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1/ Name analysis/FORMHD

In a nutshell for each of the prospects - can you articulate what the one missing piece
in their life from a financial freedom, time freedom, health freedom perspective that the
happy life project can meet?

In other words - for each of them - what will make them want to join this?

2/ Edification of speaker

Your prospects do not know the person conducting the STP and therefore could see
them just like any encyclopedia salesman. You need to give your upline power by
talking highly about your upline - and the fact that they are making time from their busy
schedules to speak to them and share the opportunity

Do not underestimate this suggestion because this will prime them to listen. BELIEVE

3/ Significant Business Plan appointment

They need to know it is a business proposal.

None of them should feel blindsided not expecting a presentation. They should all be
willing to come. Nobody's arm should have been twisted to come :)

4/ Bring Product Samples

Kindly bring a few sachets of probionic and bios life e so we can sample. If the STP will
happen in a public place, pls bring your own tumblers, if possible.

5/ Sharing with CONVICTION

Be ready to share why you joined the businesss. Focus the sharing on the business
opportunity rather than the product benefits as we are selling the happy life project not
a weight loss program. It is bigger than the products. I will ask you to share at the end
of my presentation. Keep it no more than a minute or two.

I. Warm-Up
1. Bring down the walls get prospect at ease
2. Get more information about their current X, how they feel about it

II. Open Heart: Happy Life

1. Introduce the concept of Happiness = Quality of Life
2. Make prospects realize IMBALANCE in their life - that their current
3. Drive home the point that a PASSIVE Income business is the ONLY way
to get the 3 Freedoms

III. Open Mind/Folder: Unicity and Products

1. Establish credibility of Unicity
2. Establish Key Differentiating Factors of Unicity products:
a. Most products in the PDR
b. Heavy R&D investment
c. MEASURABLE efficacy

IV. Bring back to Y (PHOTOS)

1. Proof of BIGNESS

V. Close with Power

1. LEAD the prospect to a DECISION:
(a) HEALTH or

2. DIRECT products to TRY MUST DO MOCK-ORDER - Regardless if

answer is A or B
3. For those with questions: DRAW out what specific questions they have
so it is clear to them and to you WHAT questions to address

Good morning/afternoon/evening, thank you for coming to listen to our project. Your friend
has invited you here because he/she has seen a possibility in this project for themselves
and would like to share it with you. But before anything else let me begin right away by
telling you that this is a network marketing opportunity. Now, whatever else you may know
or think you know about networking, if its alright with you, may I ask you to just set aside
those ideas and try to keep an open mind as you listen to my presentation. Because Ill be
sharing a lot of information with you that Im sure will clear up a lot of common
misconceptions about networking and just might help you see possibilities in this project for
yourself. Is that ok? Great!

So let me begin by introducing this project to you: its called the HAPPY LIFE PROJECT
(write down the name). And the easiest way for me to explain what the Happy Life
Project is all about is through this very simple equation X = Y, where X means action
and Y means results. (Write down the equation X = Y)


So if X is the work that we do, then Y would be our salary, or annual income, right?

Or if X were an investment, then Y would be the return on investment.

So let me ask you, IF we know that a particular investment opportunity will yield you a
low rate of return, are we going to proceed with the investment? Of course not! That
means were focused on Y, on results! If we like the results, then and only then will we
consider doing the actions that will generate those results.

Or when we were first looking around for a job right after graduation didnt we all want
to get into those companies that were known to give a higher starting salary? Never
mind what we had to do, right?

So in the day-to-day actions that you are taking now, from day 1 to 30, in your job/work,
what would you say has been the maximum result of those actions that youve been
doing? Would it be fair to say the WEALTH or the income you generate from those
actions? But would you agree with me that wealth is not the most important thing? In
fact, would you agree with me that the most important Y or result we could want out of
life is HAPPINESS? (then write down HAPPINESS).

But to be happy, we know that wealth is necessary, specially when we have bills to pay
or a lifestyle we want to maintain, the future of our children to secure.

(Write = W)

But we said that money isnt everything, right? How about your TIME? (write down +T).
Is that also important? Lots of money but no time?


And what about HEALTH? (write down +H). You know of people who are working hard all
the time and suffer health concerns as a result?


So do you realize that it is when we have WEALTH, TIME and HEALTH that we have
happiness? While we know that these arent the only things that can give us happiness
at least on the very basic level we need all 3 to be happy.

So, if you had the chance to design your life, on a scale of 0 100%, how happy would
you want to be? (draw vertical line 0-100% underneath HAPPINESS)



100%? Great! But if you want 100% happiness and we said having wealth, time and health
gives us happiness, then it should follow that wealth, time & health should also be at 100%,
correct? (draw the vertical scale 0-100% underneath wealth, time, health and 0, 100%
beside each line)

100% 100% 100% 100%


So tell me, when do you think its possible for someone to achieve 100% happiness with
100% wealth, time and health? Do you think its possible?

