti a l basis, end b c c ~ usc W8 agree th~t
it will be more boncfici~l if it is put before tho world in book
form, one foct le:~ding to cnotller . end 'Hi thout prcmoturo locJ:s vlhich
might.c.dversoly nffcct tho ?vcrcll pcrtant o~ the book 1 W? hove kc~t
our sJ.lonce. Uc nrc sure; tJ.1:' Jc vlhon APRO mcmb c~ rs open t..hc lr c opy o;:

I Koyhoc 1 s new hook they will find thrt avery word is worth oJ.J. tho
v!2.i ting o


l One would t hink tho t t~1a ci tizcns of J~lcmoEorclo, Nc\v Hcxico
I vrould 'be so fr.n1 :i.lio2r VI:!. th bC::J.loons end roc}:ets, b c in:r so close to
Hi.1i to S~nd3 Proving Ground one~ Eoj)o;nnn .J.~ir Dc v c lopmoDt Center, th::t
I it would t cka ton l ittle men :'n j 1 6 sauc er s to ru ff le their smooth
! oxtcr:..o~s'i but 8 l~eccn. t j_nci cl,;~1t in ;,;11icL em l~ir Fc.,rco rcsec-rch br~l
, loon sot~ling in o.. mount<" in crny:J~1 r1eC' l' J.. ln.mogordo \vc s cc.llcd r UFO
:J.nd th e lccc:.l r~:di o st,"tion l'cportcc1 it rs s u ch bci'orJ inv cs ti g:J.ting,
t es tifies to th o obvi ous f~ ct , lo0g overlooked by s ~ ucar rese nrc hcrs,
jthct n lot of people just si~ply era n o t Good observers. We nrc sure
I o:;:.' this ono' for hr a Loranz c;:l p 2:C ::;onG.lly Hen t out 2~l.d looke d OV<Jr the
scone. This is ['_ good 0~\C~Lr~:lc.; f er !.llcmbcrs t o r c:nc!!lbcr---don' t jump
to conclusi ons ov e r whrt is printed in tho n ew spnpars cr recited over
the rc:.dio---thc people \Jho re p ort fe-r t hese t vJO cc ~ rulilUnicc-: t ions mcdi-
lwns just cs f;:~ lliblc ::-..s r nycn c els e ,

Tho /JJRO Bulle tin is the officj_['_l c,opyri g htcd public o. tion of tho
.-'.. erir:l Phonouc:nn Roscc-rch Orec:.i1izcticn, 519 EovJ Yor1;: ,,
lJovl lvi..:.xico, e-nd is issued ev e ry ot(1cr mont~1 to members only. Tho J.. cr-
i r l Phenomcno R esc~ rch Orgcnizcti on is r: non-prcfit group dodicntod to
the evc; ntu['_l solution of t\10 myst c r~r of tho unidentified flying ob-
jects vlhich hr vc: been present in the skie;s L:bove c~- rtb for hundreds
of yc cr s. Inquiri.:.;s ros[' Bembcrship D<:' Y be m<:~de to tho c.bove
~: *':' ** ** :' :;:*
>:: >:< ~: ~:: >:: >:< :n:: >';. :o:: :<>:: >:< >'~ *>{o:: * :;:
~::;: >'~ >i' (: >:: ~' * *:;< i<
:~ t,: :: >!< *:;: :-:":' :; ::: >!< ~:: :;: **:: *~< ~' >!< :: :: ""0< *:1,< ***
Tho Director would like to thr:.n1: the membership for their exhi-
bition cf p:'ticnce in rc:nrd to her fniluro to porson~lly answer let-
ters, ~nd the irre;gulnrity of tho Bulletin since her 2rrivnl in ~lc
norrorlo over r yor~ r :--go. B._. cn.usc p oor ho2.l th brcught her here, c-.nd
b e caus e cf tba burden of meclicr:.l costs ,.,hich forced l1cr to seck en-
ployrn;:;n t to supplcnent tho ftmily incor.10, she tnd Hr, Lor0nzcn h~vc
h ~' c1 r:. tryinc yco.r Llo..clc nora c.Ufftcul t bocnuse o:L' thuir duty to the
memb e rs of tho orgrnizntion. ~lth c ugh only four bullutins hnvc been
issued so fer this ycn.r, the lc.cldng ,..,ill be mn.d c up in the future
rnd present plc.n s to improve the Bulletin in t he nc~. r futuro by
possible printing ns :-.. I!lv[:ns of reproduction. This c~n.t"lOt be n. prom-
ise, but we hcpc the ncnticn of it will prompt tho members to stc~d
behind the Dirac tor 50S tho:r ho..vo so loyally dono in t~1o pc..s t.
ffi fJJ 0__ 0_ II TI 0 ~

