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The Prison Industrial Complex

For eons, the prison system is a stark reminder that the dehumanization of any man is a
threat among all mankind. Prisons today from the Third World into the Western world
(especially in America). This reality has undoubtedly deteriorated into massive
complications. These problems that are enacted against numerous prisoners exist in the forms of
economic exploitation (or getting low wages for work), rape, and others forms of sexual
abuse among both genders. Other problems in prisons include violence, innocent people being
framed, overcrowding, etc. America unfortunately imprisons more human beings than any
other nation on Earth. Numerous activists from across the political spectrum propose an end
to the corruption in prisons. The private for profit corporate prison system doesn't work.
The tough on crime mantra ought to be rapidly replaced with the humble philosophy of
being fair and compassionate when dealing with crime. The Prison Industrial complex is a
serious problem in the world not only in America. This system is very similar to a new form
of slavery. Many people, especially minorities are incarcerated. Some of them are guilty of no
crime or had inexpensive lawyers that allow the judge to throw the book at people. It
happens all of the time. Big money is utilized to keep people locked up in various cheap labor
and for profit prisons. There are excessive charges placed on inmates and families may pay for
things like tube shocks, phone calls, and cross country shipping. The 13th Amendment of the
Constitution was ratified in 1865 and it abolished slavery in the United States. The one exception
was that in cases where persons have been “duly convicted” in the United States and territory it
controls. The exception reads in the following words: "... except as a punishment for
crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the
United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction..." This means that if
you're convicted of a crime and placed in prison, potentially you can be treated like a slave or in
existence of involuntary servitude (according to some people). I do respect the 13th Amendment
banning slavery though. The Californian Three Strikes Law of course places more people in prison
and it's anti-liberty. Atty. Barbara Ratliff, a L.A.-based reparations activist, said the prison
industrial complex’s extension of the slave plantation plays out in a pattern of behavior that
Black people must study in order to survive. “…I’m not talking about behavior of the
individual incarcerate, but the pattern of treatment that digs into institutional
racism. Corporate profit from prisons is no different than how slave owners
received benefit from their labor, and that impact remained even after slavery.
For instance, freed Blacks were arrested and put on chain gangs for their labor
which continued to benefit slave owners, so this is no accident,” she said.
Prisoners in prisons are paid cents or almost 2 dollars for creating items or do services. They
include sewing clothes, making furniture, fight fires, etc. Some of the high costs are prisons are
consuming state budgets. Instead of obsession with tough on crime rhetoric, funds should be more
available for crime prevention, education, and give youth more confidence to harness anger into
something more constructive in their own livelihoods. Billions of dollars are spent on prisons.
Years ago, For every dollar spent on higher education, Alaska spent 77 cents on corrections. For
every dollar spent on higher education, Georgia spent 50 cents on corrections. Prison watch
groups note corporate-owned prisons feed job-starved communities where businesses have
disappeared. By incarcerating so many people, America deals with warehousing them and not
finding out why they are incarcerated in the first place, advocates said. “The fact is, it’s a
business and a readily accessible,’ free’ workforce removes prisons’ incentive to rehabilitate,
especially those that are owned by corporations,” Atty. Ratliff said. After the 1960's, the
elite in the government advanced the mass building of prisons and jails to
control society in a higher level (also the unfair sentencing guidelines of
crack offenders and cocaine offenders, 3 strikes, etc. are fruits of the prison
industrial complex). Drug running and other evils in communities across backgrounds
contributed to the growth of the prison population too. These facts and more are exposed
in Michelle Alexander's new book entitled, "The New Jim Crow: Mass
Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness." She is a strong African American woman
with 3 young children. She said that:

"...As an African American woman, with three young children who will never know a
world in which a black man could not be president of the United States, I was beyond
thrilled on election night. Yet when I walked out of the election night party, full of hope
and enthusiasm, I was immediately reminded of the harsh realities of the New Jim
Crow. A black man was on his knees in the gutter, hands cuffed behind his back, as
several polices officers stood around talking, joking, and ignoring his human existence.
People poured out of the building: many stared for a moment at the black man cowering
in the street, and then averted their gaze. What did the election of Barack Obama means
for him?”

Society isn't colorblind as we have issues to deal with. In a way, we shouldn't be colorblind. The
reason is that the appreciation and the knowledge of human beings with different colors are not
apart of bigotry. Yet, it deals with the great loving tenet of tolerance for your fellow human
beings. Colorblind philosophies in an evil fashion target nationalism and black unity.