Take a look at this: (draw a horizontal line and mark out 20 underneath)

100% 100% 100% 100%
0% 0% 0% 0%


Most people start work at 20-21 years, right after graduating. At that time, we dont
have any wealth of our own but have plenty of time and health. So 100% HAPPINESS,
not yet there. (Make a small x at the bottom of W, a small check at the bottom of T
and H, and a small X at the bottom of happiness.)

100% 100% 100% 100%


By the time we reach 40 (write 40 on the timeline) we would have achieved a level of
success but because we may have family/children we need to send to university,
parents we may be supporting, a career that were still nurturing, and retirement to
start thinking of we need more money, have even less time but health is still generally
ok. So happiness 100% still not there.

100% 100% 100% 100%

20 40
Then we set our sights on retiring at 60 (hopefully!) (write 60 underneath the timeline),
hopefully with a good package from our company or we look forward to being able to
hand over our business to someone in the family so we can enjoy the rest of our life. By
that time, we may have wealth and finally time (draw a check under M &T), but sadly
our health is no longer 100% because we spent the past 40 years or so doing nothing
but working hard for money, being stressed and not having time to take care of our
health (draw an x on T). So sadly enough, even at 60, we STILL wont have 100%

100% 100% 100% 100%
20 40 60

So what happened to wanting 100% happiness? Will that just remain to be a dream?

What if I can show you a way to generate wealth, more than what you could be making
now, without you having to keep selling your time until youre 60 to generate that
wealth? Would that be interesting for you?

Then to be able to do that youll need to learn about LEVERAGE, and in order to
understand leverage, you first need to understand about how people in this world
generate their income.

Are you familiar with the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki? He wrote a
follow up to that book called Cash Flow Quadrant and in that book he divides the
world into 2 sides (draw a vertical line). On the left side are what he called ACTIVE
income earners (write ACTIVE) and on the right side are what he called PASSIVE income
earners (write PASSIVE).


Active income earners are those who work to get paid, or they work and they earn income.
Passive income earners work to create assets and these assets will eventually generate the
wealth for them.

He further subdivided that into 4 groups. Under Active income earners you have Employees
(write E).


The Employed works 5, sometimes 6 days a week, needs to ask permission to take a
vacation; his job owns him and he values security, so he can retire or maybe be
redundated, hopefully with a good package, on or before hes 60.


The Self-Employed (write S) earns more than the employed, has time flexibility, may not
need to report to an office. But he essentially owns the job that owns him. He may not be
working as hard as an employee but hes thinking about his business 24/7 and often cannot
think of retiring.

On the right side under Passive we have the B for big-business owner (write B) . The
difference with the S is the B employs more than 500 people (write >500), and during the
first few years of the business he invests in creating a system (write system) and
eventually, that system will run the business for him, so that even if hes away from the
business for say, one year, it still continues to grow and be profittable without him.


E B > 500 system

And then you have the I for investor (write I in the last quadrant). These people use money
to generate more money; needless to say they already have huge sums of capital to begin
with in order to live off of completely passive investment income.


E B > 500 system

The B & I use ASSETS/SYSTEM/MONEY to generate more wealth; they MAKE MONEY WORK
FOR THEM. And as a result - THEY HAVE TIME.

On the left side the E and the S have in common the fact that they both WORK FOR MONEY.
You know youre active if you leave for 3 months and when you get back youre either out
of a job (because they found someone else to replace you) or out of a business (because no
one paid the rent, followed up on suppliers, deliveries, etc.). The E and the S DONT HAVE
TIME, they have only weekends, or at most 1 month a year to go on vacation.

So if you had the chance to choose, which side would you rather be on left side ACTIVE or
right side PASSIVE? (with your hands point to the left and to the right, crossing your arms in
front of you).

PASSIVE, OF COURSE! But, according to Kiyosaki, it takes on the average 20-30 yrs to move
from the active side to the passive side. (draw a diagonal line from S to B, write down 20-
30 yrs)

E B > 500 system

S I 20-30 yrs!
BUT, in the Happy Life Project one can actually generate passive income but not in 20-30
years but in 3-5 years! (cross out 20,30 and write 3-5 on top). Without you having to sell
100% of your time doing it!


E B > 500

20-30 yrs.
3-5 yrs.
Thats because in this project we dont work alone we LEVERAGE on 3 other partners:
(draw a cross)

The first partner is called UNICITY (write Unicity on the upper left quadrant).


Unicity takes care of product devt, r&d, distribution, logistics, hiring employees, inventory
mgt. So we dont have to busy ourselves doing any of those things, specially if we have a
full time job or business.

The second partner here is called Unipower. (write Unipower in the upper right quadrant)

Unicity Unipower

Unipower is the BUSINESS SYSTEM that helps us to grow our business. They provide the
business-building activities as well as skills, knowledge and mindset for anyone to be able
to do this professionally.
And the third partner here is called the TEAM. (write Team on the lower left quadrant)

Unicity Unipower


In this business we will have our own personal business coach/consultant, whom we can
rely on to guide us every step of the way to learn to do this business using the Unipower
system. And the reason we can trust them is because the team is comprised of
professionals doing the exact same business that were doing but they already have the
results from this project.

