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o great is the extent, power and efficacy of the Celestiall bodies, that not only naturall things, but

artificiall when they are rightly exposed to those above, do presently suffer by that most potent agent,
and obtain a wondefull life, which oftentimes gives them an admirable Celestiall vertue; ... not only by
the mixture and application of naturall things, but also in Images, Seals, Rings, Glasses, and some other
Instruments, being opportunely framed under a certain constellation, some Celestiall Illustration may
be taken, and some wonderfull thing may be received; for the beams of the Celestiall bodies being
animated, living, sensuall, and bringing along with them admirable gifts, and a most violent power, do,
even in a moment, and at the first touch, imprint wonderfull powers in the Images, though their matter be less
capable. - Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa

Like Agrippa, THEM believe that Nature is possessed of intimate repetitions;

types of motion or processes that inhabit and characterize her forces, and it is
both the exoteric apprehension we have and the mysterious esoteric essence of
these forces that are represented by the Thrasz.
Magically, Our symbol is a portal, the Dark Eye of THEM that punctures the
spaces allowing us to stare into the Abyss, and it to stare back at us.
Symbolically the Thrasz is an evolution of the Swastika - Entities known as
Phorms (Forms, acknowledging our psychological interference in interpretation)
are represented as arms rotating around a sphere as waves trying to crash upon a
shore never reached. Their turbulence causes chaos in their wake. Essentially
these Phorms represent Temporality or short-term entities within short-time
scales interacting with one another.
The Phorces (Forces, acknowledging our psychological interference in
interpretation) that drive these motions, are represented by the rune Isa in the
centre of the Sphere, or the Eye of THEM. Unperturbed by the violence about its surface, The Eye is Still,
representative of forces that move with long-term entities and phorces and time scales in the spectrum of
tens of thousands, to millions of years and beyond. The Eye represents forces that dwarf us, the
understanding that eludes us it represents THEM. The brutality, wisdom and scheme of Ancient 'Dragons'.
Phorces that dwarf us, crush us, remind us of our place within Nature: Death, Gravity, Entropy, Natural
Disasters etc. where in such time-scales Nature changes at her own pace - patient, wild, savage, alien - with a
mysterious agenda of her own.

The Thrasz is symbolically represented again through the Symbolic Moniker of the symbols '+ O +' - short-
hand for Temple of THEM, and which represents an attainment and subsequent explosion outward of Jung's
Individuation associated with the Mandala and conscious resurgence of the forgotten aspects of the Psyche.
The Bridge is an archetype that refers to conscious
acknowledgement of a presumed (dis)-connection between
the Conscious compartment of Mind and the Unconscious
compartment of Mind and the deliberate attempt by a
Sorcerer to mend the break.

Depicted is a vast underground cavern

broken in two by a deep chasm. In the
foreground a portal to a descending stairway is
guarded by two dogs. Having evaded the
dogs by unknown means a figure has
descended halfway across the chasm.
Thwarted from completing it's journey the
figure stands before a broken section of the
stairway whose other side ascends to a cave in
which a spherical black orb rests in a pedestal.
The orb is basking in a beam of light that
shines through a section of the roof of the cave.
Observed carefully the entire far side of the
cavern resembles a human skull prefigured into the shape of the chasm wall.
The cave above itself doubles as a figurative anatomical map of the human brain sectored into the
specific functional areas with the Somato-sensory section, (key in Evaluation) being the section
through which a beam of light illuminates the dark sphere of the alchemically compartmentalized
psyche reunited into the Supra-self. The bridge is divided the way to the unconscious divided in the
layman's psyche by a loss of knowledge in how to listen to and open contact to those parts of the
psyche to the detriment of the total being. The stairs descend as all must descend to reach