Dcc~rn 6c'l 1955



PC!LJCIES c ( c c A ND COtJSl~l R,~ C Vi

Dear .APRO 1--'le::nber,
As the first publisher or a 'flying saucer' periodical, and a
pioneer in UFO reseC."J.rch, I h<:!.VG vatched tlle progress of H2.j or Done:.ld
Keyhoe in his secrch for the truth behind these aerial enigm~s, us-
ually v-ri th 8dlilirc tioE ru1d ['.1\-rc.ys -vrj_ th q;provo.l.
Tvro years c:.go, nfto3.' <:. t~"J.orough pcrusrl of the o.lrendy sllOl)..en
files from six ye::trs of collecting nnd resec.rch, I pcrson[1.lly en..;.
dorsad Eo .j or Kcyhoe 's methoe_s c:nd approach to \the:: t hns been the
grootcst cho.llcnEc GVcr to face cny scientific research worker,
Since tho'C clay in 1953, H::~jor =~cyboe 2nd I hove enjoYed n very __
intorcstinr; and fruitful n.ssoc :~.:- ti:m. Eis n c;"d boo1':, "The Flying S2.u-
cer Cons~~~r:cy~ brines :fl~r~ng-:-;1 rc~o~)rct; on_thu~iz:lsts up to date
on tlrJlY l.LJ. .. hc:r vO supprossoc, U.L4 0 J...~."lc-'-dcnvs r:nu roper i,S cmd bcrc.s so;:w
stortling theories \T~1:i. c:1 r:w.ny rescr:rch devotees hove only dared en-
tertain 1vj_thin tbc pri of their o-vm thoughts.
"The Flyinr; Souccr Conspirc.cyn not only c:ttos mD.ny nov! ru1.d in-
terest-in::; points ['Yld r;;ports :rcl8tod to the UFC prohlcia, "Jut o..lso
proves beyond r. doubt tho. t t.:1c Dni ted S t:1 tes Air Force is o..
greet deal of infcr:.1c-tion which, r-.ccording to Constitution~l low, is
I tho rightful property of the Americc,n people.
Mr. Keyhoc has po..inst~kingly listed tho out of context quote~
vrhj_cil the Air ?orcc used to c1cm2.gc his clnir:ls the inter-
plc':letcry nLturc of tho ffii'O, rnc, brings out of hidi.:1g t\10 conccn.lcd
militc.ry public2.tions uhicb c2.::;t c.. lot of lirht on c~lC Air Force meth-
od of ~.nvestigc.tio~1 of UFO l'Cports end C:.ivulgcd tile long suspected
fact thrt milit2ry personnel c.ra coerced into silence o..bout UFO
sightj.ngs or o:cporionccs lJ: threc.t of cou:;:ts-i:l[~ rti:-.1.

Although iMport:-:nt f::.~.cts c~!1Cl. th.:.:;ories bcs~:d on :fr'cts ere brought