And the last partner is YOU (write YOU on lower right quadrant).

Unicity Unipower


And when you leverage on the 3 partners and because of the proven-successful Unipower
system, you can generate the following KPIs, KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (write KPIs):

3-6 months P100,000
2-3 yrs P1M
3-5 yrs P4M

PER MONTH! (write /month)

3-6 months P100,000
2-3 yrs P1M month
3-5 yrs P4M

So when we are already earning P4M/month and above, we will be doing so PASSIVELY, and
at that point we can decide to retire from doing this business after 3- 5 yrs., OR, decide to
retire from our current ACTIVE job or business and just continue doing this what matters is
because we will have PASSIVE income, we will finally have TIME 100% to do the things
that we LOVE to do, not only keep working to make money!

And from day 1 that you begin to work on this project you will begin to work on getting
even healthier!
So, the results of this project (encircle Y in X = Y) are WEALTH, TIME & HEALTH FREEDOM so
that Happiness 100% can now be within our reach.

So far, do you like the results of this project? Are these results good enough for you?

(If they say Yes):

Great! Now let me tell you about the ACTIONS that you need to do to generate these
(end of HAPPY LIFE portion, now move on to the businesss using the powerpoint presn or
the clear book)
X = Y

100% 100% 100% 100%


20 40 60


E B > 500 system

S I 20-30 yrs!

Unicity Unipower KPIs:

3-6 months P100,000
2-3 yrs P1M mo.
3-5 yrs P4M
Team You


1. The Core Team

Objective: Build credibility of the business. If successful
people like them who do not need this and who (like the
prospect) have reputations to uphold are doing it, there
must be merit to the business model.
Introduce the core team who is behind driving this business in the
The Core team is composed of mostly ex-Unilever executives who
have spent much of their younger years building great careers in
Unilever until they all eventually left and pursued their other passions
or have moved to other companies.
PAMELA YANG was responsible in putting the team
together. Pam worked for Unilever for a total of 16 years
but spent most of her time in Bangkok having been
expatriated there. She also got expatriated in Chicago but
went back to Bangkok but eventually left Unilever to put
up her own business. She is married to Dr. Ton who is the
first US-educated spine surgeon in Thailand. It was thru
Dr. Ton that Pam learned of this business. In fact, like you,
Pam was extremely upset at first that Dr. Ton got involved
in the business. But when she studied the business, she
saw what her husband saw.
OPTIONAL (just good to know, no need to explain na):
o Fashion Jewelry accessories exporting to US and supplying
to Anthropologie and TJ Maxx.
o Employs 200 Thai women
o Has another business in the Philippines with Jasen Ko
Zenutrients which is a natural and organic skin care line
competing with Human Nature
o Has 40 outlets nationwide

Seeing how huge this business has grown in Thailand and

knowing the Philipine market - Pam tapped her successful
Unilever colleagues to build the business here.

o Established DEMOPOWER - sister company of Act Media
o Exclusive In-store Sampling
o Unilever Brand Manager, moved to Johnson & Johnson,
become the youngest Mancom member - eventually
retired as HR Director of J&J
o Unilever - Area Sales Manager of South Luzon
o Ran DEMOPOWER with Paul
o Currently owns a Unilever Distributor in Palawan
o Serial entrepreneur - several Mang Inasal franchises, Chinese
restaurant, etc.

The point of this is really to share that these people who have high flying
corporate backgrounds and are successful businessmen LIKE YOU (feed ego of
prospect, if appropriate) saw something in the business and thats why they are
committing their valuable time to build it here in the Philippines.

**TIP TO SHORTCUT IF LIMITED TIME: You may skip the rest of the Core
Team and just say:
The rest of the core team have very similar profile as Pam highly
accomplished Corporate execs who now also run their own successful
businesses. And are the LAST people you would think to get into network
marketing. Yet they are committing their valuable time to build this business on
top of their current businesses.


2. Health & Wellness Industry

OBJECTIVE: Show evidence of how big the wellness market is

It is important that we understand the relevance of the business

were going into. Is there relevance or more importantly a
demand for the products that they offer?
We know that Health & Wellness is a booming industry, in fact
its a MEGA trend that is here to stay for 30 40 years. Its not a
fleeting demand
A global economist, PAUL PILZER, predicted in 2010, that this
trend is going to reach 1.3T by 2010 but he was way off the
mark since the Health & Wellness Industry was already recorded
at 3T in 2012.
Youll know its a trend by the abundance of yoga or Pilates
studios, slimming centers, people buying organic chicken and
vegetables at quadruple the price

