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Curriculum & 4Cs

CLIL unit: Plants around us

Kinga Jdrusiak
May 2016

Plants around us
Plants parts and their functions
Story reading I am a Seed, different types of seeds
Life cycles of plants
Plants needs taking care of plants; human needs vs
plants needs
Conducting an experiment about plants needs
The way we should behave in a park/forest
The ways people use plants in everyday life
Fruit and places where they grow (bush, tree,
Good hygiene to prepare food
Spring flowers
Adding seeds
Measuring length of a stem, leaves etc.
Counting money pretending to be at a
shop to buy plants products
Putting flowers in order (the smallest-> the
Recognizing shapes (squares, circles etc. to
prepare flowers)
Counting petals of flowers

Dance: Shake your silliest out,

Freeze dance
Songs: Can you plant a bean?,
Fruit song days of the week
Designing a project of a park in the
Drawing pictures of fruits and their
Using pigmented pumpkin seeds to
prepare pictures
The figure of van Gogh
Warm and cool colors
Drawing a vase with sunflowers
Watching videos: How do
plants grow?, The Earth
Day, Bible story for children:
Adam & Eve,
Scanning QR codes to get to
know names of flowers
Doing actions while listening to
the songs (jumping, running etc.)
Presenting stages of plants
growth movements
Jumping game (Ss jump on the
appropriate pictures)
Fruit salad game

garden as a symbol in Christianity -

presenting a short video about
Adam and Eve in Eden
4 Cs Mind Map for CLIL lessons


Cognition Content
Parts of plants
Differences between plants (shapes,
colours, sizes)
Various types of seeds, story reading I
am a Seed
Content Life cycles of plants
Conditions in which plants can live
Taking care of plants
Appropriate behaviors in a park/forest
Spring flowers
Importance of plants; plants products
Good hygiene while preparing food
Still life in arts
Lower-order thinking skills:
Remembering (e.g. recalling names of
plants parts, recognizing spring flowers in
the pictures)
Understanding (e.g. comparing plants,
classifying fruit depending on the place
Cognition they live ground/bushes/trees)

Higher-order thinking skills:

Analyzing (e.g. examining the influence of
lack of light on plants growth)
Evaluating (e.g. selecting favorite fruit and
explaining the choice)
Creating (e.g. designing a project of a
park in the city)
Language of learning:
Key vocabulary: plant, roots, stem, leaves, fruit, flowers,
forest, trees, herbs, bush, grass, seeds, wheat, pea, grass,
tomato, orange, apple, melon, bean, seed pots, dead
plant, first, next, last, water, sun, soil, pot, cotton, wool,
garden, park, food, drink, medicines, make-up, wood,
paper, plastic, raffia basket, apple, banana, kiwi, orange,
peach, lemon, grapes, to wash, to peel, to eat, painter,
Communication painting, cool and warm colours, sunflowers, petals, tulip,
rose, daisy, snowdrops, spring, square, rectangle, circle,
bunch of flowers
Key structures:
This is a/an___
There is/there are___
It has got___
Plants need___
Language for learning:
language for group/pair work, language for describing,
asking and answering questions
Language through learning:
not planned, coming unexpected by students
Identifying some plants that live in
our country
Becoming aware of the way we
should take care of plants
Becoming aware of the
appropriate behaviors in a
Culture park/forest
Becoming acquainted with the
figure of Vincent van Gogh and his
Garden as a symbol in Christianity
Appreciation of the beauty of

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