Individuation the universal archetypal descent that communes with all dreamers only to meet an
abyssal darkness that one must survive if they are to re-emerge to overcome their previous state of
being and evolve. A 'tree' depicts an enlarged dendrites whilst glowing spheres in the blackness of
the chasm represent the neural pathways of the brains electrical activity.
The two dogs are Doberman. One represents the Ego: a mean-spirited, skinny, mangy, ferocious,
snarling beast and aggressively launches itself after the figure in fear of it succeeding in making the
crossing effectively lessening the Ego's control. The other Doberman lays peacefully.
Representative of the Self it knows the process to end well and as it should. It is accepting of the
function of the Ego - which resists the change out of fear as natural defense and a product of its
being knowing that if only the Ego can relinquish some control allowing the crossing to be made
then the deeper mysteries of Life will be unlocked and the Ego and Self can be re-united with the
illusory Dexter from which they arise and a deeper state of illuminum be achieved.
Two poles figuratively representing Genius and Madness convey an optical illusion of standing
simultaneously before and above them indicating the simulteity of greater mind. The Crack
between the poles represents the divide between rational and irrational forces and the shock that is
required to force open the Third Eye and see Reality as a multiplicity through multiple
compartments of the Mind. The Unconscious Mind represented by the Skull peers out on a world
which it observes as electrical impulses and deeper secret forces of extreme power that the
Rational World is dis-connected from.

The Thrasz embodies this archetype as a symbolic replica of the neuron. Pre-initiatic, the Thrasz is
reminiscent of vaguer notions, a Portal, a Swastika, an Eye but Post-Initiatic the Thrasz is revealed
as symbolic of a neuron representing an emphasis on the invaluable importance of the human brain
and its processes and our understanding of them as the ultimate key to Evolution.
HEM has many meanings, it is not just indicative of a group of people, it also means Them, the
Dark Gods, and their voice that issues through when the vein of the subconscious is tapped and
directs the psyche beyond ego impulses and contrivances. It is the state that is experienced when
Self and Ego become active as two powers that can direct one, and embodies the loss of identity
that allows one to become a shape shifter this separates US, from them. It is also a term to denote
someone who has truly built their own self image devoid of others expectations that shrugs off the
worlds and societies roles with friends, family etc., as projections that aim to force a person into a
role and play by the laws of the matrix. A being that can smash all intellectual chains into dust,
possessed of a determination of the will that others stand in awe and fear of. Furthermore, the word
THEM is an appropriation of a Magian fear meme. When people quote an unknowable source in
relating a scientific or religious fact, they generalise and thus create an illusory authoritarian
figure, they i.e. they say that or thats what they say that builds on the fear felt by all in
thrall to the matrix, that gives psychological and magical credence to ones claims. We have stolen
that They and it has become THEM