to light in the book, th_c; most imlJort:--n t phc:so of t~1c: uholc bo'Jl;: \l c:s,
in my opini or:, the poj_nt.;. by-pcin t disclosure of tl-:o Cc:.:. )_Sl-:l c~'1cl
Ot;:c 1955 RPH 0~dletin
nnd how it wa.s concei vcd end nourished, vii th mow1tine frustration,
the reader lives over again t~1.ose days in 19 54 when UFOdom vras dealt
a telling blow by the 'Silence Group' at the Pentagon vlho were using
the free American Press to :9ropaga te- their o:w-n claims and discredit
the UFO believer. I \Wuld lil~e to recall a statement that I made in
a past issue in \vhich I editorialized on the virtues of analytical
reading. If the Anerican Public had been thoroughly schooled in this
noble practice, Keyhoe's 1954- publication \vould have forced the lift.:.
ing of the irun curtaiR of UFO censorship.
The Air Force has, at present,, one . great factor in their fcwor,
and thet is time. In order to fully understand the situation," the .
novj_ce must go bac!': throueh the past 8 years and gradually bring him-
self up to date on . UFQ infornation, thus getting tho full, straight
story. The 'Silence Group' of the Air Force is fully avrarc of this
and a1 dislilce faeinc tho fe.ct, it is obvious that if tl1c
UFO situation is to come to 2. head at this time, it necessitate
a startling incident or series of incidents \Thich could not be easily
alibied or hidd.en from tho eyes of the public.
It is entirely possible, however, that if enough scrious~minded
Amor ic an pe oplc read and absorb trw shocking facts contn.incd in "The
Flying Saucor Conspiracy", ~:nd follm.r thro:-:gh with demands for tho
truth channeled through their legislative representatives, a slow but
nevortholcss inexorable disclosure of tho truth will como.
Kcyhoe points up tho mystery involving the many midair acci-
dents which befallen both civilia'1 L'nd mili tar~r aircraft, most
of which, it is now cviclcnt, have boon in sone way connected wi ti1 the
Mr. Kcyhoo hc:s done a me.gnificcnt job of docuracnti.t1g tho closing
chapters in the; groatcst story in tho history of moC:crn l:l.C'lle. His lofic
in carrying the rc2.dor from one conclusion or thoory to r...nothcr, is
clean-cut and decisive. Tbc few -vmrds relating to the cul tiscs and
hoaxers arc choice and in the best of t~.ste.
I fully expect tha.t a:s a result of Hojor Koyhoo's ne\ol book, thoro
will be a loosening of censorship vlhich will be the first step in the
revelation of UFO facts. In all probability there is a tug of war
in progress at this very moment bob~ecn the Pentagon 'Silence Group'
end those Air Force personnel vrho believe that the Am16ricc:n people -
arc big enough to accept the facts vri thout hysteria. vlc c2.n only
hope that the 'Silence Group' is finally dofcntod.
If all the supcr1e.t1 vas known tb tho e.rtisuns of li tcre.ry re..:
ViC\v Here to bo cmpl~ if1 f~vor of "Tho Flying s~mcer" I
feel they would be insufficient for the portont of this book is b;:; ...
yond more -vrords. We moy woJ!l find some day thot it hns hnd more pro-
found cffec t on the lives o;f tho peoplo of tt1e \rorld than the refor-
mation or tho full of tho Rpmc:.n Empire.
We irould like to take this opportunity to present D. recent letter
from lvio j or Keyhoo ll hich does n. good job of speaking for itself:

Dear Mrs~ Lorenzen:

Thank you for your offer to review my book, "The Flying Saucer
Conspiracy". An advance copy hns boon sent to you. I ho-po tt1ot tho
evidence of censorship nnd other UFO informntion \'Till nssist you in
your continued invostigDtion of tho flying sr..ucor probloi11.
As publisher of the first flying saucer investigDtion mcg~zin_Q,
you hnve built up a membership vrhich incl udcs many pilots, acro!1n.u-
ticnl engineers 211.d other tr2.ined observers, c.s Hell as thousands of
citizens seriously inte rested in learning tho truth. Through APRO,
you hnve an unexcelled opportunity to help end the censorship of
flying snucor reports. I o.m sure thr..t concontrntion on the fo.cts, c.nd
avoiding the many wild rumors _..:; or labolin;:; them ['.S such -- will con-
tinue to incroL'.se tho number of thoughtful Americans in your member-
ship. Ncny of these \-.rill probo..bly demand, through their Scno..tors and
Congressmen, tho.t tbe Pentagon rolo<:-,so all the hidden flying saucer
Pleoso accept my thD.nks for tho verified sichtine;s Md other UFO
informc.tion vlhich you sent me during the lnst b1o years.
Sincerely Yours,
(Signed) Donc.ld E. Keyhoe
Hn.jor, U. s._ Harine Corps (Rot.)
I feel thct f'injor Keyhoo ivill ngreo with mo thL'..t tho appreciation
voiced in his letter should be extended to each and every member of
the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization. Whereas I do dedicate
many hours each vleck to reading reports and correspondence, answering
mail and directing investigations plus the never-ending iJOrk involved
with issuing a bulletin, none of these things could have been possible
were it not for the members of this organization anc~ their conscien-
tious, patient cooperation.
Many times in the past throe years various factors including
a shortage of funds aJ.'1.d more of ton poor health, have tempted me to
give up the long battle for the truth, but each tinw soLJ.c unexpected
factor such as a letter of appreciation or a compliment on my -...rork
from one of you, has made me all the more determined to continuo a
little longer. Major Keyhoe's book, with the little bit we wore able
to contribute, has made the worry, hard v1ork and ridicule seem very
minute considerations in tho overall picture.
"THE FLYING SAUCER CCESPIRACY" is an object lesson in ivhat can be
RPR0flu IIet in..
- . ' . .