3. Introduction to Unicity
OBJECTIVE: Build credibility of Unicity strong medical
expertise, pioneer in pharmacy chains in the US
Our partner in this project is Unicity

Backed by a hundred year old company, Rexall which pioneered

the Drug Store retail chain in the US, similar to Walgreens or our
Mercury Drug here locally
RX that you see in prescriptions
At one point was part co-owned by GNC and Vitamin World in
the US

More info on Unicity

Based in Utah
All products manufactured in the US except for 1 (coffee,
sourced out of Malaysia
Follow only the strictest manufacturing protocols
Present in 40 countries including US, Europe and all these
countries in Asia

4. Nutraceuticals
The products of Unicity fall under the Nutraceutical category
This is not a term coined by Unicity, you can actually find this in
the Oxford dictionary (optional)

Essentially, Nutraceuticals combine the power or efficacy of

pharmaceutical medicines with the safety of natural plants and

We know that pharmaceuticals are effective but by the very

definition of drugs theyre synthetic hence, have side effects

Nutraceuticals are specifically developed to target the same

ailments but harnessing the healing power of plants and fruits
so they have none of the side effects that synthetic drugs have

5. PDR
Why are we sure about that? We are sure about this because
Unicity has the most products among all Nutraceutical
Companies in the Physicians Desk Reference or the PDR.
o In case you are asked Unicity has 16 Products listed in the
PDR 2016, closest one is Usana with 6.
And what is the PDR? PDR is like the MIMS here (or the PIMS in
Singapore) that doctors refer to before writing out prescriptions,
its the bible for doctors.
For you to be listed in PDR you should have strong scientific
evidence and clinical data to prove your claims. The PDR is
evaluated by a board of medical doctors and you cant just pay
your way to get listed here.
Unicity has about 400 products in the US and we so far only
carry about 30 in the Philippines.

6. The 7 Star Products

NOTE: As you go through the products, ask questions if they have any of
the conditions or if any family member may have them or interested in
the products. This will come in handy during the CLOSING portion in
Product Choosing because you can use that info to suggest the
products for them

a. Clear Start
Its a detox colon cleanse
Whats the science behind this product? We know that overall
health starts with a healthy gut or digestive system?
Why? Because everything what we eat lands in our digestive
systems, right? Its what processes all the nutrients that get
distributed to the other parts of the body
So if our gut or digestive system is not functioning properly
then it will not be able to properly distribute the nutrition in
the other important organs of our body.
Show 3 pictures
o Colon of an infant that drinks nothing but milk its
very clean
o 30-40 year old adult not only taking milk and not also
very clean. Our intestines are 28-feet long so what we
ate today will only come out of us in 3 4 days. And
unfortunately not everything comes out so over the
years what gets left behind builds up into that toxic
sludge. Like food you leave on the table without
refrigeration, that rots so same in our tummies so since
we dont have refrigerators in our intestines, the food
thats left behind there begins to rot and thats when
parasites and bacteria fester.
o These bacteria in our digestive systems are actually
some of the prime causes of many medical conditions
from the simple common cold, bad breath or body odor
to the more serious ones like cancers because of the
toxins that lower our immune system usually emanate
from a dysfunctional colon.
o This is the colon of a person who has gone thru Clear
Clear Start is a 3-product system that you only take for 30 days to
fully flush all the sludge in all 28 feet of your colon.
And what Clear Start does is that because it goes thru the entire 28
feet of your intestines, its able to sweep away all the the side
effect to this? It makes some people lose some inches which
makes sense because can you just imagine the physical
unburdening of your colon of all these wastes, you really do lose
weight. But the important benefit, is the energy and overall health
that you feel after the cleanse.

b. Super Chlorophyll Powder

increases hemoglobin in our blood which is responsible for
transporting oxygen throughout our body. Very good in
healing. It also cleanses our blood and kidneys. Can also be
used for healing diabetics wounds. And it tastes just like
helps make our system alkaline as we know an acidic
environment is where cancer cells thrive.

c. Bios Life C
The next star product if I ask you how many people do you
know who have problems with their cholesterol, blood sugar
or has diabetes .
Bios Life C is a product that is clinically proven to manage
cholesterol, lower the bad cholesterol or the LDL, improve the
HDL or the good cholesterol, manage triglycerides and
stabilize blood sugar
Plus the side effect of this is you lose weight
Theyre so confident of this product that if none of these
metrics improve after taking the product for 2 months, they
have a worldwide money back guarantee. All you need to do
is get your blood tests prior to taking the product to get your
baseline then use the product religiously and get your blood
tests again then compare the results. If none of these
cholesterol profile improves, then for as long as you can show
proof of your usage, youll get your money back
Show samples
o Dr. Joseph Lai, hes the head of the orthopedic division
of PGH. Refused to take the product initially but
because he didnt want to continue taking statins, he
tried it. Now he is a convert!
o Cite people I know who have taken the products, Ivy,
her mom, her husband, Noky & Reg and their uplines
o Everybody now who has achieved good cholesterol
levels continue to take the product for maintenance
and most of them have stopped taking their statin

