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Evidence reveals that a cook attempted to poison
George Washington by feeding him unsafe picked
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Food historians in the University of Ohio believe that a cook managed to poison George Washington with
tomatoes that were unsafe to consume.
Throughout history, there have been many failed attempts, on or off the battlefield, to end the
life of President George Washington. If this tomato assassination had succeeded, would he have
been able to make the impact that he did through the American history? Would the United
States of America have survived its attempt for independence from Great Britain? What if
General George Washington not been around throughout all of that fight to lead colonial forces,
or would under different leadership the thirteen colonies have failed in their bid for self
governance? It is a hard world to envision without one beloved founding fathers of this nation.

Tomatoes are to be believed non-poisonous in this century since we eat them in salads or even
alone with a little bit of salt. That might not be the case when a ill-intentioned cook is behind
the scene. Scientific discoveries has found particles in the tomato that can potentially be
poisonous. Foodborne botulism, sometimes a fatal paralytic illness, is caused by nerve toxins
from bacterial spores. The deadly botulism spores on plant material can start to produce deadly
toxins. There is following evidence that supports the chance of a tomato killing a human being.
Since tomatoes do have their poisonous aspect, but its to be found the fruit. Leaves, stems, and
even unripe tomatoes contain toxic alkaloids.

In the 1500s, Aristocrats had gotten sick and died after eating the nicknamed poison apple.
Wealthy Europeans used pewter plates that were high in lead content. Tomatoes is high in
acidity, when placed on the tableware, resulting in many deaths from lead poisoning. No one
made this connection between plate and poison at the time, the tomato was picked as the

It is to be believed the meal that George Washington had consumed was hidden with tomatoes
covered with deadly nightshade. At the time, George was ill with a cold, enabling him to taste
the nightshade hidden by the tomato. The would-be assassin scrawls a postscript to his letter in
which he avows to take his own life. Stating that George Washington was afflicted with a cold
in his head which has seriously impaired his sense of taste. The scarlet flesh of a fruit of a
variety of the deadly nightshade. As a cook, I have a prejudice against dying by poison; I am
too corpulent to hang; but by reason of my calling, I am expert with a carving knife. PFG It is
also a possibility he had his own political agenda since he was once Georges trustworthy
provider. Other pieces of the puzzle has been revealed from Historians. It is to be said he was
allied with Great Britain disagreeing with all that George Washington fought for. The shady
cook sent mail to Great Britain, engaging in a conversation. Historians also believe the initials
PFG s tands for Parliament of Great Britain which was what unified the Kingdom of Great Britains

As for the tomatoes, expert Richard M. Gordon, has a word to say.It is up for the provider of
the tomatoes you consume to avoid these poisons contents. If not careful, the tomato can
potentially harm. Which is highly unlikely unless its intentional. Richard M. Gordon, writer and




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