People as a rule tend not to believe in the sinking of the fabled continent of
Atlantis. They question many of the tenets associated with that particular fable
including the suggestion of superior and advanced weaponry and technology
being available to the Atlanteans, including flying ships and/or discs.
They question the particular location where Atlantis was supposed to occupy
and find fault with maps, verification or accounts that mention it. They struggle
to accept that Gods exist (many find it easier to believe in just one) and that
the Gods occasionally might object to the way humans are treating each other and
the world and choose to intervene.
Yet, Carl Jung, famously related in his many books on many occasions
following extensive experience with direct and extended contact with analytical psychology
patients that their dreams, swelling up from the subconscious, had the power to hint at the
possibility or certitude of impending or imminent death. The symbolism that arose could warn them
that the course they had set was about to destroy them and like currents from the darkest ocean
some part of them let loose waves of realization as a defense, harsh reprimands that were sent from
the deep crashing onto the shores of their conscious mind.
These powers from within that override the bovine functioning of the oblivious consciousness of
the human being are among those chthonic, alien forces that we equate with THEM, but there are
many others. We believe that on all levels of life there IS a force or forces that object to our
behaviour/existence and give us warnings. It is not however a moral force telling us to do good or
bad. It is an immoral force that exists side by side within/without us, mimicking what we do as we
mimic it, but with far more power and strength because of its different type of life-form and scale.
When dreams are greatly undervalued, shunned and ignored at tremendous but sanctimoniously
sanctioned peril - some psyches, seem to act on behalf of these unconscious forces manifesting the
warnings for an individual or collectively for a group of individuals or even a corporation in an
attempt to bring conscious attention of the great psychic imbalance of the parties involved.
Even one of the greatest forms, the Empire, ceases to be eventually because such forms are
incredibly difficult to sustain and entropy ensures cracks appear. They ask too much for too long
and a reaction of equal strength builds inside the vacuum. For as the mythology of countless eras,
epochs and empires attests people cannot push against something too long, without tipping it
over. In the eyes of Gods, reaching beyond your reach, stealing fire, setting yourself too high,
amounts to Hubris. And if there is one thing shared by Gods, its that they hate Hubris. For Every
Action there is an Equal and Opposite Reaction.
If a person overreaches themselves by indulging in destructive or excessive behaviour
they may be warned about their path by their psyche. If their psyche is ignored that
warning of behaviour is passed to people who are affected by the behaviour through that
persons actions. If the people are ignored the warning passes to the System. The System is
where we exit the process and human involvement is superseded by forces of reaction. If
the System ignores the warnings from the people, who ignore warnings from the person,
who ignores warnings from the psyche the Planet, our people, our psyche all speak at
once. Because we are all derived from, are echoes of, the same macrocosm/microcosm of
Dark Gods and powers that buffet us like paper in the wind.
The Planet speaks with forces that treat us with indifference it has a life of its own, a
time cycle of its own that dwarfs us and our sentimental constructs, existing as it does
through a scale of Aeons. Yet we mimic its every move, copy its essence, because we are
fractals of the same Creatrix. As the Earth has tsunamis and earthquakes that devastate the
land and sea, so do humans have personal equivalents that flood us with emotion or
subconscious contents bringing with them waves of destructive debris. Just as earthquakes
tear apart the ground creating deep chasms and levelling buildings, so too can the human
experience a shock to the system strong enough to level the concepts and beliefs, faith or
trust we have built in our minds or have our solid foundations shattered in the wake of deep
psychological tremors. The psychological effect that media often cite after a natural
disaster is often believed to be a separate outcome from the event, but it's not it is part of
the event, our disturbance being evidence of our intimate connexion to these forces and a
minor manifestation of these forces, whatever their origin may be.
Some say Earth is a dead rock, others a sentient being. The convenient simplification of
asking if something is dead or alive does not apply here. If a person is completely unaware
of their unconscious and ruled by forces they cannot fathom run behind the scenes by
invisible hands and currents can they say that they are alive? If we use 10% of our brains,
who or what uses the rest?
The definition of Life meets strict biophysical criterion, yet it has been shown that Cities
share the same functions as the human being and fit the description of life - the only
thing that stands in the way of Cities being accepted as living beings is our size, our self-
importance and our arrogance that we know what Life is.
We hear so often that human beings are having an enormous impact on the Earth,
whatever sources cite that impact as being, it is our Ignorance that does the most damage.
Media gives the impression that things go away. Our attention seem unable to focus on
more than one or two things at any given time.
Recently, the largest oil spill in history caused by BP ceased to exist and was removed
from the public eye as a news worthy story because its not news anymore, it's old. Yet the
implications of that spill are tremendous. Recently, a special neutron-accelerator was built
to fire light speed particles into light speed particles with some physicians admitting they
had no idea of the consequences, citing that it could even cause a black hole. Recently, a
missile packed with explosives was fired into the moon. Recently, a process called
Fracking came to my attention whereupon a giant hole is drilled in the Earth using
millions of tons of fresh, not salt, fresh water and incredible amounts of explosives used to
blow the hole wider to obtain oil deep beneath the ocean sea bed. Recently, the US
announced yet another insane speech about the enemies we face and swore to uphold
truth and justice and continues on its merry way as the most evil entity and attitude that
ever possessed the physis of man, laying waste to the planet, its people and its future.
Natural Disasters - and among these should be counted those internal esoteric equivalents
all of us have that can corrupt, change or destroy our present frame of mind or carefully
tended personalities decrease hubris. They remind us of our Place, though we hate to be
reminded of it. They remind us of our lack of Purpose, though we hate to be reminded we
don't know it. They remind us of our mortality and that everything we think of as so
important can be swept clean in the super-destructive forces of the Earths natural cycles
and we hate that too.
But weve been trained to hate, weve been indoctrinated to forget. Weve inherited and
continued without question the building blocks upon which our consciousness is based and
we continue to remain ignorant of the connexion between us and Earth, Earth and us.
But we will Remember.
All of it.

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