d. Bios Life Slim

Is a fat burning product and I mentioned earlier that the side
effect of taking the C is that you lose weight so seeing that
effect and recognizing the huge demand for fat burning
products, Unicity took that same technology and developed
the Slim
How does it work? What it does is that it slows down how
food is converted into glucose in your body so that your
insulin levels will not spike up because if our insulin levels
remain low, our body goes into fat burning zone coz typically
when we eat insulin levels spike up so that triggers our body
to burn the food but when our insulin levels remain low it
triggers our body to burn the food and the stored fat.
They are again so confident with these claims that if you do
not lose inches after 3 months of religiously taking this
product, you also get your money back. They have a
measurement card, all you need to do is take your baseline
measurement before taking the product (your arms, hips,
waist, thighs) record weekly and if none of these decrease or
improve, you get your money back! Of course, you have to
show proof that you have consumed the products.

e. Bios Life E (Energy)

This is a smart energy drink which is a great alternative to
coffee because its pure matcha green tea.
Interesting fact about matcha green tea is that for 36mgs, it
has far higher impact than 60mg of Espresso Coffee so thats
how powerful it is and its all natural without the crash unlike
when you take coffee and other energy drinks, you feel the
lift then you crash.
Only has 22 calories per serving?
Bios Life E is fat & water soluble, so energy is time release.
Apart from energy what is so great about this product is that
it helps give you mental clarity and keeps you sharp. This is
great for students (who are at least 12 years old) who have
to study for long hours or for working people who have a
hard time to stay mentally alert especially after late night
gimmick or after lunch when you normally feel drowsy like
Ivy who sits thru long hours during meetings analyzing data
for her research work.
This is also ideal for people with hyperacidity or gerd who
cant tolerate coffee because the caffeine makes their
hyperacidity act up so they throw up or feel pain in their
chest. (Share Ivys story who has a really bad case of gerd
and has stopped taking coffee for years, has been taking the
E for 3 months and so far not a single episode of throwing up
or hyperacidity).

f. Probionic

Yakult has lactobacilli shirota strain while probionic has 4

strains of good bacteria. Its good bacteria is equivalent to
1042 bottles of Yakult. Very potent. Best for our digestive
This is good to drink when taking antibiotics or when doing
the detox to replenish your good bacteria as antibiotics and
doing detox kill both good and bad bacteria.
Good for kids also and this tastes good like Nerds

g. Enjuvenate (Optional)
Enjuvenate is an anti-aging product (only recommended for people
35 and up)
We know that at our peak our cells renew every 28 to 30 days but
as we grow older, that renewal cycle takes longer so over time, the
most obvious manifestation is in our skin where our skin becomes
dull, not so bright, the pores get bigger, not so firm so what it does
is that it is packed with amino acid complex (ALA) that speeds up
the renewal cycle so what gets renewed now are new cells and not
the damaged cells so skin improves.
Plus part of the regenerative complex is a cognitive amino acid
complex that also improves memory, brain cells so it helps delay
the onset of dementia, Alzheimers or memory loss
Also prevents osteoporosis
And what men like about this product is that this helps improve
sexual well-being

There are many more products, but hopefully this has given you already a clear
picture of the kinds of products that Unicity has that target relevant health
concerns and have proven efficacy.

h. Massive Opportunity

Now, lets discuss why we think Unicity can be big here in the Philippines. I
mentioned earlier that Unicity has grown massively in Thailand.

If we compare PH and Thailand, both have very similar

demographic profile and PH has much higher population
In just the past 5 years, Unicity has grown to P 8 Billion (total
turnover in 2014). In the Phils, Unicity is only 200+M in 2014.
There is no reason why Unicity Phils will not grow as big as TH given that
these products will be as relevant here as they are in TH:
o Filipinos are as vain as the Thais
o We have much higher incidence of cardiovascular disease (5 out of
10 Filipinos dies of heart disease)
i. How to Start the Business

So how do we start the business? The model is similar to a Franchise

Distributorship. As a distributor, you have access to the products at
wholesale price. So even as you use the products for your own
personal consumption, you get to buy them at discounted or
distributor price.
Once you register, you have that distributor code for life and you can
pass on the earnings to your children or family.

Also since Unicity is an international network, you can actually build

your distribution network in any of the 40 countries where Unicity is


IMPORTANT: Explain this as SIMPLY as you can, do not go into
unnecessary details prospect will not be able absorb ALL the


The most obvious way is to sell, if you like to sell. All products have a
margin ranging from 25-30%. Since you have to access to the products at
distributor price, you get the products at wholesale price, sell at retail and
you profit from the margin.

While selling is very viable, it is still very much ACTIVE income. And we all
want PASSIVE income, right? So to achieve the passive income levels we
shared earlier, the key is in creating a TEAM.