For if you ignore what you are, then you'll fall for anything even nefarious ideologies. If
we are blind to the truth, then evil can flow more readily. We shouldn't keep our eyes
blind. We should keep our hearts, eyes, and minds wide open to embrace the truth (and
live out the real creeds of justice, compassion, excellence, and equality for all people).
For the sisters, I will always have your backs. Nothing is going to change with me. I
will not sellout. I will forever respect my heritage and my worth. For the human race in
general, I will always promote real freedom too for all of humanity. In my late 20‘s, I‘m
starting to learn about these truths in a higher level. This doesn’t mean we treat a person
differently for any reason. You treat any human being in the same fashion that you will
want to be treated as a pure representation of promoting the brotherhood of man. Dr.
Martin Luther King said it right in the following words (from his famous 1967 speech
entitled, “Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam"):

“…I am disappointed with our failure to deal positively and forthrightly with the triple evils
of racism, economic exploitation, and militarism. We are presently moving down a dead-
end road that can lead to national disaster. America has strayed to the far country of racism
and militarism. The home that all too many Americans left was solidly structured
idealistically; its pillars were solidly grounded in the insights of our Judeo-Christian
heritage. All men are made in the image of God. All men are bothers. All men are created
equal. Every man is an heir to a legacy of dignity and worth. Every man has rights
that are neither conferred by, nor derived from the State--they are God-given. Out of
one blood, God made all men to dwell upon the face of the earth. What a marvelous
foundation for any home! What a glorious and healthy place to inhabit. But America's
strayed away, and this unnatural excursion has brought only confusion and bewilderment. It
has left hearts aching with guilt and minds distorted with irrationality. It is time for all
people of conscience to call upon America to come back home. Come home, America.
Omar Khayyam is right: "The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on." I call on
Washington today. I call on every man and woman of good will all over America today. I
call on the young men of America who must make a choice today to take a stand on this
issue. Tomorrow may be too late…And I don't know about you, I ain't gonna study war
no more.”

Now, more than 2 million people are in jails and prisons up from just 300,000 in 1980. Even in
2007, more than 7 million Americans (or 1 in 31 adults) were under the supervision of the criminal
justice system (this includes behind bars, on probation, or on parole). Tons of people behind bars
are for non-violent offenses. Illegal drug use is the single leading offense for which U.S. prisoners
are doing time. The disproportionate amount of people in prisons are minorities and males.
Today, people use the term felon to deprive even felons who turn their lives around basic human
rights after they have served their time. Many felons (who finished their time) are subjected to
various forms of discrimination. This discrimination deals with employment, the right to vote,
denial of educational opportunities, denial of foods stamps & other public benefits, and exclusion
from jury service. This is very similar to Jim Crow. No wonder Michelle Alexander called the
discrimination against felons the New Jim Crow. You can't discriminate legally on the basis of
race or sex. Yet, you can immorally still discriminate on the basis of your criminal
record. Old Jim Crow rules deprived the Second Amendment and other human rights against
black Americans. This new Jim Crow covertly don’t use racist tactics, but overtly hinders the
rights of felons (even if they are out of parole) basic opportunities to live our their own lives. The
new and old Jim Crow do function in discrimination against human beings. This system promotes
a forced oppression against human beings. Many people are in jail not because of they are guilty.
Some are innocent. People know that the Drug War has been exploited to target minority
communities in unequal acts of surveillance, policing, arrest, and sentencing. The Drug War
attacks all communities not just one community too. It isn't just the Republicans doing this.
According to Michelle Alexander:

"...Democrats have actually been much worse than Republicans when it comes to the
drug war. It was Bill Clinton who escalated the drug war far beyond what his Republican
predecessor ever dreamed possible. And it was Bill Clinton and the so-called ‘new
Democrats’ who pushed through laws barring drug felons from public housing (no matter
how minor the offense) and barring drug felons from food stamps for the rest of their
lives. Pregnant women, people with HIV and AIDS are barred even from receiving food
stamps if they were caught with drugs and charged with a felony. Clinton, in his zeal to
win over those so-called ‘white swing voters,’ ramped up the drug war and ‘ended
welfare as we knew it.’..." (“Firedog Lake Welcomes Michelle Alexander;” Alexander,
The New Jim Crow, 54-56, 76).

With a reactionary or a neo con Republican, we know what they stand in trying to
harm our standard of living. With some establishment liberals, they may smile in
your face. Although, some of them, just like the Republicans, promote nefarious
intensions to. Police oppression isn’t just occurring in Arizona (they have the new
law in dealing with immigration). Even in the so-called “liberal” New York City, the
police have gotten out of control. This is some stuff that I first knew about. Now,
the mayor of the city is former Republican Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg is known
for being anti-civil liberties of course. The deal is that the NYPD has illegal, anti-4th
Amendment random searches all across the city. According to Glen Ford, they even
have police in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn having the cops do quotas
and clear the streets (even if it means just arresting people for illegitimate reasons
or have 8:30 pm. curfews). According to Ford, 575,000 have been frisked there in
2009 and most of them are Black & Hispanic. People are routinely arrested in front
of their homes. Even a disgruntled cop said these things to the Village Voice. Village
Voice got the digital audio recordings from Police Officer Adrian Schoolcraft. So, this
isn‘t a myth. One particularly oppressive and profane supervisor summed it up for his
men: "I want a ghost town.... The less people on the street, the easier our job will be."
Another supervisor is heard saying, "They don't own the block. We own the block. They
might live here, but we own the block. We own the streets, here." Community members
that complain about police abuse are vilified as "the bad guys." One man who was
interviewed by the Village Voice said that he has been stopped 14 times since New Years
Day for just standing on the sidewalk (without any probable cause or nothing). Some feel
that these assaults on the poor and minorities neighborhoods in NYC is apart of a public
gentrification plan. Gentrification is when you build up urban communities at the expense
of pushing poor people out (even in controversial or questionable measures). It’s been
happening more in the USA What is true is that all people should oppose police brutality.
Not all police officers are like this, so I want to make that perfectly clear.