. accomplished wh.:m in individual sticks to the facts and makes the

. .facts speak for . thcmscl ves as Naj or Keyhoo has done. APRO has bocp
cri ticizod many times in tho past for giving the cold should to re-
ports of 'saucer contacts' and interplanetary jourhoys although no- ,
thing that could bo construed as corroborating evidence h~d boon of- '
fared by tho people purportedly invblvcd in those n.dvcnturos. One
nftor another, other so-called research periodicals !lave consistently
rofu.sod to take a dofini to stand on tho question of 'contQcts' by tho
mQ11y claimants . This is, in my opinion, an attempt to encourage
members (for their value in monetary support) uho arc .inclined to sup.:.
port tho hoaxers and cultists.
I fool that t~c true spirit of rcsonrch cannot be .odvmcod by
one who nppronches .a problem io.'i th foregone conclusions :r,s to its so-
lutiori. For this reason I have deliberately discournecd prospective
members who would .like to propngnto tho 1 contcct cult', dogm~
und make c. religious issue of tho scucor~mystory. .
Hy feelings on this mc..ttor just this . -- I uill, as I hove or..:
ton dono, qtg into my mrn poclwtbeforo I \vill prostitute tho nruno
2.11d idonls of this or r.;nnization for the snke of a feu r.1ombors md n
few dollnrs.
Thus er-n be seen the c.dvn.n to..gc of mc~ intr inine; AP:C:.O os n non-
profit orgcnizc.tion, sinco our otm is research r2.thor them public
pcrfcirmc,nco for profit. For this rcnson forcicn r.1omb c rs hnvo nov"Cr
been chnrgod extrc mniling costs. Even though in some cnses postcgo
on bulletins Qlld corrospondonco complete ly consume the subscription
foe c.nd then some. He feel thc.t by continuing the non-profit policy,
APRO vlill .p.over place i t?elf in n position where it con bo bought.-:.--
directly or indirectly.
The prime function of APRO is not to humor visionnries or hunwn
ostriches, or feed pc.p to the populnco. Our policy \Till continuo .to
be 2. pc.tiont ferreting of tho truth wherever it m2.y b e found, what-
ever it nwy be, o.nd to convey this truth to those vlho r>ro rer..dy to
nee-opt it.
This is tl1e r onffirmod creed o.nd policies of tho Aorinl Phonomono.
Rosoc.rch Org2.nizntion. Tho will continuo to be c.
od pc.por until such time o.s the m.m1bor of members cnd, consequently,
the b2!1k ['Ccount, \vL'..rrt:'nts c.nd justifies n better me.:cns of roproduc-
ti on. This will nlso depend upon tho inl str.tus of Hr. Lorenzen
n.nd I.
In 1952, vrhon l:.PHO Wt'.s conc.::ived, \-lO were o.blo to shoulder tho
finc.nci2.l burden until membership returns shov!Od no dcfici ts At the
present time, ho\lrovor, bocnusc of hoc.vy porsono.l obliz~ticns, this is
no longer possible~ c.nd ).nsteo.d of supplementing AFRO income in order
.. to mc.ko usc of o. now o.nd better system of royroduc tiC.i.1 for tho Bulle-
tin, we mus;t continuo \Tith the present systor:1 in order to keep up
our supply of inforr:w. tion ct r-.. minimum cost to members..-. It is noV!
possible tho..t in order to be of any grcnt v::G.uo 1n the long cn!!}.pnign
D~c I 55 RPHOulletin
for truth ahead of us, we should have a reproduction system worthy