The way to get the Passive income results in the KPIs I discussed earliers is
by creating a team? Very simple:

Personal Consumption
PV = Personal Volume, think of it as points. Each product is equal to a
certain number of PV or points. So for example, assuming you purchase
products for yourself, say the Clear start, Energy and Slim and you total 200
PV worth of products, not only do you get them at Distributor price, you also
get a 5% rebate or money back for whatever you purchase yourself.

Sharing with Others

Now, if you share this with people who you know will benefit from the same
health benefits as you, whatever they consume, you also get a 5% rebate or
commission from their personal consumption.

So, it is NOT selling. It is creating a community of users. And this is one key
difference of this model vs other networking models. It is consumption
based, not sales based.

To illustrate:
Assuming this is you (point to person on top), and you share it with 5 friends
or family, and if each of those 5 share with their own 5, and each of those 5
share with their own 5 and so on..assuming everybody in the team
consumes 200PV worth of products, that will equal to 1.8M per month in
rebates. Obviously, that is not overnight. It assumes that everybody
continues to share. Now, we can challenge that.

Maybe 200PV per month is too expensive for everybody in the team to
consume per month, so lets half it to 100PV. So 100PV, consumed by
this entire team, thats half of 1.8M = 900K per month. Still not bad.

Again, lets say 100PV is still unrealistic for everybody to consumer

per month. So lets half again to 50PV.

And 50PV is the minimum that you need to consumer per month get
the rebates or commission. So everybody consuming the minimum
50PV half of 900K is 450K per month still not bad, right?

So thats the base way to earn. You can earn 5% rebate up to 9 levels. Why
is that important to note? Because it means you can earn deep enough, but
not to infinity. Any company that promises earnings up to infinity then
there is danger that the company will not be profitable sustainably.


Now, if you truly want the reach the results fast and big then start as big
business owners start through the FAST START BONUS.

The Fast Start bonus simply refers to the additional bonuses that gets locked
in to your account. The higher the first PV purchase, the higher the bonuses.
Why is that? Like any Franchisee you get to choose how you want to start
do you want a small business or a big business?

Lets say you get a Franchise of Jollibee do you only try ChickenJoy? No,
right? To be a good franchisee you would want to try all the items on the
menu. Same here. The 500PV package allows you to try a good selection of
products to be knowledgeable about the business.

And Unicity rewards you by giving you the highest returns - So if you get
500PV, you will immediately get 12.5% rebate on your first month plus the
highest bonuses on the first purchase of people you invite directly.

And you only need to purchase this on the FIRST MONTH. On the succeeding
months, you can go down to the minimum 50PV.

To Illustrate:
Assuming you purchase 500PV on your first month, and everybody you
share it with signs up with 500PV since this is a business of replication
whatever you sign up with your team usually asks and follows then you
will earn an additional 2.2M in bonuses. This is over and above the 5%
rebates. *If you and/or your downline youre presenting for signed
up with 500PV, mention So just like me and (name of downline),
you would benefit from the highest bonuses and achieve faster

The Fast Start bonus essentially makes the effort of sharing more
worthwhile and more profitable. It is the same effort anyway to share, right?
Would like to get 5% or 25%? We are all busy right? So it is only smart to
ensure the maximum returns for every effort we exert.


As shared with you in beginning Unicity takes out the hassle of starting up
and running a business because they have the business system set up for
you. Once you sign up, you get your Distributor code which you can use to
access your virtual office online where you can mange your business
remotely. Everyone you sign up will also have their own code they can
shop online instead of bothering you or coursing their orders through you.
We want passive income right? Selling retail will not only be more costly to
your friends, it will also take up a lot of your precious time. So best to
maximize the online shopping facility.



In UNICITY, you will not be alone to grow your business. There are 4

It is important to note that Unicity has already had 100 years of history in
the US and is a stable, privately-owned American company already present
in 40 countries. Its products are all science-based it is the Nutraceutical
company that has the most products listed in the PDR.

OPTIONAL: Its part of the top 500 Privately owned companies in the US
they are ranked 87th nationwide. In Utah, they are the no. 1 ranked privately
owned company

Also, as a partner it this business, they take care of all the hassles of
managing a traditional business: warehousing, importation, inventory
taking, order management, FDA approval, R&D, etc. All you need to do is
use the products and share them.
OPTIONAL depending on prospect

It is also important to note that Unicity has a sustainable business model.

We know that the traditional chain of manufacturing companies is to go


55-60% of product cost

UNICITY USERS = roughly 45% in rebates

Unicity takes out the middle men and goes straight to CONSUMERS/USERS.
And we
know that to go through chain of setting up distributors, hiring salesmen,
developing TV advertising, etc takes up 55-60% of a products cost. And
based on the compensation plan (simplistically, 9 levels x 5 = 45%) it is
simply a transfer of the money that would have gone to the middle men to
actual users/distributors.