Some financial brokers became bookies and turn markets into casinos. The Federal Reserve
tried to have short term interest rates near zero. This was done in order to attempt to
stimulate housing and credit markets. It made the federal debt to increase without
increasing interest. U.S. debt increased almost 50% from 2006 to the end of 2009 (from
about $8.5 trillion to $12.3 trillion). The interest bill on the debt actually dropped (from
$406 billion to $383 billion), because of this reduction in interest rates. One bad
consequence of this action was the bad derivatives bets in the nation. Many people were
told by Wall Street advisers to buy credit swaps to protect their loans against interest rates
going up. Later, the rates came done via the FED. Governments were told to pay massive
sums to the banks and one bank in Montgomery, Alabama was bankrupt. Some people
became speculators in these circumstances as derivatives are bets. Derivatives can bet on
many things from tea to other items. The derivative trades in the global market is worth
over a quadrillion dollars (or a thousand trillion). High frequency traders -- a field led by
Goldman Sachs -- use computer algorithms to automatically bet huge sums of money on
minor shifts in price. These bets send signals to the market which can themselves cause the
price of assets to shoot up or tumble down. By placing high-volume trades, the largest
speculative traders can thus intentionally “fix” prices in any direction they want. Davies
observed that these betting exchanges, while clearly gambling forums, are little different
from the trading done by financial firms such as JPMorgan. He said: “I used to trade bonds
at JPMorgan, and I can tell you that what our customers do is exactly the same as what I
used to do in my previous life, with the single exception that where I had to pore over
balance sheets and income statements, they pore over form and team-sheets.” Mark Davies
is the head of a sports betting exchange called Betfair. Carbon credit trading deals with
derivatives too. Some believe that this plan will not have real oversight. It focuses on risky
greenhouse gas mitigation projects. Cap and trade haven't been passed, yet companies are in
the credit market business (like Morgan Stanley, Pilgrim-influenced Barclays Capital, etc.).
These events are here in the light of the elite trying to destroy the social safety net in
America. Some want a Tobin tax to slow down the evil derivatives market. I don't believe
that such a tax should be forced globally though. Derivatives can gamble the wealth of
retirement income among seniors. This is why then neo cons like Bill O'Reilly say that
we can't afford more spending. But according to Richard Cook, who formerly served
at the U.S. Treasury Department, the government could print and spend several
trillion new dollars into the money supply without causing price inflation. Writing in
Global Research in April 2007, he noted that the U.S. Gross Domestic Product in 2006
came to $12.98 trillion, while the total national income came to only $10.23 trillion; and at
least 10 percent of that income was reinvested rather than spent on goods and services. If
the government had replaced this bank-created money with debt-free government-created
money, the total money supply would have remained unchanged. That means a whopping
$3.77 trillion in new government-issued money could have been fed into the economy in
2006 without increasing the inflation rate. In a 1924 book called Social Credit, C. H.
Douglas suggested that government-issued money could be used to pay a guaranteed basic
income for all. Richard Cook proposes a national dividend of $10,000 per adult and $5,000
per dependent child annually. In 2007, that would have worked out to about $2.6 trillion to
provide a basic security blanket for everyone. The Federal Reserve gave $4.6 trillion to
Wall Street in bailout money. Most of was done by printing money and hyperinflation
didn't occur. Writing in Global Research in April 2007, he noted that the U.S. Gross
Domestic Product in 2006 came to $12.98 trillion, while the total national income came to
only $10.23 trillion; and at least 10 percent of that income was reinvested rather than spent
on goods and services. Yet, we have the threat of deflation. The reason is that the M3
money supply shrank in the last year by 5.5%. This rate is shrinking. This why some want
debt free money sent to the public instead of debt filed money created as loans by private
banks. The government has the sovereign right to create the national money supply.

The trade deficit in America is widening as exports are decreasing. It was $36.40 billion in
2010. the drop in manufacturing has caused a drop in production and exports. The growth
in consumerism doesn't make long term economic growth. There should be a growth in
production, infrastructure building, etc. to make a foundation for future economic
development. Yet, many Wall Street bankers aren't into that solution. They want the casino
of derivatives to continues. Banks now aren't loaning money to local businesses. They
outsource and offshore their powers, while they don't deal that much with manufacturing or
local production. Even since 1968, U.S. consumers lost 2/3 of their purchasing power.
The physical collapse of the economy started in the late 1960's or the early 1970's.

