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Students Learning Outcome

Students will be able to demonstrate the use of some words showing position time and


Prepositions are short words that usually stand in front of nouns. Prepositions tell the position of

a noun. For example (on, in, out, behind, under)

The book is on the table.

The book is in the bag.

The book is behind the bag.

The cat is under the table.

Preposition here is telling the position of the noun book.

Kinds of Prepositions
Preposition of Position, like on, in, under.

Preposition of time, like in, on, at

Preposition of movement as to, from and into.

Prepositions of Time: at, on, and in.

We use at for the exact time on the clock. .

For example: The train is due at 12:15 pm.

We use on for days and dates.

For example: My brother is coming on Monday.

We're having a party on the 4th of July.

We use in for nonspecific times during a day, a month, a season, or a year i.e when we do

not know the exact time.

For example: She likes to walk in the morning. It is too cold in winter.

Preposition of Movement: to, from and into.

Movement to person or building

For example: go to the cinema

Movement to a place or country. For example: go to Pakistan

" is used to refer to the beginning and end of an activity or . event.

For example, The weather was stormy from Wednesday to Friday." .

into" is used to enter a room / a building.

For example: I go into the kitchen. I entered into the house.

Introduction Approach
Ask the students about prepositions as they have already read about prepositions of

position in the previous class. (Teacher can refer to the lesson plans on prepositions in

teachers' guide of grade 3 for help) '

Note the responses of the students on the board.

Remind them how important prepositions are.

Draw the diagram on the board given information for teachers or make a chart of it and

paste on the class wall.

Explain to the students that prepositions are of three kinds: Position, time and

Write the following examples on the board:

The cat is sitting on the table. ( On is a preposition of place which tells the ( position of cat.)

l bought it in March. ("In is the preposition of time that is March.)

My friend is coming from Lahore. From is the preposition of movement.)

Make a few sentences with the help of the students

Note their responses on the board. Give feedback to the students and praise them.

Development of Methodology

Activity 1

Show them the following chart for the understanding of prepositions of time.

Ask them to copy the given table in their notebooks.

English Usage Example

On Dates, days of the week On 14th august, on

In Months, seasons, time of In august, in winter, in

day, year the morning, in 2009

at For night, for weekend, At night, at the weekend,

a certain point of time at 7 Oclock

Activity 2

Show them the following chart for the understanding of prepositions of place.

Ask them to copy the given table in their notebooks.

English Usage Examples

In Room, building, street, In the kitchen, in
Pakistan, in the car, in a
town, country, car, taxi.
at Meaning next to, by an At the door, at the
object for a table for station, at the table, at a
events concert
on Attached, being on a On the wall, on the
surface, for a floor in a table, on the first floor

Sum up / Conclusion

Ask the students the use of prepositions of time, movement and position.

Write these sentences on _board and ask them to add prepositions.

The food is _______\ the fridge.

The keys are ______ top of the fridge.

He will visit us________ noon.

The teacher wrote ____ the board.

Give the students the following sentences and ask them to underline the preposition.
1) Aiman was born in December

2) She is sitting on the floor.

3) Ayesha is knocking at the door.

4) I am going to bazaar.

Home Work
Memorize the kinds of prepositions with suitable examples and write down on your notebook.

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