So not only do users benefit from the same health benefits, they remain
loyal because they earn from it. Thats why they have a simple motto: User
the Products Get Healthy, Share it Get Wealthy.

Unipower is the system that guarantees that you will reach the KPIs we
talked about -PASSIVE income. It is like a Business School that gives you the
knowledge and trains you to think like a BIG Business-owner. All our lives
weve been trained to employees and small business owners. Unipower is
the system that will teach you how to BE a BIG business owner.

Unicity prides itself on ensuring that all distributors who join the business
get the right support from successful team members. The leaders of our
team are all professional and successful business leaders who know what it
takes to win in business.

In any business, you will not know everything in the beginning. The team
ensures that we help you share the business while you learn.

In any job or business, even if you have the best products and the best
team, if you are not willing to do your share, then nothing will happen. The 4
partners are set-up to make sure the 75% of your success is already
guaranteed, and you only 25% to achieve it.

Now, weve been talking about how big this global business is, but the best
way to see how truly massive it is is by going to the source the center of
excellence which is in Thailand:


Monthly global conference held in BKK Thailand
20,000-30,000 people fly in to learn how to be successful in the
Each and every successful person goes to UPS UPS is a core part of
the Unipower system that guarantees achievement of the KPIs

CHIE GATCHALIAN Presidential Diamond in 7 months (photo was taken in

Nov 2015), first Diamond from the Philippines in less than a year since the
Unipower System was introduced in the Phils

Husband Toby was a Corporate Executive of Unilever and Colgate what

took him 22 years in terms of Expat compensation, only took them 7
months to exceed through Unicity.

They began the project in Dec 2014, by Nov 2015 Toby tendered his
resignation as Regional Marketing Director from Colgate and is not FULLY
RETIRED FROM CORPORATE, but continues to live the expat life in BKK
because of Happy Life Project.

Now not only does he have the Money he has taken back his TIME with his
family, and significantly improved his HEALTH.


That ends our presentation. At this point, I will ask X (sponsor) to share with
you what convinced him/her to do the business

IMPORTANT NOTE: The trust comes from you so it is CRITICAL that you
give a convincing spiel on merits of the business that convinced you. Must
speak with CONVICTION. If you do not sound convinced, your prospect will
not be convinced.
Focus the sharing on the business opportunity rather than the product benefits as we
are selling the happy life project not a weight loss program. It is bigger than the
products. Keep it no more than a minute or two.


It is CRITICAL that we keep the LEAD and POWER with us throughout the
STP. Oftentimes, after the presentation, we hand over the power to the
prospect and let them to lead how the session ends. DO NOT HAND OVER
THE POWER TO THE PROSPECT. Remember, you are the one with ALL THE
INFORMATION, so CONTINUE TO LEAD up until the end.


So, let me ask you, after listening to the discussion, how do you see this
business to be relevant to you? Threee choices:
a. Relevant from a HEALTH standpoint to use the products
b. Relevant from HEALTH standpoint to use the products AND
to SHARE them?
c. Not relevant at all and as we said if this is your answer,
it is perfectly OK

If the answer is A:
Great! It always makes sense to try the products for yourself
Next step would be to register you and help you choose the products
Sign- up Give registration form
Choose products (MINDSET: You KNOW MORE about the products, so
RECOMMEND do not let the prospect lead)

o If you want to experience the efficacy of the products, best to
start with CLEAR START health always begins with cleansing

o A great complementary product to that is PROBIONIC

(replenishes good bacteria as you cleanse and aids digestion)
and SUPER CHLOROPHYLL POWDER (cleanses your blood and
keeps your entire system alkaline)

Then follow through with products where they expressed interest

during the presentation, example:

o You mentioned you had a cholesterol problem?

Bios Life C is perfect it is all natural and patented fiber
matrix formula to naturally help you manage cholesterol
(put MINIMUM 2 60s boxes to get Money back
May be combined with Cardio Basics + Bio C +
Salmon Oil for synergistic Heart health
Best combined with Bio C to help decrease
Uric Acid

o You mentioned you want to manage your weight?

Bios Life SLIM is clinically proven to burn fat (put
MINIMUM 3 60s boxes to get Money back guarantee)

Bios Life E is also great because it is low calorie, boosts

you energy while is improves fat burning

Chlorospirulina is a superfood that is a great partner to

the Bios Life S as it aids in weight loss

o Other great products not highlighted in the presentation are:

Great for people with osteo arthritis
Has Glucosamine HCl (pure and stable Glucosamine)
Vitamin C which helps synthesis of Collagen
building block of cartilage
Bromelain for anti-inflammatory effect
Can be combined with Soy Protein for more enhance
bone health for menopausal women

Contains 3 select forms of Vitamin C that ensure
optimal absorption vs high dosage of one type of
Vitamin C that do not get absorbed
Great to combine with Bios Life C to help decrease
Listed in PDR

CARDIO BASICS (best taken with BIO C + Salmon Oil)