This is why people have to work more hours than in past decades to get ends meet in some
cases. The Austrian/ Mises/ Chicago- and London School of Economics want austerity
measures, but you can build up more infrastructure. The Austrian extremists in our
time include people like John Stossel and the Jesuit-trained, pro-
Confederate Thomas James DiLorenzo. Stossel even wants the repeal of the
section of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that bans discrimination in public
places. This is the end fruit of extreme libertarian. Don’t forget that Mises
and Hayek have links to the Rockefellers and the Morgans. This is a fact
that some people refuse to talk about. The shill DiLorenzo supports the
monopolist Rockefeller family when they were involved in pro-globalism,
pro-N.W.O. cliques like the United Nations, the WCC, and cartel-capitalist
banking organizations. The Rockefellers funded von Mises. The
Rockefellers once ran near monopolies (or explicit cartels) in the 19th and
early 20th centuries. Glenn Beck, Charles Krauthammer, Bill O'Reilly and
Rush Limbaugh are other reactionaries that use deceptive language under
the guise of populism. They claim to love privatization, yet some of them
oppose the privatized FED. Privatization is indelibly link to corporatism. This
corporatism has been responsible for misleading slogans plus commercials, dangerous
fluoride in our food and water supplies, bad substances in vaccinations, etc. Sometimes,
you need the public sector in building infrastructure in order for the private sector
(since some in the private sector today are refusing to grow the economy) to grow their
own resources. The anti-intellectualism is a common feature of popular
culture in America. It's a disgrace. Some Tea Party members want to get
rid of social services completely. And, yet, in light of what Bob Herbert calls
"the most painful evidence imaginable of the failure of laissez-faire economics and
the destructive force of the alliance of big business and government against the
interests of ordinary Americans." One issue with much of the Tea Party Movement is
that they embrace contradictions. They say big government is evil, but they want a Big
Military, Medicare preserved, government run police, and big government prisons to
flourish. They claim that they want to lower the deficit, but they want no cuts in the
war on terror. They claim to not support Wall Street but they refuse to have even
legitimate regulations toward the financial system (or a real stimulus to help working
Americans). Social Darwinian or an extreme libertarian view of no social restraint were
one of the many reasons ironically that created the economic recession in the first place.
This anti-intellectualism is encouraged when Neo cons tell students to spy on their
professors to see if they have liberal bias or not. Universities are more corporate and more
groupthink in terms of thinking. In the mind of the neo-liberal, social protections ought to
be gone to allow people to fend for their own selves. This is apart of social Darwinianism.

On the economic front, some criticize the Obama, Dodd, and Frank bill for delays in
curbing derivatives until 2022. Derivatives were the major factor in the economic crisis that
we witness today. The Senate is about to above the bill. The truth is that the bill has
legitimate portions and omissions in it. The President might sign it by next week. Some
criticize it as not going far enough in trying to incorporate real Wall Street reform. The
New England Republican clique of Olympia Snow, Susan Collins, and Scott Brown
support the bill. The more conservative Democrat Ben Nelson of Nebraska support the bill
too. It issues some regulations and new bureaucracies. Some feel that the bill will not ban
the real causes of the crisis that came in 2008 in a high level. Many banks and hedge fund
people speculated in the market with highly dangerous derivatives. The bill don't prevent
car dealers from ripping off their customers in inflated financing costs. The bill doesn't stop
foreclosures that have made nearly almost 4 million Americans into displaced people. there
is no ban on the use of ARMs or the adjustable rate mortgages. ARMs are time bombs that
are harming the lives of many millions of Americans. No caps are there on leverage banks
that can be used in financial transactions. The bill empowers the FED with regulatory
power instead of less. Wall Street is glad that this bill doesn't deal with derivatives. Senator
Dorgan proposed an amendment to abolish the concept of banks that were too big to fail.
His amendment was rejected. Senator Kaufman tried to limit the size of banks, but his
amendment was deleted. Senator Whitehouse tried to limit interest rates on credit cards and
predatory payday loans, or at least to allow states to regain their regulatory role in this area,
but he was defeated. These measures are not extremist at all and they were still rejected.
Senators McCain and Cantwell tried to restore the firewall found in the Glass Steagall Act
of 1933-1999. This act separated commercial banks with FDIC insured deposits on the one
hand from investment banking and stock jobbing on the other. The Act was passed by FDR.
Nothing in the bill deals with CDOs or the collateralized debt obligations. Senator Blanche
Lincoln from Arkansas wanted to supported the paragraph 716 of title VII of the bill. This
was done to attempt to ban trading in credit default swaps or derivatives by FDIC banks.
CDOs harmed the banks of Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and Citibank.
The credit default swaps caused AIG to be bankrupt and it costs the American people $182
billion and more. The bill has no Volcker rule either. The Volcker rule forbids banks
from stepping in with capital infusions or other forms of support when their own
funds fail. Even the principled Democrat Russ Feingold from Wisconsin voted against
the bill. He believes that it doesn't go far enough in promote authentic financial
reform. He says that the bill can't prevent another economic meltdown that even
proponents of the bill admit. He voted against the Iraq war powers resolution
in 2002, against the Patriot Act of 2001, and against the Wall Street
bailout in October of 2008. He opposed Interstate Banking Act of 1994,
which would have prevented the emergence of “too big to fail” by
maintaining the sensible New Deal ban on commercial banks operating in
more than one state. He also voted against the catastrophic Graham-
Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, which opened the door to the derivatives bubble
by completely deregulating these toxic instruments. He's a principled person.
Now, Wall Street is slick, because austerity programs might come into America. This can
come if many Congressional seats are replaced in the Fall of 2010.