of the contents of the AP::tO 3ulletin. I'he oninions End suggestions
of members regarding this question \Till be gre2.tly o.pprecieted end
seriously considered. At ctny rate, there vJill be no increase in
membership dues.
This nevr effort in behalf of our orgrmiz2,tion and the fonl we
have set, must have the consideration and cooperation of .:tll mem-
bers. On Je ~ u::ry 1, 1956, AFRO will begin her 4th year of existence,
which is a record in the Mnals of UFO rcse<uch. .AFRO was the first
orgc:mization to produce ::nd publicize the existence of physical evi-
dence of the reclity of UFO. (the Nevr Hc.ven Incident, J..PRO Dulle-
tin for September nnd November, 1953 and Page 233 of 11 1'l1c Flying
Snucer ConspirE~cy") APTIO is the oldest UFO rcseorch group nm1 in
existence and consistently re,orts the lnrgcst num~J c r of revoaling
rnd informative reports cvr.iloblc. I feel, end en sure tbc:t our
members vlill ngrcc, tho.t the Conspj.rccy disclosed by lbj or I~eyhoc
should not be token c:>s ::1 signo.l to retire from tho 3ottlcficld, but
rnther a challenge.
Lnst sprinr: I mentioned oEr proposed now home ncnr the Snn An;;.
dreas mountains in this area. Boc~use of building restrictions, shor
taao of contro.ctors o.nd builders, otc., ,. ,e b~ve boon forced to settle
for something n little less thctn thct vlhich ue had originnlly planned.
On or nbout Februc.ry 15 vic expect to move into n ncvJ four-bedfoom
home vii th ample spe1co for tho .AF?.O office c,nd files. Plcns under
way at present to provide for o~n en;Lc.rgor .end developer vli th vlhich
to supply to our mcobors at r:. minimum cost, copies of L'l1Y UFO pic.;;
turos cons ide rod to be vrortlTidhile. Until tbG t tir:1c, 1-10 must Gsk the
members to confine their contr.ct \Ji th us to letters 011d phone cc::lls.
At present tho Lorenzen fnmily is cronr:J.ed into n smell apc.rtmcnt
jc.mmed with files, personal possessions, n telescope, Hr. Lorenzen's
electronic test equipment c..nd gear not to mention sovcrnl music2..l-
instrumonts (including c. bess viol). Hollomnn idr Force Bnsc (1:lherc
Mr. Lorenzen is employed by n private contr~ctor),is tho re2son for
the crnmpcd concH tion of c. good mo.ny of the residents of J~lnmogordo, ..
and the close nroxh:i ty of '.!:1i to s~nc1s P:>:>oving GroLmd docs not exact-
ly help to c.ll~vic::tc tho ~trocious ~ousing situation.

Nr. Lorenzen n.ncl I "''ould lil;:o' to tr1ko this oppor tun:L ty to wish
for occh ~d ovary one of tho members the merriest of Christmases,
nnd the most prosperous of nll tho :iTcvl
Tho APRO Bulletin is tho officio.l copyri:;htcd publication of the
J.cricl Phenomcnn Rcscc:rch Orgc.nizction, 519 Now York, Alnmogordo,
Nc~>T Nexico, ond is j_s suud evory oth...;r month to mombors only. Tho .
i~erio.l Phenomena Reseorch Orgoniz::- tion is n non-profit group dedicett..:.
ed to the ovcntucl solution of the mystery of the unidentified flying
objects vThich hrve been present in tho skies c.bove oo.rth for hundreds
of years. Inquiries regoLrding membership mo.y be to the c.bove
address-. Jtr;P. {.~ ~: . . ~
Director ~

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