High potency multivitamin specifically developed for
cardiovascular health
Has Maritime Pine bark and COQ10 powerful
protection and energy required by the heart
Clinically proven to reduce atherosclerotic plaque in
coronary and carotid arteries
Best taken with Bio C and Salmon Omega 3 Oil
Listed in the PDR


Molecularly distilled to ensure pure exceptional oil
free form heavy metal contamination
Contains natural Vit E
Maintains healthy blood pressure
Promotes healthy triglyceride levels, vascular tone,
and blood pressure
Assists in regulating bodys production of cholesterol
Helps maintain healthy brain and nerves function
Also good for people with ADHD and those
experiencing mild depression episodes

Proven to improve fatty liver or liver damaged by
statins and high alcohol intake

Its a great daily immune booster and anti-allergen
Made of Aloe Vera and Rice bran
It improves the auto immune response system
Proven to alleviate various allergies skin allergies,
eczema, skin asthma, rhinitis, asthma attacks etc.
Provides armor of protection against infectious
diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasite
Promoted faster recovery from illness

Super immune booster for times when you feel like
you are coming down with fever/flu
Helps protect the body from pathogens, specially
strains that are resistant to antibiotics
Supports peak performance and endurance
Good to take before travelling, when working for
long hours/extended period


Very compact Air filter
Uses 3M Filtrete technology
Can trap 0.1 microns of micro dust particles and

After recommending the products, check PV if already close to 250

PV or 500PV say:
o You already have XXX PV, suggest you complete the Fast start
PV so your account already gets locked in to the
highest/maximum bonuses in case you decide to share

o OR (If they mention people who they think this will be relevant
to) since youre already thinking of people you can potentially
share this to, best to not forego the opportunity of locking in the
highest bonuses. You are going to use the products anyway, so
its best secure the potential to earn.

If the answer is B:
Great! So lets register you and help you choose the products.
Sign- up Give registration form
Choose products (MINDSET: You KNOW MORE about the products, so
RECOMMEND do not let the prospect lead)
SAY: Since you want to do the business, based on experience, the
fastest proven way to earn is to go for the Rolls Royce package
500PV like we did (if you got 500PV)
Then FOLLOW SPIEL PRODUCT SPIEL for if answer is A but increase
the recommended quantities

If the answer is C OR HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT:

NOTE: We do not hard sell. BUT our role is to ensure that we GUIDE the
prospect to IDENTIFY exactly WHAT IT IS that they have to think about? So
that we give them the CORRECT INFORMATION and POINT them in the right

SAY: Thats perfectly fine. Our role is give you the information that you
need to help you decide. What are the questions in your head? (Key is
to draw out exactly what they need to think about. Usually as you talk
about it, you are able to answer their questions already and they
realize there is nothing else to think about. If not, at least you end
by clarifying EXACTLY WHAT IT IS that they should focus on in thinking

IF they say:

o I need to research about the products

What specific products are you thinking of researching on? Then
send them the LINKS to the products right away to guide them.

If the prospect really seems serious to try the products, suggest

that you do a MOCK order and guide them in choosing so that
the product order is ready and all they need to research. It is
harder to follow-up and close when there is no product order

o I need to research about the company

Any specific information you would like to know about the
company? Then try to weave in edifying info about Unicity:
Heavy R&D investment
Bios Life C developed in Stanford and completed in Heart
Center of Cleveland Medical Center where all US
Presidents go for heart treatment
Never had a single lawsuit unlike other pharmaceutical

o I need to think about if I will have the time to do this

Completely understand your concern. We are all very busy. How
we would encourage you to think about this is:
We are all very busy with our active jobs that will forever
remain active meaning if we continue to invest 100% of
our time with our jobs, we will forever continue to work
actively. You said you want Passive income, right?
Allocating 20% of your time each week to this project will
actually allow you to start taking steps to BUILD your
PASSIVE income stream.
In fact, my upline Ren Ren Reyes who is the COO of Cignal
is also extremely busy. But he makes time to work on the
project because he does not want to remain ACTIVE
If we continue to do what we are doing now (which is
working actively), then we will not get a different result
(earn passively).

o I have to ask my spouse/partner

Sure, I would suggest though that we set a schedule for him/her

so I can be the one to your spouse through the presentation. If
they do not have the benefit of the presentation and hear ALL
the information that I just shared with you, I am sure that they
will definitely say no.


If they say no, then say: SO, based on our discussion, you will:
o Research more on the (cite the specific product/s), OR
o Set a schedule for your spouse to hear the presentation
o Whatever other points you discussed
Then say: I will connect with you after 2 days to follow-up.


Note: Do not let the discussion drag on, YOU STARTED IT, YOU END IT
WITH POWER. Proactively close the discussion. Have the mindset: I
just shared a great opportunity with you, and I have more people to
share it with so I cannot waste any more time.

END BY: So if theres nothing more, thank for your time. It was great to
discuss the project with you. {BIG SMILE}

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