A lot of fear mongering by the neo cons and others have prevented us from improving
the American economy. There are many solutions for the recession and they exist.
One part of the solution is a fiscal stimulus. This special medicine is needed and if it
isn't taken, then the patient won 't get better. The medicine must be ingested before a
recovery can occur. Some people believe that a stimulus won't work, but that's false. Jobs
have grown by the stimulus. The deal is that the stimulus wasn't totally targeted in the right
areas. That is why job growth is slow. Before the $787 billion stimulus, the economy
experienced 750,000 jobs per month for 6 connective months. Manufacturing and exports
decreased faster during the Great Depression. The unemployment was about 9.5% today.
Manufacturing, export, retail, and personal consumption has rebounded a little. This doesn't
mean everything is rosy (which it is not), but if there was no intervention, this country
might be worse off. So, commonsense dictates that spending in the right fashion creates
economic activity. Economic activity creates growth and even an Economic professor of
mine stated this. There is nothing wrong with consumer saving, but if that only occur
without government injection of money (then there is a risk of government deficits). Money
shouldn't be spend arbitrarily as the TARP money deal have proven to be ineffective. Yet,
money should be spend in a legitimate fashion in order to expand economic growth. Keynes
is right on some of these views. Keynes is wrong in being an eugenicist and not taking
much considering in inflation (and debt filled money. That is why numerous economic
populists want debt-free money spend in the economic instead of debt filled cash).
Although, cartel-capitalism doesn’t work. That system allow corporate chieftains to control
the political and economic system of the world. It uses corruption and it's representative of
Tony Hayward plus Goldman Sachs. In this day, it's impossible for the market alone to be
self-correcting. Debt deflation, unemployment, and other issues are a threat in the world.
You have to have some stimulus, some regulation, and accountability to grow financiers.
This can prevent cartel capitalism from poisoning our lands, killing people in different
nation, and fleecing investors with their garbage securities. The stimulus from Obama is
about the run out. Some feel that without a targeted stimulus the economy will do back into
recession (causing consumer spending to decrease, ending bond purchasing, causing
manufacturing to slow, etc.). Austerity measures never work. Cutting off unemployment
and federal aid to state isn't the right remedy. These actions can reduce spending and
increase the risk of a depression. This is why the GOP want the economic to be worse at
least until November 2010, because they want their candidates to win. The truth is there
should be financial growth immediately irrespective of which party is in power. The GOP
has an anti-regulation fetish that John F. Kennedy rejected as useless in promoting a
tranquil society. Principled conservatives believe that "the bad debt must be purged" before
the economy can recover. Yet, the moral necessity of helping a fellow man should take
priority above and beyond economic debt. Some talk about the money supply, but deflation
can ruin the money supply as well. Legitimate spending (or giving money in to the hands of
the people, so that they spend money) can boost economic production. Investment is
important, but many private businesses are hoarding their money. There is no value in fear
mongering about deficits when jobs are being cut. The CPI is falling, commodities are
teetering, gold is hanging by a thread. Without a fiscal stimulus, the economy will contract.
And Fed chair Ben Bernanke is likely to let the economy contract by suspending
quantitative easing (the bond purchasing program) until after the midterm elections. Why?
Because Wall Street is mad that Obama criticized the banks publicly. The financial sector
has its shifted support to the GOP.

*A greed driven type of capitalism benefits no one excepts those whose capital is to be
concentrated into a few hands. Unregulated capitalism doesn’t work in human history.
That system (causes an elimination of real competition) embraces a dog eats dog ideal
or social Darwinism. This is anarchism as popularized by Murray Newton Rothbard
(Its ancestor are form the Anglo-Dutch free market/East India Company/Venetian
model). The Austrian economic model is a whole lot bigger than I have once realize. It
is the economic dream of the global elite. It promises lower taxation rates, which is fine.
Yet, in Reaganomics, this low taxation was mainly in the rich, and other errors of
Reaganomics caused a big gap between the rich and the poor during the Reagan
period. The twin of Reaganomics was the views of Thatcher that dealt with union
busting. See, when you cut services, have speculative derivatives system, and have
austerity, that results in an economic disaster. Even countries have well developed
public infrastructures like railway systems, power girds, highways, etc. in France and
Germany. Big government can be bad in some circumstances, but not everything in
government will cause destruction in society. The lesson is that efficient, legitimate
government is needed to help citizens. Also, big cartels and oligarchs have done evils
much worse in numerous occasions than government has done. The government should
be made up of the people not a few oligarchs. A corporate owned nation is just as
immoral as Communism. That is why historical a mixed dirigist economy worked
greatly (that Roosevelt and in a great degree President John F. Kennedy agreed with),
especially in a large nation like the United States of America. In a covert level, the
internationalists know that the only way they can eliminate all competition and rule the
masses is using unregulated capitalism as a transition (using their NGOs,
Foundations, global governance groups) to form their real feudal system. You don’t
need an oligarchic monopoly of corporatists.

The libertarianism of today that you see is very often rather an elitist form of
libertarianism, where employees and corporate leaders want limited government, with
the excuse for the taxpayer. Yet, the reality is they want no regulation, unlimited
influence, speculation and corruption plus a conflict of interest. Real capitalism deals
with family companies and others working in economies. Now, you have little
competition with the tools of government to control people. This system represents neo-
colonialism of a borderless Empire (with offshore nexus places in Hong Kong,
Singapore, and Dubai). The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform
wants budget cuts (in the realms of Medicare and Social Security) that can reduce the
consumer’s purchasing power. This commission doesn’t want real spending to restart job
and economic growth. Forty leading economists, including Nobel prize winners, issued a
statement calling for more spending in the short-term. They recognized debt as a long term
problem, but urged immediate increased spending to avoid prolonging and deepening the
economic collapse. This commission ignores that tax cuts for the super rich, war spending,
and and austerity contributed to our financial crisis. They ignore alternative to lower
deficits and you don’t have to cut Social Security and Medicare to do it (like cutting
corporate welfare, cutting war spending, taxing derivatives, etc.). So, economic populism
is the way to go. It bans crony capitalism that can centralize wealth into the top 1% of
the elite. Some want a state bank like in North Dakota to handle deficits. The logic
behind the idea is that if the power to create credit is stripped from the FED and sent
into the government (as the Constitution cites), then American taxpayers would save
billions or trillions of dollars. Unnecessary interest charges can be gone and the
government would not have to pay interest to finance its debt (sovereign nations such as the
Barack Obama signed the financial reform bill. It is a law now. It has some legitimate
good parts in it and some omissions too. President Barack Obama signed the
bill into law in the Ronald Reagan building. This is ironic since most
Republicans opposed the bill. The 3 GOP lawmakers who voted for the bill
received a standing ovation from the most Democratic crowd. Obama hugged
Paul Volcker and Elizabeth Warren applauded the act. Paul Volcker was the former FED
head. Some want Elizabeth Warren to head up the Consumer Financial Bureau in order to
make sure that the banking system acts responsibly in the market system. Republicans
like Minority leader Mitch McConnell said that the new law will institute job losses (among
small businesses), but the GOP are not showing any concrete proposals of their own.
They promote the same ineffective agendas of deregulation, bailouts for Wall Street, and
cutting legitimate services from the people (while billions of dollars are sent into the
Crusade of the war on terror). Doing nothing will cause small businesses to suffer
even more. Now, the businesses that could be regulated under the bill are launching an
effort to reform the Reform bill-- their way—to make sure the rules that are still to be
written will not be too hard on them. That is why some lobbyists from the Charter of
Commerce and the Business Roundtable promoted compromises in the bill. The
Roundtable head Larry Burton want to work with President Barack Obama to make the bill
work economic growth that's sustainable including job creation. Now, the problem is
that most of the private sector in the USA aren't creating jobs.
Corporations are keeping billions and trillions of dollars and they aren't
using that money for job growth. That is why the public sector is
increasing job production over the private sector. The Daily Beast's Randall
Lane wrote that business in Wall Street escaped stricter regulations (in the new law).
Lane argues that, “Wall Street craves—and needs—rules, and the discipline to
enforce them consistently. If left to its own self-interest, Wall Street couldn't
function.” In this view, the bill was not tough enough even with the many compromises
the biggest firms won to allow them to circumvent the law. The SEC is required to issue
95 new regulations according to the Washington Post, but they have been known for
going slow in their actions. The SEC missed Bernie Maddoff and Goldman Sachs's evil
(which lead into a $550 million settlement). Some populists and progressives want to
strengthen reform. They want to tax Wall Street gambling, end foreclosures, and handle
other economic issues. There are an extension of unemployment benefits for
months. That is a good thing. Yet, we still have about 800 insolvent banks, industries
going down, and bankruptcy (in state and local places plus debt problems). China is rising
economically and the West is struggling. There are a million foreclosures. Even people like
Paul Krugman said that there is a risk of a creeping depression. Some want a jobs bill.
Others legitimately want cuts in the defense budgets and the intelligence budgets. Wall
Street criminals should be in jail. We should be thankful for small victories, but we have a
long way to go in developing a real economic recovery inside of American society.
Drug Smuggling has a big facilitator of the prison industrial complex. It’s not a secret that
CIA drug operations occurred in America. It bring drugs and guns into cities all over the
USA. The Iran Contra scandal dealt with people diverting money from arms sales to the
Contras. This was in the time of the Boland Amendment, which limited U.S. government
assistance to Latin America (or that it limited government assistance given to the rebel
Contras in Nicaragua. The civil war in Nicaragua during the 1980’s was between the left
leaning Sandinistas vs. the CIA-funded Contras). It’s been proven that Knight of Malta
Oliver North set up his Iran connection to divert money from arms sales to the Contras.
There was a year long investigation by the San Jose (California) found that Nicaraguan
people (like Danilo Blandon and Enrique Bermudez) raised money for the Contra
Revolution by selling drugs in L.A. Bermudez was the FDN’s military chief. The
Colombian cocaine cartels also send drugs to black gangs (or the Crips and the Bloods) on
the streets of Los Angeles. Drug running in that time existed in many gangs like the
Mongols, etc. not just the most well known gangs. Webb found this out and was of the first
people to public expose the CIA drug running connection in America. Blandon's partner,
Norwin Meneses, was known in Nicaragua as "Rey de la Droga" (King of Drugs). Blandon
used Ricky Ross to sell drugs in the West Coast as well. "Our biggest problem had got to be
counting the money," Ross testified. Blandon told the DEA last year that during 1983 and
1984 he supplied Ross with 100 kilos a week. As this crack flooded into the streets of L.A.,
the gangs, chiefly the Crips and the Bloods, set up a national distribution network, and
crack cascaded across the country into black neighborhoods everywhere, offering a cheap
vacation from the miseries of ghetto life. In 1979, Meneses was under active investigation
by the DEA and by the FBI for selling drugs in the U.S. According to the MERCURY
NEWS, "despite a stack of law enforcement reports describing him as a major drug
trafficker, Norwin Meneses was welcomed into the U.S. in July 1979 as a political refugee
and given a visa and a work permit. The CIA worked with Contras for years. Today, Danilo
Blandon and Ricky Ross are free men. According to the MERCURY NEWS, agents of four
law enforcement agencies --DEA, U.S. Customs, the L.A. County Sheriff's Office, and the
California Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement --say their investigations into Ross's empire
were thwarted by the CIA or by unnamed "national security" interests. Norwin Meneses
haven’t spent a day in an U.S. prison. He lives in Nicaragua now. Crack cocaine is called
the poor person’s drug and powder cocaine remains mostly a rich person’s drug of choice.
This why Congress and 14 states passed laws making penalties for crack up to 100 times as
great as penalties for powder cocaine. This is unjust and have caused unfair prison
sentences for non-violent drug users. It’s only recently in 2010 when Congress is trying to
make a new law to address this judicial inequity. The cycle of poverty is a breading ground
for violent gangs in urban, rural, and suburban areas.

The private prison in Angloa, Louisiana is another example of a 21st century slavery-like
prison system ( in America in action). The slavery rings still exist in Europe, Africa, Asia, etc.
The prisoners work long hours as well. The prison system have links to Wall Street. Many
prisoners are guilty of their crimes and deserve to be locked up. Others are innocent. A 52-year-
old man name Towler who had more than half his life taken away by a wrongful conviction for
rape, served 29 years for a rape he did not commit. Recent DNA testing proved his innocence.
The prison industrial complex is certainly apart of Big Business. This is why activists keep on
promoting solutions to this problems. They include teaching prisoners job skills and career
opportunities, so they are not left in the streets without any opportunities. There are those that
are trying their best to allow felons to have voting rights. Tons of people across the political
spectrum seek to improve the disposition of prisoners, so when they come out, they can
lead a more stable life. Michelle Alexander is right that a radical transformation of society
is needed to get reforms going. A piece-meal approach never worked effectively to solve
problems in human history. There is still a long way to go to oppose this prison industrial

*There are tons of evidence that people are tracked, traced, and databased. People know
that the war on terror is utilized to spur the massive funding of the surveillance industry.
This is a war on liberty and privacy. There has been legitimate technology that has helped
people in the world. There are other forms of technology that continues warrant less
wiretaps and control society. Some are high tech and other countries have tracked, traced,
and databased around every corner. Governments and private companies collaborate to
gather information on citizens. They are trying to trade liberty for security. There is the
GPS or global positioning chips. They are appearing everywhere. They exist in cars, cell
phones, and U.S. passports. They have used to track employees and private
investigation. Apple said that they are collecting the precise location of
iPhone users via GPS for public viewing in addition to spying on users in
other ways. Internet browsers recorded people's moves by using detailed cookies on
users' activities. The NSA has been exposed as having cookies on their site that don't expire
until 2035. Major search engines know where you surfed last summer and online purchases
are databased. This is for advertising and customer service uses. IP addresses are collected
and even made public. Controversial websites have been flagged internally by government
sites. They have re-routed all traffic to block sites that the government wants to censors.
Social networks don't have privacy to users while technologies exist for real time social
network monitoring. Even the Cybersecurity Act tries to legalize the collection of personal
information. Apple's iPhone also has browsing data recorded and stored. Most Americans
oppose cyber surveillance by citizens. RFID is in credit cards too to monitor people. Some
of them require your SNN. These devices has been Costco, CVS, grocery chain cards, and a
wall or purse full of RFIDs. RFID has proximity cards that track people in a new level.
They have loyalty cards, student ID, physical access, and computer network access. Later,
developments have a RFID powder that was created by Hitachi. It's used for many uses like
tracking hard currency, so we can't keep cash undetected. Traffic cameras have license plate
recognition that has been used to remotely automate the duties of traffic cops in America. It
has been used the UK to mark activists under the anti-liberty Terrorism Act. The most
common use is to raise money and shore up budget deficits via traffic violations. This may
cause a Big Brother system of tactics like using monitors to tell pedestrians not to litter.
There is public sound surveillance. This technology at first have detect gunshots in public
areas. Now, it's about listening for whispers for dangerous "keywords." In Europe, it's used
to see verbal aggression in public places. Sound intelligence is the manufacturer of
technology to analyze speech and their website touts how it can easily be integrated into
other systems. The most popular biometric authentication system has been the Iris
Recognition device. They are found in entry control, ATMs, and government programs.

Nanotechnology is real. Some want these devices placed in the human brain. Wei
Lu is the assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science. He and his group of researchers develop a nanoscale based
memristor to mimic a synapse. In the human brain, the synapse is a pathway
between neurons where electro-chemical messages pass through. A memristor by
definition is a resistive device with inherent memory (it can record memory).

Recently, network companies and governments have utilized biometric identification and
authentification. This includes fingerprint analysis, iris recognition, voice recognition, or
combinations of these for use in National ID cards. DNA has blood taken from babies that
has been taken for all people under 38 in numerous places. In the UK, DNA was sent to
secret databases from routine heel prick tests. There are some reports that show the
revealed covert Pentagon databases of DNA for "terrorists." Now, DNA from all citizens is
datatabased. Digital DNA is used in 2010 to combat hackers. Microsoft's Health Vault and
VeriMed partnership is to create RFID implantable microchips. Microchips now can track
pets. Some want them in children. The FDA approved this technology for humans and is
marketing it as a medical miracle. The people promoting these items claim that it's for our
"safety." There are facial recognition technology. Anonymity in public over. Admittedly,
this facial recognition technology was used at Obama's campaign events, sporting events,
and even the recent G8/G20 protests in Canada. This technology is also harvesting data
from Facebook images and surely will tied into the street "traffic" cameras. In the future,
society is having predictive behavior technology. It's not enough to have logged and charted
where we have been. The elite want the surveillance state wants to know where we are
going through psychological profiling. It's been marketed for such uses as blocking
hackers. A scientific Orwellian world is really occurring. Nanotech is another development
that can making machines form nanoparticles (it can influence behavior and decision
making). With all of this information, we should have our privacy fought for and not
stripped. Ironically, the corporate establishment wants this technology to be utilized in
illegitimate means. They include the actions of testing new vaccines, strip natural
resources, promote propaganda (that can increase the risk of harboring mental slaves
who succumb to social engineering), etc. It’s definitely true that science and technology
can help the Third World. A person has to dig bigger and accept real wisdom to
comprehend the real truth about what’s going on in the world.

People debate about America being a Christian nation or not. America isn’t a
Christian nation per se. It had Christians in it though from centuries ago and in the
present era. There were Deists like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson including
occultists. Some feel that religious expression is banned from the public square like the
Ten commandments. It is interesting to see the Ten Commandments gone from some
public property, but pagan deities are in public places. Some don’t agree with Bible
reading and prayer limited in public schools. I don’t agree with elimination all religious
expression form the public square at all. There is secular humanism. Some early creators
of this philosophy in the 20th century compared secular humanism to a religion. Even
the Founding Fathers didn’t want the extreme positions of banning all
public religious expression in America or making America a theocratic
empire either. What is true is that the Founding Fathers knew about the occult and
classics. One example is that the phrase “Annuit Coeptis” is found in the One Dollar
bill above the pyramid. In the National Seal adopted on June 20, 1782. Annuit Coeptis
means He (or Providence, which is the Deistic version of God) has favored our
undertaking. This comes from Virgil’s Aeneid in reference to Jupiter. The National Seal
and the dollar bill is related to Virgil’s “Eclogues.” David Ovason has proven the
astrological relationship of D.C. relating to Jupiter and Virgo. Virgo is code for the
Goddess Isis. For example, he shows that Washington, D.C. is laid out so that every
August 3 the sun shines down Pennsylvania Avenue striking the pyramid on the top of
the Post Office Tower. The lesson is that we appreciate our ancestors, but we should
never sugarcoat the past.

The Wikileaks’s war logs conclusively proves that the CIA funds the ISI and the ISI
therefore funds the Taliban including al-Qaeda. Intelligence agencies work together in
this contrived war on terror. They do this in order to harm nations that don’t submit
to a messianic globalized agenda. The war on terror has been a big
decompartmentized intelligence operation. The London Guardian reports: “A stream
of U.S. military intelligence reports accuse Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)
spy agency of arming, training and financing the Taliban insurgency since 2004, the
war logs reveal, bringing fresh scrutiny on one of the war’s most contentious issues.”
This information has been found by junior officers. They have relied on informants
and Afghan officials. One senior U.S. intelligence officers call this information second
hand. The ISI deny the charges of course. Most intelligence agencies deny things like
this. Although, it’s easily common knowledge that the ISI created the Taliban and Al
Qaeda like we see it today. They worked as a front for U.S. intelligence for years.
Pakistan and the CIA worked in Afghanistan to facilitate the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Selig Harrison from the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars said that
the CIA aided Islamic groups to come into Afghanistan. They gave $3 billion to build
up these groups. The Pakistan worked with the CIA in this endeavor as well. This
money had build up the Taliban. He said that the Taliban are on the payroll of the ISI.

I don’t favor a National ID Card forced on every single America at all. The supporters
of this stuff are Bill O’Reilly, Chuck Schumer, Lindsay Graham, and Chris Matthews.
Proposed National ID Card will have biometric information on it. Your fingerprints can
be on it. Nazis and Communist states have used similar systems to control people. There
were internal passports in those evil, totalitarian regimes. Also, you can use the black
market to buy these cards. It’s a violation of human individual liberty. Big Brother has
no right to have all of our private data from any citizen in America. National ID cards
can force people to show their papers to work, to have bank accounts, and to live. It
treats human beings as criminals. It’s important to make our views proficiently known
in the Net. Although, it is important to help people in streets and actively being engaged
in our own communities. We shouldn’t just write our views and say it. We should
radically help our fellow people out publicly. I don’t hate people regardless of what
they look like, which is ignorance. I just hate oppression and evil. That is why a man or
woman needs authentic education in order think about real revolutionary change in the
lives of the people. Our concerns shouldn’t just be a national issue. So, people are
promoting prison reforms like banning 3 strikes, having programs to help prison
transition into society, and giving felons total human rights after they paid their debts to
society. Our concerns should be globally in promoting justice for all people.
By Timothy

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